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S17.E16: Rocky Retreat

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  On 2/8/2024 at 11:57 PM, Empress1 said:

And Clare does not dress well unless she’s dressed up - her casual clothes are odd and don’t flatter her. I haven’t forgotten those huge jean shorts and macramé shirt. She tends to wear big boxy things, which don’t work well on her short frame.


Being short I know this problem but I also know how not to look like that.  I was cringing at that huge sweatshirt/pants getup she was wearing.  It made her look as big as a house.

  On 2/8/2024 at 1:21 AM, Crashcourse said:

I'm so sick of Chloe's sometimes fake smiley face.


I had to suffer through this episode again for my husband to watch it.  Fortunately I was multitasking so it wasn't so bad, but I took a closer look at some things and want to call BS on that WWII trunk Chloe was so proud of having refurbished.  It looked like no trunk from the 20th century I've ever seen.  Both my parents were WWII Army veterans and my father's trunk looked like this:


No US trunk from WWII looked like hers with those rounded corners and straps.  Her trunk looked like something from another century.  Those ancient looking latches especially, which looked original to the trunk.  It was probably from WWI and she picked it up either online or at a flea market, or already refurbished on Etsy.  She is such a phony baloney.  No way is she OK with Michael wearing her jewelry.  She said the diplomatic thing about it to Pastor Cal, but it's nothing but BS.  On decision day the truth will come as a shock.  All of these people are putting on an act for the camera but aren't showing us what they really feel or think about anything.  And it even extends to making up stories about military trunks!


Her trunk looks similar this one on Amazon, which looks vintage but it isn't.  She could have bought a similar one and added all the embellishments.



Edited by Yeah No
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  On 2/8/2024 at 3:56 PM, Madding crowd said:

Having a bunch of people go on a marriage retreat but staying in separate rooms says it all. I thought Michael and Chloe might be a match, but I don’t think she is into him and I think he may be more interested in being on TV than getting married. I do think Emily‘s accident is real but I worry that her constant injuries may be related to a drinking problem. 
Michael has a right to express himself however he wants but I know I wouldn’t be attracted to someone who wanted to share my clothes and jewelry. I also think his need to have the biggest closet and take 6 suitcases on the honeymoon shows a level of self involvement I don’t find attractive. I think something weird is going on with Austin and Becca and they don’t want to address it. He even evades all questions in the after party show and he seems like a pretty outgoing guy. 


I think they should have called it the "singles retreat" this season, because that's really what it was.

On my second viewing of this episode I caught the conversation at the table when Emily was telling the others about having just booked an ATV ride and they all thought she meant it was for all of them, but she had to clarify that it was just for her and Brennan.  Hmmmm.......

Also, they made mention of her "track record" (presumably her being accident prone) and cautioned her to be careful.  

Now I don't want to jump on the bandwagon claiming that the accident was a fake, but I do think all of that was just a little TOO coincidental.

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One additional thought - I thought their "dinner" was so strange. The women dressed up to "have dinner" at the house. Then we see them walk single file to the dining room and Emily even has her little purse. Then... no food. They all just drink wine and a couple of them have scotch. Remember we used to see them making dinner together and actually having food? They didn't even bother to stage it this time.

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     Michael's outfits are outlandish, attention seeking and have no rhyme or reason at all to me.  Chloe and Michael talk like they're reading a "Word of the Day" calendar, they use unnecessary big words all of the time- especially Michael.  Chloe is NOT attracted to him, and her fake smiles and performative happiness and laughs are annoying and not fooling me.  Becca seriously needs to stop being so desperate and asking for sex- it is NOT a good look and Austin is not into her.  Why is she begging for sex from a guy who wears backwards baseball caps 24/7 and thinks she's going to hell? He's not a prize!  Throw all of these BOYS in the Lost and Found bin.  Take this show out back like Old Yeller and end it already!  🥴😫 

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I know I'm like a dog with a bone with this, but that trunk/coffee table of Chloe's is pissing me off because no way is it from WWII.  It's not even military, it's most likely a steamer trunk from the 19th century and probably French.  What a phony baloney she is!  Doesn't she think anyone watching the show might notice and know better?  I really doubt that was in her family at all much less did it belong to her grandfather!  They are on sale online all over the internet.

