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S02.E08: Chapter Sixteen

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15 minutes ago, Starchild said:

Huh I thought we'd see the typical cliche of the innocent brother taking the rap because the guilty brother has a bright future outside of prison.

You got me, show.

You might have had it half right. I thought the brother with the art scholarship might have a bright future.
And maybe his niece will learn to paint, and, even if she does not become an artist herself because of gender role expectations and reproductive expectations at that time, maybe she will have a granddaughter for her father Matteo, who does become a career artist because Matteo gave his brother that opportunity. 



Pete urinating in the prosecutor's expensive booze is some kind of justice too. 


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Man, last season, Perry survives by a mistrial and this time the "victory" is simply a guilty plea by having one of the Gallardo brothers plead guilty and take the entire fall, while the other is released.  I guess for this show, that is about as close as you can get for a win but it sounds like that is quite a different record for Perry compared to the original show.  But I actually kind of wondered if this was where it was all heading, although I'm surprised that according to the flashback it really was Mateo and they didn't do the whole "innocent, older brother lies to protect the younger one" ending.

Heh, in typical bad guy fashion, Camilla makes the grand mistake of being such an asshole to her underling that they not only agree to giving Perry the blackmail evidence they have on Hamilton, but he's basically like "While your at it, here is all of her other blackmail as well!  To hell with her!!"  Villains really need to learn how to treat your lackeys with the proper respect.  They can be the most dangerous ones out there!  But judging from her final exchange with Della, I'm guessing this might not be over.  Even with the evidence, I can see her escaping justice.  I did love that she actually tried to say she did the world a favor by taking out Brooks due to his treatment towards women.  I mean, she's not exactly wrong, but I suspect she would have been more than happy for him to keep doing his thing had he not put Lydell's scheme under the microscope.

So, I'm guessing the reason Perry was fine with the 4 month jail sentence was because he would still be able to practice law after he serves his time.  Curious to see how this plays out.  I know Pete doesn't think he should do it but I can definitely see Perry almost becoming a lawyer for some of the other inmates.

Actually check back in with Ginny and she seems to be willing to give Perry another shot because going to jail for fourth months is a step at making up for the whole "Falsely accusing you of being a spy and breaking into my office" kerfuffle.

Sounds like Drake is actually going to work with this Perkins fellow and focus more on his community again.  But I can see them easily reinserting him back into things if the show comes back.

Della and Hamilton are now serving as each others respected beards right now for the public.

I wonder if this isn't the last we've seen of Milligan.  He was clearly pissed by Hamilton taking the plea deal, so I wonder if he might try and gun for his job.

Had this been a few years ago, I would imagine this show would be back, but considering how trigger happy HBO (really, Warner Brothers) has become now, I suspect there is a chance this show is done for since I haven't heard much about it: either buzz-wise or its ratings.  Hope it does though.  It might not be top tier HBO, but even HBO's B-level stuff (although, I personally lean more towards B+/A- here) is miles better than a lot of stuff out there.  I wouldn't mind seeing more of these characters, performers, locations, and overall feel of the show again.  It's just fun watching an old-fashioned noir-type mystery again.  But I imagine we will find out soon. 

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12 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Man, last season, Perry survives by a mistrial and this time the "victory" is simply a guilty plea by having one of the Gallardo brothers plead guilty and take the entire fall, while the other is released.  I guess for this show, that is about as close as you can get for a win but it sounds like that is quite a different record for Perry compared to the original show. 

For me the trial part of this season kind of landed with a thud and was the least interesting aspect. Everything else going on was intriguing and tied up neatly. But for a show about Perry Mason who, canonically, in both the books and tv show (though that matters less to me) is quick witted in the courtroom and always has another trick up his sleeve, this didn't feel like Perry Mason at all. He had the one fingerprint expert moment to show some flash of brilliance, but that was it.

