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S13.E01: Keeping the Faith

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The job takes a dangerous turn for the Reagans when Eddie and Jamie deal with a domestic violence case associated with an investigation led by Danny and Baez. Also, Frank and his friend, Archbishop Kearns (Stacy Keach), go on a mission to avail themselves to an unfiltered look at the city; and Erin is presented with a surprising offer by her ex-husband, Jack Boyle (Peter Hermann), regarding her run for District Attorney, on the season 13 premiere of BLUE BLOODS, Friday, Oct. 7 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. 

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Yeah, Eddie’s a bit much and maybe a little too clingy. They do need to separate work wise

I liked Frank and the Monsignor on their adventures and having him as a guest at the dinner table

It will be interesting to see what Erin runs on in her campaign. You had the feeling she wanted to change the situation with releasing suspects

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I can't decide if Garrett's comment "What Would Teddy Roosevelt Do" was stupid or brilliant. 

I still want to see Joe working an actual case and what he's like day to day on the job. We got close with this episode, but it isn't quite what I wanted. 

Frank's rules for the nighttime adventure/fact-finding mission/whatever you want to call it do not make sense. The subway and Uber did not exist while Roosevelt was govenor, but taxi cabs did. If the goal is to travel the way the common person did, than I can sort of understand the subway being an option, but then there needed to be a clearer explanation of why taxis were okay but Uber was not. 

Jack and Erin may be an interesting subplot that plays out this season. I'm hoping her run forces her/them to clarify and figure out what thier relationship is. 

It's always fun to see Jamie acting like Danny. I swear it happens once or twice a season. Erin should be used to it by now. Instead of the conversation about whether or not he's the quiet one, I would have had it go something like this, but worded better.

Erin: So this your Danny moment for the quarter.

Jamie: What?

Erin: Once every few months you burst into my office upset about something with no regard for rules and laws like Danny, and then you calm down and remember everything you learned in law school, unlike Danny who will spend the next week bothering me about it. 

I love that the show totally owns that it has an older audience. I can't remember whether the reference at the end was to Pat O'Brien or Bing Crosby, but it was someone of that vintage, and the writers completely trusted that everyone in the audience would get the reference and they didn't need someone from the younger generation to ask who that was/explain the reference. 

Edited by Sarah 103
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10 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

but then there needed to be a clearer explanation of why taxis were okay but Uber was not

Taxis can be hailed from the street, but Uber requires use of a cell phone, and no cell phones allowed was one of the rules Frank set.

Eddie was over the top at the hospital, rushing through doors she was told she couldn't go through when the nurse? was distracted. I get she was out of her mind with fear, but she's not usually like that. Once she thought about the transfer, I was hoping she would see the sense of not working out of the same precinct. Plus different job situations would give her and Jamie more to talk about when day is done.

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11 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

I can't decide if Garrett's comment "What Would Teddy Roosevelt Do" was stupid or brilliant. 

I assumed he was cracking wise, teasing Frank about his long gone hero, but it did inspire the boys’ outing. 
Bing Crosby played Father O’Malley in Going My Way, but he could have easily used Spenser Tracy’s Father Flanagan from Boy’s Town.  Similar guilt tactics were employed to prompt confessions. 

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 How the hell did the officer that was so bitchy to Eddie and that Jamie was having to dress down for punching another officer (for not playing her daughter in a soccer match, no less) leap frog them to be running the whole precinct? 

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3 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

Taxis can be hailed from the street, but Uber requires use of a cell phone, and no cell phones allowed was one of the rules Frank set.

That makes more sense. I think Frank's comment that Roosevelt didn't have Uber was the one that confused me. I do understand what he was going for, and the way you explained it makes more sense. The idea is to be street level and go slightly outside the comfort zone or what they would normally see in their official capacity. 

2 hours ago, Daff said:

I assumed he was cracking wise, teasing Frank about his long gone hero, but it did inspire the boys’ outing. 
Bing Crosby played Father O’Malley in Going My Way, but he could have easily used Spenser Tracy’s Father Flanagan from Boy’s Town.  Similar guilt tactics were employed to prompt confessions. 

I couldn't tell if Garrett was being serious or sarcastic with his line. 

Pat O'Brien in Angels with Dirty Faces is a similar character type that would have worked as well. Very clearly they were referencing an archetype that most of the (older veiwers) of the series would know, and there are not enough younger veiwers that they need to explain the reference, or they just figure that the younger viewers will look it up on google or wikipedia. 

