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S18.E6: All Up in Gina's Grill

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Just now, RoseAllDay said:


Emily — Why does Jenn live rent free in your head? (I’ll show myself out…)


Seriously! Gina is right-her friend has changed and gotten meaner since buddying up with Tamra. How 1% of her to degrade someone about their Rolex not working. 


Why are Gina’s kids always at Travis’ house? Hope she returns the favor once in a while. 

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3 minutes ago, Pi237 said:

Alexis is the ultimate pick me girl. She tries so hard to be The Most Fun that she kills all the fun in a 20 mile radius. 

I was flashing back to the season when she was in the car with Heather, when she was going on and on and on and on and on about how many cars she and Jim owned, and Heather looking alternately bored and disgusted.

”We have the SUV but I begged Jim to get a Prius to help the economy out just a little bit…” HUH? 🤔That was the season where Tamra was actually right in calling out Alexis’s phoniness.


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Gina about to get it from both sides, apparently. Who didn’t see that coming?

9 minutes ago, QQQQ said:

The missing apostrophe on the Girls Trip tops is bothering me. Unless they are merely pointing out that young females can be uncoordinated... 🤔

Wait…Gina’s shirt has it, but it’s still wrong. Should be “girls’ “.

EDIT… Nope, I was wrong. It was the camera angle, and the necklace hitting between the “l” and the “s”.

Edited by RoseAllDay
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1 minute ago, Pi237 said:

Did Heather misgender her son? I thought Max was transgender male? Doesn’t matter, was just curious because Heather said ‘she.’ Easy mistake, of course. 

ugh Alexis, “I’ve prayed for Shannon…and now I’ll do what Jesus would do and release humiliating tapes about her for my Ma-Yan”

Shannon F’d up and she can be a real pill, but this is meaner than I expected. I figured Alexis would rub her face in the fact that she stole her man or such for a few episodes, but the lawsuit and now this talk of life ruining recordings isn’t fun. And Tamra lapping it up like pie on a foot.  Definitely going to nasty Jersey No-Fun levels and I wish they’d stop it. 

When I’m on Shannon’s side even though she didn’t something completely awful - then you really suck (Tamrat and not so fun Lexi)

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8 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:

I’m really calling bullshit on this “affecting her children” stuff. Her kids are grown, and I really don’t think they’d care that Mom and Dad had cheesy pictures taken of themselves at Disneyland, nor do I believe their friends would be calling them asking about it, especially Max clear across the country. 

I also call bullshit that she never wants to hear the word “paparazzi” ever again.

So this episode while Heather was ranting and raving about that, she mentioned “the cheating rumors,” which I guess is why she allegedly called the paparazzi to show how happy in love they are. But it sounds like hardly anyone even remembered that was the rumor before the rumor that Heather is probably really upset about because that might impact her kids. But since most people probably don’t really remember or are thinking about that, it just seems absolutely bonkers that Heather is this mad about the paparazzi stuff for multiple episodes. Then again, they each seem to have their own ridiculous grievances that they’re all hung up over. This is why I could never be a Housewife. I assume most people have good intentions. And if I ever do get upset, I realize within a minute that I’m over-reacting and apologize. I can’t imagine having to keep up this level of vitriol over ridiculous slights for weeks and months on end.

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Wow, old triangle headed Tamra was really showing her true colors tonight. The instigating, the evil smirking, so much eveil smirking, the digs, the jabs.  It was hard to watch.

And yet the thing that bothers me the most tonight is the fact that you all*, with your infernal show watching and forum posting have made it possible for her to buy a house in Big Bear!!! Granted it's the ugliest house, and her fugly decorating is fug, but still.



