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Married At First Sight: The First Year

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Definitely not, but unfortunately he is married to someone who is great at hearing what she wants to hear.


What he said: "If that's something that's going to continue to hold you up, I encourage you to go."


What she thinks he said: "Oh, you have this ex, and I see that you have a past, and maybe feelings well up, but I know he's so important to you and I won't take him away from you."


So: "We probably shouldn't stay married" vs. "We can all be friends." He shouldn't have to compete for Jamie, but since she thinks she doesn't have to change her behaviour with regard to eligible men even though she's married, Doug will probably have to force the issue for her to get it.

Yikes! I didn't catch that at first, but I'll bet you're exactly right and that IS how Jamie took it!


P.S. Anyone else think Jamie's "ex" is married?

If my wife had ongoing debt, and no concept of how things worked, I wouldn't share finances with her either.

In general I'm a believer in a joint account that couples each deposit agreed upon amounts of money into for household stuff, while keeping separate accounts for their own personal savings/play money, which they can use for whatever they like, as it's not impacting the household account. (And which will come in handy if one of the couple decides to drain the joint account and abscond to another country, which maybe Doug should consider because Jamie is awful).

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Why is jason acting like there are no other fire departments all over the country? I would be peeves if Mr. Spiderella booked my holiday vacation to his hometown without telling me though.

Jamie is still being abusive and selfish. Of course Doug is having 2nd thoughts, just last week she was just planning to invite her ex to the gender reveal party. Delusional this woman. She made the party awkward over and over again. She thinks the world revolves around her. She was turnt up like the hostess with the mostess. And I didn't hear anyone calling her Aunt Gorgeous, so that is in her own head as usual.

Fencing was ugh. Another attempt at blatant manipulation by Jamie to get her sperm donor to comply. I don't think she understands that she has to have sex with Doug to produce additional worshipping subjects to the Jamie kingdom.

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First it is not a gender reveal party without a one armed man barbequing and the preganant lady smoking obviously I do not attend the right not baby shower baby showers. I also do not attend baby showers where the sister has to hog the spotlight and make it all about her either though, I can see Jamie did not take on board the advice that she was selfish from the day before and step back and let her sister shine. Also once again Jamie's apology was crap, I am sorry Doug now reassure me that I am still an awesome person and I get to dump your arse and you better stick around until I do.


With how judgemental Jamie is you would think she would have told Leah to stop smoking through her preganancy, I saw twice on greeting Jamie & Doug and then greeting their mother, being a baby nurse of such repute you think she would know the effects that can have on the baby.


Way to make things awkward so far Jamie has revealed on camera that her sisters husband is abusive and now named the abusive step dad (as far as I can tell there are 4 dads for the 5 children) if her mother does not have an issue with him then it is time to let it go for the sake of her sister & brother, I am sure Jamie's dad was not a peach either. It says more about Jamie that she was awkward with her family while even her mother in law who barely knows them mingled freely with less judgement and what was with pulling Doug aside all the time since she hadn't seen her family for a while.


Now onto petty gripes, it is a bit gross of Jamie to wear her 'Mrs' tshirt to bed after wearing it the day before I guess she had to let everybody know that she was married. I also got the feeling that she only decided to be nice to Doug and cling to him so she could rub it in the families face that she has an awesome marriage. Secondary I did not need to see your crutch in her revealing shorts, nothing says classy like showing everybody what you had for breakfast although I am sure that was a calculated move so her family could see she is hottest and much better than them.

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I realize this is supremely bitchy, but wow, Jamie comes from some serious white trash. On one hand I have no idea how she turned out the way she did; on the other hand, I can see exactly how she turned out the way she did. It's so confusing.


Cortney kind of sucked this episode. I am no Neph fan, but I thought it was rude to put him and Jasmine on the spot by asking when they were getting married. She also seems like a huge gossip queen, she just wants to be in the know so she can talk shit. If I were Jason I would be really pissed that she booked a trip to NC despite Jason wanting to go somewhere tropical. Since Charlotte is a major airport hub to almost every Caribbean island, I figured they could at least go both places easily, but nope. It's all about Cortney! And they should really work out the whole Brooklyn/NC "where to live" thing immediately. That, in a normal relationship, would be a deal-breaker.


