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S03.E01: The Calm


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Oliver seriously should have been in therapy post island. Moira dropped the ball there.

She really did. But then they weren't brilliant parents so I guess I see how she overlooked it. I mean he has 20% scarring on his body. At the very least suggest it. Perhaps she was just so happy he was back she wanted to ignore her guilty conscience and be happy he's back.

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Not only did Roy and Diggle seem subdued when Oliver brought Felicity in after the bombing, and not only is it a good question how he got her back (although I guess he could have put them in her car) but he also took the time to go back to what was left of the restaurant and get his bag because they made a point of showing it to us in case we were worried about his outfit I guess.

Oh! I did want to say I liked the touch that Oliver was sleeping on the floor. Nice post island nod.

What confused me was the foundry already had a bed, we saw it back in.. Suicide Squad, I think?  Oliver has a nightmare and decides to push Sara away...I think that's the ep (kinda hazy on specifics).



also took the time to go back to what was left of the restaurant and get his bag because they made a point of showing it to us in case we were worried about his outfit I guess.

Yeah, I forgot to mention that, too.  The whole bag thing was odd.  Where did it come from in the first place and did he really have no qualms about leaving his suit in what appeared to be a dumbwaiter in a restaurant?  The contrivances were just piling up in this ep something fierce.


Edited by JenMD

What confused me was the foundry already had a bed, we saw it back in.. Suicide Squad, I think?  Oliver has a nightmare and decides to push Sara away...I think that's the ep (kinda hazy on specifics).



Yeah, I forgot to mention that, too.  The whole bag thing was odd.  Where did it come from in the first place and did he really have no qualms about leaving his suit in what appeared to be a dumbwaiter in a restaurant?  The contrivances were just piling up in this ep something fierce.


Yeah, he already had a bed down there, and it was an actual proper bed, not some kind of weird-ass pallet contraption like he seems to have now.


And the suit thing was weird for me as well. If he stashed his duffel bag somewhere in the restaurant pre-date, it must've had his suit in it, and if it did, then why was he already wearing his shirt and tie? (And also for the reasons you mentioned).

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 1

He brought the bag to the restaurant with him but it must have been empty when he arrived because as he started to take off the Arrow outfit I'm fairly certain they showed the suit and tie underneath, which sounds really uncomfortable to me. He then stuck the bag, with his Arrow clothes, in what appeared to be a dumb waiter, in a public restaurant where apparently no one thought it at all suspicious that a strange guy would waltz into the kitchen and deposit a duffel bag.

  • Love 1

She really did. But then they weren't brilliant parents so I guess I see how she overlooked it. I mean he has 20% scarring on his body. At the very least suggest it. Perhaps she was just so happy he was back she wanted to ignore her guilty conscience and be happy he's back.


Well Moira is the Queen of ignoring the important things, case in point: Oliver and Thea. and Malcolm being all gaga (and not the kind of gaga way)


Not only did Roy and Diggle seem subdued when Oliver brought Felicity in after the bombing, and not only is it a good question how he got her back (although I guess he could have put them in her car) but he also took the time to go back to what was left of the restaurant and get his bag because they made a point of showing it to us in case we were worried about his outfit I guess.


I must have missed it, i was too focused on Felicity being unconscious.

Along with a self collapsing bow he now has a self ironing suit since there was not a wrinkle to be found when he showed up at the table despite running around with a leather suit over it.


And I hope the restaurant's reservation book didn't make it in the explosion or the police should be wondering what happened to "Queen party of 2".


They left early because they were dissatisfied with the pasta selection. Fusilli or die!


Too soon?

Along with a self collapsing bow he now has a self ironing suit since there was not a wrinkle to be found when he showed up at the table despite running around with a leather suit over it.


And I hope the restaurant's reservation book didn't make it in the explosion or the police should be wondering what happened to "Queen party of 2".

I didn't have a problem with the bow. it was teased that he will have some new cool stuff. I was actually "oh wow a collapsing bow. that is so friggin cool!"

but i'm a gadget chick so. and it sort made sense.

anyway, i'm sure there's a button or something that makes it collapse.or something. i'm fanwanking it, because it's super cool! so yea.

  • Love 1

I didn't have a problem with the bow. it was teased that he will have some new cool stuff. I was actually "oh wow a collapsing bow. that is so friggin cool!"

but i'm a gadget chick so. and it sort made sense.

anyway, i'm sure there's a button or something that makes it collapse.or something. i'm fanwanking it, because it's super cool! so yea.


