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S21.E10: Door County Fish Boil

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I know I am one lone person that does not like or eat fish. This episode did nothing for me other than make my decision to not eat fish a good one. Since a kid I never liked fish of any kind. Never liked the smell texture or mouth feel. I would rather eat raw beef than any fish. That is just me. I know there are plenty of folks who love fish. I am just not one of them. This works great for me. I fix fish for my husband and steak for me and we are both very happy!!!!

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I also hate fish and thought Gail was dressed appropriately. She wore a sundress on a hot day on the beach. (Since it seems to matter, I'm a cishet gal.) I'm sure fish boils exist for a reason, but I was on team Dan for this episode. Still, since I'm not tasting the dishes, it's a fun challenge in the abstract.

I'm really puzzled by Gregory picking up curry powder instead of curry paste. Given his own penchant for cooking up curries in his season, and also, uh, common knowledge, he had to know powder is wildly different in flavor profile than any of the pastes. I don't know why he went with picking up powder instead of fresh chilies or even a miso or a kimchi or something. I don't think he deliberately hosed Soo, but what a weird mistake to make.

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I actually thought there was going to be a twist where the returning chefs who were shopping weren’t going to buy any of the requested ingredients LOL.  Am I just mean?!  This would have also been a good time for a station swap too so they would have to work with another chefs ingredients. Dang I watch too much GGG.  Loved seeing chefs come back!

Not sure why a hand stab feels like searing a working organ but it does.  Must be those meridian lines.  It’s a pain that you can’t ignore either.  Glad she won the quickfire!

manny has been circling the drain and didn’t get punished for making uninspiring Mexican food.  It’s not like he can’t, he’s just scared and doesn’t trust himself anymore.  Makes for bad TV.  Why are we keeping him around and hoping he will be bolder?  That’s rarely a courtesy we extend to cheftestants.  Are we watching for potential?  Is this like a baseball draft?  

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I don't object to how Gail was dressed.  If you got it, flaunt it.  Padma did it all the time.

7 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Not sure why a hand stab feels like searing a working organ but it does.  Must be those meridian lines.  It’s a pain that you can’t ignore either.  Glad she won the quickfire!

I remember when I took Anatomy and Physiology in college (at the time I was pre-med, that didn't last) there was this chart in the textbook that showed a human body, except various parts of it were made larger/smaller depending on how sensitive they are, so the person ended up looking super distorted and weird.  It's NSFW because, as you can imagine, genitalia are extremely sensitive, so I won't link it, but you can Google image search it.  Your hands, feet, lips, and tongue are very, very sensitive, so an injury to any of them is going to be excruciating.  No wonder Savannah couldn't pull herself together, she was in a ton of pain.

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I just rewatched the episode since it was a background thing the first time around….why did Soo get eliminated when he was in the top 2 with Savannah in the quickfire?  And Manny was in the bottom with his aquachile?

I also didn’t realize that when Torch did the demo, there was no lid on the pot.  Now it makes sense…and makes it a bit grosser if the kerosene throw is off LOL.  A couple cups of salt didn’t seem like enough flavor for fish and onions and potatoes.  It’s just bland boiled food with a butter sauce?  Maybe a hint of kerosene?  🤣🤣🤣

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32 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I just rewatched the episode since it was a background thing the first time around….why did Soo get eliminated when he was in the top 2 with Savannah in the quickfire?  And Manny was in the bottom with his aquachile?

They said they'd consider the QF, but I don't think it holds equal weight as the main heat.  For instance, if two chefs were equally as bad in the main heat, how they performed in the QF would matter.  But if one chef is so far below the others, then even doing better than someone else in the QF won't save them.

Even though Manny's dish was uninspired, I don't think they hated it.  They were just bored with it.  I think they really disliked Savannah and Soo's dishes more and it was between them who got the boot.  In that instance, Savannah's QF win likely saved her.


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4 hours ago, dubstepford wife said:

there was this chart in the textbook that showed a human body, except various parts of it were made larger/smaller depending on how sensitive they are, so the person ended up looking super distorted and weird.  It's NSFW because, as you can imagine, genitalia are extremely sensitive, so I won't link it, but you can Google image search it.  Your hands, feet, lips, and tongue are very, very sensitive, so an injury to any of them is going to be excruciating. 

I've seen a similar chart in the past, but they were only trying to show how sensitive hands are, so I didn't see everything to scale. But, man, those hands were huge.

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Aguachile is OK, but with a beautiful rib eye?  Rib eye sitting in a puddle of spicy liquid--no, no, no.

On another topic, someone on FaceBook mentioned that Michelle competed on BBQ Brawl Season 3 on FN.  So I watched the first episode.  She was as delightful and charming as she is on Top Chef.  But otherwise, I found the show almost unwatchable because of my inability to tolerate Anne Burrell.


Anyone else watch?

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Hi everyone,

regarding the comments about Gail’s cleavage in this topic...

I realize that the comments were made without malicious intent and I understand that there are circumstances under which emphasis on a woman’s assets can be distracting.

