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S22.E14: Top 10; S22.E15: Judge's Song Contest

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Mia doomed herself with her worst performance of the season. 

I thought Emmy was going home, and from the looks of things, so she did. Guess Kayko went back to last week’s well too soon with all the jumping around overshadowing his vocals. 

Feel like they’re trying to force feed a Tristan/Julia final two on us, which will lead to a winner who is ever so slightly more marketable than last years disaster. 

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1 hour ago, DietCokeJunkie said:

I expected Mia to make it into the Top 8, so that was a surprise. 

I'm surprised Kayko didn't make it. 

This episode made me feel old, LOL. All these songs people were singing tonight came out when I was in middle/high school. I did like the take on "Clocks", and I also rather liked the guitar version of "Believe", I felt that style actually worked surprisingly well for that song. 

Will was good, too (and his song was one of the few I wasn't familiar with), and while I wouldn't have pegged "Here Without You" as a song to honor a freind who passed away (I just remember that song being played a lot around the time troops were being sent to Afghanistan, and being a message of sorts from the troops to their loved ones back home), I did think Kaibrienne did a nice job on it. 

It threw me a bit to see Shania Twain with blonde hair. 

Edited by Annber03
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I was confused that Mia sang "No One Needs to Know," because the song is from 1996 (I remember it from the Twister soundtrack), and Mia was born in 2004.  In the past I remember times when someone would sing a song that seemed older because there had been a cover version in the contestant's birth year, but I couldn't find one for this song.  I know that Lionel wants to be encouraging, but his reasoning that people won't notice forgotten words or other mistakes because the audience wasn't at rehearsal isn't necessarily true.

I was glad that Just Sam got to perform on the stage and experience the confetti falling.  The others in her season at least were home with family while she was alone in a hotel room because she didn't want to put her grandma at risk.  I'm guessing her appearance was because the publicity of her being back to singing  in the subway wasn't a great thing for the show with the "We create superstars and change everyone's lives!" rhetoric they like to present.

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Mia and Kayko were my two favorites. Everyone left is terrible and/or boring. I guess I want Kaibrienne to win because I’d like a female winner and I just can’t with Julia/Abi/McKenna. 

Edited by Maya
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That was a wig on Shania, right?   So much prettier as a brunette.

McKenna acts like she went to Miss America school or something.  Also, seems to think pretty highly of herself.

Singers today all seem to yell-sing, like it makes them better or something.  The crowd responds by clapping, so I guess they get reinforced for it.

The sound continues to bug, so echo-y I can't understand what they are singing. 

Guess I have nothing positive to say, lol.

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17 minutes ago, SnarkAttack said:

That was a wig on Shania, right?   So much prettier as a brunette.

McKenna acts like she went to Miss America school or something.  Also, seems to think pretty highly of herself.

Singers today all seem to yell-sing, like it makes them better or something.  The crowd responds by clapping, so I guess they get reinforced for it.

The sound continues to bug, so echo-y I can't understand what they are singing. 

Guess I have nothing positive to say, lol.

I agree with everything you said. If I hadn't known it was Shania, I never would have thought so just by watching. I think of her as one of the most beautiful women in the world, but not in that blond wig.

I felt like most if not all of the performances were kind of bland. Like, when the original artists sing those songs, they make you feel like they feel it and have control of it, but these guys are just mouthing the words -- and I couldn't understand them, either. Maybe I'm getting too old for this show.

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The only one I really liked last night was Will.   With all of his jumping around onstage, I started to think Kayko wanted to be voted off.  It was so over the top for me--especially 2, weeks in a row, and he it affected his singing.  

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I've always thought they wanted to make Shania a judge.  Don't know if they offered and she didn't want to do it but for whatever reason she is a mentor instead.  I was surprised that her mentoring wasn't any better.

I never warmed up to this years contestants and there isn't anyone left I enjoy. 

44 minutes ago, ForReal said:

Maybe I'm getting too old for this show.

I was going to post the same thing about myself.


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5 hours ago, KWalkerInc said:

I was confused that Mia sang "No One Needs to Know," because the song is from 1996 (I remember it from the Twister soundtrack), and Mia was born in 2004.  In the past I remember times when someone would sing a song that seemed older because there had been a cover version in the contestant's birth year, but I couldn't find one for this song.  I know that Lionel wants to be encouraging, but his reasoning that people won't notice forgotten words or other mistakes because the audience wasn't at rehearsal isn't necessarily true.

