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4 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

If they stay the same, Michael might get in a lot of trouble with the Leftovers.  Especially if he does it at Kyle's urging.

Maybe?  Depends on whether or not Monte/Joe are fine with losing Terrance this week since he's not trustworthy even as a potential side vote for any of the LOs.  Getting him out this week only helps neutralize and isolate Daniel even further.  Terrance is fast becoming a bigger issue, IMO, than Daniel.

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6 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Brittany really banged up her knee good in the competition. There was just a close up.


eta: wow Twitter tagged it as sensitive after I saw it. 

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
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2 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

But Terrance won't beat anyone at competitions.  Daniel at least has a chance of doing that.  I don't see them tossing Terrance unless he they actually believe he'd become an issue.

The one reason I'd want to evict Daniel would be so that he wasn't in the jury house with Taylor. Although I'm not sure; maybe they don't have to interact much there?

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My reaction when Michael won HOH - “Yay!”

My reaction when Michael won POV - “Damn it, stop winning shit!”

You all know we’re going to have to listen Kyle go full on “we MUST keep the nominations the same” with all kinds of ridiculous reasons and most likely worrisome language about all THREE of the current noms, and I am not here for that nonsense. Because y’all? Monte and Joseph have “big personalities” and lord knows how dangerous THAT can be (rolling my eyes so hard). 

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Michael would, I think, prefer having Daniel on the jury and not Terrance. Daniel (also a superfan) has made it clear how much he admires Michael in the game. Daniel would vote for him over someone he considers less deserving. Terrance? Not so much. He’d vote for someone like Jasmine or Indy over Michael if he dragged one of them to the Final 3.

1 minute ago, TimWil said:
Edited by TimWil

With Michael as HOH and Joseph and Monte on the block with Terrance, that leaves 4 Leftovers voting…Taylor, Brittany, Turner and Kyle against Jasmine, Indy, Alyssa and Daniel.   But who can trust Kyle anymore?  If he votes with the others, they can take out a Left Over and put Kyle in the power position.   Smartest move is to put up Daniel and Kyle to neutralize both votes.  At worst, put up Turner and Jasmine.  

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Kyle wants to get out POC. And definitely is scared of going on block. He & Michael have talked about keeping Daniel (I believe for different reasons).  Micheal is in interesting spot. He could blow up his game or solidify it somewhat. He has painted a hell of a target on his back with all these wins. As I said, he needs to choose wisely. 

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43 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Brittany really banged up her knee good in the competition. There was just a close up.

I'm guessing this will end Muffingate.  Jasmine is bound to be obsessed over establishing that her ankle injury hurts more, is more debilitating, and will require more muffins to make it feel better.  Okay, I guess she can still bring muffins into the competition.  And this is ONE competition she will take seriously!  Y'all.  

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Let’s hear his talk with Kyle!  I am noodling with whether he’s better off w/expected move of take out Daniel (or, surprise, Kyle goes & leaves Alyssa stranded to be grabbed up along w/ other girls) & maybe let chaos start next week or whether he takes shot at Monte now/ possibly blow up alliance & rely on trust w/Kyle & Daniel?  Interesting spot. 

Edited by pennben
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I think Michael's best bet is to throw Kyle with his new plans under the bus to the rest of the LOs and take M/J off the block to solidify their relationship.  Either Daniel or Kyle will go and the other will still be in the house as a shield for him.  At this point there is nothing he can do about all his wins, so he might as well keep winning as much as he can and focus on building better relationships.

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29 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

From this current conversation among Michael, Monte, and Joseph, it sounds like Michael's going to use the Veto on Monday.

He needs to. He can't afford to make anymore waves after winning yet another comp. He needs to stick with the original plan and take the safe route in getting Daniel out.

33 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I'm guessing this will end Muffingate.  Jasmine is bound to be obsessed over establishing that her ankle injury hurts more, is more debilitating, and will require more muffins to make it feel better.

I'm just amazed Jasmine didn't hurt her other ankle or something. I mean she's just gonna let Brittany steal that attention. lol

Edited by vb68
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Joseph called the veto competition "psychotic." Taylor said he got really close. They talk about it being good practice for when they do The Amazing Race, which Taylor has never seen. Jasmine tells her what kind of stuff they do. 

eta: Twitter says it was "iconic," sorry I misheard it!

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
I am getting old.
1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:


I don’t understand this. He did not need to win to secure his own safety, obviously.  Seems like he would have wanted to throw it to Monte or Joseph (I don’t believe Terrance had a ghost of a chance), but maybe Daniel/Kyle were getting too close. Or maybe he doesn’t actually want veto used. But it’s in his hands now, and if nothing else this will let us know where he stands.

