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S10.E02: Reichenbach


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This episode made me fall in love with Demon!Dean after my complete and total apoplexy at Dean becoming a demon at the end of 9.23.  I was fucking DONE with the show. I was gutted and destroyed...and to be fair, I'm not really over it either.


But fucking Jensen Ackles...that little shit...made me love demon!Dean


Oh just face it, we're lifers. Mick and I have been watching real time since day one, and now have all the DVDs. Supernatural is just plain special! How many other shows have you watched for Ten Years? You can try to quit, but it will always pull you back in!

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More a fan of the book Mick Lady (yes I am that much of a geek) but I love the movie too. 


And what *is* it with guys and their vehicles?  My car is something that gets me from A to B (usually, but not always) and it has no nickname. Mind, I do appreciate a good looking car and the Impala is that. I also love Death's car.  I don't know enough about cars to know what it is, but it's one nice looking vehicle.

Fair enough catrox14.   My sister was the same way with her Mustang (don't think she's named her SUV, could be wrong). Maybe if I'd had anything other than mom-mobiles I'd see things differently.  But honestly, I'm more likely to name my sewing machine than a car.  (Current machine doesn't have a name, previous one was Beast~heavy solid thing~broke my toe on it.  One before was Bitch, 'cause she was always such a bitch to use)

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LOL in my family we had


The Green Hornet (old Ford Galaxy 500)

The Hindenburg (my favorite name to date. HUGE Plymouth Fury  we thought for sure would blow up one day)

The Ladybug (orange VW bug)

The Death Mobile (a station wagon so big it was practically a hearse)

The Blueberry Bomb - used 4 door chevelle that someone painted blue with flat wall paint.  Seriously. LOL

my 68 Mustang ---- My first Baby.  But I didn't buy her new. Got her used for like 500 bucks umpteen years later. I regret EVER selling that car...:(. But she went to a good home


on topic....Dean's Baby needs some TLC after demon!Dean was so mean to her:(.

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This episode made me fall in love with Demon!Dean after my complete and total apoplexy at Dean becoming a demon at the end of 9.23.  I was fucking DONE with the show. I was gutted and destroyed...and to be fair, I'm not really over it either.


But fucking Jensen Ackles...that little shit...made me love demon!Dean

I thought I was the only one. When he opened those black eyes I cried (my husband thought I was insane). How could they do this to you?? LOL But Jensen made me love him. He really knows how to sell it! And OMG that thing you do with the thing.............I need to know!

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I thought I was the only one. When he opened those black eyes I cried (my husband thought I was insane). How could they do this to you?? LOL But Jensen made me love him. He really knows how to sell it! And OMG that thing you do with the thing.............I need to know!


LOL I would rather they just killed Dean off altogether than make him a demon...and then...this happens.  OH Jensen. Why must you be so perfect and make me want things I should not. 


And to your final point about needing to know...I just happened upon something I will post in the fanfiction thread because it's relevant.

So I did my re-re-watch for this episode and I gotta say, catrox you were right.  This really IS an excellent episode.  I appreciated it the first time around, I really did. But this time I got a lot more out of it.  In part it's perspective

Seeing the path Dean goes thru and where he winds up at the end of S10 helped me to see WHAT it was about Demon Dean that was such an anathema to Dean. Yes, the compulsion to kill was bad but I think it was also his complete lack of give-a-shit.  The first time he might have embraced it as a relief. But once cured, I think he saw how damaging it was. I imagine as he was fighting to stop turning into a demon again, he was fighting not only the urge to kill but also the urge to just not care.


Things that stood out on this re-re-watch:

- I really liked Hannah in this episode. The "but where's the surprise?" was cute and the way she manhandled Metraton was nicely BadAss.  

- Cas is so utterly done with Metatron. There's a darkness that Metatron brings out in Cas. 

- My goodness but Jared dropped weight/bulk so rapidly!  JIBCON where he injured his shoulder was in May. They were filming in late July.  I swear he lost 20 lbs, all upper-body muscle. When I look at him in his FBI suit and the standard green jacket, he's just swimming in both.  Which makes me realize how much work Jared must have to put in to keep his form.  He's not S5 hulk-monster size but his normal size is much bigger in the upper-body.  And he often speaks about the treadmill or running.  I can attest to both he and Jensen being much slimmer than you would think.  As in small waist and hips.  I think Jared's 'natural' body type is lanky and lean.  Which means part of the reason he chows down as much as he does is to simply keep bulk on his body.  And obviously it takes only 2 months off at the gym before he loses his muscle mass. He must have a Hummingbird metabolism.  Despite the sudden thinness, I think it DID help him sell the beat-up look. 

