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Unverified Intelligence: The Speculation/Wishlist Thread

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I want to see the rock be either a transportation devise of some kind or maybe her just being trapped in there. I do not want to see her be "evil". That has been done in so many shows and I generally don't like it. Plus I just don't want to see Simmon's evil.


One thing I don't get is if the device is to destroy the inhumans because they have powers that they regret creating and then create one to do that?


I was thinking randomly it would be cool if next season they had an episode where Hunter, Fitz and maybe Skye investigated something in the "normal" world. Like someone having powers in at an office and not knowing it. I don't know why I was thinking of this but I can totally picture Hunter going off about how he'd never want to work in an office. And it be a change of pace from them reacting to spies of any kind.

Edited by blueray

My spec is that Hunter and Bobbie will probably be a bit awkward during 3A as the spin-off may not be off the table entirely after all. This creates the awkward position of having to write them in such a way that both their staying or going both make sense given that the final decision probably won't be made until after shooting starts up. What this probably will mean is that they'll be used more to support other characters stories than have stories of their own until it sorts itself out.

Based on other aspects of the finale and news that Lincoln will be a regular leads me to suspect that the plan for s3 was to spin out Hunter/Bobbie (the main non-powered action agents) and put the focus on Skye's new team for 3A with Coulson's injury and May's 'Advisory Council' positions being used to transition them out of the field and into more Mission Control (with Fitz and Mac as field support for the powered team).

Which, given her previously displayed anti-powered stance is why my bet is the Kree device is going to give Simmons powers of some type, because dramatic irony is how the Whedons roll with the bonus that it gives her an easy in to Skye's team and give them a third powered regular so the powered part of the team looks more like a team and not just the duo of Skye and Lincoln.

Personally, what I'm hoping for is Mike/Deathlok to have at least a guest spot or three next year (maybe reduce some the scarring after the latest round of repairs so the makeup doesn't take two hours to apply) simply because I really want a Skye/Mike follow-up at some point now that she has powers too.

Honestly, I'd have much rather seen Deathlok upgraded to regular instead of Lincoln because I think he's a more organic addition to the team (having been around in some form since the pilot and confirmed as already being an agent in s2) than latecomer Lincoln (plus his strength and ability to upload skills as needed seem more broadly useful since Lincoln seems to be mostly another 'blaster' like Skye and because having Quake, Mockingbird and Deathlok as regulars would have really upped the 'this actually IS the Marvel Universe' factor more than a random Inhuman who exists only in the show will).

I don't think we'll have to worry about official codenames for anyone on the team. If they were they'd have certainly made sure Bobbi got to use her comicbook name. My guess is Lincoln will get as many nicknames as Skye did... but officially he'd be Agent Campbell (if he's even an agent at all).

On that score, I'm more interested in whether its going to be Agent Skye or Agent Johnson next season.

I suspect you're right (and I think Coulson would definitely keep using Skye unless its a formal situation... He's just too used to it and Cal kinda put the idea in his head just a bit that only Cal is supposed to call her Daisy). Cal's redemption arc was well set up to give Skye a desire to reclaim her birth name and telling "Dr. Winslow" that her name was Daisy when she could have said anything was about the perfect payoff for that arc. For her to only use it when she occassionally visits her father doesn't seem to fit the setup... the payoff for Cal is that he got his daughter back (even if he doesn't remember it).

That said, if she is going by Daisy Johnson (aka Skye) I think we can probably kiss the prospect of her using the name Quake goodbye. While it might fit her powerset, two different names is about the limit without getting confusing and Skye and Daisy Johnson are just too established in the narrative to really drop either.

On an unrelated note, after binge-watching s2 on Netflix, I'm more convinced than ever that Simmons is going to come back with powers. Re-watching the start of the season really punctuated how well they set up their foreshadowing and the lines, particularly from Fitz to Simmons, about her having changed most of all, just seem to deserve the payoff of her being as physically transformed as her personality has been and my guess is that whatever she comes back with is going to be even scarier than Skye's abilities are.