I think the bow is really cool too. They need to explain where he's getting the money/support from to acquire things like that, though. I know the explanation is supposed to be coming soon, and I really hope it does. In this ep he's so broke that Felicity needs to buy him a bed (won't ever be over it), but he's somehow managing to keep the power on at Verdant? Explanations, I needs them.

I didn't have a problem with the bow. it was teased that he will have some new cool stuff. I was actually "oh wow a collapsing bow. that is so friggin cool!"

but i'm a gadget chick so. and it sort made sense.

anyway, i'm sure there's a button or something that makes it collapse.or something. i'm fanwanking it, because it's super cool! so yea.


I love the bow, it was the wrinkle free suit I found amusing. Although wonder how many times we are actually going to see the bow collapse since I can't see them wanting to spend the CGI money as often as they did in the premiere.

I guess I'm in the minority that I could care less if Sarah is dead.  I'm not mad, I'm not pissed.  It was a surprise to see it happen in such a brutal fashion, and great stunt work, but I wasn't upset about it.  I'm not really interested in the Black Canary.  So Lauren or Sarah?  Eh.  I watch because I'm interested in the Arrow, and with him, I like Diggle and Felicity.  Even Roy isn't a big deal for me, even though I know he and the Black Canary are relevant to the Arrow story.  Regardless, I am not watching for Lauren or Sarah.  


I loved the episode.  I thought each of the characters and their relationships with each other was well fleshed out from Oliver/Diggle, to Oliver/Felicity, Lauren/her father.  I am intrigued by the flash-backs and what their intentions are for Oliver Queen.  I thought the date with Oliver and Felicity was really well done, and SA did a great job with the scene at the table in the restaurant.  I think Felicity was good too with "Then let it be 'never.'  Stop with the 'maybes.'"  I completely believe they love each other, but Oliver can't have a weakness.  He can't have a girlfriend.  He can have women every now and then, but nobody serious - not if he wants to continue to be the Arrow.  He has too many enemies.


I loved everything with Diggle and Oliver, and now I wonder if Diggle is going to take a lesser role in terms of being on the front lines in the fight.  Perhaps that will change as Oliver needs him more.  


I was never a Brandon Routh fan, but he was okay in the episode.  I didn't hate him, which is progress, and you just know that the writers are planning on putting him with Felicity.


I think the premiere had the right amount of drama, action, and surprises.  Nope, still not upset about Sarah.

Edited by Bishop
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Did anyone notice the new music in this episode? At least it seemed like new music. It was kind of bouncy and upbeat for a while, particularly when Oliver was walking through the restaurant going through his reverse-Superman outfit change. I liked it. I doubt we'll hear it again soon though. I'm guessing we'll have a lot of music to reflect Oliver's man pain. 

Count me as another person who doesn't really mind that the show killed Sara. I never expected the show to go the two Canaries route so Sara's days have always been numbered for me. Plus I could never really get excited about Sara coming back because it didn't make sense or seem like a choice the show would stick with it. But my interest in the show's Black Canary was briefly rekindled when she was introduced. Then she went to Arrow's school of plot-induced personality (notable alumni include Thea, Laurel, and Slade) in the second half of s02 and I was back to not caring. The show that has managed to butcher or flub a good chunk of its hero/villian transformations (pours one out for Slade and Shado. Fingers tightly crossed for Thea. DON'T SCREW THIS UP FOR ME, SHOW! I DESERVE THIS after sitting through two freaking seasons of bratty, oblivious Thea!), but the Black Canary thing probably deserves an award. I was surprised by her murder but that mostly came from (1) how it happened (kinda got the impression that the show wanted to make it clear that she was deader than dead...) and (2) my assumption that the show was gonna wait a while to go for it since she survived s02.


