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S02.E12: Turn

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So Rebecca's reaction to seeing the dome contract is to look bored and go, "At least it has stopped spinning and inverting the atmosphere.  That's why the temperature warmed up."  Thanks for the explanation, but I'm pretty sure no one asked.


Why was Julia leisurely packing up her house, and what would be the point if the Dome was just going to squish them all in the center of town?  No need for Andrea to be packing though, since the contracting dome surely won't hurt the cans of lima beans.  No panic over saving the food in case the house of hoarder gets destroyed?  Didn't they risk their lives in freezing temperatures last week to get the food out? 


It looks like the writers are losing track of who knows what at various times in the episode.  How did Junior know the Dome was contracting before Joe and Norrie got back, when Jim didn't know 'til later?  And how did Joe immediately know about Pauline's plan to save Melanie?  The 8-Hand Subliminal Messenging System they didn't tell us about?


The actor who plays Barbie needs to lay off with the intense look every time he slams Hunter into the wall.  It's giving off a whole different vibe.


Pauline's death could be telegraphed a mile away.  So suddenly, she has forgiven Big Jim and she's even "ashamed" she lost faith in him, and asks for his forgiveness?  


When Barbie messaged Joe and asked if there was any sign of his dad, Joe went "Not him, not the egg, nothing."  I think "No" would have sufficed especially if they were trying to conserve battery power.


If I was Under the Dome and any of these people tried to save me, I would tell them to get the hell away from me. First Julia and her plea to the Dome which sped up the contraction and then Pauline's 8 hands scheme which sucked Melanie into a gaping hole.


It's like the writers forgot their theme was supposed to be Science vs. faith and they just realized it was the episode before the finale.


I was impressed that Rebecca wrote a computer modelling program for the Dome Contraction rate in such a short time.  That Windows 8 is amazing.


LOL when Big Jim asked, "Who's Melanie."  So in tune with his son, that one.


The school science lab is equipped with everything under the sun but no blood testing kit?


The funniest part for me were the scribes for Barbie and Daddy Barbie at the Dome wall.  Apparently, "Can't be possible" means the same thing as "You are lying".  


Ah, that classic problem in Quantum Physics, "How do you get 8 hands out of 7 people to heal someone who died 25 years ago?"  


Melanie to Rebecca: "The first time I died, I was all alone.  Now I have you, and Julia and my brother.  It was worth coming back."  Rebecca has hardly talked to Melanie and she already made the top 3 list?  I guess Joe, Norrie and Junior are chopped liver to her.


When you need to watch a video, Microsoft Surface 3 comes out of the bushes to save the day.  Amazing battery life too.  

Edited by Camera One
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Remember the cow getting cut in half? That was some cool special effects right there.  Wonder what happened to those special effects guys?  Now we have the moving mound of dirt to signify that the dome is shrinking.  There isn't enough dirt to account for the 5-8 foot chasm, especially if the dome is really contracting/shrinking and the bottom would be pushing up too. Then again, giant holes in the ground are relatively common, so there must be a bunch of empty space under Chesters Mill that is getting filled by the moving dirt.  Still, the mound of dirt at the "base" of the dome (doesn't really have a base since the dome is a sphere, right?) should have some grass mixed in - the grass went to the edge of the dome (the grass that is still green even though they have had no rain, except acid rain, and freezing temps, and dust storms).  And when they have the dome moving in, the mound of dirt stays the same - it doesn't tumble, it doesn't get higher, it just moves closer. 


And the swirl of dust when Melanie fell into the hole was just pathetic.   Dust swirling around, but even those right at the edge didn't need to squint?


I loved that bandage over Julia’s jeans. I hope it works and her pants heal soon. Nobody wants to see a fashion crime. I don’t know about Julia’s wound though.


Apparently, the writers were hoping that we would be so distracted by the bandage and our concern for Julia's pants that we wouldn't be paying attention to the lima beans plotline. 


Are they running out of food or aren't they? It seems to change on a daily basis.  I am guessing they once had the following scene ---


Rebecca: We are running out of food! Time to thin the herd!

Julia: Not yet, you science geek, there are 47 cases of lima beans at the hoarder's house.

