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Fandom and Viewer Issues: "Fan" Is Short for "Fanatic"


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We need a poll about what is everyone's favourite Eddy's foot-in-mouth moment. "We can't sacrifice Regina's story for those other peasants", "Rumple and Cora are soulmates", "Ruby will be back, except totally not.". I'm sure there are others.

Is it bad that I feel like he wasn't far off with the Rumple/Cora soulmate thing? They kind of were in my opinion (and soulmate doesn't always have to mean in a romantic sense in my opinion). They were more soulmate-like than I consider Rumple and Belle.

Anyways. It annoying seeing adam respond to the Bad Apples. He has already said that he does not condone bullying, etc. so why do the fans have to keep bringing it up?

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I actually think of Eddy's gaffes as "Things Eddy said that are how he and Adam see the series, but know will cause more turmoil in the fandom than they want to deal with later."


In Adam's twitter feed right now, he's conversing with a fan who's complaining he hasn't been aggressive enough in dealing with some bullying Captain Swan fans.  The person seems to be citing something that happened when Neal was still on the show.


Part of me feels bad for him, because looking at his twitter mentions must be miserable at times.  The rest of me just keeps thinking "Stop feeding them.  Just stop feeding them.  Only respond if it's so beyond the pale you don't have a choice."

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In Adam's twitter feed right now, he's conversing with a fan who's complaining he hasn't been aggressive enough in dealing with some bullying Captain Swan fans.  The person seems to be citing something that happened when Neal was still on the show.


MRJ did get a lot of negative comments for awhile there until he was no longer a threat.  It's pretty much a norm when you join this show.


Yesterday, Adam was replying to similar comments about harassment of SQ fans.  He should just get a robot to twitter "I did not know that occurred", "Bullying is not okay", "Most fans are nice", "I love all ships" and "I support my cast" ad nauseum for the next few days.  It's not very interesting.  Hopefully, someone will ask something better later today since he seems to have a lot of free time these last few days, LOL.

Edited by Camera One
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I feel tempted to report them on twitter, because I see it as a form of harassment, but I don't know if others would. You should not be clogging up someone's twitter feed with lists of all the times someone's made a bullying comment. The CSers could easily start whipping out tweets to Adam about all the bullying comments they've recieved, but they don't because most of them know what common courtesy is.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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About Lana and her tweets, anyone in fandom who still asks actors "who do you ship?" should just be ignored


I think it was last year at Comic Con, someone asked the Teen Wolf cast about ships, and there was a collective groan among the castmembers. They were all, "Seriously, that's the best question you can come up with?" Mind you just a couple years ago they were very cute with the same question, but after awhile it becomes tiresome and boring.

Kyle immediately created another account & is continuing his belligerent fight against "Adam's propaganda." That guy has some SERIOUS issues. I'm glad Adam finally blocked him. But Adam was weird yesterday. He first blocked two Ruby fans -- one who said something a bit rude to him, but it PALED in comparison to stuff Kyle & others have said. Then he blocked another Ruby fan who simply said "Thank you" to him in response to

the announcement about Red's return.

. She replied to the first person kind of agreeing with the rude thing that person said, but she didn't tag Adam, so I thought it was completely unwarranted for him to block her. Perhaps he finally had enough, but it was strange.

This past weekend I re-watched all of those OUAT tv specials they do each season. The ones where Adam and Eddy talk make me cringe. Sometimes I feel like Eddy is more the showrunner than Adam. It shouldn't be a surprise that Regina is their pet character, because they say that the whole premise of the show from conception was "What if the Evil Queen got her happy ending?" So there you go. 


Does Eddy have Twitter account?

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I don't mind when show runners or cast interact with fans but they need thicker skins and think before they tweet something. If the fans pay attention to details when it comes to the shows then just admit you made a mistake. Don't take what they say seriously. If the fans go over the line then block them or ignore them. He must have been frustrated with the fans clamoring his mentions that he didn't even realize who he was blocking.

