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Alex Vs. America - General Discussion

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I didn't want to watch this show when it originally started because I can't stand Supermarket Stakeout and I was worried this show would devolve into trash talking.

 I kept seeing commercials for this show when I finally caught up on ToC so I decided to give it a shot. I'm glad I did! I really like Alex and am glad she has a show that's pretty darn interesting. I like the fact there's not really any trash talking, there's a blind tasting, and Alex seems very genuine with her comments. I like the "behind the scenes" camera shots and editing.

I haven't watched the recap shows but from everyone's comments on here they sound delightful. I'm definitely going to watch them next.

ETA: Eric is so charismatic. I love him as host for this show and will gladly watch whichever shows he pops up on.

Edited by Catfi9ht
Forgot to add my compliments for Eric
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I liked in the chicken episode when one chef said it was foolish to make things harder on themselves by trying to make things harder for Alex, saying she's better at competitions than they are, so they're going to win by being their best, not by making things difficult for her.  "If you go home first, I'm going to remind you you wanted to make it harder" was great.

I thought Alex was the clear winner in both rounds, especially the second.  And obviously the guy who made gnudi for a chicken dish challenge was going to come in last.  (I might have liked his dish best, though, as drumsticks are my least-favorite piece of chicken.)

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I thought they made poor choices in the first round, starting with the maple bacon rather than the slab bacon which would have been so much more versatile depending on what the second cloche contained.  (And I was certain it was going to be something sweet.)  I also thought once they picked state fair food (which was the smart choice; I like Alex telling the guy who wanted state dinner he was out of his mind), they should have given themselves more time.

I would have been pretty stumped for what to do in the second round once Alex chose entree rather than late night snack. 

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9 hours ago, Trey said:

The runner-up made porridge out of his cereal - how is that an entree?  How could the judges have had to really consider that as a winner against Alex's beautiful entree?

Yes and his State Fair food, wasn't really fair food. He just cooked what he wanted to cook without following game play.  I don't think he should've been runner-up.  

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Alex comparing herself to the other chefs often makes me laugh, like when she said everyone who comes in there has more stuff (James Beard nomination, Food & Wine write-up, etc.) than she does, and when she surveyed the first round dishes and had a Why didn't I do that; I'm jealous! reaction to something on each of the plates.

I could already hear my maternal grandmother spinning in her grave, shouting "It's bread, not cake!" at Alex putting 1/4 cup of sugar in the cornbread, and then when she sprinkled some on top when it came out of the oven?  No!  Like the judges said, if she'd slathered some of that honey butter on top, they'd have been perfectly fine with the extra sweetness.  But, still, I wanted her dish far more than anyone else's in the first round (because what they were asked to make is not particularly my kind of food to begin with, and then what they each made).  I don't remember if it was Adrienne or Kelsey (both of whom I liked on Top Chef, so it was nice to have them together) who said of the meat and three chef's ridiculous version of picnic food "Maybe they live in the Hamptons and this is how they picnic there" but it cracked me up.

I thought all three money round dishes looked good, though (except I joined everyone in being rather puzzled by the sauce in Austin's).  Tam's French toast sounded very good, but used as buns for a giant fried chicken, cheese, egg, and bacon sandwich?  I could never eat that much for brunch!  (Love Kelsey saying this is why she wore a dress and Adrienne saying she's about to unzip.)  Similarly, I thought Alex's sandwich should have had smaller amounts of each component.  So I probably would have picked Austin's dish, too.

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So happy to get new episodes of this show and loved seeing Adrienne and Kelsey as judges. They have great judging chemistry! I find them so witty, constructive and fun! 

Whoever thought of this concept is a champ! Amazing host (I adore Eric), Alex is a great chef and amusing as heck, blind judging, no sob stories, well known judges. This show has everything I love!


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17 hours ago, Grizzly said:

Apparently there aren't time limits when getting nominated for a James Beard.

It seems odd one can be nominated as a "rising star" several years in a row, but at least it's not called "newcomer" -- that I'd have an issue with.

I like but don't love salmon, so while I'd have happily tried everything made in this episode, there was nothing I wished I could reach through the screen and taste.  

I did correctly predict the winner and loser in both rounds.  And I always love seeing Brooke.  The chat about how Eric receives endless beard questions was funny. 

I knew (and liked) Shota from Top Chef, and knew I recognized the other guy, but couldn't place him.  When Eric told Brooke at the end she knew all the chefs, it finally clicked, that he'd been on her team in Beachside Brawl.

Speaking of Shota, I don't remember him sweating while cooking on TC, but he positively grossed me out (and I'm hardly ever grossed out) on an episode of Tournament of Champions with how he had big fat drops of sweat dripping off his face (in the next round he donned a bandana to help), and I noticed him sweating some last night, too.  TC must keep its set cooler (which would be quite a task, between the lights and the cooking).

