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I was just on her IMDB and she's actually playing Gladys Knight in that Aaliyah Lifetime movie. I can't even wrap my head around that. 


I actually don't have a problem with Elise as far as her acting goes and don't have a problem with her playing Gladys Knight.  After all, Angela Basset can't be in everything!  LOL!  And I liked Elise in Hustle And Flow.  My problem is that dated, tired, tacky looking dance group she keeps going on and on about ad nauseum.  Hell, even the Pussycat Dolls have played out so what makes her think her past its prime version is going to fly?  It was a dream that got knocked down by someone else's successful version and she just needs to move on.  Did she ever clarify how Robin Antin stole the idea from her in the first place?  Antin formed the Pussycat Dolls in 1995 as a burlesque troupe and the singing group with Nicole Scherzinger was in 2003.  I just read an article from 5 years ago (2009) where Elise is talking about her "new" group Assorted Flavors.  Here's the link.  http://www.clutchmagonline.com/2009/08/elise-neal-peak-performer/    So I'm confused as to how the Pussycat Dolls were ripped off from Elise and Assorted Flavors.  Is there anyone who can explain this to me? 

Edited by swankie
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A G-spot shot?!  Really Countess?  Some people will fall for anything.  smdh


Did anyone else get the feeling Elise really didn't want Golden to show up for the dance show?  The way Golden called sounding all stressed out and irritating I don't really blame her.  Then she forces Elise to say reassuring words to her?!  I'm sorry, but that bitch is crazy!  I mean, certifiably crazy!  If you have to force people to say kind and reassuring words to you, you need help.  Can she be any more needy?!  Just....ugh!


I asked this in the Elise thread, but I'll ask it here also.  The Pussycat Dolls were a ripoff of Elise and Assorted Flavors how?  That hot mess was the most cringeworthy thing I've seen on this show so far.  I can't with this show right now...I just can't!  And what the hell does "sexy in her own right" mean?  Is that Elise's way of saying Countess is sexy even though she's FAT!  I think Elise was being a little stinky right there.

Edited by swankie
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I like Elise, but I don't want to see Assorted Flavors perform.  Having fun/performing for fun is one thing, but I hope she is not serious about showcasing Assorted Flavors as a serious act.  Maybe it would work better as a concept if the performance was campy.



Did anyone else get the feeling Elise really didn't want Golden to show up for the dance show?  The way Golden called sounding all stressed out and irritating I don't really blame her.  Then she forces Elise to say reassuring words to her?!  I'm sorry, but that bitch is crazy!  I mean, certifiably crazy!  If you have to force people to say kind and reassuring words to you, you need help.  Can she be any more needy?!  Just....ugh!


I did not think Elise really wanted Golden to show up either.  Golden is too much work.  If I were her, I would be calling up everyone involved with Girlfriends to see if they want to do a reunion.  Sadly, I really don't see her doing much of anything else.


Paula is an idiot.  She does not get acting roles because she is an idiot.  If her husband is such a good writer, why isn't he working on a show?  She is frighteningly delusional.


Countess looks like my cousin acts like my cousin and talks like my cousin.  Its as if they were separated from birth.

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Golden calling Forest "grassroots" was the shadiest moment in TV History and also the most polite way anyone has been called trifling ever....


Also for anyone else who was wondering the HBO/Queen Latifah movie is a biopic of Singer Bessie Smith and she had a older sister Viola who Khandi Alexander will be playing in the movie.

Edited by sparklemotion

Also for anyone else who was wondering the HBO/Queen Latifah movie is a biopic of Singer Bessie Smith and she had a older sister Viola who Khandi Alexander will be playing in the movie.



Yay for Khandi Alexander!  Love her.  She puts Golden and Elise to shame. 


What was that doodoo in the corner of Golden's mouth when she was doing her audition tape?  Was she made up for the scene or was that how she looks without makeup?  It was really distracting me.  Also, how many times is she going to remind everyone that she's a single mom?  Does she think that makes her special?  Hell, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a single mother in this country.  She needs to stop with that.  Golden is just exhausting! 

Edited by swankie
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Paula: "God's way...you know, He wants them to be jealous of us because it glorifies Him."

This is the most delusional statement I have ever heard on television. Paula is certifiable.

I hope she is acting.  She is so extra on so many levels.  I cannot wait to see the next episode where she tears into Golden for hitting on Forrest.  Now, I would not put it past Golden for hitting on a married man, but Forrest can only offer trash bag luggage so I don't see it happening.

