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Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies

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Peacock announced today CASEY ANTHONY: WHERE THE TRUTH LIES, a 3-part limited series event premiering Tuesday, November 29. For the first time on camera, Casey Anthony sits down to share her side of the story since her culture-defining trial and acquittal 11 years ago.

Directed by Alexandra Dean (This Is Paris, Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story), CASEY ANTHONY: WHERE THE TRUTH LIES is told through Casey's account of the infamous investigation, trial and aftermath, speaking to the speculation surrounding her actions at the time, her demeanor in the courtroom and her time spent in prison.

The docu-series will also feature Casey's personal archives, behind the scenes footage and the defense's evidence for a never-before-seen look into both sides of a story that ignited a media firestorm.

Press release which includes very short teaser trailer http://thefutoncritic.com/news/2022/11/08/casey-anthony-breaks-silence-with-new-peacock-documentary-casey-anthony-where-the-truth-lies-515213/20221108peacock01/

Edited by DanaK
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On 11/9/2022 at 8:45 AM, peachmangosteen said:


What is she going to say?  "Well I was taking pills that my daughter got into and well.....CPS would frown upon that, so a girl does what a girls gotta do.  My weird parents are divided on this, and my mom ACTUALLY believe that someone came into the house, looked up how to kill a child on my laptop and killed my daughter!"

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8 hours ago, DanaK said:

Probably. I had a feeling there would be strong reactions about this when I posted it

I watched the trial live, and was shocked, upset, angry, etc etc etc. It still makes me upset if I think about it too much. But part of me wants to see what she has to say after all these years. I wonder how good the interviewer will be, and whether they’ll call her on any BS (“I work for Universal Studios. I’ll take you to my office right now”).  

The more that I read the show description, the more that I think this is going to try to be CA’s Redemption Tour.  I’ll hold off on watching it, until I read a few reviews first. No point in getting myself aggravated again if she’s only going to be continuing her lies. 

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On 11/15/2022 at 11:32 PM, ShowsILoveToHate said:

Will I hate myself for watching this? 🤔

I know I will but it's like eating Thanksgiving dinner or going out drinking with friends.  You know you'll hate yourself for it later but you still do it anyhow

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On 11/16/2022 at 10:21 PM, ShowsILoveToHate said:

I watched the trial live, and was shocked, upset, angry, etc etc etc. It still makes me upset if I think about it too much. But part of me wants to see what she has to say after all these years. I wonder how good the interviewer will be, and whether they’ll call her on any BS (“I work for Universal Studios. I’ll take you to my office right now”).  

The more that I read the show description, the more that I think this is going to try to be CA’s Redemption Tour.  I’ll hold off on watching it, until I read a few reviews first. No point in getting myself aggravated again if she’s only going to be continuing her lies. 

She can never redeem  herself. 

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Yeesh, she blames it on her dad, saying he sexually abused her for years and he supposedly found Caylee, but she doesn’t know how she died or for sure knew she was dead until her body was found. Sounds twisted and odd and I’m skeptical. She comes forward 10 years later, yet pieces are still missing

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12 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:


The NY Post article tells all about her statements.   There are also links in the article to her other interviews with NY Post.   


Thank you so much for posting this link. Lies, lies, lies.  I wonder how long she practiced her “statements” so that she’d only tell one version this time. 

It’s not an interview, it’s her “account”.  

It’s exactly what I thought it was going to be - a sorry excuse of a redemption-publicity stunt, thinking the public will accept her back into society now. 


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20 hours ago, ShowsILoveToHate said:


Thank you so much for posting this link. Lies, lies, lies.  I wonder how long she practiced her “statements” so that she’d only tell one version this time. 

It’s not an interview, it’s her “account”.  

It’s exactly what I thought it was going to be - a sorry excuse of a redemption-publicity stunt, thinking the public will accept her back into society now. 


I will never watch it, either. Not hard to do. 🤷‍♀️

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19 hours ago, KLJ said:

I can’t watch this, but I’m for sure gonna follow this thread.

