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S05.E11: Falling


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When Helen Sharpe unexpectedly returns to New York, Max escapes to the wilderness on a corporate retreat with Bloom, Dr. Wilder and Iggy. Fun soon turns into catastrophe that threatens a life. Reynolds agrees to perform a risky surgery on a medical school colleague’s young son only to be faced with unexpected challenges outside his control.

Original air date: Jan 3 2023

oh god could there be a worse combination in the wilderness? Iggy is going to get all of them lost, Bloom is going to talk the whole time, and nobody will notice Dr. Wilder because of Bloom blathering on about something

still can't believe we're in the home stretch of this hilarious mess of a show

I'm still trying to figure out the worst moments of this bad show

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Ugh. If not for my OCD and need to complete what I start I would quit this show - even with just a handful of episodes left. This was the WORST. So stupid on so many levels. I should have quit after (or during) the awful Max DoGooder season, but no. Here I am wasting time on this dreck - gratuitous gore/torture porn, fake drama, contrived revelations, and Harlequin romance novel level schmaltz. Horrible. 

Edited by ChiMama
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What a mess of an episode. For a show that’s ending in two weeks, they didn’t seem to be hurrying to make any progress with ending storylines until the last five minutes of the episode. I couldn’t have cared less about the whole mountain climbing retreat and Iggy’s hallucination plot. And how did the helicopter even find him considering he fainted by himself? 

How is Iggy divorcing Martin but asking him on a date? Just don’t sign the papers then.

Did they really bring Freema back to do nothing but sit there while Max stared at her? They could have at least talked for two minutes or Max could have decided not to go at all, so there would be no need to show Freema/Helen or pay her for those 30 seconds.

I’ll be happy when this show ends in two weeks. They have no shot at any kind of legacy. 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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What the f***ing f*** was that episode?  It left me in shock, it was so bad.

Half the time I was in a some kind of torture porn horror movie, followed by a random radiation poisoning storyline (seriously, there is some kind of airborne radiation leak in the hospital and the Medical Director takes the day off to go play?) mixed in with Iggy's inner child bs nonsense (run far away Martin!) and Max's love life. 

I am curious, did Freema actually come back or did they just use an old episode to CGI her into that scene? 


How is Iggy divorcing Martin but asking him on a date? Just don’t sign the papers then.

I honestly wonder if Iggy understands the concept of divorce.  Perhaps he needs Martin to speak to him like a child and explain to him that everything wrong with their relationship didn't magically go away because they divorced, and the associated baggage would still be there even if they started dating again.

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11 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

Did they really bring Freema back to do nothing but sit there while Max stared at her? They could have at least talked for two minutes or Max could have decided not to go at all, so there would be no need to show Freema/Helen or pay her for those 30 seconds.

Word on the street is she didn't come back; it was unused footage from a previous season.

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I watched about half of the episode, had to stop for a break.

I don't understand how Iggy showed up so quickly at the accident site. Someone mentioned hallucinations, but why are other people referring to him as if he was there? Are they hallucinating too?  How would he know about the accident if he wasn't there when it happened? Will they make him a clairvoyant? 

Also, novices don't rappel cliffs like that. No training, just a "hey, let's go down this deadly place doing something you never  did before or trained for! Yay!" They should let the woman die. Maybe she does, haven't finished yet.

Radiation doesn't pop up out of nothing. If the hospital has equipment that can release dangerous levels of radiation - for no apparent reason - there should be protocols in place, some device to alert them, anything, except a bunch of people entering a sterile room and interrupting a surgery. How do they know there is some radiation somewhere? Someone got sick? Even if that's what happened, they would not just send those clowns to break into ORs.

I really don't care about Max and Wilder, or Helen. Dragged too long. The only good thing so far was the interpreter's quips - because all the rest was so bad. Poor guy, I bet he didn't want to be there. I wonder if his contract demands him to go on hikes. 

And again, Lauren in pigtails. I watched Matilda, the Musical on Netflix the other day and all I could think was how fun would be to grab her by the pigtails and swing her around and throw her far. 

The scene between Floyd and the nurse: some actors cannot kiss on camera. That was awful! It looked like they were eating each other's mouth. I recently started paying attention to such scenes after listening to an actor talking about how they do the kiss (at least how he does it), and make it look real. That kiss was 🤮


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20 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

What a mess of an episode. For a show that’s ending in two weeks, they didn’t seem to be hurrying to make any progress with ending storylines until the last five minutes of the episode. I couldn’t have cared less about the whole mountain climbing retreat and Iggy’s hallucination plot. And how did the helicopter even find him considering he fainted by himself? 

