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S02.E08: The Queen Who Ever Was

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11 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Lohar getting Tyland's name wrong every time... funny! Tywin. Tyman. Tyrod.

That was entertaining.

11 hours ago, Oscirus said:

What's the point of changing Luke's death from the books into an accident if Aemond does everything else the same way as his book counterpart?

I figure I'm in the minority, but this is a horrible season finale.

Exactly.  They gave Aemond some layers and then just threw it all out the door.  

Maybe we're in the minority, but I'll gladly bring Dornish wine to that table.

11 hours ago, Oscirus said:

Alicent is legit, the worst character in this series. Aegon's life is now in danger because she forced him onto the throne when he didn't want it. Now she's playing the victim again and screwing him over. 

I agree. The writers spent a lot of time last season building some sympathy for Alicent and then wasted it all this season.  I hate Daemon and Rhaenyra, but by the end of last night's episode, I came to loathe Alicent just as much, if not more.

11 hours ago, peridot said:

Larys was right to get Aegon out of there, if Aemond was willing to hurt his sister.

I don't think Aemond actually was willing to truly hurt Helaena but him just threatening her made me sad.  He did seem upset when she left him on the balcony.  Again, I don't know what the fuck the show was doing with them.  There seemed to be some affection between them last season but then they have exactly 3 scenes together all season 2 and we get Aemond threatening Helaena when before he was protective of her.  Honestly, if it weren't for Ewan's and Phia's performances, I probably would have given up.

11 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

Hi Dany! Bye Dany! I wonder if knowing the truth about her ancestors would have deterred her from wanting to conquer Westeros and establish Targ Dynasty 2 or made her all the more determined? Eh it probably would have been the latter and maybe even woken up the Targ Madness Gene earlier.

The latter for sure.  She was already show signs of Targ madness early in season two anyway.

11 hours ago, peridot said:

Daemon's vision made me sad about the lost potential of Game of Thrones.

I'm one of those viewers who wasn't disappointed by the end of GOT and liked the last season even if it did have some major flaws.  The producers deciding to keep bringing up that stupid fucking prophecy in HOTD, however, pisses me the hell off.  Mostly because it's being used to make Rhaenyra into a saint for pursuing the throne rather than her just wanting to be queen because she feels it's her right.

That scene was idiotic.  If they wanted Daemon to submit to Rhaenyra's authority, they should've just had him realize he'd make a shit king.


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11 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

Speaking of, that was Dreamfyre flying over the whitecloaks right? That dragon looked blue.

I think it was Daeron's dragon Tessarion since it was flying over the Hightower army.

11 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

I love a good "who gives a shit about royalty?" character and scene but Ulf needs to be careful for his own sake, dragon or no.

They need him as a dragon rider more than he needs them, so I think he's fine.

11 hours ago, jeansheridan said:

Because it can be done. Poor Tyland! Ha! That actor is gold in both roles. And that sea captain was wonderfully vivid. Whatever her name is. I actually love this expansion of the universe a lot. More of this, less Rhynaera gazing at the horizon. 

Me, too.

11 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Most everyone here is put through major hardships or sacrificing their happiness to accomplish their goals that they believe make them just.  And then there is this:

Hot Pirate Lady:  "I like you, Tyland!  You are a good looking man.  I want you to make babies with all of my wives!"

Tyland:  ".... Well, I guess I'll do what I must for the realm!"

Damn, it feels good to be a Lannister!!

Tyland has the best job in all of Westeros.

10 hours ago, Jodithgrace said:

With Alicent taking Helaena  and noping  out of there,

She's not doing that although she absolutely should have.  No, she's going back and opening the gates for Rhaenyra's army, or so she says, and trusting that she, her daughter and granddaughter will be spared.  Good luck with that.

10 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

So Aemond, in a fit of rage, just burns a random town?

I imagine it was a town which supported Rhaenyra, but yeah.

9 hours ago, KBrownie said:

The Alicent and Rhaenyra scene went on far too long.  I really wish the show would let. It. Go.  They’ve been enemies far longer than friends. I can’t believe that was necessary.  

