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S08.E04: Take It to the Bridge

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A stew is torn between their open relationship and a growing on-board flirtation; The deck team's communication is strained during a rough docking; The rivalry among stews spills into the workplace and Capt. Sandy is forced to intervene.

Airdate: 10/16/2023

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These last two episodes have been stressful to watch.  I don't like seeing this conflict between Natalya and Tumi.  It takes all the fun out of the show.  Kyle started the whole mess and now is beginning to realize his part, but still takes no action, except continued gossiping and seeking confidences.  Natalya's nasty name calling is way over the top.  Sandy is ineffectual, and didn't seem to want to have a discussion about the problem at all.  Maybe as captain, all that interpersonal conflict is beneath her.  I wouldn't be surprised if Tumi quit.  But, I hope that doesn't happen.  I'm ready for either Kyle or Natalya to walk the plank.

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The things they’re arguing over are so inconsequential.  It’s hard to believe either really would care but every time they’ve talked to each other it’s gotten heated.

That’s why it doesn’t seem real.  Tumi says she takes pride in setting her emotions aside and Natalya won’t let it go.

Kyle admitted he’s not good at keeping information which might cause a rift between people, so he admits that he stirs up shit.

Max is quite the slacker.  He openly goofs off, doing pull-ups while his coworkers are trying to get things done.  Could be like Benny from BDDU, not taking the job seriously or just doesn’t think a TV show about charters is a real job.

Then again he says he’s been fired from every job.  That kind of job history would probably prevent one from getting hired but it gets you cast on. bravo show!

Ok we suspect BD beach picnics are fake, like guests are mostly indifferent to them.  These guests didn’t want to hike up to that castle.

But it quickly showed what Max is about, complaining about having to lug all the stuff uphill, while Lara was doing it without complaints until she complained about Max.



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As my grandmother would say:

"Two wrongs (in this case 4) don't make a right".  Quite the mess.

Max the slacker.  No wonder he's been fired from every job.  I've only been laid off once.  Then I retired😎

The guests were better behaved this episode.

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5 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

Kyle started the whole mess and now is beginning to realize his part, but still takes no action, except continued gossiping and seeking confidences

He was on the talk show afterwards and was grinning ear to ear about what he had accomplished so far. As you said, he knows exactly what Bravo wants from him and is willing to dish it up plenty.

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I wonder if Natalya gets the ax? This show is unpleasant to watch because of the  fighting between Natalya and Tumi. Tumi seems to have taken what Sandy said heart and wants to work things out. But Natalya is crazy. Her whole problem is that she is no longer the chief stew and she cannot accept this.  When she starts with her rapid fire tirades I tune her out because I can't understand 90% of what she is saying. I think she is starting to talk to herself.

 I wish that Tumi would go to Sandy and tell her that the situation with Natalya cannot continue. Put it on Sandy to choose for the good of the entire interior crew. 

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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

I wish that Tumi would go to Sandy and tell her that the situation with Natalya cannot continue. Put it on Sandy to choose for the good of the entire interior crew. 

"Hello Norma......."   LOL

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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

 I wish that Tumi would go to Sandy and tell her that the situation with Natalya cannot continue. Put it on Sandy to choose for the good of the entire interior crew. 

No matter what Tumi says or does, Natalya will hate her. She was looking for a fight from the moment Tumi stepped on the boat. She claims to be professional, but she has been running to everyone and bad-mouthing Tumi, and downright lying if I remember editing from an episode back. A professional would support her team, Natalya, not try to sabotage it.

Tumi could just stare at her while she has her unintelligible tirade, then say "okay then, let's make this charter work." Just don't engage with her venomous viper ways. Natalya is making herself look bad, so let her.

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I can't even comment on the ridiculousness that is the Tumi/Natalya situation.  Kyle certainly has his hand in a lot of that, but yet, he flies under Sandy's radar.  Apparently, Kyle is now Sandy's favorite, and can do no wrong.

Sandy must have read every book on positive management tropes and memorized them all.  She just spouts all this nonsense, feel-good bullshit without getting to the root of the problem.  I hate when Sandy's voice go down an octave or two - you know she's going to be spewing some phony-sounding compliments or supposed morale-boosting affirmations.

I thought that these guests were kind of demanding, especially the "vegan" woman.  I get that they are paying a lot of money for this trip, but if you are so concerned about your meals, you should be doing personal consults with the chef to insure you get exactly the "flavors" in the vegan dishes you are looking for.  

Jack did not throw Tumi under the bus as she said - Tumi repeated exactly what the guest stated she wanted with her tofu.  The guest did not say "breaded and deep fried".  

