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Getting On - General Discussion

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I didn't get it... what magazines is she reading that they publish not one but multiple pictures of dead dogs?  I think I must have misunderstood the joke.


I love this show and last night's ep was hilarious but I have to admit, I almost felt as a viewer that I was eavesdropping, and not quite understanding everything that was happening on screen.

Those were some curls on Dr Jenna! It seemed like she was saying she would be much happier with a purely research career. Up until now, I thought that maybe she was just trying to use her projects to gain prestige and get ahead, but she seemed to speak genuinely on the topic. And she obviously has a way with her rodents. Unless she was just trying to snow Dr Mary Kay Place into supporting her.


I know it's just a TV show, but the speed at which the research projects go from twinkle in her eye to mice in the room is astounding. I guess she knows a guy.

I loved the scenes between the phenomenal Laurie Metcalf and Mary Kay Place (who was checking her out!)

Yeah, I wasn't sure at first. During the lunch it seemed like everyone was looking at Dr James because she had overdone her do-over, but when she and MKP were just talking together, it became clearer when MKP said, "You're so pretty." And I LOVE that Dr James was eating yogurt at that moment and smiled just enough for us to see the yogurt in her mouth.

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I can totally relate to the way the staff completely freaked out at the potential HIPAA lawsuit.

Our office just recently went through the HIPAA freakout (somebody broke into one of the doctor's car and stole his briefcase with some hospital papers in there). It's a huge deal with notifying patients and their families and yes, we had a HIPAA person come it. That said, I was dying with laughter watching their "notification". 


This show is really hitting its stride - a little less maudlin and more hilarious without turning slapstick. Loving it. 

Edited by ItsHelloPattiagain


And I LOVE that Dr James was eating yogurt at that moment and smiled just enough for us to see the yogurt in her mouth.

I noticed last night that Dr. James talks with food in the corner of her mouth all the time. She was doing it at the awkward lunch too. 


Dr. James' research subjects just crack me up. She's so dedicated at it yet when she spouts off the subject matter I just crack up. 

She had heels and a short dress to go with the curls. Heh, mom thought she looked silly but clearly it was giving her confidence.

The mice were cute! You just know they were thinking, I'm not staying here to get my head scissored off, no way, see ya.

Brava to dawn for firing sherry and then for not telling DiDi the evil thing sherry did.

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There is so much bad acting on TV these days that it's hard for me to resist hyperbole when we have a gem like Getting On. But each episode is flawless (including the writing). Laurie Metcalf has physically transformed her character from drab, hunched and dour when we first met her, to confident, smiley and vampy in the latest episode. It's rare to see a character transformed so brilliantly just by acting. It will be a real shame if award season ignores her.


Has Alex Boorstein lost weight? She continues to give Laurie a run for the acting money. Her little face can convey so much in a short scene.


I've worked in management consulting and many speak the same management psychobabble that Patsy does. In fact, there are often rooms filled with people all speaking this same meaningless language and of course it serves no purpose. The stellar acting makes me loathe the spineless, self-absorbed Patsy.

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When I first watched the episode I was afraid that after Dawn fired DiDi's sister that she didn't fish out those reports that were trashed b/c she was still pissed and just lied about mailing them out, but i'm glad that I was wrong.  I love these three characters, Dr James, DiDi, and Dawn, so much.


I really wish that "Princess" could have gone after Nurse De La Serda and kicked his ass.  He reported DiDi for saying "fairy" but couldn't realize that him calling her "princess" was unprofessional?  I wanted there to be a payoff from Patsy's peanut can, like he could tell some were missing, or we find out that the nurses have been messing with it and that's why nobody is to touch it.  I really hope that from the previews next week that the three girls throw his sorry ass under the bus to save their own behinds.


So are we to take it that June Squibb's character has been there since last season, just not shown?  I love June Squibb and she is great on this show, I was elated when her personality came back talking smack about everyone.  I want to see her back next season.


I love the give and take b/t Dawn and Dr. James.  I love how Dawn changed it from one mouse in the ceiling to at least two or more just to piss her off from not taking her serious.


Miss Birdie was so cute feeding that mouse her toast.

