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Social Media: Whaa?

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Jenelle & Javi have been going back & forth with each other about HOW HILARIOUS it is that Jenelle posted a picture of a woman in a salon who DARED to take a picture of Jenelle without asking her permission! Javi having a laugh about how tough the celebrity life is makes me ill...and is there now a "tweeting" division in the military because I am mystified about how obsessed he is & how much time he spends on all aspects of social media? I get it with Jenelle...after all, I don't think I can recall a scene of the show where her head wasn't buried in her phone, but a military man with kids? Color me confused.

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Jenelle & Javi have been going back & forth with each other about HOW HILARIOUS it is that Jenelle posted a picture of a woman in a salon who DARED to take a picture of Jenelle without asking her permission! Javi having a laugh about how tough the celebrity life is makes me ill...and is there now a "tweeting" division in the military because I am mystified about how obsessed he is & how much time he spends on all aspects of social media? I get it with Jenelle...after all, I don't think I can recall a scene of the show where her head wasn't buried in her phone, but a military man with kids? Color me confused.

He is VERY in to it. Obsessed! 

Edited by Mkay
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More Leah twitter rantings that don't make sense... Read from the bottom up.


Leah D. Calvert ‏@TM2LeahDawn  4h4 hours ago
In the article should be ashamed of themselves and the hurt they have caused to others by such gals accusations. What's to come ..

Leah D. Calvert ‏@TM2LeahDawn  4h4 hours ago
@TM2LeahDawn FALSE**

Leah D. Calvert ‏@TM2LeahDawn  4h4 hours ago
Will not justify this but will hopefully prevent it from happening to others. #SoSad #unbelievablySelfish #smh

Leah D. Calvert ‏@TM2LeahDawn  4h4 hours ago
By "winning the case" ... it's not okay to put legal situations out in social media at such a time like this. Every human that was included

Leah D. Calvert ‏@TM2LeahDawn  4h4 hours ago
Even Rusty Webb (Coreys Lawyer) is not looking at what is best for two little girls and looking at the fame he can gain from this or ...

Leah D. Calvert ‏@TM2LeahDawn  4h4 hours ago
Everything that was said in the @intouchweekly was false. Sadly, the court case is still ongoing and it's clear that ..

I am confused by Leah's rants it likes she never finishes her thoughts



Leah D. Calvert ‏@TM2LeahDawn  4h4 hours ago
By "winning the case" ... it's not okay to put legal situations out in social media at such a time like this. Every human that was included


She is the one that has put it on social media, there is not a peep from Corey about custody and I don't get what she means by "winning the case" I thought the final decision was going to be made in December.


Might I just say I regret going to Leah's twitter to see if I could figure out the context, the amount of followers that are telling her the Corey has never been involved with the girls is sickening.

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I am confused by Leah's rants it likes she never finishes her thoughts



She is the one that has put it on social media, there is not a peep from Corey about custody and I don't get what she means by "winning the case" I thought the final decision was going to be made in December.


Might I just say I regret going to Leah's twitter to see if I could figure out the context, the amount of followers that are telling her the Corey has never been involved with the girls is sickening.

And that he only wants child support. I could slap them!!  Leah doesn't want Cory to win because then she might have to get a job and pay him!!

........do I have to change my avatar now??????? ;-)

I can't even wrap my head around this. Is she unaware of the fact that it's she who involves social media? Doesn't she see how poorly she comes across? I just don't understand at all.....

NO!!!! I love it.  It's the picture she wants everyone to forget about.  Is she even in Cosmetology school anymore?

Edited by Mkay

I actually understood all the tweets. It looks like she wrote one big thing, but had to break it into pieces - because of the character restrictions on Twitter. So if you go from the bottom up, they all flow together. Except one of them got out of sequence somehow. It's kind of like putting a puzzle together, but I figured it out. She's basically saying the article is false and everyone who was involved with it should be ashamed of themselves. She seems to think Cory's lawyer had something to do with it, because she calls him out on just wanting his 15 minutes. 

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Did anyone else know the name of Corey's attorney before reading this tweet? I didn't.

No idea so his seeking fame doesn't seem to be working real well. I just googled him and he is a high conflict divorce attorney. I think that Leah's problem with him is he is calling her out on her behavior and she doesn't like it. Leah had no problem when her lawyer was a hard arse from the start didn't her lawyer advise Leah when she went to file for divorce not to let Corey have the girls until he agreed to a visitation schedule, child support etc and Corey accepted it even though he didn't like it so I saw what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Leah is just pissed that Corey is no longer willing to do what she wants to keep the peace, though I will say he has been a lot more restrained than I would have been, while she has bad mouthed him at every opportunity Corey has just kept up with his line of I want consistency for the girls.


