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Teen Mom 2: Past Seasons Disscussion


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Maybe you all would like this thread (maybe not), but I thought this could be a place where we post what we think may happen on the next season, but of course, it will be snarky.


Let me start with the following:


Kail cries to Javi after finding out she has developed two more chins. She has no idea why as she sits there eating her plate of cheeseburgers.


Leah takes Cory to court because he won't give her extra support money after Leah and Germy buy animals for their farm.


Jenelle ends up in jail after she hits Nipples. Her excuse is, he's talking to other girls. And boys.

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So I just started watching season 1, having previously only watched from about season three or four onwards. Didn't see a thread anywhere for something like this so figured I'd make one.


I'm about half a dozen episodes in. I witnessed the advent of Keefah, who apparently won Jenelle's heart with the greeting of, "Ya'll fine? You sure you're fine?" Charmer. When Barb was telling Jenelle she should have helped her setup for Jace's birthday and Jenelle goes "Keiffer didn't come over here to hear you argue." Like, the nerve! As if Keiffer is some posh guest. I had to laugh at that and at Barb's reply of "I don't care about Keefah!" For all her whining about how Barb took Jace from her, you could see her mentally check out (the last sliver of percent she was even invested to start with) when the lawyer stated her fee. Haha. 'I think it would be better for you to take care of Jace while I go to school, actually' and how she would get custody back in 'two months, tops.' Five years later is hilarious, sadly, with her still not having custody. Now she's playing house with Nathan and Kaiser while Jace the forgotten boy is still with Barb. Poor thing. "Leave me alone-uh, dude!" Jenelle seems to go from zero to 'about to freak out, dude' very quickly. I would say she's probably just exasperated with Barb yelling at her all the time but damn, bitch deserves it. Jace was suuuch a cute baby, as was Aubs. Aleeah had that crazy gleam to her eye even as a baby and forgive me, but Isaac was just an odd looking baby. But he's an adorable boy now.


It's cringeworthy to watch the scenes with Kail and the Riveras. "Since I have nowhere else to go, I guess I'll just have to make it work." They go out of their way to help her and advise her and she just seems to painfully lack in self awareness as well as gratitude. When she was sneaking around with Jordan and changed her relationship status on FB only to have to rightly face the wrath of all three of them? She just didn't understand why they were angry she was seeing someone else living under her roof and I was shaking my head. She seemed to think they were indebted to let her stay there and run around with whoever. It was a home, not a youth hostel, and they were only looking out for their grandbaby while she snipes with Jo and cries about everything. When Jo got kicked out he seemed ready to move in with Kail and get back together but she was already checked out and high off her tryst with Jordan. When Eddie and Janet sat them down and Kail said, an episode or two after loving being 'in a relationship' with Jordan, that she didn't want to move in with Jo because 'I'm not focused on relationships, I'm focused on everything else going on' and Janet shot right back 'well, this relationship has a lot to do with everything else' I was like, burn! Her getting a place of her own at that point was totally not feasible, and you just knew Janet meant 'when are you getting out of my house, whiner' when she said that. Then Kail cries that they see everything through Jo's perspective 'cause that's their son. Uh, yeah. They're not YOUR parents, Kail. Those interactions are always so awkward because Kail is so clueless and the Riveras are just trying to be soo patient with her and she doesn't get it.


Corey is such a sweetheart. Leah seems to be very manipulative. I think he really did love her, he was talking about popping out more babies and how he wants a boy. Leah shut that down pretty quick, which I found funny, in hindsight. He's happily married with no further children and she's on crumbling marriage #2 with another kid. 


For everything that's been said about Chelsea's style, it has so improved over the seasons. Adam is such a douche, and not really very cute. He's just a mumbly leech. What's attractive about that? She never stands up for herself, he moved himself into her house and thinks he runs the show. And she never defended Megan with Adam, just let all that nonsense happen. What's up with these girls being so obsessed about the idea of 'family'? "I really want my family together." "She's my best friend, but Adam is like, family." Ah, no. You HAVE a family. Some loser who knocked you up is not family. Randy has, as always, the patience of a saint. And Aubree is just the adorablest little thing. It's so funny to see these kids grow, I found myself thinking 'wow, she looks exactly the same as a toddler that she did as a baby, just bigger.' Then thought, duh, dummy. That's what happens. Guess I've never been around many babies, ha.


Anyone else rewatching? I'm marathon-ing these, it's almost ridic.