Edited by CMH1981
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I thought it was the weakest one so far, but I still enjoyed it, for nothing else but Niecy's amazing "oh, shit!" when spotting Miss Birdie bonding with her little friend.  She really is a great actress - not only holding her own with the two very strong female leads, but carrying the majority of the caring part.  I mean, Dawn cares about the patients, but she's so sucked into her own personal dramas that she's erratic about it.  DiDi is always there for them.


I hadn't even thought about Jenna having the augmentation - I thought she was wrestling gas.  Though in retrospect, moving around probably isn't the best way to handle that.  

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I really wish that "Princess" could have gone after Nurse De La Serda and kicked his ass.  He reported DiDi for saying "fairy" but couldn't realize that him calling her "princess" was unprofessional? 

Didn't Didi say that Sheri used to be called 'Princess,' like a nickname? I don't think Patsy was using it in a derogatory way. 


Didn't Didi say that Sheri used to be called 'Princess,' like a nickname? I don't think Patsy was using it in a derogatory way.


DiDi did say that it was a nickname, and i'm guessing it was a family type nickname after the story that DiDi shared about growing up in that household.  They are in a professional situation and that didn't give Nurse de la Serda the right to use it; he probably overheard DiDi use it in how they referred to her and he ran with it.  DiDi warned him to stop calling her by that name and he could care less.  He is a clueless dolt and needs to be taken down a peg or ten.

Edited by CMH1981
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Yes, his little gesture of I can't even do this right now was the living end.


But, I could not believe Sherry's vindictiveness. Dawn was so right to fire her. Someone who will do something like that should not get a second chance in the workplace. (maybe anyplace, people show you who they are pretty quickly and rarely change).

I thought it was the weakest one so far, but I still enjoyed it, for nothing else but Niecy's amazing "oh, shit!" when spotting Miss Birdie bonding with her little friend.  She really is a great actress - not only holding her own with the two very strong female leads, but carrying the majority of the caring part.  I mean, Dawn cares about the patients, but she's so sucked into her own personal dramas that she's erratic about it.  DiDi is always there for them.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. Niecy Nash is is an amazing actress who more than holds her own in this series, and I love the depth and compassion she brings to the character.

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DiDi did say that it was a nickname, and i'm guessing it was a family type nickname after the story that DiDi shared about growing up in that household.  They are in a professional situation and that didn't give Nurse de la Serda the right to use it; he probably overheard DiDi use it in how they referred to her and he ran with it.  DiDi warned him to stop calling her by that name and he could care less.  He is a clueless dolt and needs to be taken down a peg or ten.

I wasn't trying to completely absolve Patsy for his using 'Princess.' I took the original post to be equating his use of 'Princess' to someone calling a coworker honey, baby, sweetheart, etc. I agree that it wasn't professional and that Patsy simply shouldn't have been calling her that.

I loved the scenes between the phenomenal Laurie Metcalf and Mary Kay Place (who was checking her out!)


So that's what was happening! I kept thinking (including through their second scene) that MKP was observing something off about her. Couldn't figure out what it was, though. (Other than everything.)


Also...can someone in the health care field explain what "scatter beds" are? Enquiring minds want to know.


Oh, and one more thing related to the scatter beds...I think that what we're meant to gather is that the geriatric wing will make a lot more money off of hospice-care patients (who will die soon and give way to different hospice-care patients) than it makes off of long-term care patients. But if this was ever spelled-out, it was spelled-out so rapidly and using such technical language that I didn't understand it. I think I'm getting it from context, but I'd like to know if I'm on the right track. (Not to mention wanting to know how the concept of "scatter beds" fits into the whole scheme--but for that, I'd have to know what scatter beds are.)

Edited by Milburn Stone

Here is an answer to the "scatter bed" question:  "Hospice contracts with a facility to provide care in whatever beds are available and where the host facility chooses to place the patient."


Taken from this presentation:  http://www.calhospice.org/included/docs/education/3C_Hospice_Inpatient_Care_Swiger.pdf 


Confirmed with Dr. Muffyn.  So we were on the right track.  They are taking in hospice patients and putting them in any available bed.  Miss Birdy has a comfort suite, but few hospice patients do. 

