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S26.E16: Head of Household #5, Nominations #5

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The decision by those who voted Cedric out was essential for the Pentagon to not run the game till the end and it has evened the playing field. 

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I’m feeling kinda lonely here. Is no one else watching? Those blasts between the legs looked scary, I mean a slight malfunction or wrong angle could inflict some serious damage 😬

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That is really a really tough competition- when a former football baller player  doesn’t win, that is hard.

i really can’t stand Tucker on a personal level but man, he  is a good player and highly entertaining with shaking things up.

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8 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I’m feeling kinda lonely here. Is no one else watching? Those blasts between the legs looked scary, I mean a slight malfunction or wrong angle could inflict some serious damage 😬

I'm here with you.  Been fun so far.  Appreciate your updates😃

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15 minutes ago, urusai said:

How many comps has tucker won?

He's won 1 HOH, 3 straight veto comps, and two AI Arena comps.   I think that is all.   And it is only mid August.  I tend to not like his braggadocio but he does tend to follow up his talk with action. 

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6 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

Dammit, Tucker. Shoulda told Quinn your fingers were slipping and you had MAYBE 30 seconds left. Coulda broke him. 

Ooh, you’re eeevull! You ever consider playing the game? 

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Just now, dizzyd said:

Ooh, you’re eeevull! You ever consider playing the game? 

I actually applied a couple times waaaay back in my early-mid 20s, but it never went anywhere. 

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Medusa is such fitting moniker for Brooklyn. Can’t look her straight in the eyes coz her looks can kill. I’ll say it again, she scary! Another good episode, always love the Wall and I think I heard sound bites from everyone including all the previous floaters or inconsequentials who are now showing game. 

Edited by dizzyd
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1 hour ago, MMLEsq said:

Ugh….  Tucker’s gloating.  I’m so annoyed he won.

Tucker was only telling the truth and backed it up.  Just like any really good ball player he celebrated his win which is fine by me.  Loving it! 

31 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Medusa is such fitting moniker for Brooklyn. Can’t look her straight in the eyes coz her looks can kill. I’ll say it again, she scary! Another good episode, always love the Wall and I think I heard sound bites from everyone including all the previous floaters or inconsequentials who are now showing game. 

Yeah if looks could kill Brooklyn would totally be a mass murderer by now.  The Wicked Witch of the West would be more scared of her glance than a bucket of water.  Tucker's right to target her first.

And Quinn, you little weasel, you are a legend only in your own mind.  Loved your 3 hours of karma come a-calling.

And gee you didn't know what it feels like to lose because you are the greatest and just thought you'd gloat your way through the game?  Again, thank you, karma.

Most all seasons now are totally boring when a group of "the cool kids" run the house with an inner core using the outer members as mere numbers.  FINALLY the Outcasts and the Mere Numbers have joined to stop this endless boring nonsense that has been BB for so long!

Thank you, Tucker!  Near impossible for you to win but you made this the most entertaining season in ages!

Edited by Skooma
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I know it's a recency bias, but I can't think of a more obnoxious smug piece of shit than Tucker.   Dickless was disgusting, but he needed Production to cheat for him (again and again and again).  Paul was so far up his own ass that he could play bongos on his kidneys, but again, it was Production that gave hime the Pendant of Producer Protection and made all the little Paulettes scramble for his attention.

Jack was capable of occasional rageouts and he was also an egomaniac, but he was mostly too lazy to try and dominate the House the way that Tucker is, sneering and strutting 24/7.  Jackson ("Michie") was a winning machine, but he was a neurotic who just wanted to chow down on his watermelon, most of the time.  (And of course, Dr. Will made smugness into an art, but he had a sense of humor and was actually loyal to Boogie.)

Here we have this shirtless pile of shit (not that most shitpiles wear shirts, but YKWIM) trying to win through intimidation, snotting his way through his DRs (I know Production encourages him, but there's not this much narcissistic smoke without egomaniacal fire) and making me want to vomit, every single time he's on screen.  Which is pretty much the entire time. Lovely.

I mean, he's making me have sympathy for Quinn, which is a miracle that the Catholic Church counts as a step towards Beatification, if I'm not mistaken.  Lorde help me, I felt bad seeing him near tears, realizing that the one alliance he actually trusted had stabbed him in the back. 

