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S17.E04: And Then There Were Three

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On 10/4/2022 at 12:28 PM, the-grey-lady said:

So well said. Kody is worried Christine's defiance will reflect badly on him.

Yep.  I've believed from episode 1 that this is non-biblical, they are totally wrong, I don't understand why women would sign up for this, etc., etc., but figured, well, that's what they want anyway.  And I have been fascinated by it.  But Kooty getting upset about Christine leaving really points out how he's been doing it all wrong.  It shows how HE shows preference of one wife over another, which I doubt is the way it's "supposed" to be done.  He has neglected the emotional lives of various wives, again not how it's supposed to be done.  A patriarch should be attentive to all the needs of all wives, emotional, financial, physical, yet he has failed on all these fronts.  Surely there are polygamist families also watching this show who are shaking their heads in disbelief.  

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On 10/4/2022 at 11:41 AM, islandgal140 said:

At first I was a bit disappointed that Christine wasn't going off on Kody and the other wives (the ones that deserve it) but now I see the big picture. I think being dispassionate and so calm really emphasizes and shows how fucking over and done with the BS she is.

I absolutely agree.

And I think anyone who's been in a bad relationship knows that there is only so many times you can beg to be heard before you give up.

Christine has spent 25 years in this mess. I'm sure she's tried to express her concerns over and over again, but to no avail. She knows trying again is going to get her nowhere—and now she has no reason to concern herself with any of it.

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So this is what i think...

Meri is mad, not because Christine had the guts to do what she couldn't, but rather because Christine leaving is a obvious sign that this "happy poly family" facade is over.  Meri tried to leave, got spooked and now is clinging to a life that she knows is a lie. Christine is pulling the cutain back on this lie and Meri is exposed.

The Coyote Pass is another remnant of the "happy poly family" facade.  Kody at one time actually thought he could build a home in which he'd live with his wife Robyn, and he'd let his former "wives" live there too (cause he's a good guy...a happy polygamist...not at all just a typical jerk of a husband/father who moves on from woman to woman).

Jenelle is calling out this facade.  She' literally parking herself at the pass and saying "put up or shut up".  Well...looks like no one is really interested in "putting up".

No one really intends to develop this property.  It's all been a lie.

Also, Robyn just seems so much less intelligent than the other women (even Meri).  She just doesn't seem in the realm of average intelligence.  She apparently can't parent her children either.  I really have a hard time blaming her or holding her to account when she seems like she dealing with a real deficit.  

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3 hours ago, Granny58 said:

A patriarch should be attentive to all the needs of all wives, emotional, financial, physical, yet he has failed on all these fronts. 

And yet, he declared as Christine was exiting stage right that he shall now become the Brown Family Patriarch to whoever is left over and doesn't already hate him, so....Robyn and her kids, I guess.

As stated above, a patriarch really should at least pretend to care about those under his dominion or whatever.  The fact that he said that at all was just Kody clinging to the two shreds of manhood he still has left.  He must be a literal nightmare to live with, and I am so glad Robyn is the one stuck with him.

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On 10/5/2022 at 9:05 AM, laurakaye said:

Why did Kody even bother channeling his inner Joe Darger, thumping his chest and declaring that going forward the family was going to exist under his patriarchy?  What was the point?  Christine is out, she doesn't care,  Meri is nothing more than a nasty rash on Kody's left butt cheek that he can't get rid of, so it doesn't apply to her.  Kody has to know that it's not going to fly for Janelle, and he thinks he's already got Robyn under his control (it's actually the other way around, but such are Robyn's powers that Kody doesn't know it).  Who is he going to rule over?  His hair?  His guns?  His reflection in the mirror?  It's like he's shouting from the dirt mound on Coyote Pass proclaiming his kingship over a land full of tumbleweeds.  No one cares, idiot.

Sad, though. HairDaddy's also  losing control of his magnificent mane!

On 10/4/2022 at 2:01 PM, Mothra said:

Did anyone else appreciate the extra effort Rubbing put into her makeup for the Christine announcement meeting?  The other wives looked the way they always do; the contrast between Rubbing's appearance at the meeting and her appearance in the cut-aways was startling to me  The Shirley Temple ringlets and the overdone eye makeup--and does anyone ever look sexy or even civilized if she looks down at her finger every time she wipes her eyes?  It's really kind of gross, like inspecting your snot when you blow your nose--were hysterical to me given the other wives' not-giving-a-fuck makeup.

Rubbing! Ty for this. 😆 

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I don’t see Robyn allowing Kody to be in charge of her five. She seems to be all in on raising them. 

