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Knitting With Granny: The Realm of Creativity


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Either my Internet fluctuations are an issue, they're having server troubles, or my answers were so all over the map that I do not compute, but that style icon quiz has twice told me to take the quiz again because it couldn't tabulate my answers. I think I'm throwing them with picking books whenever that's an option but wearing mostly black.

Either my Internet fluctuations are an issue, they're having server troubles, or my answers were so all over the map that I do not compute, but that style icon quiz has twice told me to take the quiz again because it couldn't tabulate my answers. I think I'm throwing them with picking books whenever that's an option but wearing mostly black.

Ooh, sorry about that. It must be Disney's server acting up. The quiz is definitely being wonky.

Either my Internet fluctuations are an issue, they're having server troubles, or my answers were so all over the map that I do not compute, but that style icon quiz has twice told me to take the quiz again because it couldn't tabulate my answers. I think I'm throwing them with picking books whenever that's an option but wearing mostly black.


All over the place means you're Regina.  :)

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Okay, it finally worked, and Regina is my style icon. That actually makes sense because I do covet a lot of her Storybrooke wardrobe. In fact, I'm knitting a scarf that looks like that blue muppet fur collar she wore last year, and I really want a pair of red leather gloves. Then there was that red dress she had toward the end of the season last year. I'm just nothing like her, personality-wise (unless someone really pisses me off, but I'm still more like Emma or Hook in my snark style because I'm usually not quite so mean about it).

What's funny is that I do dress closer to Emma's style most of the time (or even more casually), but when I dress up, it's closer to Regina's style. Maybe that's why I kept frying their calculations. I live in jeans and t-shirts or sweaters, but when I dress up, I really dress up. I work at home but when I have to be in public professionally, I glam it up.

I got Regina on the first quiz (evidently I'm complicated), but Emma on the style quiz. I do own three leather jackets (one's duster length), but they're all black. 


ETA: tried the quiz a couple more times, aiming for best of three. No such luck. Second time I got Rumple. Third try was Ruby. I guess I can live with Ruby.

Edited by Dianthus

From the "Unpopular Opinion" thread:

LOL, I'm laughing so hard at this! But I've also been inspired. I'm envisioning a new web comic dedicated to mercilessly poking fun at the black hole that is Woegina and the writers' show ruining and irrational obsession with sacrificing the other characters to prop her up.


Man, you guys are really making me want to start up a webcomic blog I've been debating about doing for this show. Except, instead of poking fun at Regina, it'd just poke fun at every awful writing decision the show has done, with a sprinkle of some of the Offscreenville scenes we never actually get to see. I figure the content would be endless.

I've had the same thoughts, Curio. They way I've thought of it is to use characters themselves to poke fun at not just all the problems with Woegina (though Woegina and the writing for her is (IMO) probably the main source of problems on this show), but everything — the plot contrivances, the retcons, the lack of world-building, the non-existent magic rules, all the Alien Vampire Bunnies that suddenly appear out of nowhere to save the day and render the build-up of a character's arc pointless — would be roasted.

I started thinking about this back towards the end of season 2 and I imagined a web comic series where you just go back starting from season 2 and work your way forward, using the characters themselves to poke fun at all the stupidity and sheer WTF-ness. There would be extensive use of sarcasm and deadpan humor...in my mind (because it's probably funnier in my head than IRL, but in my defense I'm not an actual writer. Though I can draw a mean AVB :-P )

Edited by regularlyleaded
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I've had the same thoughts, Curio. They way I've thought of it is to use characters themselves to poke fun at not just all the problems with Woegina (though Woegina and the writing for her is (IMO) probably the main source of problems on this show), but everything — the plot contrivances, the retcons, the lack of world-building, the non-existent magic rules, all the Alien Vampire Bunnies that suddenly appear out of nowhere to save the day and render the build-up of a character's arc pointless — would be roasted.


Great minds think alike, regularlyleaded! That's pretty darn close to what I had in mind for a webcomic, too. Perhaps if we find the time (and it doesn't go against the forum rules), we can post some original pics in this thread periodically.

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It needs a catchy, memorable name. I'm not sure we'd have been nearly as successful if we'd called ourselves the Vartan Fans instead of the Vartan Hos. ;)

Very true. But now I feel like I'm under pressure to come up with something clever and my mind has gone totally blank! ;-)


Great minds think alike, regularlyleaded! That's pretty darn close to what I had in mind for a webcomic, too. Perhaps if we find the time (and it doesn't go against the forum rules), we can post some original pics in this thread periodically.

I like it. This could be so fun...and also therapeutic.



