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S05.E06: Cheek to Cheek

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The only artist who seemed to do back to back outstanding work this week was Josh. It sucks that his canvas tapped out and didn't come back to get the rest of his tattoo completed (though what he got was stunning and fortunately can stand on its own as a design), but I can understand him not being able to go under the needle on such a sensitive spot so quickly. And on the plus side, no one else got to screw it up.


I'm not a fan of this challenge because I don't think there was any way to get an ass tattoo to look decent. Not both ass cheeks. And it didn't help to have two artists on the same ass. Too many of the designs just looked like separate images that didn't really link. The judges ripped the green swirls on Ty'esha's design, but it at least joined the two halves. Aesthetically a lot of them were really not nice to look at.


Emily need to go the fuck home because she just sucks. For all the ragging that Josh gets on not being able to draw, his designs this season have been very strong. Emily's details were pathetic and I saw each of the design and technical flaws that the judges pointed out right off the bat. And I am fed up with her stupid games. It's one thing to try to win challenges by handing difficult jobs to do when it's your turn to hand out the skulls, but it's another to deliberately try to sabotage someone. I can't argue with sending Robbie home since he really tore that girl's ass up and he hasn't distinguished himself in a positive way this season, but Emily should have been right there beside him. And I think it had at least as much to do with her giving Angel a mismatched stencil as her shitty tattooing.


Totally agree that the jury was dead wrong on worst tattoo of the day.


Cannot blame Aaron for not tattooing on the first day. A bad toothache can make it impossible to focus and if he wasn't physically up to tattooing, better that he didn't than ruin some person's skin. He scrapped by (no pun intended), but just barely.

Edited by Hana Chan
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I'm not a fan of Chris Nunez, but I cackled when he said that he'd love nothing more than to send Emily home. Serves her right because her work is terrible, and her attitude sucks. I wonder if something is legitimately wrong with her. How does she get clients?


Robbie though... oooh. That was bad. He totally tore her skin up. I don't think even Eucerin would help the scaliness.

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I felt for Aaron, I really did. I've had bad problems with my teeth twice and it messed with my whole head. But it is a competition and he did not complete the challenge and needed to go home imo.

What Emily did to Angel must not be against the rules but it should have been. I wonder what crosses the line...can they screw with another artist's machine? I wonder if what she did was why Nunez wanted to send her home.

Robbie really did mess up his canvass' skin. I shuddered when they put it up on the screen. I hope it heals up ok. I'm GTHIAH because when Robbie started crying I rolled my eyes.

The canvas jury really dropped the ball in having Jason and Mark up there as Jason's tattoo was really good. Mark's on the other hand too much black IMO. Still think Mark is hanging on by the skin of his teeth.


If Angel was brought down there he might be able to say how Booberella sabotaged him and did it on purpose and Julia would be there to back him up along with everyone else once they found out that she purposely did it. Producers could have informed the judges but they like drama so know they're not going to open their mouths. If Booberella wants to play the game fine (even though she's no Josh or Scott) but don't sabotage someone's skin by purposely giving another artist a bad design or purposely botching a tattoo on someone. Judges really should harp on her for that if they ever find out that's what she did. Love when Nunez said that he wants to send her home. I would have just sent her home just for the hell of it. She lost to Ty'esha and Angel while Robbie did one good one and one bad one according to the judges.


Josh did a great job with his tattoos, I liked his work and don't know why people are hating on him. Jason saying he has the best of luck just cause he drew number one. Josh was lucky but we can't hate on him for that.


Butt tattoos in general are just ugly IMO. I think the ass should be left alone.

I know Robbie had a good one and a bad one, but the bad one was really cringeworthy. He really messed up her skin, and I'm sure it's going to be all scabby and scaly. Poor girl.


From what I've seen of Nunez, as much as he's a shit stirrer, he can't stand people who talk a big game but present lousy work. I don't think he likes Emily all that much, and I think the fact that she's around is two parts producers and one part other artists do worse work. No doubt about it, she's circling the drain though.


