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My cats have (almost) all been short haired, and they all LOVE my old hairbrush - a 1950's natural bristle brush I used all my life that is now seriously worn down.  The bristles are semi-soft, and it has never failed to make my boys drool with bliss.  ;-)

Speaking of drooling with bliss, my dearly departed pure black kitty, Da Boy, had a strange bathroom foot fetish.  He'd run into the bathroom every time I was on the toilet, and rub his face on my bare feet until he purred so hard he actually drooled.   Never did it anywhere else in the house.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Question for those owned by cats: recommendation for a cat brush? Kitty Gunderson The Elder hates to be brushed. Given her advanced age, she needs more than a little help. She has medium hair, and very thick; she also sheds like crazy. She dislikes the Furminator and those grooming gloves. I’d like to find something that I could brush her with every day while she’s napping. That would be preferable to the current once a week torture session. Any suggestions for brush types? Also, anything for after I’m done brushing her, to get off all the loose fur that she deposits for the next few hours? I think I get it all with the brush but if I pet her I come away with a handful of fur. 

You can also try an undercoat comb. It has alternating long and short teeth and gets a surprising amount of hair. It also seems to be less annoying to the cat than any brush I've tried, so it's my fallback when nothing else works.

  • Love 4

So in the annals of what we put up with to be owned by cats, my Louis, a rather senior orange short haired tom, has taken to sleeping on my desk these summer months (only at night) as I remove my laptop each day when I finish work and move it to the living room for the evening. Apparently it is not enough that now I have cat fur all over the desk, last night he threw up a big orange fur ball there and then skedaddled, leaving it for me to deal with first thing this morning. I have been brushing him every day but he is shedding like mad and grooming a lot. I have checked him for fleas (no sign and the vet checked him a few weeks ago when we had him in for boarding) - are older cats susceptible to any non-visible coat/skin irritation that would cause a lot of grooming and shedding I should be aware of?

21 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Question for those owned by cats: recommendation for a cat brush? Kitty Gunderson The Elder hates to be brushed. Given her advanced age, she needs more than a little help. She has medium hair, and very thick; she also sheds like crazy. She dislikes the Furminator and those grooming gloves. I’d like to find something that I could brush her with every day while she’s napping. That would be preferable to the current once a week torture session. Any suggestions for brush types? Also, anything for after I’m done brushing her, to get off all the loose fur that she deposits for the next few hours? I think I get it all with the brush but if I pet her I come away with a handful of fur. 

I bought a horse’s face brush and my kitties (especially Big Boy who hates to be groomed) like it. 6EB5EC5F-20A1-4528-8288-F91CC2F04D7A.jpeg.13d67481e5f35ecd0dcd08a64a51e021.jpeg

Here’s a pic so that you can get an idea of its size. It is soft, washable and does a good job.  Mine especially like it around their faces and ears. 

  • Love 2

My cats are shedding like mad this summer, too.  I think it's because it's been hot and humid for longer periods than usual.  I should be brushing them at least every other day, but I've been in chorus rehearsals like mad for the last month and am paying for it in hairballs (fortunately I haven't found one by stepping on it, yet).

  • Love 1

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! I have purchased a few new brushes (including a "curry comb" for cats), one of which will hopefully work. I'm also going to try different brushes on different parts/at different times in the grooming process. I've been doing it all wrong apparently. Kitty Gunderson The Elder feels somewhat vindicated by this, and has given me her version of "told you so," which involves her epic side eye and serious tail twitching. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Jaded said:

Yikes.  Often, recalls are because the company notices an error was made in the production process that could have resulted in the contamination of products coming in/out of the facility on X date(s) - the cause is known, the risk is potential.  They correct the problem, recall the potentially-affected lot numbers, and carry on.  This one is because state Agriculture Dept. inspectors actually found the bacteria in the food, and the company has shut down production until the cause can be found.

