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Bethenny Frankel: Skinny Girl

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9 hours ago, weaver said:

Of course she does. And she promotes products, and tags the brands to get more products, or even endorsements, like her mom (who even emails companies to tell them she posted their products, and ask for endorsements). For some weeks. I'm sure she will continue doing it. 

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10 hours ago, realityplease said:

The kid is what - 13?  Does sparkly eye shadow ever look good on anyone??? Even a barely teenage kid??  (Who, at least, won't get glitter stuck in wrinkles.)  But the answer is NO - absolutely NO.

It seems the few Insta reactions shown were favorable. But I sure would not want to subject a kid that young to the social media universe to be scrutinized & subjected to the range of possible reaction, good or bad. 

Of course, Bethenny probably could barely wait (& in fact, didn't) to get Bryn out there as an influencer.  For a long time, she's been grooming Bryn to do this.  Sure, Bryn is cute & seems like a sweet enthusiastic kid.  So I'm sure there's many who will see this as adorbs & Bethenny just being a supportive mom trying to get her daughter on the free products gravy train -- but I'm disgusted.

Brynn has an IG account for exactly two years! I wouldn't let my kid create one (and I don't have kids). What happened to the age limit IG has? Wasn't it 13?

Edited by ZettaK
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17 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

Of course she does. And she promotes products, and tags the brands to get more products, or even endorsements, like her mom (who even emails companies to tell them she posted their products, and ask for endorsements). For some weeks. I'm sure she will continue doing it. 

Weeks? I'll bet years. Bethenny's trying to turn Bryn into a Bethenny clone &  influencer. Bethenny will do anything for the bucks & figures Bryn isn't too young to start making money. 

But pushing sparkly eye shadow at age 13 seems like a fail.  Other 13 year olds probably aren't wearing eye shadow yet. (Hopefully. I wouldn't let any kid of my out of the house with that crap on.) And if I were 25 (if only), I wouldn't care what make-up a 13-year old is pushing me to wear.  Not exactly one to know what is flattering or wearable nor had years (more like days) of trial & error. You notice, Bryn isn't wearing that gunk. 

Very likely, Bethenny doesn't really care what the product is - only that Bryn's getting practice getting herself on camera & talking about & pushing products. Poor Bryn. Wants to please her mom & this seems exciting.  But the manipulation is so evident.

Edited by realityplease
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On 8/6/2023 at 11:33 PM, goofygirl said:

Anyone have any thoughts on Bethany's new lawsuit against NBC/BRAVO/PEACOCK??  I think it's about all the drinking going on.  Seems a LITTLE nutty, imho.

Since when she became the protector of fellow reality stars? 

She would do it (the lawsuit was not filed yet, her attorneys only issued a warning letter) to promote herself, and eventually profit, if she is on a reality show again. She was on one recently, wasn't she? 

It's interesting to see the harsh terms of the contracts of reality people, or their filming conditions.

Edited by ZettaK
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On 8/6/2023 at 11:33 PM, goofygirl said:

Anyone have any thoughts on Bethany's new lawsuit against NBC/BRAVO/PEACOCK??  I think it's about all the drinking going on.  Seems a LITTLE nutty, imho.

What I think about Bethenny’s letter via lawyers to Bravo/NBC is – it’s bullshit. Bethenny is the worst person to lead the charge.

I do think reality personalities deserve a fairer wage and should get residuals when their shows are re-aired on Bravo and the streaming app Peacock. I don’t necessarily think a union is needed – and if a union is created it will take at least 2 years to get it going – and then you have to figure out union dues, what the union does for its members, raising money to keep the union going.

I think Bethenny has an agenda – and it is not altruistic and she is not thinking of her fellow reality personalities. Her agenda is to garner attention which she can then use to promote her Tik Tok, YouTube channel to get more views, subscribers and sponsors for herself and her brand.

Yes, Bethenny made around 7500 in her first season. But Bethenny played the reality TV game and won. She could afford to walk away, if Bravo didn’t meet her expectations at the negotiations table. The reality personalities currently on shows and or currently filming – are not at the same level of power.

Bethenny telling reality stars that are currently filming to strike is irresponsible. Those reality stars are under a very strict contract. They would individually be sued for breach of contract and lose in a court of law. There is a saying “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” This is basically what Bethenny is telling reality personalities. Bethenny herself, has nothing to lose, she is no longer on a reality show. She’s basically telling everyone else – to take the risk while she risks nothing. If she wants to put her money where her mouth is – then she should tell every current reality personality that goes on strike– that she will pay all their lawyers fees and any money they lose at the end of court appearances for breach of contract, as well as their mortgages and living expenses

The whole premise of reality shows are, they are cheap to make. Every reality personality is Replaceable. There are tons of people out there who want to be on a reality show – because they want the opportunity to brand themselves and build their social media platforms. These people would work for little pay or peanuts. So even if every reality personality went on strike – new shows would be created with unknowns.

During COVID all production stopped across the world for 2 years. Networks survived this, and would survive a possible strike of some or all reality personalities. I don’t see an advantage for reality stars to go on strike – they won’t get what they want without a union, they most probably will lose their place on that show and on any reality show. Who would hire you?  You’re a liability.

There also isn’t a lawsuit. There was a letter sent to NBC. If there ever is a lawsuit, I would imagine it would be CIVIL and I think they’d lose. Bethenny would be torn apart as she was once had a reality show called the Big Shot. If they show any of the contracts she had with the people competing on the show – this will show how unfair she herself was to aspiring reality personalities in terms of pay and treatment. How much is she willing to pay them for back residuals? Or is she going to try to throw HBO under the bus? There are many things Bethenny has done on RHNY - that is part of the complaint in the letter - she exploited people.

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35 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Thank you KungFuBunny!!!  That was really smart and well thought out.

Kissies Goofygirl

I don't know why but I think the 80 people Bethenny is bragging about that are on board with her, the majority are people who are NO longer on a show. Take a Barb The Builder, Aviva, Nene...people who have burned their bridge with Bravo. Any reality show personality who wants back on any show or on any network isn't going on strike (except maybe an arrogant idiot like Tom Sandoval)

I can see going forward asking for residuals. This can be done for those stars on established shows - and this should be done at the negotiating table for the next seasons contracts.

Back residuals going years back - that's a fantasy. It would be like me going back to my last last employer and saying I don't think my salary was up to par and you should pay me an additional $50K in back pay. I'm picturing myself being frog marched out of the building by security. There is also a possible kick in the ass once I'm out the door....and the distant sound of my former former employer's laughter.

