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S01.E10: Championship Finale

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While we did get our usual diet of Blais, Stefon, Jen, CJ, Isabella and David Burke, we did get some people back that we hadn't seen much of like Stephanie, Kevin and Brooke so maybe there are some interesting characters they can bring back.

See, I agree with that sentiment exactly. But the show broke my heart by not having one of them win. 

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CJ doesn't have a spouse of kids so he didn't know love?  So he went with love of peas?  Not friends, or parents or siblings or cousins or lost love or anything else.  Peas.


I would much rather him do that than create some bullshit story he doesn't believe to fit his dish. I am not suggesting the others weren't sincere in the stories but not everyone thinks that way. CJ doesn't strike me as the sentimental type, so play to your strengths, make a kick ass pea dish (which he apparently did) and tell the truth about the reason you made it.

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Obviously to each their own, but I didn't have a problem with Gail complaining about getting another biscuit. If you're only going to get a limited number of dishes to judge from, it seems to me  valid to critique something you feel to be repetative as it may be a result of either limited range or playing it safe. That said, I still yelled "Shut up, Gail" at that statement because I knew it would be a nail in the coffin for Tiffani and I wasn't happy at all about that given it was the end of the challenge.


I'd eat Tiffani's food any day of the week. Can't say the same about CJ.

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I didn't think he should make anything up, but I did think it was odd he doesn't actually love anything else.  I don't know.  Something just didn't sit right with his answers/choices for the challenge - kind of an "FU".  "I love peas." "I'm proud I cooked this fish.".  I guess, more power to him for winning, and I do believe his food tasted good.  It still didn't make his win appealing to me.

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See, I agree with that sentiment exactly. But the show broke my heart by not having one of them win. 

Tagahashi lost to CJ. Not even in the final. That was just sad. As soon as Tom said "I thought CJ was the best" every tiny bit of suspense was gone. And, yes, two biscuits was one too many but still ... CJ? I'm glad Blais didn't win again (and, Antonia? You can come back for Top Chef Seniors and still not win, though I was rooting for you against Isabella and Blais back in the day.) Oh, and at least Mike didn't win. They had me going there for a while, watching on On Demand. But... C.J?  What a completely unsatisfying finale.

Edited by Padma
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Hmmmm.  What's with all the snarking about C.J.?  I've always liked him and was happy to see him win, especially with Blais in the room.  I thought for sure it was going to be Tiffany, which would have ruined the entire competition for me.  As it was, seeing those pictures of her sleeping with her "wife" and canoodling lip to lip, turned me off.  They didn't show Kevin kissing his new wife, so why Tiffany?  (Incidentally, my reaction has nothing to do with Tiffany's sexual orientation, but everything to do with her sour and strident personality.)


I hated seeing Tagashi have to leave so soon.  He seems like a nice person.  Gail, I thought, broke her own record for the most inane comments.

ETA:  I wrote Stephanie when I meant Tiffany.  I LOVE Stephanie!


Edited by Lura
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Yay! So happy for CJ!! I've always liked him. He's always been like the dark horse, so I'm glad he won.

I thought I liked Kevin until his miserable exit. I wasn't expected such sour grapes from him.


Didn't Kevin mutter something under his breath like "Unfortunately for you, the best was yet to come." I thought that was a little nasty.


I thought I liked Kevin until his miserable exit. I wasn't expected such sour grapes from him.


I liked Kevin during his season but he seemed changed to me.  I felt like he's achieved some recognition and success and has become self-centered and arrogant in a rather low key way.  I was very glad he didn't win although neither CJ nor Tiffani would have been my choice either.

I liked Kevin during his season but he seemed changed to me. I felt like he's achieved some recognition and success and has become self-centered and arrogant in a rather low key way. I was very glad he didn't win although neither CJ nor Tiffani would have been my choice either.

