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Season 05


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Good season finale. Intense episode. Good case with good screen time for each character. I figured everything would be okay with Nina and the baby but I was glad they both pulled through, nice ending to see the team all together celebrating with Scola. I sense a lot more chemistry between Nina and Scola now than I did at the start of their relationship. 

Felt kind of like an MW episode at times with them chasing a religious nut serial killer. I liked the case and the ending in the cemetery was a nail biter. Maggie was really good in this, I liked her forcefully getting the judge to safety and her “welcome to hell, you dirtbag” line at the end. Jubal and Isobel had good screen time as well, I always enjoy the scenes at headquarters with Jubal and the analysts. Always nice to see the ME who pops up now and then as well.

Overall this was a very good season finale and the show finished the season on a strong note with some strong episodes. It’s a good show and I look forward to season 6!! 

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Did anyone think to look in the judges' chambers before sending them off for a group time out?  I can just imagine the uproar and calls for a mistrial in each of those cases where the judge was bundled off.  

And, of course, the Resslers forgot to put guards from the NYPD at the entrances to the courthouse, leaving the  4 3 FBI agents to chase the bad guy all over downtown (Scola deciding in the middle of a manhunt for a maniacal killer that he should be at the hospital instead).

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Don't forget my pet peeve: track the bad guy and then, when you are 500 yards or five flights of stairs away, yell something to the effect of "Hey bad guy! I see you! If you are thinking of running away and maybe shooting a lot of innocent people now is the time to start!  Tag you're it!"  It's called being stealthy, people. Try being stealthy and getting the drop on them. Save yourselves and everybody else some run time.  The writers are completely addicted to the stupidly initiated chase scene.

That said, it was a great season finale. I did have to roll my eyes at Nina and Scola and their 'listeria infection? No biggee.' conversation. It's very dangerous. I guess they will remember that now.

Maggie was indeed great, and not in the small woman does impossible things because the writers forget that their female characters aren't actually superheroes way. That knife on her neck was shot beautifully and made me very nervous even though I know it's just acting. Gave me the heebies.

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In real life rich Scola would just have paid for another doctor, one to take care of his girlfriend, and the other to watch over the baby (maybe he did in between scenes). 


Do judges have their own bathroom in their chambers? Just wondering if the nutcase was waiting for the Judge to go eat or use the restroom to grab him since he only had an ice pick (how did he sneak that in through a metal detector) as a weapon and courts are full of police with guns and bailiffs are like judges personal security in courthouses.

1 hour ago, Dowel Jones said:

And, of course, the Resslers forgot to put guards from the NYPD at the entrances to the courthouse, leaving the  4 3 FBI agents to chase the bad guy all over downtown (Scola deciding in the middle of a manhunt for a maniacal killer that he should be at the hospital instead).

There was a cop at the door watching the metal detectors and he had his gun stolen and he was shot.

Even FBI get personal time in emergencies.

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Was anybody concerned for even one moment that the mother/baby would be anything other than fine?

And AFAIK, Catholic doctrine says the baby should be saved, if there is a choice to be made. Always. (Not Catholic so correct me if I'm wrong.)

I know that the team working on the computers back at base are much beloved, but the idea that the state can pry into the life of anyone with such speed and completeness makes my skin crawl. I take solace from the fact that I don't actually believe they can dig that deep that fast.

Let me go wandering down a tunnel into underground catacombs without telling my team where I am and what I'm doing. Then I can be all surprised that the radios don't work! And what happened to all the torchlights? I have a torch right here that would light up the entire space like daylight and it is only 2¼" long and ¾" wide. 

Four weeks premature is no biggie. I have relatives that were born as much as nine weeks premature and they grew up to be annoyingly healthy adults. 

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10 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

That preemie baby looked like it was ready to sit up and talk.

I literally laughed out loud when I saw that wide-eyed, alert, preemie baby who'd just been born!!!  He sure was cute though.  I loved Scola's little smile when Maggie, Tiff and OA told him "you'd better go now!" -- just that tiny glimpse into how excited he was that the baby was on the way.  I actually was a little nervous about the Nina and baby situation -- just wondering which direction the writers were going to go with that infection -- high melodrama and tragedy, or both make it in the end and it's joyful.  I'm so glad for the latter.

Edited by MerBearHou
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2 hours ago, Netfoot said:

I know that the team working on the computers back at base are much beloved, but the idea that the state can pry into the life of anyone with such speed and completeness makes my skin crawl. I take solace from the fact that I don't actually believe they can dig that deep that fast.

In contrast, it gives me hope that someday I might be famous after all, LOL. 
But I do wish they could manage to make the digging up of pertinent information a little more interesting. It would require that the resident geek-meister have witty and intelligent repartee with the others in the room, that is, that a writer or two would be both knowledgeable about computer coding and other relevant technology, and also good at fun, snappy dialog.
It would be like Lennie Briscoe meets Gilmore Girls.
There probably are writers like that. I just don't think the HR for the show is looking for them.

