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Euros Of Hollywood - General Discussion

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From Bravo:

A group of European expats come to Los Angeles to chase the American dream while dealing with their own cultural differences.

From TV Guide:

Fawni hosts a dinner party to celebrate a new lost-divorce start in the series premiere of this reality show chronicling the lives of European jet-setters living in Hollywood.

I actually sort of enjoyed this show, perhaps because it helped fill the Shah-shaped hole in my heart. No doubt if this group was a bunch of crass, badly behaved Americans I probably wouldn't make it more than 10 minutes into the episode before shutting it off.


First impressions--Bleona's monstrous ego is most likely a coping mechanism for her insecurities and feelings of inadequacy, despite the limited success she's had in Albania. She's been in the US since 2009 and failed to make any significant impression here.


I find Fawni's accent really jarring but there is something endearing about her. She seems rather down to earth and genuine, but she has a hideous sense of style/make up.


Did anyone find it odd that German DJ Sacha's eyelids were caked in pink eye shadow? It was most noticeable during his talking heads and when he was Skyping with his wife. I doubt this was just an oversight by the show's makeup department since it was so conspicuous, which leads me to believe it was a personal aesthetic choice. And he was ragging on the Dane for those ugly red shoes, ha.


Massimo has a long way to go if he wants to nail the perfect American accent. His career shouldn't suffer too much though--there are plenty of character and supporting roles in Hollywood. Also, he may be Italian born and a citizen of Rome, but his surname Dobrovic suggests some Croatian ancestry.

Edited by Rahul
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I was pleasantly surprised that this show was not as bad as I thought it would/could be - I laughed out loud at several scenes.

I thought Massimo and Fawni in Target was hysterical.  Massimo, in particular, made me laugh many times ("I'm dressed in Target colors so you won't feel lonely...."  LOL)

Fawni seems very nice, but, not sure because of her claim of wanting to "fuck everything she touches"...

There is something to love/hate about the Jannick, the jewelry guy - I think he's handsome, but I also think he may be a little full of himself.  Also, dating a girl for three years, and not putting a ring on it, yet??  Seriously??

Bleona - I don't know - she is coming off pretty badly, as a spoiled brat with no respect for anyone, even her parents - I don't know what type of fame she had in Albania, but she's chasing a dream here - she seems a little old to think she can be the next pop princess!! 

The rest, well, I don't have an opinion right now.

I think this show will be good for a few laughs, though - I'll keep tuning in!!  It's a nice diversion from the usual "sturm und drang" of the Housewives!!!   

Edited by njbchlover
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I actually sort of enjoyed this show, perhaps because it helped fill the Shah-shaped hole in my heart. No doubt if this group was a bunch of crass, badly behaved Americans I probably wouldn't make it more than 10 minutes into the episode before shutting it off.


First impressions--Bleona's monstrous ego is most likely a coping mechanism for her insecurities and feelings of inadequacy, despite the limited success she's had in Albania. She's been in the US since 2009 and failed to make any significant impression here.


I find Fawni's accent really jarring but there is something endearing about her. She seems rather down to earth and genuine, but she has a hideous sense of style/make up.


Did anyone find it odd that German DJ Sacha's eyelids were caked in pink eye shadow? It was most noticeable during his talking heads and when he was Skyping with his wife. I doubt this was just an oversight by the show's makeup department since it was so conspicuous, which leads me to believe it was a personal aesthetic choice. And he was ragging on the Dane for those ugly red shoes, ha.


Massimo has a long way to go if he wants to nail the perfect American accent. His career shouldn't suffer too much though--there are plenty of character and supporting roles in Hollywood. Also, he may be Italian born and a citizen of Rome, but his surname Dobrovic suggests some Croatian ancestry.


I just read Massimo's bio on the Bravo website - his family did leave Croatia when he was young and settled in Italy.

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I watched this show expecting to mock these silly immigrants but found them likable for the most part.

