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S01.E18: Off the Rails

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The crews respond to the scene of a train crash where the rescue has the potential to spiral out of control when they discover the train is full of illicit cargo, and multiplatinum entertainer Kane Brown makes his acting debut as Robin, an enigmatic modern-day train hopper who helps injured patients.

Airdate: 04/07/2023

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Country singer Kane Brown, whose song "Riot" was used earlier this season, will make his acting debut in this episode:

Singer Kane Brown on His First Acting Gig on ‘Fire Country’: “The Perfect Start of My Acting Career” (Exclusive Video) (msn.com)

In this episode, Brown plays Robin, a train hopper who helps the crew when they respond to a train crash. Evidently, the role was written specifically for Brown.

Brown's acting debut was the condition he placed on CBS to allow them to use "Riot". He also says he's always wanted to act, and, for what it's worth, Max Theriot believes that Brown is a "natural" at the craft.

I guess we'll see on Friday if he's right.

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7 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

Max Theriot believes that Brown is a "natural" at the craft

He also thinks he is the best in this show, so not trusting his judgement 

I believe it is the first synopses that doesn't say Bode + whatever the episode is about (it is always about Bode being All The Things)

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These people can’t go three minutes without a personal crisis. Maybe wait until everyone is rescued from the burning train car before the long speeches. And if Sharon is dying she would be on medical leave and not showing up at fires. They have painted themselves in a corner with Bodie. If he gets parole he won’t be part of the prison crew but if he doesn’t he can’t really move on with Gabriella. And finally; Manny maybe close the blinds before having sex in your office. 

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Well...Max Theriot may not have one thing right about Kane Brown's acting abilities, because I sure didn't see a future Oscar winner there.

Of course, Theriot's idea of acting on this show is making sad puppy eyes and speaking in a raspy voice that is almost always a monotone with a slight inflection, with Theriot raising said voice if he wants to be REALLY! SERIOUS!

So, I'm not sure Theriot is the greatest at assessing acting ability.

That said, at least Brown didn't embarrass himself. I'm just not sure he did enough to make me want to see his next acting performance.

Then again, this whole episode was a rote slog and a true test of endurance. About the only part that rang true was Jake putting everyone on blast for not having his back, as well as Vince's admission that repairing that fractured relationship will be difficult.

Oh, and Manny has a new love in his life. I'm not sure I saw sparks between Manny and Faye, but Rebecca Mader (who plays Faye) was sure very alluring, so we'll see.

Still, this show can be quite the mess, and, this deep into the first season, it's not a good sign that they haven't sorted things out yet. The biggest problem is that the writers are still trying to force too much into the narratives, instead of just setting the stage and letting the narrative play out organically.

I could fill volumes with the amount of strange things the characters have said or done, and how weird and unnatural they tend to act.

I could also fill volumes with the amount of inconsistencies, inaccuracies and lack of realism this show indulges in to craft their stories, but, at this stage, I have to remind myself that "this is Hollywood- when have they ever let realism get in the way of a good story?"

Still, the inaccuracies are part of that greater malaise, and that's the fact the writers force things way too much. Yeah, realism and continuity can be a burden, but if I'm spending too much time scratching my head about what's going on in front of me, I'm doing too much work to process the narrative...and if I'm spending too much time trying to process the narrative, I'm not enjoying the story.

They better clean up their mess in a hurry because I don't know how much longer I will want to stick around waiting for them to do so.

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18 minutes ago, DanaK said:

I was sure they were going to end the episode with Eve crashing. Good that they didn’t but she’s clearly got troubles

Thought so too. Though I did wonder how she paid attention to the road closing her eyes so much.

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So they built this inmate camp within walking distance of a railroad line?  Always a good idea. 

And the engineer is running secret cargos of dangerous material?  Did he just transfer over from East Palestine?  It's a good thing they got that horrendous mess cleaned up almost overnight so the camp can function without any worries.

Vince should quit being a friend and start being a supervisor.  He can direct Eve to go to the Employee Assistance Program and get counseling.  

2 hours ago, Artsda said:

Bodie getting parole in 60 days seems fast. They need to drag him out longer.

I think that's coming.  Bodie and Freddy can't keep that secret stash of loot hidden from everyone.  