I do think that it sort of ironic that when I googled to see if I could read the actual article that it was in In Touch which has been one of Leah's sources to get her story out and bad mouth Corey for years and now that the shoe is on the other foot she is screaming about the injustice of a bad article. While I could not read the actual article from the gossip websites etc the article was supposed to come from a friend of Leah and the only quote from Coreys lawyer seems to be “Corey believes he’s in a position to provide more stability and consistency than the children are receiving now,” I would not call that a real harsh or damaging quote.


PS Does Leah even have any friends once her 'friend' left for Vegas it has been her cousin always propping her up, even her mother has disappeared.


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While I could not read the actual article from the gossip websites etc the article was supposed to come from a friend of Leah and the only quote from Coreys lawyer seems to be “Corey believes he’s in a position to provide more stability and consistency than the children are receiving now,” I would not call that a real harsh or damaging quote.



I have read the article and this is basically all Corey's lawyer said, which is exactly what Corey has said for awhile. It was the unnamed source who kept bringing up the concerns over possible drug use fueling the custody battle.  My guess is that the source is from among Leah's family and friends and she needs to clean up her own back yard before she blames Corey's side for spreading rumors or lies. In fact it is stated in the article that the source is close to Leah. 

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No idea so his seeking fame doesn't seem to be working real well. I just googled him and he is a high conflict divorce attorney. I think that Leah's problem with him is he is calling her out on her behavior and she doesn't like it. Leah had no problem when her lawyer was a hard arse from the start didn't her lawyer advise Leah when she went to file for divorce not to let Corey have the girls until he agreed to a visitation schedule, child support etc and Corey accepted it even though he didn't like it so I saw what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Leah is just pissed that Corey is no longer willing to do what she wants to keep the peace, though I will say he has been a lot more restrained than I would have been, while she has bad mouthed him at every opportunity Corey has just kept up with his line of I want consistency for the girls.


I do think that it sort of ironic that when I googled to see if I could read the actual article that it was in In Touch which has been one of Leah's sources to get her story out and bad mouth Corey for years and now that the shoe is on the other foot she is screaming about the injustice of a bad article. While I could not read the actual article from the gossip websites etc the article was supposed to come from a friend of Leah and the only quote from Coreys lawyer seems to be “Corey believes he’s in a position to provide more stability and consistency than the children are receiving now,” I would not call that a real harsh or damaging quote.


PS Does Leah even have any friends once her 'friend' left for Vegas it has been her cousin always propping her up, even her mother has disappeared.



I am embarrassed to admit I read the article straight from the magazine (in my defense, I was in line at the grocery store).  I got pretty much the same impression you did. I think she's just pissed off that Corey's not giving in to her whim-of-the-week anymore.


Oh also meant to mention, no, I hadn't even heard of this lawyer before so apparently his fame-seeking isn't going that well.

Edited by NikSac
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And how famous could this attorney get? Are people going to start running to Backwoods City WV because this guy represented  a dad from Teen Mom 2?


Leah seems awfully defensive about the stuff that's being said about her. Which yeah, it suck for people to say things about you, but who cares? She doesn't know these people, and I'm sure she's given the people in her town enough to talk about on her own, the tabloids should be the least of her worries. Usually when people get this defensive, it's because there's something there.

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17wheathins - don't change your avatar! As a matter of fact, do you tweet? If so, use that as your avatar there! It would be so cool if we all had an account on Twitter, used that same fugly avatar and go post on her account and remind her of what she said two seasons ago - "Cory is a great dad to the girlses."  I wish I could scrounge up every comment she gave in various articles and find every scene in TM where she mentioned how Cory is great to the kids. Just like, I wish I could find that photo of Isaac with that horrible haircut that Javi had done on him with the "Z" shaved into his head along with the mini Mohawk. If I could find that image, I'd be on Twitter in a heartbeat, posting it on Hulk's account and asking her if she phoned Jo and asked him first if that haircut was appropriate.

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I have never heard Corey's attorney mentioned in any more than passing conversation he was on the show once I think... But mean while little Miss Xanax is the one who was pimping her attorney out via Twitter not too long ago.

I don't think people who are famous (I use that term loosely) for getting pregnant when they are 16 and being on a reality show should be so quick to yell that someone is trying to get their 15 minutes of fame... Although to kinda spite her it would be hilarious if we could get Corey's attorneys name to trend on Twitter.