As for getting rid of the Bethenny clause, I could see Bravo agreeing. The way Bravo would get their piece of the pie would be to charge the personality for "product placement"  I.e. you want us to film you at your book signing - well you need to pay us X for filming.airing it - it's like a commercial for you. You want us to film at your restaurant, sandwich shop, bar - again pay us x to film there and airs on the show. No fee paid - we don't film.


Edited by KungFuBunny
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It's funny, but Bethenny accused Aviva of lying a few years ago when she said that the producers forced her to have a shot when she didn't want to have one. Aviva mentioned that this is common policy (forcing the drinking of alcohol along with not letting reality show participants eat for many hours, or even sleep enough) in order to appear "crazy" when filming. Bethenny is naming the abusive ways, and behavior of producers now that is convenient for her to do so.

TV channels/streaming services would never give back residuals. I don't doubt they would even fight against giving residuals from now on. 


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From Page Six

Frankel later clapped back at her former friend and denied that she “set up a photo of Tom cheating on Luann.

How could I set up a photo? Am I in a movie I’m casting? Like, ‘Hey Tom D’Agostino, I’d like to cast you in the role as cheater at the Regency Hotel?’

So in this case, I’m a casting director that called Tom D’Agostino — who I don’t f–king know — to say, ‘Listen, I know it sounds weird, I just want you to be in a bar and make out with somebody because I have a photographer who’s going to be standing by to take a picture. Then I’m going to give it to everyone on the show,’” she continued.

KFB: This is Bethenny trying to spin things again with misinformation. Carole is not claiming that you set up a girl to be lying in wait at The Regency to catch Tom doing something bad.

Caroles is saying that you lied about how the photo got in your hands, it is not your friend. You don’t have friends – per both Ramona and Carole. In regards to the set up – it’s that instead of being a friend to Luann, you worked with production beforehand and blindsided Luann with the photo while cameras were filming. You exploited her pain, and humiliation

From the lawyer Bethenny allegedly retained to send a letter to NBC. This is from that letter:

It goes without saying that the foregoing misconduct by NBCUniversal and/or its employees, contractors, and affiliates exposes NBCUniversal to significant legal liability for, among many other things, intentional infliction of emotional distress, fraud, distribution of revenge porn, and false imprisonment. Again, our investigation is ongoing.

KFB: Look what I bolded, isn't Bethenny guilty of this?

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On 8/11/2023 at 2:40 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

Again, it's the Bethenny spin.

15000 hotel workers with the union UNITE Here local 11, joined forces with WGA & SAG-Aftra back at the beginning of July.. Each union is striking against different entities and rallying together. Mass numbers

Right now,  there are no currently contracted reality tv personalities striking. They can not be enfolded under SAG - Not ALL Reality personalities are SAG members. ie Lisa Rinna is SAG - she has done work in film and other scripted shows, Nene is SAG - she was on Glee. Ramona is not SAG, nor is Dorinda.

There are 160,000 SAG members, 20000 WGA members. Bethenny has 80 people. What use or power or bargaining chip does Bathenny have without a union and 80 people?

Think about the negotiation tables for both UNITE Here, SAG and WGA - if any of them  come to an agreement with the hotels/studios/networks, do you think they won't sign because Reality stars aren't getting a fair shake? SAG is striking for SAG, WGA is striking for WGA, UNITE Here is striking for UNITE Here.  if there are no Reality Stars striking - why should SAG or WGA strike on behalf of Reality TV.?

The article is misleading. It is simply that if Reality stars strike, SAG will rally with them.


Edited by KungFuBunny
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22 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

What I think about Bethenny’s letter via lawyers to Bravo/NBC is – it’s bullshit. Bethenny is the worst person to lead the charge.

I do think reality personalities deserve a fairer wage and should get residuals when their shows are re-aired on Bravo and the streaming app Peacock. I don’t necessarily think a union is needed – and if a union is created it will take at least 2 years to get it going – and then you have to figure out union dues, what the union does for its members, raising money to keep the union going.

I think Bethenny has an agenda – and it is not altruistic and she is not thinking of her fellow reality personalities. Her agenda is to garner attention which she can then use to promote her Tik Tok, YouTube channel to get more views, subscribers and sponsors for herself and her brand.

Yes, Bethenny made around 7500 in her first season. But Bethenny played the reality TV game and won. She could afford to walk away, if Bravo didn’t meet her expectations at the negotiations table. The reality personalities currently on shows and or currently filming – are not at the same level of power.

Bethenny telling reality stars that are currently filming to strike is irresponsible. Those reality stars are under a very strict contract. They would individually be sued for breach of contract and lose in a court of law. There is a saying “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” This is basically what Bethenny is telling reality personalities. Bethenny herself, has nothing to lose, she is no longer on a reality show. She’s basically telling everyone else – to take the risk while she risks nothing. If she wants to put her money where her mouth is – then she should tell every current reality personality that goes on strike– that she will pay all their lawyers fees and any money they lose at the end of court appearances for breach of contract, as well as their mortgages and living expenses

The whole premise of reality shows are, they are cheap to make. Every reality personality is Replaceable. There are tons of people out there who want to be on a reality show – because they want the opportunity to brand themselves and build their social media platforms. These people would work for little pay or peanuts. So even if every reality personality went on strike – new shows would be created with unknowns.

During COVID all production stopped across the world for 2 years. Networks survived this, and would survive a possible strike of some or all reality personalities. I don’t see an advantage for reality stars to go on strike – they won’t get what they want without a union, they most probably will lose their place on that show and on any reality show. Who would hire you?  You’re a liability.

There also isn’t a lawsuit. There was a letter sent to NBC. If there ever is a lawsuit, I would imagine it would be CIVIL and I think they’d lose. Bethenny would be torn apart as she was once had a reality show called the Big Shot. If they show any of the contracts she had with the people competing on the show – this will show how unfair she herself was to aspiring reality personalities in terms of pay and treatment. How much is she willing to pay them for back residuals? Or is she going to try to throw HBO under the bus? There are many things Bethenny has done on RHNY - that is part of the complaint in the letter - she exploited people.

Bethany was a nobody when RHONY started. Her paycheck reflected that. As her fame grew so did  her negotiating power. I think that the other issue is that streaming is still  relatively new and there don't see to be any standards as to what counts as a view, which in turn would trigger a residual payment.

If the reality talent really wants to go after Bravo and  the  other networks they need to do it via the IRS. Because none of the reality stars are Bravo employees. They're all independent contractors. And the IRS  has strict rules on what makes someone an employee vs. an independent contractor. Someone signing a contract agreeing to whatever does not negate that. If it's true that the Bravo contract has non-compete language then in most cases the IRS is going to say that person is an  employee. A company can't require an independent contractor not to do business with another  entity...that takes away  their independence!