Edited by Sarah 103
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1 hour ago, Maverick said:

 How the hell did the officer that was so bitchy to Eddie and that Jamie was having to dress down for punching another officer (for not playing her daughter in a soccer match, no less) leap frog them to be running the whole precinct? 

Is that why she looked familiar? I can’t see that happening, especially if Jamie outranked her in that old episode. Are you sure the character/actress are the same?

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42 minutes ago, Sarah 103 said:

if Garrett

With him, you never know, or even sucking up because of the picture on the wall. Normally, I’d be scratching my head, but when I heard TR in the acronym, I knew right away what he was saying! There’s always one in every cop show, right? I’ll be very interested to see if any future storylines address the situations they encountered, because they’re very real, and very demoralizing to the ranks. 

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49 minutes ago, Daff said:

Is that why she looked familiar? I can’t see that happening, especially if Jamie outranked her in that old episode. Are you sure the character/actress are the same?

 Yes, same actress and character.

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10 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 Yes, same actress and character.

Well, based on previews, it’ll be a moot point, as Jamie seems to be moving. Seems like they could have made an issue of it, as they’d had previous history, though. Especially since there’s no “rule or regulations”. And I don’t remember the old boss (can’t remember what rank, just his personality and face) indicating he was moving, being promoted, requesting transfer, etc. at the end of last season. I know people here hate Eddie, but I thought her explanation to the  new boss was rather rational. I also think they’ve shown some growth of character in her over the past two seasons. It was convenient getting Eddie and Jamie both into the filming of an episode. Now, they’ll have to do it separately, or, to please the masses, drop Eddie storylines altogether.

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The case of the hour was a bit unique because it connected many Reagans.

Unpopular opinion - Eddie’s panic drama at the hospital was not compelling at all. It was immature.

Eddie making a request for her and Jamie to continue working together at 2-9 was OTT and clingy. Jamie is right, they can’t be working together their whole careers. And her reason for wanting so is because she needs to be notified first if anything happens to Jamie. This is ridiculous, she is the spouse and his emergency contact.

Not interested in Erin’s arc and her indecisiveness re Jack.

Danny has great, emotional moments with both Joe and Baez. I keep waiting for Baez to mention the name of her baby girl. 😩

Edited by SnazzyDaisy
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8 hours ago, ctlady said:

Am I the only one who thinks BM had some facial work done?  Eye lift?  Smoothers/ fillers? She’s looking a bit puffy yet very smooth 

You are not the only one.  She looks really different in the forehead and eye area.  Her forehead is larger in proportion than it was before.  I was very distracted by the difference in her appearance.

I also thought Eddy and Danny looked weird compared to last season.  Eddy's makeup was really shiny. Maybe the show got new hair and makeup people.

Edited by nittany cougar
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The Cardinal at dinner? I did not see that coming!

Joe, when a bad guy is escaping by boat, and you have a gun, how might you slow him down? 
Ok, I’m not a cop, but I wouldn’t have any bullets left, that’s for sure.

Eddie crashing the emergency surgery? Enough of a tv cliche that  I can’t blame her.

Edited by highway61
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I have so many nitpicks about this episode. I get that Frank and the Archbishop wanted to go incognito and that meant not using Uber but to not even bring their cell phones with them was absurd. You can make a gentleman's agreement not to use them but at least have them on you. For people in their roles to be completely out of touch was the absolute height of stupidity. I wish there had been a scene of Frank kicking himself for being unreachable when his son had been shot. And even though they don't say so I have to assume that Jamie was in the hospital for more than a few days. I don't see how he could have walked out under his own power and toddle off to Sunday dinner after having a bullet tear through him and undergoing invasive surgery right near his spine. I feel liked they skipped a lot and it felt rushed. This could have easily been a two-part story dealing with his recovery and physical therapy plus drawing out the case of the week a little more. They basically forgot all about the poor woman who had been kidnapped until she showed up in the trunk of the car.        

Agree with everyone else regarding Eddie's behavior. She and Jamie really shouldn't be in the same house.  

Edited by wlk68
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The writing makes Eddie look crazy.  Omg, something is really off with her.  That obsession with working with her husband is bizarre.  Is she super jealous, insecure or what? It’s not normal.  And the hospital scene……terrible overacting.  Ugh….

Frank was out of his mind to go several hrs with no means of contact with his office or family.  For someone who has several family members in law enforcement, an elderly parent, etc,  he shouldn’t be without a phone.  What if there was another 911?  Who’s his backup?  