Well, whoever came up with the idea of letting them keep cooking the next course until someone tapped them on the shoulder is - well, probably the same person who came up with the grace and dignity and gosh-darn integrity that was the rest of the show, so I don't blame him for being pissed. If Takashi wasn't half unicorn on his mom's side I'm sure he would have been pissed too.

Then, too, to be sent home over CJ, who took some peas and sprinkled herbs on them without even trying to meet the challenge, was a serious insult to all three of his competitors, JMO. I think Jonathan Waxman hit the truth of the evening - CJ reminds all the former young turks of themselves as young turks. Personally, I think they're giving him far too much credit, but apparently he's really good at making former young turks feel good.

Edited by Julia
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I continue to dislike [CJ] so much that I cannot find it in my heart to be truly happy about it.  Or happy for him.  It was a good season, I thought, right up until the moment it became apparent CJ won.  It isn't even just that he's so emotionally unappealing that he sneered at the concept of loving anyone (apparently CJ loves peas?  That he then mashes? perhaps people are fortunate in his lack of fondness for them, after all), it's that he was literally the only person in the final group I was really hoping would be eliminated.  


Yup, even Blais and I've no love for the man, would have been a preferred because whereas he irks me, I also know he's a genuine badass chef, most of the time.  When it comes to CJ, I don't like him and I have a hard time buying he honestly beat friggin' Takashi at anything other than reaching things on a high shelf.  


I was really disappointed in this outcome, but I've always liked Tiffani from day one and always felt like she got a bum rap for her time in Season 1 of Top Chef (when honestly most of that was simply her being a stressball in the early days of reality TV). I especially love the way she appears to have evolved as a person -- she has been so gracious about the show even when she herself was briefly the person everyone loved to hate. I like that she didn't say "that isn't who I am," but simply owned up to what she felt wasn't acceptable behavior on the show and then actually showed us on her return visits who she is now, how she had evolved, and how much more secure, happy and calm she is now. To me, as with Takashi, Stephanie, Kevin, and Antonia, her quiet competence and joy in cooking are so much fun to watch.

Directly opposing this is this constant undertone from CJ that I just find really douchey and dour. He seems angry and bitter, in a way that he covers with a kind of fake cheerfulness that has a mean undertone -- one of those people who never makes a joke they don't mean, and whose sarcasm and "cute" comments tend to have an edge. 


So CJ essentially abandons any known menu structure and serves fish as his last dish  Tiffani steps up and executes something that can, and actually does, fail on occasion (unlike the much derided banana scallop, which you'd have to be trying to screw that up, baking is a lot trickier and more fickle).  It would also logically follow a full meal.  

However, Gail saying it pissed her off that Tiffani served her "another biscuit" was a rare "shut up, Gail" for me.  A perfect biscuit is something that actually takes skill and can't be knocked out with zero effort.  Like CJ's better, that's cool and fair.  Be pissed off that someone served a dessert at the end of a meal?  Come on.  How many foams has Richard Blais trotted forth?  How many nitrogen cracked whatevers and gizmo smoke whatzits? Don't kvetch just to have a sound bite, Gail, it's unbecoming.  


I do think Gail tends to do that on occasion, and I really disliked her jab at Tiffani's biscuit as well, especially since, as you point out, Tiffani actually took the care to serve them a dessert. I thought CJ's menu was so strange -- I was flabbergasted that what looked like a bowl of peas and weeds actually tasted so out of this world (I absolutely thought he was a goner round one), and then again that his third dish was so loved. To me the fish was again incredibly unappetizing in appearance -- it was shiny and blackened and just looked really odd and dried out.


Also, yet another mention from Richard that he's a "champion." Yes, Richard, you and LeBron James have so much in common. It will never stop bothering me how whiny and bitter he was when losing to Stephanie, and his "win" only came when they handed it to him on a silver platter. Ironically, he could learn something from LeBron about never blaming a loss on having an off day.


