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S03.E02: Sara


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I see that Oliver is back to being a dick again.  That didn't take long.


Not happy to see Laurel in the Arrow cave giving people orders ("put him on speaker" and "I need to see what's happening.")  Not happy to see her at all, actually.  Too much fucking Laurel.  Please go away.


Felicity crying while waiting for the elevator really got to me :(  At least Ray understood enough to back off at that point.


Oh, that was hilarious when Oliver wanted to go to the morgue and find a Tommy doppelganger.  In Hong Kong.  He is such an idiot sometimes.


When Felicity told Oliver, "I am sorry if I have feelings, but if you did too...I'm sorry that was mean" I imagined how completely bitchy that would have sounded coming out of Laurel's mouth.


Hardly any significant Felicity/Oliver interaction in this one.  That sucks.  Is this what I get to look forward to with Laurel's increased presence? 


Felicity looked absolutely gorgeous at the end when she went to talk to Ray Palmer.  Oliver is an idiot. 


To summarize: Fuck off, Laurel.

  • Love 20


When Felicity told Oliver, "I am sorry if I have feelings, but if you did too...I'm sorry that was mean" I imagined how completely bitchy that would have sounded coming out of Laurel's mouth.


I kept waiting for Oliver to yell at her "Hey!  I've got manpain!  Give me a break!"


That stupid archer hit the wrong person in the morgue.  Good lord, was Laurel annoying tonight and her given more to do (and with Sara being gone) certainly doesn't help things.  The only thing I'll cut her slack on is not telling her father right away...that kind of thing has to be brutal.


I thought it was good although it's going to take a while to wash the bad taste of Sara's death out of my mount.  I did like Diggle naming his daughter "Sara" though.


Thea in action was pretty cool but I hope she hasn't developed Stockholm Syndrome for her psycho father.

Edited by benteen
  • Love 1

Massive props to Stephen Amell.  He's playing Oliver perfectly as a guy who has been beaten down, and continues to go through Hell with Sara's death.  The look on his face was perfect, the guy has massive PTSD issues and this just adds to it.


Laurel didn't even check to see if the gun was loaded?  What a genius.  Speaking of that, great look of disappointment from Oliver, Laurel was going to murder the guy in cold blood without even finding out if he did kill Sara.


Love that we got a glimpse of Thea training to become Speedy.

  • Love 11

The awesome bordering on WTFQ (but in an awesome way):

- Thea and Malcolm. Thea calling Malcolm "dad". that was a great introduction to Thea's training.


The good:

- anything Lance. "pee in your cornflakes" I'm gonna use it, and it's gonna be awesome!

- Yea Ray and Felicity has some chemistry. i'm actually excited for her. and i still like him. BR is doing a pretty good job.

- Diggle not taking shit and telling Oliver he is returning to the team. because Sara was family (i need a tissue!)

- Fakanary being the voice of reason about Sara's burial?!! okay, i had to go check if pigs were flying.

- Tommy!!! and poor flashback Oliver. I was yelling at my screen 'show who you are Oliver, show him!'.


the Okay:

- I may be exhausted but was some of what's her name acting was actually tolerable. and for a minute, and it pains me to say it, she and Oliver had some chemistry. meaning i could feel that he cares for her. but i will throw a fit rage if they will end together.

- Not sure how i feel about the baby being named Sara.

- Oliver looking sooo defeated.

- Ray looking waaay too intrigued by the Arrow and Arsenal fight. and him going all Steve Jobs was.. okay.


the bad:

- Too much Fakanary and Oliver hugging.

- Fakanary being an idiot about the gun. Girl, Even i heard the goddamn clicking of removing a clip from a gun, when Oliver took the gun from her. so i wasn't too worried when we saw her with it again.. i just shook my head.

- Komodo being anything but scary ass shit i was expecting him to be.



oh shot i was wrong! it's not Komodo. back to the drawing table.


winning lines of the week:

"Sara was trained by the best assassins.. and she was killed. What makes you think that you have a chance" or something like that.
"I don't want to die down here" oh Oliver! why you must make me cry!!

and of course Lance's line.


So judging by next week promo, Oliver is finally telling Thea the truth. so does this mean that everyone besides Lance have Officially been told who Arrow. and i say Officially cause we all know Lance knows!

Edited by foreverevolving

Okay, after watching that I have zero interest in finding out who killed Sara. It was Plot contrivance.


And of course Oliver and Felicity are at loggerheads.  They need Oliver free to cuddle Laurel.


Stephen Amell killed it this episode.  Second place to David Ramsey, and Colton Haynes did a decent job.


