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Sullivan's Crossing - General Discussion

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This is not my usual jam / type of show that I would normally watch. I caught the pilot after CTV's incessant commercials for it. Then I started leaving all the episodes on in the background. 

It's very Canadian. I'm glad they got to film somewhere not normally featured like Nova Scotia. I am finding CMM more attractive now than when he was younger. I was indifferent to him on Gilmore Girls and I didn't watch One Tree Hill.

As a Canadian kid, I grew up with Tom Jackson on the "Shining Time Station" which had him and George Carlin in a Thomas the Tank Engine show. I'm really glad Jackson is still working and as soothing as ever.

On 4/6/2023 at 8:16 AM, greekmom said:

I really noticed that Scott P. has had significant hair loss on top.  Guess that's the reason for the hats.

His hairline was receding a lot even in Gilmore Girls. He is an older, grumpy version of Luke.

I read a spoiler from the books:


Maggie and Cal eventually get together (shocking I know). Book 2 follows Sully (Scott P) meeting someone romantically as well.  If the show ever makes it to season 2 or 3, I'd like to see who they'd cast (probably Canadian) opposite him. 


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On 4/1/2023 at 11:02 AM, greekmom said:

So far it's a filler show for me.

Same here. I'm glad to see Tom Jackson and Andrea Menard, even more so that they are playing characters that share their cultural roots and please show, I want to hear them sing. They're both such good singers and composers.

Megan Kohun is beautiful but I'm not buying her as a super rising neurosurgery star.  (She's also a bit too young for the role.) I know that CMM's character is going to be her love interest eventually but I don't get why, her boyfriend Andrew is smarter, more considerate and (to me) more attractive. All that Cal has going for him is propinquity.

He's also kind of a jerk in the first episodes and even in episode 5 when he playing attorney, I can't get beyond that.  He says she's full of herself (or something like that) because she introduces herself as a doctor but the situation called for a doctor. It's a neurologist's job to identify dementia and that situation called for it.  (Hi, Richard Donat! Long time no see.) The time Maggie needed to be on site to help Frank as he was being taken to the hospital, she decided to play cop instead. And she's kind of a lousy girlfriend, blowing off Andrew for Cal.

Sully resents that Maggie went away, Maggie resents that Sully is estranged from her, Lola resents Maggie because she is Sully's real daughter -- I don't care.

Maybe it will get better. Five more episodes to go this season.

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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Sully resents that Maggie went away, Maggie resents that Sully is estranged from her, Lola resents Maggie because she is Sully's real daughter -- I don't care.

Maybe it will get better. Five more episodes to go this season.

It's hilarious. Sully is jealous of Walter's relationship with Maggie yet he doesnt see that  she is jealous of his relationship with Lola.

Sully also lends everyone his last shirt (or last dollar) because he's Sully everyone takes advantage.  BTW I can't believe he paid $20 for a double whiskey. 

I never liked the characters the woman who plays Maggie's mother portrays.  What she did to Sully in the flashback is cold man.

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I know Lynda Boyd mostly as Rose from Republic of Doyle (fun to see her with Allan Hawco again) and recently Family Law where she is a not nice character currently involved with Harry.

Phoebe as a character is well-drawn and very recognizable, probably grew up without much money and loves playing the grand lady. She was a bad match for Sully (ambitious where he is not) and is much better suited to Walter  and his lifestyle than Sullivan's Crossing.

Cal is a mini Sully, happy in his small world (unless we find out at the end of the season that he's a mega entrepreneur on a break which wouldn't surprise me) and everything that we have been told about Maggie, her drive, her ambition, her way of working, suggests that she would be as unhappy with Cal as her mother was with Sully. It's why I can't get into the inevitable Maggie/Cal relationship.

4 hours ago, greekmom said:

It's hilarious. Sully is jealous of Walter's relationship with Maggie yet he doesnt see that  she is jealous of his relationship with Lola.

He's also not trying to fix his relationship with Maggie. Being "take me as I am" isn't going to cut it with a child after a 15 year separation, especially when Walter his rival is all "don't worry, I'm going to help you" with her.

I caught up to the last 4 episodes. I think I keep watching for the actors and the location. The writing is mediocre and most of the characters have too many problems especially the leads. It's like every episode someone is mean to Maggie and Sully is struggling with his alcoholism and incredibly bad financial management. Seriously, how has he been able to keep that place afloat?