Oh, but they're the heart of the show, or some such fucking nonsense.

7 hours ago, Roseanna said:

Did I understand right that Ulf is not a Targ bastard and he only used to boast he is?

I'm assuming he is a Targ bastard and just pretended to not be sure because he was scared of trying to bond with a dragon, but who knows.

7 hours ago, millennium said:

Coming into the scene after the destruction of Sharp Point robbed this event of any emotional impact it might have had.   We didn't witness the brutality of the attack, the horror of the people or the madness of Aemond.   Just a smoking ruin, from a distance.  

Yeah, if they're going to give us Aemond going completely off the deep end, SHOW IT damn it.

7 hours ago, millennium said:

Plus Addam jerks me out of the story every time because he resembles Milli Vanilli.

Glad I'm not the only one.

6 hours ago, Roseanna said:

I understood it's just the opposite: as he hasn't the silvergilt hair of Targs which also Jace lacks, he has made a conclusion that it must be a heritage from the father's side, so his father can't haveen have been a Targ. 

Hugh's hair is silvery but it was his mother who was the Targaryen.

4 hours ago, magdalene said:

See, I never believed that he would actually go through with any betrayal.

I fully believe he was capable of it, and that would've been far more interesting than the crap we got with his story arc this season.

2 hours ago, Haleth said:

I thought the convos between Rhae/Allicent and Rhae/Daemon were especially well acted.

Well acted but very poorly written.  They both deserved better material, as did they rest of the cast really.  The best written conversation in the entire episode was the one between Criston and Gwayne.  Forgot to mention that previously, but that scene was probably the best of the episode and one of the best of the whole season.

33 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Admittedly, it involves a lot of wishful thinking that Aegon would bend the knee in the first place. Maybe that he barely can literally bend the knee might be enough.

Maybe she is hopeful that once Rhae has the throne she will be merciful and keep the killing to the bare minimum. Hypothetically, Aemond and Daerion could bend the knee and live, butt it does not seem to be in Aemond's character. There is no in-universe reason Crispy and Otto could not get sent to the Wall instead of being killed. (The real world has fans like me who want to see Crispy die an agonizing death, and so the show will most likely oblige).

It was not 100 percent clear if Ali fully appreciated that there is no way Rhae would let Aegon live until she explicitly was told that, and more to the point whether.why she is OK with that. Maybe she sees it as OK to take 1-10 highborn lives over thousands of soldiers and tens of thousands of innocents. Maybe she values her life and Heleana's over the others, Maybe just wanted to be relevant and powerful again. I wish this was all a strategem to lull Rhae into a trap. But no, it is all to be taken at face value.

Basically, Alicent has devolved into an idiot over the course of the season.  If she valued Helaena's life, she'd have taken her, and Jaehaera, and fled instead of going to Dragonstone with her "everything will end up flowers and candy" plan.  Like you, I wish it had been some kind of stratagem but . . . 


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The mud wrestling thing was some of the stupidest shit I have ever seen on television and I have watched so much terrible TV like Pretty Little Liars to the bitter end or season 5 of Supergirl.

Alicent coming for yet another ridiculously implausible chat with Rhaenyra is a real contender for that title too. Pretty impressive to have two scenes like that in a single episode.

Rhaenyra: 'I have six dragons... I will use them as deterrent". Face, meet palm.

Rhaenyra literally hours later: "Fuck that, I will use them to strike at Oldtown and Lannisport. Because, you know, I care deeply about the smallfolk, so I should do anything but try to win the war quickly by doing the obvious thing and attacking the capital. Well, unless Alicent comes for our weekly chat in which case I would totally think of doing exactly that.".

Rhaenyra: "Daemon is about to betray me... I better go and give him a perfect opportunity to kill him if he wants to. Then I am going to ask who these riverlords follow as if I have never heard of things like Lord Paramount or the feudal system."

At least she got some clue when Alicent came to offer something which shouldn't be in her power in the first place.

Quibbling aside, the show's biggest issue is that the war they are fighting is not actually a war that needs rivers of blood in order to be won. To paraphrase what was said about the head of the British Fleet during WWI - "It's a war that can be won or lost in an afternoon". Kill the enemy dragon riders and that's it.