And I like Ray better now, not only did he spent $1.8 to get Felicity to work for him, he backed down when he saw she was upset.


What a waste of Komodo.


I see that Oliver is back to being a dick again.  That didn't take long.

One thing this show has always been consistent on -- when Oliver gets close to Laurel, he turns into a dick. You have to hand it to them.



To summarize: Fuck off, Laurel.

Can't be said enough.


Although when when they had Laurel and Oliver fighting, she did a decent enough job.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 7

Lmao I can't believe Sara died for this. Overall thoughts:


  • KC overacted her crying scenes. I didn't enjoy her ordering Felicity around. But I didn't mind her being a bitch. I hope the keep her like that. 
  • What Oliver said in the end just got to me. I think he's slowly coming to realize what an idiot he is being and it's all thanks to Felicity. 
  • I wish Tommy had a larger role in the flashbacks. I miss him dearly. 
  • Thea and Malcolm in the end had me most excited
  • Didn't need to reach for the tissue at all (except once but we'll get to that)
  • I usually dislike Emily's crying scenes but she hit it out of the park. When she was about to break down in front of Ray, that just made my throat constrict and have tears in my eyes. 
  • Oliver was being a dick to Felicity, I think he was taking his frustrations out on her which is not cool. I'm glad Felicity wasn't having any of that. She stood her ground which is good for her. 
  • Stephen Amell was just phenomenal this episode
  • Glad to see Diggle not leaving the team yet! Oliver needs his best friend now more than ever. 
  • I'm glad Felicity is branching out. She deserves a life outside of Arrow
  • Didn't care much for Laurel. I didn't really feel bad for her. I was mostly indifferent. 
  • Quentin deserves to know and I hate that he doesn't
  • I don't care who killed Sara which isn't a good thing.

I will repeat myself. I can't believe Sara died for this. 

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 10

Okay, thoughts:

1. Ray is a stalker, and I don't really like them making light of this crazy shit he's doing to get Felicity's attention. I liked him toward the end of the ep though.

2. Is it bad that I don't care who killed Sara? I care that she's dead, I just don't care who killed her - the mystery is not remotely interesting to me. And it's going to be the LoA, since Oliver wrote them off because they don't target their own.

3. I loved SA and EBR in the foundry (even though MG selling that as a sequel to their hallway talk is a huge yet unsurprising stretch), and especially SA at the end when he told Diggle that he didn't want to die down there. I feel like it was too early to have that revelation this season, but let's see where it goes. I think this sets up Felicity's trip to CC nicely though.

4. I said I'd rage if they didn't tell Lance, and I'm raging. I can't believe they buried her in secret in a pine box without ever telling her father. They are all shitty people for that. And it's pointless, but to set up some useless drama. Lance is going to go on a bender when he finds out, isn't he?

5. I'm at least glad that they addressed Laurel's alcoholism, so there's that.

6. Laurel. Go away, go far away. They took every single character trait that makes her insufferable and zeroed in on it.



9. I love that Roy actually told Oliver about the letter and that he handled the revelation with grace. Good for him, he's growing.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 5

I want to know what Felicity's job is actually going to be. It has to be pretty spectacular if he bought an entire chain of shops just to get her.


$1.2 billion. Dayum. You could buy half a year's worth of windows for QC with that amount.


The Digglette made me smile. The less said about the rest of it, the better.


ETA: I loved seeing Thea kicking ass. Can't believe I forgot that. And yes, kudos to Stephen Amell for an awesome performance throughout. Oliver is such an emotional trainwreck.

Edited by KenyaJ
  • Love 4

The Good:

* Tommy's appearance. Even young, less-dark Tommy was very likable. Keeping check on Oliver's e-mail account on the off chance that its touched. Now that right there is a dedicated friend.

* Team Arrow interactions.

* The Roy/Oliver scene.

* Oliver admitting that he doesn't want to die down there.

* Quentin

* Thea


The Bad:

1. Laurel. 

* Watching Katie Cassidy try to emote is such a pain in the ass when her face doesn't move and her voice barely changes pitch.

* Laurel in the Arrow Cave. It felt wrong. Like a violation of Team Arrow.

* Laurel ignoring Oliver's warning to stay behind, follows them, and somehow manages to be in exactly the right spot to find them even after they jump out a window and into another room.

* The heavy-handed 'Laurel is going to be Black Canary' references

* Laurel not telling Quentin that his own daughter is dead. What a bitch. That is unforgivable.