Edited by mywinston
  • Love 6

Thank you so much mywinston for starting this thread. I have been working on a long project and have had this on in the background. I'm on Season 3 currently. I hadn't seen these episodes since they aired so it's been interesting in light of the last season and Leah's current situation. I'd love to talk about this crazy show but I can't admit I watch it to anyone in real life.


The scenes when Leah meets Germy, tells him about cheating on Cory, then says she'd never do it to him and then goes on to yank him around for half a season made me less sympathatic for Germy. It's like, dude, who didn't see this coming? Still love the Sims family. They are so stable and loving when they could be angrier with Leah for her terrible, unapologetic behavior.


I have always disliked Kail but I liked Jo's family a lot less on rewatch. Jo is openly hostile and mean to Kail and his family never calls him out at all. I really got the lost little girl vibe from Kail and although she is also rude and pretty kookoo, she had no where to go and is clearly looking for someone to take care of her. Jo's family barely tolerated her from the start. I especially disliked his mom. She and Kail are a lot alike. Oddly, the most helpful person in Kail's life was Jordon (who she meanly calls stupid while talking to her friend) who suggests that she look for subsidized housing. He encouraged her to do more for herself and he actually seemed okay.


Jenelle's scenes are so much worse on rewatch. Barbara does nitpick and boss her around until it's borderline abuse but Jenelle is going out with random losers and disinterested in Jace from Day 1. The physical fight she and Kiefer get in with her roommate and roommates's boyfriend seemed staged and unreal only because I can't believe anyone would act like that with cameras there. They all fought like they do that type of thing all the time. It's crazy. Also, finally saw the flip flops tacked to the kitchen wall above the counter! I thought y'all were joking about that!


Chelsea's obsession with Adumb is more annoying on rewatch but you do see her grow throughout the series, which I can't say for the others. She treated her friend Megan so badly, it's a wonder they are still friends.


I'll probably have more to say after the heroin episodes in Season 4. I still can't believed they aired that.

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My one observation about Barbara/Janelle, from the rewatch, is that Barbara may have nitpick Janelle, but she did it lovingly until Keiffer showed up. With his appearance, Barbara saw that she lost Janelle completely, and she (Janelle) descended pretty quickly into drug abuse, arrests, and failure.

I'm pretty sure, up until Keiffer, Barbara really believed Janelle would change and fight to get Jace back. Janelle broke her heart.

And Soobs, you're right...Jo, and his family, really do come off worse after rewatching this (I never, particularly, like them anyway. I never got the love for them?) The only time I ever though Jo came off as charming and likeable is when he dropped of Issac to Kail after the six week summer visit, and responded sweetly to Lincoln. Otherwise, I thought he came off as a ignorant, selfish, asshat.

 I'd rather be set on fire, than admit to anyone in my real life I watch this, so I understand. :)

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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she [Kail] had no where to go and is clearly looking for someone to take care of her

That scab was looking for a free ride.  Isn't that why married Javi? For his benefits!  She did have someone caring for her, but if you do the shit that she did in my house, you can bet you are going to get major side-eye from me.  That bitch had a roof over her head and then some. She is the one who fucked up in that department by choosing not to follow the rules. I don't know about anyone else, but if my fat ass had no where to go, the last thing I would do is sneak around and see a guy behind the back of the guy whose child I had just squeezed out months before, take that child with me on those secret dates AND HAVE MY BIO CHILD'S DAD DROP ME OFF ON THOSE DATES by telling him lies. Fuck that shit. I have given that turd the side-eye for the longest time because I personally don't like scheming, lying liars who lie.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7
The physical fight she and Kiefer get in with her roommate and roommates's boyfriend seemed staged and unreal only because I can't believe anyone would act like that with cameras there.

Have you watched the videos on-line where Jenelle has been videotaped getting into physical altercations with girls over the most mundane reasons?


Have you watched Jenelle put guys over Jace time and time again on camera?


Have you watched Jenelle put her own child through so much emotional and psychological abuse when he is in her presence?


Have you watched Jenelle put the priorities of the guys she has had sex with over the needs of Jace?


All of those things happened on camera. Why is it hard to fathom that she got into an altercation on camera?


Kail cries that they see everything through Jo's perspective 'cause that's their son. Uh, yeah. They're not YOUR parents, Kail

Love this, and the rest of your post. What Kail failed to see was, she was in someone else's home.  With Kail, it is all about her. Even now, it is all about her. Kail is very self-centered.  In my view what the Riveras were looking out for was, what was in the best interest of Isaac. The Riveras eventually saw Kail for what she was and Kail made it very obvious she was not going to adhere to anything the Riveras laid out. There are people who think rules are for other people, not themselves. Kail is one of those people.