It would be one thing of the leaders were hesitant to kill their own flesh and blood but right now, they are not. They just can't be bothered to try if they have the opportunity because the show needs to last longer. But they add insult to injury by constantly having Rhaenyra go on and on how she is doing or not doing something in order to avoid innocent people's deaths - never mind that people keep dying every day because of the ongoing war and she has the means to end it quickly.

I kind of hate it when commoners get to the royal court and wouldn't you know, they would do stuff like put their feet on the monarch's table and mouthing off everyone because they need to show how they don't go for weak shit like respect for nobles and stuff. Rhaenyra offering to make the dragon riders mere knights rather than, you know, lords with extensive holdings. Lucky her that none of them seems to think of seeing how much the Greens might offer for the services.

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1 hour ago, proserpina65 said:

Mostly because it's being used to make Rhaenyra into a saint for pursuing the throne rather than her just wanting to be queen because she feels it's her right.

It's likely going to her head (you could argue it already has) and will be her excuse to justify any and all actions.  Killing hundreds or even thousands?  They'd all die anyway when the apocalypse hits, so as the Chosen One she has to do whatever it takes to save the world. 

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2 minutes ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

Rhaenyra literally hours later: "Fuck that, I will use them to strike at Oldtown and Lannisport. Because, you know, I care deeply about the smallfolk, so I should do anything but try to win the war quickly by doing the obvious thing and attacking the capital.

Yeah, she knows the Greens are down to one viable fighting dragon which could be overwhelmed by even three or four of her seven, but can't think to attack the capital on her own?  Idiot.


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25 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

Yeah, she knows the Greens are down to one viable fighting dragon which could be overwhelmed by even three or four of her seven, but can't think to attack the capital on her own?  Idiot.

I'm not sure I would give her this much credit, but she has a self-serving reason to not attack if possible.  She's planning to live in KL afterwards - if she wrecks half the city she's on the hook for fixing it.  If she torches Lannisport and Oldtown then she doesn't have to worry about repairs.

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5 minutes ago, baldryanr said:

I'm not sure I would give her this much credit, but she has a self-serving reason to not attack if possible.  She's planning to live in KL afterwards - if she wrecks half the city she's on the hook for fixing it.  If she torches Lannisport and Oldtown then she doesn't have to worry about repairs.

True, but neither the Lannister nor the Hightower armies are in Lannisport or Oldtown, so it wouldn't keep them from attacking.

6 hours ago, magdalene said:

See, I never believed that he would actually go through with any betrayal.  There is "adapting" book canon and there is totally deviating from it. The show writers were just playing with the TV audience, it was a season long bait and switch.  There are characters like Viserys and Heleana who are so vague in the book source that the show has actually greatly improved them, the author GRRM even remarked on it praising the portrayals.  But Daemon is quite well drawn in the book and Matt Smith vividly brings him to life.  There was no need to change one of Daemon's main traits, loyality to the people he considers family. He was never going to betray Rhaenyra and usurp her.

If loyalty is one of Daemon's main traits, why on earth that long before he could win his temptation for he was surely tempted.

2 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

Honey, if you wanted to escape, why didn't you just take your daughter and granddaughter and sail away to Essos then instead of going to whine and try to placate Rhaenyra?  But no, instead sell out all 3 of your sons and your brother with your ridiculous plan, that makes sooooooo much sense.

What about Rhaenyra's decision to fly alone to meet her husband and her lord whose loyalty she had just learned a reason to suspect? Does this show she is fit to rule?

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2 hours ago, proserpina65 said:


That scene was idiotic.  If they wanted Daemon to submit to Rhaenyra's authority, they should've just had him realize he'd make a shit king.



I legit thought that was the purpose of the Harrenhall arc in the first place. Humble Damon so he will respect Rhaenyra's reign. It was apparently all about showing Damon the princess that was promised. Should've started off with that, Alys would've saved viewers a lot of time.