Here's the closest thing I could find to her trunk.  This is a steamer trunk circa 1890 and French:



Here is Chloe's trunk:


Edited by Yeah No
Photo issues.
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  On 2/9/2024 at 2:14 PM, SummerDreams said:

Are we talking about her boobs? So you are saying she should try to cover them up more with the swimsuit?


Speaking for myself here, when I said I knew a bathing suit that would keep them "locked and loaded" I meant that she needed more support.  In one scene they were almost spilling out - not a good look and not comfortable either.  Note that this doesn't necessarily involve covering them up more.  I've had low V neck and sweetheart neckline swimsuits that don't really cover them up more, just give them enough support not to jostle around that much and threaten to spill out.  Just about any Miraclesuit can accomplish that.  They don't call them "miracle suits" for nuthin'!

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  On 2/9/2024 at 2:46 PM, Yeah No said:

Speaking for myself here, when I said I knew a bathing suit that would keep them "locked and loaded" I meant that she needed more support.  In one scene they were almost spilling out - not a good look and not comfortable either.  Note that this doesn't necessarily involve covering them up more.  I've had low V neck and sweetheart neckline swimsuits that don't really cover them up more, just give them enough support not to jostle around that much and threaten to spill out.  Just about any Miraclesuit can accomplish that.  They don't call them "miracle suits" for nuthin'!


Exactly, thank you.

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It seems to me that over the last several seasons, the show has, perhaps, hired/cast/selected these young women with very large breasts. I also think that these women may be living with the thoughts of a younger generation in that "bras are for grandmothers and mothers. Not us! We are young and free and vibrant and we don't need no stinking bras!" OR, maybe these women are so desperate for a husband and nothing has worked so far, so they are leading with their strongest assets to get a guy interested? 

That said, and I have mentioned this before, as large as they are, and spending years without support, is going to take a toll on their backs, much sooner than the mothers and grandmothers who bothered to wear supportive undergarments! 

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  On 2/9/2024 at 2:46 PM, Yeah No said:

Speaking for myself here, when I said I knew a bathing suit that would keep them "locked and loaded" I meant that she needed more support.  In one scene they were almost spilling out - not a good look and not comfortable either.  Note that this doesn't necessarily involve covering them up more.  I've had low V neck and sweetheart neckline swimsuits that don't really cover them up more, just give them enough support not to jostle around that much and threaten to spill out.  Just about any Miraclesuit can accomplish that.  They don't call them "miracle suits" for nuthin'!


From my experience, having way bigger breasts than Becca, I have to say it's something really uncomfortable, expensive and just in general annoying to try and wear a swimsuit that doesn't show them "spilled out". It's not something easy to do, trust me. I have had my mom sew the front so they stay more inside (can't explain it better).

But apart from that, I thought it was insensitive to say that seeing her in a swimsuit made it make sense for you why (if at all) Austin doesn't like her, it was like you were suggesting that her big boobs or her not perfect figure is an excuse for any guy not to like her.

If I interpreted wrong I'm sorry, I'm just sensitive with the matter. 🙁

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  On 2/7/2024 at 4:22 PM, Shrek said:



Post blunder. ^^^^^

I think what was most unflattering to Becca, suit and cap notwithstanding, was her terrible posture! Stand up straight, girlfriend!

But in any case, people have since forever rejected---or fallen madly for!--- other people based solely on appearances. After all, this show's title is a wordplay on that fact. So it is conceivable that Austin, Brennan, Clare, or whoever felt that way immediately. And no Pastor Cal or couples retreat or dangerous activity or heart-to-heart is going to alter that (pun intended).

Emily's accident was no fake! Exactly what EMT unit and hospital would participate in such a charade? In Emily's photo from her hospital  bed one can see not only her extensive stitches but also where her hair was shaved. NO young woman out to attract a young man on TV  is about to fake it that much!


Edited by LennieBriscoe
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I think what was most unflattering to Becca, suit and cap notwithstanding, was her terrible posture! Stand up straight, girlfriend!