So if all of the reality folks joined together to show that they were threatened and strong armed into not doing podcasts or appearances or whatever by Bravo, they'd have a strong case IMO.

This explains it better than me (btw, I'm not a lawyer, accountant, or reality star).


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This is allegedly Tamra's contract. SImon obtained the contract when he and Tamra were in a custody battle and Simon used it because he did not want his kids on the show

Titled as a "Reality Participation Agreement, Release & Arbitration Provisions," the contract is between the real housewife and the production company, Evolution  Film & Tape, Inc. and the network, NBC Universal, and it's made clear that any agreement of wages or compensation will be made in a separate contract.

"My appearance, depiction, and portrayal in connection with the Series, and my actions and the actions of others in connection with the Series, may be disparaging, defamatory, embarrassing or of an otherwise unfavorable nature, may expose me to public ridicule, humiliation or condemnation, and may portray me in a false light," the contract reads — basically admitting to heavily editing the footage.

In all, the women must agree to 42 terms including:

Housewives CAN'T participate in any other "unscripted reality program" without approval from network and/or one year AFTER final appearance on show.

Performers CAN appear in television shows and movies without approval from network/producers but obligations to RHOC comes first.

The appearance "shall not constitute an employment relationship" and the agreement does "shall not entitle me to any wages, salary, corporate benefits, workers' compensation benefits, or other compensation of any kind."

If performer performs any music NOT provided by producers of the show, the performer will waive any rights to royalties, and grants producer the right to reproduce, etc.

"I am in good physical, emotional, psychological, and mental health and am capable of performing any activities that I may perform during the course of participating in the Series (even though I do not know now precisely what those activities shall entail.)"

KFBL I think there is a reason there are 2 contracts.  There must be a legal reason - in that it protects Bravo/NBC - like a loophole that somehow keeps the reality star an independent contractor and not an employee.

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4 hours ago, ww92 said:

Bethany was a nobody when RHONY started. Her paycheck reflected that. As her fame grew so did  her negotiating power.

So if all of the reality folks joined together to show that they were threatened and strong armed into not doing podcasts or appearances or whatever by Bravo, they'd have a strong case IMO.

I agree that Bethenny, and the vast majority of reality stars were nobodies before their newfound fame which helped them get access to incredible, multiple, and varied business opportunities. 

Bravo and other channels/networks, and streaming services allow their reality stars to pursue any kind of business opportunity (including appearances, podcasts, etc.).

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Not releva

1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

This is allegedly Tamra's contract. SImon obtained the contract when he and Tamra were in a custody battle and Simon used it because he did not want his kids on the show.

Not relevant regarding contracts, but Simon Barney didn't have a problem with his kids appearing on the RH of OC when he was participating on the show, but only during the divorce proceedings, and after the divorce when he was not. This was out of spite because it was a contentious divorce. 

Edited by ZettaK
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As for Bethenny, and Tom D'Agostino, everybody knew he was a cheater including the Countess (who didn't want to admit it), and that he was taking women to The Regency which was a common hanging out place for their group, so it would be easy to take a photo, but Bethenny ambushed Luann during filming of the show with the photo.

Edited by ZettaK
I omitted a letter in a word.
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8 hours ago, ZettaK said:

As for Bethenny, and Tom D'Agostino, everybody knew he was a cheater including the Countess (who didn't want to admit it), and that he was taking women to The Regency which was a common hanging out place for their group, so it would be easy to take a photo, but Bethenny abushed Luann during filming of the show with the photo.

Please tell me it is not about Tom.

It's about Tom.


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20 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

This is allegedly Tamra's contract. SImon obtained the contract when he and Tamra were in a custody battle and Simon used it because he did not want his kids on the show

Titled as a "Reality Participation Agreement, Release & Arbitration Provisions," the contract is between the real housewife and the production company, Evolution  Film & Tape, Inc. and the network, NBC Universal, and it's made clear that any agreement of wages or compensation will be made in a separate contract.

"My appearance, depiction, and portrayal in connection with the Series, and my actions and the actions of others in connection with the Series, may be disparaging, defamatory, embarrassing or of an otherwise unfavorable nature, may expose me to public ridicule, humiliation or condemnation, and may portray me in a false light," the contract reads — basically admitting to heavily editing the footage.

In all, the women must agree to 42 terms including:

Housewives CAN'T participate in any other "unscripted reality program" without approval from network and/or one year AFTER final appearance on show.

Performers CAN appear in television shows and movies without approval from network/producers but obligations to RHOC comes first.

The appearance "shall not constitute an employment relationship" and the agreement does "shall not entitle me to any wages, salary, corporate benefits, workers' compensation benefits, or other compensation of any kind."

If performer performs any music NOT provided by producers of the show, the performer will waive any rights to royalties, and grants producer the right to reproduce, etc.

"I am in good physical, emotional, psychological, and mental health and am capable of performing any activities that I may perform during the course of participating in the Series (even though I do not know now precisely what those activities shall entail.)"

KFBL I think there is a reason there are 2 contracts.  There must be a legal reason - in that it protects Bravo/NBC - like a loophole that somehow keeps the reality star an independent contractor and not an employee.

Bravo might have had 2 contracts for legal reasons but I don't know if that would really protect them should someone sue. It might actually make it worse because it would appear that Bravo was trying to circumvent the legalities around independent contractors vs. employees.

18 hours ago, ZettaK said:

I agree that Bethenny, and the vast majority of reality stars were nobodies before their newfound fame which helped them get access to incredible, multiple, and varied business opportunities. 

Bravo and other channels/networks, and streaming services allow their reality stars to pursue any kind of business opportunity (including appearances, podcasts, etc.).

I don't know that Bravo really allows their reality stars to pursue any and all business opportunities without obligation to Bravo. It sounds like Bravo wants their cut. I'm not sure how legal any of that is though, if someone wanted to push it.

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29 minutes ago, ww92 said:

Bravo might have had 2 contracts for legal reasons but I don't know if that would really protect them should someone sue. It might actually make it worse because it would appear that Bravo was trying to circumvent the legalities around independent contractors vs. employees.

I think the 2 contracts was for this exact reason.

The first contract says you're not getting paid for your appearance. I couldn't find the second contract and how they refer to the "money"

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29 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

It was my impression that after missing out on Bethenny's windfall, Bravo demanded a cut of products from any venture that was pimped on air. I'm unclear as to whether they were able to enforce that, though.

Yes the Bethenny clause became a part of all Bravo contracts with reality personalities. I think a good chunk of the business ventures didn't make any money so there was no cut for Bravo.