2. Ray came off way to stalker-ish in this one. I like the actor and the character, but they need to tone down everything about the Ray/Felicity interactions.

Edited by Lord Kira
  • Love 16

Liked it a lot better than premiere.  Very Sad episode. I knew Komodo wasn't the one who killer her. It was interesting to see how everybody reacted to Sara's death. I liked Laurel somewhat in this episode.. She had to deal with a lot of grief. Loved that Diggle names his child Sara. Interesting that Felicity is working for Ray Palmer now. Still like Ray Palmer a lot. Don't really find him that creepy. Felicity does hack and stalk people for Oliver all the time lol.  He's entertaining I wonder where that story-line with him and Felicity is going. Good that Oliver knows where Thea is now. Really glad that Roy told him and he handled it well instead of taking a piss on Roy or something lol. 


I liked the Thea/Malcolm cameo at the end and am excited for her storyline. I did not like however how Thea called Malcolm "dad" though. I know it's extremely nitpicky but I hate how tv shows deal with adoption and stuff like that and is she forgetting that Malcolm killed the man who raised her, who was pretty much her father? 

Edited by ban1o
  • Love 2


I liked the Thea/Malcolm cameo at the end and am excited for her storyline. I did not like however how Thea called Malcolm "dad" though. I know it's extremely nitpicky but I hate how tv shows deal with adoption and stuff like that and is she forgetting that Malcolm killed the man who raised her, who was pretty much her father? 


He's either brainwashed her, or she's using him and telling him what he wants to hear.

  • Love 6

He's either brainwashed her, or she's using him and telling him what he wants to hear.

I hope so cause I didn't like that line. Like he also indirectly killed Tommy who was close to her and according to spoilers puts her through a lot of abuse. I have no problem with her training with him but calling him "dad" was a little much in my opinion. But I am being a little nitpicky I'll wait to see her storyline. I am excited for a bad-ass Thea. 


He's a pretty loyal guy, huh? Great to see him back. Must've been rough to accept Oliver's "death" all over again. 

Didn't like that there was a significant focus on Felicity. Should've been Laurel and Oliver grieving with the other three providing support. Also EBR isn't good at drama/crying one bit. 


THEA. Next week can't get here soon enough. 


I imagined how completely bitchy that would have sounded coming out of Laurel's mouth.


It was pretty bitchy out of Felicity's mouth I think.

Edited by wingster55
I liked the Thea/Malcolm cameo at the end and am excited for her storyline. I did not like however how Thea called Malcolm "dad" though. I know it's extremely nitpicky but I hate how tv shows deal with adoption and stuff like that and is she forgetting that Malcolm killed the man who raised her, who was pretty much her father? 

She's playing Malcolm.  She knows Roy is working with The Arrow, there was everything with Deathstroke, and she knows that Starling City is constantly under attack.  She's using Malcolm to get training, so perhaps she can help Roy and The Arrow.

  • Love 1

Hey, Tommy!  I remember when I thought your death was going to be the catalyst that turns Laurel into The Canary.  Instead, your death was just to make Ollie quit killing, and make Laurel go into a drunken spiral.  What a waste.  It was good seeing him again though.


I'm really sorry, but I'm extremely pissed over Quentin not knowing Sara is dead.  This is such bullshit.  After everything that happened, he deserved to at least get to bury her this time, and say good-bye.  Using his condition to have Laurel hide it from him is such bullshit!  When he does find out, I really hope he gives Laurel (and hell, the rest) the third-degree, for this stunt.


Meanwhile, Sara's death has made Ollie go back into dick mode, and be such a jackass to Felicity, she's decided to actually work for Ray the Stalker.  Great!  At least Amell and EBR were great in all their scenes.


Diggle is so awesome, I can even forgive the cheesiness of naming his daughter after Sara.  But, I liked that he's the one that knows how to get to Ollie the best.  I'm glad he's sticking around again.  This team will need him.


Yep, this is our New Future Canary.  Beating up a wounded dude and not even realizing that a gun isn't loaded.  Oh, boy.  At least Ollie pointed out that she isn't anywhere close to Sara's level, so, at the very least, maybe the show will actually make her grow into the role, and not just make her automatically a badass, on Ollie's level?  Either way, I'm still not wild about this.


As usual, Komodo got a lot of hype, and was barely used.  Such is the bane of Arrow villains, it feels like.  Honestly, I'm not even sure if this show will do Ra's justice.


That ending, though!  I don't care how rushed and poorly written it was: I can't wait to see Crazy-Ass Thea and Crazy-Ass Malcolm (complete with the patent John Barrowman grin), do some crazy-ass stuff.