Edited by shapeshifter
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Yes, the cliches, nothing like only three agents going into a big, creepy cemetery at night with no back up.  Ugh.  Also, that looked like a big mausoleum.

Glad that Nina and the baby were okay.  As for Scola choosing Nina over the baby, there were ways to go with that storyline if it had played out but shows like this really don't need that kind of personal drama.

All-in-all, a good season finale with no cliffhangers.

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12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Just because somebody needs to whine about the TV clichés:

  • That preemie baby looked like it was ready to sit up and talk.


2 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

I literally laughed out loud when I saw that wide-eyed, alert, preemie baby who'd just been born!!!  He sure was cute though.  I loved Scola's little smile when Maggie, Tiff and OA told him "you'd better go now!" -- just that tiny glimpse into how excited he was that the baby was on the way.  I actually was a little nervous about the Nina and baby situation -- just wondering which direction the writers were going to go with that infection -- high melodrama and tragedy, or both make it in the end and it's joyful.  I'm so glad for the latter.

Could the "baby's" eyes have been opened any wider, especially since they're sensitive to bright light at that stage.

When Scola made the decision to prioritize Nina I was afraid that the baby wouldn't survive so that they would have another tragic storyline for him. Glad that didn't happen since I really like him.

One more thing that bugged  - when the whole crew is at the hospital waiting to hear what's happening and they're taken to the "nursery" where Scola is no one asks how Nina's doing.

Edited by chicagofan
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15 minutes ago, chicagofan said:

One more thing that bugged  - when the whole crew is at the hospital waiting to hear what's happening and they're taken to the "nursery" where Scola is no one asks how Nina's doing.

That really stood out to me as well -- no one asked about Nina, their colleague, a brand new mom?  Just one little line of consideration and fondness was all that was needed -- that was weird.

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S05•E23 - God Complex

For a season finale and the 100th episode, this is ho-hum.

Am expecting a creepy, sadistic serial killer. It turns out Frank Silver is actually quite vanilla. I chuckle at the cemetery scenes, Frank has become a bit of a caricature at this point.

Someone in FBI production team must’ve really liked Shantel VanSanten. They keep finding ways to bring her back. 🙄 

I truly hope we won’t be seeing Scola with another baby mama drama anytime soon. Enough already. Occasional sighting of baby Douglas is OK, he is a cutie. Just make him normal and healthy, unlike Jubal’s kid.

Isn’t Nina just have an emergency C-section? How can she curl-up in a fetal position with her baby daddy? 😬   


Edited by Snazzy Daisy
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1 hour ago, FinnishViewer said:

That was such a strange scene. It made it look like the baby did not survive.

Agreed! I mean, I guess that was the idea, to make the viewers worry. But when I had a C-section (not even an emergency one--planned because my daughter was breech), I was hooked up to an IV (I think? Maybe that was out by then) plus assorted monitors like pulse oximeter for the first 24 hours and had this annoying thing on my feet/lower legs that kept inflating and deflating, to avoid blood clots. And--TMI alert--still had a catheter in. I wasn't just lying there alone in the dark, not hooked up to anything.

Glad both mom and baby survived. I was afraid the baby would have died, then there would have been drama (and guilt) when she found out that he chose to prioritize her.

Also, I was thinking at the beginning when she was saying she was a little dizzy, but likely no big deal: "It's the season finale! Go to the doctor!"

And, like @Andyourlittledog2 mentioned, their low-key reaction to listeria seemed unrealistic. I mean, that was something I was warned about when I was pregnant, as it's very risky for both mother and baby (when normally it wouldn't cause many issues in a non-pregnant person). It's the whole reason pregnant people are told not to eat lunchmeat or soft cheeses.

Agreed with @chicagofan and others that it was weird that no one asked about whether Nina was OK.

The actual case was engaging, with lots of good sets (the abandoned church and the catacombs), but a bit over the top. And definitely Criminal Minds-esque, as @preeya mentioned.

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So the thing about births on TV is that when the whole cast comes together to see the new baby, that’s usually a way for the writers to show that they’re all like one big family. But that’s not how the cast of this show works. They actually all seem to have fairly healthy and realistic boundaries between their personal and professional lives. Yes, they know each other’s business, but they aren’t constantly visiting each other’s houses or otherwise getting involved. This is one of the rare procedural shows where none of the main cast are romantically involved with each other! 

So to have them all visiting the hospital to see the baby is rather out of character. If I have a kid, my boss isn’t coming to see him or her. And that’s the way it should be. So what’s Isobel doing there?

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 Given that both Scola and Nina works/worked in their unit, they were all involved in the case where Nina was shot and they were working with Scola as he dealt with that and that there was a serious crisis with the delivery, I don't think it's that out of character for them to show up and support him and Nina. 

 Regarding the delivery, I thought they said they were going to induce labor early, not perform a C-Section.   Maybe I misheard that.

