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S03.E06: Thanksgiving (Canada)

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I may skip speculation for the next few weeks, because people have guessed almost everything. I feel like I’m watching to see who was right, instead of just watching the show.  

Once again: fuck young Shauna.  also young Lottie.  wtf. I suppose this was the only way that things were going to go off the rails.  

People were right about Lisa showing up again.  I guess she got the money. She also said that Tai met up with Lottie.  

Walter just dumping her trash in the street. Did Misty not want to get into the limo? I was in the kitchen, and my headphones cut out. 

Callie showing how she is very much Shauna’s daughter. 

So, one of the girls (or two of them), did make a tape, and recorded something they wanted to remain a secret.  Van says that anyone else who knew what happened, was either them, or dead.  So, no new survivors, unless they did leave people behind.  Maybe Lottie, or Jessica (from season one) had the tape in storage. 

“I didn’t know how to play it.” Well, I feel ancient.  Van must have moved her stuff to Tai’s house.  

and I just watched the ending. What the fuck, indeed. They kill Ben, eat him, and then a man comes across them. So, how far away from civilization are they? It looks like people were right about them killing the first person, or people, who come across them, too.  That was one of my least favourite theories.  After all that, someone hears them singing, and sees/smells the fire.  

Oh, did this guy have a cassette tape and player on him? He must have.  

Edited by Anela
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The tape was made by the hikers. They were wearing the recorders around their necks. That's why Van freaked out when Tai was asking who'd have a DAT recorder. Van mentioned birders, and then realized "oh shit." The recording they listened to in the car was the events of the night the hikers found them. Trippy how the episode came full circle. 

For all the social media naysayers saying the show sucks now, jokes on you, because we. are. fucking. back. This episode felt like S1 in terms of the drama, tension, horror and massive plot twist at the end. 

For starters, poor Ben. I'm never going to get over his death. To survive what he did, only to end up like that. You could see the last shreds of sanity slipping away from the teens in the aftermath. It's scary to think it's going to get uglier than even this. 

I feel like the adult timeline finally has some teeth. Who would have that tape? How did they get it and what do they want? Obviously whatever happens to the hikers isn't good knowing we have another winter to go. I cannot wait for next week.

Edited by BitterApple
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10 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

The tape was made by the hikers. They were wearing the recorders around their necks. That's why Van freaked out when Shauna was asking who'd have a DAT recorder. Van mentioned birders, and then realized "oh shit." The recording they listened to in the car was the events of the night the hikers found them. Trippy how the episode came full circle. 

For all the social media naysayers saying the show sucks now, jokes on you, because we. are. fucking. back. This episode felt like S1 in terms of the drama, tension, horror and massive plot twist at the end. 

For starters, poor Ben. I'm never going to get over his death. To survive what he did, only to end up like that. You could see the last shreds of sanity slipping away from the teens in the aftermath. It's scary to think it's going to get uglier than even this. 

I feel like the adult timeline finally has some teeth. Who would have that tape? How did they get it and what do they want? Obviously whatever happens to the hikers isn't good knowing we have another winter to go. I cannot wait for next week.

I was just thinking that.  You hear the girls asking “what’s this?” So, they were recording everything.  If this isn’t the worst thing they did (disabling Ben, eating him, and then killing two strangers), I don’t know if I want to know what they did when they got back.  

The scene with Natalie and Ben, was sweet in a horrible way.  His relief, and her not wanting to do it, but feeling like she had to.  

I wish they had released all of the episodes in blocks of two. 

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I don't have time to post fully right now, but I gasped at the end. I was expecting the episode to just close out on the chilling image of the girls adding singing and dancing to their cannibalism ritual - they're a long way from the night they had to dissociate into a fantasy banquet in order to eat Jackie - and then the hikers appear!

RIP Ben. Steven Kreuger and Sophie Thatcher have been MVPs this season. I really liked the moment between Mari and Natalie.