(Not sure why, since even if Kimo and T'Kor had decided that Quinn was disposable, there didn't seem to any reason for them to cut ties right then, since Quinn couldn't vote.  Unless Tucker threatened them, but we might have been shown that.  [Then again, if Production is trying to protect Tucker's edit, they might not have shown such a scenario.])

I grant you, this is all the Pentagon Quadrilateral's fault, since they had three days to go to Makensy and Leah and make an agreement: regardless of whether Cedric or Mak won the AI arena, the group would keep the remaining nominee safe and vote out Rubina.  (They would have 5 votes, either way.)  I guess they just thought they could trust The Collective, but since they knew that Kimo, T'Kor and Joseph were merely add-ons, they should have prepared for them to possibly break away, and made a more-solid agreement with people who had the same stake in the outcome that the Pentagon did.  (It does seem that Leah may have floated a bit away from Makensy, but I think she would have stayed loyal.)  But they didn't and here we are.

So we have to endure the scheming and preening for yet another week.  (Do you think the DR is coaching him, or is this all Tucker?)  Sure, it's vaguely amusing when he's completely wrong (Brooklyn is running the House?  She has exactly zero people whose primary allegiance is to her; The CCCore [Cam/Cedric/Chelsie] were loyal to each other and only added BrooQuinn [not an alliance name, just a random mashup] as extra numbers), but that hardly makes up for having to endure his eternally-greasy (does he never shower? He looks like he has a thin coating of sweat, 24/7) clowning until Mid-October or whenever.  Sigh.


Side note:  I think Joseph showed good game play in spotting the non-verbal cue (Leah squeezing Kimo's hand) and not getting left out of the vote.

OTOH, excitedly joining the pre-existing alliance that didn't bother to include him on the vote doesn't exactly seem like he's very aware.  His mustache should have been twitching with suspicion, especially after they let him name the "Sixth Avenue" alliance.  Remember, if you can't spot the disposable sucker in the group, it's probably you.

(It certainly should have been a red flag that Tucker spoke well of "Sixth Avenue" as a name, since 6th Avenue in NYC is known as the Garment District, and Tucker is clearly not too fond of clothing.  Hey, Liar Tuck!  I was kidding about liking your tit-hair.  Put on a damn shirt, don't wait to grow one.)


Edited by Halting Hex
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I'm just tired of seeing  Rubina's legs wrapped  around  Tucker's  waist ( the bacherlotte  handshake) she's a floater at best.

Brooklyn is all talk  no action. 

None of them seem very dynamic or competitive,  except  Quinn.

I think Makensy is quite attractive, but boring.

Joseph  is slowly  coming around,  but truthfully,  he puts me to sleep. 

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What is with these people’s obsessions with hugs and handshakes?  Get OVER yourselves.

Angela has morphed from unhinged mean lady to needy and desperate.  It is not an improvement.

Sigh.  Please Cam or Chelsie win HoH next and successfully back door Tucker so his obnoxious mannerisms are gone from my teevee forever.

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I love the endurance challenges on this show.  Whether they're hanging from tire swings that spin around and around or hanging on the tilting wall, I love to see each seasons idiots hanging on for dear life, pained expressions on their faces, as they desperately try to make a deal with the one person who looks solid as a rock.

This time, the Wall ate up all the competitors really fast!  I remember when they'd go for hours hanging on; some of the early victims would go inside, shower, take a nap, get a snack, return to the backyard, and they'd STILL be out there!  I can't fault them this time, though.  That goo they were squirting on them (in so many bright colors!) was gross and hilarious.  They didn't just squirt them with a little goo; they plastered them with it! LOL  I was laughing so hard watching them that I felt kind of guilty; then I remembered that they're competing for $750k and performing for our viewing pleasure and I went back to laughing like a hyena.

I'll give this cast credit; they're playing BB harder than any can I can think of in the past.  Lots of schemers and very few floaters.

I think Quinn is the reason his massive alliance collapsed.  When Tucker took himself off the block, Quinn nominated Rubina simply because he wanted to stick it to Tucker by nominating his  kind-of girlfriend.  He didn't consider that everybody seems to like Rubina; she's friendly, honest, and not a schemer.  Had Quinn asked his alliance-mates who they think he should put up, or just put up Leah, Cedric would still be in the house right now and the giant (boring) alliance would still be solid.

