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Caroline Stanbury and Sergio's new home renovation puts their relationship to the test; Sara is ready to put her past behind her; Caroline Brooks brings her friend, Taleen, to Lesa's Good Weather Girls brunch.


Am I the only one watching this?  While I find it highly suspect, I am enjoying the newfound friendship of Ayan and Stansbury, they play well together.  Leesa's kids continue to be the cutest kids in all of Bravodom.

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Watching!  Caroline Stanbury's interview looks were Really something. Someone put that makeup on with a paint roller. 

Paddle looks fun, like a less rules tennis or pickleballl. But I don't know how they run around and sometimes wear long sleeves and pants in that weather. Maybe it's a dry heat, but 94 degrees is still hot as hell.

Sara is stunning, so beautiful, but I laughed out loud at her healing session. The housewives never disappoint with their wacky New age treatments. But who doesn't need to scream into a pillow every now and then?  I think she is often misunderstood by these other ladies who don't seem to get nuance. Especially, Chanel. But then Sara came out and said 'you like the attention' which isn't wrong, but when it comes to FGM, she can get all the attention she wants. That evil practice needs to be exposed and eradicated.

New girl isn't annoying me yet. I like how she was unapologetic about getting tipsy and falling over. Who hasn't been there? 

Stanbury has always had a stick up her butt.  She seems to hate her husband. Its like she can barely stand to be near him, let alone touch him. Still, I find her fascinating and enjoy her snarky attitude. Their new house is looking a bit Dubrow'ish. Can't wait to see the finished product. Although, I'm not a fan of the black and white floors. Kind of busy to me.

Chanel annoys me,but her outfits are entertaining. I don't care if they're borrowed. 

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I am watching as well. I love Caroline Stansbury. I don't think she was trying to be mean by telling the girls about the new girl drinking too much anf falling over, that is just her British humor. not everyone is going to get it and think she is nasty.

Ayan and Stanbury together was great, I hope it lasts. The new girl has some work to do, she is a nothingburger so far. I will give her some more time to grow on me.

Sara came off badly and I think I don't like Lessa, but I can't remeber why.

I think the show is more interesting for NJ, which is not hard. I am just excited for another RH show to watch

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I enjoyed  it. I've always  loved Stanbury, she wasn't  bought up to be lovey dovey, and she won't start now. I loved their new house, I bet it's fabulous  when it's finished. I liked her conversation  with Ayan, I just hope Ayan's outfits don't  get too OTT. Those pink shoes were hideous. 

I miss Nina, a lot of people  thought she was boring, I found her interesting.

It was difficult  going from the mess that is NJ, to the lushness of Dubai. I enjoy most of the women in this show, I'm hoping  for a good season. 

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The competition for who got closest to Beyoncé was funny. It was all in good fun, it seemed.

But I’d be the most boring rich woman ever. I have no desire to meet celebrities or dress to the nines or compete with cars and parties, etc. I’d use all that money to hide from society 🤣 (while, of course, watching the Housewives indulge) 

Makeup is also not my thing, but I remain in awe of how they keep all those layers in tact in the Dubai sun. 

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It's been so long since the last season of this franchise that I found myself struggling to remember what the drama and relationships were back then.  It may take me an episode or two to get up to speed. 

I do remember how Chanel annoyed me though and that hasn't changed. Anyone who has to claim how fabulous they are all the time, really isn't that fabulous. 

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Ayan still dresses inappropriately for every occasion and her sense of humor is still off kilter.

Caroline has a new face (again) this year, her husband is harping on having a child which we all know is so stupid, if he wanted one so badly why did he get with a 45 year old woman, (personally I think she is older than that) and I doubt that guy knows how much time, commitment and life changing a baby is, I don't think he really wants one. Caroline would have two babies, her husband is beyond clingy and would pout when was not getting her full attention.

The HW that has the spa who's husband paid for it...is he going to see a penny of the profits? 

The Shaman looked so familiar, has he been on another RH show/fleece another HW? How many of us have screamed in to our pillows after a long day of taking care of everyone else in our lives...no special voodoo to know how to do that.