In the spoiler thread we were discussing the pic that Adam tweeted last night of Hook and Regina together. I don't think it's especially spolier-y, so I wanted to bring the conversation over here. When I started looking at the comments under that photo I realized this must be exactly what Adam & Eddy are going for. They know the CaptainSwan fans will stick around for their canon love story, but they need to string along the SQ fans too. I hope he sees that as a result the SQ fans are completely convinced that this is now a love triangle and that Hook is a complete waste of space. If this isn't the reaction he was going for, I hope he's learning that the way they are promoting and talking about the season is making it look like Regina will be the central figure and Hook will be over on the sidelines admiring Dark!Swan's clothes. If they really intend for him to be an important and integral part of the story, they should start talking about it. Otherwise they may lose the CS fans they're so certain of.

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I think Hook and Regina are two of the most popular characters on the show and that's why he tweeted that pic. Emma and Rumple would qualify, but anything with them would be too spoilery. I think some CSers are borrowing trouble by going to look for what SQers are saying.


Now, if the actual show really sidelines CS, CSers may jump ship (but if they didn't after 411? You can't get anymore shortcharged on a storyline than that), but doing that just because of promotion is silly.

I am glad the show is starting soon because it seems like there's a new drama every day in the fandom lately.

Edited by Serena

Yeah, I doubt anyone involved with the show actually cares about "fandom drama." They say "we love all ships!" just to placate the passionate fans. Any kind of buzz for the show is good buzz, unless it goes too far, in which case Adam can just block the Twitter user. Adam and ABC don't give two shits about whatever CS vs. SQ vs. OQ vs. Rumbelle vs. GrumpyGrandma vs. JollyBug drama that goes on in the background; they'll keep writing whatever they want to. 

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Adam is a troll, he loves it. So, yeah, I'm pretty sure he was looking exactly for the reaction he got, the ER, SQ shippers and Hook haters filling his feed with excited comments about how wonderful is Regina, how much she loves Emma and how useless is Hook. You don't post that particular pic, with

Hook looking angrily at Regina while she holds something that seems to be the DO dagger

if you are not looking for that reaction.

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Not sure only CSers are looking for stuff to complain about. On tumblr I posted essentially a vent about the OUAT spoiler tag and the delusional shippers spoiling my fun. My post was more sad that now of all times shortly before the hiatus ends I feel the need to avoid the spoiler tag.

Didn't tag, didn't mention any fandumb by name, just delusional shippers, but someone with a Regina related url came and reblogged with her commentary that I should just keep out then cause they aren't going to stop.

Not sure how she even found my post, besides how rude to jump on what is obviously someone's vent to their followers to add your own mocking comment. Smh

I must follow the right people, because I very rarely see ship drama on Tumblr. And when I do it's just random references. For me, Tumblr is light-years better than Twitter in terms of cesspit-dom.


And, yes, I think Adam was intentional in stirring up drama with that photo. Seemed like a dig at Hook fans to me. He and the show completely take canon fans for granted in their zeal to string along SQ fans. But I think a lot of canon fans are getting pretty fed up. I barely stuck around after the 4x11 disappointment, and I'm guessing my viewership won't last past the DarkSwan arc, based on how it's shaping up. If Regina saves Emma, I am 100% out.

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I really don't think Adam would be so petty as to have a "dig" at Hook fans. What would that accomplish? And even if he wanted to get SQ fans excited, he's still not writing them what they want (which is SQ in a romantic relationship and nothing else) so what would be the purpose of "insulting" the fans for whom he IS writing the material (the ones who like his canon couple(s)?

Edited by Serena
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I don't even wanna understand how a screencap of Regina and Hook is perceived as Adam taking a dig at one of his characters? 

Look at the pic he has chosen, it's not a pic of Hook and Regina standing next to each other and talking calmly. It's Hook looking really mad while Regina holds something that seems to be the dagger. That's not casual. He knows, because he's been answering them in twitter, that many of Hook's fans are frustrated after last season and the lack of promotion and spoilers about him. So, for me, the choice of this particular pic has a meaning.

