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4 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

No time for Jasmine talk, because they are called to the storage room for a surprise.

There is cake mix, and party hats, and wine, and glitter, and what’s the point? Her birthday is on Wednesday. Everyone gathers to fake ooh and ahh over the box of cake mix and canned frosting. They awkwardly start to put on the hats, but then realize they don’t have to.

Then they all shuffle out, disappointed that the wine will have to wait.

How is that not Jasmine talk? Everything’s about her. I know what you meant though, lol. 

Edited by dizzyd
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Ok Jasmine sucks but I am wondering if some of her behavior is ... regional? She obviously places a high importance on her socioeconomic status.

The reason I ask is because Jasmine reminds me of a woman I used to work with. She was from the deep South just like Jasmine. She was always perfectly pleasant to me, but she shocked me one day when her kids (we;re teachers) made a HUGE mess. I started cleaning it up for her because I was so embarrassed at leaving a room that trashed. But she said she wasn't doing any cleanup, because "I'm from the South, and we're not afraid to ask the help for help." She told me that as a married woman of a certain class, it was beneath her to clean up after herself.

I just wonder if Jasmine is acting like what she thinks a well-bred Southern belle should act like.

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Back in the HoH room, Taylor confronts Michael and Brittany: Did you tell Kyle you want Indy to go instead of Alyssa?

Turner and Monte enter. Michael says he thinks Indy and Alyssa are equal threats and he could go either way. (Good waffling!)

Turner says Alyssa is low on his list. Monte says it’s fine if Kyle wants to keep noms the same and suffer the repercussions. (Good passive aggression!)

Taylor just wants everyone to know she’s not trying to run things. She wants Indy and Alyssa sitting there, but it’s up to the group.

Joseph enters and swings the sentiment back toward using the veto. With his support, Taylor argues that both women need to be on the block, even if Indy’s still the one to go home. She’s fine with saving Alyssa for now, for Kyle’s sake, but she has to be nominated.

Kyle’s not there for this, but Alyssa enters. Boring talk about back pain, and I have chores to do. I might even change my own sheets!

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28 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

The LO have to be the sloppiest dominant alliance ever. Usually dominant alliances are very top down in leadership. Think Maggie or Derrick. The LO have been in power for four weeks and every week it’s a chaotic mess.

There are 5 men and two women. Four of the men have been jockeying to put themselves in best position when the others are gone while one of those 4 is also prioritizing his position in his showmance's bed. One of the women is a secret mean girl and the other woman would just like to be in the game, even though she's bad at it. And then there's Turner, who seems to be willing to just ride along with his Pound Puppies and his F2 with half a showmance with no actual plan for winning.

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Listening to all these people talk/ not interact in the HoH room, I am struck by the difference between this year and last. The CO/non-CO genuinely seemed to all like each other, and spent their nights playing group games. When everyone is together this year, they are like a group of distant relatives at Thanksgiving who all can’t wait to get the hell out of there.

After Jasmine, Alyssa and Indy entered, conversation quickly died. The most anyone perked up was when they were reminiscing about their first DRs. Turner said he talked nonsense about how cool it was to be here! and how excited he was to see everyone! when he hadn’t actually seen anything yet because he was blindfolded. Michael thought the DR room looked like Under The Sea. Alyssa thought that would have been a cool theme for the season, because to her, apparently BB is just a high school prom.

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Indy talks to Taylor in private. She thinks Kyle is scared to use the veto because Taylor might nominate Alyssa. Taylor assures her that would never happen. Indy brings up the trip that Alyssa took, and Taylor says nominating her for that would be so petty! Taylor says she’ll be upset if Kyle doesn’t use it because that will keep her from nominating her real target.

Jasmine enters and there’s a lot more talk about no way is Taylor nominating Alyssa. That makes no sense! That’s just Monte stirring up shit! Then Alyssa enters and Taylor continues to promise: I will not nominate you! My target is Monte!

Taylor really shouldn’t try to play this kind of deception because she’s no good at it. She’s painting herself into a corner with her fake outrage and declarations. So now she has to reverse course and tell Kyle not to use it, or she is setting herself up for open warfare, for no reason.

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Mini meeting in the bathroom with Taylor, Monte, Michael and Brittany. Monte thinks Kyle’s getting too attached to Alyssa, and is starting to doubt his loyalty. If he won’t cut her now, when will he? Taylor says that no way is Kyle going to use the veto and maybe we shouldn’t try to force him.

Mini meeting in the backyard with Kyle, Turner and Joseph. Turner thinks noms should stay because that gives them more options, via Flyswatters.