I understand they're trying to show Perry earlier in his career so he doesn't yet have the expertise? And that tonally this show is meant to be more gritty, no-one-is-ever-happy, noir.  I just wish he'd show a little more energy for the courtroom scenes or any scene really. He doesn't have to be happy, but could he be engaged? 

I enjoyed the season because I like these actors and I liked the twists, but this final episode was a letdown. The case of the brothers ended how everyone predicted it would and most the the rest was wrapped up in a montage of scenes. 

That said, if there's a third season I'll be back. 

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Something of a bittersweet ending this season, with one brother going to jail for thirty years so that the other one can go free, but I guess this is the best they could hope for given the circumstances. I'm still surprised that they had Perry's clients really be guilty, even if they weren't really the ones pulling the strings, and that Perry technically ended up with a loss. I know that this show is going for a darker noir feeling than the original show, but its trippy to see Perry not having that ridiculously perfect record of all innocent clients and all acquittals. Even more of a loss is Perry going to jail for four months, but at least Ginny is willing to give him another shot, which is pretty impressive given the whole "angrily accusing you of spying on me" debacle. But its hard to resist Matthew Rhys. If we get another season, I'm guessing that it will focus on Perry representing someone who he met in jail, no way will he be able to avoid giving legal advice to fellow prisoners, no matter what Pete says. 

Camilla really had a lot of nerve trying to act like she was pulling a vigilante kill when she had Brooks killed, acting like she did it to protect any of his future victims, she killed him so that her shady deal could go through, not because of his despicable behavior towards women. If having him be alive benefitted her, he would certainly still be alive. Brooks might have had it coming, but that's not why he was actually killed, even if it was a sort of karma coming to get him. Camilla might not be gone for good though, considering how she pulled a classic villain "I'll be back" at Della. That beauty routine certainly is something else. 

Paul might be working for Perkins now, who's rather sketchy but does seem to be doing things to benefit their community, but I think Paul will end up with Perry again when he gets his next big case. 

Of course as soon as Della gets her time in the sun, the next big question she gets is "are you dating anyone?" Looks like she and Hamilton are going to be each others beards, which isn't exactly ideal but its not a bad arrangement for the time period. Its not like either of them could be out and proud right now and keep their high profile careers, at least now they both know what's up and can have their private lives going. 

I'm not sure if we will get another season, but I hope that we do. I really liked this season, even if there weren't a ton of big surprises, and I would love to return to this world and these characters again. Ending the season on the old theme was a nice touch.

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Paul might be working for Perkins now, who's rather sketchy but does seem to be doing things to benefit their community, but I think Paul will end up with Perry again when he gets his next big case. 

Perkins & Camilla are ethical twins.... Paying to find blackmail evidence is cheaper than bribing every politician and bureaucrat in your way...

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Of course as soon as Della gets her time in the sun, the next big question she gets is "are you dating anyone?" Looks like she and Hamilton are going to be each others beards, which isn't exactly ideal but its not a bad arrangement for the time period.

The Bar Exam is likely unchanged since Perry wrote it... Burger could help Della pass the exam. Cary Grant or Clark Gable will be the client next season and Perry is guaranteed to win because Fanboy Burger will lose on purpose... starting the worst losing streak ever...

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I was disappointed in this season. Kind of went out with a whimper.  I will watch another season, but I just don't know if this show is special enough to warrant one. 

Love the actors, the storyline, not so much. 

And Sunny Grise is still active, but I was hoping for his comeuppance. Did I miss that?  

Edited by cardigirl
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3 hours ago, cardigirl said:

And Sunny Grise is still active, but I was hoping for his comeuppance.

46 minutes ago, paigow said:

His grocery empire is expanding- Karma has not called yet....

If this is to be the last season of the series, we can fanwank that Sunny died of a heart attack next year. 
Choose your own adventure as to what becomes of his grocery empire.


  • LOL 3
6 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

If this is to be the last season of the series, we can fanwank that Sunny died of a heart attack next year. 
Choose your own adventure as to what becomes of his grocery empire.