I noticed all of Shauna's sycophants who she was eating with are from the C-tier of the group, aside from Melissa who was C-tier up to this season and has been promoted to B-tier. That's interesting because it suggests Shauna's power base isn't solid. But maybe no one's can said to be solid when it's apparently entirely up to Lottie who's going to be leader at any time.

I like that the Yellowjackets previouslies didn't do the thing I find so annoying with TV shows, that of including a clip of whatever character we haven't seen in a while who is going to make a surprise appearance in the episode, thus ruining the surprise. Hi Lisa! I found her information about Tai interesting. I had ruled her out because Lottie just hung up on her that day, clearly having no use for her. I guess Tai went looking for Lottie, maybe to try to get insight into what is needed to heal Van?

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Why Canadian Thanksgiving when they're all Jersey Girls? I've only heard about it in the last 10 years and only know the date is in October.

Are our northern neighbors secretly celebrating cannibalism?/sarcasm.

Mari tells Nat what she did was wrong. Mar, I think you narced on where he was first and started this decline into madness.

When the guy shows up at the end, Shauna looks surprised and pissed. Inside she's secretly going "But I just became queen!!!"

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41 minutes ago, WaltersHair said:

Why Canadian Thanksgiving when they're all Jersey Girls? I've only heard about it in the last 10 years and only know the date is in October.

Are our northern neighbors secretly celebrating cannibalism?/sarcasm.

Mari tells Nat what she did was wrong. Mar, I think you narced on where he was first and started this decline into madness.

When the guy shows up at the end, Shauna looks surprised and pissed. Inside she's secretly going "But I just became queen!!!"

I think the only reason Canadian Thanksgiving was mentioned was to mark the time of year.  Also, they're in Canada.

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I'm glad they gave us some sort of marker. It's a huge pet peeve of mine when shows don't let us know where we are in the timeline. So if Mari went missing in June, and now we're in early October, Ben was held prisoner for 3 1/2-ish months. His hair was noticeably longer, so it fits. Also, if they did 19 months in the wilderness, they've got about 2 months to go. IIRC, they crashed sometime in May. If the 8 survivor assumption is true, that's a lot of murder and death happening in a very short amount of time. Yikes. 

So what are we thinking? The girls have to be relatively close to civilization, right? The hikers looked clean and weren't dragging gear. They didn't look like they'd been trekking through the woods for weeks. They have to be within walking distance to a road or parking area. Although if they are close, how unlikely is it they've been out there over a year and have never seen anyone else? Or nobody saw the smoke from the cabin fire? This is going to drive me crazy all week. 🤔🤔🤔


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1 hour ago, WaltersHair said:

Mari tells Nat what she did was wrong. Mar, I think you narced on where he was first and started this decline into madness.

I think that was Mari covering herself. She's telling Nat that she did the right thing, but is too timid to take a stand against the group. I'm a little surprised she dared to sit next to Natalie given her outcast status.

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Yeah. The first part of that moment between Mari and Nat was saying that what Nat did for Ben was wonderful - she didn't complete the sentence, but that's what she was getting at.

In terms of the group it was a mistake: Nat lost her leadership and she's lucky Shauna was satisfied with making her carve up Ben, what with Tai wanting another trial, Misty out for blood, and the girls acting as if Nat had singlehandedly ruined their chances of going home.

Mari was just acknowledging both these things.

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So glad they were able to scavenge a long piece of tubing and a funnel from the wilderness...

I am so relieved Ben is dead. I felt like they just would have found new ways to torture him every week, and was also afraid they would leave him behind in that state. Now I don't really care who they torture next because they are all awful with exception of Misty, Nat and Travis, who we know make it out alive.

Why is no one angry at Shauna and whatshername for cutting Ben's tendon? That was the thing that really put him over the edge and made him want to die. And they also did it with no authorization from the group. 

Didn't love Misty in the first two season but I'm rooting for her now in both iterations. The rest of the remaining survivors are awful. I need young Shauna to suffer soon.