38 minutes ago, baldryanr said:

It's likely going to her head (you could argue it already has) and will be her excuse to justify any and all actions.  Killing hundreds or even thousands?  They'd all die anyway when the apocalypse hits, so as the Chosen One she has to do whatever it takes to save the world. 


Yea they seem to be going the cult-leader route with her. I believe that when she starts doing heinous shit as the war goes on, it will be in the lord's name. 


I don't think Aemond actually was willing to truly hurt Helaena but him just threatening her made me sad.  He did seem upset when she left him on the balcony.  Again, I don't know what the fuck the show was doing with them.  There seemed to be some affection between them last season but then they have exactly 3 scenes together all season 2 and we get Aemond threatening Helaena when before he was protective of her.  Honestly, if it weren't for Ewan's and Phia's performances, I probably would have given up.


I think his threats were about making her shut up and get on a dragon. At that point, he's desperate; he knows he's fucked if the situation remains the same, and he's throwing up a Hail Mary. I don't even think she took him seriously.  It was pretty funny that she told him she ain't going to follow him and he will not come back. 

I wish they had spent time this year building up their relationship or, at the very least, showing how Helena went from a cryptic dreamer to a coherent seeer of the future. That Aemond scene and the Daemon scene came out of nowhere.

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21 minutes ago, Roseanna said:

What about Rhaenyra's decision to fly alone to meet her husband and her lord whose loyalty she had just learned a reason to suspect? Does this show she is fit to rule?


With all the flying that she does to dangerous places, they might as well just let her fight in the war. Flying to Harenhall is probably the least egregious place she's flown to this season. 

Edited by Oscirus
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16 minutes ago, Roseanna said:

If loyalty is one of Daemon's main traits, why on earth that long before he could win his temptation for he was surely tempted.

What about Rhaenyra's decision to fly alone to meet her husband and her lord whose loyalty she had just learned a reason to suspect? Does this show she is fit to rule?

Addam went with her. He might have orders to “roast” soldiers if Rhaenyra doesn’t come out by a certain time. 

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After sleeping on it, I kind of wish the producers had avoided using Paddy and the other actress. One of the powers of GOT is that other than Jon, when a character was dead, the character was off screen. I missed Ned and Robb (but not Catelyn). I missed all the wolves and Hodor. I think it was lazy to bring back Paddy especially. Yes he was great! I loved him. He made a feast out of playing a weak, kind man! Who does that? Paddy! 

And they need to be like they were with Cersei in later seasons and sideline Olivia Cooke. She wasn't needed as much so don't use her.  Use the time to develop characters who will matter.

Rhynaera frustrates me but it does ring true given she was raised in peace by a father who wanted peace above all else. It's hard to shake off your early lessons. It makes her a flawed leader which can make for good television. 


Edited by jeansheridan
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Come to think of it, the Triarchy came across as complete morons since Tyland clearly had no authority to cede any territory, so any such deal negotiated by him would be null and void very soon. Maybe they just want to get rid of that pirate captain because only fighting on the side of whoever can beat you in mud wrestling isn't exactly for success. 😃

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4 minutes ago, jeansheridan said:

Also Lannisport has money and resources. 

That's true enough.

9 minutes ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

Come to think of it, the Triarchy came across as complete morons since Tyland clearly had no authority to cede any territory, so any such deal negotiated by him would be null and void very soon. Maybe they just want to get rid of that pirate captain because only fighting on the side of whoever can beat you in mud wrestling isn't exactly for success. 😃

Given that they're unlikely to abide by any deal to behave themselves once the war is over, I think they're not really counting on him being able to cede territory and are intending to seize it themselves.

1 minute ago, paigow said:

This is the same group that decided Crab King was the best choice to capture Stepstones... 

He did a pretty good job for quite a long while.

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45 minutes ago, Roseanna said:

If loyalty is one of Daemon's main traits, why on earth that long before he could win his temptation for he was surely tempted.

He's also selfish. He's loyal and selfish.

He seems like one those people that would say "only I get to talk about my family. You can't do it. Only I get to call my brother a weak coward King, but you can't. I'll cut out your tongue."

