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Marry Me - General Discussion

Meredith Quill

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Yeah, I was gonna mention Dennah was the weak link for me too. Kay (despite less airtime and being even more underdeveloped) shows more promise of the two of them I think. She has a funny line delivery, so I'm at least more interested in seeing her character develop than I am Dennah's at the moment.


In general, it seems like they haven't completely figured out what the secondary cast roles are yet. It seems like Gil (and to a lesser extent, The Kevins) is the only supporting character they know how to write for so far, but it looks like Kay finally has a storyline coming up in one of the next two shows, so it'll be interesting to see how that goes.

Edited by Batt Mastersly

This was the first episode where we've seen a lot of the dads, and I liked the scenes with them. They have a lot more going for them than most of the friend characters. Both actors are fun, they're well differentiated and individualized, and I could stand to see a lot more of them. Maybe we will, now that Dan B has been bumped up to "regular" status.

I think Sarah Wright Olsen (Dennah) is the only one in the cast who doesn't come from a comedy/improv background, and it kinda shows. Thats what makes me think of the Happy Endings comparsion with Elisha Cuthbert and Zachary Knighton being the characters it took the longest to find ways to make funny, with Cuthbert and Knighton being the only ones in the Happy Endings cast who weren't comedians.


I'm still a bit surprised by how boring Ken Marino's character is, someone like him just doesn't work as a straightman in my opinion, but it seems like they're trying to make him the "sane, rational one" in the group. I get that every sitcom needs a straightman but I still kinda feel like his character could use a bit of slight retooling to make him more interesting, as of yet he doesn't seem to have much of a personality.


I still have hope for Jakey though, Dave on Happy Endings started out that way and was HE's blandest character for the first two seasons, then they just decided to make him a complete lamewad (and the shows punching-bag) in season three and he became one of the stealth-scenestealers in that final season.

Edited by Batt Mastersly

The stage fright plot point bothered me. Did we not see weeks of ads involving Annie karaoking in front of a room full of people? I can't 100% remember but wasn't that scene in the first episode? Why would the fear not apply in that situation? Or was there some flashback/forwardness and that scene actually happened after this episode? No, it can't have because they weren't engaged yet then, right?


I know it's tiny, but it bugs.

Someone else mentioned it but I think my main problem is the romantic chemistry between Annie and Jake isn't there, in my opinion. I like both the characters but they don't seem to have any ?? Between them. On Happy Endings, I totally bought Brad and Jane as being crazy about each other.

I do like the show though. Enough laughs that I'll stick around.

A small nitpick is that 'white Kevin' seems so young to me. I looked him up and he's only 3 years old than the actor who plays Jake. I know they do that on TV but they really do seem to the same age on the show. Now I know why.

Someone else mentioned it but I think my main problem is the romantic chemistry between Annie and Jake isn't there...

A small nitpick is that 'white Kevin' seems so young to me.


Totally agree with both these points. I really, really want to like this show, but Ken Marino does not have any chemistry with Casey Wilson. And I am very distracted by the fact that Ken Marino looks exactly the same age as the Dads. I keep waiting for one of the characters to make a comment about the fact that Annie has Daddy issues because she is marrying a man who is the same age as her father(s).

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True, I think Marino looks young for his age, but he still seems a bit too old for the part he's playing here. He's clearly at least 10+ older than all the friends on the show and closer to the dads age. Seems a bit miscast in the role, Marino kinda works best as a douchey unlikeable guy, it's kinda hard to buy him as a nice normal guy. And they haven't really given him any real personality traits yet, his most consistent trait seems to be "guy who tries to please everyone and fix everything", they gotta come up with something better than that for him!

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I can see why Dan Bucatinsky was bumped up to series regular, since the Kevins seem to be a more important part of the series now with them also getting married. Speaking of which, I recently got into The Comeback (Funny stuff) and Bucatinsky is really funny in it as Lisa Kudrow's publicist. I never really watched Scandal, so I wasn't really familiar with him before Marry Me, but I think I like his character more now after getting more of a taste of what he can do on The Comeback.


Noticed tonights episode was written by Danielle Schneider and Dannah Phirman, the creators of Hotwives or Orlando, the Hulu series Casey Wilson and Tymberlee Hill starred in over the summer. Danielle Schneider also played Gil's ex-wife Cassie in a few episodes so far.

Edited by Batt Mastersly

I think Nat Faxon is the first guest star they've put to good use. Or at least he's the first one where I went "I want him to come back more". Always like that guy in everything. (also it'll be kind of confusing with him appearing on both "Marry Me" and his similarly named FX show "Married")

Edited by Batt Mastersly

I was worried that I wouldn't like an episode all about Gil, but was pleasantly surprised. I think this was actually the most I've liked Gil so far.


I was happy to see the return of Rob Huebel as the yoga instructor too.

"I do privates. And you can interpret that anyway you want."

Haha, he always has a great way of selling creepy lines like that in every show he's in.


Also, noticed this was the first time Dan Bucatinsky was credited at the beginning as a series regular, but weirdly he wasn't in this one.