  • Love 2

I'm really sorry, but I'm extremely pissed over Quentin not knowing Sara is dead.  This is such bullshit.  After everything that happened, he deserved to at least get to bury her this time, and say good-bye.  Using his condition to have Laurel hide it from him is such bullshit!  When he does find out, I really hope he gives Laurel (and hell, the rest) the third-degree, for this stunt.



Oliver is under the impression that Laurel has told Quentin. He doesn't know that Laurel is a terrible person and would hide this from her own father. 

Edited by Lord Kira
  • Love 2

It was pretty bitchy out of Felicity's mouth I think.

It  really was. The second what she said came out of her mouth I was all "holy shit Felicity that's mean" And then she said "Sorry that was mean" :p But Oliver deserved to hear it. He was being an ass to Felicity and I don't think she deserved that in light of everything that happened. And that tough love got to him especially when he told Diggle that he didn't want to die down there in the foundry. 


Also I'm loving that the writers are putting Diggle - Oliver in the forefront this season. I missed their interactions last season. Now we need Diggle - Felicity interactions. 

  • Love 8

I am going the rest of the season episode by episode. Like last week, everything not Laurel was good. The flashbacks made me too happy, or rather, Tommy made them  for me. And a  weekly F.U. to TV Amanda.


Felicity is a frickin' hero of such porportions, I cannot say. Roy seems very promising. (Poor guy, looked like he was waiting for another arrow to the knee after the note.)


Diggle is going to remain his awesome self; Diggle/Daughter time is going to be just adorable. 


Ray needs to stop being a stalker. Hopefully, that will be better with a quickness.


Oliver at least knows, or seems to know, that  there should be a work/life balance, so he's got that going for him?  Problem: identified (not dying in the Cave.) Solution: TBD

Laurel had so many wrong notes.

*Yes, your father has a heart condition, but he is taking his meds and under a doctor's care. (Hopefully, the cool doc who respects HIPPA.) TELL HIM HIS OTHER DAUGHTER IS DEAD. He is ill, not an invalid. It will be a hard blow for Quentin, but now it's compounded by you out-right lying to his face! 

*Put the damn jacket down!

*Did I miss David E. Kelley's writing credit for Laurel's "heroic" start? Lying to her father's employees and the twice hurting/reinjuring of a suspect in protective custody! (Where were the damn cops outside the room? They gave Laurel the side-eye, so why no checking in?)

*Laurel topped the Oliver=Arrow reaction with tonight's lack of reaction to a man killed in front of her! No scream of fear or anger or frustration. No look of dawning horror at the assassin who could have shot her as she gawped at him but didn't. That the assassin could have killed her and didn't, possibly a dis on her. That she wasn't worthy of being a target to whoever. No sounds of any emotion. Just the blank, kind of wondering look Laurel is, by now, infamous for showing. 

*"No one will know..." Yeah, Laurel, just your father, mother, The League of Assassins, the people she helped in Starling and the four other people standing with you at your sister's grave. No one.

*Oliver took the bullets out back in the cave, Laurel. I heard the sound of the magazine being ejected. Being the daughter of a cop and a gun-handler yourself? Should've heard that too, and felt the  difference in the weight, I would imagine. Yes, Laurel was full of anger and furious vengeance, but the writers cut her off at the brain again.


I want to enjoy the season. Thea and Malcolm next week may be the  most awesome thing to hit our screens. Yet, Felicity was continually put with Roy (not awful, but why not John some of the time?), Diggle was mostly positioned by himself. Laurel is so going to be...showcased. A lot. Not what I care about.


Did I mention how awesome the   Malcolm/Thea Daddy/Daughter time is probably going to be? Because...Barrowman/Holland.

  • Love 9

I liked it.


And I really liked Roy/Felicity interaction and that they seem to have formed a friendship.   To the point where he would sooner confide in Felicity than Oliver (unless prompted).  My one laugh of the episode was when Felicity walked in on Roy at her computer station and told him he "Better not be tweeting."   Very good friendship between the two including the bickering in the beginning of the episode.


SA is a VERY good actor.   He's always good but this episode he was even better at showing a guy who's so tired of bad things happening.    And how he automatically ALWAYS assumes he has to be the strong one.   He doesn't allow himself time to grieve because if he does nobody else get's too.   Very well done.


Didn't mind Ray this time.   I'm still not sold on him but I enjoyed his scene with Felicity.   Her saying money can't solve her problem and him volleying that money can't solve any problems, at least not the important one's.   That line said a lot about him and his outlook on the world.    And I thought EBR did very well in that scene.   