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I think the issue is with the context in which he posted it. For the last few days Hook fans have been upset about his lack of promotion/teasers and Adam has been engaging with fans about that. He responded to people expressing frustration that this arc will revolve around Regina and that Regina will be the one to "save" Emma. So the decision to post a photo where Hook and Regina are clearly at odds just fed into the frustration of Hook fans and the celebratory mood of SQ shippers after the "I saved you, now you save me" promo. I think he knew exactly what he was doing and who it would cater to/upset.

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Adam is promoting the show. That's part of his job. He posted an exciting and intriguing image that will generate interest. That's how promotion works for pretty much all TV.shows. These are a few grown-ass adults carrying on like overwrought teenagers. Nobody at the show or at abc cares about them.

Edited by orza
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Seriously, perhaps that still is of Regina trying to summon the Dark One, but based on spoilers, it's pretty safe to assume neither she or Hook are successful. So what's the argument here? If SQers think it's romantic, so what? CSers think it's romantic that Hook tried to summon her too.


It's a teaser to promote the show. Hook and Regina are popular characters. The man is just doing his job. I don't see anything trollish about it.

Edited by ABitOFluff
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For the last few days Hook fans have been upset about his lack of promotion/teasers and Adam has been engaging with fans about that.

To be quite honest, this is something I don't understand to begin with. Going by my personal impression of what's been done by ABC, the writers and the cast to promote the show and season 5 so far, Hook/Colin has been featured very regularly in photos, interviews, promos, etc. I find it incredibly entitled how some fans have been acting in Adam's mentions. It's not his job to reassure them over and over again every single day. Especially not while they already continue to receive more attention than fans of other characters do. Not getting the exact spoilers or media tidbits or whatever that you want is not the same as getting next to nothing at all.


They're at a point where the spoilers they do release in interviews are just them rephrasing the same things we've heard before because they have no interest in revealing more until the premiere has aired, but that's true for everyone on this show. I stopped counting how many times Josh Dallas and the writers have teased

the Charming and Arthur 'bromance', for example.

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To be quite honest, this is something I don't understand to begin with. Going by my personal impression of what's been done by ABC, the writers and the cast to promote the show and season 5 so far, Hook/Colin has been featured very regularly in photos, interviews, promos, etc. 


I wildly disagree with that. Until this week, A&E had mentioned Hook exactly three times in spoiler interviews, and two said the exact same thing, that Hook would want to save the woman he loves. That is so obvious it's not even a spoiler! It's like saying he'll wear leather. The other was a quick "No that speculation isn't true" answer to a spoiler question. There has been ZERO detail given about Hook's role this arc. None. Zero. Zilch. Believe me, I've looked. There has been some specific tidbit or detail about every other character's storyline -- every single one but Hook. Matt Mitovich of TVLine had to make a special effort & call A&E back to get some information about Hook for his last article, because so many fans had asked him to find out something, anything about Hook. Hook was not in any promo photos for the first ep. He hasn't been featured in any promos shown on ABC. He was in the sneak peek scene at D23, but that wasn't true promotion, since it was an actual scene from the premiere.

Hook was not in any promo photos for the first ep.

No one from Storybrooke was in the promo stills. Not Hook, not Henry, not Snowing or Regina.


Rumple who is a huge character on this show has not been promoted either. We know next to nothing about what's going on with him and if we discount what we know about 5x06, we know nothing about Belle except that she's doing research. And we know absolutely nothing about Snow and what's going on with her. And if there were no set stalkers, we would know nothing at all.


I don't even know why this thread exists in the first place.

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I wildly disagree with that. Until this week, A&E had mentioned Hook exactly three times in spoiler interviews, and two said the exact same thing, that Hook would want to save the woman he loves. That is so obvious it's not even a spoiler! It's like saying he'll wear leather. The other was a quick "No that speculation isn't true" answer to a spoiler question. There has been ZERO detail given about Hook's role this arc. None. Zero. Zilch. Believe me, I've looked. There has been some specific tidbit or detail about every other character's storyline -- every single one but Hook. Matt Mitovich of TVLine had to make a special effort & call A&E back to get some information about Hook for his last article, because so many fans had asked him to find out something, anything about Hook. 