I wonder if Quinn will wear his little gangster suit and tie at the live eviction on Thursday? haha

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58 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Sigh.  Please Cam or Chelsie win HoH next and successfully back door Tucker so his obnoxious mannerisms are gone from my teevee forever.

Back-dooring is kind of difficult when the AI arena is still in place.  I hate Tucker as much as the next guy, but he is a monster on competitions.

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I think I heard at least three different alliance names referenced in this one episode. And that may or may not include the new one they came up with in this episode. The way they sit around and throw out suggestions for a new alliance name until they land on one then get all giddy about it just strikes me as ridiculously childish, like they think they've done the cleverest and sneakiest thing anyone has ever done on this show and will become famous for it. It's so dumb. I know alliance names have been a big thing on this show since the beginning but isn't anyone over it by now? I can't see anyone jumping up and down and clapping in glee every time they come up with a new one like they think it's going to be the greatest thing ever.

Hey Tucker: I'm mostly OK with you, but you're going to lose me real fast by referring to yourself as "your boy" in the DR. You, sir, are NOT my boy.

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I see the show is going to continue using the unbelievably tired joke of having the contestant DR something like "I am in it to win it. There's no way I will - " and then it cuts to them falling.

Dear BB Production: 

That joke was cute when you first tried it with...idk, BB 18 maybe? But you keep doing it every year as if it's something new and it's no longer a clever gag. Please stop.

There's really no one to root for when it comes to Tucker vs. Quinn, is there? I find them both to be insufferable (although Quinn's completely dejected DR realizing the allies he was actually loyal to betrayed him almost made me feel a sliver of sympathy).

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10 minutes ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

Tucker is a comp beast and backs up his talk, but he's also "like school in the summertime" - no class.

And if he's palling around with other reality TV attention whores, that speaks to his character. 

That really doesn't narrow it down, even the oldies on these things are now TV & social media attention whores along with everyone else.

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5 minutes ago, Ivana Tinkle said:

There's really no one to root for when it comes to Tucker vs. Quinn, is there? I find them both to be insufferable (although Quinn's completely dejected DR realizing the allies he was actually loyal to betrayed him almost made me feel a sliver of sympathy).

There is someone to root for.  Team Tucker 100%.  He doesn't take himself or BB seriously -- and BB should NEVER be taken seriously -- which is so damn refreshing.  And he is in it for the fun of it. 

He is very self-aware he is playing a part and is happy to pursue a career as a media whore up front cause it sure beats minimum wage work.  Have a fling when he is still young.  Go for it.

And I laughed at Quinn because he wasn't loyal to them at all.  Kimo and T'Kor were only mere numbers for him in a Plan B fallback.  But Plan A was always the Pentagon.  Good for Kimo and T'Kor finally seeing through him and karma making a house call to Quinn's abode.  Ha,ha.

Quinn's Most Excellent Three Hours of Karma with hammers of his own making falling on him made me feel great.

Unlike Tucker, Quinn takes a trash show like BB so sooooo very seriously and thinks he is an iconic player already.  Quinn is a legend in his own mind only.

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5 hours ago, mojoween said:

Sigh.  Please Cam or Chelsie win HoH next and successfully back door Tucker so his obnoxious mannerisms are gone from my teevee forever.

4 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Back-dooring is kind of difficult when the AI arena is still in place.  I hate Tucker as much as the next guy, but he is a monster on competitions.

Which is rather the point, as many of us suspected.  I had hopes that the Arena of Tucker-Protection would vanish once the other Powers expired (in many seasons, the early-weeks "twist" is wiped out once we get to the first endurance comp and it's basic Big Brother after that), but no such luck.

BTW, it's rather rich that Tucker is upset with Brooklyn for "betraying" the Five Pointz alliance (him, her, Rubina, Kimo and T'Hor) by voting out Rubina, when the other four "Pointz" had already gone behind Brooklyn's back and formed "The Tanks" with Angela and never told Brooklyn about it.  If this is the Tanks that Brooklyn would have gotten by staying on Pointz, no wonder she took the first Acela Express back to the Pentagon.