Edited by leighroda
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Hmm. To be honest to me it doesn't look like a black eye. It reminds me around the brow of that baby rosacea type condition some kids have and around the eye itself may be from the angle/lighting of the shot. But I can see how people could see it as a black eye.


I had two black eyes after having sinus surgery about 5 years ago. My boyfriend at the time and I got some interesting looks when we went out until I was healed up.

Hmm I think that being a black eye is a stretch, even if it was a bruise I would have to say babies can be tough little buggers that throw themselves around a lot. Our first son seems to have at least one bruise on him since he started moving, even at 13 he just does not seem to be aware of where his limbs are in relation to his body I love him dearly but he is a huge clutz that talks with his hands and still smacks himself in the face. He is also dolled out his fair share of black eyes, we used to joke that if you could hold him without getting hit or headbutted it was your lucky day.


Forgot to say I do not think Janelle's response was the best, inflaming the haters did not help the situation.

Edited by crazychicken

It's not really social media... But one of the online gossip sites (I think it was radar) is running a story that Adam's new girlfriend was just arrested on drug charges... Klassy. I'll see if I can find the article to link, I saw it in passing and I wanted to see if anyone else had heard that.



Here ya go. :)

LMFAO. Aspiring model, huh? How adorbs. She can be the spokesmodel for Natty Light and her local trailer park. Makes me wonder also how she got her supposed job as an account analyst. They were "overlooking" her record. Methinks something shady is going on there. Nobody hires a girl who was charged with embezzling to be in charge of their company's finances.

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That really doesn't look like a black eye to me, either. Looks like an unfortunate shadow, and maybe he was crying or something shortly before. His face does look red, which could be from all kinds of completely innocent things.


Crazychicken lol we have some good friends whose son is like that. His poor Mom was panicked when he got hurt at our house one time (managed to whack his head on a wall even though he was playing quietly on the floor seconds earlier... just midjudged the distance when he stood up).  He had been to the ER earlier in the day for an arm injury he got playing sports, and she was so nervous to take him to the ER twice in one day. It was all fine, but I really do think some kids are just very accident prone! For Jenelle and Nathan's sake I hope Kaiser's not one of them, although I can see Kaiser and Jace playing pretty rough together, especially as Kaiser gets older.


Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't put it past Nathan in particular to get frustrated and hurt him, or either one of them to just forget he's even there and he falls on the floor or something, but I'm surprised she got that much backlash from this particular picture. Looks like a pretty normal baby picture to me.

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I can't find the InTouch article online, but found this:


According to new tweets, Teen Mom star Leah Calvert is now revealing that everything said in the recent In Touch article is completely false, and she is disappointed that her ex-husband would take their custody issues to the media. She claims that this shows Corey and his lawyer don’t have the girls’ best interest in mind during this custody battle.


“Corey believes he’s in a position to provide more stability and consistency than the children are receiving now,” said Rusty Webb, Simms’s attorney in this custody matter.


Leah Calvert is extremely hurt that Corey and his lawyer decided to do an interview to bring more attention to the matter. Calvert claims that she would never tell her side of the story to a magazine, but she has been using social media to share her opinions of the matter. And she continued to do so after reading the article about her custody battle.


Everything that was said in the @intouchweekly was false. Sadly, the court case is still ongoing and it’s clear that…

— Leah D. Calvert (@TM2LeahDawn) October 12, 2014


Even Rusty Webb (Coreys Lawyer) is not looking at what is best for two little girls and looking at the fame he can gain from this or…

— Leah D. Calvert (@TM2LeahDawn) October 12, 2014


By “winning the case”… it’s not okay to put legal situations out in social media at such a time like this. Every human that was included

— Leah D. Calvert (@TM2LeahDawn) October 12, 2014


Will not justify this but will hopefully prevent it from happening to others. #SoSad #unbelievablySelfish #smh

— Leah D. Calvert (@TM2LeahDawn) October 12, 2014

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1537608/teen-mom-star-leah-calvert-slams-corey-simms-everything-in-the-article-was-false/#TLQou2q3xE7shwOp.99

While currently the reality star, 22, and her second husband Calvert, 25, have primary custody of the twin girls, she and Simms, 22, will be back in court on Dec. 8, In Touch reports.


“Corey believes he’s in a position to provide more stability and consistency than the children are receiving now,” Simms’ attorney Rusty Webb told the magazine. Simms has a stay-at-home wife, Miranda.



