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S11.E18: Reunion, Part 3

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1 hour ago, Lassus said:

I admit while thinking about this whole episode I was wondering why someone - Ariana was pretty out of it by that point - didn't ask Sandoval flat-out what he meant, to describe his thoughts when he laughed about how great it was for him that Ariana left the finale.  That would have been interesting.  Kind of a lost opportunity.

I would ALSO like to see what was edited OUT of this reunion.  I know they shoot a lot of material.

Peacock has an extended version. If you like listening to F-bombs, those are left in as well. 

I thought that comment from Sandoval said it all. The way he said it. 😡The REAL Sandy showed up. No, sir, you looked like a phony dick running after her, and she knew it and we all knew it. Production only wanted it for the drama. You were not taking the high road, so don’t say “good for me.”

35 minutes ago, Lassus said:

After listening to Ben & Ronny dismiss the idea, I'm back to confident there's no way the show ends.  Just too much interest and money in it coming back following all this.

I don't know if it belongs here, but it's pretty relevant to the reunion, so here's my plan for next season:

James & Ally - KEEP.  They are young and possibility of James going off the rails or Ally leaving him or both.  But more importantly, they are young.  Maybe one worthwhile friend

Ariana - KEEP, if she wants.  Still massively popular, people are interested and like her.  (I feel this is not likely, but as of now still a possibility.)  

Katie - KEEP, always a chance for business partner drama.  And some decent dating partner things.

Bring back Charlie, and cast one of Katie & Ariana's Something About Her employees, making Ariana a bit of a new LVP.

Tom & Tom - JETTISON INTO THE SUN.  No one cares.

Lala, Brock, & Scheana - Move you and all your kids into The Valley, which honestly is not that interesting and is already losing cast to divorces.

There.  I fixed it.  You're welcome.  🤑

Yes, this. I could see maybe bringing back Dayna Kathan, since she’s pretty tight with both Katie and Ariana. I liked her when she was on before, but I was in the minority.

Somehow I don’t think the Valley is big enough for Lala and Kristen. Yes to focusing on SAH, but please, no Ann.

Left out of this is Lisa, which pretty much describes her presence on the show anymore. Let Sandoval fight his own battles.

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7 hours ago, snarts said:

Quite the opposite. Dan has a career, he doesn't view Ariana or the show as his meal ticket (unlike Brock). He came to SF to see/support her, not to be on the show, which is why he had no interest in attending all events.

What's even more rich about Lala's comments about Ariana's lack of honesty is her own history of secrecy. Remember when the cast wasn't allowed to even say Rand's (or the previous football dude who she crowed on about eating his ass) name and she allegedly made the cast sign NDAs if they spent any time with him?  I wish someone would've called out that blatant hypocrisy to her face.

Andy's reaction to why Dan didn't want to appear on the show lead me to think it wasn't just me who interpreted it the way I did. 🤷‍♂️


I had forgotten about LaLa's ridiculous secrecy with "My Man" and the rumored NDAs she made people sign. I would have loved for someone to have brought that up when LaLa was going on and on about not being transparent with her life.


2 hours ago, politichick said:

Lala's jealousy was truly gross, as was Scheana sucking up to her. I wonder if their mums condone or condemn that behavior. I was glad when Lisa commended Ariana for showing up this season, but Lala was fucking pissed. Like she really doesn't see the difference between their situations? I really don't want to see either of these girls on The Valley.

I have no objection to LaLa and Schemer appearing on The Valley, but OTOH, I don't watch that show. 😀

1 hour ago, Lassus said:

I admit while thinking about this whole episode I was wondering why someone - Ariana was pretty out of it by that point - didn't ask Sandoval flat-out what he meant, to describe his thoughts when he laughed about how great it was for him that Ariana left the finale.  That would have been interesting.  Kind of a lost opportunity.

One thing did occur to me that Sandoval saying the twist was "Good for him" might have been an editing monkey trick and asking would be breaking the proverbial fourth wall. I might be overthinking this, however.🤷‍♂️


1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

Are they planning on that final "lost footage" bullshit episode next week?

Someone ("Satan Andy"?) mentioned there would be a "lost footage" ep, but only available on Peacock+ on May 29th. I'm curious about the "finally", but not enough to subscribe. 