I just saw an interview with Ramona, she circumvented this clause by putting all of her new products and ventures under the True Faith LLC. That company existed before Bravo, so she put her Tru-renew and Bravo couldn't touch it. She did the same with her Pinot Grigio.

As for the other HW's, a bunch wrote books, I think the only one that made money is Teresa - and she's a crook.


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On 8/11/2023 at 3:26 PM, KungFuBunny said:

From Page Six

Frankel later clapped back at her former friend and denied that she “set up a photo of Tom cheating on Luann.

How could I set up a photo? Am I in a movie I’m casting? Like, ‘Hey Tom D’Agostino, I’d like to cast you in the role as cheater at the Regency Hotel?’

So in this case, I’m a casting director that called Tom D’Agostino — who I don’t f–king know — to say, ‘Listen, I know it sounds weird, I just want you to be in a bar and make out with somebody because I have a photographer who’s going to be standing by to take a picture. Then I’m going to give it to everyone on the show,’” she continued.

KFB: This is Bethenny trying to spin things again with misinformation. Carole is not claiming that you set up a girl to be lying in wait at The Regency to catch Tom doing something bad.

Caroles is saying that you lied about how the photo got in your hands, it is not your friend. You don’t have friends – per both Ramona and Carole. In regards to the set up – it’s that instead of being a friend to Luann, you worked with production beforehand and blindsided Luann with the photo while cameras were filming. You exploited her pain, and humiliation

From the lawyer Bethenny allegedly retained to send a letter to NBC. This is from that letter:

It goes without saying that the foregoing misconduct by NBCUniversal and/or its employees, contractors, and affiliates exposes NBCUniversal to significant legal liability for, among many other things, intentional infliction of emotional distress, fraud, distribution of revenge porn, and false imprisonment. Again, our investigation is ongoing.

KFB: Look what I bolded, isn't Bethenny guilty of this?

To me, Bethenny's lack of candor re It's About Tom clearly showed how Bravo allowed her to be part of production. She got to be the star of a three-episode vacation arc when she wasn't even present for half of it. And one of her first declarations on camera was 'don't ask me who took the picture because I'll never tell'. It was all too manufactured.

I was under the impression the letter sent by Mark Geragos (who I believe is under investigation for fraud) was separate from Bethenny's call for a union. I also think the "Bethenny clause" has been made out to be more than what it is, partly bc one member of production interviewed years ago stated that the RH producers urged Bethenny (much like her father did, allegedly) to focus on one endeavor bc her business interests were all over the place and didn't make sense as a brand. 

@KungFuBunny I do think it's funny that Bethenny is now so offended by Bravo's antics, considering how dismissive she was to so many (specifically Kristen, Jules and Tinsley) who signed on for the same gig as her. I also don't think reality television's exploitation would bother Bethenny much if Bravo had given her everything she asked for a few years ago. 


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47 minutes ago, chick binewski said:

To me, Bethenny's lack of candor re It's About Tom clearly showed how Bravo allowed her to be part of production. She got to be the star of a three-episode vacation arc when she wasn't even present for half of it. And one of her first declarations on camera was 'don't ask me who took the picture because I'll never tell'. It was all too manufactured.

I was under the impression the letter sent by Mark Geragos (who I believe is under investigation for fraud) was separate from Bethenny's call for a union. I also think the "Bethenny clause" has been made out to be more than what it is, partly bc one member of production interviewed years ago stated that the RH producers urged Bethenny (much like her father did, allegedly) to focus on one endeavor bc her business interests were all over the place and didn't make sense as a brand. 

@KungFuBunny I do think it's funny that Bethenny is now so offended by Bravo's antics, considering how dismissive she was to so many (specifically Kristen, Jules and Tinsley) who signed on for the same gig as her. I also don't think reality television's exploitation would bother Bethenny much if Bravo had given her everything she asked for a few years ago. 


When Bethenny first started doing interviews it was to say that all reality personalities should strike and a union should be formed.

Several interviews later,  an article came out that said Bethenny enlists power attorneys Bryan Freedman and Mark Geragos to fight for reality star protection. The letter was sent by FREEDMAN + TAITELMAN, LLP, so I assume this is Bryan Freedman. 

@chick binewski I don't think Bethenny is offended. I don't think she is angry or gives two shits about any reality tv personalities rights. I don't think she even cares about the residuals. I don't think she cares about the SAG strike.

Bethenny is smart in the sense she knows how to get attention. She took the 2 hottest trending current stories: SAG-Aftra Strike and Vanderpump Rules/Scandoval. She got interviews with E and Entertainment tonight - where it starts with how outraged she is on behalf of reality tv. These interviews gave her the in to talk about her Youtube channel. Now she has people going to her YouTube channel to watch the videos.This means more views, and most likely new subscribers. This in turn - people end up watching her videos where she's hocking her latest SkinnyGirl shit. On YouTube - she has 200K followers, her other social media platforms have at least 1 million followers. If you hear about Bethenny in entertainment news, daytime talk shows - it's because she is launching some business, In this case, her YouTube channel. Nobody was going over to her channel prior to this war on reality tv. The SAG strike started July 14th, Bethenny is a SAG member. As a member, she was privy to the fact that the studios/networks were in talks with SAG starting in May. All SAG members knew if the talks didn't go well they might strike. If you look at Bethenny's YouTube Channel, go back to May videos to now - there is NOT one video about SAG and not ONE video about Reality TV stars rights, or this war she is raging. If you go on her Youtube channel look at the number of views per video. Her old videos, average view 5000. A more recent video 118000 views. She's getting people over there because they want to see if she says anything about SAG and a strike - when they realize she doesn't - no one is subscribing or viewing the older videos.




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Here are some examples from her Youtube channel

From 1 year ago - Glam or Sham DIY Face Mask Hacks 2500 views

From 1 year ago - Bethenny Frankel crowned with Reality Royalty Award at MTV - 5400 views

July 20th is when she starting going on talk shows and entertainment shows to talk about reality tv stars rights and Raquel Leviss.

She had completed her interview with Jill Zarin,  her production had one week to edit and then 2 weeks ago she dropped the interview video on her YouTube channel.

Bethenny has one video with the Jill interview that is a little over an hour. Because she got views - she went and had her production chop up pieces of it - and added 5 more videos. So it's the same video - each of the 5 videos just highlights a different part of their interview. She got 545000 views on the first video that was over an hour long. Her chopped up video highlight videos: 192000, 167000, 86000, 44000, 27000.

How is it she hasn't done a video of herself on the picket line for SAG? How is it she isn't giving Fran Drescher, as the president of SAG, an opportunity to talk about the issues? Bethenny should be using her social media platforms for these causes - she has 1.4 million followers on Tik Tok, and 3.3 million followers on Instagram. The reason - SAG Aftra, WGA, and Reality TV rights is not part of her "Brand"

There is a method to her madness.

