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I adopted both these cats separately as adults, but you wouldn't know it by looking at them. I've never seen 2 non-related cats bond so deeply. They are always this close to each other when sleeping/relaxing, and they often groom each other as well. What's funny is the grey tabby (Diamond) was super cat aggressive at the shelter, and with her previous cat housemates. Ella (black tabby/white) is the only cat that she's ever gotten along with.

Ella used to be the peacemaker cat and she used to love mothering kittens when I would foster for the shelter. I had to stop fostering because the stress of "losing" her kittens  when they returned to the shelter took a toll on her and she started to overgroom herself.  After months of no kittens, I brought one home for like 2 nights, while it was awaiting transfer to another foster home. By that point, Diamond's attitude rubbed off on her and they were both pretty mean to the kitten (as much as you can be through a bathroom door).

Anyway, wanna talk about cats being not forgiving? I took this photo last night and didn't realize had it on the auto-flash setting and of course, they got blinded by the glare. I apologized profusely but Diamond wasn't having it. This morning I got woken up by her tail beating me across the face. No one can hold a grudge or retaliate better than a cat.

Diamond and Ella.jpg

Edited by AgentRXS
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13 hours ago, Maharincess said:

@walnutqueen,  everybody I've texted the picture to has chosen number 3. He's the one I chose too but I'm going ti wait until I can meet them all in a few weeks. They were just born this morning.  

Oh, crap!  Contrarian that I am, I now want you to pick the ugliest runt of the litter.  Because the runty rejects always make the BEST pets, dontcha know!  :-)

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Not really a PET story, but it is animal related ... This morning Bubs & I were just settling in for another catnap when I received a distressed call from a lady who somehow remembered me back from my wild bird rescue days (more than a decade ago).  She had an injured mourning dove in her back yard she couldn't quite catch, and had an Easter morning event to attend.  Luckily, she lived close to me, and I was able to find my bird nets, carrier, and assorted emergency supplies in quick order.  Juvenile dove was caught easily, and she looked good with no visible wounds or breaks beyond a droopy left wing.  All the wildlife rescue people were MIA, but we managed to find an emergency bird/animal hospital in our area that would take the bird and offer supportive care until the wildlife folks could pick her up tomorrow.  So I transported the bird to said hospital, and did my good deed for the day.  It was more driving than I've done in a month of Sundays, yet I am somehow exhilarated, albeit a little sore.  I figure Jesus would approve.  ;-)

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1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

Oh, crap!  Contrarian that I am, I now want you to pick the ugliest runt of the litter.  Because the runty rejects always make the BEST pets, dontcha know!  :-)

I know I've told you in the past that my Harley was the rejected runt of the litter. He wasn't cared for by his mother so I got him at 4 weeks old. He was the bestest, most perfect dog ever. 

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Just now, Maharincess said:

I know I've told you in the past that my Harley was the rejected runt of the litter. He wasn't cared for by his mother so I got him at 4 weeks old. He was the bestest, most perfect dog ever. 

And here you thought I didn't remember ... it's only my short term menopausal memory that's been shot to shit, eh!   :-)

And since you've occasionally exhibited a sign or two of contrariness yourself ... well, I just had to put that thought out into the Universe, knowing you'd understand me and take it in the jovial spirit it was intended.

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1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

And here you thought I didn't remember ... it's only my short term menopausal memory that's been shot to shit, eh!   :-)

And since you've occasionally exhibited a sign or two of contrariness yourself ... well, I just had to put that thought out into the Universe, knowing you'd understand me and take it in the jovial spirit it was intended.

I love my @walnutqueen!! I was actually wondering if I had told you or if my menopausal memory was messing with me. Again!  I'm so happy you found our little off topic section.

My Harley was the best. You heard every damn story I have about him.  I know there's no such thing as the perfect dog but he was damn close to perfect. 

@DeLurker, it is going to be a verrrry long few weeks. Its a 2 hour drive to go meet them and I already have my ride and a back up ride in case the first ride flakes. I'm going to take the grandkids out with me when I go meet them. They love my animals and I want them to feel involved in the adoption process.   I can not wait to meet them. Since Kaylee was one of the rescues greatest success stories, I have first pick of the litter.  They emailed me to tell me they just had puppies born before they even posted them on the website.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to ask for male number 3 just going by markings but I reserve the right to change my mind. I definitely want a male though.   The rescue wants me to adopt the pups mama but I want a puppy this time.  All of my pets except Harley have been rescues. The fact that the puppies are coming from the rescue helps ease my guilt a little.  