Edited by AntFTW
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10 hours ago, millennium said:

Plus Addam jerks me out of the story every time because he resembles Milli Vanilli.


If this had been the first episode of Season 3 that I had waited for for two years, then yeah, I'd be real disappointed in it. But as a season finale, I was OK with it. It wasn't great, it was a lot of table setting (on top of what feels like essentially two whole seasons of table setting), but last week's episode was so good it sort of made up for this one.

Was not amused with Pirate Lady. She seemed like a cheap knockoff of Brienne of Tarth. Too many characters on this show feel like carbon copies of GoT characters.

If there's another 2-year wait for next season it's really going to kill the momentum of this show. No wonder it isn't doing as well as GoT.

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10 minutes ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

Come to think of it, the Triarchy came across as complete morons since Tyland clearly had no authority to cede any territory, so any such deal negotiated by him would be null and void very soon. Maybe they just want to get rid of that pirate captain because only fighting on the side of whoever can beat you in mud wrestling isn't exactly for success. 😃

I was under the impression from the previous episode that Tyland did have the authority from Aegon to do what was necessary to bring the Triarchy into the fold. 

Taking the pirate queen at her word, they were mounting up a big enough navy to potentially put Tyland in the Iron Throne. It may be that they are indeed planning to do something similar and have Tyland be a puppet ruler.

Now that could have been an exaggeration/wishful thinking/lie.

But in any event, the Triarchy will have a huge navy near to King's Landing should they survive. They hypothetically will be able to negotiate from a position of strength and force Aegon/Aemond to honor the terms of their deal.

If not, well, they were able to conduct their war in the Stepstones for a couple years despite the presence of the Sea Snake's navy AND at least Daemon's dragon and possibly access also to Seasmoke and Meleys (RIP) as needed. It wouldn't be exactly foolish to think that they could similarly wage war against the crown in the face of any dragons who might survive from Team Green.  They could just take the place of the Sea Snake's ships and reinstitute a blockade until they got their way.

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10 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

If there's another 2-year wait for next season it's really going to kill the momentum of this show. No wonder it isn't doing as well as GoT.

It isn't doing as well as GOT because television viewing in general has changed significantly in the intervening years.  It's still getting a shit ton of viewers.

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2 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

I was under the impression from the previous episode that Tyland did have the authority from Aegon to do what was necessary to bring the Triarchy into the fold. 

Well, he said that he might get hanged for ceding the Stepstones, so I assumed he didn't have the power to do that kind of thing.

Then again, from the start, we have seen wooden ships somehow holding their own against dragons, so I guess we are not supposed to think how little sense it makes and just roll with it.

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1 minute ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

Well, he said that he might get hanged for ceding the Stepstones, so I assumed he didn't have the power to do that kind of thing.

Then again, from the start, we have seen wooden ships somehow holding their own against dragons, so I guess we are not supposed to think how little sense it makes and just roll with it.

We haven't actually seen dragons trying to burn any of the blockade's ships that I can remember.  We've talked about the pros and cons of it, but I don't think they've shown it.

Okay, we haven't seen it but the very fact that no one has done the obvious thing - trying to burn the enemy fleet - tells me that for some arcane reason it can't be done. Especially when the people who would be tempted to try it are hotheads like Daemon and Aemond.

Maybe the dragons have prophetic visions of Dany's classic "forgot about the Iron Fleet" moment and refuse to go anywhere near war fleets. :)

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9 minutes ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

Okay, we haven't seen it but the very fact that no one has done the obvious thing - trying to burn the enemy fleet - tells me that for some arcane reason it can't be done. Especially when the people who would be tempted to try it are hotheads like Daemon and Aemond.

Maybe the dragons have prophetic visions of Dany's classic "forgot about the Iron Fleet" moment and refuse to go anywhere near war fleets. :)


At least for this episode, Aemond wouldnt dare since the gullet is so close to dragonstone and they have seven dragons which is why he threw that little hissy fit and burned down the place right next to the gullet

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7 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

At least for this episode, Aemond wouldnt dare since the gullet is so close to dragonstone and they have seven dragons which is why he threw that little hissy fit and burned down the place right next to the gullet

I think they were also reluctant to do so earlier while Meleys was patrolling the Gullet regularly.  Not sure if anyone at KL knew Daemon was gone at that point.