Edited by Gharlane

I like the Valley and don’t want Lala waving her stank nails and spouting outrage from her huge butthole looking lips at that cast. Plus it’s mostly couples and she doesn’t have anyone. They already have 2 singles on the show and don’t need her. 
Also no to Brock and Sheana.  All he does is kiss her ass so he can be on tv. She’s an attention seeking crybaby moron and the Valley doesn’t need her!

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7 hours ago, bosawks said:

if Ariana didn't care about her own job she for damn sure should care about LaLa's.

I seem to recall on a different thread that Scheemer was talking about Lala's building of her empire."  If that were true, she wouldn't NEED this show.  Which tells me Chinless-wonder financed acting career, cheap makeup with her brand and  "send to to Darrell" merch has run its course.  

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2 hours ago, Gharlane said:

Andy's reaction to why Dan didn't want to appear on the show lead me to think it wasn't just me who interpreted it the way I did. 🤷‍♂️


I had forgotten about LaLa's ridiculous secrecy with "My Man" and the rumored NDAs she made people sign. I would have loved for someone to have brought that up when LaLa was going on and on about not being transparent with her life.


I have no objection to LaLa and Schemer appearing on The Valley, but OTOH, I don't watch that show. 😀

One thing did occur to me that Sandoval saying the twist was "Good for him" might have been an editing monkey trick and asking would be breaking the proverbial fourth wall. I might be overthinking this, however.🤷‍♂️


Someone ("Satan Andy"?) mentioned there would be a "lost footage" ep, but only available on Peacock+ on May 29th. I'm curious about the "finally", but not enough to subscribe. 

LOL. I renember when Rand was finally introduced to the gang, and I thought “THIS? This is Lala’s secret man?” Then I remembered all the BJs for the PJs. 

I watched all of this season on Peacock, and some episodes were “extended”. TBH, it just added more time and really no substance, so this is probably no great shakes either. I think most of these “lost footage” episodes are really a whole lot of nothing. I only have “regular” Peacock, so I can’t watch this either.

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9 hours ago, snarts said:

Quite the opposite. Dan has a career, he doesn't view Ariana or the show as his meal ticket (unlike Brock). He came to SF to see/support her, not to be on the show, which is why he had no interest in attending all events.

What's even more rich about Lala's comments about Ariana's lack of honesty is her own history of secrecy. Remember when the cast wasn't allowed to even say Rand's (or the previous football dude who she crowed on about eating his ass) name and she allegedly made the cast sign NDAs if they spent any time with him?  I wish someone would've called out that blatant hypocrisy to her face.

I mean, to be fair, don’t Brock and Dan have the exact same “career” of fitness influencer? Granted, rather than making videos together (like Scheana and Brock), Dan knows it’s better for his personal brand to just show up in a towel as the “after” model of following his regimen and otherwise keep his mouth shut. 😉

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16 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

I don't  know why Lala was crying so much, she's  hormonal, but something  else is going  on.

Self-pity and seething jealousy of course!  "Lala" is allowed to do/say whatever she wants, but when other people do that they are to "know their place" and shut up.  She honestly seems to feel that she was forced to be honest about her married boyfriend (after lying about it for what, 4 -5 seasons?) and everyone else has been given an easy path.  She used to sit on these reunion shows and just say to Andy, "I'm not answering that question."

6 hours ago, politichick said:

Lala's jealousy was truly gross, as was Scheana sucking up to her. I wonder if their mums condone or condemn that behavior.

In both cases I think those apples didn't fall too far from the vapid/vulgarian trees 😂

5 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

So if I'm reading the comments correctly, Tommy the Turd reprised his famous cry-a-palooza that we got with Kristin at the outside table after they broke up in what - Season 3?  You know, big apology with cameras rolling with appropriate angst.  And it sure fooled Kristin - I believe her interview comment after that performance was "Now I know if Ariana wasn't in the picture we would have a chance at getting back together."   

He tried and Ariana pointed out it was Kristen 2.0.  She pointed out that his reaction when she walked out of the finale party (yelling to everyone that Ariana hated and talked badly about them) proved her right about him.  I thought she did a fantastic job and will be pleased with how she finished with him, as much as she could be anyway.

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4 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

Left out of this is Lisa, which pretty much describes her presence on the show anymore.