If her attorney was someone other than Jose Baiz, I believe she would be in jail right now.  How did she afford him anyway?

No proof, but I suspect he did it pro bono as would give him a ton of free publicity.  Worked!

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"Where the Truth Lies" Riiiight. 🙄

I don't think I could stomach watching this. Especially 3 parts. I did read the NY Post article which solidified that decision.

She claims George molested her, and probably molested Caylee, but she did nothing to protect her from the abuse. She woke up and George had Caylee in the backyard and she was soaking wet. Then George took her and she never saw her again. 

Ok, if Caylee was dead in the backyard from drowning, why was she found with duct tape wrapped around her head and mouth? Why did she wait a month to report her missing? And of course, many many other questions. Like why did she sit in jail for 3 years to protect George?

Yeah, hard pass.

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On 11/22/2022 at 3:58 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

No proof, but I suspect he did it pro bono as would give him a ton of free publicity.  Worked!

I googled this and it said her legal bills were $147K and the state of Florida paid back $118K for expert witnesses and independent contractors. It doesn't say how much Baez himself cost so I'm agreeing that he was probably pro bono. If you want to hire Baez now it's a cool 200K a month as a retainer, not including court costs, consultants, etc. 

He fascinates me. It took him 8 years to be admitted to the Florida bar because of back child support, gym membership fees he owed, and issues with his "character." He had never defended in a murder trial before. He takes this dog of a case and turned himself into a household name. Despite his big clients (Aaron Hernandez also not guilty! his website looks like any ambulance chaser. It's so bad!


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Holy shit, this woman is a psychopath. What’s with the compulsive lying & thinking you are not going to get caught? That’s a special kind of mental illness.
I’m not convinced the father didn’t molest her or let the baby drown but damn, if she had only gone to the cops right away she could have avoided becoming a pariah. 
I’ve only watched ep. 1 so far. Too much repetition of scenes we’ve seen before. This could have been a one hour special it seems. 

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I’m almost embarrassed to admit it but I watched all 3 parts. Casey definitely knows all the psychological buzz words and phrases. I have no doubt that the family and household were screwed up.  But nothing explains her behavior. The producers did their best to try and plant doubts in people’s minds. But that is an impossible task. There is nothing that would explain things to make any half reasonable thinking person believe that she didn’t murder her daughter! 

I do find the relationship with the private investigator who she lived with and works for interesting. I wonder what the real deal is there!

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On 11/30/2022 at 9:39 PM, MsJamieDornan said:

You know Casey, if your childhood was so bad, why weren't you ready to move right out of there at 18?  And

To be fair, she might not have been able to. That's what abusers do, find a way to keep their victims trapped. If not physically, emotionally or financially.

I didn't watch this, but I read her account of her daughter's death and all I can say is bull. What mother would just wander off for a month, clearly partying and having a good time while oblivious to what's happened to her child?

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8 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

I guess my point was, I dont believe her.

Neither do I.

I meant that in the quintillion to one chance that she's telling the truth, the situation is pretty classic for an abuser/victim dynamic--you can't/won't leave even though you know you have to.

But I never believed her from the very beginning, with her vague, bizarre, inconsistent statements. There's a handful of cases where a jury's "Not Guilty" verdict has absolutely stunned me, and this is one of them.

Edited by Dr.OO7
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On 12/3/2022 at 8:53 AM, Dr.OO7 said:

But I never believed her from the very beginning, with her vague, bizarre, inconsistent statements. There's a handful of cases where a jury's "Not Guilty" verdict has absolutely stunned me, and this is one of them.

Casey got VERY lucky (ugh I hate even saying that) with the weather and the condition of Kaylee's body. The prosecution could not prove how little Kaylee died, and couldn't prove she was murdered. But I believe Casey is a horrific person and she is responsible for her daughter's death in some way. I don't know if she struck the fatal blow, but she was involved in my humble opinion. 