  • Love 2

Poor Little Mama is so scared of thunderstorms. She's even scared of a hard rain. It storms almost every afternoon--sometimes twice, like today. She hid in the tub and behind the toilet. She will only let me hold her for a minute or two, then goes back to hide. Fearless Little Girl, meanwhile, sits in the window watching the lightning. When Mama bravely emerged, both girls got treats and praise.

  • Love 11

I fell asleep at a time that was earlier then my usual night owl ways with someone beside my legs which made me wrongly assume we were done for the night.  Since I assumed wrong I'm now awake after a little over 3hrs of sleep watching a The Facts of Life "best of" marathon on LOGO that's dedicated to Charlotte Rae because someone threw a fit to get me up. He's fallen back asleep in front of me beside my laptop keyboard since the job he set out to do is done and meowing at me for what I guess was food didn't work. I tried so hard to ignore him but the siren song from the bathroom won out.

  • Love 5

Lily has had a tough week.  On Tuesday she went for her radioactive iodine consultation appointment and blood test, and hated everything about it except the air conditioning at the hospital.  Yesterday the handyman showed up at 8:30 AM to replace the innards of my toilet, and she regards any stranger who comes in with equipment as the vet.  She didn't like the washing machine repairman last fall either.  This morning she got up, had breakfast, and went into the back of a very deep closet and stayed there.

Fortunately/unfortunately for her, the blood test came back with low thyroid and high kidney values, which are probably related and due to the thyroid medication.  So she gets 1/4 pill instead of 1/2 pill twice a day for two weeks, and then another blood test (which I can call my regular house-call vet for, thankfully), and if the thyroid and kidneys have sorted themselves out, then we can schedule radioactivity for whenever the next treatment group is after the end of August.  She won't be going anywhere for at least three weeks.

I suppose it works out better for me in the long run because I paid for scuba classes at the beginning of this month and I won't have to spend serious money on vet bills at the end of this month, but so much for getting this over with.

  • Love 4

Hyperthyroidism and kidney disease together is a tricky dance, because the former can mask the latter, and sometimes it prevents you from being able to do the radioiodine therapy (because permanently resetting the T4 level like that will leave the kidney values too high), so I hope everything works out smoothly.  I'm sure Lily is enjoying the reprieve, at least.

  • Love 3

Got an appointment w/the county Humane Society for this Thursday to get my kittens fixed; in preparation for that, the male (Harry) is in the smaller of two kennels, and the females (Sally and Wilma) are in the larger of two kennels. After they're serviced, that is how they'll remain in the interim (for the next two weeks) until we let them outside for them to get their first taste of the outside world. I hope it doesn't take too long for them to adjust!

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

Those kittens are lucky to have such a kind person taking care of them, after rescuing them! I understand how it will cause you some anxiety while they recover but don't worry, they will bounce back before you know it. Recently we loaned a trailer to someone and when they returned it somehow a kitten had hitched a ride! It is about the same age as the ones you have so I think of you often. My husband heard her the next day in the woods (where the trailer was parked) but couldn't find her. Then I came home the next day towards darkness, after going to Florence, SC to pick up my nieces, and my son and his sweetie were taking off a vent cover on one side of the house, flashlights glowing and on the other side crawling under the house trying to get the little kitten out from there. They got her and took her to their house, right down the road from me. She is thriving and soon to be vetted up like your three. 

Nice save. *applause*

  • Love 5

Took the kittens to be serviced yesterday, and brought them back yesterday afternoon; Harry is pretty much the only one of the three to really not be happy with what was done to him (perhaps because he is a male); the others aren't happy either, but they seem to be adjusting. 

We put E-collars on all three of them, and while Sally and Wilma seem to be adjusting to theirs, Harry has torn his collar off several times; no matter how tightly we tied his collar on, he's found ways to tear it off. Finally, we just said forget it, and we're going to hope that Harry doesn't touch the operation site in the interim.

We also gave them their first doses of medicine earlier this morning at 7; we've got to do it again at 7 tonight. 

  • Love 4

Between my vacation and my business trip I've been out of town pretty much all week. I got home Wednesday night and took a sick day yesterday (was supposed to work from home) because I feel like crap and went to bed before 9. Guess who decided it was time to play with ALL HIS TOYS* on my back in the middle of the night? Seriously, woke up to someone killing a kicktoy around 2am and this morning there were 4 toys* in the bed.