Wasn't that when she was getting in the cold plunge pool? I wouldn't stand up straight to do that either!

I would have skipped straight to the massage. I don't like saunas because I don't like to sweat and I'll skip the cold plunge because I don't enjoy being cold either. 

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  On 2/8/2024 at 5:26 AM, Yeah No said:

It looks like Cameron found the perfect "out" from appearing on the show without any penalties.  I'm wondering if his "sudden" heart condition was something he already knew about and figured he'd address when he was finished filming the show, but when he needed a convenient out from filming he decided to make it more urgent than it really was.


Haha my thoughts exactly!

  On 2/8/2024 at 8:04 AM, NowVoyager said:

#3: I think Austin is actually being a nice guy by not having sex with her when he's, most likely, not that into her.


After last night I think he's being kind of a jerk about it because he keeps acting like it could happen - he made her think that about the couples retreat when they were talking beforehand!  And he made it seem like his desire to sleep in the other room was something they had discussed beforehand, rather than a made up excuse the next day.  I think she tried to grab his dick and he bolted 😄

  On 2/8/2024 at 6:05 PM, Lindz said:

A couples' retreat with divorced people?!! They're that desperate for more content?!! 🙄


Haha that's Reality TV 101 - isolate a bunch of people who have reason to hate each other with a ton of free booze and wait for the action! 😂

  On 2/8/2024 at 11:47 PM, Auntie Anxiety said:

This show needs to be taken behind the barn and shot. Time to admit that the “experiment” is and always has been an enormous failure.


I don't think it always has, but it's been years since it's been "the experiment" - they don't even call it that anymore; now it's "this process" 

As for Brennan and Emily - when he said they were "on the same page" I think it's because she only snarks at him behind his back for the cameras.  She has never told him or the "experts" how she really feels.

And Orion is a big fat liar and I don't want to see him any more unless someone is telling him off!

And I feel like Chloe likes Michael well enough but every time he gets all "feminine" it turns her off a little more. Stop it Michael!

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  On 2/9/2024 at 7:38 PM, Lindz said:

Becca's bikini was unflattering. 🙈



Beca's swimsuit is a little too tight: if she went one size up, the fit of the swimsuit could have looked better on her but that shade of yellow is not flattering against her skin tone.  She's a busty girl so she needs a better designed swimsuit top with more support and cup/band sizing that doesn't cut into her boobs.  Becca would look great in a raspberry pink colored swimsuit.  The greenish fluorescent lighting of the swimming pool room probably doesn't help in making anyone look their best though. 

Edited by Hip-to-be-Square
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  On 2/8/2024 at 12:51 AM, kristen111 said:

Here goes nothing as usual lately.  Put a fork in it.  Why Lauren again?  Didn’t they break up?  Why is she back?   Brennon is so disgusted he can’t even look at his wife.  Austin doesn’t care for his either.  The new one .. So tired of her face already.  Big mess.


I cannot help but feel annoyance (tinged with disgust) at the inclusion of Lauren and Orion in the couples retreat. Hearing either of them talk makes me want to shout, "Go away! No one is interested in, or cares, what your thirsty, fake-ass personas have to say!".

Why has this become "a thing?"

Edited by Chalby
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  On 2/9/2024 at 4:15 PM, Retired at last said:

That said, and I have mentioned this before, as large as they are, and spending years without support, is going to take a toll on their backs, much sooner than the mothers and grandmothers who bothered to wear supportive undergarments! 


Given I cannot personally address this subject as it took me years (and a baby) to even 'fill' a bra, I would think that Becca feels even better than I when taking that contraption off. Even if gravity allows a 'sag', who cares? Mind you, if it is impacting her comfortability or even health, she would be entitled to a free breast reduction.

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  On 2/9/2024 at 3:20 AM, Yeah No said:

Both my parents were WWII Army veterans and my father's trunk looked like this:





For years I wondered why my grandmother had this trunk in her home. She used to keep her linens in it and I never thought to ask until long after her death, and my mom couldn't tell me because my mom remembered it always being around.