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7 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:


How is it she hasn't done a video of herself on the picket line for SAG? How is it she isn't giving Fran Drescher, as the president of SAG, an opportunity to talk about the issues? Bethenny should be using her social media platforms for these causes - she has 1.4 million followers on Tik Tok, and 3.3 million followers on Instagram. The reason - SAG Aftra, WGA, and Reality TV rights is not part of her "Brand"

There is a method to her madness.

hi KFB! You are right of course. I listened to the Bethenny Jill interview because I love Jill. Jill said in the interview the next RHoNY Housewives should be the daughters, Avery, Ally, Kelly's girls, Victoria now that's some shit I would watch. Jill is Jill but she is brilliant in the camp that I want in Housewives. 

If I understand correctly, Jill said she wanted Bobby's life memorialized on Housewives, just a little note to his honor and a montage for 0 dollars. She had arranged a fake Shiva for the current housewives at the time to come to, for filming- after real Shiva which you would never film. Jill did not want cameras at the funeral.

Bethenny, BROUGHT the cameras to the funeral and Jill did not know she was filmed until she saw it air. She didn't film a release. Bravo gambled that Jill wouldn't sue. Jill didn't sue.  Bethenny SAYS she didn't know Jill was unaware they were filming at the funeral. 

The current Housewives found out Bethenny was mic'd and filmed at the funeral, became pissed they weren't mic'd and filmed and only had the offer of the fake Shiva so as a fuck you to Bravo they refused to go to fake Shiva but did not tell Jill the real reason, production told Jill they couldn't come for a list of fake reasons.

What a f'd up mess. 

But what I came here to say is that Bethenny is her mother. Her father was a rock solid businessman- the top of his game in the US and the world in TB Racing, he was so well respected for hard work.  Bethenny capitalizing on what's trending is her never ending temper tantrum to get her father's attention and love. It is incredibly sad.  She will never be him. 



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I think that unionizing reality tv will put an end to  it.  It is a cheap way for networks to produce shows that make a lot of money and if you take away the profit then it won't be worth it.    The opportunity to launch a business with the resulting fame is the pay off.   Some people succeed at it others don't but that's that chance they take.  Bethenny is not on reality tv anymore she "owns her own content" to use her own words.  It's just an opportunity to be in the news to build on her fame.  She doesn't have to worry about the repercussions because it would not affect her.  She would not benefit nor get hurt --just more followers and more fame.  It's a win - win for her while others will lose. 

  • Like 9
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46 minutes ago, tranquilidade said:

I think that unionizing reality tv will put an end to  it.  It is a cheap way for networks to produce shows that make a lot of money and if you take away the profit then it won't be worth it.    The opportunity to launch a business with the resulting fame is the pay off.   Some people succeed at it others don't but that's that chance they take.  Bethenny is not on reality tv anymore she "owns her own content" to use her own words.  It's just an opportunity to be in the news to build on her fame.  She doesn't have to worry about the repercussions because it would not affect her.  She would not benefit nor get hurt --just more followers and more fame.  It's a win - win for her while others will lose. 

All of this. 💯 

  • Like 3
3 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

hi KFB! You are right of course. I listened to the Bethenny Jill interview because I love Jill. Jill said in the interview the next RHoNY Housewives should be the daughters, Avery, Ally, Kelly's girls, Victoria now that's some shit I would watch. Jill is Jill but she is brilliant in the camp that I want in Housewives. 

If I understand correctly, Jill said she wanted Bobby's life memorialized on Housewives, just a little note to his honor and a montage for 0 dollars. She had arranged a fake Shiva for the current housewives at the time to come to, for filming- after real Shiva which you would never film. Jill did not want cameras at the funeral.

Bethenny, BROUGHT the cameras to the funeral and Jill did not know she was filmed until she saw it air. She didn't film a release. Bravo gambled that Jill wouldn't sue. Jill didn't sue.  Bethenny SAYS she didn't know Jill was unaware they were filming at the funeral. 

The current Housewives found out Bethenny was mic'd and filmed at the funeral, became pissed they weren't mic'd and filmed and only had the offer of the fake Shiva so as a fuck you to Bravo they refused to go to fake Shiva but did not tell Jill the real reason, production told Jill they couldn't come for a list of fake reasons.

What a f'd up mess. 

But what I came here to say is that Bethenny is her mother. Her father was a rock solid businessman- the top of his game in the US and the world in TB Racing, he was so well respected for hard work.  Bethenny capitalizing on what's trending is her never ending temper tantrum to get her father's attention and love. It is incredibly sad.  She will never be him. 



I have to confess, I really liked Bethenny on RHNY. She was funny, and had great one liners. My favorite was her describing Jill's apt makeover...Versace, Liberace, Kookierachi. I was happy she sold her liquor and didn't care that she hocked her shit on the show, they all did.

I only saw that she had a Jill Zarin interview on her YouTube channel, but I didn't listen to it. I didn't know that Jill didn't know about the cameras - that's horrible, It's funny that you mention the funeral - because this was the moment I no longer liked Bethenny - as she was hugging Jill, she said something like I'm alone too. OMG - can you not just shut your trap and give the moment to Jill, the widow? I was flabbergasted that she was making it about herself.

Now that you mentioned the other ladies, I remember them being pissed at the reunion.

I didn't even see the article about not wanting to marry Paul until you quoted it. I've had Bethenny on silence until she started her bullshit about forming a union and taking Bravo down. If you don't plan on marrying Paul, stop calling him your fiance, Ya dumb bitch. Plus why say yes when he proposed? Stop calling that ring an engagement ring - it implies the promise of marriage.



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Fellow Boardies::

Can someone tell me why Bethenny is mad at Bravo and/or Andy?

I could have sworn, she's been on WWHL not that long ago. I also remember they used to see each other in the Hamptons every summer since they both have homes there.

I can't see her getting mad if Bravo had asked her back for some show and she decided not to take it because they didn't meet her price. She'd just walk - nothing to get pissed about.

It's gotta be something to do with her ego - did Andy make fun of Skinny Girl?


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On 8/12/2023 at 7:59 PM, ww92 said:

Bravo might have had 2 contracts for legal reasons but I don't know if that would really protect them should someone sue. It might actually make it worse because it would appear that Bravo was trying to circumvent the legalities around independent contractors vs. employees.

I don't know that Bravo really allows their reality stars to pursue any and all business opportunities without obligation to Bravo. It sounds like Bravo wants their cut. I'm not sure how legal any of that is though, if someone wanted to push it.