Iggy dialed 911. I think the call went through before he fainted, so even if he didn't talk, they must have determined a hiker was in trouble and sent out a search party.

1 hour ago, circumvent said:

I watched about half of the episode, had to stop for a break.

I don't understand how Iggy showed up so quickly at the accident site. Someone mentioned hallucinations, but why are other people referring to him as if he was there? Are they hallucinating too?  How would he know about the accident if he wasn't there when it happened? Will they make him a clairvoyant? 

Iggy was at the accident site when it happened. He left to try and get cell service. 

I don't understand Iggy's feelings toward Martin at this point. If he wants to date him and start over, why sign divorce papers? These people have children they shouldn't just be so cavalier about a divorce.

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The pigtail comment about Lauren took me OUT. LOL She really does wear them way too much. 

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this episode was awful. People on FB had me thinking I watched something entirely different and keep raving about it, and I felt like I was being Punk'd. Twitter is going off, but most of it is about just one thing, and there's so much more to discuss than just the Helen crapshow and new ship. And Reddit is so stiff and toxic. 

The midday rappelling adventure was so stupid. How can they all just leave work in the middle of the day? Ridiculous. And that was not the type of climb they should've been doing as newbies nor should that woman have done it by herself. And I hated how incompetent they all looked when it came to the amputation stuff (which was sooo gory!). It took them too long to amputate, and why didn't they cauterize it immediately?

Iggy in the woods was just stupid. And how many times will they put that man in the woods? I hated the whole thing with Martin. Why would they divorce just to date again? Those aren't the type of games you play when you have children who need consistency. They also never resolved any of their issues at all, right? Like, am I missing something? 

It's weird because we're at the end of the series, there's only the finale left, and I don't really know how it's supposed to end. It felt like the whole season was a bunch of filler until the finale. 

The old footage of Helen at that bar. Oof. Why did they bother bringing up Helen again if she and Max weren't going to have a conversation or something? I can't even say it was closure because Max neither found out why she left him like that or got to tell her he forgives her, or he never wants to see her again, or go to hell, or anything. 

Did he really choose Liz if he still showed up at that bar and apparently couldn't go in to say anything to Helen because I guess it would've been too much or brought up feelings? I don't know. The whole thing was silly and pointless to me. 

Damn it seems like they hate Helen. How they wrote her exit was bad enough, but the lasting image of her character has taken a beating. You would never guess she was a great doctor, friend, and woman who kept the hospital afloat and was friends with everyone there... 

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It cracks me up so many of you here Hate Watch this show so much.  Guess you all get a kick out of that, me, if I hate a show as much as you all, id have quit by now.  Being a long time watcher of Medical shows, it's not  up there with the ERs, St. Elsewhere, or Chicago Hope's but between The Resident and this show, I ll take it .   Glad your Journey of hate watching it almost over. enjoy.

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I like this show but the last season has just gotten outrageous and dumb. 

Agreeing with everyone else who says no way in hell would/should they rappel 300 feet down a cliff with absolutely no climbing experience! Also, there would be at least one large mat on the ground where they would be landing. 

Max tried to move the giant rock that trapped the guides foot by himself and wasn’t able to. Why didn’t another person try along with him? Two hands can’t move the rock, maybe four can? 

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oh new amsterdam, one of the more entertaining hate watches I have

we're in the final stretch

let's laugh at it while it lasts

so here starts one of the last editions of WORST DOCTOR OF THE WEEK

please can the series just end without max being paired with someone

poor awesome deaf doctor

why do we have to have stupid relationship drama like this when there are only two episodes after this

just have max become president and fix the world already

so, uhhh, those poepleare there because the hospital lost track of some radioactive element? uhh shouldn't max be involved with this

oh hey it's max

oh fun max is taking people on some random excursion? department heads who can't just go "hey im leaving for the day peace out"

max why do you have substitute doctors who can step in for the department heads

so, uhhh, deaf doctor's translator just walks away when they start talking about the retreat? She's still working!