I find the lead actress okay. I partly blame the writing because it's taken awhile for us to get to know her character. Also, she did treat Andrew rather coldly. Even though he turned out to be a controlling jerk, he was right in that she didn't seem to know what she wanted.

On 4/18/2023 at 11:14 AM, statsgirl said:

Cal is a mini Sully, happy in his small world (unless we find out at the end of the season that he's a mega entrepreneur on a break which wouldn't surprise me) and everything that we have been told about Maggie, her drive, her ambition, her way of working, suggests that she would be as unhappy with Cal as her mother was with Sully. It's why I can't get into the inevitable Maggie/Cal relationship.

The writing isn't great but we're finally seeing that Maggie has sought out control in her life due to her anxiety and her unstable upbringing with an alcoholic father. Her mother is rather controlling too but can't blame her too much considering she lived with Sully. Once I found out that Maggie has panic attacks, I was able to relate and understand her better. I know she suggested therapy to Sully but I really hope Maggie looks into herself right now in her life. Maggie is more relaxed in Sullivan's crossing and she'll be fine as a trauma and search and rescue medic. It's just a lot of crap in her life right now which would understandably cause her anxiety to flare up. I know this from personal experience.

Cal probably has some family money which wouldn't surprise me. I'm fine with this pairing and CMM is trying to make this mysterious widower thing work for me at least.


Caught up to the end of the first 8 episodes. My overall impression, trying not to spoil too much for the CW viewers is that the show is very much Sullivan's Crossing folk = good; educated townies = bad. Boston is too stressful for Maggie, she's only happy in Sullivan's Crossing.

It feels like the writing is deliberately against Andrew. Frank tells him that Maggie is relaxed and happy in Sullivan's Crossing getting dirty (note, she hasn't been there since she was a teenager); Andrew replies that she is the cleanest person he knows. The show is hitting me over the head with how wrong Andrew is for Maggie

Cal had a tragedy in his life so he came to Sullivan's Crossing to work as a handyman and now he's happy again.

Maggie is emotionally cheating on Andrew with Cal and I think that I'm supposed to think that it's romantic because it's CMM.

Lola wants what Maggie has and is willing to throw away: Sully as a father figure, Cal interested in her, a place to call home. Poor Lola can't even get Rafe to pick her to dance.

I find Maggie cold and self-centred but I can't figure out if it's a deliberate decision like Stephen Amell who played Oliver as traumatized in Arrow season 1 or if she's a poor actress. I think that Morgan Kohan needs more experience before she can carry a show like this.

I'm supposed to feel sorry for Sully that Phoebe took Maggie away from him but why didn't he hire a lawyer to fight for Maggie to visit him? Walter telling him that he's a loser was cruel but it doesn't seem that far off the mark. Both Sully and Maggie seem bewildered by why bad things keep happening to them..

I love Edna's earrings, all of them.

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12 hours ago, Artsda said:

So drunk Sully hit Lola? 


Of course drunk Sully hit Lola. There was major foreshadowing back a few episodes ago about how Lola didn't know who hit her and the fact that Sully is extra nice to Lola ( I mean come on - she gave him back the 5 grand and he just gives it to her and he's losing his shirt!). 

Maggie continues to follow in Sully's shoes of making bad decisions.  I figured Walter is shady as heck. Lola's out to get Maggie makes no sense unless she is totally jealous of the opportunities that Maggie has had.


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Just finished the last episode of S01. The court room ending was quite an Hallmark moment. 🤣

CMM is playing CMM. Sully is a very bitter and emotionally immature Luke. Then again, every character except for Frank (love Tom Jackson) and Edna seem to be less than emotionally mature.

It was interesting to see Allan Hawco play an established surgeon and admitted *ss, instead of the fun loving sexy adventurous Jake Doyle (yes, I still miss that guy!)

Maggie thankfully seems to have grown up a bit at  the end but of course, there’s the soap plot twist. Why didn’t she also confront Sully about his money troubles?

I love the atmosphere of the show though, like comfort food. 

Oh man, that was one sad cliffhanger ending.

First episode aired in the U.S. tonight and, having read the book series (which I loved) I am pretty underwhelmed. Too much “looking into the distance, pondering life” from Maggie, I don’t like that it looks like it’s going to be her idea to break up with Andrew (a change from the book) and they changed/apparently aren’t going to use some of why she left to go back home.