Anyhow her trunk was identical to the picture except it was a deep blue.

LOL, The more you know...

Edited by Chalby
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  On 2/8/2024 at 8:02 PM, starlightlost said:

Yes after every statement she does the fake smile and a lot of the time nods her head as well..?



I thinks is just a nervous tic. My mother used to give a little giggle after explaining something.

  On 2/8/2024 at 1:21 AM, Crashcourse said:

I'm so sick of Chloe's sometimes fake smiley face.


That smile reminds me of "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas".

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  On 2/8/2024 at 5:37 PM, Lindz said:

That was so sweet!!! But him repeatedly saying, "it might be garbage," is so bad!!!! WHAT WAS HE THINKING SAYING THAT?!?!!! 🤨Like. Thanks! Can't wait to consume this "garbage"! 😅 Guess they're both thoughtless with their words. 🤷‍♀️


When someone is that self-critical, I will brush off the first couple of statements. But if they continue to self deprecate, I will begin to believe them.

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After last night I think he's being kind of a jerk about it because he keeps acting like it could happen - he made her think that about the couples retreat when they were talking beforehand!  


Unpopular opinion but I don't think he is lying. I think that he keeps thinking he can get into Becca and it's just not happening for him. It doesn't help that he was very drunk on that first night of the retreat but I have this overall sense from him that he really wants to be attracted to her... and he just can't. 

Of course, at this point, he should probably admit that fetch is never going to happen, but I think he does like Becca and he knows she is going to be hurt. I think he's actually a nice guy and feels badly about it.

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  On 2/10/2024 at 1:41 AM, Elizzikra said:

Of course, at this point, he should probably admit that fetch is never going to happen, but I think he does like Becca and he knows she is going to be hurt. I think he's actually a nice guy and feels badly about it.


Points for a MG reference!  

Edited by Starlight925
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  On 2/9/2024 at 5:24 PM, SummerDreams said:

But apart from that, I thought it was insensitive to say that seeing her in a swimsuit made it make sense for you why (if at all) Austin doesn't like her, it was like you were suggesting that her big boobs or her not perfect figure is an excuse for any guy not to like her.

If I interpreted wrong I'm sorry, I'm just sensitive with the matter. 🙁


No, that's not what I meant.  I meant that until I saw Becca in that bathing suit I didn't realize what a shapely figure she had since she tends to cover it up a lot.  Being somewhat shapely myself at my advanced age I am all too aware that a lot of men don't find that attractive so I was wondering if Austin might be one of them.  I wasn't suggesting that he had good reason not to find it attractive, just that I was beginning to wonder if he might not.  Lord knows if my husband didn't find my curves attractive that would be an issue.  But aside from that I don't begrudge a man for not being into my (or Becca's) figure type just as I wouldn't want a man to begrudge me for not finding him attractive.  Sometimes you can't force yourself to find someone attractive and it's no judgment on you if you don't and it doesn't necessarily mean you are putting them down or are shallow if you don't either.  As we used to say decades ago, "different strokes".

Also, I tend to think Becca needs some advice on how to best flatter her figure and I wonder if some of her makeup and fashion choices aren't working against her in that regard.  Like it or not, Austin may not like her look and if she's not effectively highlighting her attributes that may affect his attraction for her.  (I know, the irony of that is not lost on me!  He's one to talk with that backwards cap himself!)  I was cringing when Becca was going overboard putting on makeup in that scene in this episode.  Again, not to be unkind but she looked clown-like to me, and I'm a makeup girl myself so if I think it's too much that says something.  I think her eyebrows could be shaped in a more flattering way too.  And those talking heads where she was wearing that crazy colorful top with those ginormous earrings - ugh, talk about clown-like!   As an artistic person myself, it boggles my mind how a wedding photographer wouldn't have a better sense of style, but what can I say?  I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I personally think she could look much better.  I also think she thinks she's being funky or individualistic or something.  I think some people are immature and stuck in an earlier version of themselves that they never grew out of, and that extends to their appearance too.  After many years of watching "What not to Wear" I saw a lot of people, both men and women, like that on that show and I'm getting that impression with her.  Just my esthetic opinion.