*And also me

29 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

When I’m on Shannon’s side even though she didn’t something completely awful - then you really suck (Tamrat and not so fun Lexi)


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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

So this episode while Heather was ranting and raving about that, she mentioned “the cheating rumors,” which I guess is why she allegedly called the paparazzi to show how happy in love they are. But it sounds like hardly anyone even remembered that was the rumor before the rumor that Heather is probably really upset about because that might impact her kids. But since most people probably don’t really remember or are thinking about that, it just seems absolutely bonkers that Heather is this mad about the paparazzi stuff for multiple episodes. Then again, they each seem to have their own ridiculous grievances that they’re all hung up over. This is why I could never be a Housewife. I assume most people have good intentions. And if I ever do get upset, I realize within a minute that I’m over-reacting and apologize. I can’t imagine having to keep up this level of vitriol over ridiculous slights for weeks and months on end.

The more she mentions the cheating rumors, the more the cheating rumors circulate. It seems to me she is not that upset about them. 

Edited by ZettaK
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3 hours ago, Pi237 said:

Did Heather misgender her son? I thought Max was transgender male? Doesn’t matter, was just curious because Heather said ‘she.’ Easy mistake, of course. 

ugh Alexis, “I’ve prayed for Shannon…and now I’ll do what Jesus would do and release humiliating tapes about her for my Ma-Yan”

Shannon F’d up and she can be a real pill, but this is meaner than I expected. I figured Alexis would rub her face in the fact that she stole her man or such for a few episodes, but the lawsuit and now this talk of life ruining recordings isn’t fun. And Tamra lapping it up like pie on a foot.  Definitely going to nasty Jersey No-Fun levels and I wish they’d stop it. 

What I got from the conversation about the recordings, and I could be misunderstanding it, is....

John filmed Shannon the night she got the DUI.

Can he release the video without Shannon giving permission to be filmed?

How did he let her leave the house in her own car instead of calling an Uber as drunk as she was? If he served her alcohol, can he be held responsible, as a third party, for the damages she caused?

How much of a creep are you that you film your ex, drunk?

Do you think Alexis and John cringe watching the show, knowing how much the audience hates them and everything they are doing is not playing out the way they thought it would?


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I didn't  like Alexis before, but now I think  she's  a real bitch. For a couple in love, having tons of sex( before  and after church ,) why so bloody vindictive  towards Shannon? That Johnny this and Johnny that conversation,  I'd have gagged her.. I hope they don't  release those videos,  that's  just cruel. 

Tamra is such a nasty piece of work, and her leaky house is not all that! Gina, really  got it from Emily and Heather, good lord Heather,  talk about  mountain  out of a molehill, it's  such a silly thing  to feel betrayed  over. I like Katie, she has a good head on her shoulders, she's  not nasty like Tamra,  but she sees though  people  pretty fast.

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3 hours ago, dosodog said:

What I got from the conversation about the recordings, and I could be misunderstanding it, is....

John filmed Shannon the night she got the DUI.

Can he release the video without Shannon giving permission to be filmed?

How did he let her leave the house in her own car instead of calling an Uber as drunk as she was? If he served her alcohol, can he be held responsible, as a third party, for the damages she caused?

How much of a creep are you that you film your ex, drunk?

Do you think Alexis and John cringe watching the show, knowing how much the audience hates them and everything they are doing is not playing out the way they thought it would?


I might be wrong about this. But I thought she was upset seeing him at The Quiet Woman, but then she went home (how Archie was with her). Then she attempted to drive over to his house but crashed into someone else’s house on the way over. If that’s the case, I’ll speculate on what the video might be. So if he has video it would be from The Quiet Woman. Or maybe it’s audio voicemail from her drunk dialing him before she drove over because he wasn’t answering. Or, since the crash was in his neighborhood, maybe a neighbor shared Ring camera footage or something with him. It could potentially more video of her driving recklessly or wandering around or lying to the cops, etc. if so, that may have been shared with the police as part of her case, but TMZ didn’t get ahold of it. 

