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S05.E05: Grabby Hands


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I was confused about why the nurse was arrested for murder.  Was it because the medication machine was broken and she accidentally gave a patient the wrong dosage?  If so, I don't understand a murder charge, and if the hospital was under criminal investigation, how did Max not know?  I also didn't really understand the timeline because the nurse was arrested and then like an hour later had already pled to a 10 year sentence?    

And no Bloom, I don't think any therapist or recovering addict would suggest to you it is therapeutic to repeatedly lie about your sobriety to the person you want to help.  I'm also very interested to know how 18 year old runaway addict Bloom got it together enough to graduate college and medical school.

Then there was Floyd's storyline, which gave new meaning to the word "nonsensical."  How did he arrange for the hospital to offer a loan to the potential coop in a matter of hours?  Can the residents in question even afford the mortgages they will now have to pay?  Did anyone look at their finances or even learn their names before loaning them what must be millions of dollars?  

And finally, leave it to Iggy to get his charges lost in the woods.     

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When Vijay left, did he take half of Iggy’s brain with him as a souvenir? Beause I can’t think of any reason for him to be so stupid the last few years. You’re the adult. You keep your phone with you in case of emergencies. You’re on call. You need to be reachable. If they can’t handle that, they have bigger problems, aside from, you being their doctor.  

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God, these people are all such morons.

Luna should know not to handle sharp things by now. Apparently she is NOT a big girl, Max. (How old is she supposed to be? Because my friend's 2yo knows better than to grab knives.)

Iggy's speech at the end unsurprisingly missed the mark. There's no reason the kids can't put down the phones for an excursion, but there's no reason to leave on a hike without them. Just put them in the damn backpack! And kids DO need help learning how to deal with what they're exposed to on the internet. Instead of showing them how to turn off for a time and spending the hike discussing pros and cons of online activity, he just showed what a stupid idea it is to be without a phone in this day and age. Austin letting everyone get soaked and lost rather than admit to Iggy he had something with a MAP makes him an idiot too. The rest of the kids deserve a therapist who understands what "teaching kids coping skills and moderation" is.

Ok, Reynolds, they all now have a mortgage at 150% of their former rent. How do you expect them to afford money for an exterminator and asbestos removal and mold removal and heating repairs ON TOP OF THAT? Great, they own it, whoop-de-do. If they could afford all that themselves, they would have done it anyways rather than wait on the landlord if it had gotten so bad they were getting life-threatening illnesses. Agency was not the issue. People who live in shitholes generally cannot afford a 50% increase in rent - if they could, they'd probably choose a less-shitty place.

Max's bullshit speech about how "we don't do it to be safe" - fuck you, Max. TEN YEARS in prison! No one should be expected to accept that as a possible job risk. How about you do all the overrides and take on all the liability? Also, the woman who blew out a kidney because treatment was critically delayed because the DA terrorized the nurses with the threat of PRISON should take him to civil court. If these machines cause the exact problems they're supposed to fix, why are they still using them?

At least Bloom's story this week is just your average addict family drama.

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I’m honestly just bored with this show but finishing because there’s only eight episodes left. I’ve already seen the drug addict doctor and doctor with a toxic parent tropes on other shows, and I really don’t like helpless female characters like Lauren. I can’t feel sorry for characters whose personal mess is partially self-inflicted. She could have avoided all this by making Leyla move out. (And I hate even more that I’m supposed to sympathize with a grown ass woman who has a career with significant responsibility crying “bad childhood trauma.” At 30something years old it’s time to stop blaming your mother for everything and grow up a bit.) 

Why is Wilder, a surgeon, wearing nail polish in an OR? Last I knew that was a real life no-no. I was once getting my nails done next to a woman who said she was an OR nurse and could only get clear polish and a regular manicure. No gel, fancy colors or anything like that. 

Why is Floyd out playing Law and Order detective? I kept feeling like Olivia Benson should have popped up at some point. 

Iggy had a good point to start about getting away from devices but it all went off the rails. Although to be honest I expected the van to crash or someone to steal it. 

I feel like when this show ends it will just fade into obscurity. It’s not worth rewatching unless you stop at S2 or S3. 

