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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I really need him nominated. He would probably get himself evicted because he has completely lost his mind for no reason.

I mentioned Christie, and she was SORT of like this, but in general, can you think of another person who was in such a GREAT place in the house who decided that they just wanted to blow things up for no reason? 

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

I mentioned Christie, and she was SORT of like this, but in general, can you think of another person who was in such a GREAT place in the house who decided that they just wanted to blow things up for no reason? 

Sam from BB20. Everyone liked her. Then she won HoH, decides to slutshame Kaitlyn and Haleigh, and after that everyone just looked at her like the crazy lady.

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Re. Showmances: I have sort-of personal experience in this in that I was once on a corporate retreat/ training seminar where about 20 of us were isolated in a hotel for 3 weeks, almost no interaction with anyone but each other. Strong friendships formed very quickly, and one brief but intense workmance caused 2 otherwise intelligent people to temporarily lose their minds. Isolation does weird things to your head. (This particular couple flamed out almost immediately in the outside world, as such relationships tend to do when people realize they have nothing in common but that one shared experience. Plus, that guy turned out to be a dick.) Showmances aren’t real. They can become real later on, if the parties are well matched.

1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

100% agreed that there are certain relationships that are clearly never lasting outside of the house. I think Kyle/Alyssa, though, are unlike those two couples, who seemed to never even really LIKE each other that much, ya know? 

I don’t see any indication that Kyle and Alyssa like each other that much. I haven’t even seen them have a real conversation that isn’t dominated by flirty talk. I think they’re bored and horny, and are unlikely to last beyond the wrap party.

ETA: And from what I just saw, Kyle has the “losing his mind” part down pat. Holy shit.

Edited by 30 Helens
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Aunt Sam was comedy gold that morning that she cornered Fessy and poured her heart out and promised to quit smoking for him if he would just evict Offessy - all while flipping the bird at the camera to make the footage "unusable" and chain smoking her Marlboros. That and her Krafting Kloset which was basically a Hoarders episode because no one could ever throw something out without Sam wanting to use it to make "something".

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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Aunt Sam was comedy gold that morning that she cornered Fessy and poured her heart out and promised to quit smoking for him if he would just evict Offessy - all while flipping the bird at the camera to make the footage "unusable" and chain smoking her Marlboros. That and her Krafting Kloset which was basically a Hoarders episode because no one could ever throw something out without Sam wanting to use it to make "something".

YT has it:

Even though Fessy was dumb as a box of rocks, I admire him for not busting out laughing at this whole pitch.

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5 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

It's so weird that she adds Alyssa as a hashtag, given the content of the tweet. I guess those Influencer instincts run deep.

Someone answered her post and used the tag #NotWifeyMaterial and even though I don't care much about Alyssa, I want her to run fast and far not only from Kyle's family but from their friends/acquaintances who use the term "wifey."

3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Jasmine/Turner got pulled for the Veto and it sounds like Taylor will host and there's a trip to Hawaii on the line? Prize/punishment Veto?

Brittany guessed this as soon as they learned that there would be no Have Nots. Good for her. 

3 hours ago, vb68 said:

Of course it could flip to Kyle later in the week, which could be fun. I see Kyle going into paranoid mode over it.

From your lips fingers to Grodner's terrible showrunning ears. 

1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

I’m really hoping Kyle will pull on his white hoodie and start pitching this to Turner, and have it blow up in his face.

The black hoodie that Jasmine's been wearing is Kyle's. She didn't bring any sweatshirts, and he brought two, so naturally she's entitled to half his stash. In the conversation I saw the other night, she had washed his sweatshirt (maybe in anticipation of returning it to him) but then said "But I'm going to keep wearing it."

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BB20 Sam gave me one of my underrated quotes of the season when, as a robot, she told Angela that she loved her star spangled titties. She was a Jacqueline Bouvier-esque, Bobby Hill-sounding lunatic, but a part of me will always love her for that.

This "Sharing and Caring Hour" is brought to you courtesy of my insane ability to glom onto quotes and never let them go.

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Is Jasmine aware of the term “pet peeve” or is that out of date? Because she’s sure got a lot of ‘em.

A few pages back there was speculation about Joseph’s religion. He’s made it clear he’s Syrian/Palestinian but didn’t mention his religion. I’m assuming it’s Muslim but maybe he doesn’t practice it.

Awww, Sam. I loved her in the beginning. She had genuine star quality. She was adorable and very compelling to watch. But all those mental/emotional issues certainly sent her into a downward spiral.

Edited by TimWil
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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Ok at this point if Michael and Brittany don’t come out of this convo completely sketched out by Kyle then they’re fools.

Or they’re of a like mind <shudder>. I don’t think Brittany is, and I wouldn’t have thought it of Michael, either, but didn’t he have a talk-to-the camera moment where he expressed similar feelings? I hope I’m wrong about this.

1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

 She was a Jacqueline Bouvier-esque, Bobby Hill-sounding lunatic, but a part of me will always love her for that.

You mean Edith Bouvier? (Little Edie, Grey Gardens) Because I don’t see Sam jet setting with billionaires and marrying presidents, but I can definitely picture her holed up in a decaying mansion with a bunch of feral cats.

1 hour ago, TimWil said:

A few pages back there was speculation about Joseph’s religion. He’s made it clear he’s Syrian/Palestinian but didn’t mention his religion. I’m assuming it’s Muslim but maybe he doesn’t practice it.