1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

I am watching BB Canada Season 2 right now. Neda and Sabrina are at the table eating pickles. Neda says, I like to drink the pickle juice. She picks up the jar and drinks the juice out of the jar. Nicki Minaj Queen GIF by pammypocket

Yeah, I’m needing that vomit emoji, like, immediately.

40 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I think it would be best for his game to take out Daniel. The three nominees don't have a problem with him and he should keep it that way.

I tend to land here as well. He keeps his cards close to vest, basically has a lot of options still wide open. Daniel seems unreliable.  Just am noodling with counter argument that chaos might be good for him right now. I want a lot of camera talk from him. Also need injury report, sounds like a few hurt & that could influence decision on which way to lean. 

Either Daniel or Kyle going is advantageous to Michael. Daniel has been going around saying that Michael is the best player and how he's going to vote for Michael, and Michael needs that kind of talk stopped now before anyone gets any ideas. On the other hand, Kyle seems off on a looney tune path with his alliance of racial homogenous. Taking Kyle's paranoia seriously could destroy Michael's game.

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2 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Taylor is sort of awkward. But I actually find that endearing about her -- she fumbles around for the right words and sometimes will dig into bags of Lays out of stress. She wasn't what I expected from a pageant queen at all.

You're right she is hella awkward (and naive!) But there are times that her poise and elegance shine through. I love her her model-walk and the way her body looks in anything she wears. She's beautiful! However,  there are times where I sense some cockiness from her. There have been times where she refers to the crown 👑 on her head and where she has referred to herself as a queen 👸. Hopefully that is just trash-talk and not things she says in regular day situations because I can see how it could turn off some people.

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1 minute ago, Blissfool said:

You're right she is hella awkward (and naive!) But there are times that her poise and elegance shine through. I love her her model-walk and the way her body looks in anything she wears. She's beautiful! However,  there are times where I sense some cockiness from her. There have been times where she refers to the crown 👑 on her head and where she has referred to herself as a queen 👸. Hopefully that is just trash-talk and not things she says in regular day situations because I can see how it could turn off some people.

She only really does that in the DR and we already know that BB tries to get black contestants to "sass" it up in the DR (confirmed by former HG;s). In her everyday interactions with other HG's Taylor is generally quiet, nice and considerate with a surprising tolerance for nonsense. 

To me, it seems as if her mama raised her right.

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23 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I thought the post was referencing the BB Curse of winning OTEV.   (Though didn't Cody win it in ALL STARS?)

Ah..very possibly. But I still don’t understand why he wants to keep painting that target bigger and bigger, when he doesn’t need to. 

Post dinner, everyone is milling about. Indy puts some food away in the refrigerator and announces, “this is for leftovers!” So I guess that means hands off, Jasmine.

Kyle was sitting quietly at the counter, first pulling at his hair over and over, then pulling his blanket over his head and covering his eyes with his hands. Occasionally, he looked around and smiled at something that is said. Now, he’s wandering around the house. It’s like waiting for a time bomb to explode.

Apparently a lot of injuries in the comp. Joseph said he got 31 cuts.

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1 hour ago, lilabennet said:

I think Michael's best bet is to throw Kyle with his new plans under the bus to the rest of the LOs and take M/J off the block to solidify their relationship.  Either Daniel or Kyle will go and the other will still be in the house as a shield for him.  At this point there is nothing he can do about all his wins, so he might as well keep winning as much as he can and focus on building better relationships.

It would be OUTRAGEOUSLY stupid not to use POV to take them off the block. Who to put ON the block, though, is an interesting question. Daniel/Kyle is the simplest answer, that keeps his game in the best shape, but if he thinks that Daniel will be a vote for him in the Jury, then I can see the argument for saving Daniel (and thus keeping Daniel from going after him if he were to win HOH next week) and putting up Jasmine/Turner, instead, to get rid of Jasmine. 

Who the fuck knows what kind of juror Jasmine would be? So while I think going with the alliance and taking out Daniel is the best move, getting rid of Jasmine wouldn't be the worst thing, either. What could Jasmine even say against it? 

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On 8/4/2022 at 11:50 PM, leocadia said:

On topic:  If BB were Melrose Place, Alyssa would totally be Brooke.  Just to advise, the spoiler is for MP, not BB.

  Hide contents

(Stay away from the pool, Alyssa)

 Brooke?   No.   Brooke was pathetic at the end but she was a schemer.   And surely knew the difference between Newark and Denmark.   Alyssa is, at best, Sandy pining after Jake for 13 episodes and being quickly forgotten.

9 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

Shower thoughts: I found myself wondering, if I were in the house, who would I have considered showmance-worthy? Not many. Steven from Season 10, maybe. And even then I would've tried to save it for the jury house, but he was evicted second, so.