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1 hour ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

5 year olds can speak in full sentences

I remember my niece who was, at the time, one month shy of her third birthday, standing on a chair at the dinner table and telling us a long, complicated story she made up in her head. She spoke for at least 5 minutes, non-stop, full sentences. The only incomprehensible part was the logic of the story itself, because the mind of a three year-old is too fantastic for adults

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1 hour ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

In the season premiere, didn't they celebrate Luna's 5th birthday?  That little girl is not 5 years old.  5 year olds can speak in full sentences and know better than to have "grabby hands."  She's 3, at the most.

GiGi, on The Resident, is supposed to be five after the show took big time jump between seasons. I don't remember them ever saying the Luna was 5 on New Amsterdam. Maybe they did and I just don't remember it, but she certainly looks, talks and acts like 3. And she's still a better actress than the kid that plays GiGi.

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2 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

In the season premiere, didn't they celebrate Luna's 5th birthday?  That little girl is not 5 years old.  5 year olds can speak in full sentences and know better than to have "grabby hands."  She's 3, at the most.

In the timeline supported by New Amsterdam-canon Luna is supposed to be 3. She was born in the season one finale which would put her at 3 in the season four finale when Helen left. For the entirety of the London plotline and Max/Helen's relationship she was two-and-a-half/three. The scene when Luna called Helen 'mum'? I'm thinking she was between 2 1/2 and 3 there. 

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1 hour ago, NeenerNeener said:

GiGi, on The Resident, is supposed to be five after the show took big time jump between seasons. I don't remember them ever saying the Luna was 5 on New Amsterdam. Maybe they did and I just don't remember it, but she certainly looks, talks and acts like 3. And she's still a better actress than the kid that plays GiGi.

This being New Amsterdam, logic does not matter, time is an illusion (I mean, time does not exist, really, but we need it to place ourselves in space and life). There was a scene in the first episode of the season where Luna was blowing candles of her 5th birthday - or something like that. It was like a montage to show time moving forward.

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3 hours ago, circumvent said:

This being New Amsterdam, logic does not matter, time is an illusion (I mean, time does not exist, really, but we need it to place ourselves in space and life). There was a scene in the first episode of the season where Luna was blowing candles of her 5th birthday - or something like that. It was like a montage to show time moving forward.

Exactly, that's what I'm saying. She's "supposed to" be 5, but she's just not. I agree with you that it makes no sense. If they want her to be 5 so that we think years have passed, they need an actress and storylines that portray her as 5 years old. 

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It's hard to believe people living in a healthtrap have the money to pay 50% more on rent/mortgage. Why not move then? NYC rent is very expensive but if you can afford to go that much higher I suspect you can afford to leave. That plotline felt like a unused Max storyline that they gave to Floyd because they needed something for him to do. It played exactly how Max would handle it. Get involved in these people's lives in ways they didn't authorize and come up with a solution no hospital board would agree to.

I'm not sure how old Luna is supposed to be, I guess 3ish. It seems like now is the time to teach about listening and not touching certain things without permission. Luna got a small cut this time. What if Max had been cooking and she'd touched the stove or something. Maybe that's the lesson Max and the cooking lesson comes once you know she won't try to grab another sharp object.

And Iggy, once again proving he probably shouldn't still have his job. He was on call and had minors in his care he should have taken his phone. Period. And if these kids parents find out about this they should be pissed. Also, the kid who didn't mention he had an iphone, I would have been livid if I was one of the other kids. Who leaves that info out?

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On 10/18/2022 at 10:33 PM, txhorns79 said:

And no Bloom, I don't think any therapist or recovering addict would suggest to you it is therapeutic to repeatedly lie about your sobriety to the person you want to help.  I'm also very interested to know how 18 year old runaway addict Bloom got it together enough to graduate college and medical school.

I do have a question. We established last week that Lauren has apparently been taking her Adderall this entire time - despite being sent to rehab for being addicted for it in season one - so what is she three years sober from??

Her sobriety chip and her book said NA - narcotics, not alcohol. 

Edited by LexieLily
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4 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Exactly, that's what I'm saying. She's "supposed to" be 5, but she's just not. I agree with you that it makes no sense. If they want her to be 5 so that we think years have passed, they need an actress and storylines that portray her as 5 years old. 