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  On 2/9/2024 at 10:36 PM, Hip-to-be-Square said:

Beca's swimsuit is a little too tight: if she went one size up, the fit of the swimsuit could have looked better on her but that shade of yellow is not flattering against her skin tone.  She's a busty girl so she needs a better designed swimsuit top with more support and cup/band sizing that doesn't cut into her boobs.  Becca would look great in a raspberry pink colored swimsuit.  The greenish fluorescent lighting of the swimming pool room probably doesn't help in making anyone look their best though. 


Yes, I was thinking myself that maybe it's an older swimsuit from when she was a few pounds lighter and that's why it doesn't fit so well.  And yes 100% about yellow not being her color.  Raspberry or fuchsia would work or even a bright medium blue.  I'm light skinned like her and those colors would work for me.  

  On 2/9/2024 at 11:13 PM, Chalby said:


For years I wondered why my grandmother had this trunk in her home. She used to keep her linens in it and I never thought to ask until long after her death, and my mom couldn't tell me because my mom remembered it always being around.

Anyhow her trunk was identical to the picture except it was a deep blue.

LOL, The more you know...


You're welcome!  I can't tell you how much this photo moved me - I grew up with a trunk just like that in my father's closet.  He called it his "foot locker" and he kept his army things in it.  I think he got rid of it years ago.  He also had an ammo case that I still have.  No ammo in it, though!  Deep blue, huh?  I guess it was painted later?

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  On 2/10/2024 at 1:41 AM, Elizzikra said:

Unpopular opinion but I don't think he is lying. I think that he keeps thinking he can get into Becca and it's just not happening for him. It doesn't help that he was very drunk on that first night of the retreat but I have this overall sense from him that he really wants to be attracted to her... and he just can't. 

Of course, at this point, he should probably admit that fetch is never going to happen, but I think he does like Becca and he knows she is going to be hurt. I think he's actually a nice guy and feels badly about it.


I agree with you to an extent, but I think if this is true Austin owes her his openness and honesty about it.  Otherwise he is in fact leading her on and he is a jerk, sorry to say.  And feeling badly about it and avoiding talking about it so as not to "hurt her feelings" doesn't get him off the hook in my opinion.  I remember being down that road when I was younger and so I have a bit of a pet peeve about supposedly "nice" men that do this to women, and it took a very good therapist to get me to realize that a guy couldn't be that "nice" if he does that to someone.  I don't care what the circumstances are either and he is old enough to know better, he is not a kid. 

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  On 2/10/2024 at 8:44 AM, Yeah No said:

I don't care what the circumstances are either and he is old enough to know better, he is not a kid. 


True, but he is also not a man who has had a successful relationship, or he wouldn't been this show. I can't imagine what he and Becca talk about all the time we don't see them on camera. Unless that's the only time they spend together.

ETA - I am just now watching the recording. So, Lauren is at the Couples' Retreat to work on healing. Clare is there to grow, and Orion is, "PROUD of where they are at." (Note to Orion - no need for "at.") Why did Austin leave the room? Maybe since they were drunk and rolling around, he felt himself ready to have sex with Becca and he made himself leave because he knew he didn't want to do that?

And, I am tired of Michael and Chloe already. All they do is talk about boring things and I see no chemistry at all. Michael is trying too hard to be a perfect husband. 

I think it was funny when Emily mentioned planning the ATV ride for them, but only for her and Brennan. It seems like the show could have set up activities, since all they usually do is cook together.

OK, Clare - YES, take it "personal"ly that Cam doesn't want to be with you. And the conversation with Clare and Lauren both deciding that they are feeling good about being there was stupid. I realize that this season has ZERO couples who will make it and they have to film something, but this is horrible.  I am just hoping that there will be dinosaur costumes waddling into the kitchen later.  

Edited by Retired at last
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  On 2/8/2024 at 2:15 PM, seacliffsal said:

Okay, here is my conspiracy thought: is Emily getting a fairly good edit because of the accident and the producers are really trying to keep her happy?  I know they all sign contracts and accept liability for their actions, but that doesn't mean that someone wouldn't win a lawsuit anyway.