I also liked the rest of the premiere. Olicity stuff was fun and made me very hopeful that when it really happens, it will be handled well. The breakup worked for me. Though I wasn't really sympathetic with both Oliver and Felicity's reasons like the showrunners said. I definitely agreed and understood where Felicity was coming from. With Oliver, it was more like after 2 seasons of his shortsighted stupidity; his shortsighted and stupid decisions don't phase me anymore. Happiness with the woman I love?! Nah, too distracting! Ah, just the rank stupidity I've come to expect from this character. Plus unlike the Mirakuru cure (sorry, still bitter), this bit of stupidity probably won't lead to dead family members and a bunch of super soldiers taking over the city so I'm cool with it. Roy continues to exist and I'm ok with that as long as the tantalizing possibility of Thea kicking his ass still exists (mostly in my head but still! Fingers crossed). We're off the freaking island for the flashbacks (!!) and the story there seems like it will actually go somewhere (!!!) instead of being used to prop up present day storylines (!!!!!!!). Ray Palmer...not a fan. I kept getting a smarmy douche vibe from him and I don't think I was supposed to (who thought that presentation was a good idea?!). His interactions with Felicity were the only saving grace (mostly on EBR's part). The romantic relationship will probably be a chore to watch but I'm used to that with this show (sorry, still bitter). Yay for Laurel interacting with Oliver without making me want to punch them both in the face. I also liked Laurel for the first time in a while. I'm not getting my hopes for a coherent storyline for her but my standards for her are rock bottom at this point. So...bring on whatever. And most importantly, Diggle might get an actual storyline! Wooo! Overall, I'm good with everything.

  • Love 1

I think the bow is really cool too. They need to explain where he's getting the money/support from to acquire things like that, though. I know the explanation is supposed to be coming soon, and I really hope it does. In this ep he's so broke that Felicity needs to buy him a bed (won't ever be over it), but he's somehow managing to keep the power on at Verdant? Explanations, I needs them.


I need them to start with how he still has the foundry in the first place.  Isabel came and told Thea she had days to vacate.  I also thought when Thea was at the train station there was a blurb on the news about QC stock rising.  Did I misremember that?


Who was going to pay for dinner?  Felicity?  Awkward.  

  • Love 2

I don't know how Oliver still owns the foundry, but the property was condemned at least according to the sign when Oliver, Roy & Diggle were coming back from the mission. So I've decided that after the last attack on the city, Felicity doctored the books at QC and the records office and put it all in Oliver's name.  Who wants a condemned warehouse anyway? :)  


I loved the reverse Superman with Oliver's suit under the Arrow costume precisely because it was so over the top ridiculous.  There is just no way he had those suit pants on under there because those leather pants are way too tight for that. :)  


Watching the episode again, I've decided I really just hate Roy's costume.  There's too much going with all the zippers and other stuff. And leather hood is just awful because it kind of conforms to his face and now every time I see it, I'm just going to see Roy as a ninja turtle (thanks to the poster who came up with that image).



Who was going to pay for dinner?  Felicity?  Awkward.


I know right.  How come Felicity is the only one who has a job? Roy obviously isn't working at Verdant, Oliver's broke and Digg doesn't seem to have a job either.  Poor Felicity probably has to pick up the tab for Big Belly Burger for them all the time now.

Edited by MsSchadenfreude
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I suppose you could make the case that Oliver wasn't really dead broke at the end of last season, just cut off from QC and with a limited resource base like a trust fund and he spent all of that refurbishing the lair and buying a buttload of arrows. Maybe the fancy new bow is courtesy of Argus, or maybe he had already developed or paid for it before his world started collapsing around him.

  • Love 2


I guess I'm in the minority that I could care less if Sarah is dead.  I'm not mad, I'm not pissed.  It was a surprise to see it happen in such a brutal fashion, and great stunt work, but I wasn't upset about it.  I'm not really interested in the Black Canary.  So Lauren or Sarah?  Eh.


For me it wasn't about Sara as the definitive Canary as much as it was the awful prospect of KC's Laurel becoming BC.  It's something that never made sense with what I saw on my screen.  Still, if it had happened at the beginning of S2, post-quake/Tommy it would have been much easier to accept compared to how they decided to do it in this episode.  


I'll probably still record the show for a while and (by lurking here) see how Team Arrow and Malcolm/Thea are handled.  If anything can lure me back in, it will probably be Malcolm/Thea. 

  • Love 4

Looking over all the posts, it's clear that show requires so much fanwanking. It's exhausting. They never explain anything to us and the time frames and continuity are incomprehensible, but I guess we're not supposed to notice because of the the high body count and the salmon ladder. Are they really understaffed or something?

Edited by insubordination
  • Love 4


Night- Opening scene, chasing down and disabling the semi with the weapons. Felicity goes home early because she has two work shifts the next day, one of which is early in the day.