The make up on these women never looks like it is melting, I am in awe.

I skipped last season but saw a few episodes during the marathon, none of these women are exciting to watch on their own so much so that I do not even know half of their names.  I will casually watch this season, if I miss a few episodes I won't notice.


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I forgot what a clown show this franchise was, and now they're really going to town - pointy boobs, flower wig, Caroline Stanbury channeling Cruella de Ville in her THs !  Remember when she was the coolest bitch on Ladies of London?  Now I just find her foolish carrying on with her man-baby all the time.  Can't stand Ayan and the new girl's PSF is going to bug me until I get used to it.  And I miss Nina too.  Oh well - looks like it will be a fun summer show to look forward to each week! (PSF = Plastic Surgery Face, btw 😃)

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I had to look up up when the first season premiere. It was June 2022. Two years is a long time for a  follow up to a season that wasn’t that great. 
A little Chanel Ayan goes a long way. 
I like watching Caroline Stanbury but I can’t figure out the Sergio thing. Is he like her houseboy or companion? Are they really lovers? He can’t be serious about wanting a baby with her? 
The new gal seems like a good time.  Caroline Brooks is entertaining. 
I would have preferred Nina to Sara. I don’t care for her or her healing journeys she is constantly pitching.

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3 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Yes but their dynamic is so strange to me. I know she’s not a warm person but she seems so put off by him. I never got into Ladies of London, was she nicer to that husband?

No but he was older and called her on her shit, and she'd laugh about it.  I liked her on LoL and them as a couple.  I do think she's got Sergio mainly to show off with, but IMO she just looks pathetic.

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On 6/3/2024 at 8:03 AM, dancingdreamer said:

I just hope Ayan's outfits don't  get too OTT. Those pink shoes were hideous. 

I miss Nina, a lot of people  thought she was boring, I found her interesting.

Based on the first episode, she is going even further this season with the outrageous fashions. I also caught a glimpse of her playing golf in some atrocity that resembled Miss Havishsm’s bridal gown. Oh, well, at least she keeps it interesting! By the looks of Lesa’s red cone bra get-up, she wants some of that attention, too! 🤣

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Leesa comes off as so fake, I can't stand her.

Caroline Brooks seems to have a drinking problem.

Sara is that condescending person who thinks they are being helpful.

Nina was the only normal seeming one, so of course she's gone this season.

Ayan is just one of those people you deal with because she can be slightly entertaining.

I originally came to this show for Stanbury, but she still feels out of place to me. And Sergio creeps me out with his baby obsession and lap dog demeanor.


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On 6/3/2024 at 12:44 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

Caroline has a new face (again) this year, her husband is harping on having a child which we all know is so stupid, if he wanted one so badly why did he get with a 45 year old woman, (personally I think she is older than that) and I doubt that guy knows how much time, commitment and life changing a baby is, I don't think he really wants one

I think it is a story line. Who doesn’t have these conversations before they marry. I agree, I think she is old than she says.

Also Sergio 

dies not understand basic biology.

On 6/3/2024 at 12:44 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

The Shaman looked so familiar, has he been on another RH show/fleece another HW?

He reminded me of the Shaman/hair dresser on RHOD, but definitely not the same person.

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He reminded me of the Shaman/hair dresser on RHOD, but definitely not the same person.

That's who I was thinking of!!! Thank you @Stats Queen, I just couldn't remember which city had the Shaman/fleecer.

Now, on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the stupidest thing you could pay for and partake in on TV, how was this shaman experience for you....a 10? Okay, let me enter that on my excel sheet.


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On 6/9/2024 at 7:24 PM, Stats Queen said:

I think it is a story line. Who doesn’t have these conversations before they marry. I agree, I think she is old than she says.

Also Sergio 

dies not understand basic biology.

He reminded me of the Shaman/hair dresser on RHOD, but definitely not the same person.

If they're talking about her 50th celebration,  I'm assuming she's 52 now.

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