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Season 02

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I was kind of surprised he wasn't reprimanded more forcefully when Isobel realized there was a connection to one of the victim's mother. He really should have been removed from the case at that point.

Same here. It was blocked well, too—he sort of came flying out of nowhere. 

I’m not really sure why Jubal should’ve been removed from the case, it’s not like he was related to a suspect/victim, he just happened to have arrested a victim’s mother years earlier. I think it was fine letting him stay on. 

I wonder what Jubal could really do regarding Thumper’s girlfriend who had the drugs in her apartment, wouldn’t that be up to the prosecutor regarding what to charge her with? I didn’t feel a lot of sympathy for her, if she cared so much about her kid why was she seeing a piece of crap like Thumper. 

I wonder how longer Emily, Scola’s partner, will be on for, I don’t see them adding her to the main cast but it doesn’t seem like Kristen is returning to the field anytime soon. I’m curious to see how that will play out.

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14 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Jubal is proud his son didn't rat out the other student?! Funny! Most of his business is to break people down in interrogation. His ex-wife sure wasn't happy with that.

It seemed like an odd yet directly connected scene to add to the episode. Jubal doesn't respect classroom snitches ... but in his 'esteemed' chosen profession, he uses his authority to bully people into snitching on one another on a daily basis.

That, along with OA's fake drive-by shooting and other questionable decisions, made the FBI come across as both slimy and police-state authoritarian in this episode. 
Maybe there will be some chinks shown in the FBI armor ... which isn't a big stretch considering the agency has plenty of scandalous behavior, both recently and all the way back to J. Edgar Hoover.

But I did like Jubal's feelings of regret at the end. It was a nice alternative to the haughty moral superiority reactions we see from OA and Maggie most of the time. 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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Over the past few episodes, I've noticed a move away from having Maggie/OA dominate each episode to sharing the screen time with the other characters. The analysts in the bullpen are getting more screen time as is Jubal and Isobel. I wonder if this is due to Missy's pregnancy or whether it is a new direction for the show? I definitely like this "sharing the wealth" much better as opposed to the Maggie/OA show. Interesting that Kristen was not seen much in this episode - even at her indoor desk. 

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Here is the synopsis for S02.E15, "Legacy", airing on February 11, 2020:

After a truck filled with armor-piercing rifles is hijacked, the team works to discover who stole it, and what they have planned for the stolen weapons. Also, a friend from OA’s past in the military intelligence unit returns to help with the case, but OA isn’t sure he can trust his judgement.

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The US government now knows Mansor is alive, why wasn't Brooks brought in immediately for questioning on why he gave a positive ID? OA should be the last person in line to "grill" him for his blunder. Now Brooks is exposed to be a poor at tailing a suspect a few steps in front of him in the market.

The NIA hit the front gate with ease, then decided to take their very sweet time going to the campus and were easily caught with none of their weapons fired. No wonder this group is not elite. When Maggie and OA arrrived, I thought they were too late. Maybe the NIA stopped for lunch.

If I'm General Carson and the other people at West Point, I would be pissed the FBI waited until the last minute to start evacuations when there are NIA members all over the place.

Real smart for Kevin to toss the fuel pump kill switch to be easily found. Valuable device could be used for another job. And good job bringing a nervous accomplice that cracked to the FBI in 5 minutes.

OA turned on the lights in the container without checking if it could be a switch to a bomb.

Did Mansor expect some container maid cleaning service to clean up after him? 

Scola must have a rule to study the layout of every office building before he steps in. He knew the exact spot where the kid would arrive for the takedown.

Kristen is getting back in the field, maybe Emily will be killed off soon.

Edited by mxc90
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I thought this was a good episode.  Love Scola.  He was great in that interrogation and in taking the guy down in the hallway.  

Emily is growing on me so I hope the show can keep both Kristen and Emily.  They’re so different in their manner.  I have the perhaps UO that I prefer Kristen as the computer wiz rather than in the field.  I like her very much but she seems so young and doesn’t have the gravitas/badassness for the field IMO.

OA’s emotions about Mansur and getting him in the end were very effective for me.  Loved Maggie’s little nod to him from downstairs.  

I held in a laugh though when Emily yelled the young man’s name from many feet away and sure enough he took off.  Made me think of the posts here wondering why they don’t just quietly walk up to the suspect and THEN say who they are??  