  • The Italian guy is my fav. He's cute and seems like a nice funny guy.
  • The Albanian woman is rather pushy and overbearing, but entertaining for now. I think she's going to become tiring after not long.
  • Janik the Dane was attractive but quite a bit full of himself. I was surprised to hear he's dating a woman.

  • The Swedish woman reminded me of ABBA for some reason.
  • I think there are a couple more but I don't remember.

I wondered just how famous the Albanian woman really is but don't care enough to bother seeing what Google has to say. How strange that she's not familiar with doing mundane things like putting gas in a car.

Edited by OnceSane
deleted inappropriate sentence
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The whole out of gas scenario smelled of Bravo's rancid hand of production to me. They can't help but meddle and script their so called reality shows to amp up the drama.


I agree with you. Somehow I don't believe that the young worker would close up shop in order to help Bleona. Unless it was totally staged, of course. I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to use a "noozle". Especially considering how well Bleona knows the English language (when compared to others on the show). That and she's been in America since 2009.


Fawni (sp?) and another cast member (can't recall who) said Isabelle has a lot of influence in the music industry because her husband is Swedish House Mafia. I didn't think Swedish House Mafia was so hugely successful. I could be mistaken though.

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I agree with you. Somehow I don't believe that the young worker would close up shop in order to help Bleona. Unless it was totally staged, of course. I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to use a "noozle". Especially considering how well Bleona knows the English language (when compared to others on the show). That and she's been in America since 2009..


Maybe she gave him her favorite line---"you don't fuck with Albanians"---and he was too scared to refuse.  I could swear I've seen horror flicks where Albanians torture innocent tourists who, evidently, were unaware of the famous Albanian temper.  I've heard the same line from Drita on Mob Wives.  


No wonder Bleona hasn't made it big on the American music scene.  We just don't have any recording studios or equipment up to those lofty Albanian standards.


Favorite line:  We are from Europe, we have no clue to drive here!

Edited by technorebel
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Fawni seems very nice, but, not sure because of her claim of wanting to "fuck everything she touches"...

I can actually vouch for this since one of my friends was her f*ck buddy, for about a year, and yes, while she was married.  I have heard the stories and based on those, I do believe she has an insatiable appetite for sex.


I think it's funny that people here have never heard of Swedish House Mafia.  They were HUGE . . . for about a 3 month period and then they broke up, kind of like the Verve.  But, I had a couple of friends pay upwards of $500 for tickets to their final concert.


Bleona has no redeeming qualities, does she?  I hate to break it to her, but she is nowhere near as hot as she thinks she is and her entitled attitude makes her even more unattractive.

  • Love 3

I've heard of Swedish House Mafia before. I'm pretty sure he put out house music for a while although I'm not certain.

SHM is huge, their music is EDM (Electronic Dance Music), which is popular in the US but more so around the world. They did have a song that got a lot of airplay in the US, "Don't You Worry Child."

Edited by Chrissytd

First impressions--Bleona's monstrous ego is most likely a coping mechanism for her insecurities and feelings of inadequacy, despite the limited success she's had in Albania. She's been in the US since 2009 and failed to make any significant impression here.

Come on ! That's disingenuous ! Everybody knows she has expanded [her] reputation as a successful, international performer capable of impressing any audience and when her 2013's single came out it was called "an uplifting dance floor filler that screams “GIRL POWER” at the top of its europop lungs" by MaximumPop. And she is THE shit because the show follows Bleona as her career takes off in Hollywood, while she is living the American dream, and the road to becoming a global superstar.


Nevermind, I think I'm just quoting her publicist, editing her wikipedia page.


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I'm just not seeing any insecurity in Bleona.  She seems to have a really high opinion of herself.  After all, she's been supporting her parents from the age of 14, and they've been her servants ever since, poor things.  I'm sure they didn't know they were creating a monster when they put her in that first Albanian music festival.  The way she talked to that guy at the store when she was out of gas, the girl just has NO manners. 