Finally, just a couple of days away from the premiere! It has seemed so long. Anyway, my Simmons spec -- the Monolith, which is powered by Darkforce energy, transported her to the Blue Area of the moon. In the comics, the Kree installed an artificial atmosphere in an area on the dark side of the moon (which, by chance, was home of the Inhuman city Attilan for a while). I'm guessing that the Monolith was a form of transport between earth and the Blue Area, and they used it to transport Inhumans there for study. If those Inhumans never returned, it was certainly give rise to a legend among the Inhumans that it's a great weapon. So Simmons is hanging out in an abandoned Kree base waiting for her team to come pick her up.

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She also seems to have a bag of some sort with supplies I'm assuming. 


When Jemma was taken she was wearing a black cardigan with a long sleeved blouse.  The black cardigan has been fashioned into her bag and presumably either the planet is hot or Jemma needed the sleeves of her shirt for something like a bandage (or toilet paper, maybe lol) 


Here's the comparison

Edited by HistoryGirl
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So Fox and Marvel are teaming up for two series on the mutants. One, Hellfire, is in development and focuses on an agent investigating the Hellfire Club. It's set in the 1960's.  One of them, "Legion" has a pilot order from FX. Wonder if the deal includes mutant crossover on existing series? Realizing that we wouldn't get the X-men in the series are there any lesser known mutants you'd like to see in AOS? (Poor Clark Gregg, he should have let Loeb answer the question he got about mutants at NYCC.)

Lash theory - he's a failsafe of Jiaying's. He knows the names of a bunch of Inhumans who were at Afterlife, to give to Frye to track down. We don't know if the Inhumans he killed off-screen pre-season were pre-fish-oil or post-fish-oil, but my guess is they were all Afterlife alumni. He also has the names of some people like Frye who the Afterlife team were either planning on recruiting, or had assessed and found unworthy of being brought in. Jiaying has had him in place for years; it would fit with her fanatical beliefs that she also believes the Inhumans are better off being mercy-killed if she isn't there to 'protect' them. That's why he calls it "necessary", and that's why he spared Daisy - not because she's so super-special, but because he knows it's what Jiaying would want. 

Anyone got theories about what that planet was, or who that monster was? I'm hoping it ties into the Inhumans, and the comment that it used to be some kind of paradise before "death" came there seems like significant foreshadowing.


I spent a solid two hours piecing my theories together and it apparently opened Pandora's Box over at Tumblr.  So I compiled them all together.  There are some really interesting things that both myself and other people have noticed including the lack of continuity on the necklace, Will always feeding Jemma the space berries, the one bullet not making sense and the one that blew my mind entirely-- it wasn't Will who locked Jemma into the cave when she fell into the hole, it was the astronaut.


Just make sure you click the "keep reading" on the tumblr page for the full experience.  

I spent a solid two hours piecing my theories together and it apparently opened Pandora's Box over at Tumblr.  So I compiled them all together.  There are some really interesting things that both myself and other people have noticed including the lack of continuity on the necklace, Will always feeding Jemma the space berries, the one bullet not making sense and the one that blew my mind entirely-- it wasn't Will who locked Jemma into the cave when she fell into the hole, it was the astronaut.


Just make sure you click the "keep reading" on the tumblr page for the full experience.  


Just one point - the necklace thing was explained. Apparently there was a deleted scene where Will went and retrieved the necklace for Simmons. And the costume person said the fact that it kept appearing and vanishing was because of poor editing.

Just one point - the necklace thing was explained. Apparently there was a deleted scene where Will went and retrieved the necklace for Simmons. And the costume person said the fact that it kept appearing and vanishing was because of poor editing.

But if it doesn't make the aired version and isn't explained in the narrative, it is unexplained.  As a viewer. I don't want to have to go chase down scripts or social media releases to explain what I did not see.

Just one point - the necklace thing was explained. Apparently there was a deleted scene where Will went and retrieved the necklace for Simmons. And the costume person said the fact that it kept appearing and vanishing was because of poor editing.

No, it's not explained. 

How she got it, is explained. Not how she then LOST IT again at the end. 