Rebecca: Like I said - We are running out of food! Time to thin the herd.


Then the Lima Bean Growers Association raised a fuss and they cut the scene and instead made Lima Beans the hero.


It is nice that some things are consistent - all men are murders/sociopaths (except Joe, but he is still young) and all women are threatened by all other women and they need to be b*tchy about it.("Why would you want to come. Rebecca? This isn't about Science" and all of Norrie's comments about Melanie). 


Another point of consistency - Big Jim's cluelessness.  Melanie has been there for a couple of weeks now, but Big Jim has never heard of her.  One would think that someone returning from the dead would be the talk of the town.  Yet Big Jim still thinks that the Dome choose him to be the leader.  Message to Jim - Dude, the dome didn't tell you about the egg, didn't tell you that your wife was alive, and didn't tell you it brought back someone from the dead - the dome doesn't care about you.  And the dome certainly didn't save you from hanging - Julia did.  Actually, the dome told the four younger hands to kill you -  so did it ever occur to you that maybe the dome wanted you to die and Julia made one of those "mistakes" she was talking about?   

Edited by needschocolate
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What was up with the pointless scene where Joe *almost* brings an unloaded gun and decides not too.  Did they not have enough scenes to fill the episode?


Ditto for the weird scene with Norrie and the skateboard kid.  It was nice to see him again, but if it's supposed to show Norrie changing, they sure didn't develop it or follow-up on it at all.


Maybe Barbie's dad will be forced to bring a bunch of troops through the Red Door and the Dome kills them all, and that's our treat for the season finale.

At this point, I think the writers were just sitting around, smoking peyote, talking about painting and quantum physics and. . . stuff. Then they realized they were up against the deadline and just mashed everything into the script.


Yes-- that explains it. This show was not written by Stephen King. It was written by Carlos Castaneda!

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Here's my script for the finale. The entire town gathers around the holde and startes tying ropes together so that Barbie can climb down. But suddenly they are all sucked into the hole!

Then the camera pans up, up, up, through the Dome and continues rising until we can see the whole Dome, or rather Sphere, nestled on some sort of pinkish brown surface.


The camera draws back further and the perspective changes, it now seems to be a small glass sphere, resting in someone's hand.


One more draw back and we are in a private room in the Zenith Institute of Art Therapy. with Lyle sitting up in bed, staring at the sphere. Two nurses are watching him. One of them says "he stares at that thing for hours. I wonder what he's seeing".


Fade to black.

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We've covered how all the characters are stupid.  But the Dome is also an idiotic.  It created the gaping hole leading to Zenith, it allowed the 4 hands to extract the egg from the Methane Lake, it saved Big Jim from hanging himself via Julia. It entrusted painting-the-future duties to the worst artist ever.  And now it's all in panic mode because the Egg has left Zenith because Big Jim threw it into the abyss.  The Dome creates its own problems and then we have to watch the problems being corrected for an entire season pretending like we have amnesia and forgot the Dome claimed it was protecting the residents from something on the outside which it provided an opening to.

My personal favorite part was them trying to save Melanie from the vortex. They all grabbed on to Junior, but no one thought to help Junior by actually grabbing Melanie?


And added to the apparent endless supply of electricity and lima beans must be ammunition.  With all the shooting going on over the past few weeks, everyone's guns always seem to be fully loaded.

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Sad, I know, but I've done multiple Google searches trying to find a connection between lima beans and blood type testing.  I got nothing!  I would love for someone to explain to me the connection between the two because, as far as I can tell, there isn't one.


If I was writing the script I would have gone with barbecue baked beans.


The actor who plays Barbie needs to lay off with the intense look every time he slams Hunter into the wall.  It's giving off a whole different vibe.


In their next confrontation in the finale, the camera will just jump back and forth with closeups of their eyes, with soft jazz in the background.

Edited by Dobian
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Sad, I know, but I've done multiple Google searches trying to find a connection between lima beans and blood type testing.  I got nothing!  I would love for someone to explain to me the connection between the two because, as far as I can tell, there isn't one.


I Googled it as well. The only thing I could find was a single reference to a science fair experiment from back in the seventies. (Via Metafilter.) Everything more recent is "right diet for you blood type" kind of stuff. 


