RealityGal September 25, 2014 Share September 25, 2014 I start feeling the same way until I remember this is a scripted mess, and these story lines have already been discussed in the writing room! Anyone else get uncomfortable when Hazel was talking to Young Berg about their sexy times? The boy barely looks 15. I was expecting Chris Hansen to walk in and tell Hazel to have a seat. There was no lemonade or cookies, but yea he looks like he is 12 1 Link to comment
vavavoom September 29, 2014 Share September 29, 2014 I was so stunned by the bad makeup, plastic surgery, and middle of forehead tattoos last week that I couldn't even post, but I'm ready for tonight's episode. Here's a story about an FBI raid on Mally Mall's house based on human trafficking allegations. It makes sense now - I was wondering what Nikki was carrying in that big ol' fake booty of hers! Link to comment
RealityGal September 30, 2014 Share September 30, 2014 (edited) Okay, I'm only about 1/2 an hour in, but I got notes 1. Hazel - E - Calling someone a "has been" is a pretty strong statement from a "never was"....I'm just sayin' 2. Nia could have her own show called "unfortunate edges" or maybe "when topknots go wrong." 3. Nikki - promise ring? You realize thats a mans way of just getting dumb broads to stop pestering them about marriage right? Its not some sort of magic ring that means you lay special claim to him. 4. Tierra Marie - first off, that butterfly song isn't good. Second - you did not have a tattoo removed! Please stop saying that, adding additional tattoo is the exact opposite of tattoo removal you dummy! 4b. Tierra Marie - LMAO at "I didn't know Hazel was moving?" Really? You didn't get a call from the producers telling you to get your ass back to your apartment so they could capture that manufactured moment? The producers didn't call you a town car to pick you up, because for some reason you can't drive or don't have a car? Come on now. You just mysteriously got a town car and showed up when Hazel was walking her very last box to the moving truck? Really? But more to the point, if Hazel wasn't paying you any money and you didn't need her, why are you mad she is moving? I would be delighted! Now you can either get a roommate that can pay half the rent, or you can just have a place to yourself! 5. Moniece - dear me....where do I even begin. First, stop it with the fucking crocodile tears, furiously dabbing your eyes doesn't convince me you're crying. when you can stop crying on a dime so you can behave like a bitch again that tells me all I need to know. And no bitch you're not supposed to worship the ground Amanda walks on, you're supposed to be a mother to your fucking child, or at least respect the woman who is mothering your child when you refuse! And good on Fizz for calling her out on having new shoes when she "can't contribute" financially or even give her time to her son. She has time and money to get new shoes and to get her hair done. And she has the audacity to seriously blame her bad parenting on Fizz not answering her midnight phone calls? Furthermore, if you're emotionally exhausted, stop picking fights with people! That is the easiest way to not fight is to stop picking fights! 6. Soula Boy - this asshole has to be the worst liar on the planet Earth. That was a "surprise party?" People just broke into your house in the middle of the day without you knowing and threw you a party? No one you know has a job? Where is the birthday cake? Having said that, Nia can stop with the naggy thing. Clearly, you know this isn't a guy that wants to celebrate his birthday with your cooking and a baby. Come on now, he doesn't seem like that sort even if it was his child. A birthday party should be about doing what the person whose birthday it is wants to do. He was doing what he wanted to be doing to celebrate his birthday, so there is no cause to nag, just get your child and leave. 7. Apryl and Masika - listen, I'm gonna need to call a moratorium on princess headbands in the middle of the day. Not a one of you bitches is Princess Jasmine, so just stop. 8. Omarion - ITA with him about his mother. There was a certain charm to Momma Dee from the jump, and Omarion's mother just doesn't have that charm. She just sounds like a bitter bitch, more of a Momma Joyce, than a Momma Dee. To expect that her financial needs come before her future grandchild's? Say what? And if she doesn't have income, she needs to get on ObamaCare for her treatments. It's sad to me that she is really expecting him to pay her way in life, even if it means less for his own children. 9. Next week! - more drink throwing, more fighting! No drink is safe around these people! Hooray! More degradation of Hazel-E.....its tough, but man, unless the previews are misleading, the man is basically begging you to get lost. I feel sad for her, Young Berg has a giant head and is not attractive. hazel is not a pretty girl, but she could do better. Edited September 30, 2014 by RealityGal 8 Link to comment
Empress1 September 30, 2014 Share September 30, 2014 Did Nia say she's been waiting for Soulja to grow up for 8 years? He's 24. What did she expect from a 16-year-old? And while I know there are 24-year-old men who are good husbands and stepfathers, Soulja is not that guy. He clearly doesn't want a quiet domestic life. Mally Mal knows he's on TV, right? Fizz seems like a decent dude. Moniece needs to keep it moving with the fake tears, and I'm glad Fizz called her out. Tierra (sp) is crazy. I believe Ray when he says their relationship was toxic. 4 Link to comment
RealityGal September 30, 2014 Share September 30, 2014 (edited) Did Nia say she's been waiting for Soulja to grow up for 8 years? He's 24. What did she expect from a 16-year-old? And while I know there are 24-year-old men who are good husbands and stepfathers, Soulja is not that guy. He clearly doesn't want a quiet domestic life. Mally Mal knows he's on TV, right? Fizz seems like a decent dude. Moniece needs to keep it moving with the fake tears, and I'm glad Fizz called her out. Tierra (sp) is crazy. I believe Ray when he says their relationship was toxic. Mally Mal absolutely knows he is on TV. Stringing along two dumb, but "pretty" broads*. He is probably getting all sorts of congratulations from other men for making these two look like morons on national TV. And I gotta hand it to him, he is not a good looking man, but he has these two golddigging dummies tied up in knots over him. * - I use this term loosely because I think Nikki looks like a dude, and Masaka has a lot of forehead Edited September 30, 2014 by RealityGal Link to comment