Edited by VioletMarx
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12 minutes ago, VioletMarx said:

So glad they were able to scavenge a long piece of tubing and a funnel from the wilderness...

The tubing would easily have been found in the airplane. I didn't get a good look at the funnel, probably because I was too busy cringing...

13 minutes ago, VioletMarx said:

Why is no one angry at Shauna and whatshername for cutting Ben's tendon? That was the thing that really put him over the edge and made him want to die. And they also did it with no authorization from the group. 

They did have authorization. Remember, nobody came running even though Ben was shouting (even before they cut his tendon), and when Shauna and Melissa went back to the group after, Natalie told Shauna she didn't have to enjoy it so much.

I wonder if Misty has enough self-awareness to recognize that Ben would not have died if she hadn't destroyed the flight recorder. There's plenty of blame to go around, but Misty should start with herself.

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14 minutes ago, Black Knight said:

They did have authorization. Remember, nobody came running even though Ben was shouting (even before they cut his tendon), and when Shauna and Melissa went back to the group after, Natalie told Shauna she didn't have to enjoy it so much.

No, I think I missed that. I had to look away and check out as soon as I realized what they were doing. 

And as much as I'm enjoying Misty (especially the younger actress), everything that happened after the crash is pretty much on her since she destroyed the recorder. 

Only 2 months left til they are rescued (or maybe now because of the birders they realize there is a way to walk out)? I really want to see that and the reentry into society, but if it we get it I assume it won't be til next season. 

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As much as it felt like unnecessary sadism, I assume Shauna pointed out that Ben was able to travel through the wilderness before on his one leg, that there is plenty of wood around that can serve as a crutch, and that they didn't have any chains or handcuffs and it's pretty easy to imagine Ben getting out of rope knots. Perhaps left unsaid was that some of the group could not be trusted not to help Ben, thus ruling out the option of having him guarded. Slashing his Achilles solved all those problems neatly, hence Nat's agreement to it.

On another subject, I keep going over Jeff's reaction to hearing Lottie is dead. I can't decide if Warren Kole just played the scene over-broadly, or if Jeff played his reaction over-broadly. He's on my suspect list now for Lottie's death.

I was glad to see Adult Tai get real for a moment and acknowledge that she's lost her family and her career. What she said when she woke up later on made me wonder if Other Tai is actually in control basically 24/7 at this point and Tai is trapped and desperate to regain control. It would explain so much about Adult Tai this season.

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17 hours ago, Anela said:

So, one of the girls (or two of them), did make a tape, and recorded something they wanted to remain a secret.  Van says that anyone else who knew what happened, was either them, or dead.  So, no new survivors, unless they did leave people behind.

I don't think Van's statement can be taken to mean no new survivors. Misty wasn't in the car with them, and it's highly unlikely that Misty knows nothing about and was not involved in whatever happened. So Van's "us" is already more than just the people who were in the car, and can be taken to mean all of the survivors.

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18 minutes ago, Black Knight said:

I don't think Van's statement can be taken to mean no new survivors. Misty wasn't in the car with them, and it's highly unlikely that Misty knows nothing about and was not involved in whatever happened. So Van's "us" is already more than just the people who were in the car, and can be taken to mean all of the survivors.

Do you think everyone made it out? Since some people think that pit girl is the woman who just showed up. 

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I'm glad I watched this episode this afternoon and not later tonight, because I think I would have trouble sleeping.   Poor Ben, he was so defeated and sad.  And poor Natalie, between Ben and Javi it is no wonder she spiraled once they were out of the forest.  

But while the timing is, to say the least, unfortunate for Ben, I was more than tired of the torture porn pointed in his direction.   It reminded me of the way Homeland treated Peter Quinn during his last few seasons.  Damn.  

I love to see the current day Yelowjackets cluster together and amready for Tai, Van, and Shauna to merge there investigation with Misty's.  I'm also at the point though, that I wish Jeff and Shauna would leave Callie alone.   Like maybe at a college on the west coast where I wouldn't have to see her she would be safe.  