As I was typing the above I had an idea for a name. It actually comes from an idea of Cindy McLennan's that she came up with when she was doing the TWoP recaps for ONCE (and I still miss them!) - "The Badinaging Bird". Cindy,  are you out there? I want to use the badinaging bird as the title for a webcomic. Can I, pretty please? I mean, I can probably think of another title, but this one makes me giggle. :D


For those not familiar with the badinaging bird reference, here's an excerpt from Cindy's recap (season 2, episode 1) where it all started:


"Anyhow, when MS [Mysterious Stranger] gets home, it's raining. As he struggles to shut the window, his iPod (or like) plummets several stories to the street below. That's one trick my oldest son (the serial iPod killer) has yet to try -- but only because we live in a two story house. MS's mourning period is interrupted by a carrier pigeon, who coos at MS and leaves him a Storybrooke postcard. On the back is one word, "Broken." Writing the recaplet, I only took the obvious meaning: someone (my money is on Jefferson or possibly August) is informing MS that the Dark Curse has crumbled. But in watching again, I'm beset with the giggles. What if that was a thing -- in real life, you know? I mean the guy destroys his iPod. We watch it tumble to the ground far below. We watch him hang his head in regret. Before he has time to swear or kick something, some smartass bird shows up to mock his loss -- via postcard no less. Now I can't stop imagining this in other scenarios. You're speeding down the interstate and get pulled over by the police. As you're digging out your license and registration, Snarky McBirderson lands on the hood with a postcard that reads, "Busted." You fail Chemistry. The Scornful Snipe's judgment? "Grounded." You're left at the altar, and Disparaging Dove is all, "Forever Alone." I kind of want badinaging birds to be a thing (or at least a sitcom). Title Card."



And there was, of course, another classic final use (before TWoP went [not] so gently into that good night) in the season 3 episode 8 recap:


"Neverland's Past. The Stiltskins land on the beach. There's daylight! In Neverland. Papa extols the island's virtues and explains how whatever you believe there comes true. To test this, wee Rumpy imagines a slice of cake, and it appears in his hand. Papa says you can fly in Neverland, too. He climbs a rock and throws himself off only to accomplish a spectacular face plant that dwarfs even Charming's thud, last season. A badinaging bird leaves a postcard at his feet that reads, "Nailed it.""


Edited by regularlyleaded
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Curio and regularlyleaded, I'm asking, nay begging, for a webcomic series lampooning this show, and in particular, Woegina. Back in the days when the Goughlar ruled over Smallville there was a webcomic, Lanarama (http://www.lanarama.com/), that made fun of the show, especially Gough and Millar's love for Lana Lang, and it was brilliant. I'd totally line up to be the first viewer of a webcomic skewering OUaT.

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Well, it's a couple weeks late to start 2015 new year resolutions, but I really do need to motivate myself to draw more. Ah, what the heck...let's do this! I definitely don't have the time to do a daily comic like Lanarama, but a weekly comic is probably doable. (Especially since I'd imagine people on here would have some great suggestions for scenes they'd want to see play out.)

  • Love 4

I can't draw worth a darn, so I couldn't contribute in that way, but I could edit or throw out some ideas. If it's too much drawing for one person (because God knows there's a LOT to skewer), maybe there could be multiple contributors?


Just throwing out some name ideas:

Snarkily Ever After

The Disenchanted Forest (I'm kind of partial to this one....)

Once Upon a Woegina

True Love's Diss

Reginarama (based on that Lanarama site)

Once's Fairy Fails

Fractured Fairy Tales (heh, anybody remember those from Rocky & Bullwinkle?)

The Perils of Queen Queen

Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall, Who's the Lamest of Them All? (more a slogan, really....)

  • Love 1

Well, it's a couple weeks late to start 2015 new year resolutions, but I really do need to motivate myself to draw more. Ah, what the heck...let's do this! I definitely don't have the time to do a daily comic like Lanarama, but a weekly comic is probably doable. (Especially since I'd imagine people on here would have some great suggestions for scenes they'd want to see play out.)

Same here. There's no way I can commit to a daily comic, but a weekly or bi-weekly I could handle. Bi-weekly would likely be the most manageable for me because, you know, life, work, blah, blah, blah.


Just throwing out some name ideas:

Snarkily Ever After

The Disenchanted Forest (I'm kind of partial to this one....)

"The Disenchanted Forest", I like it. I think that title says it all right there. 


I think it's time to start putting some of my ideas down on paper...



I also really want an Alien Vampire Bunny to make random appearances. Like in the middle of the comic an Alien Vampire Bunny just runs across the background and it's never verbally acknowledged in the scene.