Lisa, I believe, is still the EP (Exec Producer) of this show, so if she wants to be around, she'll be around, especially given that more than one scene per show is shot in one of her properties.

I'll give you the rest of your proposals.

Edited by b2H
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2 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

I watched all of this season on Peacock, and some episodes were “extended”. TBH, it just added more time and really no substance, so this is probably no great shakes either. I think most of these “lost footage” episodes are really a whole lot of nothing. I only have “regular” Peacock, so I can’t watch this either.

Posting a quick recap of the lost footage episode for those who don’t have Peacock:

The cast is paired up in their ‘talking heads’ segments: the Toms are together (gross) then Lala with Scheana (annoying) and Katie with James (team Awesome - these two have a great rapport and are hilarious together)

Ann talks to Sandoval in his exercise room about financial stuff like bills and his lowball offer to buy Ariana out of the house- apparently at this point he actually knows that refinancing to get her off the mortgage would be way more expensive for him.  So, more evidence that he is a creep.

Scheana and Broke go on a date and Lala, Ariana and Katie babysit their kid.  Cute but boring, I can see why it didn’t make the cut.  Also, Summer Moon keeps breaking the 4th wall by staring at the camera.  (Brief flashback of Tom and Ariana babysitting her when she was a newborn)

James and Ally have LVP over for dinner and chat about Sandoval’s birthday party the night before.  James is apparently a great cook and Lisa was surprisingly not a rude guest, complimented his food and cleaned her plate.  He made a shrimp pasta dish so they can joke ‘it’s not about the pasta’.  

Schwartz and Jo eat Olive Garden takeout at his apartment.  They are gross and drink salad dressing straight from the bottle.  Then they compare how dirty the bottoms of their feet are.  I swear I am not making this up.  Jo’s talking head is about how they will marry in 8 years because unlike Katie, she is too cool to give him an ultimatum.

Scheana and Ariana at some place called Stretch Bar where they pay people to stretch them.  (Is this an L.A. thing? I stretch myself at home like a loser)

Scheana, Lala and her brother shop at a non-alcoholic drink shop, and talk about Lala’s sperm party.  Brief flashback of Sandoval literally asking her ‘want some of my come?’🤮🤮🤮

Schwartz and Sandy house shopping.  Sandy drives up in an expensive new car that looks like the Batmobile 🧐 they are both idiots and try to be cute while spooning on a porch swing.

Everyone but the Toms hanging out at Scheana’s house after their beach outing.  They listen to ‘Apples’ and James says ‘at least it’s not another rendition of Good As Gold’ before singing a country version of it.

Ally sings her new song at a club.  It sounds very Taylor Swift-y but they all like it.  Also, Schwartz and Ariana laughing and joking together.  I wish they showed how they got to the point of her not being mad at him anymore.

There’s a party for Scheana’s sister, idk why this is being filmed.  Tori tells Scheana she has a crush on Katie, Katie comes over to chat and they kiss.

The Toms and Kyle Chan and some other dude go to a bar and Sandy unsuccessfully hits on the server/owner.  He ‘confesses’ that he’s only had sex with three people since Rachel. Also comments that he should ask Lala out on a date.

The group has a ‘Murder mystery’ night in San Francisco which explains their 1920s costumes.  Katie turns out to be the murderer and talking-heads her disappointment that she didn’t get to actually kill anyone.  ‘This game sucks!’

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27 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

They are gross and drink salad dressing straight from the bottle.  Then they compare how dirty the bottoms of their feet are.  I swear I am not making this up.  Jo’s talking head is about how they will marry in 8 years because unlike Katie, she is too cool to give him an ultimatum.


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5 hours ago, b2H said:

Lisa, I believe, is still the EP (Exec Producer) of this show, so if she wants to be around, she'll be around, especially given that more than one scene per show is shot in one of her properties.

And she's too vain, self-satisfied and stupid to understand that no one wants to see her 😄

4 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Scheana and Ariana at some place called Stretch Bar where they pay people to stretch them.  (Is this an L.A. thing? I stretch myself at home like a loser)

Thanks for the recap!  Stretch bars are a thing even here in the midwest - but I, too, stretch at home like a loser 😄

I forgot that it's so hilarious that Katie and Schwartz "dating" the same girl wasn't even considered interesting enough to be more than a blip on our screens 😂

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On 5/29/2024 at 11:41 AM, politichick said:

The contrast between current Sandoval and flashback Sandoval is truly striking. Dude is not aging well at all, and just looks kind of nasty.