Next day probably early afternoon, Oliver asks Felicity out for that night. (She's already finished one shift) She has another shift at "work" and Oliver goes after that gang member. She multitasks and gives Ray advice. Dinner gets blown up, Oliver calls Quentin for info on the gang boss, Felicity wakes up before Oliver goes Arrowing.

Oliver's fight against himself- sometime between later on the night of dinner and an hour before the big QC meeting that happens in the day. I think they originally said the meeting was happening in the evening but obviously still during daylight. I think the confusion here is that it seemed Oliver immediately went after the count but in reality, I don't think he got his lead until much later and it wasn't night, just really dark in the warehouse.

So late afternoon or early evening is when Oliver tried to get QC back (loans from the bank to get QC out of receivership). They go back to the lair (yep, I think they are just squating on condemned property) Diggle is benched. It's now full dark when Roy and Oliver go after the Count at the big fight but probably not that late.

At the hospital, it's later that night but not too late since visitors are still allowed.

At the same time Laurel is talking to Sara (maybe even before Oliver got to the hospital since Laurel gets a call from her boss to get down and be there for incoming prisoners from the fight bombing thing)

So Sara was probably dead before Oliver and Felicity ever left the hospital.

Edited by BkWurm1
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Brief thought - since TIIC fooled me with the happy kiss from the promo when we really got angst galore, I'm going to need a YouTube video stat. Especially since they didn't put the kiss from S2 on the DVD. I'd say I'd wait for S3's DVDs, but the way the start of this season, I'm not sure I'll be around for the end of it.


In short, I need more kisses, dammit.

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Which would be logical, right?  I mean, who asks someone out so short notice like that?  

Oliver. Remember, the guy has no relationship skills.  What's really strange is that Felicity wore four different outfits that day. (Orange dress, navy and white dress, Buy More shirt, date dress)  When does she have time?


It makes sense that the date was that night, although dinner must have been really late since when Team Arrow was chasing the bad guys it was already dark.  If the explosion is what made him give up on the idea of being CEO and in a relationship with Felicity because he lost his focus being Oliver Queen, it had to be that night.

Well, technically the orange dress was from the previous day/night, which bled into the next day. But yeah, the multiple outfit changes made it really hard to figure out the timeline from the sneak peeks before the episode aired.


And the time passage was really confusing from Felicity waking up in the Foundry, to Oliver going out and tangling with Vertigo/Himself, to the scene in the Foundry before the meeting at QC. Initially, I thought that was all one very, very long night.


This should definitely have been a two-part premiere to give this stuff room to breathe and to improve flow and coherence.

Edited by Carrie Ann

Laurel was surprisingly OK this episode. She didn't bother me because she was mostly with Quentin or Sara. I'm still mad at how the writers handled that relationship. I thought this year they'd at least talk about how much they hate each other. But no. We'll leave that alone.

More Olicity and Diggle (and probably more Ray Bans) I would gladly take.

I liked Sara, but I wasn't overly attached to her. I was more shocked because of how she died and on the behalf of some of the posters.


With that being said, here's why I dislike her death: whether or not this has been planned since the first or second season, the emotional and long term execution falls short to me. This is about Laurel's crucible, which I thought was her drug addiction arc, but I guess Sara's death is part ll of all of the things that happens to Laurel. 


Let's recap Sara's death: it wasn't enough for her to get shot three times with arrows, it wasn't enough for her to fall off of a roof, it wasn't enough for her to hit a dumpster, which most likely broke her spine in half and paralyzed if she lived, and it wasn't enough for Laurel to see this. No, Sara had to get shot three times, fall off of a roof and hit her spine on a dumpster, fall in front of Laurel, and then have her Canary mask fall off in from of Laurel to signify her death and metaphorical passing of the torch. What's that called? Oh yes, over kill


Tommy was already sacrificed to make Laurel go through a crucible and the thing is: he was what made Laurel tolerable/likable in the first season. Now it's Sara.


As someone else said, all this new development does is make Laurel fans love/defend her more and Laurel detractors/Sara lovers hate her more. 


Even with her sister's death, IMO, Laurel still lacks the motivate to even want to become a vigilante. We see her "want" criminals behind bars, but never in a way where it seems as if she wants to literally fight crime herself. How will her sister's death change that? 


Other than that, I LOVED the episode. Even though I'm an Olicity fan, I never really saw Emily and Stephen's off the chart chemistry until tonight. It was cute and adorable. When Oliver was talking to Diggle about taking him out of the field, I originally did spot Felicity crying because she knew what that meant for them. But, I hope that writer's can correct their stupidity and not mess this up--Olicity. Laurel and Oliver does not work and they don't have any chemistry. Stephen glows with Emily; he's wooden with KC. 