Maybe the set design people who set up the scene where it was her 5th birthday messed up? They could have done 5 because it was the fifth season, and the writers didn't realize, so they have been writing her as 3?

  • Mind Blown 1
10 hours ago, circumvent said:

This being New Amsterdam, logic does not matter, time is an illusion (I mean, time does not exist, really, but we need it to place ourselves in space and life). There was a scene in the first episode of the season where Luna was blowing candles of her 5th birthday - or something like that. It was like a montage to show time moving forward.

Welcome to New Amsterdam where all the storylines are completely illogical and the ratings and timelines don‘t matter! 

(Maybe the writers are writing based off Scenes from a Hat, for any Whose Line fans who understand these references.) 

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This was, uh, definitely an episode. My notes for this are a bit weird


oh right reynolds is getting another person

iggy is still trying to find someone instead of going back to his husband

and max is getting into a relationship with awesome deaf doctor because the writers want to ruin everything before the series is done


tell luna "I was cutting those, you could have hurt yourself" instead of "watch with your eyes, not with your hands" - you were in the middle of CUTTING WITH A KNIFE

with all of the grabbing Luna does, you think she would've done this already

and of course she cuts herself

is max going to make Bloom or someone stitch her up

i am so happy there is no longer discordant jazz in the title sequence - thank you new amsterdam producers

reynolds.... she is a nurse in your department. JUST ASK THE NURSE IN CHARGE INSTEAD OF GUESSING RANDOM NAMES

or look at her ID

oh no is this episode going to deal with travel nursing, isn't it

and reynolds is deflated instantly

bloom just tell her you are sober instead of wasting the booze

so how much is her ADHD going to affect her this week, or did the writers forget about it

max, you do not take up an ER nurse's time just because someone is rushing into the hospital that you are a medical director of - you are not an ER doctor there

uh oh, three poisoned patients should be fun - I am guessing the ER will be clogged - probably exposed due to water in a building or something like that

um, Iggy, are you taking four children who are inpatient somewhere far away from the hospital without anyone else with you? No other adults? These kids are inpatient for a reason!

since their phones have been confiscated, they are going to end up needing them!

um, Bloom, this is not the job for a nurse or a doctor - you should get the medical director to call city hall, I know, it's a shock - but max can help for once!

do you think the nurse would've been arrested if surgery was going on? because uhhh that was just irresponsible of the cops - they could've just watched the OR doors

um, lawyer, that does not sound like murder at all - it sounds like manslaughter. Although the DA might be doing the practice of upcharging in order to get the nurse to plea down to something with a lesser sentence


oh no is Reynolds getting infested with the Max bug of how he can help people

iggy, are you going to lock the van and forget your keys inside?

iggy, is belittling the children in front of their peers a good thing? Do you really think that is a good tactic?


no iggy, they should not calm down, they are rightly concerned

wait, so the solution everyone at New Amsterdam has due to the med machine dispensing the incorrect medication/nurse having to override it is overprescribing/overcharging patients insurance to cover their asses and doing unnecessary crap?

max why don't you have legal do an all-hands meeting for all staff to talk to them about what they should/shouldn't do?

aaand of course the DA upcharged to get a plea

so how long until a kid gets injured or you get lost, Iggy?

oh wait you already did it, good job

i bet that sign isn't going to be helpful at all

and that is why you bring at least one phone with you on a hike Iggy

nurse, in that case you should have someone else try it

reynolds, i am 99.9% sure it is illegal for rent to increase that much in NYC

they aren't all doctors who can afford it reynolds, that is why you aren't getting it

the slumlord is probably not addressing the stuff intentionally - to get them to leave

iggy why do you not try to leave markers of some kind? your backpacks have zippers - use them to make markers in the bark on trees so you know where you are

hey iggy this is why you have at least another adult with you when you have patients outside of the hospital

wait iggy don't you have a beeper? Can't a lot of the newer doctor ones send simple messages?

wait, Max, a ~4 hour delay or so caused permanent kidney damage? That is not the fault of dotting your i's and crossing your t's - it could've happened at literally any time. Also, uhhh, aren't you violating HIPAA by sharing all of that with every single person in the unit right out in the open?

see, Bloom? You should've told her you were sober!