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45 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I love my @walnutqueen!! I was actually wondering if I had told you or if my menopausal memory was messing with me. Again!  I'm so happy you found our little off topic section.

My Harley was the best. You heard every damn story I have about him.  I know there's no such thing as the perfect dog but he was damn close to perfect. 

@DeLurker, it is going to be a verrrry long few weeks. Its a 2 hour drive to go meet them and I already have my ride and a back up ride in case the first ride flakes. I'm going to take the grandkids out with me when I go meet them. They love my animals and I want them to feel involved in the adoption process.   I can not wait to meet them. Since Kaylee was one of the rescues greatest success stories, I have first pick of the litter.  They emailed me to tell me they just had puppies born before they even posted them on the website.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to ask for male number 3 just going by markings but I reserve the right to change my mind. I definitely want a male though.   The rescue wants me to adopt the pups mama but I want a puppy this time.  All of my pets except Harley have been rescues. The fact that the puppies are coming from the rescue helps ease my guilt a little.  

Right back atcha, Maharincess!

And this old age/menopausal brain?  I'm beginning to fear I'm like my great-grandparents, dying grandma, and dying Mum, telling the same old tired stories OVER and OVER and OVER again.  And I'm the only one slightly amused or interested!

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So I follow one of the rescues that I work with on FB. One of the volunteers had trapped a feral pregnant cat and fostered her through the birth and weaning of the kittens. Kittens will be placed for adoption shortly. Mother cat will be returned to her caretaker's property.  The volunteer decided to document the cat (named Tiny)'s journey through indoor domestication and motherhood through a diary, written from the cat's perspective. Today was Tiny's spay day, and "her" journal entry is gold. Thought you all here would appreciate it. This volunteer definitely needs to write a book:


Tiny's diary, day 52: today, the inevitable horror I had been dreading arrived. The Jailer entered our cell early in the morning with a portable cell. Despite my best efforts, I was trapped inside and loaded into her vehicle. Then followed 25 minutes of listening to recorded human caterwauling as the Jailer also caterwauled along like a tomcat arriving to a fight. Another incomprehensible human ritual... why would one make a recording of that?

Thankfully the racket ended on our arrival at the medical clinic, but I was brought in for sterilization and injections of an unknown substance. Curiously, blood and fecal samples were collected--experimental purposes? There were a dozen Resistance fighters total. One male named Zorro lured the medical technicians with false affection and then turned on them when they attempted to lift him. I had to stifle my amusement at their reactions. Even such experienced humans are still so easily tricked!

So now I can no longer produce warriors for the Resistance. Yet I cannot consider myself unlucky when I met fighters today who were too young for reproduction and now are sterilized. We are still a force of 6 where once there was only one. If motherhood cannot be my contribution, then I shall find another way to fight. This is merely one miniscule battle in a war much bigger than any individual. #RESIST!

The first paragraph is everything LOL

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@AgentRXS, I LOVE THAT!  Do you have a link so I can read more?  I agree she needs to write a book. I can picture a cat thinking all of that. Thank you for sharing. 

Edited by Maharincess
Removed something that made me sound like a dumb ass. .
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@Maharincess Unfortunately this was posted on their invitation only page for sharing animals to bring into the rescue and for fosters (some of my former fosters had been transferred to that rescue). So I don't know if you will be able to see if it I link it. I asked one of my rescue contacts why Tiny's story hasn't been posted on the main page, as it is hilarious, and she said.....and I kind you not.... that people called and complained to the rescue that they felt the cat was being abused. Yes, someone actually believed the feral cat was writing its POV on captivity on a  public FB page....they got so many complaints they had  remove the posts  and keep it an inside joke. I can copy and paste more chapters and post them here or in a PM? Let me know....

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So Schrödinger is going to find himself in a box and on the way to the vet soon. Every few months he scratches himself raw around his neck. I usually catch it and can redirect so he heals but I suck and missed it this time. I think he's allergic to fleas and I was late on his Revolution.

I tried to clean the area this evening with cold water on a cotton ball. He sat there and let me so it must have felt good. 

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@AgentRXS - your cats have 'tudes!  That is a great picture!

In other news, Sir Robin is no longer mad at me.  I can tell because he's back to giving me butt face.  I think the extra generous spoonfuls of tuna the last day or two has helped him get over his miff.

Edited by DeLurker
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A light went out in my daughter's ceiling fan. She has a vaulted ceiling, so I need a ladder to change the bulb. I set up the ladder, climbed up, removed the old bulb. I went to the garbage can in the bathroom to throw out the old bulb. I came back into the room maybe fifteen seconds later and the ladder had been claimed by the kitten. And not just claimed, but claimed and stretched out on it like a lion.