Neph is an asshole, and Jasmine is an idiot. Both of them deserve whatever they get. For her to move all that way for a guy who is clearly ambivalent is her own dang fault.


Also, that probiotic product placement was over-the-top egregious.

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I did not see Jamie's family as white trash.  They seem to be simple, country people with low incomes.  Nothing wrong with that. 


However, as usual, Jamie dressed to the hilt for a party that was going to be an outdoor picnic.  Full makeup, false eyelashes, too much jewelry, short shorts, tiny top and heels.   Yea, no wonder she feels awkward.  It screams " I am better than all of you."  She reminds me of someone who grows up poor and never wants to admit where they came from.


What about at the end when she jumps into Doug's arms and wraps her legs around him.  Who does that?  She is always playing to the camera.  Can you imagine how she acts when the camera is not rolling?  Leave me alone Doug.  Get off of me..... 


Doug seems like such a decent guy who is doing everything possible to tame this crazy woman.  He is the smarter one who will not get sucked into Jamie's delusional world.  Jamie dresses so provocative and sexy for someone who does not have sex with her husband.


Doug's parents seem like wonderful people who have accepted Jamie no matter what she does to their son.  I would have pulled him aside after the last episodes and told him he was insane to stay with her.  I think Doug and Jamie are in it for the money now.

Edited by tinypeanut
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If I were Jason I would be really pissed that she booked a trip to NC despite Jason wanting to go somewhere tropical. Since Charlotte is a major airport hub to almost every Caribbean island, I figured they could at least go both places easily, but nope. It's all about Cortney!


I didn't watch the first season but I assume Courtney is from Charlotte? But Jason has never been there.


-Did her parents come to the wedding? Have they met Jason?


-Did Courtney meet Jason's mom before she died?

I didn't watch the first season but I assume Courtney is from Charlotte? But Jason has never been there.


-Did her parents come to the wedding? Have they met Jason?


-Did Courtney meet Jason's mom before she died?

Her parents did not attend the wedding, he met her parents about 6 months after the wedding and the family threw them a wedding shower in Charlotte so he has been at least once.


Courtney met Jason's mom just before she died I think it was a few months before the 6 month check up, as they told a story about how his mom knew that Cortney would look after him to Kevin Frasier??

This episode was a big fat mess. I really can't imagine any therapist pushing a man to cut their partner slack for their very unreasonable behavior. As the post by PVTV indicates how Pepper even assumes Doug is ok with things - is a sad delusion. I think it's good that Doug is finally growing a back bone. The way it was going, if he continues to be a doormat, Jamie's behavior will never change. She truly does seem to think she's such a good prospect for Doug that he would never consider leaving her. That in itself screams of selfishness. I think that Jamie's lived in this box of "I'm better than everyone" because compared to her very simple family she may appear to be on the outside. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. My husband comes from similar back ground as Jamie and rather than feeling ashamed of their choices or where he is from, he embraces them and HOPES they will do better. Jamie just needs to let it go. And why on earth after making Doug feel about the size of a nickel would she think that he would even ENTERTAIN children. That is so delusional. Jamie needs professional help. Doug just needs to communicate better. But I think he's the sane one of the two.


Courtney is a mean girl. I can tell. She loves to gossip and has everything figured out for everyone else - but has nothing figured out for herself. I'd suggest she use the energy she is wasting gossiping and use that time to actually talk to her own husband about their goals. They clearly are not on the same page. She's also looking super frumpy this season.

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Inf0rm4nt I keep meaning to say thank you for the information, I hope that he is happy to escape the crazy that comes with Jamie.

Actually that leads me to a question has she always been this insane in relationships or is this newer since the 'fame'

No problem!

As long as I've known her she's been this way. She simply has no idea how to relate to people. It's not just romantic relationships either, it's all relationships.

I agree that Courtney and Jason seem to be on different wave lengths.  However, they would have an easier life in North Carolina since the cost of living is so much lower than New York.  I don't understand ANY of these people wanting to buy a house until they are established financially and they know the relationship will work.