  • Love 10

Other than that, I LOVED the episode. Even though I'm an Olicity fan, I never really saw Emily and Stephen's off the chart chemistry until tonight. It was cute and adorable. When Oliver was talking to Diggle about taking him out of the field, I originally did spot Felicity crying because she knew what that meant for them. But, I hope that writer's can correct their stupidity and not mess this up--Olicity. Laurel and Oliver does not work and they don't have any chemistry. Stephen glows with Emily; he's wooden with KC. 

Did you see KC try to be all lovey dovey with Stephen in their scene but Stephen wasn't having any of it? :p I don't know if I'm the only one who saw it, but yeah, I thought it was awkward and funny. 

  • Love 5

Did you see KC try to be all lovey dovey with Stephen in their scene but Stephen wasn't having any of it? :p I don't know if I'm the only one who saw it, but yeah, I thought it was awkward and funny. 

I did. lmfao. I'm trying to figure out if it was intentional OR if Stephen really struggles to connect with KC. TBH, I didn't really understand that acting choice from her. I understand that her and Oliver are in a good place now, which I don't understand for thousands of reasons, but she was like some eager girl desperate to impress her crush. 

  • Love 4

I did. lmfao. I'm trying to figure out if it was intentional OR if Stephen really struggles to connect with KC. TBH, I didn't really understand that acting choice from her. I understand that her and Oliver are in a good place now, which I don't understand for thousands of reasons, but she was like some eager girl desperate to impress her crush. 

Hint: It's because KC thinks they're soulmates and she wants to be the main romantic partner on the show. Nevermind the integrity of the show or her character, being top dog is where its at. :p 

  • Love 2

Watching the episode for a second time improved it a lot. 


First time through I thought the pacing and editing was really off but I remember feeling that way with a lot of shows when they first come back from hiatus especially when something BIG is going down.  On the second watch (and third and forth and fifth and sixth on the most essential bits) that issue seemed to go away.  More likely I was on board for what they were trying to do and saw it the way the director intended.


Loved that little bit at the beginning where Felicity says "Copy" and then asks if that was right or if she should say "Roger" and then the ohhh soooo smooth Diggle responds to his instructions with "Roger"  He is the man.  No production, no fuss, just a hell of a lot of cool.


I found Laurel less irritating the second time around as well which since I loathed her the first time is saying a lot.  I still found her "surprise" to Oliver absurd since it was her father's doing and she twisted it around like she made it happen.  All she did is invite him to the announcement...while making sure no one else on the team got to experience the honor...which honestly comes off kinda bitchy.  And yes, I saw the lovely dovey do you love me now eyes.  Sigh. 


That said, I was a lot more forgiving toward her in her scene with her dad.  Okay, yes, she loves her Daddy.  Still think the comfort he needed was not you'll still be my dad, no that was what Laurel needs.  Quentin needed to know that he was still relevant to his life's work. I suppose if Laurel had said that then Quentin's soul searching would be over and there would go his season long arc. 


Maybe it is just my foreknowledge kicking in, but Sara seemed sad in her scenes, even when she was trying to encouraging.  I guess that's just that layer of vulnerability the Caity Lotz was so wonderful at projecting.  I could always feel the mass of swirling and conflicting emotions swimming just under the surface.


I am blaming too much Botox for the failure at least in my opinion for Laurel to emote well enough in those final scenes for me to feel her pain.  I felt mine, but the first two times through I didn't even see Laurel's expression.  When I did look, it added nothing for me. 

  • Love 6

Now to Olicity.


Ohhh, the pain is soo sweet.


I could have happily subsisted on the little looks and touches and pats and come away satisfied.  Add in the now canonical fact that Oliver was as blown away in meeting Felicity as I was watching him meet her and his desire to let her in in a way we've never seen before and I was/am just bursting with squee.  


SA just emoted the hell out of that scene in the restaurant.  So many tiny nuances played on his face and in his body language.  EBR was wonderful too though I expected nothing less.  They shared that happy nervous anticipation vibe so wonderfully and just built off of each other.


Then boom.


Taking small pleasure were I can, I once again enjoyed Oliver diving to save Felicity but at the same time I also really enjoyed watching Felicity dive toward Oliver when he was diving toward her.  Like I said, knowing what was coming, I took my pleasure where I could.