Kail is also an abuser. That behavior didn't begin with Javi. Jo and the Riveras have been very kind to Kail because I bet they have a lot to say about what went on behind closed doors. I think Kail being abusive to Jo in their home was the major problem. The Riveras were likely pissed at Kail and who can blame them? They roll out the red carpet for her and this is how she acted in their home to their son? I bet the Riveras thought "How long before she hits our grandchild?"  If someone is an abuser, it will be very hard to find people who are going to smile and be very kind to you. The Riveras tolerated Kail because of Isaac, not because of Kail. 


I am not implying the MTV cameras edited anything out, I do believe a lot of things happened when the cameras were not around. I feel the Riveras hid this behavior from the cameras by not mentioning it.  Much like what is going on with Leah. Kail accused Jo of domestic violence and went to the courts to get a protective order, but failed to call the police. The conclusion I came to was that if she had called the cops, the truth would have come out - she was the one who back-handed Jo and all he did was grab her arm to keep her from striking him again. For all the clamor about females being victims of domestic abuse, where is the clamor for people, like Kail, who make false allegations of domestic violence to hide their own abusive behavior to a male?


Luckily for the viewers, she did show her true colors on camera and continues to make threats to hit Javi.


I am also not of the belief that choosing to believe the Riveras did the right thing means there is love oozing for them. I call it knowing who was in the right and who is in the wrong. It's called credibility.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 5

I'm curious why did Kali feel the need to date someone instead of taking care of her son going to school and or work and having a good relationship with her sons father and in laws. If it weren't for the Riveras she would've been living in a shelter or on the streets. She's so ungrateful. Then she pissed me off anymore talking about Issacs clothing and haircut saying he's white not Hispanic and looks like a thug. I'm starting to think MTV is throwing her under the bus.

Jenelle... Again she reminds me of mothers who allow their kid to stay with anyone or go into foster care because they don't want to deal with being a parent. I hope Jace as he gets older starts to resent her and cut her out of his life. Jenelle is too toxic for him to be around. As much as Barbara yells, she truly cares for both Jace and Jenelle. But there's only so much a person can take. Barbara needs to kick her ass to the curb and set up supervised visits if Jenelle wants to see Jace.

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Oh Gosh, I hope you all don't think I'm defending Kail, in any way, I'm not. I just don't like the way Jo, and his family, handled Kail when she had no choice, or options. My reference to Rivera love comes from the fact that on MULTIPLE websites I read a lot of 'I love Janet'. Frankly, she came off a bit mean, demanding and snarky towards Kail. Yes, I get that she was trying to look out for Kail (Issac) best interests, but she failed in her execution.

Just my opinion.

  • Love 2

I saw Janet as being fed up with Kail's bullshit. I don't remember how long Kail was living with the Riveras at the time of her 16 & Pregnant episode, but Janet looked weary to me. She probably did come off as a mean bitch at times, but I can't blame her. If I had to deal with Kail's entitled, nasty attitude for nine months I'd be a raging bitch too. Kail is insufferable. The Riveras had every right to lay down rules after the break up. This cow was living in their home RENT FREE with their grandchild and all she had to do was not date anyone until she got on her feet, and she couldn't even do that.

I don't think they let Jo get away with being an ass, either. They reprimanded him when he got out of pocket with Kail, but they ultimately had his back because he's their son. Kail is not their blood and they have no obligation to her whiny, abusive ass.

While I understand Kail had a difficult upbringing with an addict for a mom, I don't think that gives Kail carte blanche to be an asshole.

  • Love 4

We're going to have to agree to disagree...

I'm don't really like Kail, and I'm not defending her or on her side, but I did try to see her point of view. Something none of them EVER did. Other than her dating Jordan, and in particular the way she went about it, she didn't really do too much that I saw being objectionable. Even then, it's not like JO wasn't seeing other people.

She spent most of her time either in school, or at work. Having a baby to take care of on top of that didn't leave much time, even for seeing much of Jordan, outside of work.

YMMV, on this one.

  • Love 3

I'm don't really like Kail, and I'm not defending her or on her side, but I did try to see her point of view. Something none of them EVER did. Other than her dating Jordan, and in particular the way she went about it, she didn't really do too much that I saw being objectionable. Even then, it's not like JO wasn't seeing other people.