28 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Apparently Indy’s been telling people that if she doesn’t come off the block, just vote her out. She also said she won’t go to the jury house; if she’s out, she’s going home.

That might be enough to convince them.

"If you get rid of me, you don't have to worry about me being a bitter juror, which I definitely WILL be." 

Geez, lady, don't threaten them with a good time!

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LO meeting in the backyard and they all seem settled on Kyle not using the veto and Indy going.  They seem to believe that if Indy ditches out and refuses to go to the jury house that the 9th juror will be America's Vote.  Indy definitely sealed her fate with her bitter cakes about possibly being the first to jury, plus her total entitlement with expecting Kyle to use the veto to save her.

Regarding Kyle, on the one hand, fuck Kyle. 

On the other hand, though...okay, still fuck Kyle.

On the rarely seen OTHER other hand, though, I can how "If you don't get rid of Alyssa now, then when?" shouldn't really carry a lot of weight when there are three other non-Leftovers left. "When will you get rid of her if not now?" "How about not when I would be specifically sealing her fate while we have three other options to get rid of? If you guys get rid of her in a week I am not the HoH or PoV winner, then fair enough, but why would I specifically put her out NOW if I don't have to?" It's a bad argument by the other Leftovers.

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59 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Apparently Indy’s been telling people that if she doesn’t come off the block, just vote her out. She also said she won’t go to the jury house; if she’s out, she’s going home.

I said it before but it's worth reiterating that indy really is a waste of a spot that should had gone to someone else.

She's never seemed that interested in actually playing. It's like she thought she was going to summer camp or something. Or just some dating show. it's hard to really know with her.

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32 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Regarding Kyle, on the one hand, fuck Kyle. 

On the other hand, though...okay, still fuck Kyle.

On the rarely seen OTHER other hand, though, I can how "If you don't get rid of Alyssa now, then when?" shouldn't really carry a lot of weight when there are three other non-Leftovers left. "When will you get rid of her if not now?" "How about not when I would be specifically sealing her fate while we have three other options to get rid of? If you guys get rid of her in a week I am not the HoH or PoV winner, then fair enough, but why would I specifically put her out NOW if I don't have to?" It's a bad argument by the other Leftovers.

But also saying that be would be fine putting her up if he had to next week is also ridiculous and clearly untrue. But more than anything is the entitlement....Kyle wanted to save Alyssa with no blowback and was insisting they tell him he was fine with them, no problem. 

You do you, Kyle, but don't expect to just be given a pass because you fucked her on a blow up toy.

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16 minutes ago, Sketcher said:

But also saying that be would be fine putting her up if he had to next week is also ridiculous and clearly untrue. But more than anything is the entitlement....Kyle wanted to save Alyssa with no blowback and was insisting they tell him he was fine with them, no problem. 

You do you, Kyle, but don't expect to just be given a pass because you fucked her on a blow up toy.

Oh yeah, he's full of shit on saying he would gladly get rid of her, and sure, it is fair to say that it is unreasonable of him to think that the others should bless his decision. 

I didn’t catch who said it, but one of the guys said they heard from Jasmine herself that the reason she jumped down from the wall comp is because she didn’t want to mess up her hair and makeup. (“The brows! I must save the broooows!”)

Also, Kyle told the others that is middle name is Kyle. As in Kyle Kyle Capener. I would comment on the almost perfect initials, but I’m too distracted by the name itself. Everyone thought he was kidding, but he said yes, it’s also Kyle, and it’s because of his grandfather.  I have no idea what that means. His grandfather was also Kyle Kyle? Or it’s a family tradition to use the grandfather’s name for the child’s middle name, but his parents already had their hearts set on using it for a first name, so they said fuck it, let’s just use it twice?

Edited by 30 Helens
I need to learn to proof before I post.
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1 minute ago, 30 Helens said:

I didn’t catch who said it, but one of the guys said they heard from Jasmine herself that the reason she jumped down from the wall comp is because she didn’t want to mess up her hair and makeup. (“The brows! I must save the broooows!”

Also, Kyle told the others that is middle name is Kyle. As in Kyle Kyle Capener. I would comment on the almost perfect initials, but I’m too distracted by the name itself. Everyone thought he was kidding, but he said yes, it’s also Kyle, and it’s because of his grandfather.  I have no idea what that means. His grandfather was also Kyle Kyle? Or it’s a family tradition to use the grandfather’s name for the child’s middle name, but his parents already had their hearts set on using it for a first name, so they said fuck it, let’s just use it twice?

Or his parents are as dim as he is.

Can they stop Indy from just walking away from the show?

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2 minutes ago, mertensia said:

Can they stop Indy from just walking away from the show?

