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S08.E13: The Liar, the Witch and the Postnup

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2 minutes ago, tvrox said:

Hmm I need that. Thanks for the rec! 

Its a godsend when I'm putting my 100% cotton shabby chic slipcover on my couch. When I retired, my iron did too. 

1 minute ago, Suzywriter said:

Sharp owes us at least one scene of someone-anyone-knocking Pred into next year.

I mean, any one of us would do it for free. 

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Thais dad looks young. Reminds me of the time my friend (early 20s at the time) and her 46 year old dad went to a baseball game. They got some nasty stares from folks thinking she was his girlfriend. She loudly called him dad to get the stares to stop lol 

Edited by sainte-chapelle
  • LOL 5
1 minute ago, AR Traveler said:

Why didn't she take her most important things with her when she left?  Had them shipped?  Nothing would be worth going back to Arkansas and Ed.

Because in her heart of hearts she wanted to go back to Arkansas and Ed. She wanted him to beg her to take him back. She is a MESS.

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7 hours ago, tvrox said:

Lauren is still not able to do anything after the surgery??

I had a minimally invasive closed gall bladder surgery eighteen months ago (It was DaVinci robot) and I couldn't life 20 lbs for six weeks.   Just after that restriction ended, I had a minor skin cyst removed, and couldn't life stuff off of the floor for a month.    So, with the extensive surgery Loren had, I can imagine she still has extensive restrictions.    Then, there's the storyline needing even more 'drama'.     

There are ways to help with lift restrictions though.   Everything like plugs for TVs and other things I need to reach are on top of the TV stands, I used a grabber tool for getting laundry out of the washer and dryer, my laundry basket is a set of two, with one turned  down as a base, and the other one on top, because I can reach without bending.   I stull have some of it set at a higher level, because it's so convenient.   

For trash day, I couldn't haul the usual big garbage bags, so I have a bunch of 5-gallon buckets, put a long row unside down, put another one offset on top of two of the lower ones, and used the 11 gallon white kitchen trash bags.  I took the 11 gallon bags out to the top row of buckets, on trash day would take the big green can out (it's about 5 lbs) to the curb, and take the filled small garbage bags one by one to the big can.   So, I could lift everything safely, and get some exercise in too.   

There are ways around almost everything, but not lifting little kids the way Loren was restricted from.    I think that the medical staff explained the restrictions, but it was a storyline to claim they didn't know about the limitations, and how long it takes to recover from major surgery.     Trying to do too much too fast is a huge mistake. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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2 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Angela always finds dirt on Michael. For as much as she screams and hits she sure sure seems to keep taking him back. Does anyone care about Kobe’s ex?

Angela always thinks she's found dirt on Michael.

What usually happens is Michael will say something, or Angela will demand his phone and finds something on it, and she'll get angry and tell Michael to explain whatever it was he said or she found.

He'll start to explain, and she'll cut him off and start screaming that he's lying, he always lies, and she can't believe a single thing he says.

Then she'll come up with her own explanation of what he said or she found, and it's always something that indicates he's scamming her, flirting with other women, or tonight — helping other Nigerian men scam American women like her.

A big part of the problem is Angela's mouth is far bigger than her brain. Intellectually she's average or a bit below.

Despite making multiple trips to Nigeria since meeting Michael, and having access to a small computer with Internet almost consistently during that time, she's learned very little about Nigerian culture and how most Nigerians live on a day-to-day basis.

Instead of taking the time to learn about such things* (too much work, probably) she thinks whatever she comes up with by way of an explanation for something Michael said, or something she found on his phone, is right.

Diploma-carrying graduate of Dunning-Kruger University, most likely.

Scholarship student, for sure.


* It took me all of three minutes to find out what a piggybank is in Nigeria. I used the small computer with internet access that I have with me at all times. 😉

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Thais' dad is HOT. He has the same personality as Thais as well. Patrick and his dad also have the same temperament, sort of Eeyore ish, quiet people. Neither look like they know what's going on. Patrick looks dumbfounded most of the time. He needs John there to help him keep up with what's going on and what to do, because goodness knows Thais has no idea. All she knows is she doesn't want to paint and thinks rocks are dumb. 