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The Pussycat Dolls were a ripoff of Elise and Assorted Flavors how?  That hot mess was the most cringe worthy thing I've seen on this show so far.


(Shakes head)  Lawd, that performance was like watching it at Peanut's U-Neek Lounge during happy hour with conk-headed men who drive old-time Cadillacs and wear Kool-Aid colored suits.  What in the bluedilly fuck?!  And her thighs looked weird, kinda like brown pickles with bumps on them.  Girl needs to get back to acting 'cause this ain't panning out at all.


Paula is koo-koo for Cocoa Puffs and shady as shit too, say what you want about the girls but at the end of the day they are going back to their homes which are likely paid for instead of rented!  Bitch is awfully uppity for someone living out of trash bags.  You know damned well you cain't get a puss shot 'cause your ass cain't afford one!


Countess is hysterical and needs her own reality show.  However, even with the definition why get a shot in your puss?  Your na-na don't have whip appeal action on its own?  (shrugs)


Golden - Bitch was clingy as peaches when talking to Elise, wasn't she?  I guess she scared her other friend Donna off with her dramatics, couldn't she have vented to Regina Hall or someone?!  Damn, D.B. Woodside ain't part of Dakota's life?  That's cold, but shut it with the 'I'm a single mom' yadda-yadda all the damned time.  Regarding the dark thingy at her mouth, maybe she ate a Hershey bar before the self tape?


Lisa - Usually my girl next to Countess but you were shady in this eppy.  Starting with snitching to Elise about not shouting out Golden during their 'performance'....you could have taken her aside instead of putting her on blast.  And the Golden/Elise picture?  They are friends you dope, it had nothing to do with the rest of the group!





Are we sure DB Woodside is absentee or is that Golden being dramatic again? Didn't their daughter talk about her dad in the first episode? Maybe I'm remembering wrong.

I can't say this enough, but Golden's acting abilities are mediocre. She has a really opinion of herself when she can't act her way out of a wet paper bag.

I'd rather see Shar Jackson on this show instead of Golden or Elise. She's funny and doesn't take herself too seriously. Plus, Countess would have a real friend on the show.

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Elise descibed it in her Life After interview for TVOne. http://www.rhymeswithsnitch.com/2010/07/elise-neal-says-pussycat-dolls-ripped.html


Not sure if it was true or not, but she's been saying it for years and Robin Antin hasn't bothered sending a cease and desist letter or suing her, so there must be enough truth that a lawyer told her she'd lose a lawsuit. LOL

Could just be timing, but DB Woodside was in Essence/Ebony (I can't remember right now, lol) this month and talked about his daughter and being in a relationship with someone. Besides, I remember when it first came out that he was Golden's baby daddy, he released a real dry "yeah I have a kid with her, but we are not now or ever were in a relationship" statement. LOL. I see why. She's a handful on her best day. I'm pretty sure he's at least writing checks (as he's still working) and Dakota did mention him in an earlier statement. Maybe he's just not living in LA and not an option to take Dakota at a moment's notice.

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I found it....this is the quote:


In a interview Woodside set the record straight between him and Golden.

He said, “Everyone really seems to keep picking at me for some scandalous story about Golden and I but there’s nothing to report, bruh. I’m sorry to disappoint but there isn’t any drama here. Golden and I are not together. We are not married, we are not engaged, we never were engaged, and we are not dating. We are only friends. Friends that love and support our daughter. Can everyone leave us alone now? Please.”

Read more: http://www.celebritybabyscoop.com/2012/01/31/golden-brooks#ixzz3IQAxmTVi

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"Everybody loves a hot mess" is a great line but Paula is still cray.  Also, thank you Lisa for reminding me of your role on RHoA.  How could I forget all of the instigating you did on season 1.  I guess, while these actresses like drama, it can't just come out of left field.  


I can't believe I am even watching this show but I am enjoying the delusions running rampart throughout the cast.  I am in.

So, I was watching the Flex and Shanice show this weekend. They're having financial difficulties, but guess what? Flex took a job putting furniture together in a warehouse overnight to provide for his family until he gets his career back in order. Why the hell can't Paula and her husband do that? Those two simpletons are too stupid for words.

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So, I was watching the Flex and Shanice show this weekend. They're having financial difficulties, but guess what? Flex took a job putting furniture together in a warehouse overnight to provide for his family until he gets his career back in order. Why the hell can't Paula and her husband do that? Those two simpletons are too stupid for words.