They'll put a severe lean on her to keep her from doing it. It'll probably work, as it does almost every other time someone threatens to do something like this.

1 minute ago, 30 Helens said:

Turner is saying again how he liked Paul (STOP THAT.) He didn’t like Cody because Cody was pissy in rejecting Paul’s friendship bracelet.

It doesn't make ANY SENSE for Turner to be a Paul fan. It just doesn't fit!

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Apparently Indy’s been telling people that if she doesn’t come off the block, just vote her out. She also said she won’t go to the jury house; if she’s out, she’s going home.

That might be enough to convince them.

I'm guessing that big, thick contract she signed will have something to say about this little threat.

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Taylor is feeling frustrated about losing control of her HoH. Based on a conversation she had with Joseph, she still wants Alyssa out. So does he, but he shrugs it off by saying “guess we didn’t make a good enough case.” Then he basically calls her pretty and leaves. She sits alone and looks sad for awhile, then joins everyone in the kitchen.

I like Taylor but I think she plays stupid most of the time. Taylor knows that after the game she will be loved and she will become rich from her popularity. Taylor doesn't need BB's money anymore. The Lays thing is not something she did randomly. Maybe it started this way but she is totally aware of what she is doing. Taylor is not playing to win at the moment, she is playing to keep and maximize her popularity with the fans. Taylor has the poyential to become the new Ika in the US. Mark my words. She is stronger than Dayvonne and Kem combined in how much the people love her.

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All Leftovers are in the HoH room except for Taylor (I guess she’s in DR?) and they’re all getting punchy. Joseph can’t stop laughing while retelling the saga of Muffingate. Turner is his usual deadpan self: “They were muffins. There were four.” Most of them didn’t know about Jasmine’s spying with toilet paper rolls for goggles, and they can’t even.

Joseph says that Jasmine pretends to be sleeping a lot, but she’s really just listening. If you look quick, you can see her shutting her eyes.

They laugh at how Terrance was left out of the Five Swatters, until Joseph asked about him. “Oh, it’s the Five Swatters plus Terrance”, he was told. “Five Swatters, featuring Terrance”, Michael amends.

They reminisce about their own formation, and talk about how the other side could have really swept it if not for sloppy play. They still have great respect for Ameerah, and wonder how she feels about Alyssa ruining her game. They wonder how Alyssa will feel about Kyle, once she sees all this. “Will she still talk to you?” “Nope.”

Joseph recounts Pooch’s last days in the house. He really liked Pooch and he felt so bad for him, because Pooch was so desperate and Joseph wanted to do something for him, but he was basically threatened by Ameerah to not even cast a vote. His sorrow over the situation was part of what led him to feel empathy for Taylor, and step up this time.

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2 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

Taylor knows that after the game she will be loved and she will become rich from her popularity. Taylor doesn't need BB's money anymore.

I generally agree that she can easily parlay this into a long influencer career, a la Tangela, but I think even a successful Tangela-esque career isn't quite enough to not need $750,000. (or even half that, if taxes take a huge chunk of that). 

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4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I generally agree that she can easily parlay this into a long influencer career, a la Tangela, but I think even a successful Tangela-esque career isn't quite enough to not need $750,000. (or even half that, if taxes take a huge chunk of that). 

I also don’t think she has any idea of how she’s being perceived. She still gives off insecure, wanting-to-please vibes. (I said vibes. Shoot me now, Daniel fans.) I think she will be pleasantly surprised when she leaves the house, and hopefully she will parlay that into something. 

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2 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

I like Taylor but I think she plays stupid most of the time. Taylor knows that after the game she will be loved and she will become rich from her popularity. Taylor doesn't need BB's money anymore. The Lays thing is not something she did randomly. Maybe it started this way but she is totally aware of what she is doing. Taylor is not playing to win at the moment, she is playing to keep and maximize her popularity with the fans. Taylor has the poyential to become the new Ika in the US. Mark my words. She is stronger than Dayvonne and Kem combined in how much the people love her.

I like Taylor well enough but I just don’t think she has any charisma. She is famous. That’s it. I think people objected to the treatment of her more than actually loving her. 

Also - watching the broadcast last night I was reminded yet again why I really dislike the racial/gender aspects of how some play the game. For Taylor to not nominate Jasmine because of some sense of female and racial solidarity is just stupid. (And, yeah. Cannot blame Turner for his wtf moment there.) 

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HoH room: Taylor has returned, and Turner has taken her place in DR. More trash talk about Jasmine culminates in Taylor saying she hates her so much, and wishes she could put her on the block. Everyone falls silent, because they don’t want to state the obvious.