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I can't believe that Emily had the previous day's glam and hair on, and she didn't remove the makeup, washed her face, and reapplied makeup, and fixed her hair the next day, even if she fell asleep the previous night. Heather was shocked! Heather's routine could have included her beauty line's products, but the last product she said she used was the La Mer Mist. 

Gina knows Heather for years, and Katie for a couple of months, so I understand why Heather was upset. It's also possible she didn't warn Heather in order to create drama, or because she doesn't like her too much after all. Heather overreacted about the paparazzi, and the damage the cheating rumor could cause to her kids. She named Max. She used the proper pronoun- Max is 20 years old, in college, and bisexual, not transgender. Ace is transgender.

Heather looked skeletal in the confessionals, and at La Quinta when she was changing to the sweater Gina gave her (her ribs were showing).

It seems Elizabeth Vargas finally received her divorce settlement the women were interrogating her about on her only season as a HW. 

Shannon was messy about telling Emily what Gina said (that she is more nasty recently).

It shows Jenn's priorities that she wears her Rolex even if it's broken in order to front!

Shane was gleeful to use the excuse of holding the dog, so he didn't have to help Emily with her luggage. Also Shane: don't eat in the truck. Everybody was eating in the truck. 

The women to Jenn: we are getting you on OnlyFans! You need the money!

Alexis and Johnny J are such good Christians (not). They went to two Christmas services! 

It would be better for Shannon not to be on the show this season, just after her DUI and because Alexis would be on. I don't like that John and Alexis threatened to release recordings. John and Shannon's relationship was not great, but this is stooping too low.

Tamra to Jenn: give the cheap vodka to Alexis!

Edited by ZettaK
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On 8/16/2024 at 1:50 AM, dosodog said:

What I got from the conversation about the recordings, and I could be misunderstanding it, is....

John filmed Shannon the night she got the DUI.

Can he release the video without Shannon giving permission to be filmed?

How did he let her leave the house in her own car instead of calling an Uber as drunk as she was? If he served her alcohol, can he be held responsible, as a third party, for the damages she caused?

How much of a creep are you that you film your ex, drunk?

Do you think Alexis and John cringe watching the show, knowing how much the audience hates them and everything they are doing is not playing out the way they thought it would?


Shannon drove to John's house from a restaurant. She was already drank. She allegedly went to check if he was with another woman. California is a two-party consent state regarding recording (audio) somebody. I'm not sure if this applies to filming someone. There is also an exception if there is no reasonable expectation of confidentiality, meaning if this happens in a public place. I wonder if the exchange took place outside John's house. Shannon mentioned in the first episode that she sped in her car (that's why she hit the house) in order to "show" John. 

It's stooping low to threaten to expose recordings that can embarrass, or worse somebody you were with for almost four years. 

ETA: Shannon and John broke up almost a year before her DUI, but they still had a relatively decent, friendly relationship. I think she was hoping they would reconnect 

Edited by ZettaK
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Thoughts ; Tamra while i see your point (she learned absolutely nothing from that hit and run DUI and is deflecting like she always does and its fucking annoying) it is now getting into the obnoxious area  .. You made your stance known its time to let the mouse go ...


Seeing the fans Coddle her in this is really freaking me out .. some of them had such heat for others getting DUI's that didnt involve hitting a house and driving away and pretending to walk the dog when found ... and Shannon herself on her high horse last season about Gina and hers .. the hand waving for Shannon is just a odd choice 


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If, like Shannon claims, she offered to re-pay the $75k and John rejected it based on an included non-disparagement clause, then having Alexis publicly threaten to release tapes of Shannon (& admit that she's seen them) will not go over well in court. Jesus Jugs can talk herself hoarse trying to convince everyone that Johnny J's a good christian man but his actions show otherwise.  

The utter glee on Tamrat's face hearing about said videos, she seriously could not contain it, was possibly the most vile thing I've seen on a housewives show. That woman is pure evil. 

