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S05.E23: Bad Behavior

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Ya know I was about to say that Jace would grow up and be the new Adam...  but unfortunately if Barbara, Jenelle, and Nathan don't ALL straighten their crap out, Jace will unfortunately grow up to be one scary guy.  And I hate saying that.  But the adults in his life really aren't doing him any favors.  I fear for Jace and Kaiser both.


Alleah (whom I have dubbed Sister Grace) and Ali remind me of that movie "The Good Son"-- do you remember that, with macaulay culkin and.. Elijah Wood?  Where Elijah wood comes to live with MC's family and MC is a little boy serial killer?  And no one believes Elijah wood that MC is a bad dude.  MC's character killed his little bro and tried to do the same with his little sister.  Everyone talks about Ali watching out for sister Grace, but Addy should watch out too.


At least Sister Grace and Jace aren't being raised in the same house.  That is a scary thought!!

Edited by spidermiss2426
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I don't see Alleah as a demon seed. She's louder and brasher than her sister but in that house, that's probably what it takes to be heard. I laughed when they were driving to the zoo and she told Corey that he was an animal.

Edited by Soobs
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I didn't watch the previous season, and have just watched the last two episodes of this season yet I only have a couple of questions because not much has changed.

Why is Leah wearing a wedding set on her right hand?

Did Kail's mother get married? I saw a ring on her finger too, see a pattern here? I notice jewelry...what can I say?

Kail, OMG I didn't think I could dislike her more than I already did, but damn she's disgusting! Poor Isaac and Javi.

Janelle, I see she's still dead inside...what a waste of skin. The lights are on (dimmed), but no one is home...creepy.

I don't get why these girlses ;) have pets, I'm looking at you Kail and Janelle! The ones who can't seem to handle the stress of motherhood, are the ones taking on the responsibility of a dog, or even two, why?

They both get so overwhelmed and down right shitty with the poor dogs and the kids while they are bring filmed, I don't want to imagine what happens when no one is watching.

I used to think Janelle was the loose cannon, but Kail is hot on her trail. She's a train wreck.

Edited by CentralTexas
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Central Texas, I noticed the extra wedding set as well. Either she's wearing her old rings from Cory or she upgraded her set from Germy and wears the original one on the right hand. If that's the case, it's even more evidence of how stupid this girl is with money. Leah can afford hair bleach, extensions, fake nails, monster pick-up trucks and diamond rings but has no money to purchase a wheelchair. Cry me a river.

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Central Texas, I noticed the extra wedding set as well. Either she's wearing her old rings from Cory or she upgraded her set from Germy and wears the original one on the right hand. If that's the case, it's even more evidence of how stupid this girl is with money. Leah can afford hair bleach, extensions, fake nails, monster pick-up trucks and diamond rings but has no money to purchase a wheelchair. Cry me a river.


That's a bit harsh, BitterApple.


You're not giving her any credit for the Mary Kay business empire into which she's apparently invested around $5 grand.


Their financial difficulties will be over any time now due to her mad business skillz.  


(Insert chortle *here*)

Edited by Persnickety1
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I hate to, but I have to slightly defend Leah in reference to the wheelchair.  Is it stupid to buy a horse for Ali?  Absolutely.  She should purchase therapeutic riding time at a local stable.  Horses are incredibly expensive.  She also wastes money on horrible makeup, rings, and stupid things.  Those things seem even extra stupid when it is put against the constant struggle to get insurance to pay for the wheelchair that she keeps whining about how much ALI NEEDS IT TO BE FREE.  

However that thing is expensive and if it is medically necessary, it is something that the insurance company should be paying for.  If Ali and Corey or Jeremy or whoever just went out and bought it, the insurance company isn't going to reimburse them for it once it is approved.  They have to continue the process and get the insurance to pay for it.  It basically costs about what a car would cost and they wouldn't be able to afford it and the upkeep if it isn't done through insurance.  


Now the stupid cars and jewelry and Mary Kay and horses, that is just plain silly and shows just how immature and well unintelligent that Leah and the whole lot of them are.  I have no defense for that.  Poor kids.  They have no chance.  

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Persnickety1, true dat. Silly me for not remembering that MLM schemes are the fastest way to build a personal fortune;). 


I can absolutely imagine Leah envisioning herself with that elusive pink caddy....not knowing it's not really the "gift" that they represent it to be, but that MK takes it away if the rep doesn't keep up those monthly sales quotas.  


She might get one of those snazzy red MK blazers, though.  Totally worth $5 grand.  

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Then she can pile on the rouge and lip liner to matchy-match!

....and I know "rouge" is an old fashioned term, I just envision Leah w/one of those rouge pots, furiously scrubbing more red into her cheeks. XD

Mary Kay sells rouge in pots...I know because years ago I got "bait and switched" into buying some :\

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And I LOVED that she recognized the child's need for consistency and made a reward chart at home similar to the one she has at school. I think Cheslea is a good mom, she is trying. And I applaud her for that.


Long time kindergarten teacher here. Agree with Aubree needs consistency regarding discipline and I'm kind of ok with the clip chart at home. In public school now, the spectrum on these has swung to "hell no". Imagine every parent and child knowing who is at the bottom and who is at the top daily, there is no confidentially. Sure it's great if your child is high daily, but think about the low ones. An anology is if you are at a meeting at work and asked the person next to you a question about what was just said, you'd be told to get up in front of the audience and "clip down". I've never used one and never will, but modified it can work at home. I, too applaud Chelsea for trying.