Tallulahbaby October 1, 2014 Share October 1, 2014 Mally Mal eyes are looking in 2 different directions. That bothers me. 4 Link to comment
jenifaohjenny October 1, 2014 Share October 1, 2014 I saw Omarion interviewed on a talk show and got myself hooked. It is so's good! I was shocked that Omarion's mom is 45??? She looks much older than that. Is that storyline fake? Seems too ridiculous. I found myself easily distracted by all the large breasts. What is up with that? I found myself trying to figure out if they were real or fake. Link to comment
RealityGal October 2, 2014 Share October 2, 2014 I saw Omarion interviewed on a talk show and got myself hooked. It is so's good! I was shocked that Omarion's mom is 45??? She looks much older than that. Is that storyline fake? Seems too ridiculous. I found myself easily distracted by all the large breasts. What is up with that? I found myself trying to figure out if they were real or fake. You don't ever need to justify watching a L&HH franchise.....well, at least not to me, this show is like my brain candy, its simple and not very nutritous for my brain, but its so good! I feel like Omarion's mom is trying to go for the "Momma Dee" thing, which means she is being fake, IMO. The only problem is that she doesn't have the same crazy, nutball charm of a "Momma Dee." Momma Dee is crazy...and annoying...and then some more crazy, but there is something about her that mostly tickles me. She dresses completely inappropriate, she is too involved in her sons life, and a woman her age probably shouldn't be tooling around on a Vespa, but I still like her! If you were wondering, probably fake. Most of these broads don't seem to have any natural talent, so I'm guessing they are counting on boob jobs and auto tune to make it. Mally Mal eyes are looking in 2 different directions. That bothers me. This is the funniest thing I've ready all day. Thank you :) 3 Link to comment
truthaboutluv October 2, 2014 Share October 2, 2014 (edited) So apparently Monica, Ray J's "assistant" tweeted yesterday that she's no longer his assistant because he apparently "laid hands on her in front of her son." The tweets have since been deleted. With this franchise, I am of course slightly skeptical and wondering if the whole thing is a setup for what's to come in the season finale. And it just seemed rather convenient that this came right after the episode aired showing Ray J being loud and confrontational towards her. Not that I'm saying I'd be surprised if it is true because Ray J is and always has been a tool in my opinion. I just wouldn't put it past Mona and any of those people to fake something that awful for attention and ratings. Edited October 2, 2014 by truthaboutluv 1 Link to comment
Tallulahbaby October 2, 2014 Share October 2, 2014 I'm fascinated with that Nikki girl..... Fake booty, man looking face.. But lemme just say....i can't hate on a girl who wears a whore ballgown during the day. Clearly, she don't give any fucks. I kinda like that. Souljah boy....muy sucio. Pure nastiness. Is he even relevant, with his little bitty necklaces? 3 Link to comment
RealityGal October 2, 2014 Share October 2, 2014 I'm fascinated with that Nikki girl..... Fake booty, man looking face.. But lemme just say....i can't hate on a girl who wears a whore ballgown during the day. Clearly, she don't give any fucks. I kinda like that. Souljah boy....muy sucio. Pure nastiness. Is he even relevant, with his little bitty necklaces? You know she thought she looked hella classy in that Charlotte Russe getup. I will not be surprised to learn she is pulling some Madame Butterfly on these dudes, because as far as I know drag queens are the only ones going for that sort of super dramatic look for a midday shopping trip. And that face of hers is something else, it reminds me of that kid from Mad Magazine. 1 Link to comment
vavavoom October 2, 2014 Share October 2, 2014 There's a whole lot to be distracted by on this show, jenifaohjenny! I spend so much time looking the "sights" that I end up missing a lot of the dialogue. The things that distract me: 1. Teairra's boobs 2. Omarion's mom's tail. A tail, you guys! 3. Hazel's face 4. Nikki's hairline, boobs and ass 5. Mally Mal's poker face (the man cannot lie!) 6. Soulja's forehead tattoo 7. Nia's chin. I hate saying that because she seems somewhat normal except for the whole Souljah thing, but her chin is extra long. I have to rewind just to listen to the ridiculousness of everything. I was shocked as well about Omarion's mom being only 45. Does anyone know what her illness is? 1 Link to comment
Brooklynista October 2, 2014 Share October 2, 2014 I was shocked as well about Omarion's mom being only 45. Does anyone know what her illness is? GhettoAssitis? 7 Link to comment
Tallulahbaby October 3, 2014 Share October 3, 2014 Is that Tierra person a singer? What does she do besides pop off at the mouth? I kinda like Omarion and his beard. Looks like Marvin Gaye,the laying in bed years. I'm still fascinated by Nikki. She has lion hair. Her new name is Mustafa. 4 Link to comment
Brooklynista October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 Exactly where does one find a sheer maternity dress with embroidery? I'mnit sure if I'm bothered by it or if I need to find one for any future babies. 7 Link to comment
Empress1 October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 Berg's 15-year-old-looking ass is right: he has told Hazel, in so many words, that he doesn't want to - and won't - be exclusive. Hazel is willfully disregarding what he's telling her. He. Is not. Her man. He doesn't want to be her man. If she stopped fucking him, he'd shrug and go fuck someone else. Get your life, Hazel, my God. I liked that ... Ma-something (I forget her name) seemed to be shifting the blame for the situation onto Mally Mal, which is really where it belongs. I fell out when Nikki misheard "condo" as "condom" and sat back all smug, and Ma- was like, "Wrong, and gross." 4 Link to comment