Does Courtney even earn money?  She seemed to be someone in New York living on the edge with no great income before meeting Jason. Does she make money with makeup? Jason can go anywhere and be a firefighter but he does not want to leave New York since it is the only home he has ever had.  He has no family in New York, just friends.  Sometimes in marriage you have to compromise.

Edited by tinypeanut
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Product placement inserted into shows always make me cringe for the people involved, this isn't an exception. I wonder if they came up with the whole "well, people in the firehouse have been sick..." or if someone got paid to think that up/ tell them to say that lameness.


Way to shit stir, Cortney. Jesus. Even if you hear people are talking about marriage, you don't ask "whens the date", when you know damn well an actual proposal hasn't happened. Cortney wanted dinner and show, that's the only explination for why she came off like that at dinner. I pegged Cortney as a prying type a few episodes back, and I'm taking this as confirmation. She took... whatever her name is... out to get dirt, not to 'help her adjust' or whatever.


Visiting family is not a vacation. I'm not sorry. I love my family that lives near Miami, but I won't go "on Vacation" to Miami because that would come with having to spend a significant amount of time with said family and that's not the intent of a "vacation." Vacation is a break from life, visiting family is getting sucked into whatever their life is, no matter how nice they may be, that's still not a vacation! To make this NC trip worse, its filled with Agenda on Cortney's end. If I were Jason I would be furious. I wonder if the show would have paid for them to go somewhere tropical? They got that Poconos honeymoon, which I assume is because Jason didn't want to go too far from his mom, I get Jason wanting to be beach-side, especially if it could be paid for! They could even do Florida (if it's family-free for them!)


What a shock, Jamie cozied up to Doug in time to fake happiness at her family party. If "the ex" had been invited, would Doug's parents still have been!? I find myself with a need to know how that guest list would have gone down, because just when I think Jamie can't get any more out of her mind, WTF. Thank God Doug finally said "one minute you want your ex, the next a baby", but too bad it was in one of the interviews, not to her face. I need that to be said to her face so badly.  I didn't see Jamie's sister smoking, and thank God for that because I may have shaken my TV.

Edited by Gigi43
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I've noticed that Jason is the one who cleans and tidies their apartment; wonder what Courtney does in her "spare" time.  There is something about her that bugs.  Based on her behavior in Vegas, I believe had it not been for the continuation of the show, she would have left him by now. 


The scene of Doug playing a hero by pulling Jamie away from her step father was awkward, especially since she was the one who went looking for him.  Their over the top public display of affection was cringe worthy.  I assume her family and friends have television sets, so they know this is all an act. 

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I did not see Jamie's family as white trash.  They seem to be simple, country people with low incomes.  Nothing wrong with that. 



It's mostly the "pregnant smoking" bit that makes one white trash. An entire family that just stands by and watches that probably doesn't see much wrong with it. (My mom smoked while pregnant so I know of what I speak)

It's mostly the "pregnant smoking" bit that makes one white trash. An entire family that just stands by and watches that probably doesn't see much wrong with it. (My mom smoked while pregnant so I know of what I speak)


My husband comes from the same back ground and referred to her family as WT as we watched. He's a reformed WT himself :) 

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I can understand Jamie not taking her sister to task on TV for smoking but being very bothered by it off camera and I know first hand you can even try your damnedest begging and constantly throwing someone's Cigs away and that doesn't stop a person. However Jamie doesn't seem to care about putting her sisters father on blast on TV and she's brought up her/her siblings shitty childhood time and time again for people to see, which probably includes people they actually know who maybe said siblings wouldn't share that with otherwise. So this looks really bad in terms of Jamie maybe actually not being bothered by it. Jamie is so image conscious I would think she'd have told her sister in private not to smoke with the camera's around at least to look good. Thats bad on so many levels. I wonder if Jamie's fuming today that aired, more than she's concerned about the smoking itself. I do know someone who swears their doctor told them that the stress of quitting smoking could be as dangerous as continuing, though it was in the 90s. I wonder if Jamie could be aware of that excuse to try to use it for a defense if confronted enough about it on social media.