Edited by JTMacc99
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@JTMacc99, that is so damn cute I can't stand it. Cats are so weirdly awesome. I watch my psycho cat much more than I ever watch my TV. 

For the past couple of weeks I've noticed the most beautiful young cat wandering around my property. None of the people who live around here let their cats outside.  There's way too many animals and things that could hurt them so all of the cats around here are indoor only.  This little guy (girl?) isn't a kitten but he's pretty small so I think he's young. He's so beautiful. He has kind of Siamese type coloring and he has really long fur.  I've tried calling to him and he'll sit and stare at me then he'll  take a step or two towards me but then runs away. I put food and water out when I see him.  If I can get him, I'll look for an owner and if none come forward, I'll probably keep him because he's just so beautiful. I have a small opening in the shed I'm growing stuff in and he seems to go in there a lot. It has a lot of grow lights in there so it stays really warm. I'm thinking of putting a cat trap in there so I can get him to a vet and hopefully find his owner. 

Any suggestions?   

Edited by Maharincess
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I learned my cat-cat sleeps like the dead. I rolled him off my lap in the AM and was so sound asleep he just rolled onto the bed. I thought he died in the night. I was almost going to call my mom (who is out of the country) in a panic when he woke up from my shaking, looked at me like WTF is your problem and walked off.

On the other hand, both of them like to sleep in locations so I can't stretch out or really move throughout the night. Then when I wake up, the kitten-cat wants kitten cuddle time and curls up right next to my chest and I've been late for work because: kitten-pets. Hey kitten-cat! That would be a much better place to sleep!

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1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

For the past couple of weeks I've noticed the most beautiful young cat wandering around my property. None of the people who live around here let their cats outside.  There's way too many animals and things that could hurt them so all of the cats around here are indoor only.  This little guy (girl?) isn't a kitten but he's pretty small so I think he's young. He's so beautiful. He has kind of Siamese type coloring and he has really long fur.  I've tried calling to him and he'll sit and stare at me then he'll  take a step or two towards me but then runs away. I put food and water out when I see him.  If I can get him, I'll look for an owner and if none come forward, I'll probably keep him because he's just so beautiful. I have a small opening in the shed I'm growing stuff in and he seems to go in there a lot. It has a lot of grow lights in there so it stays really warm. I'm thinking of putting a cat trap in there so I can get him to a vet and hopefully find his owner. 

Any suggestions?   

He (or she) is probably someone's lost baby if they're not just letting their cat out to play. If you have the patience and it isn't too uncomfortable outside, keep going out but make yourself as small and still as possible. Sit if you can and maybe read or talk quietly. Bring something tasty and aromatic out with you. The cat may not come all the way over to you the first few times but if it's a lost cat it wants to be found by you or whoever it thinks isn't going to eat it.

And of course, once you catch the little fluffball, put up a "Found Cat" poster or two and have a vet check for microchips. I recently lost my best bud Eddie, and didn't know he was dead until a neighbor brought me one of my posters to tell me about it a week after he went missing. No one should have to go through not knowing.

Edited by CoderLady
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18 hours ago, Maharincess said:

@JTMacc99, that is so damn cute I can't stand it. Cats are so weirdly awesome. I watch my psycho cat much more than I ever watch my TV. 

For the past couple of weeks I've noticed the most beautiful young cat wandering around my property. None of the people who live around here let their cats outside.  There's way too many animals and things that could hurt them so all of the cats around here are indoor only.  This little guy (girl?) isn't a kitten but he's pretty small so I think he's young. He's so beautiful. He has kind of Siamese type coloring and he has really long fur.  I've tried calling to him and he'll sit and stare at me then he'll  take a step or two towards me but then runs away. I put food and water out when I see him.  If I can get him, I'll look for an owner and if none come forward, I'll probably keep him because he's just so beautiful. I have a small opening in the shed I'm growing stuff in and he seems to go in there a lot. It has a lot of grow lights in there so it stays really warm. I'm thinking of putting a cat trap in there so I can get him to a vet and hopefully find his owner. 

Any suggestions?   

If you can't gain the kitty's trust, try to borrow a trap from a local rescue group, and use mackerel to "bait it.  There are lots of great tips on the Feral Cat Coalition (San Diego) website : http://www.feralcat.com/trapinst.html


17 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I learned my cat-cat sleeps like the dead. I rolled him off my lap in the AM and was so sound asleep he just rolled onto the bed. I thought he died in the night. I was almost going to call my mom (who is out of the country) in a panic when he woke up from my shaking, looked at me like WTF is your problem and walked off.