With that said, please remember that what we post shapes the impression of the community. It creates the environment we post in and it has an impact on everyone who frequents the forums (fellow posters as well as members and guests who only read). What the impact is, is shaped by our own, individual life experiences. A comment considered harmless by the person who makes it can be perceived as harmful by the person who reads it. Likewise, a comment that isn’t meant to be disrespectful or cause discomfort can still be disrespectful or cause discomfort.

Before you post, it can therefore be helpful to take a moment to consider:

- if a post or a particular comment is truly about the episode’s contents or maybe about an individual on a personal or physical level after all
- what impact a comment might have and how it might come across to someone who doesn’t know you, who doesn’t know how you mean it and who doesn’t know anything about your voice, tone or facial expression as you make the comment
- if the comment respects (the humanity of) the individual it’s about
- how it would make you feel if someone made the comment about you, a family member or friend

These are questions every poster has to answer for themselves. As far as Gail (and her cleavage) is concerned, overall, this forum has been and is doing pretty well with discussing the competition rather than the individuals. So I'm kindly asking you to please raise your eyes back up and shift the focus from the individual’s physicality back to her actions and the competition.

(Please note that this applies to all preceding and succeeding episodes as well).

Thank you and enjoy the last couple of episodes. 

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Well it's all been said already, so thank you board for bringing up everything I wanted to say but got here too late to say.  I was going to say that if I heard the word "aguachile" one more time I was going to scream.

Anyway, I just wanted to point out that fish/seafood boils can be downright delicious and anything but bland.  Just ask anyone here in New England and all down the East Coast.  We do them right, no pyrotechnics involved.  And that's as it should be in my opinion.  And if we want to boil straight fish we make a chowder, of which there are many variations all equally delicious.

Add me to the list of people surprised that Soo went home over Manny.  I suppose we can't taste the food but it still made me want to hear why.  I have not caught up on the last couple of LCK's but I wonder if the ultimate goal/hope is for Soo to be the one coming back.  He doesn't have to beat that many people to achieve that at this point.

I did like that my DVR automatically recorded "Watch What Happens Live" after this episode because Gail and Tom were on it.  Great fun.  


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On 5/25/2024 at 11:01 AM, nitrofishblue said:

I know I am one lone person that does not like or eat fish. This episode did nothing for me other than make my decision to not eat fish a good one. Since a kid I never liked fish of any kind. Never liked the smell texture or mouth feel. I would rather eat raw beef than any fish. That is just me. I know there are plenty of folks who love fish. I am just not one of them. This works great for me. I fix fish for my husband and steak for me and we are both very happy!!!!

I agree that boiled fish can turn somebody off fish (like boiled meat). It's a shame because fish is great cooked any other way. 


I was frustrated with this, although I enjoyed the episode, just because I thought they made the food concept so utterly gross and unappetizing.

On the dress issue, I'll just say I honestly don't care what any of them wears. They're all smart, capable, pretty people and whatever they wear is fine with me.

On 5/24/2024 at 9:55 AM, Ancaster said:

I think Shota is my favourite ever cheftestant, and I was lucky enough to live, work, and travel in Japan for a year a few decades ago.  I'd love to go back.

Shota is doing really well and I think the Food Network has big plans for him. He's handsome and charming, and he's showing up everywhere over there (I've seen him on at least 4 different shows over the past month). He also has visibly strong relationships with leading FN personalities like Alex G., Brooke W., and many more.

On 5/25/2024 at 1:56 PM, Rai said:

I'm really puzzled by Gregory picking up curry powder instead of curry paste. Given his own penchant for cooking up curries in his season, and also, uh, common knowledge, he had to know powder is wildly different in flavor profile than any of the pastes. I don't know why he went with picking up powder instead of fresh chilies or even a miso or a kimchi or something. I don't think he deliberately hosed Soo, but what a weird mistake to make.

I was sure the curry paste vs. powder issue was going to be a major factor. It was weird that it wasn't.

Same with "Creole" versus "Cajun" spices (since those are two different things).

Edited by paramitch
Removed rebuttal dialogue about Gail's cleavage
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So, pre-pandemic I used to do a lot of speaking in Eau Claire, WI.  My daughter was at U-dub and never left Madison (I'm in Chicago but no one does leave Madison FYI) so when I finished one Monday I drove down and met her and her bestie at a bar.  We're having a great time and all of a sudden, at 10pm, they bring out a table.  And I'm wondering, I guess they need to sit more people.  Minutes later, it is shellfish boil and it was terrific.  A lot of Old Bay must have given its all.  What a treat!  Plus fresh Midwestern corn in season and potatoes.  It was crazy . . . here is your drink, here is your surprise.  I have been trying to figure out which bar that was and if it still exists.  I'm pretty sure it was a Monday because the next day I still had to drive to the office.

Anyhoo, good times.  I appreciated the Dish with Kish explanation of not getting rid of the scummy part because they were cooking their stock gently -- but as previous posters said, that belied the whole thing . . . WHY WOULD YOU BOIL FISH?  I am sorry to say this because Manny seems like a lovely person, but I'd rather watch Soo cook something awful than Manny cook the same-ish dish again.

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