Here is an answer to the "scatter bed" question:  "Hospice contracts with a facility to provide care in whatever beds are available and where the host facility chooses to place the patient."


Thanks, Muffyn. And, it seems, Dr. James has worked it out that wherever in the entire hospital the hospice patients end up, a cut goes to her (since she's the one who made the deal with the hospice company.) Er, right?


Dr. James has worked it out that wherever in the entire hospital the hospice patients end up, a cut goes to her (since she's the one who made the deal with the hospice company.) Er, right?


That's what it seems or what Dr. James thought would happen, but as we saw last week it seems the money goes directly to the hospital and is earmarked for the department since we saw Nurse de la Serda trying to use it to buy new televisions for the rooms and then the hospital board putting a halt on Dr. James research.  I think Dr. James thinks that the money is hers to use for her personal research (since she signed off for all of the hospice beds and other programs to start up there), but the hospital board doesn't see it that way, which is right imo.  Dr. James didn't think this through all the way.

Edited by CMH1981

I don't know, I could see Dawn getting married that quick in order to stick it to Nurse de la Serda.  She knows what she wants, she wants someone who wants her and is willing take care of her and be there for her, not be hot one moment and cold the next like Patsy was.  Dawn has a guy who is willing to take on all her debt and has been interested in her from afar for awhile.  I do think that this is going to get messy next season(?) since she likes the idea of two guys wanting her.  This will blow up in her face big time.


DiDi has been concerned about her salary for awhile now and I have a feeling that her husband at home has probably been asking questions as to why isn't making more money with this new job and everything.  Truth be told she should have found out all the details when she got promoted regarding salary and other perks, but I would be there w/her giving an ultimatum/time frame to get the pay and back pay she deserved.


This episode was great and I hope the show gets nominated for an Emmy for comedy series as well as Laurie Metcalf for best actress, she was perfect in this episode and I felt bad for her as she realized she was in over her head.  I would think she would be protected somewhat since after speaking w/the Hospice program they dropped her at the first signs of trouble since Jayma Mays character didn't explain everything fully and gave her the go ahead to do what was done.  It was confusing so i'm probably getting everything wrong w/how it all played out.


I loved Dr. James quick hand off of the interns, it showed how much she couldn't care about them overall.  It was also great seeing Dr. James give Nurse de la Serda some words of encouragement then bad mouth him behind his back.  Does Mary Kay Place's character know that Dr. James is married or does she just not care.


The final scene was great and perfect if this happens to be the series finale.

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I wonder if the little sex talk scene between Dawn and Patsy was improv.


Everything was genius. Honestly, I cannot find one minute of this series I have not enjoyed. I wonder if any of the under 40 crowd watches it.


Excellent scene showing us what the staff observes/endures while attending a death-by-DNR. I guess Dr. James' near-throttling of poor Mrs. Lee was a metaphor for the doctor determined not to give up the fight against the hospital bureaucracy.


I never knew Niecy was such a talent. I've loved her over the years, in small doses because her personality and roles are BIG, but she effortlessly slides from the series' quiet straight "man" to holding her own when the other lunatics let loose.


Even the hospice nurse is note perfect.

Edited by pasdetrois
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I don't know, I could see Dawn getting married that quick in order to stick it to Nurse de la Serda.  She knows what she wants, she wants someone who wants her and is willing take care of her and be there for her, not be hot one moment and cold the next like Patsy was.  Dawn has a guy who is willing to take on all her debt and has been interested in her from afar for awhile.  I do think that this is going to get messy next season(?) since she likes the idea of two guys wanting her.  This will blow up in her face big time.

Very good point about the debt. It is tangible evidence of his commitment that he is willing to take it on. 


The discussion with Patsy about the body parts he likes: there's not enough "EWWWWW" in the world to describe it.

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I loved this ep, but it was excruciating to watch. I just can't imagine what's going to happen to Dr James. Just incredible.