I know Robyn has a nanny and all that but I’m betting the nanny knows just what Robyn wants and listens.  

I don’t think Kody really wants to manage kids anyway!  He’s more interested in what Robyn has in that Victoria’s Secret bag!

That is what draws Kody to Robyn and not the others.   Robyn hires a nanny and the nanny takes care of the kids and Robyn takes care of Kody!  😉

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6 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

So this is what i think...

Meri is mad, not because Christine had the guts to do what she couldn't, but rather because Christine leaving is a obvious sign that this "happy poly family" facade is over.  Meri tried to leave, got spooked and now is clinging to a life that she knows is a lie. Christine is pulling the cutain back on this lie and Meri is exposed.

The Coyote Pass is another remnant of the "happy poly family" facade.  Kody at one time actually thought he could build a home in which he'd live with his wife Robyn, and he'd let his former "wives" live there too (cause he's a good guy...a happy polygamist...not at all just a typical jerk of a husband/father who moves on from woman to woman).

Jenelle is calling out this facade.  She' literally parking herself at the pass and saying "put up or shut up".  Well...looks like no one is really interested in "putting up".

No one really intends to develop this property.  It's all been a lie.

Also, Robyn just seems so much less intelligent than the other women (even Meri).  She just doesn't seem in the realm of average intelligence.  She apparently can't parent her children either.  I really have a hard time blaming her or holding her to account when she seems like she’s dealing with a real deficit.

I agree with you except when it comes to Robyn’s intelligence or ability to scam the others.

I think she’s sneaky as hell and an expert at deflecting blame.

During the Covid rules nonsense she was a little clumsy in my opinion and outed herself, on camera she gave Kody his marching orders and then told him to tell the others it was HIS idea, she also arrived at one of the outdoor meetings carrying a stack of papers and handed them out to each wife and when Meri pointed out that they were Robyn’s rules Robyn was NOT happy and made sure Meri knew it!…. Kody sat there sounding confused by several of the rules that were supposedly written by him.

She went behind the others backs during her shopping for a wedding dress and led the other wives to believe she wanted their input meanwhile Kody and her had already chosen her dress and cut the others out of the process without them knowing.

Shes been a sneaky snake from day 1 and she’s still driving the bus. 🐍

Meri will never admit that bringing Robyn into the family was the beginning of the end because she was complicit in the scheme to bring her in hoping Kody would love her more because she provided him a brand new fuck toy that looked like a high school cheerleader…. Meri and Kody were going through a rough patch at that time and Meri was willing to move mountains if it would make Kody love her. (Remember their anniversary date to a fancy restaurant that had Meri crying and begging throughout while Kody sat there like an asshole berating and acting impatient with her nonsense) 

According to their book Meri snuck around and helped Kody bring Robyn into the family behind the others backs and she loved every minute of it because Kody was actually paying attention to her and scheming with her, as soon as Robyn was ensconced as the shiny new wife Kody couldn’t care less about Meri and went back to ignoring her more than ever… he felt no gratitude.

I really don’t understand what they see in him but thank goodness Christine has exorcised the demon!  👹

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On 10/2/2022 at 11:56 PM, SemiCharmedLife said:

Oh, yes!  Kody and Robyn are their usual self-involved narcissists, but I was really upset with Meri, when she finally decided to say something this season.  It seems, in her anger about Christine leaving and breaking her vows, Miss Self Righteous Meri has forgotten that she had an online affair with a catfish, who she was planning on leaving the family for.  Everything Meri said tonight made me see red.  She is so delusional.  Her best karma would be living the crap life she has, waiting to see if Robyn will throw her some scraps from time to time.

Maybe that's why Meri is so mad. All the wives said horrible things to her for her emotional affair with the catfish. But they all "moved on?", and now Meri has a horrible, isolated life while still being continuously punished by Kody. She's probably remembering all the horrible things they all said about her trying to break up the family, whereas Christine just up and leaves, without the aforementioned level of hate being thrown at her. Meri's probably angry she didn't take her chance when she had it.

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Maybe that's why Meri is so mad. All the wives said horrible things to her for her emotional affair with the catfish. But they all "moved on?", and now Meri has a horrible, isolated life while still being continuously punished by Kody. She's probably remembering all the horrible things they all said about her trying to break up the family, whereas Christine just up and leaves, without the aforementioned level of hate being thrown at her. Meri's probably angry she didn't take her chance when she had it.