- Although I'm generally not a fan of Cole, I really liked his scream of frustration in the fight-scene with Dean.  That was so... real. 


Which brings me to my two favorite characters of the episode:

- Crowley, Crowley, Crowley.  The moment he realizes Dean is "just not that into you", Crowley "ends" the relationship.  To save face in front of his minions.  I wonder if he would have done that if they weren't standing right there. Perhaps he would have gone for persuasion rather than confrontation.  Because confrontation was such a BAD IDEA.  And he realized it just a moment too late. Still, probably one of my favorite lines was "It's Math!" after Dean killed the client.  Which leads me to...

- Dean. Wow. what a performance by Mr. Ackles.  I was far more terrified this time around than the first time. Specifics (because I want to GUSH):

-- I think he was fully prepared to kill Mindy but killing Lester was MUCH more satisfying and a way of making it clear to Crowley that he wouldn't be taking orders.  He acted like it was no big deal but I think he knew what he was doing when he killed Lester.  The last thing Dean wants is the sense that anyone is holding his leash (Demon!Dean or just regular Dean). I think that's also why he accepted he needed to kill in a controlled fashion rather than let himself go full-on foaming at the mouth. Because then he would be operating without thinking at all.  That's not Dean, under any circumstances.  Plus, he made it sound like it was uncomfortable when the urge was unfulfilled.

-- He couldn't help himself from asking how Sammy got hurt but then realized he truly just didn't care. Like caring for Sammy was "autopilot", but not if he thought about it (which is why Cole's threat held no weight).

-- The detached way he sliced his own hand and then recalled Crowley telling him to "pick a bloody side".  As much as Dean DIDN'T care, I think he was at least ruminating on his own instincts.  While partying, he didn't do anything but what he felt like. Now, without Crowley to provide some direction, what direction would Demon!Dean head in without Crowley to pal around with? Yes he had taken off on his own (although he DID ask Ann Marie to go with him at first), but I think part of Dean's instinct is to NOT be alone.  I can see Dean understanding that instinct in a sort of clinical way without understanding why that instinct still existed as a demon.  

-- The fight with Cole was a thing of beauty.  The way he toyed with him and almost proudly said "I'm a demon."  It was so very very cruel. Just everything he said to Cole was cruel.

- The conversation with Sam in the bar. That got a reaction. Yeah, he laughed at Sam's puppy dog eyes.... but he was actually "engaged" with Sam in that conversation.  He cared what direction it took.  I wonder if the "I'm your brother and I'm here to take you home" was funny to him because that was the way the Old Dean would have talked to Sam if Sam was running amok.  As if he was laughing that the shoe was on the other foot and almost rejecting that he used to feel that way.  But it was an ugly laugh.

- Since Dean as in a "I don't give-a-shit mode", I took much of what he said to be how Demon!Dean truly was feeling at the moment.  I think Crowley knew it too.  Which is why Dean's pointed rejection hit Crowley so hard.

But ultimately, I was struck with how cold and cruel Dean was. For parts of the time it was like he was pretending to be Dean on a bender, but when he was really paying attention - he was VERY DARK. 

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Heh though seeing his frustration at his "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya..." bit failing was somewhat amusing. And Demon Dean's explanation for why he let him live was chilling. Both Jensen and Jared did a great job in that scene I think. Sam's face as listened to Dean's explanation and realized the mercy that he thought that he had seen in Dean's actions was actually the opposite was heartbreaking, imo.

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Heh though seeing his frustration at his "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya..." bit failing was somewhat amusing. And Demon Dean's explanation for why he let him live was chilling. Both Jensen and Jared did a great job in that scene I think. Sam's face as listened to Dean's explanation and realized the mercy that he thought that he had seen in Dean's actions was actually the opposite was heartbreaking, imo.