I was glad that Just Sam got to perform on the stage and experience the confetti falling.  The others in her season at least were home with family while she was alone in a hotel room because she didn't want to put her grandma at risk.  I'm guessing her appearance was because the publicity of her being back to singing  in the subway wasn't a great thing for the show with the "We create superstars and change everyone's lives!" rhetoric they like to present.

I didn’t know Sam was singing in the subways again. That’s sad.

I’d never heard of Mia’s song and even before the flubs she wasn’t really smiling or comfortable. If she wanted a shania song do ‘ still the one’ .

nice that Scotty is doing well.

im still rooting for Abi, big mo , and McKenna they just seem nice. 

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Scotty looks so polished and mature; still sounds exactly like old 'Baby Lock Them Doors' guy, though. Guess you just can't go wrong with an alcohol/plastic cup song in country world, huh?

Just Sam was far and away the best voice of the night.

I assume Kayco is either delullu or wanted to escape. Eye roll at the corny 'graffiti' painted piano. 

Mia picked a dull song, forgot the words, and wore a stupid outfit. 

Will/Tristan/Jack-who cares? McKenna/Abi/Kaibrienne-pick one, America, and get this over with.

Julia- apparently we have to have the victim speech every week now in order to try to shove her into top 3. She has a nice rich voice, but she makes self-indulgent song choices and turns everything up to 11, every time.

Emmy's ancestry again being mentioned is also meant to overshadow her quavery, out-of-tune warbling. Guess it worked.

Well, with last night's eliminations, I won't be watching (unless there's absolutely nothing else on). Everyone left deserves to have to sing Disney songs and 'judges (always terrible) song choices'. 


Just read on MJ's site that next week's Mandisa memorial will feature Melinda Doolittle, Danny Gokey and Colton Dixon performing a gospel song together. I just might have to tune in for that!

It's going to be Tristan/Will/Emmy, right?

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Mia picked the absolute wrong time to have a nervous looking/sounding performance (& forget the words at one point)

Who is voting for Julia & Kaibrienne? Other than the states' of Maine & Utah apparently. I will say the more in the "rock" lane that KB stays, the better it is for her. Artists like 3 Doors Down just sort of naturally fit her voice better..

I'm with those upthread & think Kayko might've tried to get himself sent home. Like it all of sudden dawned on him how little potential freedom he might have if he "accidentally" won the whole thing.

Will should just be elevated to Nashville. An AI ascension if you will..

Tristan still comes across somewhat odd on screen. I also worry that his speaking/singing voice has such a distinctive slow drawl that when sings super fast tempo songs like "She's Country" it sounds more garbled/rushed than it actually is..

In the eternal battle of McKenna & Abi, for no real reason..we are McKenna fans in the Purgatory household.

Emmy continues to both frustrate & intrigue. Doing Blink 182 was intriguing (I thought for sure it was going to be Miss You), but then she mucks up the Na Na Na parts. How is that the part of the song that trips you up consistently?! 

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I'm in the minority but I don't like the two tall older-looking brunettes. McKenna is the growly demi more voice whose low registers bare register on my ears.  The other one with the big family,  meh. 

Don't like Kabrienne or Emmy either.  

I loved Mia cuz she seemed real. 

Will.. the country guy sends like a fun guy. 

I liked kayko cuz he was different, but knew he wasn't going to win.  

Bland group overall.  


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Despite not liking him for most of the season, I'm gonna miss Kayko. Something different in a sea of a lot of sameness.

Now, I don't care for country, but even still I can usually get if someone has a good voice but I can't understand why Tristan seems to be so popular. There's is absolutely nothing special about his voice. 

I never liked Mia so I was glad she went. She seemed like she was mostly OK with it when she assumed Kayko was staying but once it was announced it was Emmy you could see her face change to 'Why her and not me?' It was pretty hilarious.

I like Julia but I just keep assuming she's gonna go since everyone here seems to despise her lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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46 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I like Julia but I just keep assuming she's gonna go since everyone here seems to despise her lol.

She was my favorite from the start, but she seems to have lost her way a little, or maybe she isn't the package American Idol is looking for. I do think she is a great singer, possibly the best one.

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14 hours ago, KWalkerInc said:

I was confused that Mia sang "No One Needs to Know," because the song is from 1996 (I remember it from the Twister soundtrack), and Mia was born in 2004.  In the past I remember times when someone would sing a song that seemed older because there had been a cover version in the contestant's birth year, but I couldn't find one for this song.  