It’s interesting how, in my opinion, Sandoval, Jax and Schwartz are much less attractive now, but Ariana and Katie have never looked so beautiful, current day. Kristen gained weight but looks gorgeous, too. 

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6 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

It’s interesting how, in my opinion, Sandoval, Jax and Schwartz are much less attractive now, 

I've always thought Jax looked like ass and never understood how he could have been a model or a chick magnet. Neanderthal Man. Schwartz is still attractive, although he's aged some. I think Sandoval has gone downhill the fastest. He was so fresh-faced when the show began.

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23 hours ago, Lassus said:

I was wondering why someone didn't ask Sandoval flat-out what he meant, to describe his thoughts when he laughed about how great it was for him that Ariana left the finale.



23 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

And finally, unless I missed it, how did no one grill Sandoval on what he meant when he said that the ending was "good for him."


23 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

I can't believe that question was never asked.

Of course, considering that it WASN'T good for him, I imagine Tommy the Turd was working on explaining that remark well in advance.  So it could be that he was asked the question and the answer was so absurd and self-serving that they didn't want to air it.  

Andy asked Sandoval on WWHL about his saying, Ariana leaving Kyle Chan’s event looks good for Sandoval.

Sandoval: That wasn’t what I meant. What I meant was I did my job, and everything came together . . . I felt good that at least I showed up and did my job.

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46 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:


It’s interesting how, in my opinion, Sandoval, Jax and Schwartz are much less attractive now, but Ariana and Katie have never looked so beautiful, current day. Kristen gained weight but looks gorgeous, too. 

Kristen needs a bra and a haircut desperately. She just looks like a slob to me these days.

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17 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

The group has a ‘Murder mystery’ night in San Francisco which explains their 1920s costumes.  Katie turns out to be the murderer and talking-heads her disappointment that she didn’t get to actually kill anyone.  ‘This game sucks!’

I wondered why they were dressed that way in San Fran. Katie better be careful. She's intruding into Stassi's territory!

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17 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

There’s a party for Scheana’s sister, idk why this is being filmed.  Tori tells Scheana she has a crush on Katie, Katie comes over to chat and they kiss

The part I enjoyed of this scene is when all the girls were talking later.  Katie talks about she's not looking for a relationship at the moment and just is keeping options open.  She had a great confessional "It feels like chartiy having sex with men these days. They don't deserve it. Why So you can not text me back? Cool."

The real telling part to me in this conversation is Lala is not paying attention to what the others are saying. AT ALL. Then as soon as she has her moment she switches the topic to Sandoval and Scheana's song (eyeroll). Katie basically shuts him down and says who cares? He's a loser, he can get over it. 

The "lost footage" really shows Katie in a way more positive light; not "miserable" like Lala keeps describing her. Katie and James are great together in their confessional.  She's constantly making him laugh. Lala really seems to be the one who's miserable on the cast. Why else would she behave the way she has? She's a jealous and angry person. 

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4 hours ago, Katie W said:

Lala really seems to be the one who's miserable on the cast. Why else would she behave the way she has? She's a jealous and angry person. 

In addition to getting no sympathy and very little "opportunities" from her own breakup, I remember when we were wondering on here at the beginning of season 10 before Scandoval if she was going to try to get James back - and he seems to have a career now, and no more interest in "Lala" - haha! 😂

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I'm almost mad at the lost footage. There was some funny/entertaining stuff in there. I would have thoroughly enjoyed an entire episode about Ally doing her Swiftie cosplay, James supporting her, and everyone clapping with tilted heads cuz she's just so cute.  

My favorite quote of the entire season: Someone: It takes a village to raise a child. Katie: It takes a COVEN. 

One thing that really jumped out at me this season and during the reunion is that Sandoval cannot go more than 20 seconds without making a gross sex reference. This isn't exactly a church group, and I'm not a really a prude, but Sandoval weirdly sexualizes everything and it makes me just basically terrified of the dark nooks of his brain. He may not have any light nooks. 