Not a bad outing at all.

  • Love 3

I was completely distracted from the first scene in which I was apparently supposed to believe that Laurel managed to get Sara there all by herself. Did she drag Sara by her ankles down the stairs? Not to mention, how did she get her on the table? I can't even lift my 70 lb dog up on the vet's table. I couldn't believe she wouldn't have just called Oliver to the death scene instead of letting them walk in on a dead body. Her car must be a bloody mess.

  • Love 21

I hope Thea is just playing Malcolm. She's Moira's daughter, after all.


I hate that Laurel didn't tell Quentin. He deserved to be there when they buried Sara because he had missed the chance to grieve last time, but it's consistent with her that she thinks she knows better than everyone else what's right.  What kind of medication is he on anyway, that needs to be taken every hour?  Did he get a heart transplant as well?


That opening scene was pretty bad. It was dark when Sara was killed, and morning when the Team got the the lair. Was Laurel just standing there all night looking at Sara's body?  Did she not think to call an ambulance? Even if they found out that Sara was the vigilante, maybe she could have lived.


When Oliver was dangling hope in front of Felicity in the hospital last episode, he was basically asking her to live down in the dark with him until he was ready to move into the light, if ever. I don't like how they did it, but at least Felicity was honest about not wanting to entomb herself with him on the off chance something happens.



Didn't like that there was a significant focus on Felicity. Should've been Laurel and Oliver grieving with the other three providing support.

Felicity was a better friend to Sara than Laurel was in her last stay in Starling City. (Sara helped her with training and sewed her up when Felicity took the bullet for Sara.)  I'm glad they honored that, and also Sara's relationship with Roy.


To be honest, four scenes of Oliver/Laurel supporting each other was enough for me.

  • Love 12

No he didn't...no matter how he was behaving..he didn't deserve that.

You're saying he didn't deserve to hear that it's okay to be a human? Because that's essentially what Felicity was saying and doing. It's obvious that you can never get to Oliver unless it's with tough love. Oliver deserved to grieve and the way he was acting was not healthy for him. So yeah, Oliver deserved to hear it because it made him realize that he didn't want to die alone in Verdant. 

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 11

So too much Laurel giving her usual blank performance that she thinks makes her look like a badass instead of a robot, Oliver's being a dick again, Felicity's ship blocker love interest is a stalker, sounds like the only interesting thing happened at the end with Malcolm and Thea. Glad I skipped this one, I'll probably delete it from my DVR and wait for the Thea and Malcolm scene to pop up on youtube. 




I was completely distracted from the first scene in which I was apparently supposed to believe that Laurel managed to get Sara there all by herself. Did she drag Sara by her ankles down the stairs?


Laurel probably let Sara's head smack every step on the way down. She needs to make sure Sara's dead, so she can take her place. 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 8

No he didn't...no matter how he was behaving..he didn't deserve that.




I agree. Oliver has been through so much more than she can even imagine. Hell, he's told her some of it. That was uncalled for and untrue to accuse him of not feeling anything, and I'm glad she realized it the second it left her mouth.

Edited by Lord Kira
  • Love 4

So too much Laurel giving her usual blank performance that she thinks makes her look like a badass instead of a robot, Oliver's being a dick again, Felicity's ship blocker love interest is a stalker, sounds like the only interesting thing happened at the end with Malcolm and Thea. Glad I skipped this one, I'll probably delete it from my DVR and wait for the Thea and Malcolm scene to pop up on youtube. 





Laurel probably let Sara's head smack every step on the way down. She needs to make sure Sara's dead, so she can take her place.

That's seriously what I was picturing-"Weekend at Bernie's" with poor Sara.

  • Love 5

Scattered thoughts:


-I thought Felicity making the jab about Oliver not having feelings WAS mean, and it was over the line, and she knew it. I appreciate that the show had her go there, because she's not perfect, and she can hurt him as much as he hurts her. It's important to see that she screws up sometimes.

-This is the best EBR has ever been, in my opinion. I've never particularly liked her teary scenes, but I thought she nailed them this episode.

-This is also the best SA has ever been. I love how two seasons of carefully measured emotion have earned him the ability to make those tiny moments seem so vulnerable and raw.

-I actually liked KC a few times--particularly the scene with just Laurel and Oliver upstairs at Verdant. Credit where credit's due, I thought she did a nice job with that.

-Otherwise, I honestly told Laurel to fuck off over and over and over in the last half of the episode. Lance not knowing about his own daughter's death is on Laurel, and no one else. That is disgraceful, given the meta situation where Sara is only dead because of Laurel in the first place. Ugh ugh ugh.