RealityGal October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 This damn show! 1. Nikki - are you really proud that you don't use condoms with Mally-Mal? You sound like a moron, that man is clearly fucking anything he can get his hands on, and you have no idea what sort of funky ass diseases he is carrying. And how stupid is he? She is not a pretty girl, and I can see her trying to get pregnant. 1b - Nikki - I like that she refused to let the show use pictures of her pre-surgery. But seriously, she must have looks awful before surgery, because she is not attractive AT ALL, imo post surgery. She looks like a cartoon, and not even a pretty one like Jessica Rabbit, she looks like those caricatures they sketch of you at Magic Mountain. 1c. Nikki - and can she stop fucking talking about that ring? She keeps acting like it gives her some magical power, a promise ring is what men will do to shut girls like you up. 2. Mally-Mal - I'm gonna suggest you take a look at Nikki's mom, if you're ready to be married to that in 20+ years, then by all means, settle down. Well, that + a shitload of plastic surgery. 3. Young Berg - there is something wrong with him, his face is too big for his body. He is funny looking. 4. Hazel E - totally cosign with the poster above who said that Young Berg has told her in 20 different ways that he is not ready to settle down. And frankly, it seems like none of these guys are, until their careers have stopped being hot. He is not going to be your man, and I actually feel so sorry for her, because I know what its like to want something so bad. But he is making a fool of you on national TV...just stop. You may not be a pretty girl, but you deserve better. And on another note, I'm really gonna need for you to start wearing Spanx, get a trainer, or stop wearing super form fitting dresses. 5. Omarion's mother - doesn't she work? can't she get disability if she has seizures? Has she not heard about ObamaCare? I'm not sure why she needs to be this dependent on Omarion, and I think she just likes to be able to guilt him. What she said to Apryl at that shower was truly inappropriate. For one, just because YOU had a baby at 16 and weren't ready to be a mother doesn't mean that Apryl isn't. And don't get mad because you got yourself into an awful situation being pregnant at 16 without a man around, thats not Apryl's fault. From where I sit she has taken steps to be far more ready for motherhood than you did, so who are you to judge? And to feel the need to say that at someone's baby shower? I'm sorry, I know she is trying to be Momma Dee, but she doesn't have the charm for it. 6 Link to comment
luckyroll3 October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 (edited) Berg's 15-year-old-looking ass is right: he has told Hazel, in so many words, that he doesn't want to - and won't - be exclusive. Hazel is willfully disregarding what he's telling her. He. Is not. Her man. He doesn't want to be her man. If she stopped fucking him, he'd shrug and go fuck someone else. Get your life, Hazel, my God. Oh my goodness, this! She kept saying stuff like, "but yesterday before we slept together you said you wanted to be exclusive" and I looked up from my computer thinking, now I wasn't really paying all that much attention to your conversation, but I'm pretty sure he said nothing of the sort. It is really embarrassing because not only is he treating her like crap (although she opens herself up for it), he is straight up clowning her ass on national television. That cheshire grin every time he tells her no, makes fun of her in the talking heads, or even when she walked up to him and his date at the party is a dead give away that he has no fucking respect for her, even as a friend. Girl needs to open her eyes real wide. And I laughed real hard at Masika(?) telling Hazel not to worry about the date because, "she just from Instagram, girl." Didn't even know that was an insult. Why is Ray-J's assistant always in the middle of shit? Nikki - I like that she refused to let the show use pictures of her pre-surgery. But seriously, she must have looks awful before surgery, because she is not attractive AT ALL, imo post surgery. She looks like a cartoon, and not even a pretty one like Jessica Rabbit, she looks like those caricatures they sketch of you at Magic Mountain. Man do I need to see these before pictures. Her mom didn't look too bad, just rough. I guess years hanging out in a strip club with all the drinking and clouds of smoke will do that to you. Edited October 7, 2014 by luckyroll3 1 Link to comment
OaklandGirl October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 So, I have tried with this show... especially with Hazel, but she is truly the worst. Just... willfully ignorant and discarding everything Berg is telling her. Berg is being very transparent about what he will/won't do, and she is still pressing him about why he can't "hold her down" and "rock with a real down ass bitch" after 8 years. So, you've been this man's fuck buddy for 8 years and you're still begging for a relationship? I don't understand what more she needs to get the point that he doesn't have any intentions of being with her. Their conversations are like... Hazel: So, when we gone be together?Berg: Never. I keep telling you that.Hazel: But I'm a real ass bitch that holds you down.Berg: I keep telling you, though. You know what it is. I'm with you today, her tomorrow, someone else on Wed.Hazel: I don't like that, though.Berg: Well, sorry, but that's where I am.Hazel: Okay.Berg: Wanna fuck now?Hazel: Sure!*screws and then sleeps over*Hazel: So, we together now?Berg: Man, listen...I done told you... 11 Link to comment
drivethroo October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 He is not going to be your man, and I actually feel so sorry for her, because I know what its like to want something so bad. But he is making a fool of you on national TV...just stop. You may not be a pretty girl, but you deserve better. Hazel has to believe she deserves better and she doesn't. She might look in the mirror and figure Young Berg is the best she could do. Hazel is delusional but Berg is feeding into those delusions. Men will dangle a carrot to keep a woman hooked "In the future" or "One day" or "Let's take it slow" implies to women (who want to believe it) that one day, in the future he'll come around. One day, he'll see how loyal she's been and how she's always been there and he'll realize she's the one for him. Except he won't because men make up their minds fairly quickly as to who they want and they snatch them up quickly so another man won't snatch her up instead. If Berg hasn't snatched Hazel up after 8 years, he never will. She can complain if he doesn't settle down and commit to her she's leaving and he'll hold the door open and say "I don't want to hold you back." He's going to meet some girl and marry her within a year and Hazel will whine "Why not meeeee?" Hazel needs to break off ALL contact with Berg (cuz men will try to keep in contact to keep her hooked) and just don't date anyone for at least a year to get him out of her system. Just work on herself. Hazel is not that bad looking but the Barbie blond hair and crazed makeup isn't helping her at all. I guess I could say Hazel is dumb but I feel for her and have been in her shoes and I hope that she can wake up before it's too late and find someone who values her. 2 Link to comment