At this point, Meri's pain is of her own making. Neither Kody nor any of her "sister wives" cared if she left before. None of them cares about her now. And she sits there watching them all get emotional over Christine leaving. It's insulting. Not a single one of them rushed to be at her side when her mother died. The "sisterhood" and "family" she talks about is a delusion. Meri has been on the outside looking in for years. I don't know how she sat there listening to Kody and the other wives go on and on about Christine leaving without telling them all to Fuck Off. 

And Meri's talking head about being angry about Christine supposedly giving up is just part of her delusion. Meri is borderline mentally ill in her level of denial. I really feel bad for her, even though I know some of the problem is her own fault. 

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My weekend reward!! F*** you Meri, Robyn and Kody.

Meri- you're disappointed? Go look at the mountain then. You were so ready to bolt this family and now the Christine has the nerve and the strength to do it you find fault in that? Go to hell.

Robyn, you look constipated wringing your hands and not being able to compute the situation. You got the man, bwwaaahh, he's all yours. Go to hell.

Kody, you're a petty little man who is reaping what you have sown. Go to hell.

Christine, so proud of your calm strength. You had answers for every question. I admire you for wanting a better life for you and Truly.

Best season of this sh****** in years.

Edited by BAForever
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Janelle will be off and running in her RV once Savanah is finished with school. 

There she'll go and the RV will break down somewhere with some kind of problem all RV's  have sooner or later.   Not sure what her plans are when she's stuck somewhere in the middle of bumf*ck Texas on a hot, miserable, dusty day with an AC that doesn't work.  Or a shower with only a trickle of water.  Or a toilet that won't work.  Or electricity that won't turn on.  The list is endless with something that bounces down the road for days.  Nightmares come in all shapes and sizes.  

Janelle may seem country, but she's not into being uncomfortable for any length of time.  I wish you lots of luck, Janelle, cuz if you run off with your new RV, you're gonna need as much as you can get along with lots and lots and lots of money.  

Meri, we were all there when you got catfished.  Save your disappointment for yourself and your banana and leave Christine out of it.   Go live at the B&B and be all whiny there.  No one cares anymore.  

Kotex, you ugly emmereffer.  I don't mean your looks, either, but I'm referring to your inside rot.  You said it yourself.  You're pathetic.  P.a.t.h.e.t.i.c.   You get more pathetic every, single, dang day.  I hope you and Sobbin' are miserable together, because I'm willing to bet when it's just you and her, she's going to get plenty sick of you. 

You won't be cock of the walk anymore when all your hens leave the roost and Sobbin' has no one left to get you off of her for a minute.  She sure was working overtime to make you stay at Christines on the couch or a cot in order to work it out with her.  I bet you're nothing but a PITA to her lately.  

Polygamy Patriarch Pouty-face Kotex, you are quite the lamebrain.  How's that polygamy business been working for ya?  Leave it to some narcissist dolt like you to want more than one wife when you can't even keep one woman happy.   🙄

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13 hours ago, Claire Voyant said:

There she'll go and the RV will break down somewhere with some kind of problem all RV's  have sooner or later.   Not sure what her plans are when she's stuck somewhere in the middle of bumf*ck Texas on a hot, miserable, dusty day with an AC that doesn't work.  Or a shower with only a trickle of water.  Or a toilet that won't work.  Or electricity that won't turn on.  The list is endless with something that bounces down the road for days.  Nightmares come in all shapes and sizes.  

Yep and this is a fifth wheel that she has to pull behind a 1 ton truck.  She already said that she knows nothing a pulling one of these monsters. Good luck with that. 

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On 10/6/2022 at 9:36 PM, Chalby said:

Maybe that's why Meri is so mad. All the wives said horrible things to her for her emotional affair with the catfish. But they all "moved on?", and now Meri has a horrible, isolated life while still being continuously punished by Kody. She's probably remembering all the horrible things they all said about her trying to break up the family, whereas Christine just up and leaves, without the aforementioned level of hate being thrown at her. Meri's probably angry she didn't take her chance when she had it.

Always remember and never forget:  Meri not leaving and being isolated are entirely her choice.  No one made her stay; no one cares, honestly, whether she stays or not.  As far as Kody is concerned, Meri is the barnacle on his ship to his planet and truly wishes she would just go already.

Christine has exhibited a lot more courage than Meri has.  Meri can’t do anything right, not even this.

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14 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah…..I suspect Meri still has trouble letting go of what she perceives as her original family…..plus, the connection for media purposes.  

Does Meri not watch the show to see Kody's talking heads?  Last season on the show, after one of their get togethers on lawn chairs in the trees on the property, after saying nasty things to the non-Robyn wives to make them miserable, he basically said to the camera that he didn't understand why they were staying around. He's been trying to force them out, but only Christine has jumped.

Edited by deirdra
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