So is Broke not getting paid? Is he really just doing this all for the follows? Does he really think that Scheana is his sugar mama? Is he THAT dumb that he thinks this is the path to riches? This is not Survivor. There will not be a season 50. Expand your skills. GET A JOB. 

Next season, we need more Graham/Hippie and the cats. Heh, Hippie and the Cats sounds like a tie-dye wearing children's group...

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23 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Ann talks to Sandoval in his exercise room about financial stuff like bills and his lowball offer to buy Ariana out of the house- apparently at this point he actually knows that refinancing to get her off the mortgage would be way more expensive for him.  So, more evidence that he is a creep. 🧐

Pisses me off that they excluded this from the season, leaving everyone to continually question why Ariana didn't move out. 

Tom offered her $600k on a $3.1M home (they paid $2M in 2019) and refused to refinance to remove her from the mortgage. Which means he was trying to keep a larger share of the profit AND keep her financially liable should he default on the loan. Even worse, he took out a home equity loan to open that stupid bar. So theoretically, Tom's share of the profit should be less the home equity amount.

As many of us were screaming, this is why Ariana correctly stood her ground, refused to move out, consulted an attorney & sued to force a sale.

Of course Lala didn't understand. She didn't own shit. She packed her clothes & left, because it was Rand's house. Heck, she probably had to leave the keys to the car too! 

Edited by snarts
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1 hour ago, Stiggs said:

I'm almost mad at the lost footage. There was some funny/entertaining stuff in there. I would have thoroughly enjoyed an entire episode about Ally doing her Swiftie cosplay, James supporting her, and everyone clapping with tilted heads cuz she's just so cute.  

My favorite quote of the entire season: Someone: It takes a village to raise a child. Katie: It takes a COVEN. 

One thing that really jumped out at me this season and during the reunion is that Sandoval cannot go more than 20 seconds without making a gross sex reference. This isn't exactly a church group, and I'm not a really a prude, but Sandoval weirdly sexualizes everything and it makes me just basically terrified of the dark nooks of his brain. He may not have any light nooks. 

So is Broke not getting paid? Is he really just doing this all for the follows? Does he really think that Scheana is his sugar mama? Is he THAT dumb that he thinks this is the path to riches? This is not Survivor. There will not be a season 50. Expand your skills. GET A JOB. 

Next season, we need more Graham/Hippie and the cats. Heh, Hippie and the Cats sounds like a tie-dye wearing children's group...

There is something seriously wrong with Sandoval. He gives me the creeps. He’s changed from the early seasons. He’s got such a Svengali-type hold over Schwartz, it’s scary. He was the third person in that marriage, so no wonder it failed.

How Lisa always seems to come to his defense is amazing.

Yes…more Gordo, Butters, Mr. Banks, and Hippy please. I’m so glad James got Hippy, and disgusted (once again) at Rachel. Goes to show, you do not give an animal as a gift unless the giftee is ready to care for it properly.

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11 hours ago, snarts said:

Pisses me off that they excluded this from the season, leaving everyone to continually question why Ariana didn't move out. 

Tom offered her $600k on a $3.1M home (they paid $2M in 2019) and refused to refinance to remove her from the mortgage. Which means he was trying to keep a larger share of the profit AND keep her financially liable should he default on the loan. Even worse, he took out a home equity loan to open that stupid bar. So theoretically, Tom's share of the profit should be less the home equity amount.

As many of us were screaming, this is why Ariana correctly stood her ground, refused to move out, consulted an attorney & sued to force a sale.

Of course Lala didn't understand. She didn't own shit. She packed her clothes & left, because it was Rand's house. Heck, she probably had to leave the keys to the car too! 

Obviously I don’t know the specifics of the assessments and mortgage contracts/balances, but $600,000 offer on an increase of $1.1M sounds right to me. They only had the house a few years, so chances are they didn’t pay down much if any of the principal. In a buyout like this, you only need to pay half of the current equity minus what you still owe on it. So the math is mathing to me. The home equity loan is likely a separate loan that he’s still paying. That doesn’t necessarily need to factor into the agreement between them, though presumably might be an issue with the bank if he no longer had the house to write the loan against. But that would be a separate refinance, I would presume, and may not even be the same bank that he and Ariana have the mortgage through. Anyway, I’m no expert—just experience of buying my ex-husband out of our house. All I had to do was refinance for half of the increase in value over the mortgage debt balance, not give him the entire value of the house.