(Of course, this being Tucker, there's no point in expecting anything other than self-justification, but even still.)

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I like Tucker, as @Skooma said he doesn't take it seriously at all but that may change is he gets anywhere near the end still in the house.

Edited by Shrek
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24 minutes ago, Skooma said:

Team Tucker 100%.  He doesn't take himself or BB seriously -- and BB should NEVER be taken seriously -- which is so damn refreshing.

I'm here to watch Big Brother, not Tucker Preens for the Camera.  This is a competition.  If you're not actively interested in the show, you're taking away somebody else's dream. Screw Tucker.

24 minutes ago, Skooma said:

He is very self-aware he is playing a part and is happy to pursue a career as a media whore up front cause it sure beats minimum wage work.  Have a fling when he is still young. 

Tucker is 30, which (while younger than I am) is not technically "young", IMO.  He's already found  a career as a model and an actor (check out his IMDb), rather than the "marketing and sales executive" or "protein chef" lies that Production is (SHOCKER!) telling on his behalf.

24 minutes ago, Skooma said:

And I laughed at Quinn because he wasn't loyal to them at all.  Kimo and T'Kor were only mere numbers for him in a Plan B fallback.  But Plan A was always the Pentagon

Bull and spit, to use two simple words.  Quinn gave many (many, many, many, many…) DRs in which he explained that he knew he and Brooklyn were only numbers for The CCCore that ran the Pentagon, but that his true heart was with "my fellow Visionaries, Kimo and T'Kor".

Claiming that Quinn was more loyal to The Pentagon than to them may have been a convenient justification that KimoT'Herapy tell themselves to excuse their betrayal (and another argument that you never tell your alliance you're in another alliance even if the "she means nothing to me, baby! I swear!" part is actually true)…but it's a justification, nothing more.

Quinn is a bad player and annoying as Hel(en Kim), but he didn't deserve that.

Edited by Halting Hex
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10 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

Tucker is 30, which (while younger than I am) is not technically "young", IMO.  He's already found  a career as a model and an actor (check out his IMDb), rather than the "marketing and sales executive" or "protein chef" lies that Production is (SHOCKER!) telling on his behalf.

Little do they know that Tucker is a CIA agent with a masters in psychology!  😉

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25 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

I'm here to watch Big Brother, not Tucker Preens for the Camera.  This is a competition.  If you're not actively interested in the show, you're taking away somebody else's dream. Screw Tucker.


He's there to play the game which is why he's supposed to be there. It's a dream for a lot of people including super (in his own mind) Quim, so screw Quim.

If you don't like Tucker then fine but to suggest that he's not actively interested in the show is unfair to say the least when he's actively there and winning comps & we are not. He's having fun & that apparently rubs some people the wrong way, those people must be great fun at parties. 

Why are these people who it supposedly is a dream for watching the show rather than participating? Because they had no personality would be a good guess, even mean girl Brooklyn has a personality (a bad one but one none the less).


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1 hour ago, Ivana Tinkle said:

I see the show is going to continue using the unbelievably tired joke of having the contestant DR something like "I am in it to win it. There's no way I will - " and then it cuts to them falling.

Dear BB Production: 

That joke was cute when you first tried it with...idk, BB 18 maybe? But you keep doing it every year as if it's something new and it's no longer a clever gag. Please stop.

Not only that but it telegraphs who's dropping and it what order. DR clip, followed by that person dropping. DR clip, followed by that person dropping. So every time they cut to someone in the DR it's like "Oh so they're going down next." Takes all the suspense out of it. Why tell the audience who's dropping next before they actually do?

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13 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

Joseph  is slowly  coming around,  but truthfully,  he puts me to sleep. 

Don’t worry.  Personality-wise, it IS true Joseph may very well be the living embodiment of Turtle Wax; his mustache, however, is ballin’ for the cause 24/7.

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2 hours ago, Skooma said:

There is someone to root for.  Team Tucker 100%.  He doesn't take himself or BB seriously -- and BB should NEVER be taken seriously -- which is so damn refreshing.  And he is in it for the fun of it. 

Agree that Tucker definitely knows what show he's on and is probably in the lead for America's Favorite Player due to his antics. He's still a douche to me but there's honestly no one this season that I hate with the same fire as I have in the last several seasons, so that's something. 