To me, the best talking head of the night was "Cheffy" (Jack), when he said "This ship is turning into the Titanic and we all know that didn't work out so well for Jack" - I'm paraphrasing here, but that made me laugh out loud!  So far, he seems to be very capable and talented, with a good demeanor.  Let's hope it stays that way.

Lastly, why all of a sudden, are the stews and deck hands referring to the chef as "Cheffy"?  Are they too lazy to remember Jack's name?  I get giving the chef respect by referring to him/her as "Chef", due to their training, but to cutesy it up?  That only sounds right when Aesha and Jason say it that way with their great accents.  Something tells me certain chefs in previous seasons of all franchises would not have appreciated being called "Cheffy".


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Natalya seemed like she wanted Tumi to compliment her on what a great job she did “holding the fort.” Probably insulted when that didn’t happen. They both could have handled it more gracefully. I seem to remember Sandy asking Natalya if she could handle stepping down when the time came. Apparently harder to do when the time came. Tumi didn't  help the situation much either. I think her Mom had some very strong opinions about being taken advantage of and passed them onto Tumi. Everyone needs to take it down a notch.

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To her credit Tumi seems to want to fix this but Natalya doesn't want to fix it. She just wants to be chief stew again. It's an untenable situation and she either should have left the boat once Tumi took over or never come aboard in the first place. 

Wow, first Ruan and now Max. Sometimes I swear the casting people are deliberately punking Sandy hiring losers like this. "Oh, you have untreated ADHD and have been fired from every job? You're hired!"

Sandy saying you have to respect each other in the workplace is a joke. I wish the show had the balls to then cut to a montage of Sandy screaming her head off at Hannah, Malia, etc. etc.

If the chef doesn't do a lot of vegan dishes he should sit down with the guest and go over what she would like. I don't understand why he keeps giving her things she doesn't want. And it's not Tumi's job to tell him what to feed her. He's in that preference sheet meeting too. Yes it is a lack of communication . . . on his part.

Has the show been to that castle before? That steep walk seems awfully familiar. I really wouldn't want to walk all the way up there either.

4 hours ago, aqusdealer said:

He was on the talk show afterwards and was grinning ear to ear about what he had accomplished so far.

Kyle also said he's still in touch with Dave and Natasha from last season and is still defending that psycho Natasha. Tells you a lot about his character and judgment.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

If the chef doesn't do a lot of vegan dishes he should sit down with the guest and go over what she would like. I don't understand why he keeps giving her things she doesn't want. And it's not Tumi's job to tell him what to feed her. He's in that preference sheet meeting too. Yes it is a lack of communication . . . on his part.

That woman was just impossible to please.  She also gave the quote of the episode:

Guest:  "This isn't fried, it's pan-seared."

What an asshole!

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:


Has the show been to that castle before? That steep walk seems awfully familiar. I really wouldn't want to walk all the way up there either.


That castle did look very familiar.  I was wondering if they went there with that Queen of Versailles woman in a previous season?  I remember the stews and deck crew guys hauling all that stuff up the stairs.  


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2 hours ago, aqusdealer said:

Natalya seemed like she wanted Tumi to compliment her on what a great job she did “holding the fort.” Probably insulted when that didn’t happen. They both could have handled it more gracefully. I seem to remember Sandy asking Natalya if she could handle stepping down when the time came. Apparently harder to do when the time came. Tumi didn't  help the situation much either. I think her Mom had some very strong opinions about being taken advantage of and passed them onto Tumi. Everyone needs to take it down a notch.

I can understand that a compliment (or more, since Tumi says she did say "thank you" and we heard her refer to her work as "impeccable."  But, we were listening, unlike Nat) would have been nice to hear after Natalya and Jessika worked their buns off during the first charter.  But that doesn't excuse Nat's horrible behavior and attack mode.  Sandy is the one who should be appreciating Nat's role as chief stew because Nat did Sandy a favor.  Tumi could have come in with a more appreciative, laid back attitude, I agree, but that doesn't give Nat the right to turn the whole boat against her and call her names.

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50 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

That castle did look very familiar.  I was wondering if they went there with that Queen of Versailles woman in a previous season?  I remember the stews and deck crew guys hauling all that stuff up the stairs.  


I don't think they've ever shot the show in Genoa before, so no, not that castle.  The Med is filled with castles and forts - pretty sure they went to one in Croatia the season they shot there.

I'll take the unfortunate stand of actually appreciating Sandy's approach to the drama:  she wants Tumi to take charge of her team, rather than being the heavy who drops the hammer herself.  And, as a boss, I've had an employee who refused to speak to me, and there is nothing that says "I don't respect you" louder.