I thought the same thing when she started aggressively questioning the other cast members on Keisha's show and Keisha just took it and didn't cut her off.  I think MAFS has a lawsuit hanging over their heads so they are letting her do whatever she wants.  I think they are trying to keep Emily happy.

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  On 2/10/2024 at 6:38 AM, Yeah No said:

No, that's not what I meant.  I meant that until I saw Becca in that bathing suit I didn't realize what a shapely figure she had since she tends to cover it up a lot.  Being somewhat shapely myself at my advanced age I am all too aware that a lot of men don't find that attractive so I was wondering if Austin might be one of them.  I wasn't suggesting that he had good reason not to find it attractive, just that I was beginning to wonder if he might not.  Lord knows if my husband didn't find my curves attractive that would be an issue.  But aside from that I don't begrudge a man for not being into my (or Becca's) figure type just as I wouldn't want a man to begrudge me for not finding him attractive.  Sometimes you can't force yourself to find someone attractive and it's no judgment on you if you don't and it doesn't necessarily mean you are putting them down or are shallow if you don't either.  As we used to say decades ago, "different strokes".

Also, I tend to think Becca needs some advice on how to best flatter her figure and I wonder if some of her makeup and fashion choices aren't working against her in that regard.  Like it or not, Austin may not like her look and if she's not effectively highlighting her attributes that may affect his attraction for her.  (I know, the irony of that is not lost on me!  He's one to talk with that backwards cap himself!)  I was cringing when Becca was going overboard putting on makeup in that scene in this episode.  Again, not to be unkind but she looked clown-like to me, and I'm a makeup girl myself so if I think it's too much that says something.  I think her eyebrows could be shaped in a more flattering way too.  And those talking heads where she was wearing that crazy colorful top with those ginormous earrings - ugh, talk about clown-like!   As an artistic person myself, it boggles my mind how a wedding photographer wouldn't have a better sense of style, but what can I say?  I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I personally think she could look much better.  I also think she thinks she's being funky or individualistic or something.  I think some people are immature and stuck in an earlier version of themselves that they never grew out of, and that extends to their appearance too.  After many years of watching "What not to Wear" I saw a lot of people, both men and women, like that on that show and I'm getting that impression with her.  Just my esthetic opinion.


Love this answer.  Men are visual.  That’s it.  That bathing suit was not flattering on Becca.  My husband of many years even said so.

  On 2/10/2024 at 4:45 PM, Gator Stud said:

I thought the same thing when she started aggressively questioning the other cast members on Keisha's show and Keisha just took it and didn't cut her off.  I think MAFS has a lawsuit hanging over their heads so they are letting her do whatever she wants.  I think they are trying to keep Emily happy.


I don’t know what to believe about this show anymore.  I’m completely baffled.  It was completely different in the beginning.  I believed everything.  Now, nothing.

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  On 2/9/2024 at 10:36 PM, Hip-to-be-Square said:

Beca's swimsuit is a little too tight: if she went one size up, the fit of the swimsuit could have looked better on her but that shade of yellow is not flattering against her skin tone.  She's a busty girl so she needs a better designed swimsuit top with more support and cup/band sizing that doesn't cut into her boobs.  Becca would look great in a raspberry pink colored swimsuit.  The greenish fluorescent lighting of the swimming pool room probably doesn't help in making anyone look their best though. 


I just asked the Peanut Gallery ( my husband of many years) his opinion of Becca’s suit.  He said “very unflattering” and too busty.

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  On 2/10/2024 at 8:39 AM, Yeah No said:

Yes, I was thinking myself that maybe it's an older swimsuit from when she was a few pounds lighter and that's why it doesn't fit so well.  And yes 100% about yellow not being her color.  Raspberry or fuchsia would work or even a bright medium blue.  I'm light skinned like her and those colors would work for me.  



