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S24.E18: Eviction #6

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Well, @dizzyd, they just finished up the backflashes summary of the previous few days. Now the show Michael warning Kyle that Taylor is thinking of putting up Alyssa. Michael tells us he doesn't want Alyssa or Kyle to go home yet as they are a shield for him. They are saying it is petty of Taylor.  Kyle complains to Joseph how come no one tells us about all this flipping? Joseph said Kyle and Alyssa are always together so no one can give him an update. Kyle thinks Monte and Joseph want to weaken his game. Monte said originally people wanted to Kyle to take Indy down so Monte could go up. Kyle wonders if everyone is on board with Alyssa. Joseph says it's up to you! 

Now Joseph and Taylor are talking in HOH. Taylor wants to make a big move but Kyle is in the way. Hey Kyle, is this Taylor's HOH or not? Here comes Michael to HOH. Michael says out of the 4 - Indy, Jasmine, Terrance, Alyssa - Alyssa has the most social game. They are discussing Kyle's loyalty to the alliance. Michael asks what do we do if Kyle doesn't use the veto.

Now they are showing Indy in her punkitard. She says it sucks. Now she's doing a punk performance with a bandmate. Turner's on the drums. Indy's on the guitar yelling, "Buckaroo!" So she's in the shower, lying in bed, being called to do a performance. Showing a bunch of punk performances.

Brittany is in the Have Not room. She can hear Indy's "music" in there and it's supposed to be soundproofed. Everybody's getting tired of hearing the drums going. What a bunch of party poopers! Last year's gang would have sung and danced along, also the season 20 group.

Back to veto discussion in the backyard.  Besides Kyle, Turner wants Alyssa to stay. But he keeps his mouth shut and lets Kyle do the arguing. Monte says Indy is a bigger target but taking Alyssa out shows our cards. The others are unhappy that Kyle is putting his relationship over the alliance. Kyle says he feels on the outs with the alliance. 

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Indy on the block is still in her punkitard. You'd think they could let her put on regular clothes for the vote. So she has to interview with Julie in her punkitard outfit??

Veto meeting now. And just as Kyle is going to start, Indy is called to do a punk performance. Kyle just announces he's not going to use the power of veto. He tells Indy and Terrance it doesn't make sense for him to use the veto on either of them. 

Taylor yells at Kyle in the storage room. "You were supposed to use the F----- veto!" and stomps up to the HOH room. But it was a show - she pretended to be super angry and upset. Terrance tells us this is his fourth time on the block. He has to go get some votes!

Back in the atomic bedroom, Kyle, Jasmine, and Alyssa are discussing Taylor's yelling at Kyle. Joseph is there, too. This is a Five Swatter alliance meeting.

In HOH, Taylor, Michael and Brittany are laughing at how Taylor yelled at Kyle. She said she apologized right after yelling at Kyle. Terrance joins them.

Now in the men's bedroom. Kyle is complaining how Taylor comes up with a crazy plan at the last minute and expects him to along with it. Kyle is being positioned as the martyr here, with wicked Monte, Taylor and Joseph after him. He is talking to Michael and Brittany. He tells M and B that there is a core inside of the Leftovers that doesn't include Michael and Brittany (the Pound). Michael tell us he is going to plant seeds of distrust among the Leftovers.  

They are now showing Kyle talking about an alliance like the Cookout forming to Michael and how they are a threat. Michael tells Brittany he feels uncomfortable using race as a reason to go after people. 

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Now showing Terrance getting inked up - putting on the first of his 182 tattoos. Indy puts a tattoo on him upside down. There is a tattoo that says "But First" right above his butt. They call him to inked in the middle of the night.

Now they show Michael and Kyle playing chess, Joseph and Monte are watching. Joseph says he's really good at chess but he can't win at any games. So he's giving bad advice to Kyle. Michael is pretending to be dumb at chess too.

Now Kyle and Alyssa are snuggling as he apologizes for not spending as much time with her. Kyle says he's trying to balance the alliance with the personal side of things. She has a weird tattoo on her shoulder - just a scribble. Maybe it's just marker.

Kyle tells Turner and Joseph he's going to try to be 50/50 in spending time with alliance and with Alyssa. Now for the Skid and Fancy punishment. Taylor has to pick the person she has to be chained to for 48 hours - Joseph!! Taylor and Joseph join Indy for a Punkaroo gig. Taylor is pretty funny as she sings "Punkaroo!" over and over again - she really got into it.

Julie is now talking to the house guests. She asks what they are missing most from home. Jasmine turns the on the accent and says she misses her chickens and cow. And family. Michael misses Hayden, his fiance. Monte, his parents. Kyle, his nieces and nephews. Turner misses his girlfriend Megan. Alyssa misses her family. Now Julie asks Taylor what was the worst part of being tied to Joseph. She said  she liked to nap and he liked to go all over. Then she asks Joseph what was the best part of being tied to Taylor. He said getting to know her better and sharing her Lay's.

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Now for Jasmine's birthday. They show Turner's expressions of thrilled enjoyment. They give her a birthday card made from a Cheerios  cereal box and signed with makeup. Then Jasmine asks Turner to tell her two things he loves about her. And everyone has to do that. Diary room shows Turner saying how he was struggling to keep from laughing and he could hardly wait for this birthday to be over.

Michael is proposing doing a sympathy vote and suggests having a tie to Monte and Turner, so Taylor has to break a tie. 

Next up is the vote, then the twist.

Now for eviction. First the speeches. Indy had a nice one. Terrance's was OK.

Monte voted to evict Indy.

Michael voted to evict Terrance.

Joseph voted to evict Indy.

Commercial! (They needed a break to give Jasmine time

Jasmine voted to evict Indy.

Alyssa voted to evict Indy.

Brittany voted to evict Indy.

Turner voted to evict Indy.

Kyle voted to evict Indy.

Good-bye, Indy! 

To be honest, I'd rather have her stay than Terrance.

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Well the commercials played over part of Julie's interview with Indy. 

Indy says she holds Kyle responsible for her eviction. 

Time for the Twist! Two games of BB played simultaneously and separately. Two HOHs crowned today. One HOHs and HGs inside the house at Roachella, the other HOH and HGs living in the back yard at Dire Fest. Each group will have its own nominations, POV comps and POV ceremonies, and evictions. 

One HOH comp - two HOHs.

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Now for the HOH comp.

They have to search festival images and look for a former houseguest holding a VIP sign. 

First answer: C - Nicole's holding the sign. Terrance beat Brittany this round. He picks Joseph and Jasmine to face off. Go Joseph!

Second answer: A- Pooch is holding VIP. Rats, Jasmine won this round. She picks Monte and Turner to face off.

Third answer: B - Turner won this round. Now Terrance and Alyssa.

Fourth answer: Terrance says C - he won. Michael and Kyle.

Fifth answer: Michael guessed B, Daniel, which is correct. He picks Terrance and Jasmine.

Sixth answer: Terrance said A, which is correct. Michael and Turner are left to face off.

SEventh answer: Michael answered A, which is correct.

Final round: Michael vs Terrance. Michael answered B, Daniel. Michael won HOH! at Broachella. Terrance is the outside HOH at Dire Fest.

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