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So... the guy walked away from a backpack full of cash because, he said, it could tie him to bad things. Um... why would it tie  you to bad things more after the derailment than before? And Bodie thought: "Okay, sure, I'll take that from you and give it to another inmate, instead of saying hell no, turn it in to my supervisor, or throw it in the fire, but leave me out of it!" 

I like Eve, so I don't like that they are sending her away in a cloud of emo dust. I was glad they didn't crash her truck though. At least she's not dead.

I don't like the private fire fighter woman. And the fact that what's his name met her at a meeting says she has issues and aren't people in a program like that not supposed to hook up til they've had a longer time on the wagon? What's his name just lost his house 10 minutes ago. I don't need this plotline.

Bodie is impulsive and sullen, and I think his one self-aware moment is when he realizes he's not capable of functioning without supervision. Of course, he still fights the supervision, but at least for a second he admitted he needs it. 

Jake's mom was right about the accusation landing harder on Jake than on a white guy, but it's not Sharon's fault that Jake didn't call his mom for support and had been treating Sharon and Vince like his parental surrogates. Why doesn't he look at his actual mom as his primary parental figure? How is that Sharon's fault? I did like that she wasn't defensive once told there had been evidence against him, and I liked her telling Jake about her marriage, but why the hell do people keep secrets like that? It's not like there was any shame in it, there were no bad guys, so why the hesitation? Clearly those two never talked about anything. I get that Jake thought he had to keep what he thought was his father's secret. But still... the distance between them is not Sharon's fault.

I never get over how slowly everybody seems to move while in an emergency on this show. 





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On 4/7/2023 at 11:02 PM, Artsda said:

Have they forgotten about the kidney transplant and dialysis needed?

They will bring it back when they need some extra drama. 

For context on how people with kidney disease and in need of a transplant can have such serious complications, and what it means when they are already on dialysis, the effects and how their lives is upended, there is a show on Netflix, I believe it is called Emergency NY. From the same people who made Code Black (the documentary) and Lenox Hill. Real hospital, real stories, real doctors. There are a couple of cases of kidney disease, and mentions of what it means once someone starts dialysis, and a couple of transplant cases. Sharon is way too perky for someone on stage four and already having a dialysis port.

I haven't watched this episode yet - haven't finished the previous one yet! - but has anyone noticed how little we all comment on Vince? The character is a little more than a prop and, as I mentioned before, I think  Billy Burke is a few steps higher on the performance skills scale than any of the other actors. Such a waste!

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Love Rebecca Mader, wish she was doing something nobler than concierge fire service.  Does she really have a gambling addiction, or is she just trolling for firemen?  And if you are in a 12 step type program, is it advisable to get involved?

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They need to hire a someone to scream cut when they stand there and go "if the flames reach that gas storage tank/dynamite factory/coal mine?/ in the next minute the whole town will go".... but first Bodie lumbers in like a stray silver back and discusses his romantic/parole issues while his parents look concerned and several other firemen stand around and discuss all the petty annoyances with each other but mostly worry about Bodie.

This show makes Emergency look coherent,

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10 hours ago, jabRI said:

And if you are in a 12 step type program, is it advisable to get involved?

Off topic, but that reminded me of an old Doonesbury strip, where Sid the Agent is talking with one of his clients, and mentions that he has an AA meeting that afternoon.  The actor says "Sid, uh, I didn't know you were in the program."  To which Sid replies "I'm not, but that's where all the deals are being made nowadays."

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5 hours ago, crowsworks said:

Bodie lumbers in like a stray silver back

Bahahahah! Yes. When did Bode learn humility? What was with him crying to Mommy to take over? You can't keep Bode from trying to take over any given situation when his actual life depends on it and yet now, in an entirely tame scene, he can't handle putting out a couple of spot fires, triaging the available kids and waiting for backup for the trapped ones?

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I figure Manny will either join the Billionaires Fire Club or else get killed off one way or the other. Bode will make parole and become the new Manny. Prolonging his sentence another year/TV-season would be tedious and drag the plot down even further--and strain credulity beyond even where it is. I mean, with all the saves he's pulled off, the good he's done, and the pull he now has with CalFire, violating him back to fire camp would be ridiculous at this point. Plus correct me if I'm wrong, but in the first episode didn't they deny him parole after 2 or 3 years of a 5 year bit? If they keep him much longer he'd just serve out his sentence and that'd be that.