One thing I did like about Fawni was her willingness to call Bleona out on her bullshit.  Other than that, she comes across as a bimbo. Lucky to have Massimo as a friend.  Why don't I have a lovely male friend who comes over to prepare extravagant feasts for my dinner parties?  He is adorable.

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I didn't know the show started already! 


Massimo - Seems like a total sweetheart and his food looked delicious

Fawni - Seems sweet yet scrappy. The fact that she cheated on her husband soured her a bit for me, but if she can go toe to toe with Bleona, I might end up liking her.

Bleona - Dynamic, yet exhausting. 

Jannik - Getting tool-ish vibes from him, and he is not attractive.

Isabel - Not shown enough to make an impression yet

Other Euro Guy - I don't remember his name, but he's the DJ. Also didn't make enough of an impression on me yet. 


I'm gonna stick around because it's slightly more interesting than the usual Bravo reality show. It's probably the accents and the possibility of people being too much.

Edited by cyberfruit
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The single bright point in show is easygoing, smiling and really very clever Massimo from Italy. I can imagine his own show.


On the other side, the extremely annoying is Bleona. She thinks she is something extraordinary. Oh... but her manners, her vulgar vocabulary, her rude and aggressive stances to others with no particular reason, even to her parents... Her behavior is an absolute dealbreaker for me.

Of course, not to forget, she is "f**king famous" as she sings in one of her songs. ;)

  • Love 4

So Bleona was trying to make the dinner party light and funny?  Remind me to never accept a dinner invitation from an Albanian because I really don't get their sense of humour.  In spite of her dismal behaviour at Fawni's party, somehow Isabel is teaming up with Bleona to convince Fawni that SHE is the unstable one!  It's too bizarre.  They're gaslighting her.  Isabel was shocked that someone who says she's been nauseated the whole day had to make a sudden trip to the restroom..."Are you kidding me.  She's throwing up in a bathroom".  It makes me wonder what room people in Sweden normally use to retch in.  


Thank goodness Massimo was his usual delightful self.  I could watch him all day long.

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Maybe I peeked too many times into my aunt's Barbara Taylor Bradford books trying to find the sex scenes.  But isn't Europe supposed to have all those clinics in Sweden and Switzerland that are the epitome of surgical enhancement and anti-aging remedies?  So why does every single female cast member look like they ran slower than the slowest angry villager complete with pitchfork and torch.  A couple of the males are also looking plenty stormed castled when it comes to defying the creep of years. 


Granted they might as well have called this Euros: Taking the Trash In.  But surely accents can come with eye candy among those pursuing the Hollywood Success story?  Instead we have some sort of sick reversed save the children charity drive and instead of hoping for a letter from Manuela once a month thanking me for providing clean drinking water, I get the aged children of several Balkan conflicts pretending to be the cream colored section of an old Bennetton ad.

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This show is a hoot. It's a bright spot on Mondays. So much Euro goodness to giggle and guffaw at between the accents and the bizarre dress sense of these people


  • "Honey, who are you?" - Bleona to the host of the dinner party
  • Sacha unzipping his shirt and checking out his rack while Fawni prattles on about Bleona Barfona, the Albanian gypsy; I didn't realize Bleona's surname wasn't really Barfona until a Google search to that effect yielded zero hits. Between the accent and un-American intonation I had no idea Fawni was even taking a dig at her! Its then dawned on me that "Albanian gypsy" isn't so much an epithet as it probably is an insult.
  • Fawni pronouncing party as "potty" 
  • Massimo showing up to stunt training in a do rag
  • Bleona cavorting around town in what looked to be a night gown


Sacha really needs to nix the layers and layers of pink eye shadow. It's not a good look for a middle aged man with thinning hair. Speaking of eye makeup, Fawni also needs some schooling. That solitary lash she draws on diagonally on her top lid is a style that should be reserved only for stage performances in a theater that seats 1,000 people. Or kabuki. 