See, That's why Flex isnt more successful with his comedy.  He's not being true to his "art".  I mean just look at him, living in a house w clothes in dresser drawers. C'Mon!  He's not about that artist life, he don't even have garbage bags lying around.



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Holy Moly!!!  How can any of these women still agree to work with Paula?!  She is so friggin unprofessional, annoying, nasty, and just plain unlikeable.  She throws Forrest in the ladies' faces making him the writer and assistant director, but then gets jealous when the ladies need to call him, or get in touch with him when she's not available.  How crazy is that?  Does she even realize how crazy she's coming across to the world?  I don't see how any casting director ever chose her to be in their movie.  That clown from the movie "It" smile of hers is enough to make me yell "NEXT" if I was a casting director.  And the way she holds onto things that happened 10 years ago just shows how her present situation must be for shit!  Girl needs help STAT!  


Did Countess really say, "I gotta booboo" to Paula when she was leaving the rehearsal?!  Does she know she's being filmed?  Somebody needs to tell her that just because it's reality tv doesn't mean you say everything you think.  Some thoughts are better left in your head.  LOL


This is who I think of when I see Paula's teeth.  https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRGU1qVpMQ7Dwmtqnt46u_uzw8xoxgzjbmAQ8lxqRVWUw3C9wep


And this is her with lipstick.  https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTGcN_x4h4bxyJ2en3srUQO_WV4ZqRufdWlyr2683_zcJuP3aKZ

Edited by swankie
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Paula is a loon. She is WAY too pressed about her rusty dusty husband.

I was embarrassed for Golden in the scene with the pastor.

That table read? Chile ... Lisa can't act. She just can't. Golden was wooden and the writing is awful. I knew that already because I watched the 3-minute preview, but it's good to know they don't get any better as things progress.

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Did Countess really say, "I gotta booboo" to Paula when she was leaving the rehearsal?!  Does she know she's being filmed?


That was the appropriate response to Paula wanting Countess to get up in the middle of the Instagram mess, when Countess wasn't even a part of it.



Countess is too good for this show.  She needs her own series. I would much rather watch her and her friends kick it.


She and Shar Jackson need their own reality show.



Paula is a loon. She is WAY too pressed about her rusty dusty husband.


And TV One know they were wrong for captioning his speech as ??? ??? ???

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Ah, nothing says lovin’ like chickenhead porn….really, all that seduction with dishes piled in the sink as a background view?!


How can any of these women still agree to work with Paula?!


Paula – Chile, you might want to hold on to those Hefty bags, ‘cause your crazy and delusional behavior is going to put your family straight back to the No-Name Hotel!  And what was all that unnecessary trippin’ over Golden regarding her huzzband?  Bitch, Forrest ain’t Denzel Washington; shit, he ain’t Denzel Jenkins from 110th Street, like Golden said don’t nobody want…yo…man!  By the way, True Blood is about to wrap its final season, so I caught her shade at 'working on a cable series'....once it ends, whatchu gonna do then, oh cocky one?



I was embarrassed for Golden in the scene with the pastor.


You mean the man who is named after a fucking car?!  What is it with us and children’s names anyway?  La’this or Da’that….whatever happened to Mary?  John?  Shit, I’d even take an Eloise!!


Golden – Either stop eating so much Hershey bars or do something about the corners of your mouth.  You were on point with the ‘man needs to have a job’ comment to Paula, lol.


Countess – LOVED…HER…going HAM on Paula in regards to keeping silent during their bitchfests.  Sorry Paula, but not every lady feels the need to act ratchet everywhere they go.  Countess is laid back and down-to-earth, and I hope she gets work when this show is done. 


Elise – Why would you relay the butt comments Golden made to you in private to Lisa?!  See, that’s why I don’t like to say shit to people sometimes.  She was cracking me up by calling to Jesus when everything was going down.  I’m so curious to see what her real hair looks like.


Lisa – As much as I like her, seems she is starting to start unnecessary drama from the Instagram pic to her damn near accosting Golden at her exercise class.


Where are the Funky Dineva comments?  Seems like he did only two so far.