Ann Foley said that there's a deleted scene of Will giving her the necklace and saying that he'd found it. So that explains it's appearance while she's with Will (sort of, stick with me here).  But it doesn't explain why it's there at her sunrise date and promptly disappears when Fitz sends the flare, then reappears when Will calls for her and disappears when Fitz calls for her.   Could it be a continuity error? Sure.  But Ann Foley keeps replying to questions about it and evading the crux of the matter that it disappears.  If you go to this post and scroll down you can see the actual tweets/tumblr asks, at one point someone does ask if it disappearing was a coincidence and she replies with "nope."

Edited by HistoryGirl

No, it's not explained. 

How she got it, is explained. Not how she then LOST IT again at the end. 


Ann Foley said that there's a deleted scene of Will giving her the necklace and saying that he'd found it. So that explains it's appearance while she's with Will (sort of, stick with me here).  But it doesn't explain why it's there at her sunrise date and promptly disappears when Fitz sends the flare, then reappears when Will calls for her and disappears when Fitz calls for her.   Could it be a continuity error? Sure.  But Ann Foley keeps replying to questions about it and evading the crux of the matter that it disappears.  If you go to this post and scroll down you can see the actual tweets/tumblr asks, at one point someone does ask if it disappearing was a coincidence and she replies with "nope."

But when asked:

Jemma deliberately leaving her necklace for Fitz to find, then suddenly having it again, then it disappearing again before Fitz her back through the portal - that has to be more than a continuity error, right?

She answers:

Nope - its what happens in editing - sometimes certain things don't make it in the show!

Seems pretty clear. You have a different take?

Seems pretty clear. You have a different take?


Yes.  I think she's still referencing the editing cut that happened when Will found it.  Saying otherwise suggests that her and her team are terrible at their jobs because it's their responsibility to make sure that EH is wearing the same thing at all times to ensure continuity of look and they had only 2 actors to take care of for that episode (3 if you include Fitz).  If it was a mistake (they didn't remember to put EH in the necklace while filming the scene where Fitz called for her), then I would've expected her to own up to it by now.  She's clearly gotten a bunch of questions about it and there's no shame in owning a mistake.  But she hasn't.  She's artfully dodging it by repeatedly referencing Will having found the necklace/returning it to Jemma.  Alternatively if there was a lost/cut scene where Jemma took the time in the sandstorm to take the necklace off and leave it for him, I'd have expected her to have admitted that too. There's nothing to hide where THAT'S concerned. 


But if the missing necklace when Fitz comes for her is a hint that not all is as it seems, that's a major, purposeful choice and she's going to remain mum on.  


Both EH and Ann Foley have been talking about how the necklace is going to play a big part in the plot coming up (this was prior to 3x05). I can't imagine it was just because she'd left it for Fitz and Will had found it. That's not nearly as exciting as EH and AF have been making it seem its meant to be. 

Edited by HistoryGirl

Both EH and Ann Foley have been talking about how the necklace is going to play a big part in the plot coming up (this was prior to 3x05). I can't imagine it was just because she'd left it for Fitz and Will had found it. That's not nearly as exciting as EH and AF have been making it seem its meant to be.


I hadn't seen this. I really hope you are right! That would make this much more interesting.


Can you post the link to when/where they said this?

Edited by Jack Kerouac

I hadn't seen this. I really hope you are right! That would make this much more interesting.


Can you post the link to when/where they said this?

Elizabeth said it at the Rose City Con.  I'm not sure what the time stamp is on her saying it, but a fan specifically asks about the rose-drop necklace that Simmons always wears. 


Ann has been talking about her costumes A LOT lately, especially with it being Halloween and her getting an Emmy nod so I don't have any direct links. But I know since Liz dropped that the necklace was going to show up as a talking piece, people immediately asked a lot of questions of Ann in relation to it. 

What if the astronaut was protecting Jemma? 


I kind of dig that idea.  We never see whom Will fired the gun at.  He could've aimed for Jemma and the astronaut (keeper of the planet? the planet itself?) prevented him from getting Jemma. 


Also someone later mentioned to me that the sandstorm is the very reason she found water in the first place. Some more evidence.

Edited by HistoryGirl

Why can't the team enlist Lady Sif for help to get Will from the other planet? There must be another way to get there and if anyone would know it would be Thor's people. She is probably too busy playing Jane.