Emily's mad because everything Gina said was 100% accurate. She has crawled up Tamrat's ass and it has changed her. If she wanted to have private convo with Gina about it, then do that, rather than sit & petulantly pout all night trying to get attention.

Heather was Heather stealing the ball and making the night all about her issue with Gina. Plus, I still don't get what Gina did that was so terrible. She told Katie not the bring the Heather shit up on camera but Katie did anyway. Gina then told her to talk to Heather directly, which she then did. What was Gina supposed to do? Report Katie to Heather earlier? She likely still would've had her head chopped off as the messenger.

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Oh my lord Heather, the sanctimony. The sanctimony!

How can she sit there with a straight face and talk about how her children were harmed by a rumor that she called the paps at Disneyland, and believe it is at all comparable to a rumor involving someone's kids and DCFS?? Like that is just...wow... new heights of narcissism, even for her. 

By the way, I teach college kids, and let me tell you, they are not watching this shit (ok, maybe some of them will watch Housewives occasionally with their moms), are not keyed into this shit, and do not care about any of this. They're certainly not antagonizing a peer because of a niche rumor that her second-tier-Housewife mom called the paparazzi to come to Disneyland! 

Also, Heather played this all wrong!! When this all went down, she should have just diffused it by saying "Nope, I didn't do that, but it doesn't bother me that you're saying I did - there's nothing wrong with calling the paparazzi." Then when Katie came on the show and made the allegation again she should have reiterated her "I didn't do that, but I don't care" stance and never discussed it again.

Instead, she's blowing this up into a much bigger deal than it needs to be. Which I guess is her job - fine, okay - but she's perpetuating a storyline that she says is hurting her kids? Righty-o. 

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8 hours ago, dosodog said:

What I got from the conversation about the recordings, and I could be misunderstanding it, is....

John filmed Shannon the night she got the DUI.

Can he release the video without Shannon giving permission to be filmed? 

How did he let her leave the house in her own car instead of calling an Uber as drunk as she was? If he served her alcohol, can he be held responsible, as a third party, for the damages she caused?

How much of a creep are you that you film your ex, drunk?

Do you think Alexis and John cringe watching the show, knowing how much the audience hates them and everything they are doing is not playing out the way they thought it would?


Good questions!

If JJ recorded Shannon in her drunken state, as claimed, he is a huge asshole! The only reason he would do something like that would be to humiliate her and/or use it against her. There is no other logical reason

I don't think Alexis and John realize how much they are hated. She does not seem very bright. I think, at this point, she's still proud of her behavior and thinks it's justified. 

Is Fun Lexi on something? She's way too giddy and energetic. Was she always like this?

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It's hard to tell who's more evil, Tamra or Alexis. But ultimately I think the crown goes to Tamra because she's calculating-evil whereas Alexis is idiot-evil. 

I know this gets said a lot, but I wish these shows had some additional lighter moments! At the beginning of the La Quinta trip, when the women were illicitly eating in the car and accidentally defiling the kitchen, it was like I felt my body physically relax. 

Then they switched to Big Bear and an eerie chill crept over me.

12 hours ago, Pi237 said:

And Tamra lapping it up like pie on a foot.

Thank you so much for reminding me of that image. #toosoon


12 hours ago, JenE4 said:

So this episode while Heather was ranting and raving about that, she mentioned “the cheating rumors,” which I guess is why she allegedly called the paparazzi to show how happy in love they are. But it sounds like hardly anyone even remembered that was the rumor before the rumor that Heather is probably really upset about because that might impact her kids

Right, exactly - I had that thought, too, that Heather wasn't so much upset about the paparazzi rumor, but more about the rumor that she had called the paparazzi to distract from the cheating. BUT, I would wager that most people (including myself, an avid watcher of this show!) had forgotten all about the connection between the paparazzi and the alleged cheating. So, Heather is doing herself no favors by perpetuating this line of conversation!