Why do I find Erin so irritating?  Its as if she just can’t be pleasant.  Has to disagree.  Why her ex is interested….?  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I wonder if Jamie will now get a desk job. Having a surgery takes months to recover let alone being in action which is required from a cop.

Maybe they could make him the Sargeant and transfer the new boss somewhere else. Or he might go work for the mayor after all...

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11 hours ago, FreshPrince said:

I wonder if Jamie will now get a desk job. Having a surgery takes months to recover let alone being in action which is required from a cop.


Jamie’s new role will be Field Information Officer for the same precinct.

There’s an article about this in the media thread.

Edited by SnazzyDaisy
Moved info into spoiler tag!
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12 hours ago, wlk68 said:

. I get that Frank and the Archbishop wanted to go incognito and that meant not using Uber but to not even bring their cell phones with them was absurd. You can make a gentleman's agreement not to use them but at least have them on you. To be completely out of touch was the absolute height of stupidity

We do feel that way today, but what do you think think people did in pre- cell phone, internet, text, social media days?  They either had to wait until they got home or check in from a pay phone / hotel room phone to find out if anything happened. 

9 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

The writing makes Eddie look crazy.  Omg, something is really off with her.  That obsession with working with her husband is bizarre.  Is she super jealous, insecure or what? It’s not normal.  And the hospital scene……terrible overacting.  Ugh….

That entire scene made me cringy and punchy. I never liked Eddie and so far my dislike is intensified.  Lowly hospital staff, don’t you know that a holy Regan was just brought in and all other patients must take the backseat until he’s tended to and his family is all gathered there to make sure you do so, or else?  An officer with a gunshot wound was just brought in. I think the hospital staff is smart enough to know how urgent that is to get triaged immediately that they don’t need a Danny barking ( paraphrasing) , “ he’s my brother- you need to take care of him!”

And Eddie using Jamie’s shooting as a negotiating tactic with the captain to get her way for her and Jamie to stat in the same precinct was low. Shut your fat a$$ up, Eddie!

9 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Why do I find Erin so irritating?  Its as if she just can’t be pleasant.  Has to disagree.  

Erin’s never grated on me for some reason- not like Eddie. I think it’s her being a by the law attorney in a sea of by the book ( when it suits them) police officers. She always comes across as the bad guy because she follows the law no matter how many times Danny barges in barking at her 

12 hours ago, highway61 said:

The Cardinal at dinner? I did not see that coming!

I think his long history with Frank earned him a spot- certainly before Anthony. But I wish they’d stop with the family rule of whose allowed at the Sunday dinner table. Lighten up a bit. Maybe Baker? Garret? Baez?  They’ve all been loyal colleagues and friends for years to earn an invite 

speaking of Baker, someone had a heavy hand applying her makeup 

the actor who plays Sean appears concerning overweight for such a young age 

police academy enrollment down?  More cops killed last year than on 9/11?  We’ll played, NY. We’ll played. 

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23 hours ago, ctlady said:

Am I the only one who thinks BM had some facial work done?  Eye lift?  Smoothers/ fillers? She’s looking a bit puffy yet very smooth 

Yes, I was severely distracted each time she was on screen, because she looked very different. 

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I thought Eddie looked quite different in the face.  Perhaps, it was makeup.

And, why did the family react so odd when the doctor asked if they wanted a priest.  It wasn’t an insult. Of course, the doctor was going to do his best with the surgery. The priest option wasn’t an either/or question.  


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2 hours ago, ctlady said:

I think his long history with Frank earned him a spot- certainly before Anthony. But I wish they’d stop with the family rule of whose allowed at the Sunday dinner table. Lighten up a bit. Maybe Baker? Garret? Baez?  They’ve all been loyal colleagues and friends for years to earn an invite 

Baez has been to dinner - I think it was the episode she and Danny were locked in the basement by the serial killer. And Anthony, as you say. I don't think any of the office three have been there...

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On 10/9/2022 at 8:33 AM, ctlady said:

We do feel that way today, but what do you think think people did in pre- cell phone, internet, text, social media days?  They either had to wait until they got home or check in from a pay phone / hotel room phone to find out if anything happened. 

That's an excellent point. I hadn't thought about generational difference, but that is a highly plausible explanation for it. 

On 10/9/2022 at 10:45 AM, highway61 said:

Baez has been to dinner - I think it was the episode she and Danny were locked in the basement by the serial killer. And Anthony, as you say. I don't think any of the office three have been there...