I definitely think it's an older swimsuit! Swimsuit shopping is such an ordeal for any girl, and she probably decided to squeeze into a suit from a few years ago rather than buying a new one and it just didn't fit her properly.  She would look great in a raspberry or fuchsia swimsuit! I'm fair skinned too and I would also never wear a bright yellow swimsuit.  I think these MAFS Denver girls could greatly benefit from having their Color Seasons analyzed because none of them are wearing very flattering clothing colors for their hair colors/eye colors/complexions. Clare needs a new hair colorist- I cannot stand her greenish yellow chunky highlights against her olive skin tone and dark brown hair.  😅

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  On 2/10/2024 at 6:46 PM, Hip-to-be-Square said:


I definitely think it's an older swimsuit! Swimsuit shopping is such an ordeal for any girl, and she probably decided to squeeze into a suit from a few years ago rather than buying a new one and it just didn't fit her properly.  She would look great in a raspberry or fuchsia swimsuit! I'm fair skinned too and I would also never wear a bright yellow swimsuit.  I think these MAFS Denver girls could greatly benefit from having their Color Seasons analyzed because none of them are wearing very flattering clothing colors for their hair colors/eye colors/complexions. Clare needs a new hair colorist- I cannot stand her greenish yellow chunky highlights against her olive skin tone and dark brown hair.  😅


Is Clair’s top lip getting bigger?  Botox?

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  On 2/10/2024 at 1:41 AM, Elizzikra said:

Of course, at this point, he should probably admit that fetch is never going to happen, but I think he does like Becca and he knows she is going to be hurt. I think he's actually a nice guy and feels badly about it.


Austin is going to give Becca the “you deserve someone who feels the same way about you” parting line on decision day. I’ve been saying it for months. He wants to like her That Way, but she just doesn’t give him butterflies. I don’t think it’s about him moving slowly re: sex - he may indeed move this slowly all the time, but with Becca I think he’s just plain not into her. I think he’s tried/is trying to be (that’s the difference between him and Brennan - Brennan has been done since they got back from the honeymoon and actively dislikes Emily), but if it’s not there it’s not there. To paraphrase the very wise Bonnie Raitt song, you can’t make someone love you if they don’t.

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  On 2/10/2024 at 6:49 PM, kristen111 said:

Is Clair’s top lip getting bigger?  Botox?


Good question! Claire has lip filler, and her top lip is definitely getting bigger- she's not taking a conservative approach to fillers and I'm already seeing a border of lip filler migrating into her philtrum.  She needs her lip filler dissolved- it's very "ducky" and poorly done. 🦆👄

Edited by Hip-to-be-Square
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  On 2/10/2024 at 8:39 AM, Yeah No said:

Yes, I was thinking myself that maybe it's an older swimsuit from when she was a few pounds lighter and that's why it doesn't fit so well.  And yes 100% about yellow not being her color.  Raspberry or fuchsia would work or even a bright medium blue.  I'm light skinned like her and those colors would work for me.  

You're welcome!  I can't tell you how much this photo moved me - I grew up with a trunk just like that in my father's closet.  He called it his "foot locker" and he kept his army things in it.  I think he got rid of it years ago.  He also had an ammo case that I still have.  No ammo in it, though!  Deep blue, huh?  I guess it was painted later?


Surprisingly no. It came in that colour.

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I'm just not buying what Austin is selling.  Even if he is a "slow mover" 'in relationships, he did agree to get married and that needs to change his timetable if he wants to stay with his wife.  If he doesn't and is trying to be a "nice guy" he is failing spectacularly.  Taking her to make erotic terrariums?  It's just weird.  There's something off about him, and it's more than a guy who doesn't know how to have a successful relationship.

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  On 2/11/2024 at 5:18 AM, princelina said:

I'm just not buying what Austin is selling.  Even if he is a "slow mover" 'in relationships, he did agree to get married and that needs to change his timetable if he wants to stay with his wife.  If he doesn't and is trying to be a "nice guy" he is failing spectacularly.  Taking her to make erotic terrariums?  It's just weird.  There's something off about him, and it's more than a guy who doesn't know how to have a successful relationship.


I agree but I feel that way about almost all of them this season.

The thing I can't figure out is how calm and happy go lucky Austin seems to be about it all.  One would think he would be showing signs of taking the enormity of decision day more seriously.  Everyone else's stomach is tied in knots (including Becca's) but he's just breezin' along with his hat on backwards seemingly without a care in the world.  I don't get that, it doesn't add up.