On the other hand, both of them like to sleep in locations so I can't stretch out or really move throughout the night. Then when I wake up, the kitten-cat wants kitten cuddle time and curls up right next to my chest and I've been late for work because: kitten-pets. Hey kitten-cat! That would be a much better place to sleep!

Hah - I remember when I had 5 cats who all slept with me in my oversized recliner - I couldn't move, much less toss and turn!  Da Boy liked my side or on my feet, Shoe Shoe took the leg, Beanie Baby took the crook of my arm or my crotch, feral Kitty Kitty took the armrest or other side, and baby Babalu slept on my chest, or neck, or shoulder.  I'd wake up cramped to hell and needing to pee in the worst way, but STILL hesitating to disturb my lovely little menagerie.  Great memories ... le sigh.   :-)

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7 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

... and baby Babalu slept on my chest, or neck, or shoulder.

love that you have a Babalu! My Babalu (hence my screen name) was the love of my life. He was the most engaged, vocal cat I've ever had, and we could have full conversations. He was also fluent in duck, which he learned from the birds in the pond next to our house. His favorite game was hide-and-seek, which he always initiated. He understood the concept of taking turns, but wasn't so great at hiding (always under the bed; I had to pretend to look elsewhere for a while) or finding (he'd mew pitifully until I gave away my hiding place by calling his name).

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8 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Hah - I remember when I had 5 cats who all slept with me in my oversized recliner - I couldn't move, much less toss and turn!  Da Boy liked my side or on my feet, Shoe Shoe took the leg...

I had a ShuShu! Named for her oversized polydactyl feet. She looked like she was stomping around on snowshoes as a kitten. She was a friend's cat's kitten, and I remember when I first saw her, she was 4 or 5 weeks old and trying to lick her paw, which was so big it practically wrapped around her face. LOL She was a GORGEOUS tortie with typical tortie attitude. She had surgery for bladder stones, did well initially and a few weeks later, threw a saddle thrombus (a blood clot that lodges where the aorta forks into right leg, tail, and left leg). Essentially, a stroke. The vet tried clot busters, but she never got better and I had to have her put to sleep. See you at the Rainbow Bridge, sweet girl. 

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14 hours ago, riley702 said:

typical tortie attitude

What is the typical attitude?  I've never has a tortie.

This is what the pets did while they watched me put away groceries.  It made me go Awwwww....since the dog normally isn't prone to much cuddling with the cat although the cat would like to it made me happy.  Of course, a few minutes later Kook was using his paw to smush Sir Robin so it was a short lived flush of joy.


Kook & Sir Robin.jpg

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My tortie (name of Snip) is eccentric and opinionated.  She has a Schedule, and if I'm not following it, I get stared at until I do what I'm supposed to be doing.  Usually after dinner (which I eat in the living room) I get up to do the dishes, and Snip gets the warm spot on the couch.  On Monday I didn't go do the dishes right away, and Snip sat next to me on the couch and stared until I got up.  Once I did, all was right with the world.  I got stared at for two hours one night when I wasn't tired when she thought it was bedtime.

Snip also thinks that any human food, except for provolone cheese, is an attempt to poison her.  Any kind of poultry or smoked fish is regarded with deep suspicion.  But if I have provolone, I have to eat it standing up or she'll walk into my lap and help herself.

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1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

This is what the pets did while they watched me put away groceries.

So cute!

When I bring in the groceries, the Lab just says hello and goes back to sprawling out on the floor. Neo, the little crapper, follows me around the kitchen for several minutes until he realizes this isn't food preparation time. With no shot of something accidentally falling on the floor, he eventually goes back to his pillow.

But it's the cat who is most interested. If she's awake, which is not a given, she insists on climbing on and in the bags.  Sometimes with food still in them, sometimes after they've been emptied. She doesn't care. All bags are interesting.

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22 hours ago, Babalu said:

love that you have a Babalu! My Babalu (hence my screen name) was the love of my life. He was the most engaged, vocal cat I've ever had, and we could have full conversations. He was also fluent in duck, which he learned from the birds in the pond next to our house. His favorite game was hide-and-seek, which he always initiated. He understood the concept of taking turns, but wasn't so great at hiding (always under the bed; I had to pretend to look elsewhere for a while) or finding (he'd mew pitifully until I gave away my hiding place by calling his name).