I wasn't a full time viewer when the whole thing went down with the Rivera's and Kail, so was Jo also dating around? I know the rule was Kail wasn't supposed to date, were the same restrictions placed on Jo? What I did see at the time it aired led me to believe Jo was pretty spoiled then and Kail, of course, always had her out of proportion temper. It would really tip my opinion one way or the other to know whether the same rules applied to Joe under their roof.  I think the Rivera's were basically trying to do the right thing but they and Kail came from two different worlds and different sets of values, so it was doomed from the start.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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I don't blame the Riveras for telling Kail she can't date while living under their roof, even if Jo can. Kail is still a guest in their home, regardless that she's Isaac's mother. The Riveras did not have to let her stay there after she and Jo broke up, especially for free. They really did her a solid there and only enforced one major rule...she shit all over it, and baldface lied to their faces about it til she was caught. I think it's insanely disrespectful for her to sneak around behind their backs banging a new dude while she goes home to her baby's father's parents place to live for free. I'd have kicked her ass out too. Kail couldn't keep it in her pants for a few months til she re-established herself financially? That's really not a lot to ask.

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Have you watched the videos on-line where Jenelle has been videotaped getting into physical altercations with girls over the most mundane reasons?


This might be hard to believe since I just admitted to rewatching almost the entire show but no, I do not spend my time You Tubing Janelle's hijincks.

The fight looked more like something you'd see on Cops, so that did surprise me. The other stuff you listed is (sadly) sort of standard Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant stuff.


No doubt Kail is a jerk but so is Jo and his mom doesn't come across too well either especially since she is supposed to be the mature, wise elder of the situation. Jo's dad seems okay and like he just sort of lets all these people fight around him while he hangs out with Isaac. Hopefully, Isaac will end up more like him.

Edited by Soobs
  • Love 1

We're going to have to agree to disagree...

I'm don't really like Kail, and I'm not defending her or on her side, but I did try to see her point of view. Something none of them EVER did. Other than her dating Jordan, and in particular the way she went about it, she didn't really do too much that I saw being objectionable. Even then, it's not like JO wasn't seeing other people.

She spent most of her time either in school, or at work. Having a baby to take care of on top of that didn't leave much time, even for seeing much of Jordan, outside of work.

YMMV, on this one.

I'm with you. I don't like Kali much (don't really hate her either, but she is annoying), but I don't like Janet either. TBH Kali and Janet always struck me as being pretty similar in both strengths and weaknesses. They're both pretty hard working and focused, but also myopic and manipulative. My issues with Janet were always over her pushing Kali back to Joe when Kali wanted out of the relationship. Joe could be an asshole to Kali at that time (he was young) and Kali clearly wanted out and they would break up and then Janet would talk Kali into trying to get back together with him. My other issue with Janet was her hoping around her kitchen screaming that Kali "done him dirty" to Kali's mom. Because she was 38 and screaming like a teenager. Just give Kali back her stuff and be done with it, don't encourage the insane teen drama of it all.

I also agree with you that quite often Kali's biggest offense is being a pain in the ass. If you took much of what she says and put it in the mouth of someone more likeable it probably wouldn't sound so bad, but Kali is just so damn annoying that she sets herself up to be the villain. Girl really is her own worst enemy.

  • Love 2

Yes, Janet brought this up at the reunion, that they were still sleeping together during this time. I think even Joe mentioned something about Kail being naked in bed with him when she told him about Jordan. Janet just seemed worried Kail would get preggo again, that's what she told Dr. Drew.


Ok honest question: how does that add up in Janet's head? Kali and Joe are having sex again and Janet is worried she might get pregnant...so she can't date other people? How does that address the central concern of another pregnancy? Was Janet ok with Kali and Joe having another baby? Or was she worried if Kali did get pregnant she would try to pass the baby off as Joe's even if it wasn't his? I honestly don't follow the logic here.

  • Love 2

Oh, that makes sense. Sort of, except for Joe not having demonstrated his past ability to use one...

Yeah, I'll join you in that head scratch.

For me, Janet's rules didn't have to make sense. It was her house and she was taking in a teenager that was not her blood. Janet could have said every Thursday at 5 everyone must spin in a circle three times counter clockwise. Her house, her rules. Get to spinning. Janet could have told Kail, leave Isaac with us until you get your life together, but she didn't. Could have said go stay with your drunky mother that doesn't even want you, but she didn't.