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23 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:

I held in a laugh though when Emily yelled the young man’s name from many feet away and sure enough he took off.  Made me think of the posts here wondering why they don’t just quietly walk up to the suspect and THEN say who they are??  

Emily just said his name and he ran like an olympic sprinter. Maybe she reminded him of one of the kids that beat him up in high school and sent him to the hospital.

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My favorite crime show tropes. Calling out the suspect's name from far enough away to give him a running start. And this exchange:

"Do we have any leads on his whereabouts?" "Well, I called every hotel, motel, inn and B&B in the tri-state area and every bar, restaurant and convenience store in New York City." "Any luck?" "Yes, he's in a bar on 49th Street." The unasked question: "Why didn't you lead with that??"

Gotta love it.

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Another good episode, I liked the intensity of it, this show almost always keeps my interest from start to finish. 

Best scene was OA and Scola interrogating the guy who made the phony visas and got the terrorists in, I really liked that scene, we don’t often see OA and Scola work together, and I liked Scola questioning OA afterwards about what was up with him. 

Once again I liked everyone working together, I really like how this season it’s a team effort and not just Maggie and OA, Scola has been a great addition, and I like the background people getting a larger role as well. I’m wondering how long Emily will stick around for, I like her but I doubt they will make her a part of the permanent cast. 

Jubal was cool as always and Isobel was good as well, I’ve really warmed up to her. 

I did wonder why Brooks wasn’t being grilled by higher ups about his epic screw up and was back out in the field instead. 

I laughed when they called out the guy’s name from a ways away instead of walking up to him and apprehending him, it’s a common trope and it makes me laugh every time. 

This was another good episode and I’ve really liked the show this season, I think it a very high quality show and I really like all of the characters. 

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When Maggie and OA approached the box truck and the camera angle switched to inside the cab looking out at the rear view mirror, I had this mental image of Maggie yanking open the door and the terrified cameraman yelling "Don't shoot, don't shoot!  They told me to set up in here!"

That cargo company is going to be on the hook for wrongful death lawsuits in a big way.  You're hauling around automatic ammunition and armor piercing rifles (tips hat to Netfoot), and you can't even do a proper background check?

I am completely amazed the Army Military Police arrested the terrorists that they caught.  "You kill us, we will kill you back.  End of story."

3 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Did Mansor expect some container maid cleaing service to clean up after him?

Paging Raymond Reddington...


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9 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Scola must have a rule to study the layout of every office building before he steps in. He knew the exact spot where the kid would arrive for the takedown.

Ya, he turned and ran away.  How did he know where to go to intercept the guy?  Guess it helps to have a copy of the script...

8 hours ago, Bobbin said:

"Well, I called every hotel, motel, inn and B&B in the tri-state area and every bar, restaurant and convenience store in New York City."

Didn't take long, because there's only a few of them. I was going to mention my findings at the next department-heads meeting...

7 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Jubal was cool as always and Isobel was good as well, I’ve really warmed up to her. 

I know he's generally well liked, but he is the most redundant person on the show.  He doesn't do anything but shout out the obvious to a team that shouldn't need hand-holding.

6 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

You're hauling around automatic ammunition and armor piercing rifles (tips hat to Netfoot)...

Heh! :)

Guns-R-Us used a sub-contractor to service the vehicles. Kevin who did the actual work is an employee of the sub-contractor. Or am I over-thinking? Did they just sub-contract the work to Kevin directly, making him the sub-contractor?

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I agree with the move towards including more of the team (and the background players) in the drama. 

I've warmed up to Isobel too because they have softened her character a bit and made her more like Dana. 

Curious if putting Kristen back in the field is permanent or if she is going to figure out that she excels behind the desk?

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9 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Jubal was cool as always

What exactly does he do besides yell at everyone to instantly get him information? He annoyed me this episode. How about you give people time to search stuff before yelling that they aren't doing things fast enough? Gah.

1 hour ago, Netfoot said:

Guns-R-Us used a sub-contractor to service the vehicles. 

And do absolutely no background checks. COME ON, SHOW. 

1 hour ago, LisaM said:

Curious if putting Kristen back in the field is permanent or if she is going to figure out that she excels behind the desk?