My Babalu is the current love of my life.  Found his teeny kitten ass frolicking in the street on my way to work many years ago, scooped him up and we've been inseparable ever since.  His Mum & littermates had already been taken to the shelter and adopted out after being abandoned when I rescued him, and much as I thought I'd find him a new home, my little purse kitten (yes, he went everywhere with me), soon became an integral part of my life, breathing life and delight into me and my 4 senior kitties.  In his youth he walked on a harness, picked out his own toys at Petsmart, and LOVED car rides, lolling on the dashboard like some drunken bathing beauty. (Now he yowls the entire less than 5 minute drive to the vet!!!).  He sat death watch for his 4 older "brothers", consoled me in my grief every damned time, and is my constant source of contact and comfort.


20 hours ago, riley702 said:

I had a ShuShu! Named for her oversized polydactyl feet. She looked like she was stomping around on snowshoes as a kitten. She was a friend's cat's kitten, and I remember when I first saw her, she was 4 or 5 weeks old and trying to lick her paw, which was so big it practically wrapped around her face. LOL She was a GORGEOUS tortie with typical tortie attitude. She had surgery for bladder stones, did well initially and a few weeks later, threw a saddle thrombus (a blood clot that lodges where the aorta forks into right leg, tail, and left leg). Essentially, a stroke. The vet tried clot busters, but she never got better and I had to have her put to sleep. See you at the Rainbow Bridge, sweet girl. 

My Shoe Shoe was also a polydactyl - 2 extra thumbs on each of his front paws, and one extra toe on each of his back paws.  His front paws looked like a catcher's mitt - he could pick up french fries with his almost opposable thumbs and eat them like a regular person.  He was my huge, pink nosed golden tabby boy - mild, inoffensive, sweet-natured and non-psychotic; just an all around lovely, lovely boy.  I miss him, and all the rest of my gang, something fierce.

I'd tell the stories of the others, but damned if it didn't get all dusty in here all of a sudden, and my tears and snot are starting to flow ... some other time, then, eh.  :~)

Edited by walnutqueen
glaucoma AND cataracts - how the FUCK did I get so old and blind???!!!
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29 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

My Shoe Shoe was also a polydactyl - 2 extra thumbs on each of his front paws, and one extra toe on each of his back paws.  His front paws looked like a catcher's mitt

Chester only has one extra on each front paw (and one extra toe on each back paw, too) and he looks like he's wearing catchers mitts, so I can only imagine with two extra. 

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37 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Chester only has one extra on each front paw (and one extra toe on each back paw, too) and he looks like he's wearing catchers mitts, so I can only imagine with two extra. 

His front paws were HUUUUUUUGE, and splayed out like nobody's business,  All those extra little deformed toenails (OK, wannabe claws) clicked softly on the floor whenever he approached.

I forgot to mention one of Babalu's many lovely eccentricities.  He likes being spanked, semi-firmly.  He looks forward to Game of Thrones as much as I do, because I spank out a drum solo on his body throughout the opening theme music (it's long), and he just stands there, purring like a fool, and taking it like a big boy.  :-)

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7 hours ago, DeLurker said:

What is the typical attitude?  I've never had a tortie.

They think they own you and they're generally hard-headed, fiesty, and eccentric. They're not like any other cat you've ever had. They're the typical cat attitude on steroids

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8 hours ago, EighteenTwelve said:

My tortie (name of Snip) is eccentric and opinionated.  She has a Schedule, and if I'm not following it, I get stared at until I do what I'm supposed to be doing.  Usually after dinner (which I eat in the living room) I get up to do the dishes, and Snip gets the warm spot on the couch.  On Monday I didn't go do the dishes right away, and Snip sat next to me on the couch and stared until I got up.  Once I did, all was right with the world.  I got stared at for two hours one night when I wasn't tired when she thought it was bedtime.

Snip also thinks that any human food, except for provolone cheese, is an attempt to poison her.  Any kind of poultry or smoked fish is regarded with deep suspicion.  But if I have provolone, I have to eat it standing up or she'll walk into my lap and help herself.

My cat hates people food too except for ham and Spam and the Spam has to be fried and warm or she wont touch it.    I've offered her shrimp, crab and lobster and she turned up her snooty little cat nose  and walked away. 

Edited by Maharincess
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6 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I forgot to mention one of Babalu's many lovely eccentricities.  He likes being spanked, semi-firmly.  He looks forward to Game of Thrones as much as I do, because I spank out a drum solo on his body throughout the opening theme music (it's long), and he just stands there, purring like a fool, and taking it like a big boy.  :-)

Like this? This is a mama on a kitten cam I watch.