In previous eps when the hospice rep was talking to Dr James, I couldn't follow everything she said. The writing was amazing, and the delivery rapid-fire. I wonder if the rep really did say what Dr James thought she said, or if Dr James misinterpreted it. Of course she loved getting the extra money to use for her projects, so maybe it's a little of both.



Dawn getting married was crazy. I can see her doing something like that, at least partially motivated by wanting to get back at Patsy. Her husband (Dennis?) really seems like a sweetheart. It's horrible that he had to stand there and hear that icky conversation betw Dawn and Patsy.


The final scene was amazing. 

"Don't mess with a Tri-Delt."  Truer words have never been spoken.


Everything was genius. Honestly, I cannot find one minute of this series I have not enjoyed. I wonder if any of the under 40 crowd watches it.



Raises hand!  After "Veep," it's my favorite comedy on all of television.  Six-episode seasons are so short, but if it means the the show will keep coming back, I can put up with it.  My favorite thing about the finale was Ms. Birdy's gentleman caller.  I'd forgotten all about him, but not the writers.  Their continuity is so, so good.

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The hospice rep did say all of those things to Dr. James, and she said the line about being careful to respect the laws and watch the boundaries of what they were doing.  Dr. James just went so fast with accepting hospice patients that she raised major red flags.  


Patsy and Dawn's body parts discussion was so funny and cringe-inducing.  Both of their facial expressions throughout were genius.  


Dr. James, while reacting to not wanting to be known as Dr.Death did inadvertently do something kind for the family.  They seemed to have stepped out when the staff was watching Mrs. Kim die.  When they brought her back, even if it was just by shaking her and yelling at her, the family came in.  Unless they had chosen to step out to not see the moment of her death, Dr. James may have relieved them of the guilt of "we stepped away for a moment and she died".  It happens quite often.  


I have this weird feeling that Didi's video to Dr. James will help them get out of at least some of the mess they're in.  Didi clearly was under the impression that she was being paid by the hospital, not the hospice, which was an issue in the legal case.  

  • Love 4

Patsy and Dawn's body parts discussion was so funny and cringe-inducing.  Both of their facial expressions throughout were genius.  


It raised my consciousness.  I mean, I know that you don't have to be a 10 to be sexually attractive (hell, I might be a 4 on a good day and I've had my share), but watching those two go on about Dawn's body parts was an eye-opener. 


I'm disappointed that the hospital admin/legal are so willing to throw Jenna and the others under the bus.  Where was their oversight on the hospice deal?  Shouldn't they have been involved from the beginning?  Why do they think they'll be in the clear by blaming everything on Jenna?


But I'm also disappointed that Jenna wanted to destroy files.  It fits with her not always thinking things through -- she can be pretty manic. 

  • Love 1

Everything was genius. Honestly, I cannot find one minute of this series I have not enjoyed. I wonder if any of the under 40 crowd watches it.



I am 28, as is my wife, and we both watch and love it. Then again, I'm someone who has spent a lot of time in hospitals, and she's about to get her BSN, so perhaps that has something to do with it.


Loved this episode. Everything was pitch perfect. Funny, sad and insane. I loathe Jayma Mays' character. Dr. James did do exactly what she told her to do, and now she's completely fucked because of her. I really hope this gets renewed. Come on, HBO. Don't do to this what you did to my other favorite female centered show, Enlightened. This can't be that expensive to make, and it is so well-written.

I wonder if any of the under 40 crowd watches it.


*raises hand*  I stumbled upon this gem while idly clicking through HBO on Demand, looking for a movie to watch.  I saw Niecy Nash (with no makeup!) in the little teaser clips that they show on the guide and I decided to tune in.  What kept me watching was the offbeat humor and the setting, especially having a (very) brief turn as a nursing assistant.


There were so many golden moments last night, I'll honestly have to rewatch to catch it all.  I loved Mary Kay Place inviting a stressed and oblivious Laurie Metcalf to her house and it was only after MKP told her that her swimsuit wouldn't be necessary that LM's lightbulb seemed to come on.  Since Jenna's made prior references to life "before Richard", I wonder if she'd consider taking that dip after all?


I thought DiDi's video message was out of place too, but I see Muffyn's point in that it can be what exonerates her.


