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First Looks: The Locked One

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Monty flew over and gave her another 1 of his pills or she brought his pills by "mistake" and took them because, what the hell, she was in 100% pain so why not!

Of course. And it's not relapsing because, well, according to Kim, only SHE can call a relapse a relapse.

And you're right - it's Kim who calls Eileen a beast (!), not the other way around. Their exchange is my favorite. Eileen is my new fave. No flies on her. She doesn't take an ounce of Kim's shit, and that's why Kim doesn't like her.

  • Love 16

Shoot I thought it was Kim that called Eileen a beast and Eileen repeated it back in shock?


Poor LisaR no wonder she's so emotional about Kim being a drunken pill popper...her young sister died of an over dose.  Between Harry's brothers dying from alcoholism and Harry decision to stop drinking as a result...LisaR can't stop fixating on addiction.  I thought she said in the limo to Kyle and Yolanda that she was never going to bring up Kim's sobriety to her face again.  Maybe she had a little too much to drink and forgot she said it.


After their exchange I don't see LisaR caring if Kim drinks or not.

  • Love 8


I thought Kim called Eileen a beast, is my memory failing me tonight? LOL

Kim said it to Eileen. My mouth literally dropped, because it was so uncalled for IMO. She was lashing out at everyone; LisaR, Eileen, Kyle. Lisa V looked down and so did Brandi. They were definitely afraid to get involved and be screamed at by Kim. Just amazing. Brandi was so unusually quiet. 


Since Kim rarely apologizes, I'm really curious to see the fallout. I would never hang out with her again if I were any of those three women. Well I guess Kyle has to, but I would take a long break.

  • Love 8

Her bringing Lisa's husband into this. Pure Brandi move right there. Explain to me like I'm Kim wtf Harry has to do any of this? Quite frankly, I find it extremely distasteful to watch her glee in bringing something up which was never on camera. Again - just like Brandi. Kim, honey, the reason your issues are brought up on camera is because you are on camera in all your glory, clearly not dealing with your issues. I really hope she never gets a chance to spew her "knowledge" about Harry. I don't want her to have this kind of "win". Seriously despicable.

I love your whole post, but this paragraph in particular. It was a textbook Brandi move - deflect and shift the conversation off of me and onto LisaR. And, of course, there's nothing there. But throw out rumors and innuendos, and get people wondering. Also similar to Brandi - make it about the husband, the home life - two things Kim and Brandi don't have, so they manifest their jealousy by attacking the happy lives and marriages of others. Despicable.

  • Love 19

I am in such a pissy mood. First off I realize I missed the First Look, and then Zoeysmom tells me not to get horny for the Tulips in Holland. This show really has driven me to drink more than I should. 


ETA: Is it just me or is Bravo fucking with us by moving the First Look around in different time slots? Sometimes Thursday, sometimes Saturday, now Friday. Ugh. 

Usually Stoopid Housewives puts up the First Looks   http://stoopidhousewives.com/  Chck back with them

  • Love 2

Shoot I thought it was Kim that called Eileen a beast and Eileen repeated it back in shock?


Poor LisaR no wonder she's so emotional about Kim being a drunken pill popper...her young sister died of an over dose.  Between Harry's brothers dying from alcoholism and Harry decision to stop drinking as a result...LisaR can't stop fixating on addiction.  I thought she said in the limo to Kyle and Yolanda that she was never going to bring up Kim's sobriety to her face again.  Maybe she had a little too much to drink and forgot she said it.


After their exchange I don't see LisaR caring if Kim drinks or not.

Lisa was apologizing to Kim but she never said anything about Kim's "addiction", she skirted it as best she or most could. I though she was sincere in her apology but Kim was already set to fight. As soon as Yolanda finished up about Bella and then said something about "hiding"  these real life issues her eyes went black and she looked at Lisa R. IMO, she believes that Lisa R had Yolanda do this when in fact, it was Brandi!

  • Love 6

Did you hear Kim tell Eileen that she apologized to her and Eileen shot back that Kim had NOT apologized at all! Kim just shot her daggers and said she did not like her, she doesn't like Eileen's hair, face, doesn't like anything about her! Kim needs to be in a padded room for a long, long time IMO!


It's really hard to argue with Kim because she makes stuff up but believes it's true. 


Kim has a lot of anger.  A psychiatrist would be a great idea, I think. 

  • Love 8

That was probably the ugliest behavior I've seen on one of these shows and I've watched them all. I don't care if Kim's on/off the wagon (she's never been "on" in my opinion), her behavior is just disgusting. She has allowed her "sobriety" to continue to be an open story by continuing to be on this show. What the hell else does she have for a storyline? She's an ugly, vile, human being.