truthaboutluv October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 Omarion's mother is annoying as hell and he's going to eventually have to pull some real tough love on her or else she'll never stop. That or Apryl's going to leave his ass and he'll deserve it. How are you going to tell someone at 26, she's not ready to be a mother when you were one at 16 and to basically say that she's not enough of a selfless person. And I didn't understand her assuming Apryl would dump the kid on her. Why would she when she knows how much the mom hates her. The woman is obnoxious. What I couldn't figure out is where's Apryl's own mother or doesn't she have any sisters/friends, someone that could have her back when this woman is being damned out of line. Because what she really needs is someone to truly call her out on her bullshit. Apryl doesn't want to go all out on her because of Omarion and the fact that that is his mom. The Nikki/Masika mess...whatever. Nikki really does look like an inflatable doll and not the least bit natural, Mally Mal is playing both of them so they look ridiculous yelling at each other over a fool playing them and Morgan is an instigator and shit-stirrer and good for Nikki next week calling her out on it. I'm sorry I can't with Soulja Boy who looks 12 and Berg who looks like a fetus but I agree with everyone that Hazel needs to get a clue. Yes she's not the most attractive woman but damn girl, love yourself enough to not be crawling after a guy who makes it so clear in so many ways he's not interested. 3 Link to comment
Jade Foxx October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 1b - Nikki - I like that she refused to let the show use pictures of her pre-surgery. But seriously, she must have looks awful before surgery, because she is not attractive AT ALL, imo post surgery. Oh, but the group of birds (Masika, Morgan, Terror Marie) DID pull up an old picture on one of their phones. It flashed on screen, and I damn near FELL OUT. She looked like an overweight "Jersey shore reject." 2 Link to comment
OaklandGirl October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 I guess I could say Hazel is dumb but I feel for her and have been in her shoes and I hope that she can wake up before it's too late and find someone who values her. I want to feel for her, but she's 34. At this point, there may be no hope for her. 1 Link to comment
Brooklynista October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 How old is Young Berg? Link to comment
sparklemotion October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 (edited) How old is Young Berg? Wiki says 28 but i never would have guessed that at all... Hazel's face is just...a lot. Whoever shot her talking heads especially did her no favors, she looks like she's doing a cold audition for Cats on Broadway. Edited October 7, 2014 by sparklemotion 4 Link to comment
vavavoom October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 Your friend Yung Berg (and by your yes I do mean all of you!) is not right! I don't know how to link directly to Instagram so I had to link to an LSA post. 2 Link to comment
Tallulahbaby October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 I just wanted to say......OaklandGirl....oh how I have missed your snark.!!! On topic.....Hazel needs a promise and not a penis... (according to Iyanla) 3 Link to comment
sparklemotion October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 Mally Mal eyes are looking in 2 different directions. That bothers me. Makes sense, he has two relationships to keep an eye on... 5 Link to comment
JoJo NY October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 This thread is HILARIOUS. Thank you for some genuine laughs! Your one-liners and descriptions are KILLIN' it! 3 Link to comment
Tallulahbaby October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Wiki says 28 but i never would have guessed that at all... Hazel's face is just...a lot. Whoever shot her talking heads especially did her no favors, she looks like she's doing a cold audition for Cats on Broadway. Where the hell did you come up with "doing a cold audition for Cats?" You are so damn wrong....because you pegged EXACTLY what she looks like. Hazel is serving us some Shimbleshanks-Mr. Mistopholes-Grizabella Jellicle Cat realness. And who gave her permission to use that hair color? Oh Nikki. I'm trying to like you cause you are just silly. But damn fighting over someone named Mally Mal? Omarion Marvin Gaye needs to stop with the pretend busyness. No you are not on tour. Or in the studio. It so hard to find time with your boys in Garden Grove? Really? You probably see Fizz everyday cause you live in the same apartment complex his him. 5 Link to comment
Jade Foxx October 14, 2014 Share October 14, 2014 (edited) Hazel to Berg: "Well obviously, I don't mean anything to you.." HE TOLD YOU THAT LAST WEEK, HAZEL!! Nikki scares me. She looks deformed. And to think she looks that way on purpose. Edited October 14, 2014 by Jade Foxx 2 Link to comment
kissedbyarose October 14, 2014 Share October 14, 2014 The delusion and disrespect on this show is real. I think the plastic on all these girls is seeping into their brains and transferring to these dudes when they sleep with them because seriously?! The lies told on this show: Berg as a hit maker? These slow mo shots of Nikki especially that brief interlude with the construction workers then Ray J schooling his (messy) assistant on professionalism. I mean, she was unprofessional but you got to hit a low point in your life when Ray J is calling you out on your behavior. SMH. Of course, we have all these girls calling Nikki out on her plastic surgery and true she looks like a blow up doll buuuuuuutttttt I know all them hoes is storing some plastic parts on more than one place in their body. Hazel girl... 4 Link to comment