Isabel is a sheep. I think she's my least favorite of the women for having no apparent personality of her own and hitching her wagon to Bleona for some unknown reason. I'm glad Fawni's invitation wasn't rescinded by Isabel sure is easily susceptible to manipulation. Is she really amused by Bleona's immature antics? Oh, and I'm sticking by my assessment of Bleona as massively insecure. It's clear she's trying to sabotage Fawni's American career because she's already threatened. 


On a happier note, Massimo is a breath of fresh air. Gay or European? The jury is out. Either way, he is not only charming and amusing but his platonic relationship with Fawni is really nice to see. I really hope it doesn't dissolve or turn sour by seasons end. 


Does Fawni kind of look like Pink?


Absolutely--especially with her hair tied back to appear short.

Edited by Rahul
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I wonder if the show would have worked better if Massimo was more of the center and the rest were the ensemble who back him.  Almost all these group shows start out with an idiot chain of relationships which makes the contrived "we have to get along and we have to attend the same events over and over again even though we hate each other and live in a city of millions" stretch thin and annoying.   Despite loath watching it, I do wonder if having the twin gravitational pulls be Lisa as boss and Stassi as self proclaimed social queen bee was a key element to the success of Vanderpump Rules.  Even Shahs of Sunset, Reza wisely crawled up the ass of the rest of the show's cast and their business faster than you can say "what is that in Mike's bowels?"  No matter how heinous, the savvy castmates of any of these shows are the ones that immediately try to insert themselves in every other castmates business.  But it throws the dynamic off when done too soon out the gate.  Caprice on the failed Ladies of London.  The oddness that permeated the Melbourne Real Housewives.  The stilted drama on Southern Charm was likely saved by the fact that many seem to find a bunch of men hanging their asses out was fresh compared to yet another round of women.  Plus the setting and approach made for a slightly different version.  


While Massimo is amusing, overall this show is nothing more than all the others BRAVO throws at us.  Just with accents.   

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I thought Isabelle's treatment of Fawni was horrible. What Fawni said was the opposite of what Isabelle accused her of saying. Not to mention Bleona trying to stir the pot. I agree with Fawni that Bleona needs to shut the f*** up. I've disliked Isabelle since the first episode. I agree with the post above that said she has no personality. I can't wait for the episode where Jannick (sp?) tells her "the problem is you". 


It's only been 2 episodes but I'm already tired of the scenes with Jannick and his American girlfriend.

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I started watching The People's Couch last night and noticed three of the viewers shown watching the Wallanda tightrope stunt were Massimo, Jannick, and the blonde bimbo. Unfortunately, I was getting tired and had trouble understand what they were saying.


The Euros aren't regulars on The People's Couch. I mentioned that I liked seeing them on the show last night in TPC forums. Apparently, everyone else hated it. Some even claimed they lost faith in the show altogether because of the Euro's promotional appearance. To be honest, I don't think the regular couch commentators are all that funny so it didn't bother me.


I can see how it would be hard to understand what the Euros are saying at times. Fawni said a few things in her talking heads that I couldn't comprehend on second watch.

Edited by turbogirlnyc
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The Euros aren't regulars on The People's Couch. I mentioned that I liked seeing them on the show last night in TPC forums. Apparently, everyone else hated it. Some even claimed they lost faith in the show altogether because of the Euro's promotional appearance. To be honest, I don't think the regular couch commentators are all that funny so it didn't bother me.

I always assumed some of the regulars on this show are actors or are given suggestions for clever things to say, so it didn't bother me much to see the Euros on another Bravo show.

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How tall is Fawni? She looks absolutely tiny next to everyone else. And fuck off, Isabel. Obviously she thinks Bleona will be the STAH! of the show and wants to align herself with her as quickly as possible. Ugh.

Massimo is charming and I'm starting the countdown for when Jannick and his American break up. Hopefully before the season finale because they are boring with a capital B.

Two things about the previews: 1) Damn, Russell must be THIRSTY to do this show; and 2) bodyguards, really? Girl, there is no way you are that important to need them. Nor is teeny Fawni such a "problem" that you need protection. Bleona is just a thirsty bitch trying to keep focus on her.

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