Same here. I think she knows she's probably better behind a desk but can't accept it just yet, because the field agents seem to have more fun, as it were. 

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I see Jubal as the loud quarterback who makes sure the entire room knows what page the team is on.  That way, the guy in the corner has the same info as the person in the front of the room.  I love Jubal and if no one were there to shout the game plan, what they need, etc etc, they'd be wasting a lot of time bringing people up to speed.

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I get he directs the team, but he asks for such obvious stuff. "Check the financials!" "See what Customs has!" "Dig into social media!" These are all things that would be looked at without him barking orders. I know they need to give Jeremy Sisto something to do at the beginning of every episode, but I wish it varied a bit more.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I get he directs the team, but he asks for such obvious stuff. "Check the financials!" "See what Customs has!" "Dig into social media!" These are all things that would be looked at without him barking orders. I know they need to give Jeremy Sisto something to do at the beginning of every episode, but I wish it varied a bit more.

I found that barking annoying, too, until I realized that Jubal isn't just giving orders to his team, he's telling the viewers what's going on. How many times have you seen a spouse or parent of the victim demanding to know, "Why aren't you out DOING something?!" How else would you know what they're doing just seeing them at their desks? Now you know.

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2 hours ago, Bobbin said:

Jubal isn't just giving orders to his team, he's telling the viewers what's going on.

He could just yell, "Do your thing, people!" and then ask the specific agent what was found. He does that anyway, and I think viewers are smart enough to realize what's going on, especially as it's the same stuff that happens in every procedural.

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7 hours ago, LisaM said:

I agree with the move towards including more of the team (and the background players) in the drama. 

I've warmed up to Isobel too because they have softened her character a bit and made her more like Dana. 

Curious if putting Kristen back in the field is permanent or if she is going to figure out that she excels behind the desk?

I think they just had a special situation where all hands were needed out in the field.

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3 hours ago, Bobbin said:

Jubal isn't just giving orders to his team, he's telling the viewers what's going on.

Sure.  He's Mr. Exposition himself. But that isn't a job you can get if you work for the FBI.  He needs to do something else in the show.

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2 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Sure.  He's Mr. Exposition himself. But that isn't a job you can get if you work for the FBI.  He needs to do something else in the show.

He probably will. I can foresee an episode where he falls off the wagon or something similar. Stay tuned.

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3 hours ago, SilverLake0315 said:

Right there with you. When Jubal asked if she was ready to get back out there, I said "Noooooooo!" out loud.

Agreed! I hope that she figures out that she is most valuable as the computer wiz. Not everyone has to be the kick ass agent in the field. 

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Let me get this straight. The FBI learns where the target is an hour and half before the attack is to occur and West Point can only find two officers to guard that gate? Did the FBI forget to call ahead and warn them that they were about to be attacked? Are there no security cameras monitoring that gate? I would like to have a word with whoever is in charge of security at West Point.

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Here is the info for S02.E16, "Safe Room", to air on February 18, 2020:

After the police ignore a desperate father’s plea for help, he abducts a billionaire’s daughter and holds her hostage in a near-impenetrable safe room until his own missing child is returned to him. Also, Jubal puts his hostage negotiation skills to the test.

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Moral of the story: Don't let the public know you are throwing a $2 million birthday party.

If Helton was in good standing with the Kirkendalls, he couldn't ask them for a favor to hire a PI to find his daughter? 

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This was a decent episode - I liked seeing how the team split up and handled the case, and I liked Jubal’s role a lot - I know people are mixed on whether they like Jubal or not on this site, I happen to like him a lot and it was nice seeing him get a heavy role outside the office, he was really good tonight, negotiating with the guy and then making the call to breach the room. 

I’ve really liked how everyone has worked together in the investigations this season compared to how it was almost all Maggie and OA last year, that’s been a big improvement for the show. 

I thought the same thing as the above poster about the kidnapper - since he had connections to the wealthy, why couldn’t he use those connections to try to get them to help out with his search for his daughter? Most people don’t have the tie he had to the wealthy, so it wasn’t like he didn’t have any resources. 

I think the episode might’ve been better if they hadn’t found the daughter and had had to come up with a ruse to get the father to believe they had, it might’ve been more realistic that way. And how were they able to ID the kidnapper so fast, was he in the facial recognition system just because he was in the military? 