Didn't Jamie freak out on Doug once for smoking?

Edited by Gigi43
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I was gonna say Leah is my favourite person on this show, but I guess I missed the smoking while pregnant. Oh well, she's still the voice of reason when it comes to Jamie. I loved that she told Jamie she's selfish, because she so is. Too bad Jamie's realisations seem to last a hot second before she reverts back to her clueless crazy person self.


I'm glad Doug finally told her that he's doubting the marriage himself now. Jamie totally takes him for granted and really needed a wake-up call. Not that it made much of a difference in the end. But her disbelief that Doug might not think she's The One for him, after she herself told him she's doubting if she's on the right path, was kind of hilarious. She kept saying how shocked she was to hear that. The shoe is in the other foot now, Jamie. How does it feel? I have to say I kind of pity her, since she had it all, a loyal loving husband and a warm welcoming extended family, and now she's effed things up royally. How will her in-laws ever look at her the same after watching this season? They're probably telling Doug to run as we speak.


Courtney is such a meddling busybody. I felt so bad for Jasmine, when she put her on the spot like that during dinner. It's unfortunate if Jasmine ends up getting hurt because Neph's not on the same page, but they need to figure that stuff out for themselves. It's none of Courtney's business! And the way she was preaching to Jason about Neph ruining all his relationships if he doesn't figure out why his marriage failed... Just shut up, Courtney. Has she ever even met his ex-wife? Maybe they just weren't right for each other. She should focus on her own marriage and actually having a real discussion about their future. If he never wants to leave NYC and she definitely does in the next few years, then that's a massive problem. It's like they both have their own plans for the future and are hoping that the other will magically change their mind. Doesn't seem very promising to me, but she'd rather pick apart other people's relationships than her own.

Edited by MsPH
  • Love 5

I was gonna say Leah is my favourite person on this show, but I guess I missed the smoking while pregnant. Oh well, she's still the voice of reason when it comes to Jamie. I loved that she told Jamie she's selfish, because she so is. Too bad Jamie's realisations seem to last a hot second before she reverts back to her clueless crazy person self.


I'm glad Doug finally told her that he's doubting the marriage himself now. Jamie totally takes him for granted and really needed a wake-up call. Not that it made much of a difference in the end. But her disbelief that Doug might not think she's The One for him, after she herself told him she's doubting if she's on the right path, was kind of hilarious. She kept saying how shocked she was to hear that. The shoe is in the other foot now, Jamie. How does it feel? I have to say I kind of pity her, since she had it all, a loyal loving husband and a warm welcoming extended family, and now she's effed things up royally. How will her in-laws ever look at her the same after watching this season? They're probably telling Doug to run as we speak.


Courtney is such a meddling busybody. I felt so bad for Jasmine, when she put her on the spot like that during dinner. It's unfortunate if Jasmine ends up getting hurt because Neph's not on the same page, but they need to figure that stuff out for themselves. It's none of Courtney's business! And the way she was preaching to Jason about Neph ruining all his relationships if he doesn't figure out why his marriage failed... Just shut up, Courtney. Has she ever even met his ex-wife? Maybe they just weren't right for each other. She should focus on her own marriage and actually having a real discussion about their future. If he never wants to leave NYC and she definitely does in the next few years, then that's a massive problem. It's like they both have their own plans for the future and are hoping that the other will magically change their mind. Doesn't seem very promising to me, but she'd rather pick apart other people's relationships than her own.


Nailed it!

It seems like groundhog say with Jamie, we have heard since the wedding 'I have issues I need help' endlessly on repeat, Doug is right if she was serious then she would have sought out a therapist long ago. Every week it is the same Jamie tramples over Doug's feelings, some person (Monet, Dr Pepper, Leah) tell her she is being selfish Jamie has a revelation and says she will put Doug first, next minute Jamie tramples Doug's feelings again. Not to mention I am getting whiplash from 'We have so many issues, we don't even like each other" to "Lets have a baby and buy a house" from somebody that constantly cries about how crappy her upbringing was you would think that she would make sure they were rock solid before bringing a baby into the relationship. She really would have been better to just get a sperm donor and not drag the whole Hehner family into her crazy world and expect them to support her emotionally.