She made a space for Kail in her home.

I remember one point Janet made to Jo and Kail, other people were in that house and their drama could not disrupt entire house. Janet's rules were pretty simple. Stay in school and don't date. But rules aren't for Kail. For me it doesn't matter if Jo had to live by the same rules or not. Jo wasn't a guest and Kail was.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 8

 I remember one point Janet made to Jo and Kail, other people were in that house and their drama could not disrupt entire house. Janet's rules were pretty simple. Stay in school and don't date. But rules aren't for Kail. For me it doesn't matter if Jo had to live by the same rules or not. Jo wasn't a guest and Kail was.


While I don't disagree that Kail should've respected the rules of the Rivera household, I hate to say it but I understand why she would chafe at the double standard being displayed.  Yes, Joe is the blood family member, but he was nowhere near prefect at the time and wasn't making the best decisions himself.  IMO, both Joe and Kail should have been outright discouraged/forbidden from dating until they got their lives together and got the hell out of the house.  Those two were toxic together no matter what the circumstances.


Of course, Kail's best option would have been to just remove herself for the situation and lived her own life on her own rules. Kail is nothing if not petty and pigheaded.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 2

For me, Janet's rules didn't have to make sense. It was her house and she was taking in a teenager that was not her blood. Janet could have said every Thursday at 5 everyone must spin in a circle three times counter clockwise. Her house, her rules. Get to spinning. Janet could have told Kail, leave Isaac with us until you get your life together, but she didn't. Could have said go stay with your drunky mother that doesn't even want you, but she didn't.

She made a space for Kail in her home.

I remember one point Janet made to Jo and Kail, other people were in that house and their drama could not disrupt entire house. Janet's rules were pretty simple. Stay in school and don't date. But rules aren't for Kail. For me it doesn't matter if Jo had to live by the same rules or not. Jo wasn't a guest and Kail was.

I'm not actually questioning the Rivera's right to make the rules in their own house. Of course they can set any boundaries they want with either Kali or Joe. I was questioning whether that particular rule was a good idea, not if it was within their right to impose it.

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If Kali didn't want to follow the rules then Janet had every right to be upset. Their house their rules. Now that Kali has that Teen mom money she's been turning into an even bigger bitch. She should thank the hand that fed her

Again, that issue is pretty moot, since she lasted there mere months (and at most, a year), and not years. I don't see why people are making such a big fuss over this. There are other things to complain about, when it comes to Kail.

She didn't like the rules, she left...what's left to say?

Again, not trying to defend Kail, I don't really like her (and I can't figure out why), but it seems that no matter what she did, she could do no right to a lot of the people who follow Teen Mom 2. I kind of feel sorry for her...

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
  • Love 3

At times I feel really bad for Kali because I honestly don't think she gets why people don't like her either. She doesn't recognize how irritating, abrasive, and shadey she can come across as. Even when she has a legitimate point (like when she said that Joe was the first one to move away so why was it a big deal for her to do so) she expresses herself in such an annoying manner that it's easy to see the worst in her. I have a cousin like that. Poor thing just doesn't understand what it is she does that sets people off because it's not what she does its how she does it and that's not a concept that very easy for her.

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This might be hard to believe since I just admitted to rewatching almost the entire show but no, I do not spend my time You Tubing Janelle's hijincks.

I actually watched the videos on TWoP.  Someone had linked them on posts on the old TWoP site.


Other stuff Jenelle did was on the show such as her running after Keefah as he tried to get away from her by getting in a car and his friend tried to speed off as Jenelle seemed ready to jump onto the car as an attempt to get Keefah to listen to her. One of the craziest moments ever next to the heroin scenes.

I heard Eddie and Janet divorced. Any thoughts on what happened there? They seemed stable enough. About to finish up season 1, I was always curious that after Eddie kicked Jo out for being "disrespectful" there was no footage.

I think you guys are right that Kail has no idea how she comes across. Lacking tact and self awareness is an awful combo. I feel bad for her.

  • Love 3

I heard Eddie and Janet divorced. Any thoughts on what happened there? They seemed stable enough. About to finish up season 1, I was always curious that after Eddie kicked Jo out for being "disrespectful" there was no footage.

I think you guys are right that Kail has no idea how she comes across. Lacking tact and self awareness is an awful combo. I feel bad for her.