This was a decent episode, not as good as some of the others this season but still good and I liked Jubal’s role.

Scola promising to get the dog a steak was funny. 

Edited by Xeliou66
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Once again Maggie and OA are detailed all over the area to look for suspects.  And once again they have to chase one, although this time it was semi-legit because he ran first.  I would have laughed had he run down the fire escape instead of up to make his escape, what with the duo failing once again to call for backup to secure the scene.

Jubal got to talk at normal volume for almost the entire episode!

That was one helluva nice panic room.

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55 minutes ago, LisaM said:

I thought that the billionaire father was way too composed for someone whose daughter had been kidnapped. 

I enjoyed the episode too -- more team effort / less Maggie-OA domination.  

Totally noticed this -- the billionaire father's behavior led me to suspect him being involved.  Way too unemotional as time wore on during the search.  

Jubal did a great job and I admit to being surprised and sad when the kidnapper father passed away at the end, but he saved his daughter from a horrible situation.

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I liked the episode. I wish they had made a bit of a bigger deal of the fact that they not only found the daughter, but uncovered a Human Traffing Ring of several young girls.  I am not saying what the dad did was right...but considering the outcome I want to know why he was ignored.

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I feel bad for the daughter.  Her mom and step dad die, but I'm not sure did they both die?  or just one left due to drugs?  both drug addicts?  Regardless, horrible childhood I'm sure, then both her parental figures die.  She gets sent to bio dad she didn't know.  After a few months she then gets kidnapped into human trafficking ring and her bio dad dies.  

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3 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

I feel bad for the daughter.  Her mom and step dad die, but I'm not sure did they both die?  or just one left due to drugs?  both drug addicts?  Regardless, horrible childhood I'm sure, then both her parental figures die.  She gets sent to bio dad she didn't know.  After a few months she then gets kidnapped into human trafficking ring and her bio dad dies.  

Father died of drugs, raised by the mom who dies of disease I think. The mother before she dies looks up the bio dad and asks him to take care of his daughter he never knew about and the guys actually does (stretching reality a bit there). The little punk starts doing pot, real father grounds her, kid runs away and gets abducted and nobody cares outside of the bio dad.

The parts that are unrealistic are the kid will have a SS# and other documents and will be in the system (doctor visits, birth certificate, school records, etc) but the system will not list her as bio dads daughter (not on the birth certificate), you would need DNA testing done and she wasn't around long enough to do that. Also any under age kid with 2 dead parents will be getting a government check (the estate of her mother if there is anything worth getting) in the name of her new guardian and the place she is staying will be on file. Nowhere did they say the kid was undocumented as in illegally in the US.

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23 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

I think the episode might’ve been better if they hadn’t found the daughter and had had to come up with a ruse to get the father to believe they had, it might’ve been more realistic that way

Maybe. But that would have been a black eye for the FBI (and compounded the police department's guilt in writing him off). The always get their man, remember.

The kidnapping father may not be a gazillionaire, but he's no panhandler. That safe room is bigger than my house.

The perfunctory, "There's the suspect! Everyone stare and point, shout his name and start running at him!" And agents can magically locate and get to anyone anywhere in the city in minutes.

I don't understand why the woman didn't lead with the fact that she gave the girl bus fare and knew where she was heading instead of having to have it dragged out of her. Or why the father didn't explain his newly-found daughter's story to the police when he reported her missing. Although, I believe that all through the episode he knew, but was in denial, that she had run away.

All in all, an entertaining, thought-provoking episode. 


Edited by Bobbin
typos cotrected.
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17 minutes ago, Bobbin said:

Maybe. But that would have been a black eye for the FBI (and compounded the police department's guilt in writing him off). The always get their man, remember.

The kidnapping father may not be a gazillionaire, but he's no panhandler. That safe room is bigger than my house.

The perfunctory, "There's the suspect! Everyone stare and point, shout his name and start running at him!" And agents can magically locate and get to anyone anywhere in the city in minutes.

I don't understand why the woman didn't lead with the fact that she gave the girl bus fare and knew where she was heading instead of having to have it dragged out of her. Or why the father didn't explain his newly-found daughter's story to the police when he reported her missing. Although, I believe that all through the episode he knew, but was in denial, that she had run away.

All in all, an entertaining, thought-provoking episode. 