 Is that based on his short time of BB or his post-BB career?  

9 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Sam from BB20. Everyone liked her. Then she won HoH, decides to slutshame Kaitlyn and Haleigh, and after that everyone just looked at her like the crazy lady.

 There was also the small matter of "curbstomping", including her unmitigated glee at describing it in detail.  If you've forgotten what Sam looked like, just look up Bat Shit Crazy on Urban Dictionary.

8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I don’t see any indication that Kyle and Alyssa like each other that much. I haven’t even seen them have a real conversation that isn’t dominated by flirty talk. I think they’re bored and horny, and are unlikely to last beyond the wrap party.

ETA: And from what I just saw, Kyle has the “losing his mind” part down pat. Holy shit.

 Is there a Jack Shack this year?  If Kyle's a virgin and hasn't been able to...self-medicate, at his age he's got a lot pent up.   No wonder he's going Cookoo fro Coco Puffs. 

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Michael asks Turner what he thinks of Daniel. Short answer: wildcard. Jasmine enters and blocks further discussion. Turner leaves to save his sanity.

Jasmine is so happy she got to play. According to Michael’s description, it came down to him ”and the guys”, and if he didn’t win he would for sure be picking a replacement. So it sounds like he really didn’t need to win, IF he wants veto used.

Jasmine’s advice is to leave it the same. Terrance is Terrance, Joseph has won nothing, bless his heart, but Monte is a beast and this is the chance to get him out. Save Daniel for another week; he’ll always be a target.

Did I hear Jasmine say she wouldn’t get in a showmance with Monte because she’s married? Did I miss an invitation?

Getting out Monte is not a bad strategy, and I’m not a Monte fan so it wouldn’t upset me, but… Kyle. Please Kyle.

ETA: Jasmine says she can deliver the four votes needed to vote out Monte, if Brittany joins for a majority of 5. Jasmine, Alyssa, Daniel and Indy. Indy doesn’t like Monte  because he lied to her, and because he called her “chica”.

Edited by 30 Helens
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22 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

but if he thinks that Daniel will be a vote for him in the Jury, then I can see the argument for saving Daniel (and thus keeping Daniel from going after him if he were to win HOH next week) and

But, if I’m Daniel & I stay & win HOH, why wouldn’t I put up challenge beast Michael to get out him? Assuming besties is over after this week. No real loyalty, keeps threat level low to other targets at that point…Daniel is relatively competitive in comps…

id be awful at this game!

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2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Jasmine leaves, and Brittany and Michael are all, “we knew it!” The four of them are together! They discuss not trusting the LOs: last ones in are first ones out, etc. So they’re looking at joining Jasmine’s group of 4. Which means keeping Daniel.

Not really how I read it. They just talked about how the LO’s are stronger players and thus better meat shields. They view the non-LOs as too weak to join with. 

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3 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

It really depends.  If he rats out the others to Monte, then no question that Monte digs around until he finds out that it was Kyle's idea.  If he stays quiet, then he and Brittany get more time to decide on the target.

Wait, this started with Kyle? I just heard Michael include Kyle in the group of LOs that would cut out him and Brittany. If Kyle is part of Brittany and Michael’s splinter plan, I need it to fail.

Edited by 30 Helens
Wrote wrong name

No way are Michael/Brittany on board with this plan to get Monte out this week.  Terrance left the HOH and Turner's in there now.  They're spilling the plan to him, confirming their suspicions that Terrance/Daniel/Jasmine/Alyssa/Indy are working together.

They recognize that this group are blowing whichever way the winds blow - whomever is in power, they're gonna pitch whatever they need to pitch to save their own skin and have no loyalty to anyone.  

Whatever that side is pitching, Michael & Brittany are only playing along, acting like they're entertaining the suggestions.  Jumping back to a couple weeks ago and last week, marveling at the superb acting skills of most of the Leftover alliance.  

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I only trust what’s said when Michael and Brittany are alone. They are clearly considering the idea of booting Monte as a way of furthering their positions. They are also weighing the advantages of staying loyal (at least for now). It doesn’t appear to me that they are definitely leaning one way or the other. 

For now, they’re telling everyone what they want to hear, and whichever side they land on will never guess they wavered.

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1 minute ago, 30 Helens said:

I only trust what’s said when Michael and Brittany are alone. They are clearly considering the idea of booting Monte as a way of furthering their positions. They are also weighing the advantages of staying loyal (at least for now). It doesn’t appear to me that they are definitely leaning one way or the other. 

For now, they’re telling everyone what they want to hear, and whichever side they land on will never guess they wavered.

They jut talked about it alone. They said it was a bad idea. It would be a "flashy" move but not the smart move. They;re not doing it.

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