So I paused it when we see Iggy's divorce papers, but I can't read it very well - it looks like it says something like "The papers were served on June 24, 2023"

and it looks like the value of assets is in the 6 figures - looks like 1 or 4 million

It looks like their address is 402 Guernsey St in Brooklyn and their assets are $1,856,[something - maybe 393]?

wait iggy's leaving those papers just out there on his desk? ok

uhh, Helen, why do you think Max can just go out at 10 to a bar? He has a... uhhh.... 4 year old?

this trip is going to be so much fun

oh good, interpreter came

so are they going to get lost like Iggy did last time, find a person who is injured, or is someone gonna get injured?



did that nurse say that the core temp is down to 45 DEGREES?

from what I can find, cardiac hyptothermia is around 89 degrees



you know this is the kind of thing a medical director would organize, maybe by having the team check out an operating room first for emergency surgery!

you know, this cliff seems a bit dangerous for beginners to rappelling

aaaaaaaaaaand a fall from that high would probably kill that instructor

sat phones always break when something like this happens in media

why not at least try to use it, but you just throw it to the side instead


why didn't they bring the OR dosimeters right away?

also, why didn't Iggy use his phone to get the GPS coordinates of where the severely injured patient is?

yesss is Iggy gonna get eaten by a bear?

aww it's just a kid

wait is this kid gonna end up being iggy because he's stressed

why are they shocking a person without a pulse

also, I looked it up and AEDs that run off a phone *do* exist.... they just haven't been released yet - bloom must've used her money to get one

so they're just now thinking of making smoke signals?

iggy, why did you have to ask who he was after he said things that only you would know

wait wait, she suddenly regained consciousness after having a thready pulse and she is able to speak coherently and give instructions?

max are you going to do a field amputation of her foot

you better have the only surgeon there, the oncologist, do it


why are you having the ER doctor amuptate when the surgeon is right there

she was "going in and out of shock before" - now she is *definitely* going to be in shock from THAT BONE BEING PUSHED BACK INTO HER ALONG WITH THE WHOLE FOOT REMOVAL THING

thanks kid iggy, Iggy *is* a moron for dumping his awesome husband

iggy it took you, what, 30 minutes of walking around to realize you were bleeding from the head?

and right as iggy calls 911 we go to the foot amputation, good thing I am not eating

how did she not totally lose consciousness while her foot was getting the snip snip

and why isn't her stump tourniquet'd properly



so uh with this radiation leak, if this kid has *any* issues at atll in the future, how much money will these parents get from suing NA?

you think while they were preparing the melty carabiner to cauterize the stump, they'd hold the leg up so the blood could leak a little less

they just need to do "I'M O-, I CAN GIVE HER SOME BLOOD" so I can get bingo on my medical show trope's bingo card!

so with the radioactive OR, why didn't they get Reynolds one of those suits?

hey the chopper arrived seemingly a few minutes after they burned the hell out of the woman's leg/stump

um iggy you don't hand your husband your divorce papers and then ask him on a date, that isn't as romantic as it seemed in your concussed head

we didn't need, what, 30 seconds of Max staring at Sharpe/the camera ridiculously zoomed in on her face - that was a waste of bringing the actress back, maybe it was cut footage or something?

what even WAS this episode? holy crap - this was disjointed and all over the place

So, worst doctor of the episode? There's so many choices - I am honestly half tempted to go with "probably-cut-footage-of-Dr-Sharpe" just for shits and giggles, but I think it has to be Bloom/Wilder, because for some reason Bloom chopped off the foot, when Wilder should've insisted she do so, because one of them is a surgeon and the other is an ER doctor.

Also, i've been trying to compile a list of all of Max's crusades to try figure out his most ridiculous ones by season - and oh my god there were so many ridiculous ones. Season 1 didn't have a whole bunch, as it focused on the cancer plotline. It also made me realize that it would've been better for Bloom to die at the end of season 1 instead of Georgia, then we wouldn't have had to deal with the grandparents kidnapping Luna plotline.

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2 hours ago, Frisky Wig said:

Agreeing with everyone else who says no way in hell would/should they rappel 300 feet down a cliff with absolutely no climbing experience! Also, there would be at least one large mat on the ground where they would be landing. 

Max tried to move the giant rock that trapped the guides foot by himself and wasn’t able to. Why didn’t another person try along with him? Two hands can’t move the rock, maybe four can? 

Yeah, it makes no sense that they just rappel down the cliff with zero training. WTF?!

Also, if the rocks that trapped Tennessee’s foot were bedrock, meaning they did not move during the rock slide, then how the hell did  her fall manage to get her foot wedged in between them? It seems more likely, since she was falling from above those rocks, her leg would have been resting on top of them. But of course they had to be immovable as a stupid plot device.

ETA: I kept expecting that Max would have a talk with Helen at the bar only to find out she wanted to tell him she’s seeing someone now.

Edited by CarpeFelis
8 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Iggy was at the accident site when it happened. He left to try and get cell service. 