Speaking of Our Misty, loved the irony of her calling Nat out for murder.  Connect the dots, Misty, and try and figure out who is ultimately responsible for Ben's death... 

They did a good job showing the passage of time with Ben and Nat's interactions, and I'm more than ready for the team to return home and face their families, classmates, and the families of those who didn't return, like Jackie's parents and Ben's boyfriend. 

ETA, if Steven Kreuger doesn't receive an Emmy nomination for his work in this episode and the rest of this season there is no justice.   I just rewatched the death scene.   His eyes were full of hope and sadness at the same time.  

Edited by Thalia
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I was watching some of the early Season One episodes, and it made me really appreciate how the show has been building to this episode. We might deride the show for being slow, but the progression from "scared high school students working together to survive" to "paranoid mob that eats their own and screams at the woods" is totally believable.  I felt myself mourning sweet, sympathetic Shauna from early Season One, and every scene with Coach Ben was hard to watch, knowing what was to come.

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Weirdly, I think we saw a bit of the old Shauna in her scene with Natalie and Ben's body. When she assigned that task to Nat, she was gloating then, but once it actually came time for Nat to do it, Shauna was actually kind and helpful, in a warped way.

18 hours ago, Anela said:

Do you think everyone made it out? Since some people think that pit girl is the woman who just showed up. 

I've seen that theory but no, I don't think pit girl is that woman. I also think all the C-tier people in the group are goners - meaning Gen and a couple others whose names I don't even remember. The ones who were all sitting around Shauna at the end.

The B-tier at this point consists of Melissa, Mari and Akilah. I don't think they will all make it out. I'm still hoping that even though Ben is definitely dead, the chance that they left someone behind in the woods isn't dead too, and if so that would be one of these three girls.

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I was thinking that Coach Ben did end up being the bridge to getting rescued, as all of the hooting and hollering at his death feast is what led the two people to find them. But it seems that everyone else thinks that the girls end up killing these two people? I mean, yeah, they saw a man’s head on a platter, so I guess they wouldn’t want them telling others.  But these two people are also their only connection to civilization and are pretty much “rescued” now, so why would they miss that chance? I thought they looked like some type of media (TV/movie) producers scouting a filming location, which would explain recording devices. But I suppose they’d be taking video, not just audio. But if they are filming a movie in the wilderness, that could also explain the odd noises the girls have been hearing, like they’re making some kind of Godzilla/monster type movie. But I guess the consensus is it’s not time for them to be rescued yet and/or put girl hasn’t happened yet, so that’s why these “birdwatchers” are going to regret wandering into this camp?

Edited by JenE4
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25 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

I was thinking that Coach Ben did end up being the bridge to getting rescued, as all of the hooting and hollering at his death feast is what led the two people to find them. But it seems that everyone else thinks that the girls end up killing these two people? I mean, yeah, they saw a man’s head on a platter, so I guess they wouldn’t want them telling others.  But these two people are also their only connection to civilization and are pretty much “rescued” now, so why would they miss that chance? I thought they looked like some type of media (TV/movie) producers scouting a filming location, which would explain recording devices. But I suppose they’d be taking video, not just audio. But if they are filming a movie in the wilderness, that could also explain the odd noises the girls have been hearing, like they’re making some kind of Godzilla/monster type movie. But I guess the consensus is it’s not time for them to be rescued yet and/or put girl hasn’t happened yet, so that’s why these “birdwatchers” are going to regret wandering into this camp?

Right, because we see them hunting a girl in the snow. They currently don't need to do that, they have animals, and berries. They said it was already getting cold, around the time when Ben was starving himself. Going by a preview where


one wants to get home, and another says that they can still get home, without any witnesses -

I thought that might apply to the bird watchers. 