Yeah, I rolled my eyes at Richard's lame attempt to amp up the suspense for all of his fans out there by mentioning, yet again, ad nauseum, what a champion's champion he is. I actually don't dislike Richard but I find his neediness exhausting to watch. I did enjoy getting to see Jonathan Waxman again here, as I always love him, but was surprised Colicchio was so pro-CJ after his criticism of some of the courses.


Ultimately I'm bummed Tiffani didn't win, but on the plus side, I definitely think that she should be really proud of her appearance here. She fought all the way back, and she did it with class, style and professionalism, and she was an incredibly gracious loser. If nothing else, I think this appearance probably ended any lingering Top Chef "villain" perceptions by viewers, and it's really nice to see her so happy and successful. 


Overall, I actually enjoyed this as a show -- it's a nice respite from the group drama of original recipe Top Chef, and we got more time with the contestants and to watch them talk, socialize, and cook. Most of them were really enthusiastic and fun to watch, and my favorite moments in each episode were those when the two chefs sat down together and sampled each other's dishes at the end. I also thought the entire Knockout aspect was pretty funny and charming throughout -- I loved seeing them cheering, competing, and hanging out together as it went along. I'd watch this again if they bring it back. 


Edited to add: Lura, the photo of Tiffani and her wife kissing was pretty obviously a wedding photo. I didn't mind it -- plenty of contestants have shown kisses and hugs with family members in this and other seasons.

Edited by paramitch
  • Love 8

Edited to add: Lura, the photo of Tiffani and her wife kissing was pretty obviously a wedding photo. I didn't mind it -- plenty of contestants have shown kisses and hugs with family members in this and other seasons.


I have to agree with this. I thought Blais was going to swallow his (pregnant) wife whole on Ellis Island, and nothing says "We're in a sexual relationship" like pregnancy...

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Ugh. So did not want CJ to win. He just seems like such an angry douche to me. And poser trend-follower. Still! He's not Sir Grimaces-a-lot, at least. So so so glad Richard didn't win (or even make it into the finals). Ha!


Miss Tiffani, I was so rooting for you. I really wanted to try every dish. But, at least I'm going to Sweet Cheeks on Monday night for my birthday dinner. Cannot wait! For everyone who hasn't had her biscuits (shut up, Gail), you're missing something GOOD!

  • Love 5

Bejezus, this is like a reality show version of Mousetrap.  Who's producing this thing?  Rube Goldberg?

It's even worse if you watched The Knockout immediately before this.

Ugh. So did not want CJ to win. He just seems like such an angry douche to me. And poser trend-follower.

Yeah, I've always disliked him, and this gels it.  His "new path" is a pretentious one, isn't it?

Eh, they finally managed to make CJ win. Top Chef has been eager to do that for years. His food probably tastes like crap. I mean, he won over Tiffany and Takashi with a plate of peas? Really? Cause, you know, his food "makes you think". I'd rather have food that is delicious, but that's just me.

What a load of crap.

Edited by Norma Desmond
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I'm glad the Duels are over. This was my least favorite iteration of this franchise and yet it featured some of my favorite chefs. I understand it's a huge time commitment to do a full season of Masters though. No sense in faking people up to Masters status.

Glad they didn't put fan favorites through and it seemed food based such that the finale was Tiff and CJ. I thought the black and white challenges were very interesting...probably my favorite part of the episode. Overall didn't vibe with Curtis and Gail as host and judge..Wolf always adds ridiculousness which for this boring season was at least something to watch.

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I don't mind CJ and his food looked interesting. I didn't think Love had to mean about a relative. I would think Love could mean a dish you love, Honor, a dish you learned from someone and Pride a dish you feel you are good at making. I don't have a problem with him not making a dessert either; on most cooking competition shows, three and four course meals don't often serve a dessert. In real life, I would want a dessert, but the judges rarely find desserts as intricate or "win-worthy" as main course type dishes.

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