I would love to see Emily take on Sarah from season 2.

Possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen on Ink Master was everyone not even trying to hide how pissed they were about Emily clomping back into the room at the beginning of the episode. Coming in a close second was Emily pretending that she had changed at all. I loved that Ty'esha's reaction to Emily fake apology and saying that she wants this to be about tattooing, not about her being a crazy bitch was to say that she doesn't believe a word coming out of her mouth. If you want this to be about tattoing and not being a crazy bitch, STOP BEING A CRAZY BITCH. And maybe start to tattoo better.


On a shallow note, I hate Emily's fake eyelashes. I don't mind fake eyelashes (I wear them when I go out) but by choosing such big thick fake looking drag queen eyelashes, it's obvious that they're totally fake.


For all the ragging that Josh gets on not being able to draw, his designs this season have been very strong.

As a client, I don't care if you can draw well versus if you can google until you find a good image to use. All I care about is that the design that gets put on my skin looks good. Of course, I would also never go to a tattoo artist and just say, "Eh, draw something for me," because I found exactly what I wanted and brought it to them. I am sure there are lots of tattoo artists who hate clients like me because they don't get to be creative but whatever. I am living with this on my skin for the rest of my life so if ever there's a time to be a control freak, I think this is it.


It's not surprising that an episode with ass tattoos would yield unintentionally hilarious quotes:


On simultaneously tattooing a canvas:

That's just gonna be me and another tattoo artist playing tug of war with butt cheeks.


On Josh's canvas not returning on the second day:

Dude, what did you do to that guy's ass?


Robbie really gave this butt a beating yesterday.


Ha, I love that Angel said that Emily has a big mouth but not the skills to back it up. I've been saying that for weeks. Emily saying that Julia is delusional was hilarious. If anyone in this competition is delusional about their tattooing skill, it's Emily. She is one of those nonsensical people who my rhetoric professor would have ripped to shreds. Angel tells her that her design sucked and her response is to start yelling about how she's here to fight. WTF? I wish I could have seen Emily's face tonight when she watched the episode and the judges flat out said that Julia is better than Emily. I laughed MY ASS off when Chris said he wanted nothing more than to eliminate Emily.


Similarly, she said this week and last week that she is NOT going home so I laughed when Josh told her that if the judges eliminate you, then you're done. It's like she doesn't understand how elimination works.


And once again, Emily has shown that she is a whiny immature child who has no self-control at all. How can she be in her 20s or 30s and have no impulse control whatsoever? She is like one long temper tantrum. Last week during judging she looked like a three year old with her balled up fists and pouty face.


Robbie caused so much trauma on his alien butt. I could see it even before they zoomed in. I laughed when Emily patted him on the arm in front of the judges. It's too late for you to pretend to be nice. She is a rank bitch when she makes Josh seem like a sane, calm, rational zen human being in comparison.

Either Emily is an extremely gifted actress, or she was in the midst of a full-blown psychotic episode.  Up til now I've been convinced all of her aggression & posturing has been a producer-driven act, but that woman was close to hysterics on the judging stage.


When Chris said he would like nothing better than to send her home, she was literally in meltdown mode.  I don't think any of that was editing together random emotional clips, I think that was REALLY happening.  Bi-polar, schizophrenia, whatever she has is scary.


I'm not even finding her behavior humorous at this point.  They should have removed her from the competition. 

Totally agree about Emily's fake lashes. Am so over her low-rent stripper look (and everything else about her). Never has been someone been more deserving of circling the drain (both for her behavior and the quality of her work). I don't think her behavior is completely an act. She really seems to be that crazy. Regardless, I wouldn't let her near me with a tattoo needle.


I'm starting to thing that Josh's canvas didn't quit, but may have been asked to bow out in order to allow the girl that Aaron should have tattooed to get worked on. Because I'm sure that the producers saw comedy gold in having two artists trying to work on the same ass at the same time.