sparklemotion October 14, 2014 Share October 14, 2014 I just started the episode (can't sleep, won't sleep) and just needed to say that Mally Mal's facial hair looks like it was drawn on with a protractor. Good Night. 5 Link to comment
RealityGal October 14, 2014 Share October 14, 2014 (edited) This show...where do I even begin. 1. Nikki - you look absolutely fucking ridiculous with that giant fake ass. And she keeps wearing tight ass clothing, so I know she thinks it looks good, but damn, face of Alfred E. Newman and a giant Frankenass. Just stop. I didn't even think Masaka was that pretty until I saw her next to Nikki, and I was like "geez, this girl is beautiful." Some plastic surgeon out there is lucky that she thinks she looks good, because from where I sit she has a good case for malpractice, or just crimes against humanity. 1b. Nikki - how much "promise stuff" are you going to take from Mally? You realize it means nothing, and he can kick you out of that place just the same way Ray-J did to Tierra Marie and move another one in. And she is annoying..."how is he lying?" bitch, how do you think, he clearly had sex with that girl and you're the dummy having sex with him without a condom. I guess you'll be the next one with a bag of STD meds left in someone's house, although maybe she got a plastic vajajay that is immune to STD's. 2. Hazel - its just getting painful now. How many ways/times does he have to tell you he doesn't want to be with you. And then she keeps trying to act like "its all about business" but clearly its not, he is working on a record for you, so if it was only business you would shut up. And stop calling him your man. STOP IT! Or at least do it off screen, its just getting hard to watch her. I think he is doing her a huge favor by breaking it off, although I'm sure as soon as they are "in the studio" they will be right back at it. 3. Tierra Marie - Although, no matter how nuts Hazel is Tierra was wrong. Not because handling her business is wrong, but because when it comes to her, she expects 2000% loyalty. You have to fight her fights, always take her side, never tell her she is wrong about anything. But she won't give that much loyalty in return. No matter how ridiculous Hazel's feelings are for Berg, they are still her feelings, and you know how much working with him would hurt her. If TM didn't expect so much loyalty....all the time, from EVERYONE, I wouldn't have a problem, but people are hypocrites IMO when their definition of friendship for them is different than their definition of friendship from you. 3b. Tierra Marie - I would also like to point out that for the most part, the weaves on this show have been on point, but that super side part tonight was not the business. 4. Omarions mother - oh, really, Apryl is selfish and you know it? Is she as selfish as a woman using her grown son for money and asking him to put her ahead of his family? Is that how selfish she is? Edited October 14, 2014 by RealityGal 6 Link to comment
luckyroll3 October 14, 2014 Share October 14, 2014 (edited) The lies told on this show: Berg as a hit maker? I was coming on here to ask, what hits? Can someone please tell me what hot track he produced? I know I’m not up on all the new hip hop out there, but I have never heard of this fool before this show. Ray J schooling his (messy) assistant on professionalism. I mean, she was unprofessional but you got to hit a low point in your life when Ray J is calling you out on your behavior. This! She should have been embarrassed. It’s fucking Ray J! And she keeps trying to act like she’s the together one of all the females. If she was real, she would have owned up to showing those girls Nikki’s pictures and laughing at her. Teairra might be crazy, but at least she’s dropping truth bombs everywhere. The win (if anyone can actually win on this show) goes to Massika for having the common sense to call Mallie Mal (what a dumbass name) out on his shit and leaving him. Nikki is a frakking idiot. Why are you fighting over a man who not only cheated on, but did it on camera and then lied to your face about it? She’s one of those trifling ass females who takes it out on the other girls, who the dude told he was single, when she should be placing her foot squarely up her man’s ass. Hazel - its just getting painful now. How many ways/times does he have to tell you he doesn't want to be with you. And then she keeps trying to act like "its all about business" but clearly its not, he is working on a record for you, so if it was only business you would shut up. And stop calling him your man. STOP IT! Or at least do it off screen, its just getting hard to watch her. I think he is doing her a huge favor by breaking it off, although I'm sure as soon as they are "in the studio" they will be right back at it. Can we all put together some money to send her the “He’s Just Not That Into You” book and all of its sequels? Although, I must say, Hazel looked really nice when she had her hair in the 2 braids. It was a darker color, which suited her nicely, and for whatever reason, it made her nose fit into her face. Her makeup was still a mess, but applause for baby steps. And then in the next scene she was back to that awful blonde and she turned into a troll again. Omarions mother - oh, really, Apryl is selfish and you know it? Is she as selfish as a woman using her grown son for money and asking him to put her ahead of his family? Is that how selfish she is? You summed this up perfectly. Thank you. It's one thing to say all that shit behind closed doors, but on national TV?? Quickest way to get banned from seeing your grandkids. (Refer to Kim Zolciak of Atlanta Housewives and her brood.) Edited October 14, 2014 by luckyroll3 4 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder October 14, 2014 Share October 14, 2014 ROTFLMAO!!!!! If ya'll don't get off my serva! First of all, each and every one of you need a standing O. See what I did there? lol. Mona Scott Young, your ratchetosity addiction has affected me in the following ways: From the neck down, Nikki resembles a scoliotic clydesdale and due to the foolishness and carry on that you and vh1 have exposed me to, I've begun to form the opinion that that's normal. And that's not okay. I would like you to please provide me with more scenes of Ray J telling people who are completely nonplussed, not to cry. Fewer scenes of a grown ass woman signing up to be humiliated every time she opens her mouth. sunsheyen's magic 8 ball says he never had any fucks to