Why would there be four, and only four, 55-gallon drums of Jet-A unsecured in a rail car? And why all the secrecy? It's not a restricted substance and you can move it freely in small quantities like this. The drums were secured to a pallet, and the pallet was in a boxcar. Only thing they'd have needed was a placard. Whoop-de-doo. Not to mention that 220 gallons of Jet-A wouldn't be enough to get a private jet off the ground. Plus unlike garden-variety good ol' gasoline, you can put a match out in kerosene; it needs to be aerosolized or vaporized first. A few sparks a couple of hundred feet away probably wouldn't set it off. And not just that, how was one of those drums even leaking? Something would have needed to pierce the side of the rail car and the drum! If that train was still upright that wouldn't have happened.

They should have made it gasoline,  propane, or better still and to keep abreast of current events, a few pallets of gray (black) market Lithium Ion Phosphate batteries. Propane probably would have been best, though. That is nasty shit to mess with; it's heavier than air and goes boom if you look at it funny. Why weren't they cooling the steel pole off with water as they were cutting it with the sawzall? Why not cut it with the Hurst Tool? A hollow 2" tube would take two seconds to cut through.

The train was shown to still on the tracks after the collision. Drain the air off the cars, uncouple them from the engine and let the cars roll back a few car lengths. Then someone wrap a handbrake on it to stop it rolling. Nice dramatic TV footage of Bode riding 5 or 6 runaways. Incidentally, the person operating the train is the Locomotive Engineer, not the conductor. As a former RR conductor/brakeman I laughed my ass off at that entire premise. I'd have bought a leaking tank car, but not four clandestine drums of fuel. BTW, 55 gallons of jet fuel weighs about 370 pounds, plus the weight of the barrel. 5 or burly firefighters could have removed four barrels in a few minutes.

Edited by NJRadioGuy
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 I can't believe all the Kane Brown commercials we were subjected to for....that.  Barely understood who/what his character was supposed to be since he mumbled through the few lines he had.  And what kind of con takes a backpack from from a sketch hobo--who tells him is may link him to some bad shit no less--and then doesn't even open it.   Like throw that shit in the fire, or at least back in the wreck.

 "Concierge firefighters"?  Seriously?  I've heard of concierge doctors, concierge cops (private security) but concierge firefighters?  Who would need that?  Billionaire arsonists?   You know a woman wants in your pants when she shows up after page her for a helicopter.  You know she shows up for her booty calls in style. 

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That's the first time I've heard that term, but private firefighters are a thing now.  Insurance companies with clients who have very expensive homes in the wildland, or even in the suburbs, will deploy a fire engine and crew to babysit the house throughout the fire, the idea being that it's cheaper than a payout.  That's their only job (unless other houses are also insured by the same company), and if some other unfortunate owner's house catches fire, "It's not my job."  I was offered a job with one company after I retired, $22/hour (way over minimum at the time), but there's no way I could watch someone's house burn down and not do something.

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Totes agree that they'll make a mess of keeping this The Bode Show (compare this to S.W.A.T., owned by star Shemar Moore, but definitely an ensemble show -- Moore doesn't even appear in all episodes) now that they've brought up Bode's parole.  I could easily see him jumping ranks to be the new leader of Three Rock -- he practically is anyway,

Totally unbelievable plot -- most of those kids would be dead after being T-boned by a train like that.  Instead the train magically launches it into the air so it comes down on the only exit.  So dumb.

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21 hours ago, circumvent said:

but has anyone noticed how little we all comment on Vince? The character is a little more than a prop and, as I mentioned before, I think  Billy Burke is a few steps higher on the performance skills scale than any of the other actors. Such a waste!

I haven't stopped noticing Vince. I just feel like I'd be a broken record at this stage by saying "Billy Burke was again the highlight of this episode but was again woefully underused".

Burke doing well just seems routine, I think. Which reflects well on Burke's character as well as on his abilities, I will not hesitate to point out.

19 minutes ago, JH Lipton said:

compare this to S.W.A.T., owned by star Shemar Moore, but definitely an ensemble show -- Moore doesn't even appear in all episodes

Technically, Shemar Moore hasn't actually missed an episode- he's the only cast member to appear in every episode. However, you'd be right in saying that Moore's character, Hondo, doesn't dominate every episode quite like Bode does in Fire Country.