Bravo allows them to pursue any business opportunity unless it interferes with the filming schedule, and promotion of the show. Bravo supposedly receives a percentage of the profit of a product that was created during the show, and was promoted on the show, but HWs who are more "powerful", or have better attorneys, or both can circumvent the clause. 

Edited by ZettaK
  • Like 1
2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Fellow Boardies::

Can someone tell me why Bethenny is mad at Bravo and/or Andy?

I could have sworn, she's been on WWHL not that long ago. I also remember they used to see each other in the Hamptons every summer since they both have homes there.

I can't see her getting mad if Bravo had asked her back for some show and she decided not to take it because they didn't meet her price. She'd just walk - nothing to get pissed about.

It's gotta be something to do with her ego - did Andy make fun of Skinny Girl?


I see no reason for Bethenny to be angry at Bravo because she was asked to return to RHONY, and she did (and it was very profitable for her). She left on her own accord, and she was on Andy Cohen's Watch What Happens Live a few times, even recently, as you mentioned. She was asked again if she wanted to return. She is friendly with Andy Cohen, so the only reason to wage war at Bravo is self promotion, and a chance to profit from it. She doesn't care to return to RHONY because there is no revival of the original, and the RH franchises are not that popular with the viewers anymore.

Edited by ZettaK
  • Like 5
10 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Fellow Boardies::

Can someone tell me why Bethenny is mad at Bravo and/or Andy?

I could have sworn, she's been on WWHL not that long ago. I also remember they used to see each other in the Hamptons every summer since they both have homes there.

I can't see her getting mad if Bravo had asked her back for some show and she decided not to take it because they didn't meet her price. She'd just walk - nothing to get pissed about.

It's gotta be something to do with her ego - did Andy make fun of Skinny Girl?


I'm not convinced she is mad at Bravo, just cutting them loose and moving on.  She has enough money now not to worry about making any and so she doesn't have to ever go back there.  I'm not sure what the future is for Bravo, because I certainly don't enjoy the shows like I used to.  The formats are worn out and reality tv was fun when I thought it was real.  She probably realizes that she now has to manage her fame to keep it and Bravo is not part of this equation. 

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23 minutes ago, tranquilidade said:

I'm not convinced she is mad at Bravo, just cutting them loose and moving on.  She has enough money now not to worry about making any and so she doesn't have to ever go back there. 

No, she doesn't have to go back there but she wants the option to go back there regardless. She's definitely mad at Bravo and she'll never move on.

She's still doing her ReWives podcast and profiting off housewives episodes while being disgusted with the exploitation of reality talent. What a hypocrite.

Just six months ago, in March, she pitched a show to Bravo about rich people and their kids in Westport Connecticut, purportedly starring the daughter of Susan Sarandon. The project was "shelved" after a conflict between Bethenny and production. Bethenny conflict? Shocker.

Bethenny has not forgiven Andy for making comments about her ReWives podcast when she last appeared on WWHL. He and Jeff Lewis both made fun of the fact that she was trashing the housewives shows, then suddenly announces that she's doing a podcast about housewives shows.

She wanted Andy to comment on her podcast interview with Jill, but when asked about it "He gave a BIG sigh and said it felt very 2012 but he hadn't listened yet and that was old RHONY and now it's all about the new RHONY" (this from a person in the audience at WWHL) That comment must have really pissed her off, basically saying she's just not relevant anymore.

She's salty because she's always said Bravo's door will always be open to her, but it's not true.

When it comes to Bravo Bethenny denies that she cares over and over and then goes nuclear.

I suspect that she's jealous that Luann and Sonja's show Welcome to Crappie Lake is getting very positive reviews and viewers are hoping for a second season. After Bethenny's failed attempt at producing her own TV shows that must really sting. She's made some disparaging comments about Crappie Lake on her podcast, saying that her "YouTube TV Show" has more viewers  than Crappie Lake. (Yes, she actually refers to YouTube as her TV show.) If that's the case then I should tell all my friends that my grandkids have their own TV Shows.

I don't know if anyone saw it but this week Carole was on the Juicy Scoop podcast with Heather McDonald (I know Heather is not very popular) Carole dropped a tidbit about the It's About Tom situation, saying that a few months ago she ran into Michael Cohen and he told her that he was the one who took the picture of Tom and the woman at the Regency. Bethenny immediately posted on TikTok that it was in fact a woman who took the picture and that she still has the text. (which she did not show). Soon after she deleted the post when people went back and watched the episode and Bethenny was heard to say that it was A GUY that sent her the pic. So she was caught in a big fat lie. She does tend to post and delete when she gets called out in the comments. 

The timing of her turning on Bravo is suspect. I believe that the debut of the new RHONY made her realize that she can't say Bravo wants her back anymore. She really loved reminding us of that.  Just recently she said that she would do Ultimate Girls trip for a million dollars. She's such a flip flopper.


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4 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

No, she doesn't have to go back there but she wants the option to go back there regardless. She's definitely mad at Bravo and she'll never move on.

She's still doing her ReWives podcast and profiting off housewives episodes while being disgusted with the exploitation of reality talent. What a hypocrite.

Just six months ago, in March, she pitched a show to Bravo about rich people and their kids in Westport Connecticut, purportedly starring the daughter of Susan Sarandon. The project was "shelved" after a conflict between Bethenny and production. Bethenny conflict? Shocker.

Bethenny has not forgiven Andy for making comments about her ReWives podcast when she last appeared on WWHL. He and Jeff Lewis both made fun of the fact that she was trashing the housewives shows, then suddenly announces that she's doing a podcast about housewives shows.

She wanted Andy to comment on her podcast interview with Jill, but when asked about it "He gave a BIG sigh and said it felt very 2012 but he hadn't listened yet and that was old RHONY and now it's all about the new RHONY" (this from a person in the audience at WWHL) That comment must have really pissed her off, basically saying she's just not relevant anymore.

She's salty because she's always said Bravo's door will always be open to her, but it's not true.

When it comes to Bravo Bethenny denies that she cares over and over and then goes nuclear.

I suspect that she's jealous that Luann and Sonja's show Welcome to Crappie Lake is getting very positive reviews and viewers are hoping for a second season. After Bethenny's failed attempt at producing her own TV shows that must really sting. She's made some disparaging comments about Crappie Lake on her podcast, saying that her "YouTube TV Show" has more viewers  than Crappie Lake. (Yes, she actually refers to YouTube as her TV show.) If that's the case then I should tell all my friends that my grandkids have their own TV Shows.