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1 hour ago, proserpina65 said:

Yeah, she knows the Greens are down to one viable fighting dragon which could be overwhelmed by even three or four of her seven, but can't think to attack the capital on her own?  Idiot.


This makes the word from the powers that be that Silverwing and Ulf deliberately lured Aemond and Vhagar out even more egregious. Because if they did, the Team Black dragonriders should have been mounted up and actually sprung the ambush instead of just hanging out there and power-posing.

I could get behind Ulf being an impulsive idiot whose first thought was to take Silverwing out and show off, and then realized he better hustle back to the home base because showboating near enemy territory isn't such a great idea. 

Hell, even if they were just hanging around on Dragonstone and randomly power-posing with no expectations of Vhagar coming so far out, they should have mounted up and done a three-on-one attack on her and taken their chances.

9 minutes ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

Well, he said that he might get hanged for ceding the Stepstones, so I assumed he didn't have the power to do that kind of thing.

Then again, from the start, we have seen wooden ships somehow holding their own against dragons, so I guess we are not supposed to think how little sense it makes and just roll with it.

I took Tyland saying this as a sign that he does have the power to do that thing but Aemond would be pissed off at actually being bound to that deal. After all, if it was as simple as saying "Tyland didn't have that authority" then what's the point of hanging/punishing him? Of course, this could all have been Tyland doing the equivalent of a car salesman being like, "Boy, is my boss going to be pissed when he finds out what a great deal I gave you" when they know full well that the deal's well within what they are able to sell the car for. But I take it on face value that Tyland is fully empowered to negotiate whatever deal will get those ships to break the blockade. I think Aemond expressly said so last episode.

18 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

We haven't actually seen dragons trying to burn any of the blockade's ships that I can remember.  We've talked about the pros and cons of it, but I don't think they've shown it.

I would add without knowing the metrics of viewership that it is impressive that HOD has any viewership given how GOT S8 so screwed the pooch while shitting the bed.

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22 minutes ago, Charlemagne said:

I loved the finale.

Though, I get the feeling that this was not the exact spot where they intended to end it. I think the Strikes last year put them a bit behind. I suspect that where the first episode of next season ends is where this season was likely meant to end.

The showrunner claims otherwise but who really knows.

23 hours ago, Roseanna said:

I understood it's just the opposite: as he hasn't the silvergilt hair of Targs which also Jace lacks, he has made a conclusion that it must be a heritage from the father's side, so his father can't haveen have been a Targ. 

In any case, his remarks shows that teh rumour about Jace, Luke and Jofrey's bastardy is widely told and also believed.     

I understood it as Ulf saying him and Jace have something in common, that they are Targaryens even though they don’t look like Targaryens.

…which I found it interesting that Ulf would say “let them tell us we don’t have Targaryen blood” because up until now, I don’t think we’ve ever heard anyone express doubt about Jace's maternal Targaryen lineage.

Edited by AntFTW
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3 hours ago, Roseanna said:

f loyalty is one of Daemon's main traits, why on earth that long before he could win his temptation for he was surely tempted.

I said loyality to Rhaenyra and people he considers family is a main trait of Daemon in the book. Whatever mess the show writers wrote for Daemon this season has nothing to do with the book. I also said I always believed that even in the show Daemon wouldn't ultimately usurp Rhaenyra. And he didn't.   His thoughts don't count. His actions do.

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On 8/5/2024 at 10:23 AM, iMonrey said:

Was not amused with Pirate Lady. She seemed like a cheap knockoff of Brienne of Tarth.

I agree her voice was the same, but she reminded me a bit of the Greyjoys.  I think it's a good reminder that even in societies of extreme patriarchy,  there will always be kickass women carving out spaces for themselves. A bit like Alys too.

I think it's also a reminder also to show people have always poked at Lords and inherited status. 