Somebody on Reddit said that Mia was able to do this song because it was part of shania"s greatest hits album released in 2004.

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1 hour ago, ForReal said:

She was my favorite from the start, but she seems to have lost her way a little, or maybe she isn't the package American Idol is looking for. I do think she is a great singer, possibly the best one.

Julia was my favorite as well, but I'm getting tired of the constant referrals to her sad back story.  

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Interesting app activity tonight. I wanted to give 10 votes to the 3 contestants I like the most. It won’t let me save my votes when I do that. Doing the same thing when my wife votes. It WILL let us save votes if we take one away from one of our favorites OR add one to someone we don’t want to vote for

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20 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

Also, did Luke just forget Iam’s name? 🤣🤣🤣

Boy, AI, you clearly forced a memorable winner on us last season. 

I thought he was talking about Israel K, the Hawaiian singer who charted with it. (See, his name escapes me too. Its a long one, lol). 

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In a shocking twist, the adult who is adopted but still hasn’t dealt with it gets a judge save while her bio family is in the crowd even tho she can only sing in one key.

Ah well! Guess we’ll just have to vote her off next week like we do every damn time the judges save someone. 

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Yeah, I'm kind of surprised at that result 'cause Kaibrienne was getting a lot of praise these last couple weeks especially. 

But overall, not surprised by the main results, no. I liked seeing which judges picked which songs, some of them weren't who I expected, either. 

The bit where one of the contestants was going on about growing up listening to Katy Perry...I'm gonna need this show to stop making me feel old now, thanks. 

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11 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

In a shocking twist, the adult who is adopted but still hasn’t dealt with it gets a judge save while her bio family is in the crowd even tho she can only sing in one key.

Yeah McKenna has managed to beat the adoption story down our throats to get sympathy, but did you know that Emmy is just the shy, poor granddaughter of Loretta Lynn? 

I'm tired of hearing both their sob stories especially when they're garnering votes and saves by reiterating the same story every episode. But anyway I like McKenna better than emmy.

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I really enjoyed hearing and seeing Just Sam again.  I can't believe it took Idol 4 years to have her on.  That is sad. 

It boggles my mind how any winner of AI today believes that AI will support them.  Most of them fade away very soon after the end of their season.  They sign their life away when signing up for the show and then have problems with the record labels, image, etc.  Obviously, a few of the winners (Scotty) managed to make something of their exposure on AI, but most do not.   

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14 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Yeah McKenna has managed to beat the adoption story down our throats to get sympathy, but did you know that Emmy is just the shy, poor granddaughter of Loretta Lynn? 

I'm tired of hearing both their sob stories especially when they're garnering votes and saves by reiterating the same story every episode. But anyway I like McKenna better than emmy.

See, I’m sick of both stories, but I like Loretta enough to like Emmy more. Between those two, Tristan and Julia, I’m really tired of the “woe is me” bullshit that we’re still sifting through. 

4 minutes ago, ranchgirl said:

I really enjoyed hearing and seeing Just Sam again.  I can't believe it took Idol 4 years to have her on.  That is sad. 

It boggles my mind how any winner of AI today believes that AI will support them.  Most of them fade away very soon after the end of their season.  They sign their life away when signing up for the show and then have problems with the record labels, image, etc.  Obviously, a few of the winners (Scotty) managed to make something of their exposure on AI, but most do not.   

To expand on the point about sob stories, I think a lot of these people garner pity votes, but that stops working when you’re asking people to spend money on your music. People can pity vote for you for free. But sob stories don’t sell albums or concert tickets, which is why people like Iam have sold less than 20K singles post Idol. 

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I really like Abi she just seems so sweet as does Big Mo.  

I’m surprised Tristan has such a serious girlfriend at s such a young age.  The show is really pushing him on us big time. 

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Who is Big Mo?

Will Mosley, the fat blond country guy who 


posted a video of dogs mauling/killing a feral pig (not sure if they were his dogs?)


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21 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I never liked Mia so I was glad she went. She seemed like she was mostly OK with it when she assumed Kayko was staying but once it was announced it was Emmy you could see her face change to 'Why her and not me?' It was pretty hilarious.

That was incredibly awkward, she flat out refused to hug Emmy, to the point of actively stepping aside. 

I do think they're all surprised every week when Emmy stays, she probably is as well. However, in last night's episode, I thought her performance was genuinely good. 

The girls are dropping like flies, the likelihood of a female winner seems to decrease exponentially with each elimination.

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