Not literally all his toys, he has way more than 4 toys.

  • Love 8

Poor Kitty Gunderson the Elder has a UTI and is quarantined in the kitchen (again). She’s doing better but it’s sad to see her pressing her face up against the baby gate. Next Saturday is her 22nd birthday so we’re hoping she will feel all better by then. It’s also the Younger’s birthday, but she’s only 18. Both were born at the end of August so we decided they were born on my birthday to make it easy. They get more of a celebration than I do, which according to them is only fitting.

  • Love 16

I bought a new litter box - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075VT99XF/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

If they use it, I predict a much more litter free bathroom. The kitten-cat already used it, sans lid. I put the lid on and left the second box (the one I use for travel) out. I already tossed their daily box but I did put the litter from that box into the new box. They hardly used their daily box while I was gone, using the second box instead. I bet the daily box smelled terrible to them :(

  • Love 1
On 8/17/2018 at 2:45 PM, MargeGunderson said:

Poor Kitty Gunderson the Elder has a UTI and is quarantined in the kitchen (again). She’s doing better but it’s sad to see her pressing her face up against the baby gate. Next Saturday is her 22nd birthday so we’re hoping she will feel all better by then. It’s also the Younger’s birthday, but she’s only 18. Both were born at the end of August so we decided they were born on my birthday to make it easy. They get more of a celebration than I do, which according to them is only fitting.

Do you know what they are getting you for your birthday? We need pictures of them enjoying the toys and treats you're getting them!

  • Love 6

I’ve got a dog shaming page a day calendar that would very much use that photo. 

My favorites are the yellow labs who ate entire plates of people food off the counter and are just smiling and happy and thinking “This has been a great day! I ate a bunch of food, I got a sign, I’m getting my picture taken!” Too dopey and happy to feel shame. 

  • Love 10

The cat-cat just woke up from his sun baked nap-nap on his windowsill perch and has that post nap daze going on.. The kitten-cat is going bonkers chasing his favorite ball around and slid right into the cat-cat (wood floors). Now the cat-cat is extra dazed and confused.

Does anyone need fur to build a cat? I washed the blankets that are on my bed, sent it through a double rinse and the dryer trap caught more than enough for to at least start a kitten. These aren't even the blankets where the kitties sleep and are under the duvet cover.

Edited by theredhead77
  • Love 7

Not sure what has gotten into my kitties lately, but they have been increasingly more frantic about getting their morning wet food. They used to just follow me into the kitchen and patiently waited as I opened the can. Now they work themselves into mini-panic attacks as they rush around and plead frantically as I make my way from the bedroom into the kitchen and open the can.

I wake up at the same time every day, they have no issues with their dry food as I have to replenish the bowl daily, so I can only assume that they have some animal intuition that the apocalypse is nigh and they are preparing for a future "lean season".

Also, they never seem to have to use the litterbox so urgently as when it's soaking in soap during its weekly deep cleaning. Funny how they forget how much they have to use it when the cleaning is finished and the box is replenished with fresh litter.

Edited by AgentRXS
  • Love 10
12 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Also, they never seem to have to use the litterbox so urgently as when it's soaking in soap during its weekly deep cleaning. Funny how they forget how much they have to use it when the cleaning is finished and the box is replenished with fresh litter.

I tend to clean during naptime but last week when I was switching out the old box for the new box I put the old box outside (not cleaning a box I'm trashing) until I could take it to the trash later Within minutes the cat-cat was pawing at the door to the balcony to get to the litter box. Never mind both the new box and their second box is in the bathroom. I had to carry him in there to show him it's OK. Poor little (big) guy.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Does anyone need fur to build a cat? I washed the blankets that are on my bed, sent it through a double rinse and the dryer trap caught more than enough for to at least start a kitten. These aren't even the blankets where the kitties sleep and are under the duvet cover.