I have been suspecting that maybe he's holding off on sex until after decision day.  Maybe he thinks that after decision day the pressure will be off and without the cameras round he'll feel more comfortable giving into having sex.  But that's only if I'm giving him the benefit of every doubt.  Like others here I'm more inclined to think that he's making a public show of seeing this thing through and is trying to keep his mind open until then that his feelings will change.  But if by decision day he's not feelin' it with Becca he's going to say "no" and let her down.

I have to say, I didn't watch last season but I don't remember a season quite so full of people putting on such an act for the camera.  I'm feeling like nothing and no one is genuine this season.  Most of them are phonies and more concerned with their public image than any relationship.  I think the most genuine person this season has been Lauren, followed by Cam, but even he's not completely genuine.  At this point my jury is still out on Michael but I'm skeptical about him too.

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  On 2/11/2024 at 5:40 AM, Yeah No said:

I have to say, I didn't watch last season but I don't remember a season quite so full of people putting on such an act for the camera.  I'm feeling like nothing and no one is genuine this season.  Most of them are phonies and more concerned with their public image than any relationship.  I think the most genuine person this season has been Lauren, followed by Cam, but even he's not completely genuine.  At this point my jury is still out on Michael but I'm skeptical about him too.


I think Cam is a gaslighter, and I also think he was just here to get laid - he talked a lot in the beginning about really really needing affection, and then when he got the cold shoulder from Clare he was done.  I think Emily is genuine in her way, but she was hoping for the booze and the sex and Brennan let her down there too 😂

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  On 2/11/2024 at 5:49 AM, princelina said:

I think Cam is a gaslighter, and I also think he was just here to get laid - he talked a lot in the beginning about really really needing affection, and then when he got the cold shoulder from Clare he was done.  I think Emily is genuine in her way, but she was hoping for the booze and the sex and Brennan let her down there too 😂


I agree about Emily.  She brings to mind an old Python sketch where a colonel (Graham Chapman) asks a soldier (Eric Idle) why he joined the army and he replies  "For the waterskiing and the travel, sir.  Not for the killing, sir." 😄

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  On 2/11/2024 at 5:40 AM, Yeah No said:


The thing I can't figure out is how calm and happy go lucky Austin seems to be about it all.  One would think he would be showing signs of taking the enormity of decision day more seriously.  Everyone else's stomach is tied in knots (including Becca's) but he's just breezin' along with his hat on backwards seemingly without a care in the world.  I don't get that, it doesn't add up.




I think he gets stoned a lot…

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  On 2/9/2024 at 3:30 AM, Yeah No said:

I think they should have called it the "singles retreat" this season, because that's really what it was.

On my second viewing of this episode I caught the conversation at the table when Emily was telling the others about having just booked an ATV ride and they all thought she meant it was for all of them, but she had to clarify that it was just for her and Brennan.  Hmmmm.......

Also, they made mention of her "track record" (presumably her being accident prone) and cautioned her to be careful.  

Now I don't want to jump on the bandwagon claiming that the accident was a fake, but I do think all of that was just a little TOO coincidental.


What makes me think it was fake is that they wouldn't have shown all the blood and close ups if it were an actual accident.  So I absolutely think it was fake. 

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What makes me think it was fake is that they wouldn't have shown all the blood and close ups if it were an actual accident.


I don't see why not. Plenty of medically based reality shows have fairly graphic stuff shown - surgeries, that gross pimple popping thing... Why draw the line at a bloody head would on MAFS?

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  On 2/10/2024 at 4:37 PM, Retired at last said:

And, I am tired of Michael and Chloe already. All they do is talk about boring things and I see no chemistry at all. Michael is trying too hard to be a perfect husband. 


I’m tired of their overthinking and their need to discuss every aspect of their feelings. Enough! And Michael, instead of spending money on ridiculous wardrobe items, go to a good dermatologist and get some advice regarding your facial acne scars. Not trying to be mean, just stating the obvious. Your complexion detracts from your overall appearance.

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