Yeah, Jensen was just stellar here and Jared did a great job being afraid of dean or at least not knowing hot to deal with him. 

  • Sometimes this show's attitude toward "real" monsters versus "human" monsters really irritates me.  Like when Cole was saying that he'd met his share of monsters and Sam just blows him off - No, dude.  REAL monsters like werewolves and vampires.  Do they (the show or Sam and Dean) really think the monster-monster variety is worse than the human-monster variety?  I'd be more inclined to think the opposite.  At least humans have a choice.  A real choice.  And Bloodlines plot aside, mostly monster-monsters don't have a choice - from being turned or born into it to killing to sate their needs.  To me, that makes the human-monster variety infinitely more unpredictable and therefore infinitely scarier.  
  • The inter-cutting between Sam getting beaten and Dean beating the bouncer was really well done.  It had me on edge and yet I was thankful for it, because I don't think I could have taken full on Sam torture.  God, Sam shaking when Cole was about to take the hammer to his knee was bad enough.
  • It was REALLY nice to see Sam get himself out of that bind though.  Can't remember last time that happened.  But how did he manage to clean up his face after he escaped and was high-tailing down the road when he called Cas?
  • Heaven's door is back open and permanent now - can't the angels just zap around?
  • That tow truck driver was awfully trusting letting two strangers hang out in her house with her young daughter asleep upstairs.  But I forget sometimes - small towns are like that.  But where was she getting the tires after dark anyway?  Unless she had them at a shop in town.  Okay, nm.  I'll go with that explanation.  But where do angels get money to pay for car repairs?
  • I love Dean even more, demon or no, for slugging Lester during his disgusting 'it different when men cheat' speech.  God, I could watch that scene over and over just for Dean's facial expressions.  He really is a big teddy bear at heart.  Right now, he's kind of like Teddy in Wishful Thinking but still...
  • Supernatural!Math=Mark of Cain Deanmon>King of Hell.  Got it.  I just hope they don't make me do calculus.
  • I would have really liked to see Cas slit Marv's throat and take his grace.  In fact, I think that's the only way I really want to see Marv again.  Got that show?
  • I do perversely like Deanmon's lack of co-dependence on Sam.  That was refreshing.  And very chilling at the end.  
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41 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Heaven's door is back open and permanent now - can't the angels just zap around?

I'm not sure. It depends on if at this point their wings are back to functional yet? The only angels who avoided getting their wings burned extra crispy in the fall were Metatron and Lucifer. I'm not remembering when or if the state of angels' wings was addressed at this point in the show.

46 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

I would have really liked to see Cas slit Marv's throat and take his grace.  In fact, I think that's the only way I really want to see Marv again.  Got that show?

Hee I like to see Metatron... so I can hate him. Hee. I think Curtis Armstrong does a great job with the role.

I'm sorry, but Cole seems like even more of a boob in retrospect.

How did he manage to dedicate his life to hunting down Dean Winchester, monster-hunter since basically preschool, without ever even getting a tip off that the supernatural exists? Possibly the worst investigator in the history of the world.

But guess I gotta hand it to John that he managed to get further in a matter of months than Cole did in years and years and years, AND John was doing it pre-internet.

Anyway, like most everybody, I thought the best scenes were the Dean/Cole fight and the confrontation between Sam and Dean in the bar.

Also, was there any point to Cole torturing Sam? Couldn't he have used Sam as bait just as easily without the torture? There was a 0% chance I was going to find Cole sympathetic after he started in on that, and him being so ignorant and out of his depth just made it even worse somehow. Were they TRYING to make him unsympathetic? Were they trying to make him seem "depraved" to show how much he'd been ruined by Dean/his father's death, or something like that? Even in hindsight it doesn't really make sense to me.

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Man, I love this episode in general.

This was when I really saw the differences between Dean and demon!Dean. Gods what a fantastic performance by Jensen to make Dean fucking scary with Lester. He flipped a switch in a heart beat and went from kind of smarmy to downright terrifying.

Same thing with his fight with Crowley. 


Sigh. I miss demon!Dean. He would destroy Ketch.

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On Saturday, September 24, 2016 at 3:04 AM, rue721 said:

I'm sorry, but Cole seems like even more of a boob in retrospect.