Sif's the tattooed lady on Blindspot now so it doesn't seem likely that she'll drop by MarvelWorld anytime soon. However, I would LOVE it if the street level heroes started to get name-dropped... unless they have and I've missed it. At the moment, only Daredevil is known but Jessica Jones is going to be a name soon along with Luke Cage.


For that matter, I'd love to see some Marvel easter eggs... more Roxxon, Rand Corporation... I suppose it's too much to ask for some acknowledgement of the existence of Kamala Khan. They can't acknowledge her before they bring Carol into the MCU. Alas.

Why can't the team enlist Lady Sif for help to get Will from the other planet? There must be another way to get there and if anyone would know it would be Thor's people. She is probably too busy playing Jane.

With Thor's vision in Age of Ultron, Sif is probably a bit preoccupied helping Thor figure it out, and stopping it from happening.

Edited by Jediknight

I want more Daisy/Jemma and/or Daisy/Fitz scenes. I understand she has been busy with Lash, The ATCU and building her team but her friendship with the scientist was so great, especially in S1. Her two friends is going through a lot and I would love for her to be there for them. Atm Hunter and Bobbi is filling those roles but I hope we see Daisy pop into the lab at some point - maybe for business purposes but the scene could turn into something more personal.

With the Maggia in play

reported to be in Agent Carter season 2

I suppose Gideon Malick may not be Hydra but another organization like Hydra with its tentacles in various other places. So instead of being an actual Hydra mole on the World Security Council he could be a Zodiac who used Hydra as well as SHIELD in the past and in the future Will's planet story

What if the PTSD Jemma is suffering from is just or mainly survivor's guilt? We know her last few months on the planet wasn't totally uncomfortable and yet she seemed like someone that had things chasing her. She also seemed to snap out of it when she told Fitz about Will and he assured her they would find a way to get him back. Since then she has been timid because she knows this is an awkward situation for Fitz and they still hadn't found a way to the planet. Just when they do, or make progress, she seems more open to something happening with Fitz in the sunrise scene as if her guilt is lessened albeit not gone until they do get him back.


They might even find a concrete way to get back which is why the finally talk about everything and kiss on Tuesday.

Edited by Fogh
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Lash theory - he's a failsafe of Jiaying's. He knows the names of a bunch of Inhumans who were at Afterlife, to give to Frye to track down. We don't know if the Inhumans he killed off-screen pre-season were pre-fish-oil or post-fish-oil, but my guess is they were all Afterlife alumni. He also has the names of some people like Frye who the Afterlife team were either planning on recruiting, or had assessed and found unworthy of being brought in. Jiaying has had him in place for years; it would fit with her fanatical beliefs that she also believes the Inhumans are better off being mercy-killed if she isn't there to 'protect' them. That's why he calls it "necessary", and that's why he spared Daisy - not because she's so super-special, but because he knows it's what Jiaying would want. 


Not quite letting go of my speculation above - is there precedence in the comics for a different type of Terriginesis inducement causing a different outcome in powers? Because if not, it's awfully convenient that the first person to open Jiaying's secret booby-trapped list of Afterlife alumni is immediately transformed into someone with an overwhelming compulsion to track down and kill said alumni. (I mean, it's far from the *most* convenient thing we've seen on the show, but it'd be up there)

Okay, my speculation: May dies is the mid-season finale. Her story is pretty much done at this point. I think she will die either at Ward's hand or at Andrew's.

It may happen after Ward goes through terrigenesis (another spec) to become some sort of fire-based Inhuman (Hellfire?).


Okay, my speculation: May dies is the mid-season finale. Her story is pretty much done at this point. I think she will die either at Ward's hand or at Andrew's.

It may happen after Ward goes through terrigenesis (another spec) to become some sort of fire-based Inhuman (Hellfire?).



I can see Ward gaining powers (and if anything fits Ward, it will be some kind of firepowers), but I don't see May dying at all.

Edited by TVSpectator
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I can see Ward gaining powers (and if anything fits Ward, it will be some kind of firepowers), but I don't see May dying at all.

In the promo for Closure, Colson seems super pissed. Ward is also seen using a sniper rifle. It would be an easy way to take out May. Also, we don't see May at all in the promo ...