And not everything in the world need be life and death. She was happy enough to mock him a bit and tease him. Take the Westeros lord down a peg (because Aegon JUST referred to Essos people as goat effers).

BTW, Tom was a MVP this season. His whole arc has set him up for a comeback. Or redemption. I certainly feel for him more. 

Whereas Ewan was a bit one note alas other than that one scene at the high council when he challenged Aemon in high Valaryan. I find him charismatic and handsome as anything but there's not much depth at this point. He is EEEvil.




Edited by jeansheridan
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13 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

I understood it as Ulf saying him and Jace have something in common, that they are Targaryens even though they don’t look like Targaryens.

…which I found it interesting that Ulf would say “let them tell us we don’t have Targaryen blood” because up until now, I don’t think we’ve ever heard anyone express doubt about his maternal Targaryen lineage.

I assumed in that moment he was more generally just talking about them being legitimately good enough or deserving of their place. And Jace showed total weakness by replaying, "My MOM totally is one!"

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3 hours ago, AntFTW said:

He's also selfish. He's loyal and selfish.

He seems like one those people that would say "only I get to talk about my family. You can't do it. Only I get to call my brother a weak coward King, but you can't. I'll cut out your tongue."

Yes. Indeed Daemon did say something just like this. He said it to Corlys when Corlys called Vissy weak.  During the first season episode 2 maybe?

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18 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Helaena is too pure for this world! 😭😭😭

I love Helaena. I wish they used her more. Great character and great actress. I loved her coolly standing up to Aemond.


17 hours ago, Phillygurl said:

I am also very anti-Ulf as he just seems to make Jace's point all the more true. He has a Dragon and he's acting like he is royalty. He does know they can still throw him in prison or hang him right? 

He is beyond annoying. And a moron to boot. If you're not with your dragon, nothing is stopping anyone from slitting your throat in the middle of the night.

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48 minutes ago, CeeBeeGee said:

He is beyond annoying. And a moron to boot. If you're not with your dragon, nothing is stopping anyone from slitting your throat in the middle of the night.

They could also come after him with bigger dragons and outnumber him. This really should have been nipped in the bud. One need only remind him that if  he can be a dragon rider, there must be others out there who could easily replace him if he doesn't mind his place.

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5 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

This makes the word from the powers that be that Silverwing and Ulf deliberately lured Aemond and Vhagar out even more egregious. Because if they did, the Team Black dragonriders should have been mounted up and actually sprung the ambush instead of just hanging out there and power-posing.

I could get behind Ulf being an impulsive idiot whose first thought was to take Silverwing out and show off, and then realized he better hustle back to the home base because showboating near enemy territory isn't such a great idea. 

Hell, even if they were just hanging around on Dragonstone and randomly power-posing with no expectations of Vhagar coming so far out, they should have mounted up and done a three-on-one attack on her and taken their chances.

I'm glad I decided to wait until the season was over to watch the "Inside The Episodes" because there is no logical reason (I know, looking for logic in a show about dragons...) for Silverwing and Ulf to be going to KL 2 minutes after meeting each other, even on Rhaenyra's orders.  She shouldn't be able to order dragons around, because if she could do that, what do you need riders for?

My canon would be that Silverwing was so excited to have a rider that she took him on a joyride near her former home, the King's Landing dragonpit.  Remember, she asked Addam could he get Seasmoke to Dragonstone, so it doesn't make sense for Rhaenyra to send Silverwing and a brand new rider to KL.

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39 minutes ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

I'm glad I decided to wait until the season was over to watch the "Inside The Episodes" because there is no logical reason (I know, looking for logic in a show about dragons...) for Silverwing and Ulf to be going to KL 2 minutes after meeting each other, even on Rhaenyra's orders.  She shouldn't be able to order dragons around, because if she could do that, what do you need riders for?

My canon would be that Silverwing was so excited to have a rider that she took him on a joyride near her former home, the King's Landing dragonpit.  Remember, she asked Addam could he get Seasmoke to Dragonstone, so it doesn't make sense for Rhaenyra to send Silverwing and a brand new rider to KL.

That is exactly what I assumed happened. 

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