How did he manage to dedicate his life to hunting down Dean Winchester, monster-hunter since basically preschool, without ever even getting a tip off that the supernatural exists? Possibly the worst investigator in the history of the world.

But guess I gotta hand it to John that he managed to get further in a matter of months than Cole did in years and years and years, AND John was doing it pre-internet.

Anyway, like most everybody, I thought the best scenes were the Dean/Cole fight and the confrontation between Sam and Dean in the bar.

Also, was there any point to Cole torturing Sam? Couldn't he have used Sam as bait just as easily without the torture? There was a 0% chance I was going to find Cole sympathetic after he started in on that, and him being so ignorant and out of his depth just made it even worse somehow. Were they TRYING to make him unsympathetic? Were they trying to make him seem "depraved" to show how much he'd been ruined by Dean/his father's death, or something like that? Even in hindsight it doesn't really make sense to me.

The whole Cole thing baffles me.  He's introduced in the season premiere, gets tons of screen time (when we're all eager to see Demon Dean!), his background, friends and family all explored, the actor does a lot of interviews and publicity photos with Jared, then . . . nothing.  He disappears, never to be seen or mentioned again.

Were TPTB planning for him to head a spinoff?  If so, then why did they have him torture Sam?  That alone made him unsympathetic.  It didn't help that the actor seemed to think that he was the star.

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33 minutes ago, Mulva said:

The whole Cole thing baffles me.  He's introduced in the season premiere, gets tons of screen time (when we're all eager to see Demon Dean!), his background, friends and family all explored, the actor does a lot of interviews and publicity photos with Jared, then . . . nothing.  He disappears, never to be seen or mentioned again.

Were TPTB planning for him to head a spinoff?  If so, then why did they have him torture Sam?  That alone made him unsympathetic.  It didn't help that the actor seemed to think that he was the star.

It was all pretty purposeless.  Unless it was just to show that Demon Dean wasn't into saving Sam like regular Dean.  I think we could have figured that out.  Or that Demon Dean who wasn't into saving Sam and had not problem killing people who basically hire a hitman to kill his wife would have scruples about killing a kidnapper and torturer.  Or, that even after spending years chasing a vendetta, you'll just let it go when the guy who killed your father tells you he was a monster.  Imagine if Azazel had said to Sam, "No, I'm really the good guy.  Your mom was a monster," and Sam would be all like, "OK, dude, that's cool."  It's the same thing except one would be lying and the other telling the truth, but the listener wouldn't know that.  Dean offered no proof.  Cole thought that Dean himself was a demon.  Yet, he believed him.  He either had a really crappy dad, which makes the revenge storyline seem implausible, or he's just a super nice guy, which makes the kidnap and torture Sam storyline implausible.

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30 minutes ago, Mulva said:

The whole Cole thing baffles me.  He's introduced in the season premiere, gets tons of screen time (when we're all eager to see Demon Dean!), his background, friends and family all explored, the actor does a lot of interviews and publicity photos with Jared, then . . . nothing.  He disappears, never to be seen or mentioned again.

Were TPTB planning for him to head a spinoff?  If so, then why did they have him torture Sam?  That alone made him unsympathetic.  It didn't help that the actor seemed to think that he was the star.

This was after the fail of Bloodlines and The Flash getting a well-received introduction through Arrow. There was an interview Carver did around this time that seemed to suggest they were still toying with the idea of a spin-off but felt they needed to tie it to a character already established. However, the network didn't think any of the current Supernatural characters could support a spin-off.

So, yeah, my personal theory was that Cole was considered a possible spin-off. But even if he wasn't I do think they may have had more in mind with Cole, but after he got such a cold reception, it seems they scraped whatever they were doing with him. 

I don't think the torture made Cole unsympathetic exactly. I mean, it does in the sense that torture always is unsympathetic to me, but Cole wasn't doing anything the Winchesters hadn't done and he wasn't doing it for shits and giggles. From his perspective, he was doing the world a solid by hunting down Dean--the guy he thought murdered his father in cold blood. I think what makes Cole unsympathetic is that he abandoned his family for vengeance--which I think is generally pointless in the end--but the torturing didn't help. And, yeah, the actor didn't help either.