It took the Bond franchise 50 years to kill off a "M". To the disgust of many, not me, I think Ward is being set up for bigger things, a second head as Malick put it and Hydra seems destined to be a catch phrase for the evil ones. And the thing about killing Ward, SHIELD as I see it is not a bunch of 007s, killing was a very big deal and I would leave outright assassinations to Hydra not to the cops or a vigilante spying/defense organization.


The promo monkey has deceived me for the past two weeks so besides Director Coulson just being the latest SHIELD officer to lose his self and try to go on an assassination mission I really don't think it will be the death of a main character to spark it. I will just have to wait and see.

Argh- Dec 1 cannot get here soon enough.


I do wish that they can find a way to bring Andrew back from Lash, but any kind of cure becomes a magic get out of jail free card, so I think I'm going to have to suffer through the grief of losing Andrew completely. I don't want the show to get bogged down in the philosophical trappings of that other franchise, consequently, I'm good with a "no cure- period" scenario.


As to The Demise of Ward, I'm gonna be pissed off if he continues his miraculous escape from all comers only to inflict pain upon our team. I don't need him dead but I do need him to take a hit or eight. The loss of Kara doesn't count- in fact- I'd be pretty happy if he losses a limb like Phil. Even the same limb as Phil. 


I'm not super spoiled regarding Hellfire- tPtB are welcome to use him like that as long as he losses a limb first. Or something. No more wins for Ward, including success killing off one of the gang.

I'm glad that others are speculating that the Big Bad on the Big Blue Planet could potentially be Will. I'd like to think this is possible as well because 1) It relieves the Will/Simmons/Fitz triangle (which is kind of a cheat but oh well) and also 2) It's just the kind of twist this show does well. Of course, they may *know* we have some understanding of the latter--Will's potential for being the Big Bad--and so it may NOT be true for that reason. Excuse me while I have a Vizzini and the Wine in Front of Me moment from The Princess Bride.


Anyway, here's my issue with Will being the Big Bad. If he has been since Simmons met him, then why would he encourage Simmons to go through the portal when everything goes FUBAR and the dust cloud ghost shows up. "Go, go, Jemma, you can make it," Will says. If he were the Big Bad, wouldn't he just be all about taking that opportunity for himself?


Others have speculated that something perhaps happens to Will at this exact point when Simmons goes back. We hear a gunshot but have no idea what precisely happened here. A few seconds later, we see Will back on the planet with the gun in hand. We see that he sees that, of course, there are no bullets left in the gun and so he throws it to the ground. There is potential for something to have happened to Will during the dust-up (pun intended) with the dust cloud ghost. Maybe it is at this point that Will has been killed and "taken over" by whatever this thing is. Perhaps.


Anyway Will being the Big Bad given either scenario is certainly interesting. I think I prefer the theory that he was the Big Bad all along and that additionally he could have been manipulating Jemma to "see" things a certain way, and maybe not as they are.


But then, maybe he isn't the Big Bad after all. Wine in Front of Me.


I'm super interested in what/who this Big Bad is, I have to say. If HYDRA and whatever they were before was so interested in "it," then it stands to reason that it is likely unlike any Big Bad we have had before... I'm thinking to the degree that it has some kind of connection to the movies. Maybe not as big a bad as we'd see in the movies, but closer to it than anything we have seen so far on the show. But, of course, the Inhumans movie is a long way away. Theories?

Edited by Nana
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If on the bandwagon of Will being the Inhuman as Will died a long time ago and the Inhuman is a shapeshifter or something similar. If that is true I hope they write it so Jemma's choice isn't made for her. That Fitz is her choice by default.


I too thought it was strange that Will encouraged Jemma to make it while battled "IT". Even if he was real why not stay close to her and try to get back home too?


Us "hardcore" fans won't be surprised if Will turns out to be Evil but the casual fan (the majority of the viewers) will be. There hasn't been any obvious signs that Will isn't real and just a poor guy that was sent on a mission/scarified by NASA/HYDRA. While they know Fitz looked into him, they were just told he was squeaky clean which in of itself raises red flags. Nobody is that perfect without hiding something in Sci Fi universe or generally on TV/in movies.


I really not a fan of the scenario where Will was "taken over" by the Inhuman as Jemma went home.

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