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1 minute ago, meep.meep said:

I don't think they've ever shot the show in Genoa before, so no, not that castle.  The Med is filled with castles and forts - pretty sure they went to one in Croatia the season they shot there.

I'll take the unfortunate stand of actually appreciating Sandy's approach to the drama:  she wants Tumi to take charge of her team, rather than being the heavy who drops the hammer herself.  And, as a boss, I've had an employee who refused to speak to me, and there is nothing that says "I don't respect you" louder.

Yeah I was going to say they haven't been in the Liguria area before.

I believe they went up to a castle for a picnic setup on the island of Ischia, in central/southern Italy, near Naples.



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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

If the chef doesn't do a lot of vegan dishes he should sit down with the guest and go over what she would like. I don't understand why he keeps giving her things she doesn't want. And it's not Tumi's job to tell him what to feed her. He's in that preference sheet meeting too. Yes it is a lack of communication . . . on his part.

I thought that he gave her what she asked for fried tofu. Did she tell Tumi that the tofu had to be breaded and deep fried. People like this guest are complete jerks. They think by being demanding and telling everyone who will listen how they expect a certain level of service because of who they are that makes them classy. I got news for these people their behavior makes them assholes. I want to know where Bravo is digging up these "guests" maybe from Central Casting.

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Team Tumi.  Screw Natalya and her screaming and hand waving.  At least this episode we didn't have to hear, once again, about her open relationship.  

In a non-reality show world, if your boss/supervisor tells you they want to have a talk, you don't say no unless you're looking to be demoted or fired.  Natalya was 100% out of line to tell Tumi no to a discussion, especially after Sandy told both of them to talk it out.   When they finally did have a discussion, it was clear that Natalya is never going to let go what she considered Tumi's unappreciative behavior.  If I were Tumi, I simply could not work with her, nor would I want to.  Natalya is a third stew; I'd be worried she'd jack something up just so the chief stew would get blamed.  

The vegan guest was a PITA.  If you're picky, maybe let the chef and chief stew know that you have certain dietary requests.  And "fried" doesn't necessarily translate to "breaded and deep fried."  

Max is completely lazy -- especially compared to Lara.  

So Kyle basically stirred the pot, playing both sides of the fence, and slips thru unscathed?  Based on his appearance on WWHL, he's apparently gotten some work done (nose?  eyes?)  

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I didn't know breaded tofu deep fried was a thing.

Still seems uncharacteristic for Tumi to tell Natalya right after they met that the ship was a "shit show."

You really have to have contempt for a person you just met to talk like that.  Sure she wasn't talking about Tumi but it's understandable that Natalya would take offense, not because she's prudish about cursing but it comes across as dismissive of her, since she set up the ship for the first charter.

Natalya also decided to get aggressive and hasn't toned it down since.

Things should calm down naturally so I'd be especially suspicious if things remain heated for days later.

They just met and this is their first charter together so it's been within 2-3 days at most since they met.  Of course we're talking about meeting on camera.  Maybe the crew/cast met off-camera too, before they started shooting.

Could something have happened off camera?  More than whatever Kyle and Tumi discussed or whatever messaging was going on among the 3.

Because the behavior can't really be explained by what they've shown so far.

2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I thought that he gave her what she asked for fried tofu. Did she tell Tumi that the tofu had to be breaded and deep fried. People like this guest are complete jerks. They think by being demanding and telling everyone who will listen how they expect a certain level of service because of who they are that makes them classy. I got news for these people their behavior makes them assholes. I want to know where Bravo is digging up these "guests" maybe from Central Casting.

She was giving scores on each dish, at each meal.

The other guests were prompting her to give a score.

That has to be a put on or they were encouraged to express opinions often and bluntly.

Edited by aghst
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I just wish Tumi and Natalya would wise up and realize Kyle is stirring the pot and playing them against each other. Tumi's text to Kyle did not say she "had no problems firing Natalya" but that's exactly what Kyle told Natalya it said. Then Natalya went around bitching to anyone who would listen that Natalya said she had no problem firing her. 

Also, the latest round of fighting was prompted by Kyle not putting any of the decorations away and leaving them all for Natalya the next morning. Who does Natalya blame for this? Tumi. Not Kyle himself. Even when she was complaining about it to Kyle himself she was blaming Tumi. 

Natalya doesn't want to let this go and fix this. She just wants to bitch about it. I don't think there was anything Tumi could have said to fix it. I'm reasonably sure Natalya is the one who is going to get fired.