They brought in characters from future books that I can’t really remember well enough to know if their storylines are going to be the same and it’s interesting that Connie is a woman (in the book it’s Conrad “Connie”) - who I recognized from Orphan Black. (And Frank was in a few episodes of Outlander, so that’s been fun). I’ll watch a couple more to see how it goes, but I was hoping for more in the first episode.

Edited by Eureka
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I was also underwhelmed and I knew nothing about the books or the story line.

I still don't know why she and her partner in the practice where charged.  Where did I miss it?

Did the charges in any way interfere with her medical expertise?

I do get the ER patient she diagnosed w/a broken leg who later died is an issue, altho' I am don't know what the proper medical steps should have been.

Very reminiscent of Virgin River.

I'll give it another couple of tries but I am not hopeful.

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On 10/16/2023 at 10:07 AM, Jillybean said:

Wow is this show dull. I think the female lead is miscast.

I could not agree more with both of your comments.  It isn't engaging or interesting. It's something I have on in the background while doing other things.  Morgan Kohan is not right for Maggie Sullivan and Scott Peterson as Sully is insufferable. I read all the books years ago and can't remember if he was this bad in the books. 

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I am so over the daughter Sully - the surgeon under indictment (or whatever).

Her behavior imitates a college sophomore not a highly skilled and respected surgeon.

Surgeons are notorious for their 'hubris' and for being difficult.  Probably traits that are needed when you sit down and really think about what they are doing - basically playing god.

Anyone who has worked in health care or even health care adjacent has heard plenty of stories about behavior in the OR.  Some so outrageous as to be funny.  And of course all the stories end with a positive patient outcome.

She (sorry can't remember the character's name) exhibits none of the confidence needed for that profession.  There is nothing about her that screams  successful surgeon who is so outstanding that she is on a pedestal and must be emulated.

Scott Peterson is good in his role, but can't save the series.




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Just a reminder:

Anything from the source material, in this case the books, is considered a spoiler and should be in spoiler tags.

If you're wondering how to do that, at the top of the reply box, there are a number of icons such as bolding, italics, the quote box, and on the middle right, an icon of an eye. That will produce a spoiler box. Anything from the books or what hasn't been broadcast yet should go into that box.


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On 10/16/2023 at 10:07 AM, Jillybean said:

Wow is this show dull. I think the female lead is miscast.

I couldn’t agree more. She’s so bland. The character seems to be written as kind of a Mary Sue but she doesn’t have the charisma to carry it off.

CMM’s character is kind of offputting to me and I’m not sure if it’s the writing or the acting. Can’t really put my finger on it. Smarmy isn’t the right word but it’s close. Maybe it’s the “aw shucks ma’am” cowboy accent that doesn’t belong in Canada?

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On 11/28/2023 at 3:50 PM, chitowngirl said:

How are the US ratings? It’s been renewed for a 2nd season, wonder if The CW will pick that up…🤷‍♀️

I assume it's still going to be on the CW. It'll do well there, it's a poor man's Dawson's Creek. 😕 

Speaking of which, was it not on this week? My DVR didn't record anything.

6 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

The Republican debate was on CW last night.

Ah ha, so next week is the S01 finale. I have to say, as much as I find the lead role a weird casting choice, I'll be staying on for the CMM viewing, thankyouverymuch. Yes I'm shallow that way, but the scenery and CMM is enough that I'll tune in. Im thinking that eventually the end game is


Cal and Maggie and Cal ends up saving Sullivan's Crossing financially because he said he was sticking around for a while and apparently he has money from being a lawyer.

So that's my best guess at how this ends up. But I haven't read the books and don't care to. It's just that shows like this usually aren't very crafty and they're usually fairly straightforward in their story lines.

PS: I don't want to know so please don't tell me I'm right or wrong! ;)

Edited by surfgirl

I don't understand the accident particulars and how or why those would become the giant obstacle holding Sully back from reconnecting with his daughter. He didn't appear drunk, she clearly wasn't seriously injured (though that might not have been apparent at the time), and it's far from clear he was at fault at all. Why would this pose a problem for him dealing with his daughter? I don't get it.

Regarding the trial and legal non-sense, leading questions are not only allowed on cross-examination, but they're pretty much the only type of cross examination questions that should be asked. And motions to dismiss don't get made, considered and granted in 30 miliseconds, as shown here.

Edited by ahpny
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On 12/14/2023 at 6:07 AM, ahpny said:

I don't understand the accident particulars and how or why those would become the giant obstacle holding Sully back from reconnecting with his daughter. He didn't appear drunk, she clearly wasn't seriously injured (though that might not have been apparent at the time), and it's far from clear he was at fault at all. Why would this pose a problem for him dealing with his daughter? I don't get it.