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After watching this, I still think she's guilty in some part. Whether it was that she herself killed Kaylee or she helped cover it up by not saying anything for 31 days, she's responsible.  The documentarians missed a lot of opportunities to reveal more information. Where did everyone think Kaylee was for those 31 days? Her friends kept saying she was such a good mother, so how could Casey be literally living at her boyfriend's house for most of that time and no one finds it out that they haven't seen her with her child?

Also, the end felt "acted" when she realizes that her father must have abused Kaylee and smothered her. She said she never left her daughter alone with him, however she also claims that she didn't remember her father's abuse until she was in jail. Also, if she didn't leave them alone together why would she let him take Kaylee's body and trust him alone with her for that month (since she claims still believing Kaylee was alive).

Lots of holes and unknowns still. 

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I’m watching this now and  just can’t with her.  She’ll sob without tears, she makes claims that she has no idea what happened to Caylee, and I just can not believe her.  It doesn’t help that she sits there and says, “Yep, I’m a liar.  I lie all the time.  I told everybody lies.  But now I’m telling the truth.”  Seriously?!

Did her dad and/or brother molest her?  Did her mother call her a whore?  Quite possibly those things are true.  Goodness knows, her parents never made much of a positive impression on me.  But it’s also quite possible that Casey is lying about that, too.

It’s also interesting to me that all of the people surrounding her now say, “Yeah, we don’t ask what actually happened with Caylee.”  Because you don’t want to know!!  If Casey ever told the truth, her new support system would drop her like a hot potato.  And her stories are so filled with huge, gaping holes that if she tried telling them that, they’d all have to admit to themselves that they helped a woman who murdered her innocent little two-year-old get away with murder.

I knew watching this would be hard, but someone close to me told me to watch it, that it really opened their eyes.  But all it’s done is convince me even more of her guilt.

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On 12/7/2022 at 11:35 PM, CraftyHazel said:

I’m watching this now and  just can’t with her.  She’ll sob without tears, she makes claims that she has no idea what happened to Caylee, and I just can not believe her.  It doesn’t help that she sits there and says, “Yep, I’m a liar.  I lie all the time.  I told everybody lies.  But now I’m telling the truth.”  Seriously?!

Same!!!   Yes, I hate myself for watching this.  I also watched the entire trial - and can't believe this woman found another way to get back in the public eye.  

So, maybe her father and her brother sexually abused her, maybe Caylee was the result of a rape.  All that can be true and STILL doesn't explain her behavior during those 31 days and the days following her arrest.  

And I don't believe for a minute that she believed her abuser when he told her Caylee was fine, even after HOLDING her dead body.   Nope.

Casey Anthony is a disgrace to survivors of childhood trauma  who manage to lead lives without lying ABOUT EVERYTHING including what exactly happened to her daughter and why she didn't call ANYONE when she hadn't seen her for a month or even 24 hours. 

I got through part 1&2 of her tears and then it was just "nope" I'm out. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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On 12/12/2022 at 11:17 AM, toodywoody said:

What about the chloroform evidence in her car?

Not to mention the scent of decayed human flesh.  I've never smelled it before but what that guy said is true because I've heard it before.  Once you smell it, you will instantly recognize it in the future.  She is guilty.

I only got thru 3/4 of Episode 1 before deciding I couldn't handle it anymore.

Edited by Oosala
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So, I was browsing on Hulu and came across a true crime series called “Marcia clark investigates the first 48 - casey anthony” It’s the first episode of the series  

It was filmed in 2018, so I wasn’t expecting to hear anything at all new. Whoa! If you can view this, please do! I actually feel a little bit better about the whole CA thing. Marcia Clark speaks to many of the key players from the trial, plus some witnesses who were called, and she speaks with the Judge. What the judge said shocked me.  I had been partly blaming him all of these years. 

Let me know what you think! 

PS I think it’s available on more platforms that’s just Hulu. 

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