Courtney was so messy, the smirk on her face as she bought the wedding up so telling and even when Jasmine reacted she still pushed it. She lost points with me last night, I love how supportive she has been to Jason about his family and then she turns around and does crap like and then manipulates Jason into a vacation with her family and from the previews takes him real estate hunting just NO.

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To be fair - she wasn't mad at Doug for smoking, as much as for lying about it when she asked him :)


Mr. P and I both come from WT backgrounds, and the eyelashes, tiny shorts and heels at a picnic are as much a part of it as smoking while pregnant.


And I was glad Doug told her that she would have to find the therapist if she really wants to show she is interested in their marriage!

Jamie is a batshit nut. It can't be said enough. Seriously she wants a baby while going through marriage issues. She wants to do all his pre-baby bucket list items in 3 hours so they can start trying to conceive tomorrow. Does she not realize she sounds like a broken record? "Let play a game...when will you be ready to have a baby?" "Let's go for a walk...when will you be ready to have a baby?" "Let's cook dinner...when will you be ready for a baby?"


And did she really need to stand up front and beside the future mom and dad while they were finding out the gender of the baby? Always got to be the center of attention.


Jason's selfishness rivals Jamies. He's close, but only 95% self involved while Jamie is about 150%

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I realize this is supremely bitchy, but wow, Jamie comes from some serious white trash. On one hand I have no idea how she turned out the way she did; on the other hand, I can see exactly how she turned out the way she did. It's so confusing.



It's wierd.  On one hand she has overcome a childhood of severe poverty and neglect to make something of herself.  On the other hand,  I sometimes feel like she is the pretty pretty princess of her family and everyone must bow down to her awesomeness.  I mean "Auntie Gorgeous" really?  More like Auntie Fake Spider Eyes.


It sometimes feels that she is so used to basking in the warm glow of praise that any negative comments about her behavior are actually shocking to her.  I think she is realzing that Dr. Pepper does not like her very much and it befuddles her. 


I also get frustrated with Doug.  I think he believes that Jaimie is so out of his league with her looks and establish career as a nurse, that he is willing to take a lot of crap from her.  However, I think he was a much happier guy before he met her. 


He really needs to put his foot down in her treatment of him or she will never respect him.

  • Love 3

It sometimes feels that she is so used to basking in the warm glow of praise that any negative comments about her behavior are actually shocking to her.  I think she is realzing that Dr. Pepper does not like her very much and it befuddles her.


Yep. She is just so self-unaware. I just read her blog about last week's episode and it's all "poor me, everyone's being so cruel, why doesn't anyone understand, I was just being honest, I can't fake anything, pity meee". She's one of the fakest people I've ever seen, so it's rather hilarious that her excuse of the week seems to be that she's just too genuine and can't pretend. Yeah, because clinging to Doug like a liferaft and telling him how much she loves him is not pretending at all. Oh no, she just goes from desperately in love to having the worst marriage ever in mere seconds. Totally genuine. 

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I'd say they're about the same. I think there are a few easy things Doug could do to improve his appearance if that is what his insecurity is about (I guess having your wife complain about how uyou are on yg day doesn't help).


Not to mention colllapses on the floor crying about how ugly you are and how she wants to run the minute she sees you standing at the end of the aisle.

Edited by qtpye
I  remember the early episodes of the show and see a striking difference in Doug, then and now.  Doug's personality nowadays seems to reflect the emotional weight of living with a shrewish, self-absorbed faux wife.  He now appears tense and nervous -- almost skittish at times- and the levity and humor that had made him rather endearing in the beginning are all but gone.  His attempts at contriving something "fun" for him and Jamie by way of the his and her bicycles did hold promise, and for a few seconds there it actually appeared as though Jamie's enthusiasm was genuine.  That is, until her conversation with  whomever it was, during which Jamie could not remember the color of her bike.