Edited by Anela
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26 minutes ago, Anela said:

Right, because we see them hunting a girl in the snow. They currently don't need to do that, they have animals, and berries. They said it was already getting cold, around the time when Ben was starving himself. Going by a preview where

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one wants to get home, and another says that they can still get home, without any witnesses -

I thought that might apply to the bird watchers. 

I had been thinking Shauna’s new friend Melissa had left the recording. But now it seems that it’s the female “birdwatcher” who made the recording, maybe agreed to rescue the girls without saying what they saw, understanding these were traumatized children trying to survive, but 30 years later, basically saying now that you’re middle-aged, I haven’t forgotten what you’ve done. Otherwise, I guess the girls could have killed them and one of them held onto the recording. But I thought Shauna said to Tai and Van in the car that we (and Misty) are the only ones alive (at least as far as they seem to be aware) who know what happened in those woods? Seems to imply there are no other girls still alive, but the people who rescued them might be. Someone had that tape from the “birdwatcher” for 30 years and decided now was the time to threaten(?) rile up(?)—unclear motive here—Shauna. 

Edited by JenE4
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When Van was on her phone she googled something akin to "how long can DAT tapes survive outside" which indicates to me it was supposed to be destroyed or buried. Clearly that didn't happen. My guess is one of the girls squirreled it away, maybe as an insurance policy? 

When they were eating Ben, Lottie said "It's not supposed to happen like this." I think she and Shauna are going to convince the other girls the Wilderness doesn't want them to leave, or force the issue by killing the hikers. 

Edited by BitterApple
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3 hours ago, Black Knight said:

I don't know if this means anything at all, but I just remembered how in that scene of the survivors walking to the plane to be taken home, Lottie stops and screams. A possible connection to her screaming in this episode?

That was definitely what I thought. Can't be a coincidence. Unfortunate that they decided to "honor" Ben by putting his head on a platter.

I love Lottie so much in the past timeline it's still hard for me to reconcile her with who she was in the present!

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13 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

Unfortunate that they decided to "honor" Ben by putting his head on a platter.

If one interprets Akilah's vision of Ben as a bridge to mean that if the girls kill him, they'd be crossing a line that would make it impossible for them to truly go home - similar to what Shauna wrote in her journal in the season premiere - then the hikers seeing his decapitated head is a fulfillment of that.

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Add me to the list that if the timeline is correct there are going to be a LOT of deaths in under 3 months. With the new birdwatchers/hikers added to the list? Insane. 

That said, I think Akila might die from the gas exposure and not eaten. 

I also don't believe those farmyard-style domestic goats would be out there. Could they be a vision like Akila's mouse S2?

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4 hours ago, Black Knight said:

If one interprets Akilah's vision of Ben as a bridge to mean that if the girls kill him, they'd be crossing a line that would make it impossible for them to truly go home - similar to what Shauna wrote in her journal in the season premiere - then the hikers seeing his decapitated head is a fulfillment of that.

Definitely! Seems like it could even work on two levels--not only does he become a bridge they can't uncross, but also his death does draw the birders from home to them.

Though it seems interesting that Natalie almost seems to struggle the most at reintegrating back home despite being the one to make the compassionate choice with Ben. 

But then, looks can be deceiving. 

Seems like Tai is completely subdued by Bad Tai in the present. Sammy recognizes it and Van's starting to get it too.

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1 minute ago, sistermagpie said:

Though it seems interesting that Natalie almost seems to struggle the most at reintegrating back home despite being the one to make the compassionate choice with Ben. 

It being the compassionate choice doesn't make it any easier for her. She shoved a knife into a human being's heart to kill him. Out of all the remaining people she was probably the least emotionally and psychologically able to cope with such an act. Between that and watching Javi drown (and of course the earlier trauma with her father), I totally see now why Adult Nat was the way she was. Some of her light died with Javi, the rest of it died with Ben.

41 minutes ago, JasonCC said:

I also don't believe those farmyard-style domestic goats would be out there. Could they be a vision like Akila's mouse S2?