-Liked Roy and Felicity being closer.

-Didn't like Ray stalking Felicity, but I did like the scene next to the elevator. He seems kind at heart, and that's all I want from him.


  • Love 9

This was so much better than The Calm. Still weirdly paced and uneven, but I thought they gave the emotional scenes the time they needed to breath rather than rushing through a bunch of beats like amphetamines chased with champagne, only to kick you in the nads to end it. This one ended on the kickass Thea/Malcolm note. 



I loved SA and EBR in the foundry


I actually think EBR was kind of terrible in that scene, it was the weirdest time and place to reiterate the don't dangle maybes. I mean I'm glad she really called him out, but it felt very oddly shoehorned in. But then this is an episode that asked me to believe Laurel could carry/transport her dead sisters body to the Lair undetected (but doesn't know when a gun has no bullets), have them all just hanging out with arrow filled Sara on a slab for multiple days, stuck her in a freezer, and then buried her in secret in her previous grave as if it was totes fine. Oh and then lied to her dad, although I actually do get that my aunt was in Intensive Care basically on her death bed, none of us told her her son OD'd while she was there, why they fuck did she need to know that? She did not, immutable bad news can damn well wait. But Quentin's illness isn't acute, so she's gonna have to suck it up and tell him sooner or later. 


I love Ray, especially when he saw how upset she was, and finally gave her some space and empathy. Damn did he look foine too, and EBR nailed this crying scene compared to the one in the foundry. 


I liked Laurel for most of the episode, but I also thought the writers gave me every version of Laurel they've ever conceived over 40 something episodes and covered them all again in miniature here, which really kind of points out that they really have no fucking clue which one is the real Laurel. I liked KC's performance because she relied appropriately on grief more than rage to express Laurel's pain, and I really liked the shark story and the final shot of her cradling that and looking at The Jacket. 


Praise Jeebus that Felicity, and Sara's death, Thea being missing all managed to drive home for Oliver that mayhaps he doesn't have to die alone in cave. Dipshit.


Diggle was the Best of Episode though: telling Oliver in no uncertain terms he was back on the team, comforting well everyone, and finally getting me to tear up at naming the Diglette Sara. I think she would really like that. 

  • Love 1


-I thought Felicity making the jab about Oliver not having feelings WAS mean, and it was over the line, and she knew it. I appreciate that the show had her go there, because she's not perfect, and she can hurt him as much as he hurts her. It's important to see that she screws up sometimes.



Yeah, as someone who loves Felicity, I didn't like it when she said that, but I think it was good that she did say it. Felicity is one of the most beloved characters on the show -- to many people, there's not much that she does wrong, but I like that they wrote that line because it makes Felicity more real. She needs to have flaws. Ollie has said many hurtful things to Felicity in the past as well -- it's only realistic that she does the same to him.


I did kind of wish that Felicity could have tried to comfort Oliver more, but then again, he wasn't really allowing people to comfort him. I guess when he said to her that he's going to die down there like Sara, Felicity saw her own future and didn't want that life for herself.

Edited by AustenChick
  • Love 4

You're saying he didn't deserve to hear that it's okay to be a human? Because that's essentially what Felicity was saying and doing. It's obvious that you can never get to Oliver unless it's with tough love. Oliver deserved to grieve and the way he was acting was not healthy for him. So yeah, Oliver deserved to hear it because it made him realize that he didn't want to die alone in Verdant. 

No, I'm saying he didn't need to hear the actual sentence she said. Not then at least. Time and place after all 

Though I agree with everyone else...to her credit Felicity knew it was a low blow. 


Stephen was the best he's been since...maybe when Tommy died. Or ever.

KC was fairly solid as well.

  • Love 1

The show still is not doing Laurel any favors. I thought it was humanly impossible to dislike her any more and yet she goes and proves me wrong. The only questions I have are 1. How long is her contract. 2. Why are the writers trying to make "Fetch" happen with her. 3. Did she actually EVER take any acting classes and 4. Why is she there (i.e Team Arrow lair)? She is in no way relevant and I actually cringe whenever she tries to show the least bit of emotion with her one facial expression for everything. I will admit I did like her as Ruby in Supernatural (different show and different time, I know) but her acting is to monotone and stoic, and she's just boring as hell to me.