I think Sid would fit right in at dinner, beyond the initial awkwardness of the situation. Sid is very much like Danny or Henry, and came up through the ranks of the police force, so there's that shared bond. Plus he was Danny's boss at the start of the series, so there's some real history there. Baker is a bit of a mystery, because she is un underused/underdeveloped character, but it could work.

Garrett at the dinner table is the potential for all kinds of fun. He is not afraid to stand up to Frank and say what he believes/what he thinks is best. It would need to be a long dinner scene, but Danny and Garrett going multiple rounds would be highly entertaining. There would have to be some discussion between Henry and Garrett about the relationship beteween the press/media and the police department and the ways that has changed since Henry's day. 

On 10/9/2022 at 6:55 AM, SnazzyDaisy said:

Jamie’s new role will be Field Information Officer for the same precinct.

There’s an article about this in the media thread.

Just a quick FYI/future reference, I think that information that has not yet aired is a spoiler and the episode threads are supposed to be spoliler free for future episodes. You can discuss anything that happened in the episode, but use spoiler tags or post a link to the other thread, but do not reveal information about future episodes. 

Edited by Sarah 103
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1 hour ago, Sarah 103 said:

Just a quick FYI/future reference, I think that information that has not yet aired is a spoiler and the episode threads are supposed to be spoliler free for future episodes. You can discuss anything that happened in the episode, but use spoiler tags or post a link to the other thread, but do not reveal information about future episodes. 

I have edited my earlier post.✌️

So my comments in your post should be hidden as well.

Edited by SnazzyDaisy
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On 10/8/2022 at 7:29 AM, ctlady said:

Am I the only one who thinks BM had some facial work done?  Eye lift?  Smoothers/ fillers? She’s looking a bit puffy yet very smooth 

I instantly thought the same, and it made me a little bit sad.

Lovely women go to Hollywood or New York City, are successful in TV because of their incredible good looks, then are convinced they can look 'better' with plastic surgery. They have enough money to get 'the best,' so go to any lengths to look 'the best.' But their original face was already so beautiful, uniquely them, it cannot be made better.

So many dead bodies to advance the story. Erin's witness, a confidential informant, was just supposed to get herself to court. If she didn't show up, Anthony made a casual phone call. No sense of urgency that this woman was in danger and needed protection.

Eddie and Jamie in the same precinct has never worked for me. Just no.

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Although Eddie is not one if my favorites, I never really hated her until this episode.  Why must she and Jaime be together every second, it’s ridiculous. One of them should have been moved a long time ago.  I too was surprised how the cop who was beating up another cop over a soccer game was now in charge and Eddie asking her again at the hospital to keep her with Jaime was especially ridiculous.

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It seems to me that there would have  more of an uproar if the police commissioner couldn’t be found after his son was shot.  Both for his safety and family reasons. Certainly the desk sergeant that recognized him would have at least known that a cop was shot and would  have  asked him about it. 
In addition, other episodes have shown that the hospital halls would have  been filled with cops until the result of a cop’s  shooting surgery was known.  No one was there but the family and Anthony. The captain didn’t show up until after surgery was over. I wish they would be consistent with this kind of stuff. 

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On 10/9/2022 at 8:33 AM, ctlady said:

Erin’s never grated on me for some reason- not like Eddie. I think it’s her being a by the law attorney in a sea of by the book ( when it suits them) police officers. She always comes across as the bad guy because she follows the law no matter how many times Danny barges in barking at her 

Preach!  I don’t know why she keeps showing up to Sunday’s dinner when usually she’s the punching bag.  I’d have bolted long ago.

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The big issue I had was how magically quick that Jaimie is healed.  It isn't possible in real life.  Eddie's over the top is weird for someone that is in law enforcement.    I blame the writing. 

It would have been better if several scenes had fewer lines and more reactions.  You can say a lot with action.  As others have stated, a mixed bag.  The potential was high, shame the mistakes really take you out of the story.

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On 10/8/2022 at 8:29 AM, ctlady said:

Am I the only one who thinks BM had some facial work done?  Eye lift?  Smoothers/ fillers? She’s looking a bit puffy yet very smooth 

Oh yeah, she had work done. Cheeks higher & lifted which make her eyes look different.  Why did she think she needed it?  

Yikes, Eddie,  the worst thing you can do is panic & screech while hubs lies on a gurney with a bullet in him. Over the top writing and acting.  And what makes Eddie think she & Jamie should be an exception to policy? This irritates me.

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