Ben held one, so I don't believe so. The show probably just needed to use the kind of goat that could work safely with the actors. It can be hand-waved as possibly the guy who built the cabin brought a couple of goats with him and after his death they went into the woods and bred more goats.

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I knew it was coming, but that didn't make it any better. Poor Ben, its probably for the best that he died now instead of when winter hits, its better than having to rot away with the rest of the meat until he froze to death and became a frozen Ben Burger, but its awful that it came to this. No wonder Nat had such a hard time when she came back, she looked so broken after she finally killed Ben, my heart hurt when he thanked her before she stabbed him. Steven Kreuger has always been good but he has really become the seasons MVP even among such an excellent cast. 

Misty yelling at Nat and calling her a murderer is pretty rich considering its her fault that they haven't been rescued yet. I do often feel bad for her, but then I remember that if she hadn't broken the black box because she wanted to be the cool girl in the woods, Ben and everyone else who has died since the plane crash would probably still be alive back home. 

No wonder Van turned white when she heard about a tape and made the connection to bird watchers, it would certainly be a big deal if the team killed and ate some random hikers. Just how close are they to civilization if they can come across people who are seemingly just on a trip? I guess the visions weren't wrong, if they hadn't killed Ben then they could have gotten help from these people from civilization, but now that is going to be a whole lot harder given they just saw Ben's head on the table.  

This was a bleak episode, but Van and Tai snarking about Shauna and Melissa was hilarious. "Do you think Shauna makes Mel wear Jackie's clothes when they make out?"

Edited by tennisgurl
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42 minutes ago, Black Knight said:

It being the compassionate choice doesn't make it any easier for her. She shoved a knife into a human being's heart to kill him. Out of all the remaining people she was probably the least emotionally and psychologically able to cope with such an act. Between that and watching Javi drown (and of course the earlier trauma with her father), I totally see now why Adult Nat was the way she was. Some of her light died with Javi, the rest of it died with Ben.

Oh, absolutely--I get why all this is just making it harder for Nat to live with, even more so, because she's struggling to do the right thing. I just meant that if the vision was metaphorical about them crossing a line by killing them and they couldn't go back, then in that context it would be the compassionate choice that made it harder, not the harsher one.

Though it does apply all the more literally to Natalie that way in that case.


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4 hours ago, JasonCC said:

Add me to the list that if the timeline is correct there are going to be a LOT of deaths in under 3 months. With the new birdwatchers/hikers added to the list? Insane. 

That said, I think Akila might die from the gas exposure and not eaten. 

I also don't believe those farmyard-style domestic goats would be out there. Could they be a vision like Akila's mouse S2?

I think the goats were a sign that they were closer to civilization then they knew based on the arrival of the bird watchers.

Edited by KittyKat425
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I think the goats were a sign that they were closer to civilization then they knew based on the arrival of the bird watchers.

That is a good point--and thank you to the poster who also said Coach Ben was also interacting with the goat at some point so it's not just Akila who sees it.

My friends who live in the country here in WA State do indeed have a couple goats that wander around their property and the neighbors semi-feral. They help keep the weeds manageable but aren't friendly enough to milk and they aren't really sure who they belong to (if anyone). 

But this throws me off MORE in terms of the timeline vis a vis the Pilot episode/pit girl! It's Oct now and even if the winter hits super hard they seem to have made themselves a decent little cache of meat: rabbits and ducks plus the goat if needed for meat not just milk. Then, they just created Ben Beef smorgasbord. Plus, presumably at least some of the other YJs get killed/eaten? Pit Girl whoever she is (Mari? female birder?) and the three girls we barely know (Gen, Robin, Britt). I was assuming they are not rescued even if Melissa does manage to make it out.

That is plenty of food, no?  I wonder if the killings becomes more craven/warlike (a split among the girls?) and not only sustenance. Or someone gets left behind? 