2 hours ago, Skooma said:

And I laughed at Quinn because he wasn't loyal to them at all.  Kimo and T'Kor were only mere numbers for him in a Plan B fallback.  But Plan A was always the Pentagon.  Good for Kimo and T'Kor finally seeing through him and karma making a house call to Quinn's abode.  Ha,ha.

I remember Quinn having a few DRs where he always said that his true loyalty was with Kimo and T'Kor but maybe he's said otherwise on the feeds.

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2 hours ago, Shrek said:

to suggest that [Tucker]'s not actively interested in the show is unfair to say the least

That was Skooma's hypothesis, not mine: 

2 hours ago, Skooma said:

He doesn't take himself or BB seriously -- and BB should NEVER be taken seriously -- which is so damn refreshing.  And he is in it for the fun of it.

I merely noted that I don't find players such as that to be "refreshing", much less consider that this makes Tucker "someone to root for", as Skooma further claimed. I like players who actually give a shit, whether they win competitions or not.

It's quite possible that Skooma's hypothesis is incorrect, in which case my reaction is irrelevant.  But I was rebutting that specific idea.

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1 hour ago, Shrek said:

[Tucker]'s having fun & that apparently rubs some people the wrong way, those people must be great fun at parties. 

Well, we would probably be (and have) more fun if there weren't obnoxious "LOOK AT ME!!!" attention-craving assholes sucking up all the energy and not caring how awful they made the experience for everyone else, I'm guessing.   

(Is Tucker only wearing that stupid hat because there's no lampshade available?  Huh.)

24 minutes ago, Ivana Tinkle said:

Tucker definitely knows what show he's on and is probably in the lead for America's Favorite Player due to his antics.

Pardon me while I vomit. 

(Which definitely wouldn't qualify me as being "a lot of fun at parties", I'll agree…although it would probably give Tucker himself a certain amount of sadistic glee…)

Edited by Halting Hex
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Was hoping to see Chelsea on the block so her permanent b#$ch face would be at last earned.

Angela reacting as if she were being hit with the goo while on the sidelines is simply Angela. Not sure what Grodner's fascination with housguests getting doused with liquids is but she's had the obsession for a long time.

Please let Cam be the one to go home as he has been a wasted slot. Brooklyn needs to stay because she makes great eye candy.

Quinn I'm laughing at you seeing you humbled.

Tucker is on a roll but he's too big of a threat ever to make it anywhere near the end. Is this week's evictee the first jury member? Maybe not. Can you believe its only August and this thing is going to October?!


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28 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Is this week's evictee the first jury member? Maybe not.

Depends on the number of jurors.  If they're having nine jurors this season, then next week's evictee is the first juror.  If there are seven this time, then three more houseguests need to be evicted first -- this week's evictee, plus the evictees over the next two weeks.  Or one week if a double is coming.

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2 hours ago, QQQQ said:

Quinn's facial hair squicks me out. Shave that shit off.

Yeahhh….  Hate to have to break it to you, QuinnDude, but that scrub which might have worked for you when you were 15 sure ain’t getting the job done at 25.  If you can’t grow it any better than THAT more than a decade after puberty onset, it just ain’t gonna happen.

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9 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

That was Skooma's hypothesis, not mine: 

I merely noted that I don't find players such as that to be "refreshing", much less consider that this makes Tucker "someone to root for", as Skooma further claimed. I like players who actually give a shit, whether they win competitions or not.

It's quite possible that Skooma's hypothesis is incorrect, in which case my reaction is irrelevant.  But I was rebutting that specific idea.

I NEVER said that at all.  I said he doesn't take BB serious as some sort of magnum opus of TV.  That is what I very obviously meant in my post.

And I said he doesn't take himself seriously as some BB historic icon crap like Quinn.

I said he was having fun and part of it -- the main part -- is going balls to the wall in competitions to win every one.  He very obviously wants to win comps.  How s it fun to lose.  Geez.

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On 8/19/2024 at 8:27 AM, Gregg247 said:

I wonder if Quinn will wear his little gangster suit and tie at the live eviction on Thursday? haha

Is that the outfit with the black and white pants made out of duct tape?

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