Edited by Batt Mastersly

I also found Gil to actually be tolerable in this episode. I loved that they sent him the Ikea armoire because it was reviewed as being "infuriatingly difficult" to assemble. I also liked that Gil's Instagram account is his Social Security number. The butcher counter is always on number 69? Ha.


Gil was tolerable, Annie took the mania down a notch...this show may be starting to find its footing.

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This episode had a lot of Happy Endings style lines that really worked. Some off the top of my head I liked:


"I thought he said I was having a growth spurt, actually he said I had a growth, sport"


"Lady Ninjas 4: That Time of the Month TO KILL"


Kevin: "We can in second place in Mr. Gay Lasagna"

Annie: "Aw, did Lorenzo win again?"

Kevin: "Yeah ours was better. But his was gayer"

I loved Gil's "You've Got to Be Kitten Me" shirt. And his side part! I like Annie and Jake but I like when the whole cast is together or has something on the side going on. 


One thing I missed, when Annie, Dennah, and Kay were talking about sending Gil the thing from Ikea, when they first suggested it, what did Kay say instead of Ikea and then apologized for it?

I loved Gil's "You've Got to Be Kitten Me" shirt. And his side part! I like Annie and Jake but I like when the whole cast is together or has something on the side going on. 


One thing I missed, when Annie, Dennah, and Kay were talking about sending Gil the thing from Ikea, when they first suggested it, what did Kay say instead of Ikea and then apologized for it?

i missed it too and rewound. she said "a bomb!"

i very much enjoyed Gil's shirt from the "Eric Stonestreet collection." hee!


Specifically, the Eric Stonestreet limited edition button-down. That was great.


Another joke I loved was when Gil, in his apartment, was saying how he messes up everything, like his shelf -- and we see it on the wall with a saw stuck in it -- and his marriage -- and we see a framed photo of him and his ex with a saw in it.


It was good to see Gil actually change.

  • Love 2

The Eric Stonestreet joke was great.  (Though to be fair, I would imagine it's the Modern Family costumers who dress him that way on the show, right?)


Gil grates heavily on me, and half of it's not even his fault, he just looks like a slacker ex-friend of mine.


Kay: When you guys get married and have kids in a couple years, who knows who Gil will turn to for help? Some scam artist?


Annie: A child predator?


Dennah: A full-grown predator?

Credit where credit is due, that's a great lil joke.

  • Love 1

I'm just catching up on these episodes and wow, I really didn't like it.  It just...did not work for me.  The whole "awkward brunch" was done sooo much better between Alex and Brad on HE.  And I did not find any of the Flemish scenes or songs amusing whatsoever. 


It's ok though, I still have liked the majority of the episodes.  There's one bad apple in every bunch.


Totally agree with both these points. I really, really want to like this show, but Ken Marino does not have any chemistry with Casey Wilson. And I am very distracted by the fact that Ken Marino looks exactly the same age as the Dads. I keep waiting for one of the characters to make a comment about the fact that Annie has Daddy issues because she is marrying a man who is the same age as her father(s).


Yeah, I do think Ken looks younger than 46, but he is only 3 years younger than Kevin (Dan Something or other) and 7 years younger than Tim Meadows.   I think they should have made his character older than Annie instead of trying to convince us they were around the same age.  Like, at least late 30s or 40. 


The 2 dads also look way too young to have been together for 35 years.  And if we're going by their "real" ages.... then that means they would have been together since they were 14 and 18.  I guess that's .... possible.  But not likely. 

More ratings related speculation:


Marry Me

Pro: Ratings slightly above the NBC scripted average.

Con: NBC has a clear historical trend of expecting more from shows following The Voice, partial backorder, no spot on Spring schedule.

Odds of renewal: 0%




The gang makes preparations to attend a baby shower but nobody can remember the first name of the host and they have developed elaborate ways to hide this fact. Meanwhile, Annie and Jake are considering their own family planning and their impending appointment with their fertility specialist "Dr. What’s-His-Name" has put Jake a little on edge.



I was hoping they wouldn't dip into the "Jake and Annie want babies!" story line this early in the series. Ugh.


I doubt they'll focus on it too much.  I thought this one was pretty funny.  I loved the blessing and then the Dr. going "We're Jewish".  I also thought it was funny that his name was Jake. 


I didn't like the pediatric office scene too much though.  It was completely obvious that they would go to the wrong office, but I didn't think that was successfully funny.  I like when comedy actually surprises me.

Also, the blonde friend can have some funny line delivery moments that I like- but to be so stupid as to think dirt on her neck is a cancerous mole?  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

When Annie and Jake sit down to watch the highly-anticipated season finale of their favorite program “The Moors,” they are shocked to discover that someone appears to have watched it already. Tensions mount and battle lines are drawn as they both vehemently proclaim their innocence. Dennah volunteers her new boyfriend Police Officer Gary Bric and his partner Officer Laguna Matata to perform a polygraph test to determine the real culprit. Everyone is surprised at the results.


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