give. Girl, please look both ways before crossing. I would like you to have directed Masika to stick to the facts. She came to confront a man for lying, that's the narrative. To allow herself to be distracted by what he said about the amount of time they were together and what he claims she knew is disappointing. He's a lying liar who lied, why could it possibly matter what words are coming out of his mouth right now? He successfully threw her off course and I hated it. Mona, I would like you to know that I'm not entertained by Omarion's mother. What I need you to have the EPs do is instruct April to disengage. To listen quietly, without verbal response or any other indication that would demonstrate the woman is even speaking English. Indifference cures narcissism Mona, tell her to respond accordingly. I would voluntarily become a Nielsen household if you cut April an extra check for turning on her heels and billowing some chiffon behind her as she sashays away from that irritating muffucah. She's about to have a baby with a punk ass momma's boy with wavering support, her problems finna be waaay bigger than that old damn ghostface killa. Mona, while we're tweaking production, I also need you to send a memo to the female members of the *cough* talent, instructing them to please stop speaking with their hands. You see, what else I have come to believe is perfectly standard in terms of communication is inexplicably snatching a pocket of air to emphasize whatever point I'm making. One day in the near future, I fear that I will do this in a conference room Mona and since you've been largely contributive, if not solely responsible for such a pointless gesture, I insist that you help eradicate it from popular urban culture. You can start by running all of Tierra's clips which illustrate the seamless escalation from air-snatch to violence. I would like for someone in the cast to start referring to Mally by his government name. Given what the FBI is alleging he's guilty of, DJ nickname cuteness seems a little candyassish at this point. {{sips english breakfast}} Mind rewinding to Omarion's mother - in the room when April gives birth? Mona, you're flat the fuck outta pocket for approving that script. Flat the fuck out, like that really shot my pressure up. Mona, overall what I'd like you to understand is that I'm interested in seeing real people, with real problems that I can relate to, like whether or not to cuss out the ebola carrying heffa two seats away who flat out refuses to cover her mouth. People I would know in real life. Alternatively, I'll settle for real celebrities with ridiculous ass one percenter problems, like having their latte foam drawing ruined by an elbow jostle. But these scenarios here Mona? Real people don't walk away from conflicts wearing each other beverages Mona!! So will you agree to go and get help today? If not......same time next week then? :D eta: OG!!!!! Dude where have you been?? I missed you. Between you and Snarkitty and Sunsheyen and Mozelle, ya'll making me mad with this working and shit. 8 Link to comment
GeminiDancer October 14, 2014 Share October 14, 2014 Oh, Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. She's another delusional one if she thinks that Mal didn't sleep with Masika. The way that he couldn't look her in the eye when Masika was there was so telling. And props to Masika for walking out. I have no doubt that in a fight, Masika would take Nikki down in an instant. And on a superficial note, I agree the contrast between Masika and Nikki were amazing. Masika looked gorgeous while I don't know how anyone thinks she looks cute. Hazel is painful to watch at this point. I don't know how many times and how many languages Berg has to say that he's not into her. I understand her pain because I've been there (though not nearly as long as she), but she needs to get on with her life and find her Waiting to Exhale moment. 1 Link to comment
Jade Foxx October 14, 2014 Share October 14, 2014 From the neck down, Nikki resembles a scoliotic clydesdale This will take me through the rest of the day. Thank you!!! 1 Link to comment
truthaboutluv October 14, 2014 Share October 14, 2014 (edited) Oh, Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. She's another delusional one if she thinks that Mal didn't sleep with Masika. The way that he couldn't look her in the eye when Masika was there was so telling. And props to Masika for walking out. I have no doubt that in a fight, Masika would take Nikki down in an instant. And on a superficial note, I agree the contrast between Masika and Nikki were amazing. Masika's reaction might be one of the most mature reactions I've seen ever on any one of those ratchet shows. I liked that she didn't even bother to call him out and just shook her head and said "whatever." I also liked that she seemed to be done with him from the blowout with Nikki because she seemed to rightly figure out that dude was playing them all. But bless the inflatable doll, with her "promise ring" and keys to the condo, believing that proves something. Wonder what she told herself when the Feds came calling about his human trafficking business. Oh hell, what am I saying, she was probably using some of those women for her chain of strip clubs. Guess that's why they probably are perfect for each other. While I didn't appreciate Omarion's little attitude towards Apryl who personally I think has been more than patient, I sort of did feel his frustration and sympathize a little. And I think he did stand up to his mother later. I cannot believe the crazy woman is now going to act offended because Omarion and Apryl don't want her and her negativity at the birthing. This woman has to be playing it up for the cameras because no one can be that delusional and insane, talking about the baby needs her energy there too. Really, your energy that screams "your mother is going to be a shitty mother and she's selfish and narcissistic?" Really now. Also her lack of self-awareness is mind boggling. All the negative opinions she has of Apryl, I swear sound like a description of her more than Apryl. So as I suspected, that whole twitter drama that Morgan conveniently deleted was all the start of where this season is going. It's so obvious we're heading to a season finale where things come to a head with her and Ray J. I also look forward to Tierra making a fool of herself next week and going off on the guy for saying she sucked. She's nuts and her boobs scare me. Not as much as Nikki's mind you but close enough. Oh Hazel, there just aren't words anymore - love yourself girl. Though I have to say, ass though Berg may be, I don't disagree with his feelings on working with Tierra. It is business and it is delusional of Hazel to expect the guy to forgo his business opportunity because she and Tierra are beefing. Especially when she's not, contrary to what she believes, his girlfriend or anything but his hookup. Edited October 15, 2014 by truthaboutluv 2 Link to comment
