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NCIS In The Media


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I’m not ashamed to admit this is a very shallow question, but: Is there any way that NCIS’ Jake could be from Oklahoma by way of London? I know that Jamie Bamber also plays characters who are not British, but that accent… sigh. –Andrea

Many a reader has echoed your sentiment/sigh/wish, Andrea, but I’ve confirmed that Bishop’s husband is American, so no accent for you.





No British accent for Jake.  Darn!  Still looking forward to Jamie as Jake, though.  I'm still surprised that NCIS was able to get Jamie.

This is kind of weird but I need to say it.  The female that does the promos on Xfinity On Demand has some kind of major fangirl crush on Mark Harmon.  Every promos she does has something like...


Mark Harmon pushed the writers not to go the cliché route with NCIS that most aging series do


Mark Harmon, who produces NCIS New Orleans, doesn't need to worry his new show is a huge success

Edited by ParadoxLost

Crush? Or paid promo, which I assume rules the On Demand scripts for shows?

Of course its a paid promo, but then the person writing the promo has a major crush (because I refuse to believe Mark Harmon is a egomaniac that needs to be stroked to that degree) every other word is Mark Harmon this, Mark Harmon that, I need Mark Harmon's approval.  Its like Gibbs level hero worship every 5 minutes.

Did anyone else catch CBS This Morning this morning?  Pauley was on promoting a book that she has written that's part cookbook (her mother's recipes) and part biography.  In the course of the interview, she daid something that I've never heard before.  Abby often is criticized for a lack of growth as a character. Pauley said that while the writers have Abby react to life events in the series, there's also a conscious decision by Pauley (and persumably by the writers, although Pauley didn't mention the writers) to keep Abby the same and not change her too much because she's like a cartoon or anime character. Pauley used the example of Charlie Brown,,,that he hasn't changed that much over the years. He still misses the football, etc.  For years, I've read comments from viewers that Abby can be like a cartoon.  Apparently, that's (at least to some degree) by intentional design.

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Abby often is criticized for a lack of growth as a character. Pauley said that while the writers have Abby react to life events in the series, there's also a conscious decision by Pauley ... to keep Abby the same and not change her too much because she's like a cartoon or anime character. Pauley used the example of Charlie Brown,,,that he hasn't changed that much over the years. He still misses the football, etc.  For years, I've read comments from viewers that Abby can be like a cartoon.  Apparently, that's (at least to some degree) by intentional design.

That's too bad, because unlike Charlie Brown, the character actually seems to have regressed. If they had left her unchanged from season 1 Abby, maybe it would work. But they made her ridiculous and then she just got more and more ridiculous. She's not "unchanged" at all. She's changed for the worse.


Also,CB was surrounded by OTHER characters who were cartoons that didn't change. Abby is surrounded by characters who seem to grow and change over time like real people (well, some of the time anyway).


I think it's a stupid choice by all the parties involved who agreed to it.

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In the pilot Abby was smart, cool, an expert in her craft, and a competent albeit not militarily ship-shape witness.  If I remember rightly, she didn't start this de-evolution until season 3...  And Tony in the pilot was handsome and maybe a little vain, but also extremely competent - he cracked the guy who tried to frame Rabb easily.  


I don't watch enough procedurals to say this happens on every show, but each NCIS has a quirky geeky lab rat (Abby, Eric, Sebastian) who is constantly wasting time babbling inanely.  Five-0 does as well (Max) and so does Forever (Lucas).  Hell, even Arrow has Felicity, and The Flash has two of them!  Apart from the occasional exasperated pronouncement of their name, they are tolerated beyond belief.


The characters as defined are not stupid.  As written, they are depressing.  The nadir for me remains from early this season (12), when Abby shields a laptop with plastic walls, and manages to turn a significant cyber hack loose (plastic walls are for biological hazards, not cyber).  Abby before and since was much more IT-competent than that, but Show needed the cyber attack, so Show had to make someone stoopid.


Maybe this belongs in the Tired TV Trope topic in that other forum...  But I really really hate how Abby has been infantilized for the last decade.  

Edited by kassygreene
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They did the same thing to Temperance Brennan on Bones, who went from a sharp, prickly vegan athiest with nonconformist views and a couple of black belts who was against marriage to a vaguely autistic little woman who asked her boyfriend to marry her in church by giving him jerky.

The other thing they have in common is some of the highest Q scores on TV, so apparently there's someone out there who really likes the version with the corners filed off.

Edited by Julia
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Not exactly sure where to put this.  Be sure to slap me around silly if it is in the wrong place and/or if I did this wrong.  But in one of the Kentucky Derby prep races, a horse named....Agent Dinozzo won! 