Edited by regularlyleaded
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Just throwing out some name ideas:

Snarkily Ever After

The Disenchanted Forest (I'm kind of partial to this one....)

Once Upon a Woegina

True Love's Diss

Reginarama (based on that Lanarama site)

Once's Fairy Fails

Fractured Fairy Tales (heh, anybody remember those from Rocky & Bullwinkle?)

The Perils of Queen Queen

Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall, Who's the Lamest of Them All? (more a slogan, really....)


"The Disenchanted Forest", I like it. I think that title says it all right there.

I quite like "The Disenchanted Forest" too. :) Although, do we need just one name for these comics? If we have multiple artists contributing, we could have several titles to categorize the comics by, depending on the artists' moods. For example, one week I might feel like drawing a strip for Once Upon a Time in Offscreenville, another week it might be more like The Tragedies and Misfortunes of Poor Regina, and then another week might be Storybrooke 99 where it's just Emma, Charming, and Hook doing their sheriff duties.


Also, yes to the Alien Vampire Bunny running gag!

Well, it's a couple weeks late to start 2015 new year resolutions, but I really do need to motivate myself to draw more. Ah, what the heck...let's do this! I definitely don't have the time to do a daily comic like Lanarama, but a weekly comic is probably doable. (Especially since I'd imagine people on here would have some great suggestions for scenes they'd want to see play out.)


So would you take one shot drawing as submissions?  I got an idea and I can draw.  I'm never going to finish my fanfic at this rate.



The Disenchanted Forest


I love this one.

Edited by ParadoxLost

So would you take one shot drawing as submissions? I got an idea and I can draw. I'm never going to finish my fanfic at this rate.

I'm not sure if the mods will allow it, but the way I could imagine this going is if anyone who has any kind of original drawing (whether it's a quick doodle, a one-shot, or a multi-panel) posted their art in this thread. Maybe for consistency, we just have people label their piece in bold before they post it, like this:


The Disenchanted Forest

[insert image of Rumple going through a closet full of every deus ex machina magical item the show has used so far.]


Once Upon a Time in Offscreenville

[insert image of Hook, Emma, and Henry in the yellow bug driving from New York to Maine.]


Thoughts? Ideas? Mods, is this okay?

You could always just have a group Tumblr blog called "The Disenchanted Forest" and everyone posts to there. Each post could then be tagged as "Offscreenville", "Storybrooke 99", "The Weepy Woes of Woegina", etc.


(edit: I think tumblr could also be useful for handling submissions from people who have an idea, but no desire to actually draw the comic. Like a comic prompt)

Edited by regularlyleaded
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I like that plan. Maybe we can do both -- have a "Disenchanted Forest" Tumblr blog where all the images get archived, and if people want to, they can also post their piece in here. (I just like how it's so much easier to have a conversation about a specific post/piece in these forums versus Tumblr. I consider myself pretty tech-savvy, and I still can't figure out how the whole commenting/ask system works in Tumblr. It seems so disjointed to me.)

Folks, it's great you want to get your creative force going - now would be a good time to think about talking the discussion to PM or email. If you decide to name a contact person, you can list that information here as well, so that other interested posters can follow up with you privately.


Also, Tumblr or Wordpress would be good places to post your creations, and you can provide links or individual panels as a tease here, but please, not entire comics, pieces, or stories. Think of this as the place to advertise your creations, not to house them.


Much thanks!

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Okay, so I saved "The Disenchanted Forest" as a tumblr blog url (as a place holder for now. it doesn't have to be the final name nor do we have to use tumblr ). Anyone interested in these here web comic shenanigans can PM me and we can start a group PM about figuring out if/how we want to do this...or in a true to form homage to A&E, we can skip planning anything at all and instead start haphazardly slapping posts onto a blog and see what the hell happens! ;)


I figure we can handle this like the fan fiction writers do in the Fanfic thread? Post a link to the latest post here and any discussion can happen here as well? Because IA, Curio, the tumblr commenting system, well, it doesn't exist. Reblogging is not the same as commenting/discussion boards (in my opinion) despite the fact that it is widely used as such. Though, the tumblr "Ask" feature I understand (even though the system is rather slapdash but that's what happens when you slap a feature onto software without seriously considering extensiblility).

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You know, it's really rather astonishing that those photos required no doctoring. The one on the horse, I was sure had to be a Photoshop job (especially considering the visible left hand), but damn, that's really him. The man is a living, breathing romance novel cover, just going through life. Well, when he's in costume. It's an entirely different story otherwise.

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