so if Bloom left when the sister was 9, what is the age difference between these two?

oh, okay, 9 years - Bloom was 18. Huh, bloom was right with her speech there

um, did Max's speech get everyone to unquit? sure, sure.




oh ok you're just making it a co-op

wait reynolds you are just the heart of heart surgery (or is he head of all surgery now?), how can you make a decision to spend MILLIONS OF DOLLARS loaning some random patients money to buy their apartment building that they will not be able to afford upkeep on?

how is this a tax writeoff? is the hospital writing a below market loan somehow a tax writeoff?

oh my god reynolds what are you even doing this episode my god




if you were going to be so anti-phone, why not get a good old plain GPS unit to navigate with? Or at least MARK THE LOCATION OF YOUR CAR with

iggy, you were partially in the right to take away their phones

but you shouldn't have gotten rid of the phones in the car - you should've carried them in the backpacks

god iggy you are the worst

i would not be surprised if you caused anyone trauma

holy crap that kid is dumb for not saying he had the ipad when they first got lost

or after it started to rain

or when they were sitting around the fire

why did it take so long for the teenager to get a notification anyway?

IGGY WHY DID YOU NOT PUT OUT THAT FIRE? i know it probably happened off camera but at least start the motions of it jeeeez

i wonder if travel nurse is going to say she wants to stay

reynolds you have been going about it all wrong because of the thruple you were a part of and getting way too involved in that

reynolds, see a therapist (NOT IGGY), please - you have issues

during max talking to Luna, i just remembered max's cancer plot last week

guess they forgot about it this week

max is right at luna's bedtime the best time for a smoothie?

or are you making it the night before to save time?

max you should not let a 4 year old (or is she 5) pour milk without being there just in case to catch it

um that lid does not look like it is secure

so that was... an episode


okay, so worst doctor time!

So the worst doctor doctoring wise... that has to be Iggy, holy crap you were not practicing basic safety! It sounds like he didn't tell anyone where he was going, since it was a 90 minute hike - maybe a 2 hour drive at most? Seemed like they left in the morning, so they should've been back at NA by 3 PM at the latest (and I HAVE to imagine that they ahve protocols for bringing patients on trips like this, like frequent phone check-ins!)

The worst doctor plot wise was Reynolds, because.............. what even

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Floyd. You work for a public hospital. A public hospital is, by definition, non- profit. They don’t need the “tax write-offs” of loaning these residents money because they don’t pay taxes. Plus, how is that even a write-off?  The one resident was correct. These things that need fixing are the responsibility of the owner.  And now that you made them the owners, they can deal with the headaches. He needs a lesson in personal finance.

Prediction - Floyd’s latest fling of eight weeks will coincide with the end of the show and he will become an itinerant surgeon.

Max really is an awful parent. Sometimes you have to tell a child “no” for their own safety. And you don’t turn your back on a child because you’re cleaning smoothie off of your shirt.

Why would four kids, who are supposedly addicted to their phones, be put into group therapy with the department chair of a major public hospital?

I don’t care about Bloom’s sister. Or Max’s kid. Or Floyd’s father. Or Iggy’s love life. Why don’t they get back to what made the show tolerable in the offer couple of seasons? 

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16 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

Floyd. You work for a public hospital. A public hospital is, by definition, non- profit. They don’t need the “tax write-offs” of loaning these residents money because they don’t pay taxes. Plus, how is that even a write-off?  The one resident was correct. These things that need fixing are the responsibility of the owner.  And now that you made them the owners, they can deal with the headaches. He needs a lesson in personal finance.

Prediction - Floyd’s latest fling of eight weeks will coincide with the end of the show and he will become an itinerant surgeon.

Max really is an awful parent. Sometimes you have to tell a child “no” for their own safety. And you don’t turn your back on a child because you’re cleaning smoothie off of your shirt.

Why would four kids, who are supposedly addicted to their phones, be put into group therapy with the department chair of a major public hospital?

I don’t care about Bloom’s sister. Or Max’s kid. Or Floyd’s father. Or Iggy’s love life. Why don’t they get back to what made the show tolerable in the offer couple of seasons? 

I think with the kids who were with Iggy, they weren't in the hospital for phone addiction - but for other reasons (and they used their phones as a coping mechanism)

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On 10/20/2022 at 1:08 AM, bros402 said:

why did it take so long for the teenager to get a notification anyway?