The kidnapping father was using another family’s house and safe room, he wasn’t wealthy himself, he just had access to wealthy people’s homes because of his job.

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2 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

The kidnapping father was using another family’s house and safe room, he wasn’t wealthy himself, he just had access to wealthy people’s homes because of his job.

Thanks. Missed that. My hearing is bad and it's getting harder to read the CC. That changes everything -- never mind! (R.I.P., Emily Litella aka Gilda Radner).

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It was interesting. But this show always manages to ratchet up the urgency and layer on the compounding circumstances to stretch things out: 

  • Kidnapped privileged teen!
  • FBI standoff in a near-impenetrable panic room!!
  • Kidnapper may be delusional - - but is not!!!
  • Kidnapper's missing daughter was actually abducted!!!!
  • Homing pigeons are involved!!!!!
  • Human trafficking!!!!!!
  • Missing daughter is in a coma and can't be used to de-escalate Kidnapper Dad!!!!!!!

... although I did appreciate the homing pigeons and wish more people would consider trading in their cell phone plans for a flock of pigeons. 

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3 minutes ago, shrewd.buddha said:

I did appreciate the homing pigeons and wish more people would consider trading in their cell phone plans for a flock of pigeons. 

After all, that was the original way of texting...

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22 hours ago, shrewd.buddha said:

Missing daughter is in a coma and can't be used to de-escalate Kidnapper Dad

I disagree with the decision to lie to Dad. He was upset but he always said he wanted his daughter found, which they did.  They didn't need to tell him she was in a coma, just take a picture of her in the hospital, say she's being treated.  

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A little bit of reality check - If you call the police and tell them your daughter is missing  - What police department is going to ask for a birth certificate before they start  looking? Any police department is going to talk to the landlady and be given the same details the FBI got.   Now, maybe they wouldn’t have the resources to have found the bus footage or to find the guy... but they would have accepted a missing persons report and made the call to the cousin in Florida. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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Here is the summary for S02.E17, "Broken Promises", to air on March 10, 2020:

When the team is called to the scene of a murder, they quickly suspect political motivation, but when another murder occurs, they work to uncover a common thread before more bodies pile up. Maggie contemplates a decision that could affect her entire career.

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What was the profile Maggie fit for the special assignment: pregnant agent? 

Where would these people be without any recording device available? They should be grateful the bus was on time for once!

The FBI has staff 24 hours, did all these agents need to be called in at night on their off time for Nicole's shooting? They didn't show up when Ramirez got shot.

Did the actress playing Detective Howard have a "cold" during the time of shooting the scene? Couldn't find another actress with a clear voice? She told the director: please don't hire another actress, I can do this!!!!!!!!!!!

In two days after finding out about Alex's time in prison, Roman was able to find where Nicole (got 3 shots on her in a huge crowd), Ramirez, and Mona were going to be? This man has excellent tracking skills or kept serious tabs on these people all these years. 

To confirm Conroy's alibi, I would love to see a scene of FBI agents asking his clients if he was at their apartment at 7:30 selling them drugs.

I hope Conroy learnt his lesson to never send threats in text!

So what happen to Benny? Did Isobel forget to send for his arrest or was she too excited to want to tell Nicole's father they caught her killer?

Edited by mxc90
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I liked this episode, this season has been really good IMO, the case was compelling, I did predict the father’s involvement as soon as he came onscreen but I still enjoyed watching how the case played out. Everyone got a nice role and there was good investigative work, I really like how this season they’ve added in roles for the background characters as well as adding more agents, it’s worked really well and everyone has excellent chemistry. 

I was a bit unclear of why the killer was going after Benny, what had he done to Alex? Did he get him involved in the gang? 

The reason the FBI didn’t show up when Ramirez was shot is that it appeared to be a routine gang murder, no real need for the FBI. 

So with Maggie being gone for several episodes, possibly for the rest of the season, I’m guessing Emily will partner with OA and Kristen will work with Scola. I’m curious as to what will happen after that, I would like to see Emily join the main cast for good but I’m not sure if they would add in another cast member, but I like her and I think Kristen works well in the office with Jubal and I really like how things are right now. I will miss Maggie but I like how the show can go on easily while one of its main characters is missing, it’s a good ensemble of characters. I just hope they don’t kill anyone off.

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