Still, I'm not sure FC is meant to be an ensemble- it was always supposed to be Bode's story. The show may not have hit the proper balance setting the proper amount of focus for Bode against the rest of the characters, and perhaps here the limitations of Max Theriot as an actor is also holding the show down. I don't think Theriot is doing a bad job, but I suppose the best you can say about his performance is that he's simply competent in the role- he doesn't blow you away like Moore does or James Spader in The Blacklist or Zoey Deschanel does in New Girl.

Does the show need Bode to be front and centre to work or can it be retooled to be more of an ensemble? I think if it was more of a proper ensemble it would make better use of the talents of Theriot's arguably superior castmates, some of whom are (no pun intended) criminally underused like W. Tre Davis (Freddy).

...but, then, what would this show be about as an ensemble? I fear then it would become yet another generic "fire show" whose only defining feature is that it's set in the California backwoods instead of some large city like Station 19 or Chicago Fire.

Perhaps the show could lean into being a fire show that has a small town ethos, making a point of portraying Edgewater as one giant family that has each other's backs through thick and thin. That might actually be something that is interesting, especially since the chemistry amongst this cast is second to none right now.

Then again, I remember the first few episodes where the show crafted a wonderful story of Bode having to face his past and needing to rebuild himself for the future. It may not have been bellwether television but it was one intriguing story. Far too often Hollywood glosses over the transformation of "the bad boy" into "the good man" but here was a chance to really dive into it and make a real, meaty story out of it.

It's a shame the writers whiffed on it and have now thought better of telling that story.

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7 hours ago, JH Lipton said:

Totally unbelievable plot -- most of those kids would be dead after being T-boned by a train like that.

In this case, no. That was a short line road switcher, and the train had just taken a switch. No conceivable way that movement would have been going more than 15 MPH, on what appears to be yard trackage. It also depends on where and how the impact occurred. A straight-up T-bone and yeah, there's be a lot of dead kids if it was in fact going at a good clip. A glancing blow and yes, it could be pushed off the right of way easily enough. Now if instead of a local road switcher that was a Class 1 railroad at 60 MPH with 10,000 feet of train, fuggedaboudit. Sadly shit like that happens IRL too frequently, and there's generally not a whole lot left of what got hit, human or machine.

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I don't notice or comment on Vince because he rarely does anything in an episode. He's just there, kind of looking down his mustache at the proceedings, while the rest of them are running around. He will give a command now and then, but he's never part of the firefighting action or the personal dramas.


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25 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I don't notice or comment on Vince because he rarely does anything in an episode. He's just there, kind of looking down his mustache at the proceedings, while the rest of them are running around. He will give a command now and then, but he's never part of the firefighting action or the personal dramas.


That's my point. He has nothing to do even though Billy Burke is credit as a top actor in the show. It is a superior actor - compared to the rest - who is there just like a prop, or an object of Sharon's grabbing hands. It is a character that could disappear and his absence would not be noticed as far as plots go. He even looks annoyed for the most part.

I am not criticizing the lack of comments about Vince, just pointing out that the show doesn't care about the character, so we having nothing to say about him

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23 hours ago, Maverick said:

And what kind of con takes a backpack from from a sketch hobo--who tells him is may link him to some bad shit no less--and then doesn't even open it.   Like throw that shit in the fire, or at least back in the wreck.

Yeah... then the hobo's bosses come after it and there's a hostage situation at Three Rock because the money is gone and they want to extract their pound of flesh and it's Biker Gang Vendetta, Take 2.

Which might be better than what I'm expecting - the guard finds it, Bode takes the blame to keep Goat from getting into trouble and loses his probation hearing.

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On 4/10/2023 at 1:40 AM, Danielg342 said:

...but, then, what would this show be about as an ensemble? I fear then it would become yet another generic "fire show" whose only defining feature is that it's set in the California backwoods instead of some large city like Station 19 or Chicago Fire.

i would actually be OK with that -- wildfires are completely different from urban fires.  Plus, we'd still have Manny's group vs Vince's group -- any number of substories could be told there.  