21 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

They're still in HoH discussing this shit? Good lord.

Yes, and it’s nearly 5 am BB time. It’s also nearly 7am 30 Helens time, and even insomniacs need to sleep sometime, so Good night, everyone!

Edited by 30 Helens
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4 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Please correct me if I am wrong...and I most probably am...but has every veto holder so far (I know, mostly Michael) done what the HOH wanted with regard to said veto?  Is it just Taylor who is not getting what she wants?

Michael saved himself from the block with the POV in week one, so that would be a no. ;) 

  • LOL 1

Big Brother fame is barely influencer fame - Taylor isn't going to end up rich and famous from Big Brother. No one really has. Some HGs have managed to turn their appearances into reality show "fame" but outside of the Big Brother sphere, people don't know who Brenchel or Jordeff are. If Taylor can turn this into an influencer type deal, good on her, but I think calling her potentially rich or famous is a bit much. She'll be about as big as your average girl on a season of the Bachelor.

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1 minute ago, Maggie Mae said:

That was before the LOs formed I believe.  I should have been more specific.  

This is only the fourth week of the LOs, and Michael was on the block when he won the POV that first week, and he won the POV when he was the HoH last week, so there hasn't been a whole lot of room for independence, ya know?

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32 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Big Brother fame is barely influencer fame - Taylor isn't going to end up rich and famous from Big Brother. No one really has. Some HGs have managed to turn their appearances into reality show "fame" but outside of the Big Brother sphere, people don't know who Brenchel or Jordeff are. If Taylor can turn this into an influencer type deal, good on her, but I think calling her potentially rich or famous is a bit much. She'll be about as big as your average girl on a season of the Bachelor.

There's some who have parlayed it into perennial appearances on The Challenge, and a few who do seem to make a living from it (Tangela).

As for doing what the HoH wanted with the veto, Monte actually did NOT want veto used but Daniel insisted.

ETA: it isn't lost on me that Taylor nominated Terrance (a black guy) but can't nominate Jas (a black woman). Huh?

Edited by Lady Whistleup
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20 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

There's some who have parlayed it into perennial appearances on The Challenge, and a few who do seem to make a living from it (Tangela).

Angela worked her ass off to create that, though, and through multiple streams of revenue (Tyler was... there, I guess). People are acting like Taylor's going to have a national commercial campaign for Lays the second she leaves the house. Maaaybe a couple grand from them for a few sponsored Instagram posts but that'll be about it.

I will say, though, that Big Potato Chip is probably my favourite Big Brother conspiracy theory in the past few seasons.

Edited by Callaphera
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I could see her being a "face" for Lay's if that is the direction their advertising and branding takes. Taylor is very photogenic and she probably takes direction well for posing, etc., in front of the camera. She also has a good speaking voice. They could do a campaign with the motto "No one separates me from my Lay's" and show her getting married, laying on the beach, at work, at a ball game or playing ball, then pulling out a bag of Lay's. 

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8 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

The LO have to be the sloppiest dominant alliance ever. Usually dominant alliances are very top down in leadership. Think Maggie or Derrick. The LO have been in power for four weeks and every week it’s a chaotic mess.

And that is why they are 1000 times more entertaining than most/all of the steamrolling alliances of the past.

5 hours ago, mertensia said:

Can they stop Indy from just walking away from the show?

If you leave, you forfeit your stipend, so I'm pretty sure that'll be enough to keep her there. Also, it's obvious she doesn't actually mean it when she says that lol.

31 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

it isn't lost on me that Taylor nominated Terrance (a black guy) but can't nominate Jas (a black woman). Huh?

She actually said she would indeed nom/evict Jasmine since Kyle didn't want Alyssa nommed/evicted but Joseph shut it down because Jasmine is better for his game. I wish Taylor would play for herself like the rest of them do but if she did she'd probably be targeted by LO next week.

12 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Angela worked her ass off to create that, though, and through multiple streams of revenue (Tyler was... there, I guess). People are acting like Taylor's going to have a national commercial campaign for Lays the second she leaves the house. Maaaybe a couple grand from them for a few sponsored Instagram posts but that'll be about it.

I will say, though, that Big Potato Chip is probably my favourite Big Brother conspiracy theory in the past few seasons.

I will say though, Lays must have taken notice (or BB just called and told them about it lol) because I've noticed they have been given more Lays products than they used to get. They used to only get the original Lays but I saw that they have those new Layers chips now, too.

Does Lays even do much celebrity (or "celebrity") branding in their commercials? It may be my Canadian hockey bias showing but the last I remember was in the late 90s and early 2000s when Mark Messier was running down the hallway in full hockey gear and skates to bother his neighbour for things just to get another potato chip.