I don't agree. Yes, the only Hook spoilers have been

he'll want to save Emma, and he'll disagree with Regina. But look at the others: Belle's spoilers have been: she'll want to save Rumple and go on an adventure with Merida. Rumple's spoilers have been: he's in a come and maybe be a weird ghost?! Charming's spoilers have been: he'll want to save Emma and have a bromance with Arthur. Snow's ONLY spoiler has been that she wants to save Emma! And let's not even mention Robin and Zelena.



He hasn't been featured in any promos shown on ABC.


He was in the "Men Of ABC" promo. He was in the first televised promo

where he's in Zelena's cell

. He was the arguably main character in the first sneak peek shown at D23. Why was it not "true" promotion? Sneak peeks have been used since forever as promotion. They aired that in front of a room of OUAT fans at Disney's most important event!



Hook was not in any promo photos for the first ep.


No one but Rumple and Emma was. They often "hide" the most spoilery stills until the episode airs.


I get the CSers are nervous. But I feel like they're letting SQers get to them. Yes, Hook will not get as much screentime as Regina. I wish it were otherwise, but that's the show. But I believe he will play a meaningful part in the upcoming plotline. Counting how many time he's mentioned by the official Twitter or how many seconds he's featured in the promos is unhelpful. It's the flip side of the SQers' "Once Upon A Hook".

I get the CSers are nervous.


I don't really follow too much of the drama since I only lurk the Tumblrs and Twitters, but I think it might be more about Hook fans in general being nervous about his character getting shafted again. After the botched 4x11 resolution and being gone for a lot of 4B, I can understand why they'd be nervous for Season 5. With that being said, it's probably for the best that they all lower their expectations and accept that he'll never play a big role during an entire season arc, as awesome as that'd be. He'll get one, maybe two standout episodes, and then he'll be back to being pretty wallpaper along with the rest of the male characters. It sucks, but that's just how this show rolls.

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Maybe this should be put in "Unpopular Opinions," but I think Colin/Hook's promotion has been exactly what you would expect given his place in the cast pecking order.


Promotion (formal and informal) usually goes leads ---> guest stars ---> regulars. Or, depending on who they managed to sign, guest starts ---> leads ---> regulars.


Both Colin and Emilie have large fandoms, but they aren't leads. Most of what we've heard about Belle so far has been pretty scanty, pretty vague, and mostly about Merida rather than Belle.  (Even when they get their centrics, a lot of the promotion goes to the guest star with whom they will be centric-ing.) Bex got more promotion as a guest star in 3B than she's gotten as a regular. Meghan will probably get more promotion as a returning guest star than she did as S1 regular. And I can't imagine what it woudl be like if they could ever get Jamie Dornan again. It'd be '50 Shades of Once' for months.


I don't think it's meant to be an insult or an attempt to torture or inflame the various fandoms and shippers, it's just how things are done in large, ensemble shows.

Edited by Amerilla
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I don't really follow too much of the drama since I only lurk the Tumblrs and Twitters, but I think it might be more about Hook fans in general being nervous about his character getting shafted again. After the botched 4x11 resolution and being gone for a lot of 4B, I can understand why they'd be nervous for Season 5.

What happens here is that, after last season finale, with the ILY and Hook being the last person that was showed, many of his fans thought that this season he was going to have an important role (not me, I know what this show is and that he would never get the treatment I think he deserves). But, then, spoilers and bts pics started to appear and it was "Regina this, Regina that" all the time and "look, we are adding 2876765768909086 new characters". So I understand why the fans that thought that he was finally going to be important in an arc are now worried and mad.