This may sound really weird, but I liked seeing Alex Borstein's fleshy legs when Dawn was making out Dennis.  It just added another element of reality that TV doesn't like to show often, like all the actors wearing little to no makeup, or Jenna's sparse head of hair after snatching all her clip-ins out, or when Dawn didn't want to report Patsy's panic attack because he'd gotten a warning about his BMI.  This show is GOLD just for that aspect alone.


The show seemed to end so abruptly--I sat in front of the TV for a good 15 seconds, hoping for some coming attractions for next week.  There is too much happening!  The files being seized, Patsy and Dennis fighting, Jenna as Dr. Death?!  What's going to happen to her career?  All for some damn mice?! 


HBO, are you really going to have us wait until next November for season 3?  Really?  If so, can we get a full season's worth of episodes?  Six is just not enough.

Edited by Ceruleana
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I wouldn't mind at least 10 episodes per season for this little gem of a show, but I'm wondering if it's due to the 3 main actresses schedules.  Laurie has multiple roles on other shows/networks, as does Niecy, and well we know Alex does Family Guy voice work which isn't that time consuming really.  I can just see that they have a small window where all the schedules work out and w/family life and other projects they can only film for maybe a month and half or such.  If we can only get 6 episodes a season but get at least 5 seasons then i'm okay w/it.

Those were clip ons! I was so confused. I thought shed gotten a perm.

Once again dr. James shows us that underneath all the nutty a good doctor is in there. Her bedside manner lacks but she's never been entirely wrong and I can't forget how she laced into that intern who didn't do non allergy test.

Oh the conversation! At least dawn seems to understand that patsy is gay. Eve if Patsy's in denial. Dennis seems sweet though why he'd rush into marriag eludes me.

I didn't quite understand the twist at the end with the hospice, and I certainly don't understand how the nurses would have been responsible.  That seemed like a real stretch for me.  Plus, there are other nurses on that floor - why are only the 4 main characters involved?  This episode was a bit maudlin for me but still love the show.

Those were clip ons! I was so confused. I thought shed gotten a perm.

I know! It was a shock to me when she started pulling the clip-ons off.



Oh the conversation! At least dawn seems to understand that patsy is gay. Eve if Patsy's in denial. 

I guess I missed something (again). Where was it apparent that Dawn knows Patsy is gay?


Where was it apparent that Dawn knows Patsy is gay?

I think it was apparent when Dawn started quizzing Patsy on what parts of her body he liked, i'm pretty sure they were the parts that could pass for the parts on a man.  It wasn't stated as a fact she knows or called him out on it, but it seems like it is dawning on Dawn.  Dawn has probably always had an idea that Patsy might be gay and just confused, there are lots of women that think they can change a gay guy.  I can totally buy Dawn as that type.


Did we ever get an explanation for Dr. James makeover?  Did she just decide to change her look and glam it up w/the extensions 

Dawn set her sights on Patsy the moment he came to work there. I'm assuming that in her thinking, since she and Patsy had been intimate (and believing she was pregnant), that  that was enough to conquer whatever ambiguous feelings he had. She even told him as much in the episode where he had the panic attack.  I felt like she was hurt chiefly by his rejecting her -- not because he might be gay.


I didn't think too much of Dr. James getting a make-over. Things had been seemingly going her way and she felt good about herself.


Then bam.


God, I was wasn't expecting such a tumultuous episode. There are dramatic moments in this show that are poignant and brief but this was non-stop chaos, even as Dr. James was shaking Mrs. Lee back to life. 


Still, that ending was brilliant. 



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I think she knew something was up.

Or rather, not up.

Ugh, Patsy talking about the very deep place they went to. Just ugh.

Given that he said that after they were discussing which parts of her body he liked, my mind went right to the 12 year old place.  I'll swap your "ugh" for an ew.  



I took that whole conversation to be Dawn asking if he found her sexually attractive because of her body shape. I could be wrong.

I don't think he minds her shape.  He seemed to say he likes everything except what is between her legs.  He is not attracted to female genitalia, whether idealized or not.  

Edited by Muffyn
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