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10 hours ago, Maharincess said:

 I've offered her shrimp, crab and lobster and she turned up her snooty little cat nose  and walked away. 

My kitten disapproves of all fish based cat foods. She eventually eats it, because food, but when I drop a can of any seafood flavor in her bowl she turns around and comes back into the kitchen looking at me like WTF?  

This is fine with me; those flavors stink up the joint. I just need to weed through the cans at the supermarket a little more carefully to only pick up the non-fish foods.

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My cat would eat people food if I let him.  He was 2 when I got him and made no hesitation about getting up on counters and the table.  Not a condoned cat location in my book, so I've been trying to break him of that.  It has been mostly successful, but since my daughter often leaves an unattended dish in her place when she meanders off (as teenage girls are prone to do) it is impossible for Sir Robin to not go poking around.

The only human food he gets is a spoonful of tuna each night (at 8:30 and he will let you know it is tuna time) and after a ride in the trike.

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6 hours ago, Jaded said:

Like this? This is a mama on a kitten cam I watch.

Kind of - except he likes it all over his torso and even the top of his head, which is great for me, because different areas have a different resonance, so I can do a really good accompaniment to the music.  :-)

During GoT's long hiatus, I'll occasionally hum the openeing bars of the theme song, and he'll come running to me.

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6 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

My kitten disapproves of all fish based cat foods. She eventually eats it, because food, but when I drop a can of any seafood flavor in her bowl she turns around and comes back into the kitchen looking at me like WTF?  

A fish-based diet isn't a good idea for cats - it should just be a treat, like Sir Robin's tuna time - so maybe she's been reading feline nutrition literature in her spare time.  It would be a nice twist from how cats usually read up on what they're not supposed to do and then immediately go do that.

Riley likes chicken, tuna, shrimp, most cheeses, and, especially, salmon, so I'll sometimes give her some of mine as a treat, but she's very good and never tries to get into my food on her own. 

Way back when, one of my roommate's cats loved peas.  This was convenient, as I hate peas.  So if I was eating something pre-mixed that had peas in it, I'd just set them off to the side and put my plate down for him when I was done.  Voila; no wasted food.

I only eat egg whites, because I hate the yolk, and Riley used to eat some of the yolk for me, but she's now decided she doesn't like it (she'll probably change her mind back after several months; she does that), so I'm completely wasting the yolks every time I make eggs. 

Edited by Bastet
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I didn't want to jinx Captain or myself so I've waited awhile to post an update about him.

Captain seems to still be doing really well. He's had more energy then I've seen him with since I got him. He's been playing a lot more then ever and playing with toys he never paid attention too previously.  It's not health related but he does do one thing that still freaks me out. I think I've mentioned this previously.  It's been going on since at least last Summer. It has to do with his little stuffed rat toys that are small enough to fit in his mouth. He'll be batting one around and when he wants to pick it up to take it to another room he'll start with these really deep throated meows that sound like they come from his loins. I'm always freaked by the sound for a couple seconds and not long after he'll appear in whatever room I'm in with the mouse still in his mouth.  Too bad he doesn't seem to understand what a game of fetch is where he's doing the fetching of course. ?

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1 hour ago, Jaded said:

I didn't want to jinx Captain or myself so I've waited awhile to post an update about him.

Captain seems to still be doing really well. He's had more energy then I've seen him with since I got him. He's been playing a lot more then ever and playing with toys he never paid attention too previously.  It's not health related but he does do one thing that still freaks me out. I think I've mentioned this previously.  It's been going on since at least last Summer. It has to do with his little stuffed rat toys that are small enough to fit in his mouth. He'll be batting one around and when he wants to pick it up to take it to another room he'll start with these really deep throated meows that sound like they come from his loins. I'm always freaked by the sound for a couple seconds and not long after he'll appear in whatever room I'm in with the mouse still in his mouth.  Too bad he doesn't seem to understand what a game of fetch is where he's doing the fetching of course. ?

It sounds to me like another really good sign that he's feeling healthy. A couple of my cats used to do that whenever they caught something like a mouse or a moth and brought it into the house to share with the family. It was a unique "brrrrrROW! brrrrrROW!" which they never used for anything else, which was convenient because I knew I'd better get there before they turned whatever it was loose in the house.

He's bringing you dinner! Sweet guy!

Edited by CoderLady
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The girls share a 3 oz can of wet food every evening and they really love the salmon and tuna. Their dry kibble (as much as they want) is rabbit-flavored. It amuses me for some reason. If they had mouse-flavored, I'd try that, too.