Are you talking about the girl Sully hit way back when? Because she looked pretty dead to me. Why do you say it wasn't apparent at the time? Did they show something that I missed about that?

This show, yeah we all have bitched about the bad writing, etc. But I can't quit this bitch, I think it's because it's mindless drivel and it isn't challenging. There's enough challenging shit in real life right now, so this boring show is calming to me, and has great scenery and CMM, whom I never watched a day in my life, is hot and not shy about showing his abs, so I'm still in for S02.

All that aside, this season finale was dark AF. I mean, first with the pregnancy test and realizing that Cal had left. Then the dark shit with Sully hitting that girl way back when. I mean, they just kept ratcheting up the sadness and it was all a bit too much! I just want pretty scenery and nice abs, ffs, am I asking too much!?

If I understand correctly, Maggie's spawn has to be Andrew's, yes? Because she and Cal only ever kissed that one time in the lake. Unless you now really can get pregnant in the water. So I'm guessing she loses the baby, somehow Cal finds out and returns to Sullivan's Crossing just in time to console her and get it on, and he brings his lawyer's check book with him, saving Sullivan's Crossing for Maggie and him to run for future generations. The End. These shows are so predictable. And yet I still watch. What is wrong with me?!?

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On 10/16/2023 at 1:07 PM, Jillybean said:

Wow is this show dull. I think the female lead is miscast.

OMG. So. Much. THIS!

Despite my own inner doubts I decided to give this a try.  I loved the books.  But what they did here is what they did with Virgin River. 

I am usually very forgiving of a tv or movie adaptation of books I like if the change is reasonable and makes the tv version more interesting or intriguing (see:Bridgerton, the first few seasons of the OG Walking Dead, The Watchmen e.g.) but when the changes make the tv version outright boring or they do something that changes the entire personality of a main characters or just makes the whole story unrecognizable they could have just written their own material from scratch,  then I side-eye.  This happened with Virgin River in spades.  I had to peace out of that show halfway through the first season.

And they did it here again, but somehow even worse.  The actors are not well cast and this is just paint dry dull. Which imo, is even more of a travesty than changing up the characters.  I got through 3 episodes.

Book spoiler:


Maggie's boyfriend in the book is a massive asshole.  He dumped her because she was "too depressing".  Her life is in utter turmoil and he didn't give a fuck.  Just said " smell ya later!".  There was no fbi raid but... I forgive that for tv.  And Walter is retired and plays golf all the time.  He and Sully have a great relationship -- this is actually one of the things I found really great in the book their respect for each other and Sully especially loving the fact that Walter gave Maggie the opportunities he never could.  And Maggie never abandoned Sullivan's Crossing.  In first book it is explained that  she took at job at a hospital close to Sullivan's Crossing to be closer to Sully because she had to live with Phoebe and Walter when she was younger.  As an adult she has been there tons of times with Andrew.  Again I can forgive that bit of tv license, but it really does change the nature of her relationship with Sully and the locals. And Sully never hit anyone LOL.  He is really a comfortable central figure that is the heart of the series.

Maybe one day someone will adapt the books of this author well.

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On 6/30/2024 at 9:23 AM, christie said:

I just finished watching it yesterday. I have two comments:

1. this whole season I was, and still am, convinced that Maggie's baby is Cal's and not Andrew's despite what Maggie says

2. although it's not looking good, I can't imagine them killing off Sully.

Maybe you could put stuff in spoiler tags because thisnhasnt aired in the US, it's coming this Fall.

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I am watching this on reruns on CW.  I am not understanding why CMM seems so awkward all of the time.  He had the ability to act in GG and One Tree Hill, but on this show there are all of these awkward casual stares and pauses, and a lot of squinting and facial expressions that are the same no matter what the scene.  I would guess this was his first acting role had I not seen him before.

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17 hours ago, alexa said:

I am watching this on reruns on CW.  I am not understanding why CMM seems so awkward all of the time.  He had the ability to act in GG and One Tree Hill, but on this show there are all of these awkward casual stares and pauses, and a lot of squinting and facial expressions that are the same no matter what the scene.  I would guess this was his first acting role had I not seen him before.

He's playing a tortured soul, man of few words, with hidden secrets, etc. etc. etc. Seriously though, we're all just here for the shirtless scenes man, don't bogue our high! 🤣

Edited by surfgirl
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