I think they just made that shit up.

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Sad, I know, but I've done multiple Google searches trying to find a connection between lima beans and blood type testing.  I got nothing!  I would love for someone to explain to me the connection between the two because, as far as I can tell, there isn't one.


Based on the swiftness it them discovering Rebecca's blood type, I'm going to say that if you hold a bunch of cans of lima beans in your arms, your blood type will appear as a tattoo on your wrist.

Feel free to take that idea and run with it for the next science fair.

(wouldn't they just have had to ask Melanie her blood type and then done a quick shout-out in the school?)

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They would've asked around for a type O. At least that was my assumption. Instead, we are left with a lifetime supply of tinned lima beans. Why Dome, WHY?

I too found the lima bean reference on the 'net, only it was a longer article in the Montreal Gazette, from July 8, 1971, on page 30. It's kind of sad the lima bean area of research didn't go any further.

The funniest part for me were the scribes for Barbie and Daddy Barbie at the Dome wall.  Apparently, "Can't be possible" means the same thing as "You are lying". 


I about died laughing at that scene. I get why the nerd guy who's writing this stuff out with a Sharpie needs to be brief, but the military dude has a keyboard.


Sad, I know, but I've done multiple Google searches trying to find a connection between lima beans and blood type testing.  I got nothing!  I would love for someone to explain to me the connection between the two because, as far as I can tell, there isn't one.


I was only sort of half paying attention and at first thought Rebecca was talking about some kind of dialysis where they would mix Drownsie's blood with lima beans and then replace it. It says a lot about this show's writing that I didn't find this any more preposterous than some of the other stuff they've done.

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Well, my 17 second web search turned up sites that discussed which beans are better for you depending on your blood type.  I figured that Rebecca took vital signs of everyone in town, had them eat a few spoonfuls of lima beans and then took their vitals again.  Whoever improved were the ones with the right type blood.  Now, I am not sure that lima beans are the right ones for type O+, so my theory could be wrong. 


One may say that this theory wouldn't work because lima beans wouldn't improve someone's health that quickly - to which I would point out that everything happens much faster under the dome than in the real world - people forget about their dead loved ones quicker, they fall in love with strangers quicker, they heal from stab wounds and gunshot wounds in hours rather than weeks. 

  • Love 1
Wasn't there a hospital in Chester's Mill? Or did they forget about it since everyone seems to have miracle healing powers?


There was, but someone (Barbie I think?) told them to get everyone to the school instead, because only the generators there are working.  Or something.  I really don't remember anymore.  The Dome mind-wiped me.

Well, my 17 second web search turned up sites that discussed which beans are better for you depending on your blood type.  I figured that Rebecca took vital signs of everyone in town, had them eat a few spoonfuls of lima beans and then took their vitals again.  Whoever improved were the ones with the right type blood.  Now, I am not sure that lima beans are the right ones for type O+, so my theory could be wrong. 


One may say that this theory wouldn't work because lima beans wouldn't improve someone's health that quickly - to which I would point out that everything happens much faster under the dome than in the real world - people forget about their dead loved ones quicker, they fall in love with strangers quicker, they heal from stab wounds and gunshot wounds in hours rather than weeks. 

I double checked on one of those blood type diet sites and it mentioned that type B would be ok with Lima Beans. Type O shows up as Neutral. So maybe it would do ok with them too.


Link to the site for reference

I was shocked last night to hear Big Jim refer to the fact that the Dome only showed up two weeks ago.  Consider the sheriff job in this town: when the show started it was a male police chief and he got killed, then the woman who was his second-in-command became chief (and got killed), then it was a black officer who got promoted and -- you guessed it -- killed, then it was Big Jim until he decided to become mayor, then it was Barbie and I'm not sure what happened to that job, and now it's Junior.  Six police chiefs in two weeks!  Now I have no idea why that, or all things, is the straw that broke my little humpy back when all these other stupid plotlines are racing off in different directions.  But it seems to me that if the audience is supposed to believe all these weird events, it would be easier to suspend disbelief if the incredible stuff took place in a more solid context where ordinary things are more, well, ordinary. 

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