Edited by ladle1
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12 hours ago, Pi237 said:

Did Heather misgender her son? I thought Max was transgender male? Doesn’t matter, was just curious because Heather said ‘she.’ Easy mistake, of course. 

I don't follow the HW off the show, but from what I've gleaned on the show, Max is one of the twins (the other being Nicky). Max is a cisgender woman, self-identifies as female, and wrote a book about being bisexual. I know this because remember when what's-her-name castmate of yore, who was also bisexual, tried to connect with Max by giving her a gift which contained (according to Heather) inappropriate sexual material?

Then there is Ace, who is Heather's trans son and uses he/him pronouns.

There's also Kat. I know nothing about her.

9 hours ago, dosodog said:

Can he release the video without Shannon giving permission to be filmed?


I guess it depends whether California is a two-party consent state or not. But if the question is "Would he be evil for doing that?" the answer is almost certainly yes.

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It’s Gina’s turn in front of the firing squad I guess. Wow Heather had some nerve throwing the “my CHILDREN!!!!” back in Gina’s face when Gina’s issue actually was about her children. Heather herself said the CPS comment was the most fucked thing she’s ever heard. I’m glad Gina said in her TH that only an idiot would compare someone spreading rumors about CPS to a staged paparazzi photo as equally damaging to children. Heather fucked up by overreacting because it seems like nobody remembered the infidelity rumor part. That’s why the entire cast was united in saying it’s silly to deny calling the paparazzi. At no point have I heard anyone mention the Terry rumors, and surely Shannon or Tamra would have found a way to get it brought up had they remembered.

Alexis is unhinged and thirsty as fuck. I love that it wasn’t enough to secure the orange.

Even with the everyone’s mad at Gina drama, the La Quinta trip seemed ten times more fun than being regaled with stories of Johnny J and filming the worlds nastiest foot fetish video.

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I think Heather really messed this up.  She could have said, at the outset, "There were ugly, untrue rumors in the press that Terry was having an affair.  It was hurtful to me and to my entire family, including our children.  My publicist/assistant/whomever called some papps to get photos of us at Disneyland to try and change the narrative.  Hey, I'd do anything to shield our kids from hurtful lies about their father, like any good parent would."  End. Of. Discussion.  But she clings to being perfect and can't just admit that she was trying to change the narrative from the infidelity rumors.  Ding dong. She could have stolen the "gotcha" with a morsel of truth.

I don't know if it's illegal for John to film Shannon in CA, but I do know it's illegal for Gina to continue to make us look at her in that horrible talking head 
"look".  I'm going to retain council and establish a class action lawsuit.  Reach out if you, too, have been victimized by Gina's horrible fashion.


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16 hours ago, Pi237 said:

Why are Gina’s kids always at Travis’ house? Hope she returns the favor once in a while. 

If you believe Gina's account, because Travis' ex was triggered by the kids being around her. I think it's reflected in the fact that she moved down the block and her kids spend plenty of time there, that the issue was never about wanting to get away from Travis. I don't know if his position that Gina should have stuck it out, is for the show only or if he really isn't worried about what the ex could or would say or do.

15 hours ago, Pi237 said:

Did Heather misgender her son? I thought Max was transgender male? Doesn’t matter, was just curious because Heather said ‘she.’ Easy mistake, of course. 

I think Ace is trans and Max is somewhere else on the LGBTQ+ spectrum (my recollection was Heather said three of her kids were LGBTQ+).

Edited by Rlb8031
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38 minutes ago, Rlb8031 said:

If you believe Gina's account, because Travis' ex was triggered by the kids being around her.

It's not just Gina's account, it's public record. Travis is in an ongoing custody battle with his ex. There have been restraining orders filed on both sides and his ex as made allegations about Gina. 

Gina's sobriety and now decision to separate households is likely based on legal advise. Admittedly, she's not done the best job explaining it but that also might be hindered by limitations to what she can actually say.

Google Travis Mullen if want to know more. #closingTEDtalk :)


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