Well, since the Great Depression was still on-going during the time frame of this series, maybe Sunny cornered the market on apples - for sale to those otherwise unemployed who re-sold them on the many street corners in L.A.   As such, Sunny died rich & happy & well-nourished. His empire and his waist-line having expanded.  And with Perry & Della still attached to his empire like barnacles on a rock.

Edited by realityplease
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On 4/25/2023 at 12:19 PM, tennisgurl said:

Paul might be working for Perkins now, who's rather sketchy but does seem to be doing things to benefit their community, but I think Paul will end up with Perry again when he gets his next big case. 

My guess would be that a Perkins storyline dovetails with whatever case Perry works on next season, so Paul is dragged back in whether he wants to be or not. I would also guess, though, he may become disillusioned working for Perkins. He thinks it's going to be better than working for Perry, but much of his torment this season came from the forced beating....which Perkins made him do.

I really enjoyed this season, much more than the first one. The second half of the finale felt a little slow, but I did appreciate how they tied together all the plot strings. They left Sunny hanging out there, maybe to develop a larger role for Sean Astin in season 3. 

Love the cinematography of this show - almost every shot is so beautiful - and the music. I loved Boardwalk Empire too, and you can feel the carry-through of the similar team members here. 

I hope we get at least a season 3....hopefully sooner than 3 years this time!

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I hope putting it on Monday nights didn't sabotage the series prospects for more seasons.

I liked this case more than the season 1 case, though obviously Tatiana Maslany is a bigger draw than the guest stars of season 2.

Also liked how they showed Drake's competence and savvy, even if he was conflicted about some aspects of the work.

Della got her chance to show her chops in the courtroom and Julia Rylance got to show her goods.

They showed the warts of the main characters, Perry accusing Ginny, being a little too sad otherwise and Della cheating on her lover and almost being too close to Camilla -- she wasn't happy to find out Camilla was the main villain.



On 4/26/2023 at 6:43 PM, Back Atcha said:

Interesting that male character (Hamilton Burger) on the NEW TV series was gay ... and played by a gay actor.

In the original series, the lead character (Perry Mason) is straight...played by a gay actor.

I think all of the main actors on the original were gay.  A few closeted.  I may be wrong..

Edited by heatherchandler
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6 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

Interesting.  I'd never heard it, but ONE Google search and there it is...even mentioning Barbara Hale's husband, Bill Williams, and thrice-married William Hopper.  

I think at the time they were all closeted to people not in their immediate circles, so it’s not surprising that many of us wouldn’t have known.

Edited by shapeshifter
13 hours ago, shapeshifter said:
14 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

Interesting.  I'd never heard it, but ONE Google search and there it is...even mentioning Barbara Hale's husband, Bill Williams, and thrice-married William Hopper.  

I think at the time they were all closeted to people not in their immediate circles, so it’s not surprising that many of us wouldn’t have known.

...and most were protected by the Hearst corporation--unless they ticked off William Randolph.  If they all "behaved" they were guaranteed good publicity and good jobs.  I was born in 1940 and had no clue about "gay" anything except Nineties.

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Two questions:

Why would Perry be able to practice law when this is over? Why on earth wouldn't be he disbarred for an ethical lapse so severe that he had to go to jail for four months?

And while I get that Camilla and Papa McCutcheon were selling oil to the Japanese, I still don't understand how the spoiled produce worked into things. Can someone explain?

37 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

How would the oil get on the fruit? Was some of the oil lost in the water while pumping it onto the boat? Didn't they use barrels? 

No barrels were used... It was pumped into the cargo hold directly from the delivery boat [just like Perry & Strickland witnessed] so some oil inevitably ended up on the floating crates. Brooks usually resold the fruit for profit [like Holcomb said] but Daddy prefers dumping it.