I got that part. What I am confused about, and maybe I dosed off and missed something, is how he got down there so fast. He had giving up going along with the group, he didn't rappel, it was a long descent for someone to get there so quickly by going around through the woods. It makes no sense to me. But, like I said, maybe I just didn't pay attention to some scene or the other

I was wondering why the hell the Corporate Retreat of Death was in Tennessee...until I realized that was the guide's name.  The bad writing didn't help much:  Person #1:  Where *are* we??   Person #2:  Tennessee?  [addressing Tennessee, not guessing on a location]. Who decided "Tennessee" was the best name for that character?  They couldn't call her River or Rain or, I don't know...Susan or something??

I was sure Tennessee was going to make it only to have Iggy die.  I'm glad poor Ben is OK (whatever that dude gets paid, it is NOT enough).  If Ben had died, I would have taken to the streets in protest.  

I love how the Radiation Safety guy suddenly became an expert in resuscitation protocol, "Dr. Reynolds, 3 shocks is protocol!"  Dude.  Keep your eye on the dosimeters and your nose out of the surgery, hmmm?  Then again no one at New Amsterdam stays in their lane when it comes to their specialty, so I guess that was par for the course.

They are certainly wrapping things up in an expedited fashion, aren't they?  My husband and I were all ??!!??!? when we realized there's really only one more supersized episode left of the series.  Hopefully the cast will move on to bigger and better things.  We really loved this show when it first came on, and while I would not say we're hate watching per se, it is just a big ol' mess.  I still miss Kapoop.

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25 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

I was wondering why the hell the Corporate Retreat of Death was in Tennessee...until I realized that was the guide's name.  The bad writing didn't help much:  Person #1:  Where *are* we??   Person #2:  Tennessee?  [addressing Tennessee, not guessing on a location]. Who decided "Tennessee" was the best name for that character?  They couldn't call her River or Rain or, I don't know...Susan or something??

Same here. I heard Tennessee and was like, whaaat?  When did they have time to get to Tennessee?  It says a lot about this show, though, that we thought it was totally possible that they were in Tennessee.

Edited by izabella
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@Lovecatand @izabella, same! I was like “they flew to Tennessee for this!?” Rain, River, Susan or something would’ve been much less confusing. Even if they had a few lines at the beginning of the hike scene of “what’s our guides name again?” “Tennessee. Don’t step in that pile of animal crap. Isn’t it convenient that Max just had replacements available at a nanoseconds notice to do our jobs while we go on this random excursion?”

When they realized there was no cell service and Iggy decided to go back to the car, they mentioned it was a 10 mile hike. Why did he go alone and, based on the medical attention they were giving Tennessee, he seemed to get to cell service pretty fast. Surprising considering that he’s not an experienced trail runner. 

Also, I just remembered, Iggy’s been working out in the gym and doing strength training and likely has a good amount of upper body strength. Why didn’t he try to move the rocks?  

Edited by Frisky Wig
Changed a sentence
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17 hours ago, circumvent said:

I got that part. What I am confused about, and maybe I dosed off and missed something, is how he got down there so fast. He had giving up going along with the group, he didn't rappel, it was a long descent for someone to get there so quickly by going around through the woods. It makes no sense to me. But, like I said, maybe I just didn't pay attention to some scene or the other

It depends on where in the hike up he left them. But if it was towards the bottom of the cliff when he left them, in the time it took everyone else to climb up and rappel down, he could have walked to the other side to meet them. They did show him there before Tennessee fell.

9 hours ago, Frisky Wig said:

@Lovecatand @izabella, same! I was like “they flew to Tennessee for this!?” Rain, River, Susan or something would’ve been much less confusing. Even if they had a few lines at the beginning of the hike scene of “what’s our guides name again?” “Tennessee. Don’t step in that pile of animal crap. Isn’t it convenient that Max just had replacements available at a nanoseconds notice to do our jobs while we go on this random excursion?”

When they realized there was no cell service and Iggy decided to go back to the car, they mentioned it was a 10 mile hike. Why did he go alone and, based on the medical attention they were giving Tennessee, he seemed to get to cell service pretty fast. Surprising considering that he’s not an experienced trail runner. 

I thought it was dumb they sent the guy in the worst shape to try and walk back to the car.

But they did say he may get service before he got all the way back to the car, so he could have only walked a few miles. It seemed like it was taking forever though. He was wondering around and talking to his childhood self like he had all the time in the world.