Edited by Vixenstud
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Paula has just gotten downright freaky scary to me.  What was she trying to say about Golden in that talking head..."don't even know she being pimped.  Honey wake up.  You might as well be on the corner for us."  Was she trying to say that the other actresses are just pawns in Paula's and Forrest's game?  It was weird.  Also, thinking that anyone wants your Hefty bag providing husband is too ridiculous.  No one wants him. Paula, NO one.

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You mean the man who is named after a fucking car?!  What is it with us and children’s names anyway?  La’this or Da’that….whatever happened to Mary?  John?  Shit, I’d even take an Eloise!


Ah, Pastor Nisan.  I was wondering if he has a sister named Kia and a brother named Subaru, because a family theme, now that would make sense.  I guess I don't have room to talk, though, because in my own redneck family, I've got a niece named after a brand of soda pop!

Edited by technorebel
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I'm not sure if I'm caught up or not but Paula as Mussolini vis a vis Director of a really really terribly acted church drama?   


a) what do they have against those parishoners?


b) were those bars in the church basement or something?


c) so, just so I'm clear, asking why the script writer doesn't have his own professional email address is tantamount to.... wanting him?


d) I'm not up on my shitstirration, why is the instagram picture a big deal?


Can we get back to the subject at hand?  Topic: What is going on with her teeth, tho???  Discuss.


Here's my thing: I'm pretty sure they've always been that way, even when she was working pretty regularly.  Like, if you were on one tooth and wanted to visit the next tooth, you couldn't just walk across the border - you'd have to rent a car and drive.  What is really going on?  Why is there enough space for another tooth to squeeze in between each tooth?  And why do they look jagged?  She has meth mouth.  Is she on meth?  Is that why they're living out of lawn bags in the no tell motel?  Please advise.


Just recovering from this.  


What was she trying to say about Golden in that talking head..."don't even know she being pimped.  Honey wake up.  You might as well be on the corner for us."


Ooh, I forgot about that!  Shiiiit, Forrest is like Iceberg Slim near the end of his life, with Paula his number one crack ho!  She don't neeeeeed to talk.


Uh-uh, Techno....you ain't getting off so easily!


What's the niece's name?  Ni-Hi?  Fresca? 

Edited by Vixenstud
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Paula has just gotten downright freaky scary to me.  What was she trying to say about Golden in that talking head..."don't even know she being pimped.  Honey wake up.  You might as well be on the corner for us."  Was she trying to say that the other actresses are just pawns in Paula's and Forrest's game?  It was weird.  Also, thinking that anyone wants your Hefty bag providing husband is too ridiculous.  No one wants him. Paula, NO one.


I wanted to say, "Paula no one wants you CRUSTY, NASTY looking huzzband."  


Was Nisan the pastor's first name or last name?  


You mean the man who is named after a fucking car?!  What is it with us and children’s names anyway?  La’this or Da’that….whatever happened to Mary?  John?  Shit, I’d even take an Eloise!!



I don't think anybody's named Mary or John anymore; too 20th century?  Too Abercrombie and Fitch?

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Ooh, I forgot about that!  Shiiiit, Forrest is like Iceberg Slim near the end of his life, with Paula his number one crack ho!  She don't neeeeeed to talk.


Uh-uh, Techno....you ain't getting off so easily!


What's the niece's name?  Ni-Hi?  Fresca? 


Fresca has a nice ring to it, but my niece is named Shasta LooAnn.  And, yes, the middle name is spelled that way on her birth certificate.  That's what the kid has to deal with.  At least Onederful can shorten his name to One.


Nisan was the pastor's first name, and he looked embarrassed as hell when Golden asked for a "pretty girl" discount on the rental.

Edited by technorebel

Wait, Paula was on True Blood? I watched that show from start to finish and don't remember her on it. She could not have been that important a character for me to forget. First she said she was doing a pilot then made it sound like she was on a show already on the air. If she was talking about True Blood, the show ended in maybe July, so how long ago was this show filmed? 


Paula reminds me of that one relative everyone has where you have to remind them that they are at a kid's party and they need to behave. You just get the idea that Paula tends to make a scene for no reason other than she needs a reason to be part of a fight. Instead of them trying to make that awful movie, this show should have just focused on actresses working on their careers. From the preview I saw, that movie isn't going to jump start anyone's career. I want to know who funded it because they have got to be smoking something to think that it was a good idea. As much as it pains me to say, and as annoying as she is, Paula is what makes this show interesting. I love watching the delusional. I am just waiting for someone to say that "The White Sisters" is Acadamy Award Quality. 