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I'm really upset because I loved Tumi from last season and I was a fan of Natalya last season on their shows.  It's a shame that  one person is in the mix of all of this and it's Kyle.  Kyle should have never been brought back at all.  He was nothing but a lazy shit stirrer the whole time.  He is continuing it now but seems to have Sandy's ok and no call outs.  My hope is it's him that is removed from the boat.  

Nothing Tumi will do or say will make Natalya change her mind. I wish it would and they would see who is doing all of this. Screw reunion shows too where  it's too late.  That said Natalya should have been a one episode and done.  She came in and left it to Tumi.

This show is not fun, not entertaining, and not enjoyable.  Time to get rid of Sandy, and anyone prior involved on the show.  You did it with Capt Lee, do it with her.  Get another female Capt.

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21 hours ago, 65mickey said:

If she doesn't make an appearance on WWHL that could indicate that she was fired.  

She was on the show several weeks ago.  

Also, on this episode, Tumi kind of explained that her text message was talking about Tumi walking off the ship in a "diva moment."  It was hard to decipher because she was referring to herself in the third person. 

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On 10/17/2023 at 8:09 AM, iMonrey said:

Has the show been to that castle before? That steep walk seems awfully familiar. I really wouldn't want to walk all the way up there either.

They definitely walked up to the top of Èze in the South of France in a previous season. I remember because it is one of the few places I've seen on this show where I have been.

Natalya is a nightmare employee and should be fired for her current behavior. You can't walk around trash-talking your supervisor to everyone who makes the mistake of standing still long enough and expect to succeed at your job.

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On 10/18/2023 at 3:38 PM, SemiCharmedLife said:

She was on the show several weeks ago.  

Also, on this episode, Tumi kind of explained that her text message was talking about Tumi walking off the ship in a "diva moment."  It was hard to decipher because she was referring to herself in the third person. 

I went back through all episode listings for WWHL from before this season started and I could not find an episode where Natalya was on. The only crew members from this season to be on WWHL are Sandy, Kyle and the 4th stew whose name I don't remember. Maybe she was during the previous season. 

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Yep you're correct. She was on 9-25. I don't know how I missed that because I  remember seeing Jamie Lynn Sigler but not Natalya. Oh well maybe she didn't get fired. It seems like Sandy really likes her. 

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On 10/18/2023 at 7:42 AM, aghst said:

I didn't know breaded tofu deep fried was a thing.

I didn't either until about 2 months ago. I enjoy my tofu - stir-fried, pan-fried, grilled, scrambled. I was out to dinner and ordered breaded deep fried tofu and it was possibly the worst thing I have eaten in a long while. I couldn't send it back because I ordered it and well that was on me, but I think I ate about 2 pieces before I tapped out.

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On 10/17/2023 at 9:47 PM, MyMaui said:

I'm really upset because I loved Tumi from last season and I was a fan of Natalya last season on their shows.  It's a shame that  one person is in the mix of all of this and it's Kyle.  Kyle should have never been brought back at all.  He was nothing but a lazy shit stirrer the whole time.  He is continuing it now but seems to have Sandy's ok and no call outs.  My hope is it's him that is removed from the boat.  

I agree.  Kyle should never have been asked back after his performance in his last season.  But Bravo likes that shit stirring quality he loves to use as much as possible.


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On 10/17/2023 at 5:05 AM, 65mickey said:

I wonder if Natalya gets the ax? This show is unpleasant to watch because of the  fighting between Natalya and Tumi.

Natalya was being extremely nasty to Tumi without provocation. But what really disgusted me was Nat running to other crew members and "warning" them how horrible Tumi was. She even was poisoning the Chef's opinion of Tumi and that's not good for anyone. She gossips and if she doesn't get the reaction she wants, she exaggerates the details. 

Edited by Chalby
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On 10/17/2023 at 2:48 PM, iMonrey said:

She just wants to bitch about it. I don't think there was anything Tumi could have said to fix it. I'm reasonably sure Natalya is the one who is going to get fired.

Natalya is too efficient to get fired. She's a hard worker, but I wish she'd just SHUT UP!

Remember her first season, when she was nonstop yapping, whining, and criticizing the chief stew who was struggling emotionally because of her boyfriend's constant texts and having secretly dated the chef?

We could all see her emotional collapse without having Nat point out what a shit stew she was at every chance 

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This episode.

Sandy needs to read the riot act to either or both Natalya and Tumi, who are both hot, and Sandy’s first words to Natalya are, “Thank you for what you did for the boat.” 🤣

The Positive Reinforcement School of Management, I guess. Sandy, you tell both upfront to knock it off and grow up, or get the fuck off the boat. Case closed.

Edit: I know that is what she said, eventually, but she was acting really afraid of both. Sandy, you’re the boss, not their friend.

Edited by RoseAllDay
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