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May I ask the experts here why a fish-based diet is not good for cats? My Louis absolutely prefers the salmon, tuna, etc. versions of canned cat food (he gets one 3 oz. can of one of those and one 3 oz. can of something in the chicken/beef spectrum every day - he does not eat dry food at all - he is 10 years old plus and dry food makes him throw up so the vet said, just skip it). Should I cut down on the fish cans? He seems to be thriving and is super energetic (amazingly kitten like sometimes for an older guy).

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The varieties of fish used in most cat foods are the most-polluted fish (and, in too many brands, they're the substandard offerings rejected by the human food industry).  So there are general toxin concerns, and specifically PCB, because cats are shown to retain that in their systems at greater rates than dogs.  And if you see "fish meal" on the label, there's an additional worry because the preservative often used with fish meal is one that I'm forgetting the name of, but it is a carcinogen. 

Fish-based foods are generally high in phosphorus and magnesium, so a fish-based diet puts cats at increased risk of urinary tract issues, especially male cats (e.g. excess crystals, which can lead to life-threatening blockages), and is not good at all for cats with kidney disease.

Fish is an allergen for a decent percentage of cats, meaning it causes systemic inflammation. This can cause or aggravate many conditions.

There's some evidence that cats don't properly process vitamin K or E on a fish-based diet (maybe a little weird, but maybe logical - fish is not part of a cat's natural diet, and metabolic difficulties with species-inappropriate ingredients are not unusual).  Research also suggests a possible link between fish and hyperthyroidism (related to the iodine).  There is also a thiamine deficiency risk, but that's mostly from raw fish or A TON of fish.

So, fish is best reserved as a treat, rather than a regular diet, especially in male cats.  Sardines and salmon (wild only, not farmed) are good, omega-3-laden treats that don't carry as many downsides for cats as most other varieties of fish.

Edited by Bastet
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7 hours ago, isalicat said:

May I ask the experts here why a fish-based diet is not good for cats? My Louis absolutely prefers the salmon, tuna, etc. versions of canned cat food (he gets one 3 oz. can of one of those and one 3 oz. can of something in the chicken/beef spectrum every day - he does not eat dry food at all - he is 10 years old plus and dry food makes him throw up so the vet said, just skip it). Should I cut down on the fish cans? He seems to be thriving and is super energetic (amazingly kitten like sometimes for an older guy).

For something like that, I would ask an actual expert. They can tell you much more than google facts can. Talk to your vet or even your vet tech.  I'm friends ish with my vet tech and I email her all the time. I donated to her son's fundraiser so she's helped me out ever since. 

I have found the mystery cats family!  Somebody told a friend of theirs about all of the ads I put up on the local websites and his mama emailed me last night. They came today and walked around calling him, he didn't come but I had gotten a trap from the shelter and they came back with his favorite food and his blankey to put in the trap. Hopefully he'll be in there in the morning.  I will check it but also told them that they're welcome to come up on the property and look for him any time they want. I've heard them out there calling him a couple of times.  His name is Melvin and he got out during their daughter's birthday party, I guess the kids going in and out left the door open.  They showed me pictures to prove he was theirs and that's definitely the cat I've been seeing.  I hope he's in there in the morning, I'd hate to think I got their hopes up for nothing. 

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1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

For something like that, I would ask an actual expert. They can tell you much more than google facts can.

The potential problem with that is actual feline nutrition experts are hard to stumble across, as many are owners who took on the research themselves.  Many, if not most, although it's improving with every passing year, vets are woefully uninformed about nutrition; it's not part of their curriculum or continuing education credits, and thus a lot of their information comes from Hill's.  A great vet has parsed the data on their own, and a good vet admits what they don't know, but a lot of this comes down to educated owners reading the research studies themselves and disseminating the information. 

I like my vet (she's very knowledgeable on general feline and canine nutrition, and very honest about the fact she hasn't done the studying necessary to educate herself on the special dietary needs caused by individual medical conditions), but even with her I've had to keep myself abreast of emerging research via VIN (I have her log-in info) and various veterinary journals.  Some of the research memos the practice hands out to clients have been written by me, not any of the vets.  It's a shame the average owner can't just rely on their vet, or even easily locate a nutrition expert in their area, but at least the internet has made it easy for those who have become experts, whether it be their primary field or not, to connect.  Of course, it also makes it easy for people to access misinformation by simply Googling and reading merely anecdotal data (not that it doesn't have a place in research, as it absolutely does, but it should obviously be a supplement to scientific research), but at least the information is out there for those who have the time, inclination, and abilities to examine the research.