Thais' dad is HOT. I would pay HIM money to sponsor him. Why can't he be in the states? Why do we have to have Thais? Life isn't fair.

Angela is so over the top. She's been hysterical, and it looks like constantly drinking, since she saw the text'es messages that Michael was going to take to his interview. She hasn't calmed down since. And she should be arrested an in jail for assaulting Michael, stealing his phone, and constantly threatening him. She is just a horrible human being. 

Ed reminds me SO MUCH of this HORRIBLE guy I dated. He was so insecure, judgmental of everyone, superficial, wanted to date a supermodel but in actuality was way too intimidated by a good looking, educated, and financially secure woman, that he instead dated people who he could look down on and weaponize their weaknesses/flaws when the mood struck. He was also extremely messy, dirty, expected to be taken care of by women, but very misogynist. He would say the meanest nastiest things that your breath almost left you at the smallest hint of a slight. Ed is exactly the same way. His mother and sisters baby him and treat him with kid gloves, probably because they know how fragile he is. He's just an incredibly broken, angry, and mean person. Anything "nice" from him is totally fake. He had no intention of ever marrying Liz. He just liked having a drinking buddy he could f** and would clean and feed him.

Angela and Ed are the WORST. They truly enjoy being cruel. They need to be off of TV, it's just gone too far. 

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9 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Liz looks unwell…I hope she is doing better without toxic Ed. I don’t even quite get why he broke up with her. 

She "disrespected him in front of his family." He just can't abide that she actually stood up for her child. And he has the nerve to say he doesn't know how anyone could stay married to her! Well, I guess since you are a narcissist, you opprobrious entity, you feel this way.

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9 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Or having a decent washing machine. 

Salesman rolls back up--"So, how you folks doing? Anything looking good to you? Oh......."

Of course being in a pageant is more important than a washing machine! So are fake boobs, an amplified ass, and lip enhancements. Where are your priorities?

In other news, Ed demands that Liz stop cussing around the dogs. Priceless.

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10 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Angela always thinks she's found dirt on Michael.

What usually happens is Michael will say something, or Angela will demand his phone and finds something on it, and she'll get angry and tell Michael to explain whatever it was he said or she found.

He'll start to explain, and she'll cut him off and start screaming that he's lying, he always lies, and she can't believe a single thing he says.

Then she'll come up with her own explanation of what he said or she found, and it's always something that indicates he's scamming her, flirting with other women, or tonight — helping other Nigerian men scam American women like her.

A big part of the problem is Angela's mouth is far bigger than her brain. Intellectually she's average or a bit below.

Despite making multiple trips to Nigeria since meeting Michael, and having access to a small computer with Internet almost consistently during that time, she's learned very little about Nigerian culture and how most Nigerians live on a day-to-day basis.

Instead of taking the time to learn about such things* (too much work, probably) she thinks whatever she comes up with by way of an explanation for something Michael said, or something she found on his phone, is right.

Diploma-carrying graduate of Dunning-Kruger University, most likely.

Scholarship student, for sure.


* It took me all of three minutes to find out what a piggybank is in Nigeria. I used the small computer with internet access that I have with me at all times. 😉

Spot on explanation of how Angie's cruel, demented mind works.  Here's the thing:  If Mykull is such a scammer, he would know enough to use a separate "burner" phone to handle any business that he doesn't want Angie to be privvy to.  Isn't that "Nigerian Scammer 101"?

12 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

If Liz walks in there and picks up a broom, I am finished. 


Because she is obviously not right in the head, as she has demonstrated for ever being there in the first place.

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18 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:


Does anyone make cold brew coffee and then warms it up in the microwave? I’ve heard it has less acid.

I do. I make a cold brew coffee concentrate, refrigerate it. I use 1/4 cup concentrate to 1/2 cup almond milk and 1/2 cup boiling water. I microwave it and then whip it with my immersion blender to make a latte along with a little bit of sweetener or sugarfree flavored syrup. I have one every morning. I can't  drink nor do I enjoy the bitter flavor of regular coffee.

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