On 4/10/2023 at 8:27 AM, NJRadioGuy said:

In this case, no. That was a short line road switcher, and the train had just taken a switch. No conceivable way that movement would have been going more than 15 MPH, on what appears to be yard trackage.

The bus was fairly far from the front of the train: 1 engine (about 7- feet), at least 3 cars (3 times 60 feet, or 160 feet) plus what looked like another car's length from the back of the train = over 300 feet after turning ass over teakettle.  It also dodn't look like it was going 15 miles per hour -- more like 60 or so.  You can't count on accuracy on a show that uses water to put out jet fuel and fights fires from the top down.

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I would love seeing the show be an ensemble like the other fire/rescue shows. They could develop the characters more, we could learn their backstories, we could see them doing the dangerous job, and it wouldn't all be about one morose dude and his soap opera family. The first episode was so promising! But they seem to have almost completely abandoned the other prisoners and the entire show is now about Bode, his love life, his mom, his whiny girlfriend, and his melodramatic friends-- who are NOT in the prison part of the crew.

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I guess the question about Fire Country being an ensemble is whether or not there are enough storylines to sustain a series. I'm not as well-versed in fire/rescue shows as I am with police procedurals, so I genuinely wonder if there are enough scenarios within a rural fire/rescue landscape to make a series out of it.

Of course, a series is only as good as its characters so perhaps Fire Country is better served expanding on and developing its other characters (including the parental Leones so they can be more than just Bode's parents), so there can be fresh storylines when the novelty of the procedural elements wears off.

Honestly, what drew me to this show was the prospect- laid wonderfully by Manny in his speech at the end of the second episode- of Bode having to confront his past and all of his mistakes. Even the official tagline for this show on CBS' press releases say that "bad choices do not make a bad man". I would like to ask where any of that has been this season. The potential was there for a slow burn where Bode rebuilds the bridges in the town where he burned them, with his surrogate father, Manny, and his surrogate family, the inmates at the prison camp, helping him along the way.

Instead, they fast-tracked Bode's redemption and gloss over (if not ignore entirely) his faults and failures, just to keep the character heroic. It's that decision that ultimately hamstrings the ultimate narrative.

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I only watched half the episode but gee, what a glass half empty is Bode! Doesn't he know hope. Just a little?

Manny trying to protect him (against himself, I guess) by making him do the job he is actually supposed to be doing - I doubt the real Fire Cal would allow any inmate to deal with seriously injured victims - and he is all: "But cap, I am the ONLY one who can save this person, save all of them and save the day, plus solve any mystery that comes along, and you are telling me to do the job I was sent here to do? NOT FAIR!"

I don't know, this actor Max whatever his name is, myst be either too insecure or too vain. Creating, producing and acting in a show where his character is all the things is very close to a pathological issue. When I see him I can only start humming "you're so vain..."

Eve and Jake were just annoying in this episode. I get the frustration with other people's reactions to whatever happened to them but move on! Demanding that people feel what you want to feel will only generate more frustration . Guess what? People suck, life sucks sometimes. The two fighting was a game of who wins the "woe is me" context.

So far, Vince has absolutely nothing to say or do, as usual


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Eve needs to get fired. She not only disobey direct orders, she is a huge liability. I have a family member who is a fire fighter. Because of an injured shoulder, which is not even major, he is kept out of the action because if anything happens, even if he is not directly involved, the whole department is in trouble. The acting was just so bad, ugh

In this show firefighters start fires too

The bad acting of the private firefighter woman was so over the top, it was like a parody of seduction. Worse, it seemed to have worked with Manny

Vince is a terrible boss. He has no authority over anyone.

I can pretend that inmates would be dealing with dangerous substances, the problem is that it is ONE inmate who does all that. The rest has the common sense to just do what they are there to do - well, except the common sense to return money they found and don't know where it is coming from

When Manny was giving his pep talk and the camera cut to Bode, the way it was filmed, I totally expected a disclaimer - I am Bode the Great, and I approve this message. Then the American flag, fireworks and a choir singing  "home of the braaaaaaaaave!"


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So much talking going on when there's work to be done. Stfu, deal with the fire/medical whatever and then navel gaze. Ugh.  So none of the kids on the party bus died? Just the driver? After being tboned by a train. Riiiight. 