On 5/15/2023 at 4:02 PM, Bastet said:

Speaking of Shota, I don't remember him sweating while cooking on TC ....

When Shota competed on Top Chef, he would tie a headband on before each challenge so his sweat was absorbed and not noticeable.  In this competition, Shota chose not to use a headband so his sweating was obvious.

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I enjoyed the Hawaiian episode although I thought Alex should have gone out first instead of Lee Anne.  Obviously, I couldn't taste the dishes but Alex's didn't look particularly Hawaiian and she barely used the Spam.  I loved seeing Sheldon again and I got a kick out of seeing Ippy all grown up and flourishing after being on NFNS years ago.

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I watched in bed last night, so have already forgotten some details, but the guy who won both rounds put out fantastic food!  I love Alex's acknowledgment this is the closest she's come yet to going out in the first round, and I think it was really close.  But in the second round I thought Lee Anne was a pretty clear choice to go.  It was nice to see her again, at any rate.

When the contestants were introduced, my first thought was "Where's Sheldon?" and then he realized me must be a judge.  Nice to be correct, as I always enjoy seeing him.

I don't care for Spam, but I bet I would have loved the sprinkles Alex made with it in the final round.  In the first round, I like kampachi but I probably would not like ‘ulu as I hate potatoes and heard someone in the episode draw that comparison.  (I just looked up ‘ulu and found this: "You can eat and enjoy ‘ulu at any stage. When it’s green and hard, it tastes like an artichoke. When it’s mature, it tastes and cooks like a potato or other root vegetable. When very ripe, it’s sweet and is enjoyed like fruit or dessert."  So I would not like it mature, but might very well like it at its two end stages.)

Edited by Bastet
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Alex's reactions to the challengers' credentials often crack me up, so I particularly liked tonight's "Here we go with the 14 cookbooks all before the age of 20" before Eric even started and kept laughing from there -- "I'm gonna go for 90 Under 90" was my favorite.

While I will happily eat many pastries if served to me, I am not excited enough by them to order them, generally, and hardly ever bake them.  So this wasn't my wheelhouse, and I definitely didn't understand the wondering how they'd combine summer with dark chocolate -- summer = fruit, fruit + chocolate is everywhere, and I don't notice it being mostly milk chocolate instead of dark (in fact, I'd think dark would work better, rather than so much sweet & sweet, but again, I may be missing something here).

In the first round, I really liked everyone's flavor combinations, but once the judges dug in I thought there were a surprising number of mistakes that made Alex the clear winner so I'm not at all surprised by the elimination or win in that round. 

I found all the final round dishes interesting, but was surprised only Jordan added a touch of green, which I thought the other two dishes needed to get full presentation points (not that it's broken down as a specific category, like onTournament of Champions, but it's always a factor in judging).  That time he seemed the clear winner, although Alex's dish was a quite respectable second.

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I finally got around to watching the pastry episode.  I'm always happy to see Sherry Yard and Stephanie Boswell and I agreed with their decision both rounds.  They were both all dressed up and I got a kick out of Eric saying he felt underdressed.  Jaleesa was terrible on her season of the baking championship and didn't deserve to win so I don't know how she landed a spot on this show.  I was quite happy that she was eliminated first.  OTOH I liked Jordan on his season so I was glad he won.  The other woman seemed pleasant and talented but I wasn't familiar with her at all.

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14 hours ago, mlp said:

I finally got around to watching the pastry episode.  I'm always happy to see Sherry Yard and Stephanie Boswell and I agreed with their decision both rounds.  They were both all dressed up and I got a kick out of Eric saying he felt underdressed.  Jaleesa was terrible on her season of the baking championship and didn't deserve to win so I don't know how she landed a spot on this show.  I was quite happy that she was eliminated first.  OTOH I liked Jordan on his season so I was glad he won.  The other woman seemed pleasant and talented but I wasn't familiar with her at all.

Omg I'm so happy to hear someone voice this because as soon as Jaleesa was eliminated I was feeling all vindicated since she was a crappy baker who should not have won her season!!! I was all "Ha! Sherry and Stephanie agree with me that she's a crappy baker, wooooohoooooo!!!!"

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I thought the tostada was going to be the eliminated dish in the first round; I guess I'm so conditioned by Top Chef that I hear "underseasoned" and figure, well, they're going home.

I am a huge fan of appetizers, so "game day food" was a fun episode for me.  I wanted to eat everything in both rounds.  Especially the second, where I knew Alex was going to win because hers was so much more "owner's suite" than the mac & cheese.  Yes, I know, she put lobster and crab in it.  She serves it in the owner's suite at her stadium.  I'm not saying she served a hot dog or anything.  But when they both taste great, Alex's presentation is going to win all day long against a giant bowl of pasta.

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41 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I thought the tostada was going to be the eliminated dish in the first round;

I did too, partly for seasoning and partly because it wasn't exactly what they were told to make.  I agree with the rest of your comments.  It killed me that Beau and Antonia didn't eat the lobster on top of their pasta.  I wanted to reach in and grab it.