I would assume he/she/them who put that horse in this race is a fan of the show.

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Wait, what?  Michael Weatherly just said on twitter he's leaving NCIS.  This is a shocker to me.  I guess I'll have to tune back in to see how he exits.


ETA:  Here's a tvline article about the exit (apparently David McCallum let the secret out in a different interview).

This is also being discussed in the spoiler thread - I'm not sure if it's considered a spoiler or not, as it seems fairly official at this point, but perhaps we should decide on one place to discuss so that the same conversation is not being had twice?

I just linked here because it was a media report.  I don't think that casting reported in general media is a spoiler, but I apologize if I was wrong on that assumption.


I can see, however, some of the upcoming discussion relating to this topic could be more spoiler/speculation in nature, so they should go there, rather than in the media thread.  We're obviously all going to be speculating/spoiling the end game soon enough, as I've already commenced doing over there already!

You guys are making my 'job' easy!


Media mentions of course go into this thread and I know discussions can stray off into different directions as that's the nature of conversation.  I'm fine with the content in this thread as it pertains to a media story and its discussion but any expansion into "what ifs" should go in the spoiler thread.

As much as the show is Mark Harmon's I honestly can't see it continuing without Michael Weatherly.


I do wonder about that.  I feel like maybe they'd like to go another year or so to allow the NCIS: New Orleans spinoff to get it's legs under itself more firmly.  I know Harmon is executive producer on that one, and we have seen the ratings for NCIS: LA tank when out from behind the mothership. 


I do think there must be an interesting story why the LA spinoff seems to be the orphan step-child and Harmon has firmly embraced the New Orleans spinoff, perhaps it's been reported (I know they have different creators), perhaps its just a case of who gets a percentage where, but I've always wondered about it.

Yes, as much as Gibbs is the show, I also have a hard time seeing it continue without MW. I think they would either have to dramatically change direction, or find someone as charismatic and appealing as MW to try and replace him, in order to keep the current success of the show. I know opinions vary on Bishop but Ziva wasn't original to the show and Lord knows opinions vary on her (Captain Obvious to the rescue!). While Tony doesn't have 100% support either (I assume), he's such an anchor of the show that it's hard to imagine the show without him. It was easy to imagine the show without Ziva because we have 2 seasons of it for reference. Maybe it was hard to imagine the show without Kate 11 years ago when she died at the end of the season but the show was new enough that I'd guess it wasn't too hard.

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I liked DiNozzo when they remembered that he's a more than competent agent and not a total clown. Some of my favorite episodes are DiNozzo-centered in some way (like Chained or Missing or SWAK or Baltimore). I will miss Michael Weatherly - Tony grew to become my favorite, and honestly, I can't imagine the show without him. He's such a primary part for me. Him and Gibbs.


Perhaps he's the first one to take the big step, and the others (like Mark) will soon follow. It feels like Gibbs is winding down, story-wise. I wouldn't be surprised if Mark decided to call it quits within the next couple of years.

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I am in the tiny minority that has never liked DiNozzo, glad to see him go1

I like DiNozzo when they let him be competent and especially without the Ziva storyline, but I am fine with MW leaving. I feel like DiNozzo has been kind of stagnant as a character since they really cannot have him advance, because he would be leaving the team. I tuned out for the last few Ziva years and tuned back in when she left. I like the dynamic of the team now where there is not any inter-team relationship angst. I have the UO of liking Bishop. So I will miss the team dynamic as it is now with the McGee/DiNozzo relationship and the brother/sister vibe with Bishop , but I am surprisingly fine with MW leaving. Also, I am hoping this means the end of Tony's dad showing up. So I will still be watching. I hope they get someone good to fill MW's place.



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Gotta say, I'm still processing this bit of news.  Professionally, I can understand it.  I think Michael is similar to David Boreanaz of Bones in that he has interests in directing and other behind-the-camera pursuits.  However, I'm sad for myself because I like Tony and will miss him.  I hope TPTB don't go the Ziva route.  There is so much more to Tony than a relationship that never really was a relationship, and I don't want the cloud of Ziva to suck all of the air out of Tony's departure.


This certainly explains why Tony and Zoe broke up.  There's no point in investing any more time in that relationship if Michael's going to leave.  It also explains the introduction of the two new characters.  I'm glad Michael gave TPTB a head's up in advance.  I hope that McGee becomes SFA, and I also hope they cast carefully and find an actor who's really comfortable joining the cast at this point.  Not a big "name" per se, but not necessarily a newbie either.

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