I can't help but feel she hated Lisa R. And Eileen from the start....both (Eileen particularly) are working actresses. Neither gives two s----ts about Eileen's glory days on Disney and she knows it.

Congrats Kim, I don't even remember why I hated Brandi so much up to this episode.

  • Love 15

Oh my Lord - this First Look rivals the Poker Night driveway scene for drama. It's unreal. Anyone who hated Kim before is going to despise her after seeing this scene. She is despicable. LisaR reveals that not only did her two brothers-in-law die from alcoholism, but so did her sister (at age 21, from a drug and alcohol overdose). Kim feels defensive and starts calling out Lisa for intruding on her privacy, then, as usual, blames Kyle for existing, and somehow starts to throw shade at Eileen, who throws it right back. Eileen is a star! Kim is a mean, mean bitch of a person.

I sure do.


And I hope Lisa finds a way to smack Kim upside the head with a wine bottle. Kim is evil, hateful, refuses to be a bigger person.  


She was given the perfect out to see, "I see where your concern comes from, but I'm ok."


And then when she lies and says she apologized to Eileen, and Eileen goes, "well actually, you didn't."


Kim better be glad everyone thinks she's high. None of them would tolerate 1/2 of what she does if they thought she was just a hateful bitch.

  • Love 13

Hopefully Kim Did Not Pay $9.99 For A "Deep Background" Check On Harry Hamlin...



"Apparently the new piece of paper was the result of a rarely performed “deep background” check. I’ll never forget the look on her face as she asked me that question. I laughed incredulously. “Excuse me? Narcotics convictions? I don’t have any narcotics convictions.”


“Well, it says right here you were arrested for felony possession of narcotics in San Francisco on November 30, 1970, and then again on June 4, 1973, in East Hampton, New York.”


Suddenly a time vortex opened up before me. My ears started buzzing and the back of my neck dripped with sweat. I had not thought about those things in almost forty years. I stammered a response, desperately trying to explain what had happened all those decades ago."


>>> http://www.today.com/id/39503301/ns/today-today_books/t/harry-hamlin-how-my-past-came-back-haunt-me/#.VPEgL-H2RVc



This Is Old News ...Harry Wrote All About IT Full%20Frontal%20Nudity%20by%20Harry%20H







  • Love 6

Smackster-I think Yolanda probably spilled the beans about Harry's three years of sobriety.

I was thinking that also...she may have told Brandi and Brandi blabbed it to Kim. Except didn't Yolanda and LisaR know it was filmed...in that case it loses it's power as a secret...the audience knows...unless Kim didn't know it was filmed. Kim may have thought it was a big deep secret.


Though why would LisaR  go beyond nutty if it was just that Harry gave up drinking...something she should know was previously filmed. 

  • Love 1

YOWZA...Extended preview of the glass throwing...(also great interview with Kyle).  




KUDOS to Eileen for telling Kim "You're a scary vicious human being" in this clip.  


I wholeheartedly concur.


I try to be nonviolent, but I'd love to bitch slap Kim.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 17

That was embarrassing and I (obviously) wasn't even there.

It's true - it was cringe-worthy. Watch it again and tell me Kim doesn't act like she's in junior high. Yes, junior high. High schoolers are more mature than her. All the ladies were cringing and shaking their heads in embarrassment. And of course Kyle is so humiliated she has to run out of there. And the best of it is (or worst) - Kim wasn't even drunk! This was her sober!. I'll ask this again - how does she survive this?!

Anna -was it before or after she was told she wasn't a "real sister"?

After. Of course. She does NOT look ridiculous. I don't know what I'd do if my sister continually created these scenes. In public. On camera.

  • Love 12

Hopefully Kim Did Not Pay $9.99 For A "Deep Background" Check On Harry Hamlin...



"Apparently the new piece of paper was the result of a rarely performed “deep background” check. I’ll never forget the look on her face as she asked me that question. I laughed incredulously. “Excuse me? Narcotics convictions? I don’t have any narcotics convictions.”


“Well, it says right here you were arrested for felony possession of narcotics in San Francisco on November 30, 1970, and then again on June 4, 1973, in East Hampton, New York.”


Suddenly a time vortex opened up before me. My ears started buzzing and the back of my neck dripped with sweat. I had not thought about those things in almost forty years. I stammered a response, desperately trying to explain what had happened all those decades ago."