I just watched all 7 seasons of True Blood, so it's fresh in my mind. Paula was the nurse who helped test all the humans for Hep-V, and then became one of the leaders of the town vigilante mob, who along with the guy who lost the mayorship to Sam, riled up the dumb-ass town folk to kill everyone. It was Paula's character who convinced the female cop to join the group because they were both black. I was very happy when her character died.

Paula makes a scene all the time because she's nucking futs!

Edited by luckyroll3

Y'all.  No shade.  NO SHADE.  I'm just saying ... I'm looking at the scene when Paula is getting ready for the Assorted Flavors show and is doing her makeup and she is sitting in front of a Dollar Tree makeup mirror applying her L'Oreal True Match foundation topped with her BEST Black Radiance face powder.  And again ... NO SHADE!  I am a makeup artist and a lover of an economical beauty product but no ma'am no way no how are you gonna claim supreme diva status while spackling on products you can find on clearance at the local beauty supply.

Also.  ALSO.  The moves Assorted Flavors did are the same ones we do in floor/chair class at Xpose.  That wasn't nothing extra special. 

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I'm trying really hard to see past Elise's lack of edges when I watch this show, but my eyes are always drawn to her hair line.

Why is Paula always so sweaty? And why does she like to refer to the other women as hoes?

Is that gray suit jacket the only one Forrest owns?

Countess is so over these women. Her eyes glaze over when they start to argue.

Paula and Golden are both ridiculous. They have this incessant need to be right all the time when most times they're both in the wrong.

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Paula may look sweaty because she's 45 years old, and it may be change of life for her.  I went through menopause at 43, and at the oddest times, I'd get hot flashes and start pouring sweat.  They were so bad it made me a believer in spontaneous human combustion. 


Forrest may have more suits but be unable to locate them with their trash bag organizing system.  Buy some bins, for Pete's sake.


I think Elise is beautiful, but I hate weaves and how they're causing traction alopecia.  I hope they go out of fashion soon.  I really wasn't sure exactly what a weave was a few years ago, so I had to research it and how they're applied.  I thought I was just running across a lot of black ladies with really high foreheads.  There's got to be a better way.  I do understand wanting different hair than what you have.  My own is straight as a string, and I grew up when Charlie's Angels was a big hit.  Everyone wanted that Farrah Fawcett hairdo so I ended up with one bad perm after another in pursuit of that impossible dream.  And, of course, as women, whatever color our hair is, we want it to be some other color.    

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I think Elise is beautiful, but I hate weaves and how they're causing traction alopecia.  I hope they go out of fashion soon.  I really wasn't sure exactly what a weave was a few years ago, so I had to research it and how they're applied.  I thought I was just running across a lot of black ladies with really high foreheads.  There's got to be a better way.  I do understand wanting different hair than what you have.  My own is straight as a string, and I grew up when Charlie's Angels was a big hit.  Everyone wanted that Farrah Fawcett hairdo so I ended up with one bad perm after another in pursuit of that impossible dream.  And, of course, as women, whatever color our hair is, we want it to be some other color.   


Yeah Elise would be better served with a wig like she wore in the Aaliyah story on Lifetime.  I have worn my hair naturally and care free but I would pull it back often, causing tension which at one point at my age ended in bald spots.  Now I have to have a regimen of vitamins and scalp treatments just to deal with the natural aging process of thinning and drying hair. I am in my 40s. It works.  But I can see how those weaves and braids cause permanent irreversible damage.  My mom has worn those plop on wigs since the 60s and insists on them even when her natural hair is longer and thicker, lol.

Edited by SpringTulips
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I think Elise is beautiful, but I hate weaves and how they're causing traction alopecia.  I hope they go out of fashion soon.  I really wasn't sure exactly what a weave was a few years ago, so I had to research it and how they're applied.  I thought I was just running across a lot of black ladies with really high foreheads.  There's got to be a better way.  I do understand wanting different hair than what you have.  My own is straight as a string, and I grew up when Charlie's Angels was a big hit.  Everyone wanted that Farrah Fawcett hairdo so I ended up with one bad perm after another in pursuit of that impossible dream.  And, of course, as women, whatever color our hair is, we want it to be some other color.



I agree.  I think the problem is, that even today in 2014, a black woman wearing her hair natural is a radical thing.  About a year ago, one of President Obama's daughter had her hair in twists and the folks at Faux...I mean Fox News went insane.  

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