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I absolutely loooove hate watching shows and coming on here to snark about them. The problem is the networks aren’t making any really cringe-y shows that are worth my time anymore. Remember “The Following”? Or “Wayward Pines” Or “Designated Survivor” or “Under the Dome”?  And they would keep that dreck on the air for three or four seasons for my snarking pleasure, and often feature relatively well-regarded actors debasing themselves for a paycheck (I’m looking at you Kevin Bacon and Matt Dillon and Kiefer Sutherland). Damn you streamers and peak TV!

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6 minutes ago, Johnny Dollar said:

I absolutely loooove hate watching shows and coming on here to snark about them. The problem is the networks aren’t making any really cringe-y shows that are worth my time anymore. Remember “The Following”? Or “Wayward Pines” Or “Designated Survivor” or “Under the Dome”?  And they would keep that dreck on the air for three or four seasons for my snarking pleasure, and often feature relatively well-regarded actors debasing themselves for a paycheck (I’m looking at you Kevin Bacon and Matt Dillon and Kiefer Sutherland). Damn you streamers and peak TV!

This show is cringy enough for me. I don't hate watch shows like, say, La Brea because they are so out there, so bad on purpose, it is just fun to criticize and point out the absurdities. Shows like New Amsterdam start with an interesting idea but soon enough it gets impossible to suspend disbelief and enjoy the stories. The only way to watch this, to me, is by hate watching.

In this sense, I disagree with you that networks are not making such shows anymore. I watch some and they are 100% hate-watchable. 

16 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

I absolutely loooove hate watching shows and coming on here to snark about them. The problem is the networks aren’t making any really cringe-y shows that are worth my time anymore. Remember “The Following”? Or “Wayward Pines” Or “Designated Survivor” or “Under the Dome”?  And they would keep that dreck on the air for three or four seasons for my snarking pleasure, and often feature relatively well-regarded actors debasing themselves for a paycheck (I’m looking at you Kevin Bacon and Matt Dillon and Kiefer Sutherland). Damn you streamers and peak TV!

Remember Scorpion

or USA's Covert Affairs?

Now those were amazing hate watch shows.

The networks still have good hate watches, but none near the quality of the late 2000s-mid 2010s, at least right now.

I currently hate watch this, the resident, and the good doctor

To me there are different types of "hate watching". One is where the general premise is ridiculous and the writing/acting terrible but it's fun to snark along with a lot of others. "Sharknado" franchise was deliberately built on that. Another is where the premise is good but the execution is disappointing but you love the premise so much that you watch along hoping it's going to get better and snarking - this is especially prevalent in franchises or spin offs with popular characters. 

Then there's shows you genuinely loved despite their flaws that somehow turned to shit either through stupid plots or aging but you've put emotional investment into them and decide to watch to the bitter end complaining about how far it's fallen. I think this show is in the latter category for a lot of people. Whereas something like "Fire Country" is in the middle of 1/2 for me right now. 

I think it's inevitable as shows age that they start to become the last but this one certainly took a swan dive off a cliff for a lot of fans. 


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“What’s interesting was, we knew if Max and Sharpe had a conversation about their past, their future, what happened at the altar, and then Max made the decision to go to Wilder, it’s not a very heroic decision,” NEW AMSTERDAM executive producer David Schulner tells Give Me My Remote in the video below.. “The heroic decision is to go to Wilder without knowing why it happened. Why she left him at the altar, why she blew up their relationship. That’s the heroic decision: To say, ‘I choose you, without knowing why this other thing happened.’ Like, I’m taking the leap into my future instead of going back to the past. So we knew we didn’t want there to be a conversation between them. But we knew he still had to make a choice.”

Heroic choice my ass, Schulner. Max isn't choosing Wilder, he's choosing to keep his head in the sand and run away from everything unresolved with Helen. He's denying himself the answers of what happened for himself and for his daughter. Forget going to Helen at the bar, Max never called her after the 5x01 letter or the 4x23 no-show. It's NOT "heroic" or "self-care" of him to completely wash his hands of his fiancée and his daughter's mum after she did something 100% uncharacteristic for her.

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On 1/12/2023 at 11:37 PM, Featherhat said:

To me there are different types of "hate watching". One is where the general premise is ridiculous and the writing/acting terrible but it's fun to snark along with a lot of others. "Sharknado" franchise was deliberately built on that. Another is where the premise is good but the execution is disappointing but you love the premise so much that you watch along hoping it's going to get better and snarking - this is especially prevalent in franchises or spin offs with popular characters. 