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I think the actor got into some deep shit with fans at one of the cons. There is some discussion of it in the social media thread. There are charges that he sexually harrassed and was inappropriate with younger congoers. IMO, between his character not being well-received and these con allegations, he's been given the cold shoulder by the show.

25 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I think the actor got into some deep shit with fans at one of the cons. There is some discussion of it in the social media thread. There are charges that he sexually harrassed and was inappropriate with younger congoers. IMO, between his character not being well-received and these con allegations, he's been given the cold shoulder by the show.

I would guess that's why he hasn't made a reappearance since S10, but, as I recall, he didn't attend his first con until late in S10. I wonder if he also wasn't all that well-received by the cast and crew, too? I mean, you'll never hear Jared and Jensen say anything publicly, but it could be they told TPTB they didn't enjoy working with him so they figured they should just cut it off early before it went too far?

Edited by DittyDotDot
8 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

I would guess that's why he hasn't made a reappearance since S10, but, as I recall, he didn't attend his first con until late in S10. I wonder if he also wasn't all that well-received by the cast and crew, too? I mean, you'll never hear Jared and Jensen say anything publicly, but it could be they told TPTB they didn't enjoy working with him so they figured they should just cut it off early before it went too far?

Yeah that could be.  I know he did take some liberties with ad libbing the "Sammy" and "El Deano" stuff that pissed off a lot of viewers. Maybe J2 didn't care for it as well. I dunno. I've heard an interview with him on the Crossroads podcast and he was kind of douchey IMO. They kept asking him about being in a spinoff and he was like oh that would be great! but he didn't know what was going to happen. He praised the boys a great deal but I dunno there was just something about him that bugged me. And that was long before I knew anything about the con allegations.

Who knows.



Watch him pop up as having joined the BMOL as a rogue hunter recruit. Actually I'd be okay with that if Dean gets to kill him.

9 hours ago, Katy M said:

Imagine if Azazel had said to Sam, "No, I'm really the good guy.  Your mom was a monster," and Sam would be all like, "OK, dude, that's cool."

That's hilarious and completely true. It would have been really great to have seen that perspective from either Dean or Sam.

Like, if we got a minute at some point of them just marveling that this guy was actually believing them on the "no, I am a demon NOW but back then I was a heroic monster hunter and your dad was an evil monster and I'm totally the good guy here!" thing.

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Did they morph Jensen Ackles with Brock Kelly for that flashback? Something seems off about the bone structure. Is Sam even restrained? He looks like he's just sitting there. Okay, his hands are tied. I always like when Sam is strong in the face of torture. "Listen, and this is Murder 101..." I love Dean punching the guy when he pulls the "it's different when guys do it" shit. I like him killing the guy less. I love Castiel with children. I think Hannah does too. Crowley and his business deals. Don't mock the puppy dog eyes, Dean! They are his most powerful weapon! Dean's Inigo Montoya's not bad. "It's just a car." That's almost worse than threatening Sam. 

That was fun, seeing Crowley get pushed around by DemonDean.  Crowley had to get rid of him, he was losing the respect of his lower-minions.   But Dean wasn't following orders at all, which is typical Dean.  Sucks for Lester (and Crowley not getting the soul).  I'm going to assume that we may see the first blade again, because Crowley always lies.

Big lol at Dean saying "its just a car".  Now that, almost more than anything, shows how much DemonDean changed.

Sam's really losing his touch, not realizing he was "let go" by Cole, who would follow him to find Dean.  And wow, what a wonky time-line for Cole.  He must have been much older than how he looked when his dad got killed.  I wonder what kind of monster the dad was, and if its genetic.  I guess Cole is going to continue as one of the season's "villians", for a while at least.  Guy should know when to let it go for his family's sake.  And I was already thinking Inigo Montoya before Dean said it.

I guess we're stuck with seeing Metatron now and again.  I liked that Cas told him to shove it, even if it meant losing his grace.

I've never seen a tow truck driver bring home a customer, especially with a young child around.  Yeah, she was safe because it was Cas and Hannah, but that might not always be the case.  Heh, 'three bean suprise.'

27 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

I've never seen a tow truck driver bring home a customer, especially with a young child around.  Yeah, she was safe because it was Cas and Hannah, but that might not always be the case.  Heh, 'three bean suprise.'