I don't believe Leah is seriously comparing Corey doing an interview to her posting all her shit on Twitter. To me that is basically the same thing. She can rant and rave like a psycho and if he talks to one media outlet he is a terrible parent. She's given how many interviews and bashed Corey and Miranda??? She's just pissed cos she's getting a dose of her own medicine. Sucks, don't it?!

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I don't believe Leah is seriously comparing Corey doing an interview to her posting all her shit on Twitter. To me that is basically the same thing. She can rant and rave like a psycho and if he talks to one media outlet he is a terrible parent. She's given how many interviews and bashed Corey and Miranda??? She's just pissed cos she's getting a dose of her own medicine. Sucks, don't it?!


And also... who's the one on the cover?  Did she pose for that or was it a paparazzi photo?  I think it's pretty bad that she slams Corey right and left and then cries foul when he does an interview (if he did - I wouldn't put it past that magazine to make up about 90% of the article), but somehow even worse if she actually posed for that picture.

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I have to agree that is not a black eye on baby Kaiser Roll. Babies can get weird, puffy eyes sometimes. Any little thing can cause them get red and look "bruised". My baby girl had super transparent eyelids and you could always see her veins. I wouldn't put it past Jenelle or Nathan to get frustrated and hurt the baby, but I can't really see them giving him a black and eye and then taking a picture of it.

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I thought the baby looked pretty normal. I know lil'Strange had red stuff on his face as well, especially as a young infant. I will be more worried for him in regards to abuse as he get older, because older kids are much more difficult then babies and I know Nips and lazy ass Jenelle will have a rude awakening then. If either of them have him in their custody that long. Seriously, though, how freaking cute is Kaiser?! I just want to pinch those chubby cheeks!


She's given how many interviews and bashed Corey and Miranda??? She's just pissed cos she's getting a dose of her own medicine. Sucks, don't it?!



I know, hypocrite much Leah? Her whole story line this season basically came down to bashing Corey. I've read the article and he doesn't even speak directly in it, if he was involved at all (other then his lawyer, who was possibly just fielding the question for his client). That dumbass doesn't have one ounce of self-awareness at all.

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I thought the baby looked pretty normal. I know lil'Strange had red stuff on his face as well, especially as a young infant. I will be more worried for him in regards to abuse as he get older, because older kids are much more difficult then babies and I know Nips and lazy ass Jenelle will have a rude awakening then. If either of them have him in their custody that long. Seriously, though, how freaking cute is Kaiser?! I just want to pinch those chubby cheeks!


I know, hypocrite much Leah? Her whole story line this season basically came down to bashing Corey. I've read the article and he doesn't even speak directly in it, if he was involved at all (other then his lawyer, who was possibly just fielding the question for his client). That dumbass doesn't have one ounce of self-awareness at all.


Yes Kaiser's super cute!  If anything I thought he maybe, just barely, looked a little chunky and over-tired in this one controversial photo but not abused - and it seems like kids go through that "chunky then tall" phase over and over again when growing up. Plus don't we all go through sleepless nights where we don't look our best? I just really don't think someone socked the kid in the eye. He looked (to me) like a normal kid.


I really didn't think Corey spoke much, if at all, in the InTouch article either. Granted I only read it in line at the grocery store so I didn't scour it in detail, but I didn't see much in it directly from him. I was wondering if Leah's cover picture was posed or paparazzi but come to think of it I wonder if Corey did an interview or they just pieced together stuff from previous episodes and outtakes, too. I feel bad for the girlses either way. They shouldn't have to see that stuff.

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I'm posting this for the picture, not the article.  haha Leah needs to find a new pose.



Leah's makeup application technique (if you can call it that) reminds me of the way the girls who worked at Glamour Shots would make people up. Very over the top and drag queen-ish. No offense to any drag queens reading this! But it's just sooooo heavy and overdone. And why? So she can get groceries, or run other errands? I don't think she has a burgeoning social life outside of TM2's staged situations so she can bitch about Corey for the cameras.

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Ha Ha, I love how one of the Twitter responses mentioned her five-figure Teen Mom salary. I also noticed it looks like she's wearing a new set of hair extensions in that picture. She's got money for weave, but no money to pay for her uncle? Whatever.


I was wondering about that too!  Her hair looks way better but that had to cost a fortune unless it was a freebie from someone she knows.

So apparently Jenelle and Nipples took Jace and possibly Kaiser to Disney in Florida and got into a big fight and just might have broke up. Here are Jenelle's tweets:




I doubt Nips is gone for good, he still wants to milk this Teen Mom cash cow I'm sure. Glad to see Jenelle is staying true to type and firmly crying over this loser instead of thinking of her probably really upset children.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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