Also, I didn't like her in the Team Arrow lair. She just needs to phone it in and stay the hell out of there contaminating the place with her uselessness. Why the hell did the writers think it would be okay for her to be barking orders to Felicity like she was the boss of her. It irritated me more than I thought I could imagine. Can they please write one scene (or more) were everyone is reading her dumb ass she really needs to be taking down a few pegs. Not telling her father I get it he's on medication (popping pills, and he is an addict and maybe she thinks it will push him to abuse the pills and become addicted to another substance or start drinking again who know what Laurel was thinking) but how does she think he is going to react to it when she tells him in the far far future.  


Also what was that crap with her knowing where they kept the guns and shit at. Has she been doing her annoying unwanted snooping around the Arrow cave. Then she is going to go for revenge with a trained killer with an unloaded weapon, yeah they made her stupid enough not to check the magazine shit they might as well let her have kept the weapon with the safety on as she continuously squeezed the trigger to get her revenge. Not to mention she would have killed the wrong damn person. Can they write this woman any more ignorant at this point, this is a legit question?


I kept watching and saying to myself "so Sara died for this". I think that will be my mantra whenever I see Laurel on screen and even more so as they try to gently build and develop her story line into becoming the Black Canary. Obviously they must have not noticed how well Sara pulled this role off (in my opinion) if they think they can even begin to attempt to make Laurel as good a character as she was portrayed by Sara (Caity Lotz) Plus Laurel is coming in with many fans already disliking her immensely.


Oliver did well in this episode, so did the rest of the team. I like the way they wrote the transition in for Felicity to move on and want more. I felt Oliver's pain he sold it, he will regret pushing (maybe unknowingly or knowingly away) Felicity away. Glad they are not making Felicity pine away for Oliver. She is going to live her life and I was all like "YOU GO GIRL". 


It was nice seeing Tommy and Thea really want to see what she will be bringing to this season. Plus the return of Malcolm Merlyn. Glad Daddy Diggle is reporting back in for duty and action. Seeing little baby Diggle was just the cutest thing ever. Kudos to Roy as well he did good this episode. Glad Oliver didn't bite his head off when he read the letter. Oliver is growing up a bit!


Overall not a bad episode. Too much Laurel for me but I balance her bad acting with my love for Felicity's better acting. I can only tolerate so much of Laurel before I want to switch the channel or mute the television. 


Komodo what a waste of a villain. I hope they are not going to bring on different characters without much purpose just so they can have a villain of the week. Thought it was funny that they tracked him because he was doing his duty as a son and making that "I'm okay" phone call to mom (hey we all have done it, or least I use to do it with my mom once a week, may she rest in peace).


Looking forward to next week episode and the rest of the season. With the exception of Laurel the show just keeps getting better.

Edited by Ann Mack
  • Love 12

No, I'm saying he didn't need to hear the actual sentence she said. Not then at least. Time and place after all 

Though I agree with everyone else...to her credit Felicity knew it was a low blow. 


Stephen was the best he's been since...maybe when Tommy died. Or ever.

KC was fairly solid as well.

I don't think I'm making my point clear and that's totally my fault :p I'm not saying that what Felicity said wasn't mean. It was. I'm glad she noticed it was mean and took back what she said. But I sort of understand why she said it too because Oliver was just being terrible to her and it's like he didn't understand that Felicity has feelings too and was grieving over Sara as well and I think Felicity just snapped, she's not perfect... But while it was mean, I think he needed to hear what she said. The way he was acting wasn't normal and it would freak me out if anyone I knew just shut down like that. I'm glad that she said what she said because it eventually lead to Oliver wanting more.


So while Felicity was a bit cruel in that scene (and I understand why she was), I'm glad it lead to Oliver realizing that he wants more than just to die like Sara did.


Does that make sense? God I don't think I'm being very articulate here. 

  • Love 12

That opening scene was pretty bad. It was dark when Sara was killed, and morning when the Team got the the lair. Was Laurel just standing there all night looking at Sara's body?  Did she not think to call an ambulance? Even if they found out that Sara was the vigilante, maybe she could have lived.


After spending way too much time and energy trying to figure out the timeline from last week's episode, I see now I clearly should have paced myself.  This ep was just a mess of "But how?" and "But why?"  Sooo many things didn't make sense or were glossed over or just not explained at all (as usual with this show), like the above. 


If I was an offline viewer, I wouldn't have the first clue why they weren't burying Sara like a normal person or telling Quentin she died.  I saw her Welcome Home party, and her getting a job and being out and about for the last 10 episodes of S2.  They never made a clear attempt in story to explain why the secrecy about her death (unless I missed it?).  The whole keeping it a secret is stupid on the part of the writers but that they didn't even attempt to explain it is just weird.