1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

I have found the mystery cats family!  Somebody told a friend of theirs about all of the ads I put up on the local websites and his mama emailed me last night. They came today and walked around calling him, he didn't come but I had gotten a trap from the shelter and they came back with his favorite food and his blankey to put in the trap.

That's great!  The familiar smell will likely be a better lure than the food, so hopefully you'll all have a pleasant surprise soon.  Good luck!

Edited by Bastet
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9 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I posted my comment before I read the posts after it. I just meant that for important stuff, its best to talk to an expert, or a professional. 

I agree, but it's also OK to work from your own experience for the small stuff.  I am a huge believer in science and scientific inquiry, but there are some areas (marijuana, anyone?) where it is certainly lacking, or confused at best.  So many people profess to be "experts" or have some preconceived notions about animal nutrition and diet; the fact remains that much like humans, it depends upon genetics, metabolism and environment - and most of all, on the people who are paid to do the reseach, and by whom.  Certainly heavy metal and PCB toxins are not good for any of us, but the occasional can of tuna isn't going to kill your cat or you (although wild caught in pristine waters is a goal we could all only dream of), especially if their lab tests come back A-OK.  

I started supplementing my backyard feral kittens and their skinny young Mum) with milk and soft food - the ones that liked milk, loved it into adulthood; the others just don't drink it.  I know I'll be excoriated (as I have many times in the past by internet "experts"), but there's a reason some cats lived long and healthy lives on dairy farms.  Lactose intolerance is NOT universal in cats.  I am a firm believer in a varied diet for the outdoor semi-ferals - lots of chicken, pork, fish and sometimes beef, along with the cheapish cat food that sustains them all on a daily basis.  Whatever leftovers they find finicky, the raccoons, possums & skunks will happily scarf down before my pampered ferals can change their minds!  :-)

Of course, my indoor cat is on a rather restrictive diabetic diet, but even so, he's done better on a meal of lean roasted chicken, or some watered-down canned tuna juice than any of the prescribed canned food (he still gets nothing but prescription dry food daily).

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13 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

I love you @walnutqueen in an anonymous internet non weird way. haha The most recent bout of love comes from the above post. 

I have no idea what part of my post tickled your fancy, ss, but I am happy to find common ground with you once again, and reciprocate your non-weird internet connection.  :-D

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50 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Lactose intolerance is NOT universal in cats.

I wonder how that myth got started.  It used to be such a cliché in stories and such to find a wayward kitty and give her a bowl of milk, and then it seemed like all of a sudden any time that happened people started jumping up and down hollering that cats are lactose intolerant so, OMG, don't give them milk ever!  Well, yeah, some are, but certainly not all, and it's usually pretty obvious if they are.  If the cat has the runs every time you give her milk, then don't give her milk anymore.  Otherwise, dairy is a good treat for cats - they need a lot of protein, and are able to handle a moderate amount of fat.   

11 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I just meant that for important stuff, its best to talk to an expert, or a professional. 

Yep, and it's unfortunate that when it comes to pet nutrition, the professionals are often not the experts.  At least with the internet it's easier to find published articles, but I wish more academic articles were accessible to all.  Owner to owner communication can help fill in the gaps; I checked out a Yahoo group for feline diabetes a while back and was so impressed by the library of information that had been amassed and willingness of owners to help each other.  Because it's downright shameful how many of them had asked their vets if a diet change could help, so maybe they don't have to give insulin, and the vets either just pointed to the prescription food or flat-out said no, it wouldn't matter what was fed.  The latter is simply wrong, and the former isn't as useful as giving a brief overview of cats as obligate carnivores and how carbohydrate consumption affects blood glucose, so owners understand why a food is being recommended (and can evaluate food choices).

I guess it's somewhat a reflection of what can go on with our own doctors, but at least where someone needs a nutritionist as part of their healthcare team, it's pretty easy to find one.  Nutritionists for cats and dogs are still pretty small in number.

Oops, I got distracted and forgot the story I came into this thread to post (and I didn't even have Bloody Mary's this morning, jeez).  There are two pairs of doves who often hang out or look for food in my yard (they don't nest here, unfortunately), and one pair has recently developed a routine of scouring the patio for goodies every evening around 6:00.  The French doors in my office look out onto the patio, and I keep the shades raised to Riley height so she can look out.  So, she now dutifully sits at those doors every night at 6:00 to wait for her birds.  She doesn't do the "I see a bird" chatter so many cats do, just silently observes.  But she's never previously shown any interest at all in birds, so it's really cute.

Edited by Bastet
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