This one's actually easy and very real. Where I go wild camping in Vermont there is extremely limited 1X or 2G coverage--just enough for a text message to get through if everything is just right. It's extremely spotty coverage. Now probably around Bear Mountain it's not quite so bad, but still it's quite possible.



What idiot attorney would even entertain the notion of a felony plea for his client on that bullshit charge? That's a battle you fight in the media as soon as the ink is dry on the fingerprint form. And at trial, what jury would convict given the evidence. 

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2 hours ago, NJRadioGuy said:

What idiot attorney would even entertain the notion of a felony plea for his client on that bullshit charge? That's a battle you fight in the media as soon as the ink is dry on the fingerprint form. And at trial, what jury would convict given the evidence. 

This is one of the many problems with this episode

1. Luna is really not 5. That kid is a baby still in her terrible twos. At five I was starting to read, not getting into trouble with "grabby hands"

2. Travel nurses - while a reality, there is a lot of tension among nurses that work all year round at a hospital and who really care about the patients - I want to believe nurses do care - and the travel nurses. They make up to 4 times more than the hospital, unionized nurses, and according to complaints, don't really know the more ill patients, since they are there for a week or less, this delays the care they need to provide and make the other nurses have to stop and help. So, more work for the long term nurses in a way. They could have gotten into the issue with a little more depth instead of middle school scene of two adults holding hands and going on a date. 

3. The nurse that didn't want to override the machine also caused damage to the patient, so that is a lawsuit in the making. Possibly a bigger one because one can claim neglect, not a mistake.

4. the whole "nurse get arrested for murder" is bullshit. This country is terrible in tort laws, which are a complex issue. Like I mentioned several times before, medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in this country (maybe covid has temporally beat that) and doctors and medical professionals rarely get even charged. The nurse would be insured under the hospital policy and was under supervision of other nurses and doctors, so the hospital would have been liable too. They would have settled. The family would not be happy but the attorney that got the plea is really bad because they have the upper hand, the burden would be on the prosecution. The theme deserved more nuance because there are so many feelings and possible situations involved. OTOH, many families are left only with an apology that are usually not disclosed, and grief. Think what you may of the nurse culpability, she would not be in jail, or prison - for bad or for worse, that's the system.

5. What is wrong with the people in the building? A guy they don't know comes up and says: I got a loan for you, you just bought an apartment! and they go have a party? This show is cartoonish sometimes.

6. Why do we need that Iggy story? What is the point of it?

7. Why do we need Lauren at all, in the show?

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13 hours ago, circumvent said:

4. the whole "nurse get arrested for murder" is bullshit. This country is terrible in tort laws, which are a complex issue. Like I mentioned several times before, medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in this country (maybe covid has temporally beat that) and doctors and medical professionals rarely get even charged. The nurse would be insured under the hospital policy and was under supervision of other nurses and doctors, so the hospital would have been liable too. They would have settled. The family would not be happy but the attorney that got the plea is really bad because they have the upper hand, the burden would be on the prosecution. The theme deserved more nuance because there are so many feelings and possible situations involved. OTOH, many families are left only with an apology that are usually not disclosed, and grief. Think what you may of the nurse culpability, she would not be in jail, or prison - for bad or for worse, that's the system.

It sounded like their had been a civil lawsuit, the hospital had admitted fault, and settled. But for some reason, the DA wanted to criminally come after the nurse. And she had an awful lawyer who let her settle for 10 years! I can see settling for 1-2 years, but 10 years is a long time.

What wasn't clear to me was what the nurse did that led to the death. They said she overrode the machine, but did she actually make a mistake and give the wrong medication? Or did the machine not work and by the time she overrode it the medicine didn't work and the patient died?

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10 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

What wasn't clear to me was what the nurse did that led to the death. They said she overrode the machine, but did she actually make a mistake and give the wrong medication? Or did the machine not work and by the time she overrode it the medicine didn't work and the patient died?

I think that when one overrides the machine, they have to manually pick the correct medication and dose. I am assuming that the machine is like a vending machine where what you want get dispensed according to the codes you type. At least that's the only thing I can think of for the need of such thing. It is pretty ridiculous in my opinion. 