There will be a million or more Fanfics filling in the moments after Felicity wakes up back at the Arrow cave.  (giving the lack of any signs of wounds on her, I am leaning toward she had a bunch of marinara splattered on her head, not blood, lol)  Since we know they only agree they need to talk the next day, and it seems like he would have been waiting around for a while for Quentin to track down his info, I can't help but want to have those lost moments back.  Did he take her home or did she clean up there (I am assuming they have a shower since he was living there plus all that leather and sweat)  Does she keep a change of clothes at the lair?  Is that why we got another boob dress - it's just an in case of emergency outfit?  I'm leaving off my list all the yummy stuff that could have /should have happened, but yeah, so much potential. 


Where was Roy and Diggle when Oliver went hunting for the new Count?  There might have been a line but I'm blanking on it.  I do know that Diggle did not get benched until the next day. 


Random, but I remember someone asking up thread if Oliver killed the Count - no the Count is not killed.  Oliver does shoot him with an arrow the first time they meet but the next time the arrow only ties him up.  Oddly enough the wound he would have from the day before didn't seem to slow him down at all.


Speaking of wounds, I assume that the pills Quentin was popping were like nitroglycerin for his heart pain?  They dumped some medical babble that I didn't completely get but I don't think he was popping random pain pills. 


Some thing I missed the first time around, Oliver and "Detective" Lance are calling each other directly, no more go between of Felicity? 


The drawn out implosion of Oliver and Felicity's potential relationship was down well.  They both had to get through other important things but we saw how it was affecting both of them. I hope that is a foreshadowing of how they continue their platonic relationship...though that seems near impossible.


The way Oliver looked at Felicity and Lyla and the baby just broke my heart.  Ohhh, there is nothing he wants more for himself but that would be selfish, he is scared to death that deep down, he is still that douchebag frat boy that wouldn't deserve Felicity in the first place. 


The scene in the hallway at the hospital where Felicity says the moment we talk it's over was such a hurts so good moment.  I just don't have words right now.  I guess I'll leave it at that for now. 

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 8

So, am I the only one wondering what would have happened between them if the date hadn't been blown up so inconsiderately?  I mean, he arrived by zip-line, so it's not like he could drive her home (way to think things through, Oliver!).  Would they have parted ways at the restaurant (presumably with a kiss)?  Or would he have hitched a ride with her, either to the Lair or to her home?  And what would have happened then?  So many questions, so much frustration...

  • Love 2

So, am I the only one wondering what would have happened between them if the date hadn't been blown up so inconsiderately?  I mean, he arrived by zip-line, so it's not like he could drive her home (way to think things through, Oliver!).  Would they have parted ways at the restaurant (presumably with a kiss)?  Or would he have hitched a ride with her, either to the Lair or to her home?  And what would have happened then?  So many questions, so much frustration...

They probably would've frick fracked, done the horizontal tango, jumped each others bones, bumped uglies, get it on... :p


Nah I think if the date wasn't blown up, I think they would've talked about Oliver's past, talked about Felicity, the dinner would then end, Oliver would grab his gym bag and Felicity would send him a knowing and reprimanding look and Felicity would probably drive Oliver back to Verdant (assuming she drove and Oliver didn't), Felicity would make a joke about how the roles are totally reversed, there would be some light babbling, Felicity would go into Verdant with Oliver to check on her computers and see if there's any activity, at one point before Felicity leaves Oliver would cradle her face like he did on the show and kiss her. It would end happily and they will be all smiles. Felicity leaves. And done. 


I have a problem... 

  • Love 2

The impression I got from the episode is that Oliver very much wanted to do this "right" (which I find hilarious because the guy is just terrible at dating) so I figured that post-dinner either she would leave him off at Verdant, or he would leave her at her apartment. Cue short kiss and grins all around, but no use of the bed in the lair or her apartment - yet.  (Plus, as the show keeps pointing out, Oliver is a big guy. I personally think they are going to need to invest in a larger bed for the lair first.) He waited a bit to sleep with McKenna, after all, the only other sorta-normal dating we've seen from him.


Unfortunately, those Vertigo drug dealers just had no sense of romance :(   I'm kinda hoping that the next kiss will happen while he's wearing the hood, and involves other sorts of rocket launchers, if you know what I mean :)

  • Love 5

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