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Now I'm at the point where Scola's getting huffy because Nina wants to raise the baby on her own.   It's not like he was actively planning a family with her.   They're just dating.   This was a birth control failure.    If she wanted to terminate the pregnancy, Scola wouldn't have much say in the matter; doesn't it follow that if she wants to raise the baby on her own, that should also be her choice?

I would have more sympathy for his point of view if they were married or working together on starting a family, but the pregnancy was a fluke.  And if they're not getting married now that she's pregnant (at least it doesn't seem like they will at this point), why is he acting like Nina's request is so out of line?

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I'm in the final stretch of this latest season.   Just finished the 3-part crossover, "Imminent Threat."  Aside from being captivated by Alana de la Garza's face, what I've come away with this season is that "FBI" has somehow morphed into "Scola."   Even in the OA-centric episode about the crypto crash, Scola emerged as the good guy at the end.   Then in the next episode Scola's counseling Tiffany about her brother getting help.   Then in "Imminent Threat" Scola's the lead undercover guy, then the wronged hero when Isobel withholds the news of Nina's shooting -- Scola even gets to tell off Jubal and yell at Isobel (although I loved that she unflinchingly put him back in his place).   For all these seasons, OA and Maggie have been the Logan and Briscoe of FBI, but now they just seem like back-up to Scola.  And the Scola guy's not even a very good actor.

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On 4/18/2023 at 10:32 PM, Xeliou66 said:

This was decent - while the bomb plots are not original, I wish they would do something else for a little bit we’ve had so many “terrorists threatening to blow something up” plots this year - the episode was pulled off well enough and I always love a good Jubal centric episode so it was nice seeing him take center stage again. And while it was also predictable that Jubal’s old friend would turn out to be no good, it was still an interesting enough plot, and the look of sick horror on Jubal’s face when he realized his friend was guilty was very well acted by Sisto. Jubal’s my favorite character and so I enjoyed seeing him take on the main role in this one, I liked his scenes with Isobel and of course his scenes with the analysts in the JOC. OA was good as well. Maggie, Tiffany and especially Scola had very little in this one.

I liked the scene of Jubal and OA at the restaurant undercover, that was well done.

I bought that the bomber would threaten his friend’s family in order to pull off his plan - he had been involved in so many bombings I don’t think he cared about hurting innocent people anymore.

I’m kind of surprised given the circumstances that Isobel didn’t call in Remy and the MW team, since there was a fugitive on the loose and an all hands on deck situation. I get the actors weren’t available for another crossover but a mention would’ve been nice. Maybe they were out of town on another case.

And to the above poster’s question - yes it was established early on in the show that Jubal worked with the NYPD before joining the FBI.

So this episode was nothing new but was executed fine and I always enjoy a feature for Jubal. 

"Sins of the Past" 5.19, yes I am behind on watching.  Actually the restaurant owner Ahmed Khan wasn't the friend of Mustafa Samir, Omar Hassan was Zahn's friend. He told O.A. that Omar brought Samir in to get a green card, he had citizenship problems(something like that), I keep notes, but not great ones. He also said that he bought the Ford Expedition. He didn't findout it was to be used for bad things until he saw the empty explosive boxes at the warehouse. Probably the reason he still had a picture of the Suv, so Omar could see if Samir wanted it. Also probably why he wasn't killed like Omar did to Vince Duggan. I thought at first that Ian Lim had dropped the ball by not finding the Ford photo on Khan's phone. But who would think that he has a picture of it? 

So Hassan and Samir were the buddies who saw his father dangled and dropped. I figured when Jack Lombardo came aboard ,and his actions, that he did something wrong.  I am glad that Jubal did the right thing even though at first he was conflicted.  But ofcourse Lombardo with his attitude sealed it. He did though go quickly from not admitting to it, then to admitting. All without alcohol. 

I to thought of Frank Reagan as 1PP. But he would have Danny and Baez take down Samir. It is to bad these series in the same towns can't collaborate on cases some times. Even if it is a line like, "we contacted 1PP and Commisioner Reagan has his officers on high alert," or something! 

Edited by webruce
Miss spellings.
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I've only caught a few episodes on Ion but I have to say that so far the show is creeping me out. They track people in real time on surveillance cameras and cell phone signals, identify suspects from facial recognition without worrying if it's ever mistaken, and break in to suspect dwellings with "sneak and peek warrants" (which I am horrified to learn is a real thing) in which the suspect doesn't even know his/her premises have been searched. Am I supposed to root for these agents or be terrified by the dystopian surveillance state they serve? 

Edited by Ghost of TWOP Past
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On 9/23/2023 at 1:43 PM, JPPT1974 said:

One thing is when they go up and think that they can look down on police and other local and state law enforcement officials. Sure they are federal and have the bigger authority.

Having said that, does not give them a right to be jerks about it and think you are better than thou if you know where this is going.

But you always see where the local Officer or Security guard stumbles in on something going on, and is shot or taken hostage. I do like at times where the local Officer helps stop the bad guy, and not be a part of it, or the reason they were bad. 

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