I don't know if anyone saw it but this week Carole was on the Juicy Scoop podcast with Heather McDonald (I know Heather is not very popular) Carole dropped a tidbit about the It's About Tom situation, saying that a few months ago she ran into Michael Cohen and he told her that he was the one who took the picture of Tom and the woman at the Regency. Bethenny immediately posted on TikTok that it was in fact a woman who took the picture and that she still has the text. (which she did not show). Soon after she deleted the post when people went back and watched the episode and Bethenny was heard to say that it was A GUY that sent her the pic. So she was caught in a big fat lie. She does tend to post and delete when she gets called out in the comments. 

The timing of her turning on Bravo is suspect. I believe that the debut of the new RHONY made her realize that she can't say Bravo wants her back anymore. She really loved reminding us of that.  Just recently she said that she would do Ultimate Girls trip for a million dollars. She's such a flip flopper.


Oh, my gosh!!! Thank you so much for sharing this information!!! It really all makes sense now. ❤️❤️❤️

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4 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

Bethenny has not forgiven Andy for making comments about her ReWives podcast when she last appeared on WWHL. He and Jeff Lewis both made fun of the fact that she was trashing the housewives shows, then suddenly announces that she's doing a podcast about housewives shows.

She wanted Andy to comment on her podcast interview with Jill, but when asked about it "He gave a BIG sigh and said it felt very 2012 but he hadn't listened yet and that was old RHONY and now it's all about the new RHONY" (this from a person in the audience at WWHL) That comment must have really pissed her off, basically saying she's just not relevant anymore.

She's salty because she's always said Bravo's door will always be open to her, but it's not true.

When it comes to Bravo Bethenny denies that she cares over and over and then goes nuclear.

I suspect that she's jealous that Luann and Sonja's show Welcome to Crappie Lake is getting very positive reviews and viewers are hoping for a second season. After Bethenny's failed attempt at producing her own TV shows that must really sting. She's made some disparaging comments about Crappie Lake on her podcast, saying that her "YouTube TV Show" has more viewers  than Crappie Lake. (Yes, she actually refers to YouTube as her TV show.) If that's the case then I should tell all my friends that my grandkids have their own TV Shows.

I don't know if anyone saw it but this week Carole was on the Juicy Scoop podcast with Heather McDonald (I know Heather is not very popular) Carole dropped a tidbit about the It's About Tom situation, saying that a few months ago she ran into Michael Cohen and he told her that he was the one who took the picture of Tom and the woman at the Regency. Bethenny immediately posted on TikTok that it was in fact a woman who took the picture and that she still has the text. (which she did not show). Soon after she deleted the post when people went back and watched the episode and Bethenny was heard to say that it was A GUY that sent her the pic. So she was caught in a big fat lie. She does tend to post and delete when she gets called out in the comments. 

The timing of her turning on Bravo is suspect. I believe that the debut of the new RHONY made her realize that she can't say Bravo wants her back anymore. She really loved reminding us of that.  Just recently she said that she would do Ultimate Girls trip for a million dollars. She's such a flip flopper.


Could you please tell me the approximate date of the WWHL episode? I would love to watch it. Thank you!!!

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

No, she doesn't have to go back there but she wants the option to go back there regardless. She's definitely mad at Bravo and she'll never move on.

She's still doing her ReWives podcast and profiting off housewives episodes while being disgusted with the exploitation of reality talent. What a hypocrite.

Just six months ago, in March, she pitched a show to Bravo about rich people and their kids in Westport Connecticut, purportedly starring the daughter of Susan Sarandon. The project was "shelved" after a conflict between Bethenny and production. Bethenny conflict? Shocker.

Bethenny has not forgiven Andy for making comments about her ReWives podcast when she last appeared on WWHL. He and Jeff Lewis both made fun of the fact that she was trashing the housewives shows, then suddenly announces that she's doing a podcast about housewives shows.

She wanted Andy to comment on her podcast interview with Jill, but when asked about it "He gave a BIG sigh and said it felt very 2012 but he hadn't listened yet and that was old RHONY and now it's all about the new RHONY" (this from a person in the audience at WWHL) That comment must have really pissed her off, basically saying she's just not relevant anymore.

She's salty because she's always said Bravo's door will always be open to her, but it's not true.

When it comes to Bravo Bethenny denies that she cares over and over and then goes nuclear.

I suspect that she's jealous that Luann and Sonja's show Welcome to Crappie Lake is getting very positive reviews and viewers are hoping for a second season. After Bethenny's failed attempt at producing her own TV shows that must really sting. She's made some disparaging comments about Crappie Lake on her podcast, saying that her "YouTube TV Show" has more viewers  than Crappie Lake. (Yes, she actually refers to YouTube as her TV show.) If that's the case then I should tell all my friends that my grandkids have their own TV Shows.

I don't know if anyone saw it but this week Carole was on the Juicy Scoop podcast with Heather McDonald (I know Heather is not very popular) Carole dropped a tidbit about the It's About Tom situation, saying that a few months ago she ran into Michael Cohen and he told her that he was the one who took the picture of Tom and the woman at the Regency. Bethenny immediately posted on TikTok that it was in fact a woman who took the picture and that she still has the text. (which she did not show). Soon after she deleted the post when people went back and watched the episode and Bethenny was heard to say that it was A GUY that sent her the pic. So she was caught in a big fat lie. She does tend to post and delete when she gets called out in the comments. 

The timing of her turning on Bravo is suspect. I believe that the debut of the new RHONY made her realize that she can't say Bravo wants her back anymore. She really loved reminding us of that.  Just recently she said that she would do Ultimate Girls trip for a million dollars. She's such a flip flopper.



16 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Could you please tell me the approximate date of the WWHL episode? I would love to watch it. Thank you!!!

I found it on YouTube!! Wow!! You are so correct!!!

4 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

No, she doesn't have to go back there but she wants the option to go back there regardless. She's definitely mad at Bravo and she'll never move on.

She's still doing her ReWives podcast and profiting off housewives episodes while being disgusted with the exploitation of reality talent. What a hypocrite.

Just six months ago, in March, she pitched a show to Bravo about rich people and their kids in Westport Connecticut, purportedly starring the daughter of Susan Sarandon. The project was "shelved" after a conflict between Bethenny and production. Bethenny conflict? Shocker.

Bethenny has not forgiven Andy for making comments about her ReWives podcast when she last appeared on WWHL. He and Jeff Lewis both made fun of the fact that she was trashing the housewives shows, then suddenly announces that she's doing a podcast about housewives shows.

She wanted Andy to comment on her podcast interview with Jill, but when asked about it "He gave a BIG sigh and said it felt very 2012 but he hadn't listened yet and that was old RHONY and now it's all about the new RHONY" (this from a person in the audience at WWHL) That comment must have really pissed her off, basically saying she's just not relevant anymore.