When I groom mine (Furminator and brush) I collect all the fur and then toss it into the yard. The birds collect it to pad their nests with. It kind of amazes me as I’d think birds wouldn’t want to line them with the fur of their predator, but they do. 

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Also, they never seem to have to use the litterbox so urgently as when it's soaking in soap during its weekly deep cleaning.

Riley is so regimented on what time of night she uses the box, I never have to worry about it, but Maddie and Baxter were like that.  And then when it was all clean and filled with fresh litter, it was a race to see who could claim it for the inaugural pee.  One time Maddie had peed in the old litter right before the cleaning, and I swear she was pissed (pun intended) to not have anything to deposit in the clean litter.

My friend is having her place deep cleaned today, so her cat is going to be spending the day with me (out in my "cantina" - my game room/bar/what have you - though, so she and Riley will not have to deal with each other).  It will be interesting to see how she does; she loathes getting in the carrier and the car, but she loves her Auntie Bastet and is a pretty chill cat at home, so I'm hoping she'll settle down and be okay for the day. 

  • Love 3

Kitty Gunderson the Elder has been released from kitty jail, much to her pleasure. She is feeling much better (we had one very, very rough day) but she’s bright eyed and trying to use her litter box (hey, puppy pad is close enough). She also trying to make up for lost time with her people and is velcroing herself to whomever is closest. My Gunderson was home sick for the last couple of days so checked on her often, and now I’m home sick so she’ll be in kitty nirvana tomorrow, cuddling me on the couch.

  • Love 9

UTIs suck.  Maddie went through a phase where she kept getting UTIs caused by e.coli (I don't know if she was getting turds stuck in her tailfeathers, or what).  The time in between was close enough I wondered if, rather than discrete infections, it was a case of a few lingering bacteria each time, not enough to show up in the follow-up culture, which was always clear, but enough to slowly repopulate and ultimately cause another infection.  I didn't want to subject her to those nasty Baytril pills longer than a regular course, but that bacteria is also sensitive to Convenia (the broad-spectrum antibiotic that can be given via an injection that lasts for about two weeks), so I gave her an injection every two weeks for six weeks, and she never had another UTI, thank goodness. 

Maddie was a very stoic cat, and her UTI symptoms were very subtle (except for the first one, where she'd had it so long without doing any of the usual things that would let me know she had one, that she just up and peed on the bed with me in it one morning, like, "Mom!  The vet, please"), but having had them myself, I know she can't have been thrilled with them, so I was happy she didn't have to go through it again.

  • Love 6
On 8/19/2018 at 6:44 AM, bosawks said:

Ah hah!   

Confession is good for the soul.....


That look?  Is just not in a cat's repertoire of expressions.  Even when they've done a Very Bad Thing, right under your nose, despite your verbal warnings - "N-O means NO, Babalu!" - and threats of the spray bottle (the topper is a shark's jaws for the nozzle), they just flinch, blink, and give you the stink eye, tail a'twitching!  :-)

  • Love 6

The indoor/outdoor cat debate is an interesting one.  I am a firm believer in indoor-only cats.  My husband thinks that cats should be able to roam wherever they want (he also only had one cat growing up and it disappeared at the paws of something else.  I rest my case).  Our current cat has always been a handful.  We adopted her when she was 9 months old--she had been a stray and had never been fostered.  That cat wanted OUT.  And, on occasion, she did get out (and quickly returned).  However, this past summer, I have been letting her out into our fenced backyard *while we are outside with her* and, frankly, she has no interest whatsoever leaving the yard.  She did once go over the fence to our neighbor's yard when my husband let her out and didn't keep an eye on her.   When their dog, who was inside to the time, came to their sliding glass door, our cat was so freaked that she "levitated" (according to my husband) back over the fence.  But, other than that, all she really wants to do is sit in the sun.

I dream of having a catio for her, but my husband is a very hard no on that point.  Personally, I would never let her roam out in the neighborhood, thanks to there being too many cars and being too close to open spaces where other creatures make their homes, but I have become comfortable with going out with her so that she can have some fresh air time.

  • Love 5

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