Jade Foxx October 14, 2014 Share October 14, 2014 Nikki before PLASTIC SURGERY Link to comment
luckyroll3 October 14, 2014 Share October 14, 2014 Nikki before PLASTIC SURGERY She looked so much better in the before pictures. She was so cute. Why did she do that to herself? 2 Link to comment
sparklemotion October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 (edited) Nikki's dedication to baby hair is unmatched. She looks like she is growing moss at her hairline. Her whole hair situation in general is troubling. 10 points to Massika (sp?) for actually blaming the person who did something wrong even though NIkki seems to have no idea that penises don't magically fall into mouths without being placed there. Her hair looked really nice during that whole scene. I need Omarion's mother to go to Bob's furniture and pick a seat she likes and have it. Her Miss Cleo predictions about Apryl are baseless and coming from Orange Level alert jealousy. Hopefully Apryl understands that and doesn't bounce on the whole situation before she gets it together. Hazel really did look of this planet with the braided hair, it was weird I had to rewind. I continue to not understand what she finds appealing about Berg, he's like the weasely younger brother of the next door neighbor on a sitcom. Missed seeing Fizz and his can't do right baby mama interact and being subjected to Ray J making a "music video" drenched in lip balm and yelling was a poor substitute. Edited October 15, 2014 by sparklemotion 6 Link to comment
kissedbyarose October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 (edited) April (my spell check refuses to spell it any other way and I agree with its decision) is a better woman than me. After all the shit Omarion's creepy ass momma said to and about her, April still entertained the idea of having his mom there at the home birth. Not I! You don't get to talk shit about me then demand to be there when my legs is all open and I'm all vulnerable and shit bring MY child (you know the one Mama what's-her-name said that April wouldn't take care of) into the world. Child... Edited October 15, 2014 by kissedbyarose 4 Link to comment
Brooklynista October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 I thought it was really wild of Momma Omarian to be screaming about April not being ready dumping the baby on her. Why in the hell would she think that would happen? Why would anybody give they're baby to this crackish looking woman? Hush, puppy. Let me speak about Young Berg for a moment. Ummm...I really don't think showcasing his relationship with Hazel was a good look. I'm sure she is a lovely young lady but she looka like a man. More than Jose Hernandez to me. Next step after a Hazel is a transsexual. With him being so little I sorta wonder who tops who? That being said,even hard looking women need respect and Hazel needs to move the hell on and stop letting manchild clown her. 3 Link to comment
GeminiDancer October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 Clearly, Nikki wants to be the next Kim K. down to the butt implants, but she has less talent than Kim does (not that Kim has much in the way of useful skills) and Mal isn't level enough to shine Kanye's shoes. Embarrassing. 1 Link to comment
RealityGal October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 Clearly, Nikki wants to be the next Kim K. down to the butt implants, but she has less talent than Kim does (not that Kim has much in the way of useful skills) and Mal isn't level enough to shine Kanye's shoes. Embarrassing. You would have to be pretty blind or pretty drunk for Nikki to start looking like Kim K. I mean I am no Kim K fan, not even close, but Nikki is a pretty low budget Kim K....I mean real low Ramen low, in fact, more like that no name off brand Ramen they sell at the 99 cent store low budget I thought it was really wild of Momma Omarian to be screaming about April not being ready dumping the baby on her. Why in the hell would she think that would happen? Why would anybody give they're baby to this crackish looking woman? Hush, puppy. Let me speak about Young Berg for a moment. Ummm...I really don't think showcasing his relationship with Hazel was a good look. I'm sure she is a lovely young lady but she looka like a man. More than Jose Hernandez to me. Next step after a Hazel is a transsexual. With him being so little I sorta wonder who tops who? That being said,even hard looking women need respect and Hazel needs to move the hell on and stop letting manchild clown her. Sorta looks like a man? She and Nikki could show up on the next season of Ru Pauls Drag Race, except Ru Paul requires a certain level of fabulous that they just don't have (although, I will grant that Nikki's white ballgown in the middle of the day was just dramatic enough for a drag queen) And yes, in what universe does Omarion's mother (I do not know her name) think that someone is gonna be clamoring to drop a child off with her? I might look for a pack of wild wolves first. 2 Link to comment