And as a previous poster said, use the Hurst tool and cut that pole that way instead of all the dramatics with trying to saw or cut through it otherwise.  

Who would bother with sticking 4 drums of Jet A on a train? Towards what end? It's not a controlled substance or anything. I was leaning more towards some nuclear or bio thing being on the train. 

Yes, Bodie. Just take a backpack from a total stranger.. Sure. Smh. And now he's going to take the fall for it and screw up his parole. Naturally.

Sharon is way too healthy and energetic to be in stage 4 kidney failure. And I hate her hair. 

Jake's mom's beef is with Jake. Not Sharon. 

I was worried that they'd kill off Eve with the way she was driving. Glad that was to the case. Vince needs to be a proper boss and order her to get help, which she obviously needs. 

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Are there no technical advisors for this show?  Or even people with any education?  Sharon suggested to her friend that they go check on the conductor.  The conductor does not  drive the engine.  The engineer does.  So either this was a one man crew consisting of only an engineer or there was a crew person missing 

I really didn’t need to hear Gabriella and Bode’s foreplay for the future.  Nor would  I believe that a strange female could just waltz into the men’s prison camp all the way to the captains office on her own - and then proceed to go at it in full view of any inmates around. 

Would they please pick a lane for Eve?  Capable one episode and an emotional mess the next.  The actress does pretty  good especially for her first major role, but the writing for her is terrible. 

Edited by mythoughtis
Because the crew member was missing not using
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On 4/16/2023 at 7:08 PM, Danielg342 said:

I guess the question about Fire Country being an ensemble is whether or not there are enough storylines to sustain a series. I'm not as well-versed in fire/rescue shows as I am with police procedurals, so I genuinely wonder if there are enough scenarios within a rural fire/rescue landscape to make a series out of it.

This is my first time back after weeks of letting the show go, perhaps the celebrity guest with his Golden Raspberry worthy performance drew me in. I would say just as the police procedural has its backwoods Sheriff with a deputy or two and few extras around  when they confront the lone hermit it might be easier for a fire/EMS based show where you are basically trading the towering mountain for the towering inferno during the major disaster episode. A big car crash  off a bridge when I left and now a little train crash. Perhaps an aircraft crash landing the next time  visit.


On 4/20/2023 at 9:26 AM, mythoughtis said:

Are there no technical advisors for this show?  Or even people with any education?  Sharon suggested to her friend that they go check on the conductor.  The conductor does not  drive the engine.  The engineer does.  So either this was a one man crew consisting of only an engineer or there was a crew person missing

Perhaps this rural fire department chief missed the question about railroad operations when she took her promotion exams?

On 4/20/2023 at 7:01 AM, Stevie Nicks said:

Who would bother with sticking 4 drums of Jet A on a train? Towards what end? It's not a controlled substance or anything. I was leaning more towards some nuclear or bio thing being on the train. 

Yes, Bodie. Just take a backpack from a total stranger.. Sure. Smh. And now he's going to take the fall for it and screw up his parole. Naturally

For some reason the Australian 80s actor Jacko came into a conversation recently and I remember a plot of one of his shows where the US Department of Energy was depending upon stealth and secrecy to move nuclear materials. With the mission top secret cargo unknown a talk I too thought they were going there with the plot.

As for Bodie I do remember the missing watch storyline, maybe he needs to stay under state control as simple lessons seem to be beyond him.

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On 4/18/2023 at 11:51 AM, meeeechiganman said:

iane Farr was in another firefighter series called Rescue me, starring Dennis Miller, remembering the way they mixed drama and action was pretty good, to bad Fire Country can't get some of their writers to help this show out.

"Rescue Me," with Denis Leary, was a great show. Denis Leary has real connections with the New York Fire Department and they obviously had great technical advisors on the show. His cousin was a firefighter who was killed in the line of duty and Leary started the Leary Firefighters Foundation that funds equipment and training for firefighters.

You are right, the did a great job combining the professional and the personal, mostly because they didn't engage in personal talk when they were fighting fires! And they had a real sense of urgency when they would arrive at a scene, which is definitely lacking in the crews on Fire Country.

I remember reading that one of the reasons Diane Farr left the show is because she was having some physical issues due to the weight of all the fire fighter gear she had to wear.

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