Robbie really did mess up his canvass' skin. I shuddered when they put it up on the screen. I hope it heals up ok. I'm GTHIAH because when Robbie started crying I rolled my eyes.




Then I'll be heading there with you.  I'm so tired of reality  show contestants moaning that the judges haven't seen their best work.  Then do your goddamn best work!!!  What are you saving it for????

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At least none of the artists made a scene this time about refusing to touch some stranger's ass!


I wonder how long it takes before the clients can sit ...


I don't have any tattoos so am speaking from ignorance, but isn't there anything that can be done to lessen the pain? Topical anesthetics, lighter touch, ice, different needles? And what part of the body isn't "the worst" pain? The ribs! The ass! The neck! The back of the knees! The scalp! The feet! Why is it that the lower back isn't "the worst," yet move 3" down and it's hell pain.

Edited by lordonia
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Getting a tattoo hurts, period. It's a needle going in and out of your skin injecting a foreign substance and it frakking hurts. Any area where there are more nerve endings (nipples, face, neck, etc.) is going to be MORE painful. When you're talking about the back, I could stand the pain really well until the needle got close to my spine and vibrated on the bone/s a bit. It's a pain I can tolerate though, for some reason. I know people have different threshholds for pain, so I can totally see how some will tap out sooner than others. I've never wanted a butt tattoo or a lower back tat so I have no idea how sensitive those areas are; just what we hear them screaming about on Ink Master.

Certain artists are more adept at tattooing without damaging the skin which can make a huge difference as well. That tattoo Robbie did damaged the skin and it will cause raised scars. It was butt ugly, pun intended. I have no problem with him leaving over Emily because he effing tore the hell out of her butt cheek skin.


Team Josh... I want Josh, Cleen and Jason in the finale. Did I actually see an interstitial where Jason was saying he and Josh ARE going to be in the finale so it's a battle for third spot? I KNEW I saw some camaraderie between them!! Busted, Jason!!!

Josh is doing good work this season... if Emily causes him to leave or be in danger even, next week, I will pitch a bitch fit. I think she is being kept solely for the drama and she is HEINOUS. Her eyelashes look like they're from the Helen Keller collection of Halloween costumage and I haven't seen a decent tattoo yet.

Truly, though, except for Josh, Jason and Cleen, this field of contestants is weak. I like Ty also, but she's really hit and miss. Her gorilla was awesome, but I seem to remember her doing some crap prior to that.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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Speaking as someone with multiple tattoos, while there are topical creams that can numb the skin a bit, no artist that ever worked on me liked them because they seemed to affect the way the skin takes ink. And you have to be careful with pain relievers because some of them have a blood-thinning effect, which increases bleeding during the process. There is a certain pride in toughing out a tattoo (which is why a lot of artists talk about tattoos being earned). As far as pain goes, it's all subjective as everyone has their own tolerance levels. But the spots that are especially sensitive are where the skin is thin (like the underside of the arm), or where the skin is close to the bone with no fat/muscle padding (wrists, ankles, ribs, etc). And parts of the body with lots of nerves can be really painful. The tush is one of those spots (even though there's a lot of padding there, there are lots of nerves). Because the tush does a lot of work, between walking and sitting, you are going to feel it every time you move. With long sessions (on average six hours, which is a lot for even the most resilient client to sit through), I'm not surprised that we saw a lot of people in serious pain.

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Did I actually see an interstitial where Jason was saying he and Josh ARE going to be in the finale so it's a battle for third spot? I KNEW I saw some camaraderie between them!! Busted, Jason!!!

You absolutely did see that.  I said a few weeks back that I think they really are friends, or just friendly and are definitely putting on the whole rivalry thing for the show.  I do agree that the 2 of them and Cleen should definitely be top 3.  I'm for Josh winning, mostly so the haters from his previous season can suck it!  *LOL* 

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Why would anyone want a Roman and a Persian fighting over their ass crack? I wish they would let the canvases explain themselves, just for curiousity sake. It just seems so random.