ETA: wait, I just reread and saw that he wasn’t doing this with the refinance and was trying to just give her money but keep her name on the loan?!? That is strange! Sounds like interest rates skyrocketed so he was avoiding anything to change their current rate. But you’re right that why would she go for that? Then she also has that debt on her name, keeping her from qualifying for her own loans, etc.

Edited by JenE4
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Lala is just mad because she thought she got her meal ticket but she really just hooked up with some broke fucking creep.

Andy should’ve asked Sandoval about his dbag comment at the end of the finale but of course Andy wouldn’t because”e he sucks at being the reunion host.

I still am wondering who has appointed Lala spokeswoman for being on the show she needs to just shut the fuck up already.

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I think Tim needs to meet his victims, I mean girlfriends, through a group or something, like at work.  He has NO GAME whatsoever.  When he hit on the girls in the pool earlier in the season and then lady in the pink claws dress (from the lost footage), he was ridiculous!  I would have laughed and walked away.  Just not cute, not funny and not adorable.  Shudder.  And we all know he pays his band, friends and now his girlfriend so I don't believe she's in love with him for nuttin!

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On 5/29/2024 at 1:39 PM, Chatty Cake said:

I like the Valley and don’t want Lala waving her stank nails and spouting outrage from her huge butthole looking lips at that cast. Plus it’s mostly couples and she doesn’t have anyone. They already have 2 singles on the show and don’t need her. 
Also no to Brock and Sheana.  All he does is kiss her ass so he can be on tv. She’s an attention seeking crybaby moron and the Valley doesn’t need her!

Completely agree with this. Schaena’s screaching voice and Lala’s screaming one are not needed! The Valley was a welcomed break and the crew does not need those 2.

Edited by lili45
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18 hours ago, hatchetgirl said:

I think Tim needs to meet his victims, I mean girlfriends, through a group or something, like at work.  He has NO GAME whatsoever.  When he hit on the girls in the pool earlier in the season and then lady in the pink claws dress (from the lost footage), he was ridiculous!  I would have laughed and walked away.  Just not cute, not funny and not adorable.  Shudder.  And we all know he pays his band, friends and now his girlfriend so I don't believe she's in love with him for nuttin!

I think even Schwartz was embarrassed at the pool. Hell, I was embarrassed watching that. Sandoval’s problem is, he has absolutely ZERO self-awareness because he is so in love with himself. He is 1970s porn star gross.

Ariana dropped a lot of baggage and I’m glad she’s gotten over his ass.

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Apparently Billie Lee also has a podcast, where she revealed that Sandoval and Victoria have a very toxic relationship where they fight a lot, drink a lot, and sleep in till dinner time.  I’m not a fan of Billie but this actually rings true to me, I remember seeing another podcast (Nick Viall) from around that time, it was the 2 Toms but Sandoval showed up like an hour late and they even called him on air twice like ‘where the fck are you?’ and he finally answered all groggy.  When he showed up he mumbled that he was spending time with a friend but did not elaborate.  Then when Nick chastised him about being so late, Tom countered ‘well you were late to my podcast too!’   Very very weird and out of nowhere.  

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23 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Apparently Billie Lee also has a podcast, where she revealed that Sandoval and Victoria have a very toxic relationship where they fight a lot, drink a lot, and sleep in till dinner time.  I’m not a fan of Billie but this actually rings true to me, I remember seeing another podcast (Nick Viall) from around that time, it was the 2 Toms but Sandoval showed up like an hour late and they even called him on air twice like ‘where the fck are you?’ and he finally answered all groggy.  When he showed up he mumbled that he was spending time with a friend but did not elaborate.  Then when Nick chastised him about being so late, Tom countered ‘well you were late to my podcast too!’   Very very weird and out of nowhere.  

Yeah absolutely none of this is surprising. (down to Tom refusing to just apologize for being late! 😄)  I believe it.

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6 hours ago, hatchetgirl said:

Aren't they beefing and unfollowing each other right now because his girlfriend thinks they are doing the nasty?

Naw, they're pretend beefing in case Ariana doesn't come back. Then they can show TIIC that they can bring the fake ass drama. 😒  Everything these numnuts do is fake, fake, fake, fake (Elaine Benis™️).

Edited by surfgirl
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