4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I will say though, Lays must have taken notice (or BB just called and told them about it lol) because I've noticed they have been given more Lays products than they used to get. They used to only get plain lays but I saw that they have those new Layers chips now, too.

I like to believe that Lays let their call go to voicemail so Big Brother bought newer, exciting-er types of Lays to get their attention just because it's funnier that way. Big Brother is all "Notice us! NOOOOOTICE US!"

Besides, Lays salt and vingear are the superior Lays chip. Their ketchup is shit but that salt and vinegar is pretty decent. Ruffles are better for a plain, salty chip and I will fight anyone on that.

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6 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

I like Taylor but I think she plays stupid most of the time. Taylor knows that after the game she will be loved and she will become rich from her popularity. Taylor doesn't need BB's money anymore. The Lays thing is not something she did randomly. Maybe it started this way but she is totally aware of what she is doing. Taylor is not playing to win at the moment, she is playing to keep and maximize her popularity with the fans. Taylor has the poyential to become the new Ika in the US. Mark my words. She is stronger than Dayvonne and Kem combined in how much the people love her.

Taylor's so-called popularity was due to a story line of people being mean to her.  But most of those have been evicted.

Without it, her the popularity will erode over time.

She is known as someone who is very erratic, makes bad decisions and has poor judgment.

Edited by thestorm
6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Also, Kyle told the others that is middle name is Kyle. As in Kyle Kyle Capener. I would comment on the almost perfect initials, but I’m too distracted by the name itself. Everyone thought he was kidding, but he said yes, it’s also Kyle, and it’s because of his grandfather.  I have no idea what that means. His grandfather was also Kyle Kyle? Or it’s a family tradition to use the grandfather’s name for the child’s middle name, but his parents already had their hearts set on using it for a first name, so they said fuck it, let’s just use it twice?

I've sat here for minutes trying to think of something clever to say about this, but apparently this info is just way too stupid for my brain to get there.

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45 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Does Lays even do much celebrity (or "celebrity") branding in their commercials? It may be my Canadian hockey bias showing but the last I remember was in the late 90s and early 2000s when Mark Messier was running down the hallway in full hockey gear and skates to bother his neighbour for things just to get another potato chip.

I like to believe that Lays let their call go to voicemail so Big Brother bought newer, exciting-er types of Lays to get their attention just because it's funnier that way. Big Brother is all "Notice us! NOOOOOTICE US!"

Besides, Lays salt and vingear are the superior Lays chip. Their ketchup is shit but that salt and vinegar is pretty decent. Ruffles are better for a plain, salty chip and I will fight anyone on that.

I don't know if Lay's does celebrity branding or not, I don't remember any. And I wasn't really thinking of Taylor as a celebrity, just as someone who I think would do a good job at these commercials and looks good on TV (and probably print ads, too, and electronic media).  All I remember for ads is Ruffles - nobody can eat just one.

By the way it's a quiet morning in the BB house and sounds like they've only been sleeping for an hour or two. Camera 2 shows a closeup of Alyssa and Indy sleeping in the women's atomic bedrrom. Indy has a blindfold over her eyes. Camera 1 shows all three beds, Alyssa sleeping in the one closest to the camera, then Indy with her blindfold, and I assume Joseph in the furthest bed since that's where he's been. There's a crumpled up sheet or something light-colored bundled up on the floor. Indy's packing her knapsack early?

Camera 3 shows a closeup of Taylor in the HOH bed and there's a mound beside her. I can't tell for sure if that's another person or a giant teddy bear under the covers. It looks more like a teddy bear. If it is, it's very neatly tucked in under the covers.

Camera 4 shows the HOH bed from across the room. The mystery bed guest makes quite a hump under the covers. If this is a person, the only one I'd think it could be is Jasmine as I don't think Taylor would have any guy other than Joseph & he's in another room. I better recheck Cam 1 and make sure it's him. I see Taylor's basket and pictures - I wish we could have seen them on the episode.

I assumed it was Joseph in the furthest bed in Cam 1, but it could be someone else as that sleeper's back is toward us. It's possible Taylor and Joseph are chained together so that would be him in her bed. But in Cam 3 the head did look more like a teddy bear head than a human head.

1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I've sat here for minutes trying to think of something clever to say about this, but apparently this info is just way too stupid for my brain to get there.

You mean, something along the lines of…

KKC - SO close!!!

…?  😁

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Does Lays even do much celebrity (or "celebrity") branding in their commercials? 

I’m pretty certain Lays would do serial killer branding if they thought there was a hint of a buck to be made from it.

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