Doug was a very happy go lucky guy and he was not all that bad looking.  He now has lost all his joy and his face is becoming haggard.  I wonder if married life with Jamie agrees with him? (sarcasm)

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Cortney's friends are stupid for not knowing "hijinx," but even more stupid (or proof of how drunk they were? I'm trying to be generous, here) is how they repeatedly, over and over, asked him if he was saying "hygiene." He said NO, NOT HYGIENE, you dimwits. Also I'd like to know why Cortney wasn't driving in the first damn place, since she is the one who knows the area and has far more experience driving a car. 


Jamie is beyond shitty at this point. What a harpy. Everything Dr Pepper tells her to do, she twists around and makes it passive-aggressive and sometimes outright hostile. And what a fucking lunatic to think that having a baby will make her feel less lonely and isolated from her friends. I have a 7-month-old, and I can say confidently that even my friends who also have babies do not have time for me. Having a baby is the single most isolating activity a person can engage in, besides perhaps deciding to never bathe. Jamie thinking that her friends will come two hours to see her baby is proof of her narcissism.

  • Love 11

OMG just when I think Jamie can't behave any worse she opens her mouth and BOOM she hits a new low. What bit of lay off the house and baby talk did she not understand, Doug is obviously pissed and she asks if he wants to look at real estate, I think that her voice is the only one she hears. Loved her boohooing about Doug not wanting to spend time with her after she moved to NJ, first it was 12 months ago plenty of time for the crybaby to go out and meet people, secondly loved Dr Pepper asking if it was recent as Jamie phased it like it had always been that way and she didn't want Doug to feel guilty about it like she was actually worried about his feelings. Still she is pushing Doug to meet her ex, no matter how many times people tell her it is a terrible idea she has to have things her way, I wish Doug would just walk he is never going to be more than her personal punching bag unless in public where he has to act like their marriage is perfect to please the princess.


Courtney what can I say besides her friends are airheads, she is taking a leaf out of Jamie's book this week and upping the manipulation.

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I am starting to truly believe most of everything done on this show is production driven - except for Jamie - don't believe she is that good of an actress. I think she really, really is that broken. I don't know how she can have this amazing conversation with Dr. Pepper and take away from it - well I guess I should talk to Doug and again pressure him for a baby. I was like OMG what are you thinking. Friends will absolutely not drive that frequently to see you. And you will be way more isolated after having the baby because you pretty much never leave your dang house until they are 1!  


I believe that all the shit that is being drug up with Courtney and Jason is all production lead for sure. I think they probably have very few issues and so it was dug up and they had to explore all these false issues now. 

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I don't know if Jamie is that damaged from her childhood or not.  She reminds me of so many people who have troubled marriages and then want to buy a house or have a baby to "fix it".    These things never solve the problems but create more issues.


I hope Doug is using his own birth control because Jamie seems so crazy to have a child.    Doesn't she know if she has a child that the focus will not longer be on her?  No more full makeup picture perfect moments.


If she and Doug end up separating she will be on a mission to find the next boyfriend or husband to have a child.


Edited to add: This is petty. Are the ripped jeans still in style?  I never see anyone wear them anymore.  Also all of her short midriff tops.

Edited by tinypeanut
  • Love 2

Dr Pepper is the best. I'm a big fan of hers.


Jamie...aahhh...she's so frustrating. She has god awful conflict resolution skills. Passive aggressive seems to be her default for some reason. I don't know what the hell she's thinking trying to get her husband to meet the guy she confessed to being in love with. Why are they even in touch?


Courtney needs to just chill. Her friends are kind of morons though. She also needs to workout a bit; they used to be equally attractive, but Jason is clearly been keeping himself in shape.

  • Love 4

I believe that all the shit that is being drug up with Courtney and Jason is all production lead for sure. I think they probably have very few issues and so it was dug up and they had to explore all these false issues now. 


Yeah, those two are such a boringly happy couple they aren't reality show material. They fight and resolve their problems too quickly for tv, They need crazy people on the show.

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Edited to add: This is petty. Are the ripped jeans still in style?  I never see anyone wear them anymore.  Also all of her short midriff tops.


There is a character on Scream Queens who went through some trauma in the 1990s and now continues to dress like she did then. That would explain a lot about Jamie's fashion.

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