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Discovery+ has two new episodes up with yesterday's date, so I guess that's how it aired on FN.

First up: Potatoes.  I can't stand them, so this was definitely not a mouth-watering competition for me.  I like potato chips if they're flavored or slathered in dip, and will eat fries if they're thin-cut, crispy, and dipped in ranch dressing -- basically, if the potato is a vehicle that no longer tastes like potato, I'll eat it.  Otherwise, nope.  And barbecue sauce is not at all a favorite, so I really wasn't into the first round ingredients. 

The second round?  Nope squared.  I only like ground beef as a cheeseburger, and I don't like the other cuts, period, so whatever they picked was not going to be for me.  I could probably have been okay with the hanger steak the way Alex used it, but not those big slabs the other two did. 

The entire episode, there was nothing I'd have wanted to eat -- some things I could eat to be polite, and some I wouldn't eat with someone else's mouth.  

I enjoyed Alex telling R.J. she is here for his potato snobbery, and saying she thinks he won and that he should win.

Second:  California Cuisine.  Now this I love.  I wanted all that food -- every bite of both rounds.  I wish Sarah's fish tacos had actually been tacos; I love a good one, and hers looked really good.  Alex's winning dish in the final round screamed L.A. food truck, so was the clear winner to me. 

"Maybe you should clear the smog from your heads" about choosing 31 minutes was funny.  

And good grief; sometimes you can judge a book by its cover, and Carlos was everything his appearance suggested he was going to be. 

I don't think Eric had a terrible pun for Alex to react to in this episode.  Pity.

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I liked both recent episodes.  I am a spud queen so I would've eaten any of those those dishes in a heartbeat!  It was nice that RJ won on his birthday.  That was quite the gift. I hadn't seen this episode before so I think it was new too. 

The California episode and the dishes that were cooked was like home week.  Add me to the list of being so glad to see Carlos leave first.  He's so cocky in every competition he's in and his arrogance is so annoying.  You can really tell that he went to the Brian Malarkey school of cooking/mentorship. I really wanted that chicken and waffle and one of Alex's tacos.  It was cute that Eric wanted to eat one of them that Troy didn't taste during judging.  I think I need to eat lunch now!  

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A new, ten episode season of ALEX VS AMERICA premieres Sunday, July 14th at 9PM ET/PT with host Eric Adjepong.


In the season premiere, Alex competes against her longtime friends and fiercest rivals - fellow Iron Chefs Michael Symon, Stephanie Izard, and Jose Garces .  Alex tackles other formidable challenges throughout the season, including a risky rice battle, Japanese cuisine – a skillset out of her comfort zone, and one of her most personal face-offs against fellow New York City restaurateurs.


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21 hours ago, jcbrown said:

I'm going to be torn here. I love Alex, I love Stephanie, and I love love love Michael Symon. So anyone but Garces, I guess. I have good odds of ending this episode happy.

And to be clear (and sorry for quoting myself) I have nothing against Garces, it's just that he has the charisma of a dishrag and I much prefer watching the others.

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I wonder what the challenge for that one is going to be.  It's usually Alex vs. chefs who don't have the same national reputation and competition experience as her, but who have all been recognized regionally as among the best at the same thing, with that thing sometimes being something Alex doesn't do much of.  This time it's going to be Alex vs. other celebrity chefs with oodles of competition experience.  I'm happy to watch this particular group compete (although, yeah, Garces is my pick to lose, as I don't hate him but I do not like him the way I do the others), but it doesn't sound like Alex vs. America.

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Man did that food look amazing!!!!!!!  

stephanie busted my bracket on TOC and she is so hot and cold in competitions lately.  I still love her though.

thrilled for a Symon win considering I haven’t seen him competitively cook in forever.  He was beast in Iron Chef but that was light years ago now.  He also looked very trim and healthy which was even more fantastic.

i thought Alex was gone after the first round.  Her dish looked a little dog vomity to me and was way too large.  Stephanie’s wonton soup looked amazing but really must have been off kilter.

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I was going to be happy with anyone's win other than Jose Garces, so I passed that bar, but I'm still bummed Stephanie went out first.  And I can always do without seeing Geoffrey Wage-Thieving Zakarain infect any of "my" shows, as judge or competitor.  But I enjoyed this.  And, holy hell, I wanted every single artichoke dish made in the second round.  YUM.

It was not, however, a typical Alex vs. America episode, so I'm curious to see what happens going forward.

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9 hours ago, schnauzergirl said:

I couldn't believe what Alex prepared as an appetizer and was a little surprised that didn't eliminate

I completely agree.  I thought Alex’s first dish — the way-too-big appetizer — looked like what Ina Garten used to refer to as “the dog’s breakfast”.  It looked so bad.  

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