Last night, I saw him kneeling over what I thought was a prayer rug in the bathroom. Turned out, he was just getting ready to clip his toenails. (The subsequent CLICK CLICK CLICK ended my feeds watching immediately.)

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34 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

You mean Edith Bouvier? (Little Edie, Grey Gardens) Because I don’t see Sam jet setting with billionaires and marrying presidents, but I can definitely picture her holed up in a decaying mansion with a bunch of feral cats.

Haha no, I mean Marge Simpson's mom, Jacqueline Bouvier.simpsons.jpg.396c916b5fb5fecc9cdd02d167fe7ed3.jpg

Yes, I will take any opportunity to post this.

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2 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I hope that means that they didn't buy a word of . . . whatever it was that just happened with Kyle.  Well, I'm pretty sure that Brittany didn't, but I hope that Michael didn't, either.

It seems to me Michael nods and smiles when people present ideas to him,leaving the impression that he agrees.

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I would love to see Kyle get his comeuppance when he mentions that someone else did the dumbest move ever (admittedly it was) and then he blows up his own game in large part because of a showmance with woman too stupid to know the difference between Denmark and Newark. 

I also LOATHE the PDA, etc on these shows. Have some self-control, you exhibitionists. You can have a romance without sex, esp if you are never alone and never not on camera. Just gross. 

1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Last night, I saw him kneeling over what I thought was a prayer rug in the bathroom. Turned out, he was just getting ready to clip his toenails. (The subsequent CLICK CLICK CLICK ended my feeds watching immediately.)

My guess would be Christian just based on his name. 

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11 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I would love to see Kyle get his comeuppance when he mentions that someone else did the dumbest move ever (admittedly it was) and then he blows up his own game in large part because of a showmance with woman too stupid to know the difference between Denmark and Newark. 

And adamantly refuses to watch any movie prior to 2010 because it's just too old. Yes I am repeating that for anybody who missed it. I would love to make her watch TCM for about a week. 

Edited by vb68
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1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

It seems to me Michael nods and smiles when people present ideas to him,leaving the impression that he agrees.

Oh, TOTALLY, but the problem is that we heard Michael talk to the camera after his talk with Kyle and he was repeating a lot of the same nonsense. Nicole's bizarre fraternities conspiracy theory resonated with him, as well. We have to hope that Brit's much more rational than him and able to convince him that this is a terrible idea (Brit luckily has been very open about NOT being a racist, which is good). 

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4 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Taylor is the type of woman (particularly, a black one) with whom a bum like Terrance wouldn't even interact with let alone talk to out in the real world.

And it's sad that Taylor told Michael and Brittany last night that she originally wanted to keep Terrance around as long as possible as the last non-Leftover. She was ready to be loyal to him, but she knows he pushed for her to go over Nicole.  

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37 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Taylor is the type of woman (particularly, a black one) with whom a bum like Terrance wouldn't even interact let alone talk to out in the real world.

She is tall, beautiful, and educated.  He knows this and it bothers him, hence his hatred.  He told Jasmine that Taylor "ain't a real sister like you."  It's giving off vibes of low self-esteem and bitterness.

What's ironic about that is that Jasmine, while describing herself as a black business owner, has said that she chooses to hang out with white people and not black people.

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3 minutes ago, TimWil said:

I do understand why her poise and “stillness” might be considered unnerving and potentially intimidating to others. I think she’s lovely.

I can see why that may make things awkward, particularly at the start of knowing her, but the level of vitriol is so disproportionate. Especially since they've lived with her for a bit now and should be more used to how she can be sometimes. 

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9 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I can see why that may make things awkward, particularly at the start of knowing her, but the level of vitriol is so disproportionate. Especially since they've lived with her for a bit now and should be more used to how she can be sometimes. 

It's like they've so thoroughly demonized her that to backtrack on that is like admitting they were wrong. Some people have admitted they were wrong to treat her so badly but others are.determined to stick to the Taylor is a horrible person myth.

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16 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Well, Terrance is disappointing. At least, as it pertains to Taylor.

I still don't understand this thing with Taylor. She seems fine. Lovely, even. It's so weird and immature.

I think it may be a case of some people being insecure about their own accomplishments or selves.  It somehow makes them feel 'superior' to find someone who is accomplished in a field and tear that person down.  It is also an example of classic bullying.  And definitely immature as you identified above.  I hope that Taylor will receive viewer support and realize once she leaves the house that we see her and support her.  However, it must be so hard to be in that environment and maintain one's dignity.  She is doing so well in that aspect.  But, I just don't understand the hateful attitudes and behaviors of some of these house guests.

And, for maybe the first time ever, I have done a complete 360 on a house guest.  I started out not liking Kyle as he seemed too insincere and playing a doofus role (which never appeals to me).  Then I started liking him due to the creation of the Leftovers and it seemed like he was open to the other house guests and just seeming nice.  Well, now I'm back to my original impression of not liking him.  Usually I'll start out liking someone and then not liking them as time goes on or vice versa, but rarely have I completed the full circle back to my original impression (and yes, many times my opinion has not wavered about contestants but usually when I change my opinion it stays changed-reverting back to the original is very unusual for me).

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If not this challenge win, then I'd think by the next one, at least part of the rest of the house is going to start talking about how good Michael is at challenges, and how that means he needs to go sooner rather than later. He's winning too many of them for it not to be noticeable.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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