>>> http://www.today.com/id/39503301/ns/today-today_books/t/harry-hamlin-how-my-past-came-back-haunt-me/#.VPEgL-H2RVc



This Is Old News ...Harry Wrote All About IT Full%20Frontal%20Nudity%20by%20Harry%20H



There's also this:




The reason my parents were addicted to it is my father was in the space program. Kennedy went to all the agencies responsible for getting a man to the moon as quickly as possible and said, "If we get everybody taking this shot …" At the time, Kennedy didn't know it was methamphetamine. He thought it was just vitamins, because that's what the doctor said.


Anyway, my father was told he had to take this vitamin B complex shot every day. Everybody in the program was on this stuff so they'd work twice as hard. I was intimately involved with this drug as a kid; I was even tasked with having to shoot my mother up when my father would go to Cape Canaveral on business trips. It's just ironic that I was the guy in the show who introduced it to the firm.

  • Love 2

Anna -was it before or after she was told she wasn't a "real sister"?


Kyle fled after she was compared to Kathy who is a "real sister," and after Kim's altercation with LisaR when the glass started flying. 


Kim was really going after Kyle. She even mocked Kyle huddled into her seat on the plane, hiding behind her jacket before telling her Kathy was the real sister.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 5

Ya know, I used to get pissed off when TiVo would record the "First Looks", because I used to just wait until the real episode.  I will never complain about that again.  Ever.  I am so excited to watch it again.  Gotta pop some popcorn first.  I'm pretty sure Eileen told Kim she was disgusting.  That about sums it up for me.

  • Love 7

Kyle fled after she was compared to Kathy who is a "real sister," and after Kim's altercation with LisaR when the glass started flying. 




Kim provoked LisaR but the flying glass was really dangerous.  Someone could have been seriously hurt, especially if they wound up with glass in their eye so that's difficult to defend.  I doubt any of them will bring it  up though.  God forbid Brandi or Kim has thrown a glass, these women would have been talking about it for the next three seasons.

  • Love 8

Here's a quick play-by-play: Yo brings up Bella's DUI at the dinner, saying how no one's life is perfect (but maybe an underhanded way to raise the topic du jour), LisaR gets emotional and reveals that her 21-year old overdosed and died, and explains to Kim that's why the topic is so personal to her, Kim says fuck that, and gets angry at everyone, from Kyle ("Kathy's a real sister, not like you!"), to Eileen, who fights back hard and calls Kim a beast!, to LisaR, who Kim accuses of hiding "things at home." Which is all bullshit, of course. LisaR gets angry, throws a glass at Kim, Kyle is humiliated and darts off....

Well crap, I saw a 20 second commercial and thought that was first look. Thanks for the recap. This cannot end well.

And that was just a condensed version. Honestly, every sentence uttered at that dinner was reality show gold! Your jaw will drop when you see Kim in action.


And even after THAT massive debacle, Kyle said in her interview I posted above that things are even worse now between all of the women since the reunion.


I can't wait to see that reunion.  Hell, maybe I'll put in for the evening off so I can enjoy it on first run instead of just off the DVR hours later.


Priorities.  I have them.  Thank you, Bravo, you bastards.  

  • Love 16

Lisa was apologizing to Kim but she never said anything about Kim's "addiction", she skirted it as best she or most could. I though she was sincere in her apology but Kim was already set to fight. As soon as Yolanda finished up about Bella and then said something about "hiding"  these real life issues her eyes went black and she looked at Lisa R. IMO, she believes that Lisa R had Yolanda do this when in fact, it was Brandi!

LisaR was looking directly at Kim as was everyone else.  LisaR should have talked about her sister and shut up...not start her apology tirade again to Kim. She already apologized on the plane and was told in no uncertain terms by Kim to not bring it up.  Not only that LisaR confirms to Kyle and Yolanda she will never bring the issue up with Kim again.  I think LisaR could have talked about something else at the table and just not gone there.  It was sad to hear how much her family has been hit by addiction, but Kim told her it was over and she was fine. LisaR totally disrespected Kim and went there again.  I'm beginning to think LisaR has a hearing problem or was acting for the cameras and kudos from the production crew.


To tell the truth if I was asking someone about their addiction I wouldn't have brought it up in front of a kitchen full of people at Eileen's house and if I did and was told blah, blah, blah for an answer I would get the hint not to go there ever again, but not LisaR.  LisaV told LisaR not to go there, Kyle told LisaR not to go there, but someone had a agenda. 


Public embarrassment seems to be fair play with these shows. It seems they enjoy hitting below the belt and Bravo loves filming every vowel of it.

Just for a little teaser we have another week in AmsterDAMN and Eileen goes after Lisar for not supporting her.