Edited by JasonCC
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I just did the grossest Google search of my life and learned the average human body produces 75 pounds of meat. Dividing that by 14 people, that's just over 5 pounds per person. Even rationed sparingly, I can't see it lasting beyond what, a week and a half maybe? So Ben plus three teammates plus birders, goats, rabbits and ducks could get them to the finish line, although I'd guess they'd still be malnourished and starving. 

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Thanks for doing that research so we didn't have to!

The other thing to consider is that at this point, because of the lines they have already crossed, they are probably a lot less willing to endure much hunger before calling a hunt. These are teenagers, their brains aren't fully developed and they're still much more prone to instant gratification than adults.

I'm sure there will be those, like Nat, who would prefer to ration and go hungry as much as possible in order to minimize hunts, but there will be others, like Shauna most likely, who will be all for keeping bellies pleasantly full. Shauna had that crack in the premiere of "We should have eaten that bitch first," and while in that moment the joke shouldn't be taken over-seriously, it's still a hint of Shauna looking ahead and anticipating more people will need to be eaten. Different from Tai, who seems to holding onto an idea that they can avoid this if they prepare well enough for a second winter.

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5 hours ago, JasonCC said:

But this throws me off MORE in terms of the timeline vis a vis the Pilot episode/pit girl! It's Oct now and even if the winter hits super hard they seem to have made themselves a decent little cache of meat: rabbits and ducks plus the goat if needed for meat not just milk. Then, they just created Ben Beef smorgasbord. 

52 minutes ago, Black Knight said:

Different from Tai, who seems to holding onto an idea that they can avoid this if they prepare well enough for a second winter.

I just went back and rewatched the scene where Tai told Van they were prepared.   When I first saw it, I saw it the same way that Black Knight did.  We have enough bunnies and goats and maybe mason jars of canned vegetables like my grandmother had, to keep us from starving.   But what if Tai and Van both knew "the plan" included bringing out the deck of cards and giving the wilderness a sacrifice when the time comes.  

There certainly didn't seem to be any hesitation on the part of anyone about pulling out their well-thumbed copy of To Serve Ben ("It's a cookbook!") and chowing down.  These girls fight about everything.  And yet, no one said "wait, let's think about this.  It isn't like we are starving right now."   


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I have been a bit behind on this show due to RL issues and just plain forgetting the day each episode drops.     I was kinda hoping Coach Ben would survive through mainly because I was hoping he was the one who killed Lottie in the current timeline.   But I do like that his death has been made important because he was the bridge to the girls doing something they just can’t handwave as being hungry and desperate.   His death also brought the birdwatchers which will bring only bad things for them.   I hope chasing down rare birds was worth it people.   What do birdwatchers taste like?

The adult timeline is starting to pickup steam.  There is a real mystery afoot and someone knows what they did and I am curious if it is one of them or if it is another survivor who we haven’t met the adult counterpart to.   I am honestly hoping there is at least one or two more suvivors in the adult timeline.   

I also think the reason Misty refuses to believe Walter actually loves her is because no one has loved her before.   The one dude she had  a crush on as a teen was gay and suicidal.  She has no real friends.   She is an outsider even in a group of homicidal cannibals.   We saw her on an awkward date early in season 1.   Her friendship with Natalie was incredibly one sided.   Heck her best friend in season 1 was chained up in her basement.    So Walter coming along pronouncing his love for her must be confusing for her.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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21 hours ago, Thalia said:

I just went back and rewatched the scene where Tai told Van they were prepared.   When I first saw it, I saw it the same way that Black Knight did.  We have enough bunnies and goats and maybe mason jars of canned vegetables like my grandmother had, to keep us from starving.   But what if Tai and Van both knew "the plan" included bringing out the deck of cards and giving the wilderness a sacrifice when the time comes.  

I don't feel like Tai (when not Alterna-Tai) and Van are yet at the point where they're just fine having the eating of more people built into the survival plan as a given. I think they would both like to avoid it. Otherwise, there's really not any reason for Van to be expressing some apprehension about winter. Any moral qualms they might still have aside, they have to participate in any card draw too.