I may not be a big fan of Janet, but I don't think I ever saw enough of the Rivera's personal life to know. I'd guess it's nothing that scandalous. They were teen parents too, right? Maybe the marriage was just running on steam and once the last kid moved out they didn't have much holding them together anymore.

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do we think Jenelle would ever go to such lengths to chase Barb down over Jace? Or even Kaiser? Probably not. But if Nipples tried to run off, you bet your ass she'd freak out and try to go after him. She'd probably hang onto a moving car if she had to. It's so sad

It just dawned on me as I read this post, I wonder if Jenelle would run after Barb over Kaiser IF Nipples was still somewhat in the picture? I am beginning to wonder if one of the reasons Jenelle doesn't give two shits about Jace is because his daddy is not in the picture and Jace is a worthless pawn to her. Jace's daddy wasn't with Jenelle any longer and therefore, the need for Jace as a pawn to yank the bio daddy around was no longer there, whereas Kaiser would be a pawn to Jenelle to keep Nipples around and throw the guilt shit on him..."Your baby needs you here" (I need you here).

It just dawned on me as I read this post, I wonder if Jenelle would run after Barb over Kaiser IF Nipples was still somewhat in the picture? I am beginning to wonder if one of the reasons Jenelle doesn't give two shits about Jace is because his daddy is not in the picture and Jace is a worthless pawn to her. Jace's daddy wasn't with Jenelle any longer and therefore, the need for Jace as a pawn to yank the bio daddy around was no longer there, whereas Kaiser would be a pawn to Jenelle to keep Nipples around and throw the guilt shit on him..."Your baby needs you here" (I need you here).

You know what, Jenelle had sex and got pregnant. Her problem. If you don't like your kids father then why did you sleep with him unprotected? Jace didn't ask to be here. And honestly I wish Jenelle would've had an abortion with him of give him up for adoption since she doesn't give two shits about him.

I think the big thing with Janet and worrying that Kail would get pregnant again is that she was still sleeping with Jo, and Janet did not want her son having to become responsible for a child that was not his. Kail would have tried that one, I am sure.

I could see Kali as one of those women who has a kid with another person, while she's still with another man then getting g pregnant and claiming the child is the man she's in a relationship with

  • Love 1

I think Janet's issue was that Kail would be unnecessarily complicating her life - and, by extension, Jo's life and all of the Riveras' - by bringing another relationship and, heaven forbid, another dude's kid into the mix while she was living in their house. The situation was already tenuous enough with Kail continuing to live there even though she and Jo were no longer a couple. But they all agreed to this living situation because it would be best for Isaac, and Kail didn't really have anywhere else to go anyway and Janet and Eddie had been helping her out on that front for a while. I doubt Janet would approve of Jo and Kail continuing to hook up despite being broken up, for the same reasons - doing that in general just complicates things, baby or not, and it will not make either of their lives easier if she got pregnant again. But it would be much worse and much more complicated with a second guy. So, I agree it's kind of a strange rule - though one Janet was well within her rights to make, because it's her house and she can do whatever she wants with who's living there - to impose on someone who isn't actually your kid, but it makes sense. It really would have been better for everyone involved for Kail not to get involved in another relationship right now, and if she chooses to, she should find somewhere else to live because it's just too much drama even if she didn't get pregnant again in the process.

  • Love 4

Well, with Leah now on board for the new season (ugh!) I imagine we will see a lot of finger-pointing and the Messer family throwing a lot of shade at Cory. Leah will likely shed many,  many tears. Black mascara running down her clown face.


Germy - Leah will fight him tooth and nail for child support.


Will we see Leah's new business play out on this season? Will we watch Leah putting ugly extensions on her clients? I can't imagine Leah knows what to do with anyone's hair since we have seen what she does with her own and what she doesn't bother to do with her girlses hair.

Edited by GreatKazu

How in the world is Leah affording extensions to cover that ugly ass hair cut she had? Business must be booming. I'm curious to she how she gets around licensing for her so-called business. I sure hope they show it in the upcoming season. And Jeff. Lots of Jeff;) I'm looking forward to Janelle's story this time. It will be interesting to see how she handles the Roll compared to poor Jace. No room for him? Gosh I hope Babs loves on him to no end. He really got a raw deal from his mother. Even if he doesn't notice now he will very soon. Not looking forward to Kail. She just bugs but her boys are cute as a button. I don't mind Chelsea too much but I still have a healthy hate for Adam. Didn't he just have another accident or was it another Dad?


Come on MTV. I'm waiting!   

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