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Late Show In The Media

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Jon Stewart did a wonderful final three minutes on Dave Letterman's legacy, then showed a Moment of Zen clip of Dave and Jon on Jon's final episode of an old variety/comedy show.  Jon looks about 22.  Dave advised him:  "Don't confuse cancellation with failure."  And Jon did not.


Also, this great article (and sometimes sad) about the businesses that have been helped by having the Late Show join the neighborhood, and then other businesses that could not afford the skyrocketing rents of the neighborhood after Dave moved in.  http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/15/nyregion/jokes-aside-david-letterman-leaves-behind-a-costlier-neighborhood.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=photo-spot-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

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Jon Stewart did a wonderful final three minutes on Dave Letterman's legacy, then showed a Moment of Zen clip of Dave and Jon on Jon's final episode of an old variety/comedy show.  Jon looks about 22.  Dave advised him:  "Don't confuse cancellation with failure."  And Jon did not.


It was June 23, 1995.


Both Jon and Dave have had talk shows that were canceled.


And 20 years after that interview, both are exiting as TV icons.


Here's the complete interview


(For those of you who don't know, Stewart had a 30-minute talk show on MTV from 1993 to 94 (first guest: Howard Stern). When Arsenio Hall was canceled in 1994, Stewart replaced him in syndication with an hour-long show. That show was canceled after 1 year.)


Also interesting if you watch that clip: Bill Murray sang on Letterman's final morning show episode.

Edited by nowandlater
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Larry Wilmore said a few words in tribute to Dave and he and his guests raised a toast to him. It wasn't much, but it does show the extent of his influence. I'm sure that everyone who's on next week like the Jimmys, Conan and Seth will mention him too.

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I was looking to rewatch Norm as Dave on SNL and found this, which embeds one sketch and links to another (the third I can't find). I also recommend the "Box Office Poison" clip (from Late Night with Conan) linked therein. “Ehhhh, You Got Any Gum?” Remembering Norm MacDonald’s Ace Letterman Impression

Yeah, this one for sure is genius...



And Norm, who has never gotten good press in his LIFE (and honestly on some level doesn't care) is definitely getting some now (a lot of articles popped up today praising him).

Edited by Kromm
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Geez.  What the hell is he wearing in that?  


Clearly he's been fairly dependent on the wardrobe masters at the show, because if that's what he picks for a private event...


Also, pencils and little cards that say "The Late Show"?  WORST GIVEAWAY EVER!!!  Hee.  I get it though.  It's supposed to refer to the pencils he's thrown around the set, since Day 1 of the NBC show.

If you look carefully, you can even see that they appear to be double-eraser ended pencils.  That could be a liability thing (no points to get sued over) but I also wonder if they had those specially made at some point so Dave could toss the ones HE does around without (much) worry.



Yup.  Here (2/3rd of the way down the page this links to) in fact is where you can order double eraser pencils and they even refer to the fact that they were "Made famous by the legendary late night TV host":  http://www.westsky.com/pencils.htm

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Letterman memories from Daniel Kellison, who was the show's talent booker for eight years. My favorite part of the piece is his account of the one time Dave tried to conduct his own pre-interview.


For those who don't know, Daniel Kellison was Jimmy Kimmel Live's first executive producer, one of Kimmel's closest friends and Kimmel's partner with Adam Carolla in Jackhole productions.

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Geez. What the hell is he wearing in that?

Clearly he's been fairly dependent on the wardrobe masters at the show, because if that's what he picks for a private event...

Also, pencils and little cards that say "The Late Show"? WORST GIVEAWAY EVER!!! Hee. I get it though. It's supposed to refer to the pencils he's thrown around the set, since Day 1 of the NBC show.

If you look carefully, you can even see that they appear to be double-eraser ended pencils. That could be a liability thing (no points to get sued over) but I also wonder if they had those specially made at some point so Dave could toss the ones HE does around without (much) worry.


Yup. Here (2/3rd of the way down the page this links to) in fact is where you can order double eraser pencils and they even refer to the fact that they were "Made famous by the legendary late night TV host": http://www.westsky.com/pencils.htm

IIRC Carson had double eraser pencils. Kind of used them as drumsticks (he played the drums) and bounced them off the desk like Dave does.

Two erasers=double the chance of getting a good bounce.

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I flipped over to the Tonight Show last night after the monologue and Jimmy Fallon was giving Dave a very heartfelt tribute. I thought he was going to cry. Jon Stewart & Larry Wilmore both said something Thursday night. I imagine Conan & Kimmel will say something before tomorrow.

I'm getting very sentimental myself.

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CNN is doing an hour special tonight at 9:00 EDT.

What makes this noteworthy is, as a news org CNN has a little more latitude in using NBC clips. The promo seemed to be chock full o' Late Night material.

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Wow.  Do they repeat the show later, like they do with many evening shows? 


ETA:  looks like it repeats three hours later.

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Really appreciated this article. Something that's been unavoidably, but still unfortunately, lost to history due to the 2009 sex scandal was just how funny Stephanie was on the show. The article's also noteworthy because the writer actually managed to get her on the phone and get a no comment. Apparently she's a lawyer in California now.

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Really appreciated this article. Something that's been unavoidably, but still unfortunately, lost to history due to the 2009 sex scandal was just how funny Stephanie was on the show. The article's also noteworthy because the writer actually managed to get her on the phone and get a no comment. Apparently she's a lawyer in California now.

You beat me to it. They've never shied away from controversy. Even though I never cared for her, Stephanie and Tony deserve a clip in the montage.


Martha Stewart's tribute to Dave, plus 10 of her favorite videos (9 so far, 10 will be added tomorrow).


First Episode of Late Night via EW

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My schedule (ET ) is showing a repeat at 1:00 AM and Saturday at 7:00 PM.


I'm also in the East and Comcast listed it at midnight.  Just don't want anyone to miss it!

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Another NY Times article. Includes quotes from Seinfeld, Moonves, Stern, and Julia Roberts.


Think I'm going to try to avoid media coverage tomorrow (easier said than done). This is exhausting.

Thanks also for the links!  Many things to help with the denial after Wednesday.  I was struck by this final quote from Julia Roberts, which I'm sure is true for most of the guests:

Despite the close bond she developed with Mr. Letterman on the air, Ms. Roberts said she had never once seen him away from his studios. Other than an occasional phone call or a brief chat during commercial breaks, the whole of their relationship has played out on television.

“I’ve never seen him outside of the building,” she said, laughing.

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Jimmy Kimmel got choked up tonight saying how much Letterman meant to him as a teen, and credited Dave with him being given his talk show after ABC execs saw him as a guest on Letterman. His band leader, Cleto, also gave a short tribute to Paul.

Edited by lordonia
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Jimmy Kimmel got choked up tonight saying how much Letterman meant to him as a teen, and credited Dave with him being given his talk show after ABC execs saw him as a guest on Letterman. His band leader, Cleto, also gave a short tribute to Paul.


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I loved the Meg Parsont bits. She was a good sport.

I never much liked the Rupert bits with Dave feeding him lines but it was funny to see him go along with it.

So will Brokaw be on tonight?

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