RealityGal October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 April (my spell check refuses to spell it any other way and I agree with its decision) I agree with you and your spell check. The spelling of her name is ridiculous, and I have no idea why parents do that to their children. Nikki's dedication to baby hair is unmatched. She looks like she is growing moss at her hairline. Her whole hair situation in general is troubling. 10 points to Massika (sp?) for actually blaming the person who did something wrong even though NIkki seems to have no idea that penises don't magically fall into mouths without being placed there. Her hair looked really nice during that whole scene. he's like the weasely younger brother of the next door neighbor on a sitcom. Missed seeing Fizz and his can't do right baby mama interact and being subjected to Ray J making a "music video" drenched in lip balm and yelling was a poor substitute. 1. Nikki is general is a mystery. She is somehow congratulating Mally for only getting his dick sucked by another woman? and then giving herself props for sucking the best dick, what? She missed the entire point. But she seems to miss the entire point of everything. When Mally was trying to give her the first box with nothing in it to make a point, she totally missed it and kept wondering if he was tricking her. I just wish I knew why her baby hair looked like that, it reminds me of Theresa from Real Housewives of New Jersey. 2. OMG, you got that right on the money that is exactly what Berg looks like. Like some twerpy kid brother on a sitcom, but I guess to Hazel he looks like George Clooney or Denzel Washington (who I actually think looks better as he has gotten older) 3. LMAO @ Ray J drenched in lip balm! She looked so much better in the before pictures. She was so cute. Why did she do that to herself? It's so sad, but I live in Southern California, and I truly think this is what Hollywood/LA does to people. It just makes women in general feel like, no matter what, they aren't pretty enough, good enough, or young enough. If a woman only sees herself as being physically pretty, or doesn't think she has anything else to offer it can be so hard. And the sad thing is, that for all that plastic surgery, everyone ends up pretty much looking the same. Everyone has the same nose, everyone has the same cheekbones, everyone has the same lips. Its just sad. Masika's reaction might be one of the most mature reactions I've seen ever on any one of those ratchet shows. I liked that she didn't even bother to call him out and just shook her head and said "whatever." I also liked that she seemed to be done with him from the blowout with Nikki because she seemed to rightly figure out that dude was playing them all. But bless the inflatable doll, with her "promise ring" and keys to the condo, believing that proves something. Wonder what she told herself when the Feds came calling about his human trafficking business. Oh hell, what am I saying, she was probably using some of those women for her chain of strip clubs. Guess that's why they probably are perfect for each other. All this "promise" shit, its such a scam. All of his "promises" are so vague, even when her mother asked what a promise ring meant she was like "It's for him to promise to try to work harder?" WTF? Oh, Nikki. Nikki. Nikki. She's another delusional one if she thinks that Mal didn't sleep with Masika. The way that he couldn't look her in the eye when Masika was there was so telling. And props to Masika for walking out. I have no doubt that in a fight, Masika would take Nikki down in an instant. And on a superficial note, I agree the contrast between Masika and Nikki were amazing. Masika looked gorgeous while I don't know how anyone thinks she looks cute. Hazel is painful to watch at this point. I don't know how many times and how many languages Berg has to say that he's not into her. I understand her pain because I've been there (though not nearly as long as she), but she needs to get on with her life and find her Waiting to Exhale moment. You're right. She should burn all his clothes :) Or is that not the moment we're talking about Mona, overall what I'd like you to understand is that I'm interested in seeing real people, with real problems that I can relate to, like whether or not to cuss out the ebola carrying heffa two seats away who flat out refuses to cover her mouth. People I would know in real life. Alternatively, I'll settle for real celebrities with ridiculous ass one percenter problems, like having their latte foam drawing ruined by an elbow jostle. But these scenarios here Mona? Real people don't walk away from conflicts wearing each other beverages Mona!! So will you agree to go and get help today? If not......same time next week then? :D eta: OG!!!!! Dude where have you been?? I missed you. Between you and Snarkitty and Sunsheyen and Mozelle, ya'll making me mad with this working and shit. On an unrelated note, people who won't cover their coughs are the absolute worst in the entire world. I once sprinted from someone who was phlegm hacking in 5 inch platform heels in the middle of the street. I was running like I was in a scary movie. At the time it was SARS, but still, what the hell is wrong with people?? I was coming on here to ask, what hits? Can someone please tell me what hot track he produced? I know I’m not up on all the new hip hop out there, but I have never heard of this fool before this show. Oh man! Once again I've been bamboozled by Mona, I just assumed that he must have been producing hits because everyone keeps saying it, and he keeps saying it so I assumed it was true! When will I learn? 1 Link to comment
luckyroll3 October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 She and Nikki could show up on the next season of Ru Pauls Drag Race, except Ru Paul requires a certain level of fabulous that they just don't have (although, I will grant that Nikki's white ballgown in the middle of the day was just dramatic enough for a drag queen) Except the queens on Drag Race know how to blend their damn makeup properly. Oh man! Once again I've been bamboozled by Mona, I just assumed that he must have been producing hits because everyone keeps saying it, and he keeps saying it so I assumed it was true! When will I learn? So I finally decided to just google him. Apparently he had a single called Sexy Lady that was supposedly a hit (I had to google that too, and realized I had heard that song once), he was on Ray J's Sexy Can I, and he helped produce Tamar's The One, although she's disputing that, LOL...I guess no one wants to be associated with him. 2 Link to comment
RealityGal October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 Except the queens on Drag Race know how to blend their damn makeup properly. So I finally decided to just google him. Apparently he had a single called Sexy Lady that was supposedly a hit (I had to google that too, and realized I had heard that song once), he was on Ray J's Sexy Can I, and he helped produce Tamar's The One, although she's disputing that, LOL...I guess no one wants to be associated with him. I been bamboozled, run amok, hoodwinked! 1 Link to comment
coxtradamus October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 Lawd. If anyone on here is a candidate for further plastic surgery it's Hazel. Her nose looks like a damn boxing glove. 5 Link to comment
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