21 hours ago, Thalia said:

There certainly didn't seem to be any hesitation on the part of anyone about pulling out their well-thumbed copy of To Serve Ben ("It's a cookbook!") and chowing down.  These girls fight about everything.  And yet, no one said "wait, let's think about this.  It isn't like we are starving right now."   

Ben was already dead. I do think at this point in their survival, they all accept they must make full use of every resource they have. It isn't cold enough for them to stash Ben's body to see if they actually need it later, so it's either eat him now or waste that resource. Food Conservation 101: Eat the perishables first. And again I think that mostly points to that apart from maybe Shauna and Melissa they don't really want to have to do another card draw and hunt. Eating Ben buys them additional days before the point they've slaughtered all their animals and must do a card draw, and it's not remotely a hard call to eat this dead body now to hopefully avoid killing someone later.

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32 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

What was up with that strange commercial on the TV in the motel?  It was about vehicles being reposessed and I swear Jon Bernthal was in it.  Yelling about how they couldn't take his boat.


This was the same show Callie watched with Lottie earlier in the season. It's been featured too prominently to be coincidental, yet I can't think of what its connection might be.

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16 hours ago, Black Knight said:

I don't feel like Tai (when not Alterna-Tai) and Van are yet at the point where they're just fine having the eating of more people built into the survival plan as a given. I think they would both like to avoid it. Otherwise, there's really not any reason for Van to be expressing some apprehension about winter. Any moral qualms they might still have aside, they have to participate in any card draw too.

Ben was already dead. I do think at this point in their survival, they all accept they must make full use of every resource they have. It isn't cold enough for them to stash Ben's body to see if they actually need it later, so it's either eat him now or waste that resource. Food Conservation 101: Eat the perishables first. And again I think that mostly points to that apart from maybe Shauna and Melissa they don't really want to have to do another card draw and hunt. Eating Ben buys them additional days before the point they've slaughtered all their animals and must do a card draw, and it's not remotely a hard call to eat this dead body now to hopefully avoid killing someone later.

I think it’s more than, whelp, we better not let this meat go to waste! They specifically mentioned preparing for “the death feast.” Now at first I thought okay, like a funeral repast. But, no, this wasn’t just a “feast” to honor the life of Ben, this was their Wilderness ceremony in which he is the feast. It’s like when Travis ate Javi’s heart without hesitation because the Wilderness gave them the gift of his body, and, presumably, it’s “honoring” him in some way to consume his heart. Here, though, the girls crossed a line because they (or Natalie) chose to kill Ben, rather than the Wilderness choosing. Now, truly, it’s always been them doing it since the Wilderness is just some religious construct of their own making. Yet, even though they did attempt to hunt Natalie, nature actually did cause the deaths of both Jackie and Javi. They crossed the line this time and I think they realize this was just straight-up murder whether it was going to be the death penalty or mercy euthanasia. But after it happened, they had to make it right in their own minds by giving his death all of the pomp and circumstance of a Wilderness sacrifice. Instead of eating the heart, they display his head as a monument. And even though they weren’t starving, as they ate they got more and more ravenous and wild, similar to when they actually were starving and first ate Jackie. It’s pretty scary. All of the hooting and hollering wasn’t jubilation over surviving, it was full-on bloodlust.

Edited by JenE4
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Maybe the hikers are the types who wander off trail and got lost. Then they heard the yelling and saw the fire and figured they found civilization (heh).

Refresh my memory - did the Yellowjackets ever discuss hiking for help? Like if they just followed a stream or walked downhill or kept going south, eventually they’d come across somebody. Even if it took weeks, they had all summer.

28 minutes ago, Shermie said:


Refresh my memory - did the Yellowjackets ever discuss hiking for help? Like if they just followed a stream or walked downhill or kept going south, eventually they’d come across somebody. Even if it took weeks, they had all summer.

They haven't discussed it since the failed attempt where Van got mauled by the wolf. 

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