2 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Are the kids with Iggy supposed to be inpatients? They didn't appear to be actively suicidal or psychotic.  And how does a psychiatrist take kids on a field trip?

honestly I cannot picture him driving a hospital van if these kids aren't inpatient

but yeah I did not understand this plot at all, hence all of my... commentary in the worst doctor post :P

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1 hour ago, TVForever said:

I thought he also sees outpatients. I got the impression that these kids were one of his therapy groups. 

If they were in an outpatient therapy group, their parents would have been calling the police and going to NA demanding to  know why their kids never came back.  Plus - one man never takes a group of kids offsite alone.  You always bring another staff member (usually female).  I thought the kids were from an inpatient group, but they were much too well-behaved and calm.  And - in the majority of psychiatric settings, the psychiatrists do very little talk therapy - that's the job of psychologists, therapists, social workers.  Psychiatrists are the experts in diagnoses and medication.  And they get paid a few times more than therapists, so it's much more cost-effective to have masters-level therapists to do therapy and run groups. 

There's a lot about this show that doesn't track with reality.  Like the hospital BUYING an apartment building and setting up mortgages for the tenants?  Because some of the tenants are patients with health problems caused by the building?  Will this be a new company now -  New Amsterdam Realty and property management?

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On 10/19/2022 at 10:49 AM, NeenerNeener said:

GiGi, on The Resident, is supposed to be five after the show took big time jump between seasons. I don't remember them ever saying the Luna was 5 on New Amsterdam. Maybe they did and I just don't remember it, but she certainly looks, talks and acts like 3. And she's still a better actress than the kid that plays GiGi.

Aww. I like little Gigi. Mileage varies of course. 

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On 10/18/2022 at 11:33 PM, txhorns79 said:

I'm also very interested to know how 18 year old runaway addict Bloom got it together enough to graduate college and medical school.

I never had the impression Lauren really "ran away" - she just chose to go off to college, leaving her sister and home life behind.

On 10/20/2022 at 1:08 AM, bros402 said:




oh ok you're just making it a co-op

Presumably Reynolds is busy enough with the hospital and doesn't need to run for any political offices...

On 10/19/2022 at 5:05 PM, TooMuchRealityTV said:

And Iggy, once again proving he probably shouldn't still have his job. He was on call and had minors in his care he should have taken his phone. Period.

The same phone he uses for work is apparently also the one he's using for his dating site communications...like WTF? I find it hard to believe a medical professional wouldn't have a personal and a hospital-issued phone.

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11 hours ago, SnarkySheep said:

Presumably Reynolds is busy enough with the hospital and doesn't need to run for any political offices...

The same phone he uses for work is apparently also the one he's using for his dating site communications...like WTF? I find it hard to believe a medical professional wouldn't have a personal and a hospital-issued phone.

1. Yeah, but in this show I wouldn't be surprised at all!

2. I think my therapist might use the same phone for personal and professional communications, but maybe he has just ported his phone number out of different practices onto a personal plan - since the caller ID just says his name.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks BS is BS. It's reassuring. Iggy, Reynolds, the prosecution of the nurse, Luna's age not making sense... in addition to the birthday, didn't we also have a story about her first day of school?

I thought Lauren was sincere in wanting to connect with her sister, and she made a stupid mistake, but it was a layperson mistake, not a doctor mistake. And her sister is also at fault here, so I feel like it kind of tracks with how life is sometimes. I really like Lauren at work. I am not sure why they chose to give her this story with her sister, but I found it plausible and not totally insane, as stories go. I am not sure about the Adderal addiction being forgotten. I think maybe they think it's okay for her to take the correct dose, as long as she doesn't take more than that? If the addiction is mostly psychological, that could maybe work. I don't think we ever really saw her in any kind of medical detox during her rehab. It was mostly just that she would self-medicate constantly, whenever she was stressed. If not Adderal, then whatever pills she could get her hands on.

I thought it was a mistake in the first scene when Luna said she wanted to help and Max just shooed her away. He could have given her something to do, and he was right that he should be encouraging her to want to help. But, again, that was a plausible harried parent error, I thought. And I do find him extremely adorable with Luna, most of the time.

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