She's salty because she's always said Bravo's door will always be open to her, but it's not true.

When it comes to Bravo Bethenny denies that she cares over and over and then goes nuclear.

I suspect that she's jealous that Luann and Sonja's show Welcome to Crappie Lake is getting very positive reviews and viewers are hoping for a second season. After Bethenny's failed attempt at producing her own TV shows that must really sting. She's made some disparaging comments about Crappie Lake on her podcast, saying that her "YouTube TV Show" has more viewers  than Crappie Lake. (Yes, she actually refers to YouTube as her TV show.) If that's the case then I should tell all my friends that my grandkids have their own TV Shows.

I don't know if anyone saw it but this week Carole was on the Juicy Scoop podcast with Heather McDonald (I know Heather is not very popular) Carole dropped a tidbit about the It's About Tom situation, saying that a few months ago she ran into Michael Cohen and he told her that he was the one who took the picture of Tom and the woman at the Regency. Bethenny immediately posted on TikTok that it was in fact a woman who took the picture and that she still has the text. (which she did not show). Soon after she deleted the post when people went back and watched the episode and Bethenny was heard to say that it was A GUY that sent her the pic. So she was caught in a big fat lie. She does tend to post and delete when she gets called out in the comments. 

The timing of her turning on Bravo is suspect. I believe that the debut of the new RHONY made her realize that she can't say Bravo wants her back anymore. She really loved reminding us of that.  Just recently she said that she would do Ultimate Girls trip for a million dollars. She's such a flip flopper.


Thank you @Happy Camper

I love you! I think you should be voted Board P.I.

I did remember her being on WWHL - and it wasn't so long ago - December 2022 - 8 months ago.

I don't really remember that episode, but with Jeff, Andy, and Bethenny - it's going to be snarky bitching and shade.

I did a little research and apparently, when Bethenny said she was doing "ReWives" which is her recapping/reviewing old RH episodes, Jeff made a comment, something along the lines of  "like that's never been done before, and what makes yours any different?"

I think this was it - Bethenny took it as a slight - you combine that with her paranoia and ego - and then it turned into they ambushed me and took turns stabbing me to death.

I also think in Bethenny's mind she has a love/hate relationship with Bravo. Bravo bought her success - reality tv brought her success - she loves that she left on her own, she loves that she made a lot of money with Skinny Girl - but she resents Bravo because she hasn't had any other success other than in the "Reality realm" When she left Bravo - she still did reality. When she produced or pitched shows - again Reality not scripted. Even now with Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube - she has to talk about Reality TV to get views.

I found this clip from Jeff Lewis. Where I disagree is that other people got in her head. To me, Bethenny is her own worst enemy, she doesn't need anyone to whisper anything negative in her ear - she does that to herself 24/7.



  • Like 5

"Barnacle" Bethenny will attach herself wherever she has the most to gain. Whoever's in the news: Kim K, Kylie, Meghan & Harry, now Lizzo. Or whatever's in the news: the current industry strikes.  She does it even if she's nowhere near being in these folks' inner circles (much less personally know them) & despite whether or not she knows the slightest thing more about what's going on than what we all can read in the tabloids & such. 

I'm surprised that she'd torch her connection to Bravo & Andy by "standing up" for housewives "rights." (Appears Lisa Rinna did the same & articles circulating that Rinna is considered "dead to them" as a result.)  But if it gets Beth publicity - though she herself lacks standing to bring suit (& unclear why she'd pay for attorneys for others except to screw Bravo &/or Andy), then she must figure that's a bigger gain for her. 

Perhaps because Bravo wasn't receptive to her pitched shows or Andy ignored  the $1 million she claimed she'd want to be on an Ultimate Girls Trip, as she says, she's squeezed that lemon & there's no more juice left. But it's a bad look to burn the bridges that connected her to where she is now and sidestep that connection in order to independently snark about RHs on Re-Wives.

In all likelihood, the actors guild isn't happy with Bethenny taking attention away from their issues to muddy the waters by championing women who, for the most part, aren't even part of their union - though the union stated it would support them IF they were.

There will always be famewhores like Bethenny to insert themselves solely for the fame. (She's got money - she doesn't "need" this.) And always famewhore attorneys to take action - even if futile.  But really, what's a letter supposed to do? There's no lawsuit.  Not one of the "80" folks who purportedly agreed to let her front for them, have come forward. I don't doubt Bravo producers set up appalling situations for these housewives - but being adults, the housewives traded their souls, sobriety & dignity for the celebrity &/or money & promotion opportunities.  And happy to do it.  

So really, I just want Bethenny to shut up & mind her own business.  And that has little chance of happening.  Chasing celebrity status & running her mouth are like opiates to her.  

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17 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Could you please tell me the approximate date of the WWHL episode? I would love to watch it. Thank you!!!

Edit: OOPS! Just realized this has already been posted.

December 7, 2022

Here's a snippet. 



Edited by Happy Camper
  • Love 1

Celebfail finds the posts that Bethenny deletes:


And then Celebfail does their homework resulting in this:


Good for a bit of a chuckle, but at the same time a bit annoying that lying is so easy for her. 

  • Like 4
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Michael Cohen said he took the picture and sent it to Dennis.  Why would he say this if it was not true?  Ok so everyone involved lies......but  was he just being funny?  That's not really funny.  However, could there have been more than one picture taken at the same time? Could they both be telling the truth?  Did some woman also take the same picture?  That place looked like it had a crowd.  Did Bethenny seek out the evidence by asking people who went there to get this shot next time they saw him fooling around?   (Probably)   Also, what would Michael Cohen have against Tom which would motivate him to take this picture?  How are they known to each other? 

Also, if Dennis gave the picture to Bethenny, why lie about it?  What would be bad about this?   She could have said:  Dennis got this from a friend and gave it to me....etc.     Tom was running around with other women while engaged and everyone knew it and the picture was evidence.   It actually doesn't even matter who took it.   What DOES matter is the fact that  Bethenny used it for the show to ambush Luanne and prove herself right.  I mean if she wanted to help Luanne she could have shared the picture with her another way.   Is this the "set up" that Carole is talking about?  Was Carole claiming that Bethenny set Luanne up to be embarrassed on the show?  Bethenny likes to misunderstand things on purpose.  No one was thinking that Bethenny set up the picture itself but she deflected what Carole said with this.   When she said the picture came with a text  she didn't  understand -- "make other plans for NYE" ----that was a  clear reference to the wedding.  Why wouldn't Bethenny understand that? 








Edited by tranquilidade
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