Are you kidding...this I can't wait for!!! :D Thanks for the heads up.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 3

LisaR was looking directly at Kim as was everyone else.  LisaR should have talked about her sister and shut up...not start her apology tirade again to Kim. She already apologized on the plane and was told in no uncertain terms by Kim to not bring it up.  Not only that LisaR confirms to Kyle and Yolanda she will never bring the issue up with Kim again.  I think LisaR could have talked about something else at the table and just not gone there.  It was sad to hear how much her family has been hit by addiction, but Kim told her it was over and she was fine. LisaR totally disrespected Kim and went there again.  I'm beginning to think LisaR has a hearing problem or was acting for the cameras and kudos from the production crew.


To tell the truth if I was asking someone about their addiction I wouldn't have brought it up in front of a kitchen full of people at Eileen's house and if I did and was told blah, blah, blah for an answer I would get the hint not to go there ever again, but not LisaR.  LisaV told LisaR not to go there, Kyle told LisaR not to go there, but someone had a agenda. 


Public embarrassment seems to be fair play with these shows. It seems they enjoy hitting below the belt and Bravo loves filming every vowel of it.

Are you kidding...this I can't wait for!!! :D Thanks for the heads up.

Has Kim apologized to Lisar for the limo ride from hell?  I think Lisar wants to talk about it until that little experience is acknowledged and discussed by Kim with Lisar.

  • Love 12

I still can't get over Lipsa going for Kim's throat, AND then shattering a wine glass after throwing wine!  They are very lucky none of that glass got in someone's eye, or she'd be under arrest, even in Holland.

A small glass shard could have gotten in someone's eye...even an innocent bystander.  LisaR took it to a new level past the table slamming Teresa or anything else in HW history. She now holds that distinction for being an attempted neck grabbing, out of control, wine throwing, glass breaking hysterical HW.

  • Love 7

A small glass shard could have gotten in someone's eye...even an innocent bystander.  LisaR took it to a new level past the table slamming Teresa or anything else in HW history. She now holds that distinction for being an attempted neck grabbing, out of control, wine throwing, glass breaking hysterical HW.

And yet everyone's on her side.

  • Love 8

Has Kim apologized to Lisar for the limo ride from hell?  I think Lisar wants to talk about it until that little experience is acknowledged and discussed by Kim with Lisar.

You know maybe there's a method to LisaR's madness...she's may be like a dog with a bone...waiting for an apology from "mean" Kim, a person she calls an "addict" (in her words).  Just a random guess but it will be a cold day in hell before the "mean addict" will apologize, IMO, lol. 

  • Love 1

Well now.  Isn't that special.


Lisa R is an epic shit stirrer.  They all know Kim can be evil incarnate.  Eileen even says that they shouldn't be afraid of her.  Yet, they all poke the wasps nest.


Kim - any remaining fans you had?  Well, they're only still fans if they never see this show.


Kyle was in a bad spot but the running away?  I think she ran because she was afraid of what Kim was going to say about Harry.  Things that only could have come from Lisa to Kyle to Kim. 


I think the Harry 'secret' is the cheating rumors.  While it's completely off base to bring that up, Lisa R really kept at it with Kim.  If she's truly concerned about Kim, she wouldn't keep bringing it up on camera under the guise of apologizing for bringing it up.  Sorry for questioning your sobriety - I just fear for addicts with alcohol and pill issues.  Smooooooooooooth.


If I were at the table, once black eyed Kim came out, I'd have excused myself and just not come back. 

  • Love 8

Well now.  Isn't that special.


Lisa R is an epic shit stirrer.  They all know Kim can be evil incarnate.  Eileen even says that they shouldn't be afraid of her.  Yet, they all poke the wasps nest.


Kim - any remaining fans you had?  Well, they're only still fans if they never see this show.


Kyle was in a bad spot but the running away?  I think she ran because she was afraid of what Kim was going to say about Harry.  Things that only could have come from Lisa to Kyle to Kim. 


I think the Harry 'secret' is the cheating rumors.  While it's completely off base to bring that up, Lisa R really kept at it with Kim.  If she's truly concerned about Kim, she wouldn't keep bringing it up on camera under the guise of apologizing for bringing it up.  Sorry for questioning your sobriety - I just fear for addicts with alcohol and pill issues.  Smooooooooooooth.


If I were at the table, once black eyed Kim came out, I'd have excused myself and just not come back. 

Love your post.


It's good Kyle ran because LisaR may have harmed her with the broken glass. 


Your right, if it's cheating rumors Kyle may have told Kim about it as a piece of gossip years ago.  LisaR took Kim's threats of exposing the secret about "trouble at home with Harry" very seriously. 

I heard a rumor she's 100% in pain.

Looks like Kim caused LisaR to have 100% pain in that restaurant, lol :D

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
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