I thought SA absolutely killed it all episode long.  You could see him just hanging on at the end.  I thought EBR and DR were great as well, even CR came through.  KC was best on the stairs in Verdant with Oliver, didn't care for pretty much the rest of her scenes.


I wanted to smack Ray when he brushed off Felicity's anger at him because she was upset about something else.  Hey, stalker dude, I'm pretty sure she can be angry at you and upset about something else at the same time.  I got that he was sincere at that point, but it bugged that he dismissed her anger like that. 


Eta:  Baby Sara is a cutie patootie of the first order!  But she's also the biggest 3 day old baby ever. ;-)

Edited by JenMD
  • Love 7

Last week I said nice things about Laurel, I will not be repeating that this week.  She was awful! Your sister was brutally murdered in front of you and I felt more emotion from Roy about Sara's death than from you.  Don't even get me started on that nonsense at the hospital.  It was ridiculous.  Laurel should be glad that guy  was skewered by Komodo because any halfway decent attorney (which obviously does not include Laurel) could have brought her up on assault charges for that stupid stunt.  Also, tell your father that his youngest child is dead, Laurel.  And while you are out, tell your mother too. They deserve to know.


Diggle's back on the team.  It better stay that way, too. 


"I don't want to die down here."  Poor Oliver.  And if Oliver keeps calling him John, I am going to be an emotional wreck before we even get to the winter break. 


Even though I didn't love the way they were acting towards each other, I though SA and EBR both did well in foundry scene.  I actually felt some real emotions in those scenes.  "Maybe if you had feelings" and then the stricken look on Oliver's face. 


I also enjoyed Felicity/Roy and Oliver/Roy.  Now go get Thea!


Not enough Tommy!

Edited by MsSchadenfreude
  • Love 4

I just didn't care. I was bored out of my mind watching Laurel's scenes. I didn't buy that she was sad her sister died, I didn't buy that she could carry her down to the Arrow Cave, I didn't buy that she wouldn't call Oliver for help, I didn't buy that I should understand why Laurel not telling her father (as a parent I can't even begin to describe how mad I would be at my child if they denied me the chance to say goodbye to my other child. I can't even put that into words), I didn't buy it buy any of it.


Oliver and Diggle's two scenes the one on the rooftop and the one in the Arrow cave were the only scenes I even remotely felt something.


Everyone was so OOC Diggle naming his kid after someone that Lyla has never met, Felicity snarking Oliver when they've shown her putting up with all of his defeatist BS before, Oliver bitching at Felicity.


Laurel in the arrow cave is never going to be okay with me and what the writers were thinking by having her ordering Felicity around with not a please to be found I have no idea.


Oh and Laurel, if you didn't want to bury your sister in her old grave and pretend like she was still alive, step one was manning up and telling your father that she died so he could arrange a real funeral.


I don't know what this episode was but it's a show I never want to watch again.



On the plus side I'm going to go back to watching The Calm with all it's flaws and pretend this episode never happened.

  • Love 16

Felicity was terrific this episode.  I loved her admitting her jealousy of Sara to Roy, without it detracting one iota from her grief.  I loved her breakdown with Ray, how well she held it together until the elevator, until he pushed and pushed so she couldn't hold back the pain any longer.  I loved her with Oliver, making it all him and not about her, highlighting his relationship with Sara without it affecting their own.  She was his Sara, even if she was also Felicity's friend.


Things I didn't like: EBR mumble mouth rivals Blake Lively's.  Someone, anyone, please get her some elocution lessons.  Felicity's clothes continue to be gorgeous but wildly inappropriate.  


Also wildly inappropriate?  The outfits Laurel chooses to wear when she inserts herself into missions.  I too would take on a notorious assassin wearing my smart pant suit and heels.  


Nitpick: everyone lets Komodo go the moment they realize he didn't kill Sara?  I assume it's so he can make a triumphant return later in the season, but it was out of character for the team to let him run off into his murderous sunset.


I don't know which I hate more: the flashbacks themselves or Oliver's flashback wig.  

  • Love 3

I was completely distracted from the first scene in which I was apparently supposed to believe that Laurel managed to get Sara there all by herself. Did she drag Sara by her ankles down the stairs? Not to mention, how did she get her on the table? I can't even lift my 70 lb dog up on the vet's table. I couldn't believe she wouldn't have just called Oliver to the death scene instead of letting them walk in on a dead body. Her car must be a bloody mess.


She was probably on such an adrenaline high from getting that black leather jacket that she could lift a car off a toddler at that point.

  • Love 10

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