About the pic Adam posted and why I think he was looking exactly the reactions he got from both SQ shippers and Hook fans, look at this:

Twitter released their stats on "Fall Premiere Buzz". OUAT is in the top 5 most tweeted about fall shows. It's number 5, after Grey's, Supernatural, TWD, and TVD. It's gone way up compared to the 2014 rank, which was 10. It seems weird to me that this year's premiere would have more buzz than last year's Frozen?

He wants attention and people talking about the show. And he knows that a pic like that is going to get buzz and fans of both sides talking and tweeting about it, because it's a pic that shows exactly what those sides want/are worried about. So, yeah, I don't think he hates Hook's fans or that he is going to ditch CS and start writting SQ. But I'm pretty sure that he wanted to create drama/tweets/buzz and that this pic was perfect for that.


I don't really follow too much of the drama since I only lurk the Tumblrs and Twitters, but I think it might be more about Hook fans in general being nervous about his character getting shafted again. After the botched 4x11 resolution and being gone for a lot of 4B, I can understand why they'd be nervous for Season 5. 


That's exactly it. It has nothing to do with SQ. It's about Colin, Hook and the suspicion that he'll be sidelined again like in 4B, in an arc where he should, by any logical rights, play a large role. I know, I know, TS, TW. There's also a side of increasing frustration with the major over-focus on Regina and the 1.2 million guest stars and the crappiness of Once's marketing.


I don't get fans who think they're not talking about Hook because they don't want to spoil his role. I think that's just wishful thinking, since they've always promoted the things they think are important to the arc. They may not promote the exact specifics, but they promote the character.

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With that being said, it's probably for the best that they all lower their expectations and accept that he'll never play a big role during an entire season arc, as awesome as that'd be. He'll get one, maybe two standout episodes, and then he'll be back to being pretty wallpaper along with the rest of the male characters. It sucks, but that's just how this show rolls.

Exactly. It's unrealistic to expect the show to suddenly make Hook one of the main characters. No matter how popular he is, or how awesome an actor Colin is, Emma, Regina, and Rumple have always been the three main characters of the show. Even Snow, who had a more prominent role in early seasons, has now been reduced to a cardboard cutout.

This show has somehow become way too focused on Regina, but it's time to accept it as part of the writers' vision. They're not going to change directions now to please one or the other part of the fandom. Why whould Adam show a tease of Hook and Regina working peacefully together when their dynamic is clearly going to be the opposite? Expecting every promo on tease to be CS-centric or pro-Hook or pro-SQ seems rather unrealistic to me. To be frank, this thread has devolved into bashing the SQ fans for behaviors that every part of the fandom exhibits.

Edited by Rumsy4
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Expecting every promo on tease to be CS-centric or pro-Hook or pro-SQ seems rather unrealistic to me.


I don't think anybody is saying that or expecting that. Wanting SOME promotion for a character is not the same as wanting EVERY promotion to be focused on that character.


Whether one likes it or not, or engages in them or not, fandom issues are a part of being in a fandom, so I think it's a perfectly useful topic.


Now, I'm curious how Twitter measures fan engagement and buzz. Do they only count posts with hashtags? If so, which hashtags? Do certain keywords count? I'm sure they have methods we don't know about, but it seems a very inexact measurement.

Edited by Souris
Now, I'm curious how Twitter measures fan engagement and buzz. Do they only count posts with hashtags? If so, which hashtags? Do certain keywords count?


I'm not sure, but there have their ways. There are several charts Billboard puts out that track Social media and Twitter presence for songs and artists. They have had a Social chart for a few years and recently started three twitter related charts (Twitter Real-Time, Twitter Top Track and Twitter Emerging Artists). I imagine they do some daisy chaining of hashtags. If a bunch of people tweet #ouat #grumpyRules then I'm sure that #grumpyRules gets associated with Once. Then people starting tweeting #grumpyRules #noMoreLasagna and then #noMoreLasagna starts getting tracked too. They'll get false positives, but also false negatives and will tell you it is an inexact sicence.


Twitter is making all sorts of charts up (most tweeted about moments during award shows, etc) which helps them to become more important.

Edited by kili
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