Then there's shows you genuinely loved despite their flaws that somehow turned to shit either through stupid plots or aging but you've put emotional investment into them and decide to watch to the bitter end complaining about how far it's fallen. I think this show is in the latter category for a lot of people. Whereas something like "Fire Country" is in the middle of 1/2 for me right now. 

I think it's inevitable as shows age that they start to become the last but this one certainly took a swan dive off a cliff for a lot of fans. 


ER was like that for me. After Mark died it was a noticeable shift in S9 and got ridiculous in S10 with the Romano helicopter death (that and Abby’s brother falling in Gamma Carter’s grave were two huge jump the shark moments for it). Then after Carter left the main cast at the end of S11 I just wasn’t interested anymore and wish now the show had just ended there, but I hung on hoping it would get better because I wanted to say I saw the whole series at least once. For me at least, it did not get better aside from a few nuggets of interesting plots. The rest of it was just bad writing, cheap ratings stunts, and characters I didn’t care about like I did when Mark, Carol, and Carter were among the leads.  I can’t believe a show like that, once a great ensemble drama that seemed realistic, declined so fast.

I’m doing another watch now but no more later seasons for me save for a few episodes. 

NA went downhill way faster. It felt like the writers hated their jobs and decided to deliberately tank the show or something. Breaking up Max and Helen and the London plot were foolish mistakes. 

3 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

ER was like that for me. After Mark died it was a noticeable shift in S9 and got ridiculous in S10 with the Romano helicopter death (that and Abby’s brother falling in Gamma Carter’s grave were two huge jump the shark moments for it). Then after Carter left the main cast at the end of S11 I just wasn’t interested anymore and wish now the show had just ended there, but I hung on hoping it would get better because I wanted to say I saw the whole series at least once. For me at least, it did not get better aside from a few nuggets of interesting plots. The rest of it was just bad writing, cheap ratings stunts, and characters I didn’t care about like I did when Mark, Carol, and Carter were among the leads.  I can’t believe a show like that, once a great ensemble drama that seemed realistic, declined so fast.

I’m doing another watch now but no more later seasons for me save for a few episodes. 

NA went downhill way faster. It felt like the writers hated their jobs and decided to deliberately tank the show or something. Breaking up Max and Helen and the London plot were foolish mistakes. 

Yeah, this show was just weird with how it tanked. I expected a gradual downturn, but it felt like they ran out of steam after season 3. The start of season 4 was insanely boring.

22 hours ago, bros402 said:

Yeah, this show was just weird with how it tanked. I expected a gradual downturn, but it felt like they ran out of steam after season 3. The start of season 4 was insanely boring.

I feel like S3 had stories it wanted to tell, even if it was just "Max the saviour, solving all socio/political/economic problems in 1 hour" which also turned people off, but S4 never knew what it wanted to be at all. Even with BTS challenges they seemed like they were half assing it and clearly never intended "More Joy". 

This was one of the worst episodes of the series, cannot believe the actors agreed to do it after reading the script. I kept waiting for a 'bobby ewing shower' moment for max to wake up from his reverie after helen's text.  I seriously thought it was a bad dream/fantasy pretty much the entire episode.  

One thing that bugged me about Iggy's woodland musings, was where he said he cut off all family contact after leaving home. I remember his parents disappointing him by not showing up to some award dinner after promising the grandkids they would be there.  Unless he meant something more generic, like giving up on them and not expecting anything from them.  That would make more sense.

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On 1/5/2023 at 2:27 AM, CarpeFelis said:

Also, if the rocks that trapped Tennessee’s foot were bedrock, meaning they did not move during the rock slide, then how the hell did  her fall manage to get her foot wedged in between them? It seems more likely, since she was falling from above those rocks, her leg would have been resting on top of them.

This!! Bedrock by definition is not falling, it's stable and you can't fall under it. If they wanted a bad injury they easily could have had her break her spine or have a massive head wound from landing ON the bedrock. They even could have had her bleeding if they wanted the gore. Or they could have had the large boulder that feel land on her.

I was also really worried they were going to set the entire forest on fire. They set that fire without clearing highly flammable very dry leaves away from the flames and creating a perimeter that wouldn't burn. And then they left it unattended!!

Also, an experienced guide would know how to tell if the rock is stable and would be sure it was before anchoring everybody to it.


The music in the background sounded like a rattlesnake to me. I thought Iggy was going to have a snake bite. I don't know if they have rattlesnakes in NY, but we do have them in MA (rare, endangered, but they exist), so maybe they do.





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