I mean, I don't care. It's not a problem or anything. There's nothing wrong with it - I just wonder why.

Either someone is a great lover of ancient history or he's a fan of 300 that thinks the Spartan look lacks a little something.

Or they just want their ass to have an imperial look and Napoleon versus Wellington was lacking in abs.

Edited by Luciano

I would love to see Emily take on Sarah from season 2.

That wouldn't be a competition. Sarah would bring her down with her worst tattoo vs Emily's best.


Team Josh... I want Josh, Cleen and Jason in the finale.

Yep, that'd be my 3 faves for the finale.


The Aaron drama confused me. He had a toothache bad enough to keep him from tattooing, but he didn't go see a dentist?

That surprised the hell outta me too! Who doesn't go and see a dentist if they're in that much pain. Unless he's extremely phobic of dentists in which case he's in for a whole lotta hurt before that tooth dies.

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I'm so tired of reality  show contestants moaning that the judges haven't seen their best work.  Then do your goddamn best work!!!  What are you saving it for????

On this show, their specialty to come up. They're confident that they can impress the judges doing the one thing they actually know how to do, and don't seem to grasp that the judges want someone well-rounded enough to turn in work that's at least respectable every other time.

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Right now, this is how I see the current artists remaining stacking up. The top three are clearly Josh, Jason and Cleen. I think that they are pretty clear candidates at this stage for the final three, but things can change if they start slipping up. Then you have a big gap between them and the second tier artists: Aaron, Erik, Angel, Chris (who has started to shape up), Ty'esha and Julia. Then you have the bottom feeders: Emily, Don and Mark. The last three are barely scraping by and any one of them can be send home at any given time.


After her antics this week, I would be more than happy to see Emily get the boot. It's bad enough that she's not tattooing well, but I really resent the way she tried to sabotage Angel by giving him an undersized stencil. I get that this is a contest that she wants to win (though she's got no realistic chance unless everyone else breaks both hands), but the human canvas has to live with what gets put on their skin and no one deserves to get stuck with a warped tattoo because she thought it would be funny to try to trip one of her competitors up. That is an unforgivable act.

Edited by Hana Chan
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I can't believe Josh's first canvas asked for the Solar System to be tattooed on his butt and no one made a "where to put Uranus" joke.


I was totally hoping Josh's final design would be missing a planet... only to have Nunez bring it up in the critique... "Josh, it's a good tattoo, but you've only got seven planets in there. One's missing. That's a huge mistake. What happened?" To have Josh retort: "You have to spread the cheeks apart more to see Uranus."

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Butt tattoos in general are just ugly IMO. I think the ass should be left alone.


Agreed!  I was trying to find something good about this episode, but (ha, no pun intended) there's just not much to like. I don't want to look at someone's tatted butt. Ever. I thought it was kind of weird how one "cheek" always seemed to look so much better than the other one, though. Did they intentionally team up the best and worst artists?

I can't believe Josh's first canvas asked for the Solar System to be tattooed on his butt and no one made a "where to put Uranus" joke.


I was totally hoping Josh's final design would be missing a planet... only to have Nunez bring it up in the critique... "Josh, it's a good tattoo, but you've only got seven planets in there. One's missing. That's a huge mistake. What happened?" To have Josh retort: "You have to spread the cheeks apart more to see Uranus."


Now this would've been awesome!  Might even save butt tattoos.

I think I want Emily to stay and go out in 4th place.  Her act is tired, so I'm not bothered by it as much anymore.  I know her name.  I can't imagine what kind of villain would emerge to take her place.  And, I think she'd explode which would be entertaining, in a way.  Plus it would piss Nunez off.  


The dude that went home- didn't he say he was working in his wheelhouse this week?  So...he really had to go.  This was his shot, he blew it.  


The challenge seemed overly-complicated to me.  It was nice to skip the strategery, though.


I think I could root for Cleen if he had a real name.  The way it is, I have some kind of a block.  

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