Not only did she bring them home, but she let them go in the house completely unsupervised with ONLY the young child inside, as far as we know.  I honestly can not figure out what she was thinking.

my mother was so upset watching demon dean. she adores him so. she wouldn't stop crying out the whole episode. 

ackles was the best in the near end, when he was owning hawkeye with one hand. so cool. for some reason dean's laugh while saying "Look at you with the puppy dog eyes" has been etched in my memories forever. also, "I'm doing all I can to not rip throat out. With my teeth." how he was caught so soon was disappointing, i must admit.

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On 10/16/2014 at 6:24 PM, catrox14 said:

Probably my dark sense of humor, but this definitely made me giggle. Also, I am impressed you didn't do this with the Demon Dean reveal.

On 9/6/2017 at 10:19 AM, Katy M said:

Not only did she bring them home, but she let them go in the house completely unsupervised with ONLY the young child inside, as far as we know.  I honestly can not figure out what she was thinking.

I kept expecting her to be a reaper or something because, wtf. This is worse than picking up a homeless dude and banging him. Kid was adorable, though.


It is so hard to watch Demon Dean. Don't worry, Baby, he didn't mean it. 😞I hated Dean being gross to the stripper and agreeing to kill the woman. I know I am supposed to but it makes me cringe anyway.

It is so cool to see contemporaneous discussion. There was so much good commentary in this thread that I don't know where to begin. 

I had to wonder whether the slipping in the blood was intentional in the flashback. It was such a great detail. I agree with the problems with Cole, but like the concept. I wish they hadn't made him some super masculine soldier, and I feel like they introduced him at the wrong time for this to work for me. 

I loved the showdown with Crowley. Admittedly, I don't love Crowley as much as most people seem to. He just loves to hear himself talk too much. He reminds me of Negan. But I did enjoy watching him manipulate and I loved Dean's realization that Crowley can't do anything to him.

I also loved Sam in this one. He really does look rough. It was so sad to watch him trying to get Dean to come home. Poor concussed Sam.

My only complaint is Metatron because I feel like we have had just about enough of that. 


Oh, and there was this exchange:

CASTIEL: Sam and Dean may be a bit rough around the edges, but they're the best men I've ever known. And they're my friends.

HANNAH: I never get tired of looking at them. All those stars.

Which totally made me giggle because I am fairly sure a large number of fans would agree that they also never get tired of looking at them either. But not the stars. 


ETA: Is it wrong that as hard as it is to watch Dean as DemonDean, I also find him attractive? I probably should see a therapist on that. lol

Edited by The Companion
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1 hour ago, The Companion said:

I also loved Sam in this one. He really does look rough. It was so sad to watch him trying to get Dean to come home. Poor concussed Sam.

I don't know how familiar you are with the actors outside the show, but Jared really was injured. A result of a hotel room wrestling match with Osric Chau (you're welcome for that visual). He got so thin looking, it worked for the show, but IMO.


he's never looked the same since.


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7 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I don't know how familiar you are with the actors outside the show, but Jared really was injured. A result of a hotel room wrestling match with Osric Chau (you're welcome for that visual). He got so thin looking, it worked for the show, but IMO.

  Hide contents

he's never looked the same since.


I saw that upthread, though I assume his eyes were the makeup department. It ended up working in their favor, imo. 

I have seen contemporary pictures of JP and pictures over the years. It's funny to me how much his look has changed over the course of the show, but how the costuming has been consistent enough that even the older episodes don't feel dated.

Random question, didn't he hurt his arm in S2 as well?  I seem to recall an arm injury vaguely ascribed to the accident.

While it was probably a real pain to integrate into the show, the change in Sam combined with the makeup ends up being fairly effective. I feel like they don't often let the trauma take a physical toll, and while I don't want them limping around every episode, it's nice to see some consequences.

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8 minutes ago, The Companion said:

Random question, didn't he hurt his arm in S2 as well?  I seem to recall an arm injury vaguely ascribed to the accident.

Yes, he did - at the beginning of the season (ep.3). He broke his hand while falling when he was running away from the dead chick in Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things. He had a cast on his right hand up to just below the elbow. It didn't come off until ep. 11. They had to shoot a quick scene to have Sam tell Dean he thought he broke his arm, and they said they would get it looked at.

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