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I actually take the opposite stance on the charts in school. Maybe if kids were called out on their bad behavior we wouldn't have so many brats running amok. This philosophy of kids must feel good and be propped up all the time just makes for a generation of entitled narcissists. I've seen it firsthand with my nieces and nephews. Now, I think publicly posting tests scores or grades would be inappropriate, but I don't see any issue with regards to behavior. Everyone knows who the fuck-ups are anyways, charts or no charts.

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While Leah certainly does not display a very responsible attitude about spending around her kids, Gracie's comment seemed more in line with just typical little kid thinking. They don't "get" money.

Which makes it seem more plausible that Gracie has picked up on the idea that things can just be bought. Now, if she had said to Leah, "Well, we can just GET another one" it would be more in line with what kids say who have no concept about money. Leah and her man do a lot of talking in front of the girlses - A LOT. Those girls pick up on conversations. I believe Leah has mentioned more than once to Jeremy, "Well, we can just buy [insert here whatever] one" or "We can just go out and buy another one, no big deal."  Leah made herself very clear with her comments early on in her marriage with Jeremy and about the money he makes. Watching her blow threw money as if she won the lottery, sends a very strong message to kids, even kids that young. I wouldn't put it past Leah to have said to her girlses a few times how she can "buy another one" when something has been broken such as a toy.




I actually take the opposite stance on the charts in school. Maybe if kids were called out on their bad behavior we wouldn't have so many brats running amok.

Jace gets called out on his bad behavior, is rarely given praise, and that kid is running around hitting others. Seems to me, if Jace was praised more than once a month, he might feel valued for the good things he does rather than the bad things. Kids, people, everyone wants to be praised for the good things they do. Kids should be held accountable for the bad behavior, and I am confident Aubree's school, as many schools do, do hold kids accountable for their behavior. Unfortunately, many kids in this generation, like this kids on this series, are being raised by teen parents, who don't have the proper skills and tools to raise a child. Unfortunately, it then becomes the school's problem and other childrens' problem who attend those schools. Schools are limited in what they can do to punish a child, as so many parents think their child is special and the problem lies with other kids, the schools and the teachers. If punishment and consequences are not being instilled at home then the ball gets dropped on the school. 


I think the chart is a great idea. The focus is on behavior and the child is then taught that through their own choices, they will either make the next level or they won't. The child can actually see the results.  It happens to work for many children. It gives them the feeling that they can achieve the next level of something and get a reward. Motivating these kids with a good behavior chart is one great way of handling a classroom full of kids.

Edited by SPLAIN
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Central Texas, I noticed the extra wedding set as well. Either she's wearing her old rings from Cory or she upgraded her set from Germy and wears the original one on the right hand. If that's the case, it's even more evidence of how stupid this girl is with money. Leah can afford hair bleach, extensions, fake nails, monster pick-up trucks and diamond rings but has no money to purchase a wheelchair. Cry me a river.

I'm so glad I wasn't seeing things.

Can't she spend some of that cash on hiring a tutor? A dictionary? Something to help her sound less dumb? Her speech is jacked up, not only does she mumble, but she assassinates the English language!

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That's a bit harsh, BitterApple.


You're not giving her any credit for the Mary Kay business empire into which she's apparently invested around $5 grand.


Their financial difficulties will be over any time now due to her mad business skillz.  


(Insert chortle *here*)

I know I'd host a party for her, I'd get some girlses together and have Leah teach us all how to make our faces look just like hers! because you know...it's been a while since I mastered that eye look from a 1983 Seventeen magazine.

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I just can't, how are you going to buy the child a horse... That is going to wind up costing wayyyy more than the wheelchair ( ps the wheelchair should totally be a character with a little notebook scribble everytime it's on screen that says "Alli's ride") I get that insurance should pay for it, I agree that she needs it, but I just can't take Leah's pleas seriously when every week she is spending thousands of dollars on whatever random knock knack. Obviously I know the insurance cannot hold the fact that she's in tv against her, but you can't tell me either that if some person on that board is familiar with her and her spending habits that it won't effect their judgement of if insurance will pay or not, I'm not saying they would deny based on that necessarily, but for example the loaner chair is broken just weeks (in not sure of what the real-time time span) of her receiving it, and I was on the board of insurance... I would definitely be a little more cautious in approving it knowing that they have proven that they are not taking care of it. I'm a horrible person, I know but it's true I don't know that I could separate the bias (let's just be thankful I'm not on any insurance boards) I get medical necessity, and I do think it is one, but the fact that the loaner that is not even theirs is already broken... Insurance isn't going to buy you a new set of wheels every 3 months.

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Not to defend Leah, because I do find her annoying as hell, but I would be pissed by Corey's laid back attitude towards the insurance thing as well. The sqeaky wheel gets the grease. Corey acted like he couldn't even make a phone call to the insurance company or his own human resources department and ask a question. Corey does seem very passive in certain situations, and he didn't like the wheelchair idea. It never hurts to follow up with insurance. That's how I found out one of my claims had actually been lost in the system. It doesn't hurt to check and to push a little. Corey acted like he wasn't even allowed to ask them the status of the claim. As the child's mother, I get why Leah was frustrated.

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Except Leah over-dramatizes and has straight-up lied before. I got the impression Cory has called the insurance and they are not telling him anything different other than they are working on the claim. Leah is being pressured by Jeremy because he is on her ass for her wild spending. Leah has to then turn around and gripe to Cory.

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