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On 5/6/2023 at 11:02 PM, Blakeston said:

Two questions:

Why would Perry be able to practice law when this is over? Why on earth wouldn't be he disbarred for an ethical lapse so severe that he had to go to jail for four months?

A few possibilities:

1. The show may just handwave the issue with Perry's conviction and bar status.

2. The standards of the California bar back in the 1930s might not be so strict as you might expect.

3. Indeed, even today, a conviction for a misdemeanor (which I believe is what he was convicted of) or even a felony is not something that will result in automatic and/or permanent disbarment generally speaking. It would be possible/probable that someone who did what Perry did might receive some other form of discipline to his license like a reprimand or suspension and not a full on disbarment. And there are usually opportunities to get one's license reinstated if one can show that they have been rehabilitated and learned from their mistakes. Basically, the only acts that are 100 percent guaranteed to result in disbarment with little/no chance for reinstatement is if you defraud a client or commit another crime or serious ethical violation directly against one.

4. At the end of this episode, Perry and Della had all of Camilla's blackmail material against the rich and powerful of L.A. It's entirely possible that they use it to get Perry's law license up and running.

5. We have a time/season where Perry DOESN'T get his license back. Della is a full-fledged lawyer who handles the actual court stuff and Perry is the investigator/behind-the-scenes power.

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
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On 5/7/2023 at 12:02 AM, Blakeston said:

Why would Perry be able to practice law when this is over? Why on earth wouldn't be he disbarred for an ethical lapse so severe that he had to go to jail for four months?


I thought that was the deal Perry was making. He asked the judge not to disbar him so he could defend his clients, but suggested that in exchange he could go to jail as punishment, which he wouldn't have otherwise?

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On 5/11/2023 at 8:49 PM, sistermagpie said:

I thought that was the deal Perry was making. He asked the judge not to disbar him so he could defend his clients, but suggested that in exchange he could go to jail as punishment, which he wouldn't have otherwise?

Even if the judge was okay with Perry practicing law, I wouldn't expect the state bar association to feel the same way. Any ethical lapse on an attorney's part that lands them in jail for four months would normally get an attorney into deep, deep shit with the state bar.

I'll give the show credit if they follow through on this, and Perry faces some professional consequences beyond incarceration.

Regardless of whether he'd be disbarred, I think most of us would like more seasons of this, before the cast turns too hold.

The sooner they turn it around and produce additional seasons, the better.

So if they can have good season arcs with Perry unable to practice law part or all of the season, lets see them next year, since there should be no more pandemic delays.

But now we have this writer's strike.  What are the chances they'd have written some scripts or even an outline already?  And even with scripts in hand, a lot of trades will honor the WGA picket lines.

So we may have to wait around 2 years again.

Already, HBO wasn't showcasing this show as much as the first season, since they put it on Mondays.

But season 2 got higher average review scores than season 1 so maybe they hire a big name or two as guest stars like Tatiana Maslany.

Hope Davis was great this season but she's not necessarily a big ratings draw.


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On 4/24/2023 at 11:26 PM, thuganomics85 said:

I did love that she actually tried to say she did the world a favor by taking out Brooks due to his treatment towards women.  I mean, she's not exactly wrong, but I suspect she would have been more than happy for him to keep doing his thing had he not put Lydell's scheme under the microscope.

Which was such a bullshit excuse though. Since with her money/connections/influence she could have easily exposed his sexual misconduct without having to kill him. 

On 4/24/2023 at 10:23 PM, Starchild said:

Huh I thought we'd see the typical cliche of the innocent brother taking the rap because the guilty brother has a bright future outside of prison.

You got me, show.

I thought we were going to get the twist where the judge refuses the plea deal and sends both brothers to prison.

Overall I really liked this season. Only thing that annoyed me was Della throwing away her relationship with Hazel for some mysterious unknown reason. Perry should have had Paul investigate that, since I don't think they did a good job explaining why she wanted to find someone new.

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